#hazzy | Logs for 2018-08-12

[08:50:20] -!- millper has joined #hazzy
[08:51:45] -!- millper has quit [Client Quit]
[09:00:35] -!- jesseg has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[09:01:02] -!- jesseg has joined #hazzy
[19:15:47] -!- Roguish has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92-rdmsoft [XULRunner 35.0.1/20150122214805]]
[20:12:36] <TurBoss> hello
[20:38:51] <hazzy-m> hello
[20:39:00] <hazzy-m> I think I have a graphics card problem ...
[20:39:08] * hazzy-m uploaded a video: mess.mp4 (2439KB) < https://matrix.org >
[20:43:45] <TurBoss> :(
[20:44:27] <TurBoss> seems to only arffect firefox?
[20:44:39] <TurBoss> I found a workarround for my qml problem
[20:44:49] <TurBoss> import ctypes
[20:44:49] <TurBoss> import ctypes.util
[20:44:50] <TurBoss> ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library("GL"), mode=ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)
[20:45:30] <TurBoss> it fails since you overclocked?
[20:45:36] <hazzy-m> that is actualy my email client, it seems to effect it, but also other things. Most of the time the PC crashes, but this time I was able to record it
[20:45:55] <hazzy-m> No, happens less often since I overclocked lol
[20:45:57] <TurBoss> try to lower to 3,4Ghz again and lower the memory freq
[20:46:29] <TurBoss> what memory freq?
[20:46:31] <TurBoss> 2.666?
[20:46:56] <hazzy-m> not sure what he mem frequency is
[20:46:59] <hazzy-m> <CDLL 'libGL.so.1', handle 55c7d09752b0 at 7f09e4735090>
[20:47:06] <TurBoss> low memory freq gives lower latency
[20:47:11] <hazzy-m> ^ output of the pythong comands
[20:47:39] <TurBoss> hmm
[20:47:46] <TurBoss> lets head to your problem
[20:47:48] <TurBoss> :D
[20:48:24] <TurBoss> what motherboard?
[20:49:04] <hazzy-m> it's a gigabit z68xp-ud3
[20:49:28] <hazzy-m> gigabyte lol
[20:49:37] <TurBoss> if you are brave upgrade bios
[20:49:48] <hazzy-m> I think that is a good idea
[20:50:08] <hazzy-m> it has dual bios so should be safe enough
[20:50:58] <TurBoss> F10
[20:51:04] <TurBoss> as the newer is beta
[20:51:38] <TurBoss> check your current bios version
[20:52:11] <TurBoss> sudo apt-get install hardinfo
[20:52:26] <TurBoss> a gui tool
[20:54:30] <hazzy-lab> great
[20:54:32] <hazzy-lab> doing it now
[20:55:04] <TurBoss> not to upgrade bios just to see hardware
[20:55:05] <hazzy-m> It crashed
[20:55:35] <TurBoss> the computer?
[20:55:37] <TurBoss> https://www.gigabyte.com
[20:55:55] <TurBoss> it shutsdown?
[20:56:43] <hazzy-m> Yes
[20:56:59] <TurBoss> to hoot
[20:57:02] <TurBoss> to hot
[20:57:18] <TurBoss> thermal protection
[20:57:39] <TurBoss> lower the CPU freq and the memory too
[20:57:39] <hazzy-m> No, it's cool to the touch, not even warm
[20:58:02] <TurBoss> maybe thermal protection is to low
[20:58:16] <hazzy-m> It has a huge oil cooler on it
[20:58:18] <hazzy-m> Maybe
[20:58:33] <TurBoss> download the pdf
[20:58:45] <TurBoss> I'm reading it too
[20:59:18] <hazzy-m> Ok, sek
[20:59:44] -!- hazzy-lab1 has joined #hazzy
[20:59:44] -!- mode/#hazzy [+o hazzy-lab1] by ChanServ
[20:59:47] -!- hazzy-lab has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[20:59:47] hazzy-lab1 is now known as hazzy-lab
[20:59:48] <hazzy-m> Hahaha That ctypes code was not for me xD
[21:00:02] <TurBoss> ?
[21:00:13] <TurBoss> its the workarround I found
[21:00:45] <hazzy-lab> I thought it was to diagnose what my problem was xD
[21:00:56] <hazzy-lab> great!
[21:01:30] -RSSBot[turbosssp:#hazzy- Hazzy activity posted a new article: TurBoss pushed to project branch DynAtc at Hazzy / QtPyVCP ( https://gitlab.com )
[21:01:53] <TurBoss> do you have sensors? installed?
[21:02:02] <TurBoss> sudo apt install lm-sensors
[21:02:18] <hazzy-m> no
[21:02:26] <TurBoss> to check cpu heat
[21:02:36] <TurBoss> maybe a fault thermal paste
[21:02:43] <TurBoss> could be replaced
[21:03:23] <TurBoss> ok this bios allows to upgrade it from the bios itself
[21:03:31] <TurBoss> just put the bios in a mem stick
[21:03:47] <TurBoss> but sensors first
[21:04:29] <hazzy-m> hardinfo is great!
[21:05:06] * hazzy-m sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[21:05:37] <TurBoss> temps are great
[21:07:56] <hazzy-m> yeah, it seems to stay cool even at 4.2 Ghz :P
[21:08:19] <TurBoss> shutdown == heat protection
[21:08:35] <TurBoss> maybe if you stress it
[21:08:45] <TurBoss> it rises
[21:10:27] <hazzy-lab> could be
[22:18:50] <Lcvette[m]> Hello!
[22:19:00] <Lcvette[m]> I'm back home!!
[22:19:31] <Lcvette[m]> How was everyone's weekend?
[22:48:07] <TurBoss> fine!
[22:48:15] <TurBoss> welcome back!
[22:50:53] <TurBoss> Lcvette: do you have some arrow icons?
[22:50:56] <TurBoss> :P
[22:51:17] <Lcvette[m]> Arrows?
[22:51:21] <Lcvette[m]> What kind?
[22:51:51] <TurBoss> up right left down
[22:51:52] <TurBoss> :P
[22:52:08] <Lcvette[m]> For what though?
[22:52:16] <TurBoss> my robot UI
[22:52:28] <Lcvette[m]> But for what?
[22:52:35] <Lcvette[m]> Like jogging?
[22:52:36] <TurBoss> yes!
[22:52:37] <TurBoss> :D
[22:52:42] <Lcvette[m]> Oh ok
[22:52:47] <Lcvette[m]> No
[22:52:48] <TurBoss> ok
[22:52:52] <Lcvette[m]> But I could make some
[22:52:55] <TurBoss> me too
[22:53:07] <TurBoss> I'll do
[22:53:08] <TurBoss> myself
[22:53:28] <Lcvette[m]> Ok
[22:53:33] <Lcvette[m]> I don't mind
[22:53:50] <TurBoss> ty anyway
[22:54:25] <Lcvette[m]> Was along because I have arrows for the probing stuff the little black ones but those are totally different
[22:54:50] <Lcvette[m]> Asking*
[22:55:27] <Lcvette[m]> Oh I did some stuff on that ivy draw
[22:55:32] <Lcvette[m]> Forgot about those
[22:56:27] <TurBoss> ?
[22:57:03] * Lcvette[m] uploaded an image: IMG-20180812-0001.png (13KB) < https://matrix.org >
[22:57:14] <TurBoss> woow
[22:57:36] * TurBoss closes inkscape
[22:57:38] <Lcvette[m]> But not sure how to do much else with them
[22:58:20] <TurBoss> nah I'll draw mines like that
[22:58:25] <TurBoss> X+ has som blur
[22:58:26] <Lcvette[m]> Didn't have much luck exporting them
[22:59:36] * Lcvette[m] uploaded an image: jog_buttons.svgz (1KB) < https://matrix.org >
[23:00:07] <TurBoss> oh
[23:00:11] <Lcvette[m]> Whenever I try and expert the SVG file I get errors
[23:00:27] <Lcvette[m]> Export
[23:00:33] <Lcvette[m]> What's your email
[23:00:43] <TurBoss> j.l.toledano.l@gmail.com
[23:01:20] <TurBoss> I'm exporting
[23:02:04] <Lcvette[m]> Check your email
[23:02:40] <Lcvette[m]> I sent the SVG files
[23:02:57] <TurBoss> great ty
[23:03:10] <Lcvette[m]> The software was pretty limited
[23:03:33] <Lcvette[m]> So... They aren't great but maybe a start or some help
[23:03:51] <TurBoss> yes
[23:03:54] <TurBoss> I had an idea
[23:03:56] <TurBoss> sek
[23:04:46] * TurBoss uploaded an image: Captura de pantalla de 2018-08-13 05-04-24.png (266KB) < https://matrix.org >
[23:04:47] <TurBoss> :)
[23:05:04] <TurBoss> like?
[23:05:17] <Lcvette[m]> Sweet
[23:05:56] <Lcvette[m]> Shadow is maybe a bit deep?
[23:05:59] <TurBoss> yes was just a wild test
[23:06:04] <TurBoss> I'll do borders
[23:06:07] <Lcvette[m]> Yeah, but looks cool
[23:06:55] <Lcvette[m]> So everything came through in the file ok?
[23:19:56] <hazzy-lab> hey Lcvette
[23:20:00] <hazzy-lab> welcome back
[23:20:09] * hazzy-lab has been being lazy
[23:20:20] <hazzy-lab> no work done on the GUI
[23:21:06] <hazzy-lab> (actually doing yard work, and working on a better website, and visiting with friends lol)
[23:23:00] <Lcvette[m]> Good deal!!
[23:23:09] <Lcvette[m]> Everyone relaxed then and had a vacation
[23:23:23] <Lcvette[m]> Or had some time off
[23:23:29] <hazzy-lab> the boss was gone, we did not know what else to do
[23:23:30] <hazzy-lab> :D
[23:24:05] <Lcvette[m]> Where was TurBoss?
[23:24:20] <TurBoss> LOL
[23:24:32] <TurBoss> working on robotroll
[23:24:37] <hazzy-lab> Lcvette[m]: You are the boss!
[23:24:38] <hazzy-lab> lol
[23:24:59] <Lcvette[m]> Yeah right
[23:25:02] <Lcvette[m]> Lol
[23:25:18] <Lcvette[m]> I'm the smallfupanda
[23:25:19] <hazzy-lab> TurBoss: How is the robotroll coming along?
[23:25:36] <hazzy-lab> lol
[23:25:59] <TurBoss> fine
[23:26:06] <TurBoss> now working on the QML UI
[23:26:13] <TurBoss> for the raspi
[23:26:17] <hazzy-lab> nice!!
[23:26:30] <TurBoss> thanks to Lcvette Jog buttons :D
[23:26:42] * hazzy-lab wants to build a robot too
[23:26:45] <Lcvette[m]> Hurray!!
[23:26:57] <hazzy-lab> I think I can print it on my little printer
[23:27:03] <hazzy-lab> parts don't seems too bit
[23:27:07] <hazzy-lab> g
[23:27:38] <hazzy-lab> and I will use helical gears :)
[23:27:40] <TurBoss> yes
[23:27:57] <TurBoss> all parts are there
[23:28:02] <TurBoss> in thingiverse
[23:28:18] <hazzy-lab> yes, it seems like a good design
[23:28:19] <Lcvette[m]> Hazzy.... You need to trim your distractions not add more..lol
[23:28:25] <TurBoss> https://www.thingiverse.com
[23:28:28] <hazzy-lab> Lcvette[m]: so true!
[23:28:36] <Lcvette[m]> TurBoss don't enable him
[23:28:39] <Lcvette[m]> Lol
[23:28:43] <TurBoss> :P
[23:29:08] <TurBoss> so much work make hazy....
[23:29:18] <TurBoss> so much work make hazy...
[23:29:20] <Lcvette[m]> You'll wind up with 10 unfinished projects on your hands
[23:29:21] <hazzy-lab> LOL
[23:29:21] <TurBoss> lol
[23:29:35] <hazzy-lab> Lcvette[m]: 10 MORE unfinished projects
[23:29:58] <Lcvette[m]> Trust me that gets old
[23:30:23] <TurBoss> I split my projects in small parts and the work on a part, when I'm stuk I jump to another part but from other project
[23:30:55] <Lcvette[m]> More than 3 is when things seem to have problems moving on all fronts
[23:30:55] <TurBoss> *then
[23:30:56] <TurBoss> lol
[23:31:23] <hazzy-lab> TurBoss: that is a good idea, gives you time to step back and get a fresh look at things, rather than wasting more time
[23:31:40] <Lcvette[m]> If you have to many escapes from difficult to resolve problems you don't resolve the problems
[23:32:01] <hazzy-lab> that can be true too
[23:32:58] <hazzy-lab> except I enjoy the problems, so once I fix a problem I tend to move on, rather then finish the project, which is not good
[23:33:03] <TurBoss> but dificulties solve themeselves when working on another thing
[23:33:11] -HaikuBot[m]:#hazzy- but dificulties
[23:33:12] -HaikuBot[m]:#hazzy- solve themeselves when working
[23:33:13] -HaikuBot[m]:#hazzy- on another thing
[23:33:14] <TurBoss> its magic
[23:33:16] <TurBoss> hurray!
[23:33:18] <TurBoss> haiku
[23:33:21] <hazzy-lab> nice poem!
[23:33:32] <Lcvette[m]> Lol
[23:34:05] <Lcvette[m]> Hazzy needs a build schedule
[23:34:20] <TurBoss> don't listen to that TurBoss
[23:34:22] <TurBoss> :P
[23:34:34] <hazzy-lab> yes
[23:34:36] <hazzy-lab> lol
[23:35:01] <Lcvette[m]> And timeline to work against to feel a higher level of achievement at each internal without losing focus on the overall project scope
[23:35:38] <Lcvette[m]> Interval*
[23:35:55] <Lcvette[m]> Have to know when you are winning or losing
[23:37:04] <Lcvette[m]> Most highly effective people perform best under pressure
[23:37:33] <Lcvette[m]> Or a certain degree pressure
[23:38:23] <hazzy-lab> yeah, I really need to get better at making timelines and game plans, something I am very poor at, and learned to absolutely hate in the engineering management classes lol
[23:40:04] <Lcvette[m]> Ever find yourself at the end of a deadline you pushed off only to find yourself thriving in the work
[23:40:15] <Lcvette[m]> Project etc?
[23:43:14] <Lcvette[m]> You would be amazed at the amount of money consultants get paid by to performing CEOs and company presidents to be an acting goal accountability mentor
[23:44:26] <Lcvette[m]> Basically some one to report too for the man on top
[23:44:36] <Lcvette[m]> To keep them on track
[23:45:45] <hazzy-lab> yeah, that shows that it is not easy even for highly productive and motivated people to stay on track all the time