#hazzy | Logs for 2018-08-24

[00:00:51] <hazzy-lab> I think he is 6hr ahead of us
[00:01:10] * jschi[m] uploaded an image: Aug-23-2018 23-59-16.gif (3181KB) < https://matrix.org >
[00:01:20] <jschi[m]> primitive but basics are there
[00:01:25] <hazzy-lab> Nice!!
[00:02:11] <jschi[m]> I'll need to add a style for 'checked but disabled' to dim the led
[00:03:00] <Lcvette> Don't background with led?
[00:03:06] <Lcvette> Doing?
[00:04:19] <jschi[m]> hazzy-lab: totally need feedback on the implmeentation of this - I ended up adding a STATUS.jog_mode signal to tie the buttons together and added a JogMode action and StepMode action - the enabled/disabled on jog increment is via the signal editor.
[00:04:48] <jschi[m]> There is definitely logic that needs to be invoked on step mode and jog mode so signal editor alone won't do it
[00:05:05] <jschi[m]> I'll clean this up before work in the am and push it up for review
[00:05:11] <jschi[m]> totally open to suggestions/criticism
[00:05:25] <jschi[m]> I'm done - need to be up in a few hours
[00:06:11] <jschi[m]> Lcvette: I'm not really focused on the styling at this point - we'll need to integrate, style and so on when we get a shared .ui file
[00:07:21] <Lcvette> I'm with us!!
[00:07:25] <Lcvette> Great work man!!
[00:07:30] <Lcvette> Ya!*
[00:07:35] <Lcvette> Get some rest!!
[00:10:12] <hazzy-lab> jschi[m]: I think adding the status signals is the right way to do it. I will me more than happy to review it in the morning and go from there! Thanks man and get some rest!
[00:14:29] <Lcvette> Hazzy, I keep running into an issue with those springs messing up the screen size
[00:16:07] <Lcvette> I use two of them, both are on the ATC page to space the 3 layouts and keep them from bunching up
[00:17:20] <Lcvette> The however, the springs vertical size grows (they are horizontal spacers) and then they don't shrink back which causes the screen size to lock in a larger size vertically
[00:24:36] <Lcvette> I guess I could put transparent frames in there with an expanding tile instead, I'll try that
[00:24:43] <Lcvette> Good talk
[00:43:57] <Lcvette> that worked awesome!!
[00:52:42] <hazzy-lab> lol, you were rubber ducking!
[00:52:49] <hazzy-lab> that is the best use of IRC
[00:52:50] <hazzy-lab> xD
[00:55:05] <Lcvette> im now changing another area i wasn't 100% happy with what i did
[00:58:08] <Lcvette> i ended up rebuilding the probe layout box
[00:58:16] <Lcvette> that thing was giving me a fit
[00:59:07] <Lcvette> it has a drop down menu for sizing and constraint options but they don't seem to do much
[00:59:32] <Lcvette> at least not int he designer, perhaps they are geared towards ui function
[02:11:25] <Lcvette> is there a way to make a docking widget conform to a layout box rather than attach to the entire screen length?
[02:12:23] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (231KB) < https://matrix.org >
[02:13:17] <Lcvette> this is really rough, butadded a layout panel in the upper right side of the screen next to the main tab widget so its available same as the lower panel
[02:13:42] <Lcvette> there is room for it on all the pages with a little shifting and scrunching
[02:14:17] <Lcvette> , but i would love for it to be an option pop out rather than a full time
[02:14:45] <Lcvette> a docking widget would be awesome or maybe have a pop out window activated by the tab key like on MSM?
[02:24:56] <Lcvette> or evn maybe activate it somehow in the gui in the drop dowen menu or on the settings page to turn it on or off etc?
[02:25:19] <Lcvette> i know i won't be using it and won't want it on the screen distrtacting me but some like Jeff will
[02:25:54] <Lcvette> or do we offer two more gui's?
[02:25:57] <Lcvette> lol
[06:49:10] <hazzy-lab> morning
[06:50:08] <hazzy-lab> interesting idea!!!!
[07:44:28] <jschi[m]> morning - lcvette, good idea - I'm pretty confident that we could do a vertical button, window tab like thing to show/hide that box. Happy to look into it at some point.
[07:51:13] <hazzy-lab> yes, it is very easy to show/hide bits of the GUI like that, and since you are using layouts when it is hidden everything else will expand to fill the space
[09:23:47] <TurBoss> hello
[09:24:34] <jschi[m]> morning
[09:24:52] <hazzy-lab> Hello TurBoss
[09:25:10] <TurBoss> jschi hazzy-lab morning
[09:25:24] <TurBoss> my screen arraived
[09:25:24] <TurBoss> whoa
[09:25:29] <hazzy-lab> Hurray!!
[09:25:36] <hazzy-lab> finally
[09:26:04] * TurBoss uploaded an image: 1535117141027.jpg (80KB) < https://matrix.org >
[09:26:28] <hazzy-lab> Nice!!
[09:26:46] <TurBoss> heheheh
[09:26:52] <hazzy-lab> I see el chapas :D
[09:27:05] <TurBoss> he is sleeping
[09:31:02] <TurBoss> whats up with the board?
[09:32:12] <TurBoss> jschi: I have invited you to the GLO thing
[09:32:33] <hazzy-lab> TurBoss: Thank you!
[09:33:09] <hazzy-lab> Can you give me administrator permissions?
[09:33:19] <TurBoss> you are owner too now
[09:33:25] <TurBoss> yes
[09:33:30] <hazzy-lab> excellent!! Thanks you
[09:33:46] <hazzy-lab> I made you op here, soo ...
[09:33:52] <hazzy-lab> :D
[09:34:03] <TurBoss> :P
[09:34:06] <TurBoss> trade
[09:34:09] <hazzy-lab> Now I cam brake stuff xD
[09:34:15] <hazzy-lab> can*
[09:34:21] <hazzy-lab> beak*
[09:34:29] * hazzy-lab has not had enough coffee
[09:34:32] <hazzy-lab> lol
[09:34:33] <TurBoss> great
[09:34:43] <TurBoss> I renamed the matryx room
[09:34:45] <TurBoss> QtPyVCP ( Hazzy )
[09:34:55] <hazzy-lab> Great!
[09:35:20] * TurBoss goes for an Ice coffer
[09:35:39] * hazzy-lab goes for a hot coffee
[09:47:52] -RSSBot[turbosssp:#hazzy- Hazzy activity posted a new article: TurBoss pushed to project branch ToolTableModel at Hazzy / QtPyVCP ( https://gitlab.com )
[09:47:55] <TurBoss> https://github.com
[09:48:47] <TurBoss> hazzy-lab: can you host this bot?
[09:54:50] <Lcvette> whoa it's busy today hurray!!
[09:54:53] <Lcvette> morning
[09:54:56] <TurBoss> morning
[09:55:00] <hazzy-lab> morning
[09:55:13] <hazzy-lab> TurBoss: looking
[09:55:35] <TurBoss> great
[09:55:40] <TurBoss> rss bot is not much informative
[09:56:10] <TurBoss> is writen in go
[09:58:10] <hazzy-lab> it looks good!
[09:58:34] <hazzy-lab> that is one nice thing about github, it had the IRC services built in
[09:58:47] <TurBoss> do you have servers?
[09:58:49] <hazzy-lab> yes
[09:59:12] <TurBoss> ok
[09:59:13] <hazzy-lab> I will see what I can do, not many docs :(
[09:59:23] <TurBoss> true
[09:59:32] <TurBoss> Lcvette: i have my screen
[09:59:32] <TurBoss> :D
[10:05:35] <Lcvette> hurray!!!! finally!!! are they sending another one still too?
[10:05:47] <Lcvette> your will have 3 screens?
[10:05:49] <TurBoss> that one
[10:05:55] <Lcvette> that will be major big time fu master
[10:05:55] <TurBoss> no
[10:05:56] <TurBoss> :(
[10:06:08] <jschi[m]> TurBoss: can you add me to glo project?
[10:06:12] <TurBoss> done
[10:06:17] <jschi[m]> sweet
[10:06:19] <TurBoss> jschi: you are in
[10:06:29] <Lcvette> back in 5
[10:06:36] <Lcvette> i must rebuild a vape
[10:06:44] <Lcvette> while coffee brews
[10:06:50] <TurBoss> :D
[10:06:51] <Lcvette> lcvette is draggin today
[10:07:01] <TurBoss> jschi: I have sent you an invitation
[10:07:23] <jschi[m]> indeed - just accepted
[10:07:46] <jschi[m]> ok, I'll push up the jog/step stuff over lunch - back to the grind
[10:09:29] <TurBoss> hazzy-lab: I'm working on the table
[10:09:37] <TurBoss> I think I figured
[10:10:23] <hazzy-lab> excellent!!
[10:12:32] -RSSBot[turbosssp:#hazzy- Hazzy activity posted a new article: Kurt Jacobson pushed to project branch probe_basic_1920 at Hazzy / QtPyVCP ( https://gitlab.com )
[10:12:32] -RSSBot[turbosssp:#hazzy- Hazzy activity posted a new article: Kurt Jacobson pushed to project branch probe_basic_1920 at Hazzy / QtPyVCP ( https://gitlab.com )
[10:24:34] * jschi[m] uploaded an image: Aug-24-2018 10-23-40.gif (1380KB) < https://matrix.org >
[10:25:16] <jschi[m]> still need a `disabled` state for buttons but added some alpha on leds when disabled
[10:29:52] <hazzy-lab> jschi[m]very nice!
[10:47:46] -RSSBot[turbosssp:#hazzy- Hazzy activity posted a new article: TurBoss pushed to project branch ToolTableModel at Hazzy / QtPyVCP ( https://gitlab.com )
[10:51:25] -!- Not-1af4 has joined #hazzy
[10:51:25] <Not-1af4> [QtPyVCP] Kurt Jacobson pushed 3 commits to master [+46/-35/±18] https://gitlab.com
[10:51:27] <Not-1af4> [QtPyVCP] Kurt Jacobson 98925f1 - don't fully initialize widgets on load into QtDesginer
[10:51:28] <Not-1af4> [QtPyVCP] Kurt Jacobson ab5503b - make tooltable selection work even when using keyboard nav
[10:51:30] <Not-1af4> [QtPyVCP] Kurt Jacobson b34574b - Merge branch 'probe_basic_1920'
[10:53:59] <Lcvette> whoa did we merge master?
[10:56:39] <Lcvette> of course i get back and its crickets
[10:56:39] <Lcvette> lol
[10:57:05] <hazzy-lab> No, just testing a notification spam bot :D
[10:57:27] <TurBoss> is another bot?
[10:57:35] <hazzy-lab> is, lol
[10:57:39] <hazzy-lab> yes*
[10:57:43] -RSSBot[turbosssp:#hazzy- Hazzy activity posted a new article: Jeff Schilling opened merge request #5: Jog/Step Actions at Hazzy / QtPyVCP ( https://gitlab.com )
[10:57:44] -RSSBot[turbosssp:#hazzy- Hazzy activity posted a new article: Jeff Schilling commented on merge request !5 at Hazzy / QtPyVCP ( /Hazzy/qtpyvcp/merge_requests/5#note_96735027 )
[10:57:44] <TurBoss> ok
[10:57:45] -RSSBot[turbosssp:#hazzy- Hazzy activity posted a new article: Jeff Schilling commented on merge request !5 at Hazzy / QtPyVCP ( /Hazzy/qtpyvcp/merge_requests/5#note_96735090 )
[10:57:45] -RSSBot[turbosssp:#hazzy- Hazzy activity posted a new article: Jeff Schilling commented on merge request !5 at Hazzy / QtPyVCP ( /Hazzy/qtpyvcp/merge_requests/5#note_96735362 )
[10:57:54] <hazzy-lab> http://n.tkte.ch
[10:57:55] <TurBoss> nuking rss one
[10:58:01] <hazzy-lab> ok
[10:58:03] <jschi[m]> k, back later today for comments on jog/step stuff
[10:58:11] <jschi[m]> still haven't moved to 'buttons'
[10:58:22] <jschi[m]> e.g directory change
[10:58:38] -!- RSSBot[turbosssp has parted #hazzy
[10:58:57] <hazzy-lab> jesseg: excellent, you pushed! I will take a look at it
[10:59:06] <hazzy-lab> jschi[m]: oops
[11:00:33] <TurBoss> hazzy-lab: did a rework on the tooltable
[11:00:34] <TurBoss> still wip
[11:00:43] <hazzy-lab> hurray!
[11:00:52] <hazzy-lab> I'll check
[11:04:07] <hazzy-lab> %10test
[11:04:30] <TurBoss> :P
[11:04:34] <hazzy-lab> %C10test
[11:04:38] <hazzy-lab> fail
[11:04:44] <TurBoss> %lol
[11:04:48] <hazzy-lab> xD
[11:06:21] <hazzy-lab> <10><COLOR>,<COLOR>
[11:06:38] <hazzy-lab> <9><COLOR>,<COLOR>
[11:06:49] * hazzy-lab gives up
[11:07:06] <TurBoss> ehehehe
[11:09:42] <Lcvette> nice work guys!!turboss did you merge?
[11:09:48] <Lcvette> did it go ok?
[11:09:58] <TurBoss> stil work in progress
[11:10:09] <TurBoss> yes fine
[11:10:13] <TurBoss> no conflicts
[11:10:23] <Lcvette> excellent!
[11:10:29] <Lcvette> im rebuilding everything again
[11:10:44] <Lcvette> to accomodate the flyout window tp have space
[11:10:44] <TurBoss> lol
[11:11:08] <TurBoss> thats how it works
[11:11:11] <TurBoss> once you learn a bit everything you did looks bad
[11:11:17] <TurBoss> this is forever
[11:11:30] <Lcvette> this is for adding
[11:11:31] <Lcvette> :)
[11:11:41] <Lcvette> you think my stuff looks bad?
[11:11:42] <Lcvette> :(
[11:11:47] <TurBoss> nono
[11:11:52] <TurBoss> I mean
[11:11:56] <TurBoss> my code today is ok
[11:11:58] <TurBoss> I learn abit
[11:12:12] <TurBoss> the looks bad
[11:12:18] <TurBoss> *then
[11:12:21] <Lcvette> oh yes i gotcha
[11:12:22] <Lcvette> lol
[11:12:47] <Lcvette> its all your fault Jeffrey Jog Buttons!
[11:12:50] <Lcvette> lol
[11:12:57] <TurBoss> hehhehe
[11:16:01] <Not-1af4> [QtPyVCP] Kurt Jacobson pushed 3 commits to master [+46/-35/±18] https://gitlab.com
[11:16:02] <Not-1af4> [QtPyVCP] Kurt Jacobson 98925f1 - don't fully initialize widgets on load into QtDesginer
[11:16:04] <Not-1af4> [QtPyVCP] Kurt Jacobson ab5503b - make tooltable selection work even when using keyboard nav
[11:16:05] <Not-1af4> [QtPyVCP] Kurt Jacobson b34574b - Merge branch 'probe_basic_1920'
[11:16:46] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: Screenshot_2018-08-24_11-16-34.png (47KB) < https://matrix.org >
[11:16:47] <TurBoss> :O
[11:16:58] <hazzy-lab> It should have colors :(
[11:17:01] <TurBoss> great
[11:17:04] <TurBoss> :O
[11:17:10] <hazzy-lab> But they don't work here
[11:17:19] <hazzy-lab> maybe I have to enable them in the chan
[11:17:42] <TurBoss> doesn't matter
[11:18:02] <TurBoss> want me to host the other bot?
[11:18:16] <TurBoss> no
[11:18:18] <hazzy-lab> if you would like, do you think it is better?
[11:18:46] <TurBoss> I have a spare vm doing nothing hee
[11:18:59] <TurBoss> don't remvoe this one for now
[11:20:00] <TurBoss> wowowowoowo two screen
[11:20:09] <TurBoss> :D
[11:20:33] -!- mode/#hazzy [-c #hazzy] by hazzy-lab
[11:20:33] -!- mode/#hazzy [+c #hazzy] by ChanServ
[11:29:59] -!- turbologs has joined #hazzy
[11:30:13] <turbologs> yo
[11:30:26] <turbologs> hehehhee
[11:30:27] <turbologs> I'm a bot bip bop
[11:30:35] <Lcvette> nice!!
[11:32:09] <hazzy-lab> LOL
[11:35:44] <TurBoss> !gitlab help
[11:35:44] -turbologs:#hazzy- You're not logged in.
[11:35:45] -turbologs:#hazzy- Commands are prefixed with !gitlab
[11:35:46] -turbologs:#hazzy- - ping - Ping the bot.
[11:35:46] -turbologs:#hazzy- - server - Get the server this bot uses.
[11:35:47] -turbologs:#hazzy- - login <token> - Add a GitLab access token to storage.
[11:35:48] -turbologs:#hazzy- - help - Show this help page.
[11:36:25] <hazzy-lab> wow, you got that going fast!
[11:38:01] <TurBoss> how it looks on the irc?
[11:39:13] <Lcvette> i have an idea
[11:39:52] <Lcvette> sorry did not mean to interject in the discussion here but i had a eureka moment on the gui layout design
[11:40:04] <TurBoss> sure told us
[11:40:06] <hazzy-lab> TurBoss: Seems ok
[11:40:09] <hazzy-lab> !gitlab
[11:40:11] <TurBoss> tell
[11:40:18] <TurBoss> **
[11:40:27] <Lcvette> the side panel now that i have resized most everything looks ok
[11:40:28] -turbologs:#hazzy- Unknown command. Type !gitlab help for help.
[11:40:37] <Lcvette> im going to make it a small tabbed window
[11:41:38] <Lcvette> one tab can be for the jog controls and the other can be for personal programmed buttons
[11:42:04] <Lcvette> that way both are available on every screen
[11:42:07] <Lcvette> thoughts?
[11:42:08] <Lcvette> I'll show in a few minutes
[11:42:09] <Lcvette> just wrapping up some other changes
[11:43:15] <hazzy-lab> I think that sounds like a very good idea
[11:45:52] -!- mode/#hazzy [-c #hazzy] by hazzy-lab
[11:45:52] -!- mode/#hazzy [+c #hazzy] by ChanServ
[11:45:53] <jschi[m]> +1
[11:46:18] -!- mode/#hazzy [-c #hazzy] by hazzy-lab
[11:46:19] -!- mode/#hazzy [+c #hazzy] by ChanServ
[11:47:05] -!- mode/#hazzy [-c #hazzy] by hazzy-lab
[11:47:06] -!- mode/#hazzy [+c #hazzy] by ChanServ
[11:54:39] hazzy-lab is now known as hazzy
[11:54:48] -!- mode/#hazzy [-c #hazzy] by hazzy
[11:54:48] -!- mode/#hazzy [+c #hazzy] by ChanServ
[12:00:19] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (233KB) < https://matrix.org >
[12:00:57] <Lcvette> m thinking this is a great opportunity to give both the expandability area and jog features for folks
[12:02:15] <hazzy> Lcvette: Yes, that is great, and people could even add there own custom stuff there, like load meters and the like
[12:02:33] <hazzy> their*
[12:02:43] <Lcvette> yup, i just gave it a generic "BUTTONS" name
[12:03:59] <hazzy> TurBoss: are listed as this channels founder? ChanServ says I am not authorized to perform and mode changes :(
[12:04:06] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (157KB) < https://matrix.org >
[12:04:08] <hazzy> any*
[12:04:26] <TurBoss> ?
[12:04:27] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (342KB) < https://matrix.org >
[12:04:32] <Lcvette> and its on all screens
[12:05:13] <hazzy> Lcvette: we could even make it so you could select what tabs it is hidden by default on
[12:05:35] <TurBoss> hazzy: I don't understand
[12:06:40] <Lcvette> explain that hazzy im not following
[12:06:48] <hazzy> I am trying to run `/chanserv set #hazzy mlock +`, but I don't have permission to
[12:07:06] <Lcvette> lol hazzy is caught in a crossfire..lol
[12:07:13] <TurBoss> :)
[12:07:14] <hazzy> I think I have to be the founder, or on the access list
[12:07:19] <hazzy> Lcvette: sorry, LOL
[12:08:31] -!- mode/#hazzy [+o hazzy] by ChanServ
[12:08:33] <hazzy> Lcvette: There may be some tabs were you may not want to have the extra panel on the right, so we could make it so you could select what tabs it is shown beside
[12:09:24] <hazzy> Thanks TurBoss, but it still says I am not authorized
[12:09:56] <TurBoss> sek
[12:10:10] <TurBoss> I'll try to give you the powers!
[12:10:10] <TurBoss> sorry
[12:10:14] <hazzy> I think you were listed as the founder, but your login must have changed since you also lost op status
[12:10:22] <Lcvette> i did not put it in the tabs
[12:10:33] <Lcvette> i added it to the main page layout
[12:10:42] -!- TurBoss_backup has joined #hazzy
[12:10:49] <hazzy> Lcvette: I know, but we can still hide it depending on the active tab in the main tab widget
[12:12:55] <Lcvette> can we make a hide all option still too?
[12:13:11] <Lcvette> or call on demand?
[12:13:23] <hazzy> Lcvette: Sure!
[12:13:48] <hazzy> it is basically the same code
[12:14:00] <hazzy> TurBoss: don't worry, I can ask the freenode staff to wield their powers :D
[12:14:17] <Lcvette> although on the 1920 screens there is ample room
[12:14:18] <Lcvette> lol
[12:14:18] <TurBoss> I'm on it
[12:14:37] <hazzy> ok, thank you!
[12:14:40] <TurBoss> hazzy: ownership transfered
[12:14:44] <TurBoss> got it?
[12:14:57] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (360KB) < https://matrix.org >
[12:15:20] <TurBoss> you have to issue a commadt
[12:15:35] <hazzy> ok, sek
[12:16:55] -!- TurBoss_backup has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[12:21:35] -!- mode/#hazzy [-c #hazzy] by hazzy
[12:21:35] -!- mode/#hazzy [+c #hazzy] by ChanServ
[12:22:44] -!- mode/#hazzy [-c #hazzy] by hazzy
[12:23:16] <Not-1af4> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 033 commits to 03master [+46/-35/±18] 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/compare/b34574bfd2f3cf6b21487e954c908676efec2ec5...98925f1822eda934b8a53144eeae82f4cfbd8963
[12:23:18] <Not-1af4> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 0398925f1 - don't fully initialize widgets on load into QtDesginer
[12:23:19] <Not-1af4> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03ab5503b - make tooltable selection work even when using keyboard nav
[12:23:21] <Not-1af4> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03b34574b - Merge branch 'probe_basic_1920'
[12:23:26] <Lcvette> hurray!
[12:23:47] <hazzy> There we go!!
[12:23:55] <TurBoss> hurray
[12:24:10] * TurBoss aborts its bot thing
[12:24:30] <jschi[m]> hazzy: philosophical question - I know that QtPyVCP is focused on creating minimal hal wiring but curious if we should be exposing pins that could be wired and coorespond to buttons/actions in the UI. For example if someone wants to hardwire phyical buttons to jog or coolant on - would the current UI reflect that?
[12:25:13] <TurBoss> doesn't hal pins exist for that?
[12:25:23] <jschi[m]> et al
[12:25:41] <TurBoss> the status module knows that
[12:25:50] <TurBoss> buttons could be wired to the status thing
[12:25:55] <TurBoss> hazzy should know better
[12:27:55] <Lcvette> you mean if they hard wire a button will the UI show the switch?
[12:27:56] <hazzy> jschi[m]: Yes, right now QTPyVCP responds to halui pins for flood, mist, blockdel and opskip. I hope to make all of the applicable widgets respond to the corresponding HAL pins, and I am planning to ad a whole HAL widgets category, that create there own pins
[12:28:14] <TurBoss> https://gitlab.com
[12:28:20] <jschi[m]> k, am fairly certain that some are but as I look at gmoccapy it seems like there are some UI actions that don't (yet) coorespond to any status.* things
[12:28:56] <jschi[m]> nice, TurBoss yeah, familiar with it - just observed that the jog stuff I did updates status.py but isn't reacting to external stimuli
[12:28:56] <jschi[m]> so all good
[12:29:31] <jschi[m]> other thing for the longer term list (and lcvette will have a baby cow) is i18n - German for instance on avg is about 50% longer text strings than English
[12:29:48] <TurBoss> :)
[12:30:08] <jschi[m]> so not sure if we want to look at that and a strings file or let people brew their own
[12:30:17] <hazzy> jschi[m]: so eventually we should add HAL pins to the jog increment selector to keep it synced with a physical increment selector if there is one
[12:30:29] <jschi[m]> +1
[12:31:29] <Lcvette> jeff, i think for the most part we will be ok, most everything is in numbers or letter abbrev's
[12:31:40] <Lcvette> only a few things are full words
[12:31:50] <Lcvette> and those have some room in them
[12:31:58] <TurBoss> I want a spanish translation :D
[12:32:15] <hazzy> Yes, it would be great to have translations, it seems pretty easy to do in Qt, but it does slightly complicate the UI layout making sure it still looks OK with different lengths text
[12:32:45] <TurBoss> qtlinguist
[12:32:53] <TurBoss> i have used it before
[12:32:57] <jschi[m]> also final wondering: should we consider exposing status object as a non-visual widget in designer - it has lots of signals and slots and would be wonderful to wire a button (or display) directly to status object instead of building glue code around it
[12:32:57] <TurBoss> but thats true
[12:33:47] <TurBoss> like dephi?
[12:33:49] <hazzy> jschi[m]: Yes, I have worked on trying to get that t, for days
[12:33:53] <hazzy> oops
[12:34:23] <jschi[m]> for instance, wire an LED widget to 'paused' signal without making a wrapper for it
[12:34:40] <TurBoss> we can do a led that has so many posibilities
[12:34:52] <TurBoss> like the action buttons
[12:35:22] <jschi[m]> yes - I ended up creating custom action classes for Step and Jog buttons but could have wired directly to status.py
[12:35:29] <hazzy> exactly. I tried to make the VCPMainWIndow inherit status, so signals could be directly connected to the window, but it is not so easy :(
[12:36:02] <hazzy> It should be possible
[12:36:11] <hazzy> just have not had time to play with it more
[12:36:16] <jschi[m]> yeah, I was thinking of having a StatusWidget with size 0 - it just is dragged onto the screen and has no viz
[12:36:19] <jschi[m]> k
[12:38:05] <jschi[m]> Status is a singleton so should be safe
[12:38:09] <jschi[m]> could play with it - need more time....
[12:40:22] <hazzy> A lot of changes to the STATUS, INFO, ACTION, and PREFS coming soon, they are all going to be part of a custom QAppication, which I think is a lot neater than the singleton hacks that are used now
[12:40:54] <hazzy> so so make used status in the main window easier
[12:41:26] <jschi[m]> k, can't wait
[12:42:32] <Lcvette> Hazy are you making that?
[12:42:42] <hazzy> yes
[12:42:50] <Lcvette> Saweet
[12:47:31] <Not-1af4> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 033 commits to 03master [+46/-35/±18] 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/compare/b34574bfd2f3cf6b21487e954c908676efec2ec5...98925f1822eda934b8a53144eeae82f4cfbd8963
[12:47:32] <Not-1af4> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 0398925f1 - don't fully initialize widgets on load into QtDesginer
[12:47:34] <Not-1af4> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03ab5503b - make tooltable selection work even when using keyboard nav
[12:47:35] <Not-1af4> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03b34574b - Merge branch 'probe_basic_1920'
[12:48:06] <Not-1af4> [02QtPyVCP] 07KurtJacobson commented on commit 035c228066ee1654e95aa4301903fa823045a01766 - 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/commit/5c228066ee1654e95aa4301903fa823045a01766#note_90075970
[12:48:45] * hazzy can't get the merge request hook to work :(
[12:49:41] <TurBoss> 🕵
[12:50:04] <hazzy-m> LOL
[12:51:15] <Not-1af4> [02QtPyVCP] 07KurtJacobson commented on snippet 03$1745687: hal_show.py - 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/snippets/1745687#note_96753918
[13:42:17] <Lcvette> is it ok to update the new riot or no?
[13:51:26] <hazzy> I would think it should be OK
[13:54:52] <Lcvette> turboss said there was an issue with it i think?
[13:55:22] <Lcvette> guess we will see..lol
[13:56:23] <TurBoss> yes riot is ok
[13:56:30] <TurBoss> the problem was the server side
[13:57:42] <Lcvette> cool
[14:09:09] <Lcvette> so question, will it be setup so that when i select a step increment on my MPG it will reflect on the screen what step unit it is in?
[14:09:34] <hazzy> yes, that is the goal
[14:10:16] <Lcvette> cool
[14:11:52] <jschi[m]> just my opinion but I prefer the mpg and jog increments on the screen to be distinct
[14:12:09] <jschi[m]> currently in my config iwth the xhbc there are two different sets of configs for increment size
[14:12:39] <jschi[m]> of course willing to be convinced
[14:13:40] <jschi[m]> my mpg readout reflects it's current step size - the UI for LCNC has it's own concept of step size
[14:14:13] <jschi[m]> might be nice to have the option to do that but I suspect that it would defy expectation for others
[14:18:33] <Lcvette> hmmm
[14:19:13] <Lcvette> i think the mpg should be king
[14:19:36] <Lcvette> whenever it is changed it changes the screen
[14:19:51] <Lcvette> that way it is the same in both places so there are no mishaps
[14:19:55] <hazzy> jschi[m]: yes, you are correct that the typical setup with a pendant MPG the step increments should be independent. It would not make sense to connect a UI push button to a physical latching button/selector switch as the physical switch can't follow the state of the UI button (unless you added a servo or solenoid xD)
[14:19:56] <hazzy> But in the case of a machine that has a MPG mounted on the main panel, it might make sense to have the jog increments be selectable from the screen, or by momentary push buttons
[14:20:14] <Lcvette> i'd hate to glance at the screen and think im in .001" and be at .,100" on the mpg
[14:20:19] * TurBoss uploaded an image: 1535134799935.jpg (145KB) < https://matrix.org >
[14:20:28] <TurBoss> how can i work like this?
[14:20:34] <hazzy> LOL
[14:20:52] <jschi[m]> lol - I can haz codeburger?
[14:21:03] <TurBoss> i kick it but he rejoins
[14:21:19] <TurBoss> heheheh
[14:21:39] <Lcvette> KITTY!!!
[14:22:35] <Lcvette> that kitty want some scratches
[14:22:39] -!- hazzy[m] was kicked from #hazzy by hazzy!~Thunderbi@2600:1702:2950:7130:59f3:55e6:54f6:c89e [hazzy[m]]
[14:22:52] <Lcvette> i miss my kitty
[14:22:57] <Lcvette> :(
[14:23:10] <TurBoss> :(
[14:23:30] <TurBoss> thi one is 8-9 years old
[14:23:58] <TurBoss> hazzy: there is something like vte for Qt?
[14:24:12] <hazzy> Not that I can find :(
[14:24:36] <TurBoss> me too
[14:27:01] <Lcvette> for me who won't be using the jog controls and will only be using the mpg, i will basically be using the screen for the readout on the increments i suppose, unless i change the mpg over to omentary like hazzy said
[14:27:09] <Lcvette> which im not opposed to doing
[14:27:42] <TurBoss> buttons can have custom properties like readonly etc..
[14:30:33] <Lcvette> well if i change over to momentary i would like to have them be functional
[14:46:21] <jschi[m]> k, will be back online later - have a good one
[16:17:58] <hazzy> shoot, I spent all that time installing solidworks a few weeks ago, and I just got an email with the product key and instructions for installing 2018. I have not even used it much yet, oh well ...
[16:18:42] <hazzy> Lcvette: You like 2018 right? I guess it is worth upgrading ...
[16:30:27] -!- Roguish has joined #hazzy
[16:55:35] <Lcvette> 2018 is sweet, it has built in CAM
[16:56:17] <Lcvette> hazzy: its based off of camworks too and is really good
[16:56:52] <Lcvette> it is a smaller version and i have not used it thoroughly, only played with it but it should be fun to play with for you!
[16:57:33] <jschi[m]> If only everything I drew in Fusion came out as drawn ;-p
[16:57:54] <Lcvette> ?
[16:58:00] <Lcvette> it doesn't?
[16:58:49] <jschi[m]> lol, niggly little things like feeds and speeds and workholding and rigidity and phases of the moon - no they do not
[16:58:54] <jschi[m]> working on it tho
[17:04:44] <jschi[m]> to be clear - not the fault of fusion - rather my 'maturing' machinist skills
[17:05:41] <Lcvette> ah im with ya
[17:05:45] <Lcvette> that all takes time to nail down
[17:06:00] <Lcvette> ive honed my G0704 pretty damn well
[17:06:06] <Lcvette> it makes beautiful parts to tolerance
[17:06:31] <Lcvette> but it took alot to get it there
[17:07:04] <jschi[m]> it's crazy that basically every google search for something about my G0704 ends up with you lcvette
[17:07:09] <Lcvette> both machine and programming strategies
[17:07:26] <Lcvette> lol
[17:07:36] <Lcvette> well ive had mine for almost a decade now
[17:07:37] <Lcvette> lol
[17:07:51] <Lcvette> its about slam worn out
[17:07:51] <jschi[m]> yeah, I'm getting way more confident. Eager to get set back up - although the list of projects I have teed up for the new shop is epic
[17:08:13] <Lcvette> get your work space dialed in
[17:08:23] <Lcvette> makes a world of difference in my opinion
[17:08:33] <Lcvette> take your time with the machine unless you need it right away
[17:08:39] <Lcvette> it will pay off in the long run
[17:08:47] <Lcvette> do you have a lathe?
[17:08:57] <jschi[m]> +1 - I do - PM 1022
[17:09:04] <Lcvette> nice
[17:09:14] <jschi[m]> and I have a PM-940m on order
[17:09:18] <Lcvette> have you done any mods to the G0704?
[17:09:54] <jschi[m]> My G0704 is running mesa + lcnc, head spacer mod, belt drive, stock motor
[17:10:08] <jschi[m]> have the parts for PDB and Max Y522 motor upgrade
[17:10:32] <jschi[m]> I can take it apart largely with my eyes closed
[17:10:46] <jschi[m]> Home switches, central oiler etc
[17:11:11] <jschi[m]> double nut ball screws
[17:11:13] <Lcvette> what spindle mods?
[17:11:27] <jschi[m]> just the pulley drive
[17:11:28] <hazzy> Lcvette: Needs to get a commission on those inverter duty motors ...
[17:11:53] <jschi[m]> I can push 6k rpm with the stock motor and belt drive but obs suffers at lower speeds
[17:12:16] <jschi[m]> Those 'numbers' I posted on IG were milled on the G0704
[17:12:22] <Lcvette> whose?
[17:12:30] <Lcvette> btp?
[17:12:51] <jschi[m]> whose what?
[17:12:57] <Lcvette> belt drive
[17:12:58] <hazzy> what's whose?
[17:13:26] <jschi[m]> lol, my belt drive - I turned micro-v sheaves and fitted it out
[17:13:27] <Lcvette> pics?
[17:13:35] <jschi[m]> yeah, I can find some
[17:15:28] * jschi[m] uploaded an image: image.png (1274KB) < https://matrix.org >
[17:15:31] <jschi[m]> terrible shot but -
[17:16:17] <jschi[m]> I of course failed do the belt drive upgrade before I melted my drive gears - so that sucked
[17:16:21] <Lcvette> how is the spindle pulley attached?
[17:17:00] <Lcvette> are you driving the quill tube or the spindle?
[17:17:09] <jschi[m]> slides over spindle with two pins and two set screws
[17:17:10] <Lcvette> hazzy: i know right!
[17:17:19] <Lcvette> thats gotta go
[17:17:37] <Lcvette> you will never make good parts that way
[17:17:50] <jschi[m]> i'm listening
[17:18:05] <Lcvette> you need to drive the quill tube and let the spindle float
[17:19:10] <Lcvette> the spindle bearing carrier centerline and upper bearings are not concentric due to the quill design
[17:19:45] <jschi[m]> yeah, my language may be imprecise - will grab better pix from storage when I'm there tomorrow - I'm driving the threaded outer thingy
[17:19:48] <Lcvette> by driving it at the top, you are putting that long shaft in a bind against the quill drive
[17:19:54] <jschi[m]> possible
[17:20:15] <Lcvette> i know exactly what you are doing
[17:20:17] <jschi[m]> would love pointer to pix or other references
[17:20:17] <Lcvette> lol
[17:20:32] * Lcvette uploaded an image: _20170405_023528.JPG (261KB) < https://matrix.org >
[17:20:43] <Lcvette> the long pulley is my spindle pulley
[17:20:47] <jschi[m]> nice
[17:21:06] <Lcvette> it is presses into the quill tube and is bored with a clearance fit for the spindle
[17:21:15] <Lcvette> meaning it does not touch the spindle
[17:21:21] <Lcvette> AT ALL
[17:21:37] <jschi[m]> sweet - I don't think I've ever seen references to this design/approach
[17:21:39] <jschi[m]> I love it
[17:21:45] <Lcvette> i let the quill tube gears drive the spindle directly above the upper spindle bearing
[17:22:19] <Lcvette> this also allows the misalignment of the spindle bearing carrier and upper bearing not to be an issue
[17:22:59] <Lcvette> and there is zero side loading on the tiny spindle shaft
[17:23:39] <jschi[m]> nice, researching now - totally down with taking it to the next level
[17:24:17] * Lcvette uploaded an image: IMG_20160914_013151.jpg (152KB) < https://matrix.org >
[17:24:24] <Lcvette> these are my sidewall finishes
[17:24:46] * Lcvette uploaded an image: IMG_20160914_012712.jpg (1063KB) < https://matrix.org >
[17:25:09] <jschi[m]> damn, that's impressive
[17:25:12] <Lcvette> they rival and are better then some ive seen from big vmc's
[17:25:43] <jschi[m]> is this the right build thread for your spindle/drive mods? - https://www.cnczone.com