#hazzy | Logs for 2018-09-09

[00:53:54] -!- hazzy has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[00:54:53] -!- hazzy-lab has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[10:04:53] <jthornton> hazzy any idea what this means in pyqt4? (python:1645): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_get_direction: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed
[10:36:43] <jthornton> and it doesn't make sense to get a Gtk error running pyqt4...
[10:48:48] <TurBoss> morning
[11:00:02] -!- hazzy-lab has joined #hazzy
[11:00:02] -!- mode/#hazzy [+o hazzy-lab] by ChanServ
[11:07:18] <jthornton> morning
[11:09:55] <hazzy-m> morning
[11:10:21] <jthornton> hazzy-m: any clue why I would get a gtk error with pyqt4?
[11:10:35] <jthornton> (python:1645): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_get_direction: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed
[11:11:13] <hazzy-m> jthornton: Only thing I can figure is that Qt is trying to uses a native GTK dialog or something like that
[11:11:30] <hazzy-m> Does that app still run OK?
[11:11:44] <jthornton> yes
[11:11:46] <jthornton> hmmm
[11:11:50] <hazzy-m> A lot of those GTK errors don't seems to actualy affect anything
[11:12:13] <TurBoss> imo they come from the WM
[11:12:22] <TurBoss> not the app
[11:12:38] <hazzy-m> ah yes, could be
[11:13:28] <TurBoss> Ceephax is coming to valencia next october wololo
[11:15:07] <jthornton> I think that was the reason I quit trying in pyqt4 the annoying errors that didn't make sense
[11:15:18] <TurBoss> hazzy: I want to add some other things to the filemanager wiget
[11:15:21] <TurBoss> like usb eject and load button
[11:16:23] <TurBoss> jthornton: do you use any gtk theme in your desktop?
[11:16:46] <jthornton> I have no idea but I guess I must, a main window does not cause the error
[11:17:05] * jthornton goes back to wiring up the new coop
[11:17:19] <TurBoss> :O
[11:36:10] <Lcvette> im wiring the buttons on the file manager
[11:36:20] <Lcvette> but im not sure what the rename file button should go to?
[11:37:36] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (39KB) < https://matrix.org >
[11:37:44] <Lcvette> is that the right one for new folder?
[11:38:16] <Lcvette> or should it be createDirectory()
[11:38:16] <Lcvette> ?
[11:40:18] <hazzy-m> Lcvette hmm, not sure if rename is implemented yet
[11:40:41] -!- hazzy has joined #hazzy
[11:40:41] -!- mode/#hazzy [+o hazzy] by ChanServ
[11:41:15] <Lcvette> how about the others?
[11:42:59] <TurBoss> no rename
[11:43:33] <TurBoss> create directory newfile delete
[11:45:02] <Lcvette> so new folder would be createDirectory()?
[11:45:17] <TurBoss> yes
[11:45:23] <Lcvette> what is new file?
[11:45:33] <TurBoss> creates a empy file
[11:47:05] <Lcvette> goUp() folder up?
[11:47:11] <TurBoss> yes
[11:47:17] <Lcvette> :D
[11:48:24] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (75KB) < https://matrix.org >
[11:49:07] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (314KB) < https://matrix.org >
[11:50:25] <Roguish_desk> good morning all.
[11:50:35] <TurBoss> hello!
[11:50:43] <Lcvette> morning
[11:50:58] <Roguish_desk> is there a 'todo' list anywhere?
[11:51:18] <Lcvette> glow
[11:51:24] <Lcvette> onkraken
[11:51:27] <TurBoss> in the gitkraken GLO
[11:52:32] <Roguish_desk> ok, found GLO. name of board?
[11:52:48] <TurBoss> Roguish_desk: what is your github user?¿
[11:52:58] <TurBoss> or gitlab
[11:53:03] <TurBoss> Roguish?
[11:54:28] <TurBoss> Roguish1900?
[11:54:43] <Roguish_desk> yeah, try that. on gitkraken it's Roguish with email of roguish_1900@yahoo.com
[11:54:58] <TurBoss> ok invited you
[11:55:23] <Roguish_desk> was trying to keep em all consistent, but not sure if I succeeded.
[11:57:00] <TurBoss> did something apeared on the kraken¿
[11:57:28] <TurBoss> https://app.gitkraken.com
[12:00:21] <Roguish_desk> TurBoss: gracias
[12:00:32] <TurBoss> you are welcome
[12:05:20] <Roguish_desk> Lcvette: hey. one attribute in the file listing (axis does not have it) is to be able to do a regular sort of by each column. you konw, click on the column heading and it sorts up or down.
[12:07:52] <jthornton> hmm a check box causes the error
[12:17:30] <Lcvette> Roguish_desk: that is turboss and hazzy
[12:17:49] <Lcvette> they are the meat and potatoes
[12:18:03] <Lcvette> im the parsley
[12:18:26] <Lcvette> just garnish
[12:25:33] <Lcvette> is the drop down file box a "RecentFileComboBox" input widget?
[12:25:54] <Lcvette> ah i see now
[12:25:54] <Lcvette> yes
[12:30:10] <Roguish_desk> might I suggest a 'card' in GLO for each tab on the main screen, like MAIN, FILE, SETTING, etc..... structure the GLO tabs pretty much the way the GUI is.
[12:30:54] <Roguish_desk> could help with who's doing what and when, and what need to be done.
[12:32:56] <hazzy> Roguish_desk: I agree, what we really should do is add a separate board for ProbeBasic ..
[12:35:31] <Roguish_desk> why
[12:35:46] <Roguish_desk> what's the distinction?
[12:35:50] <Roguish_desk> difference
[12:37:00] <hazzy> QtPyVCP is the general purpose framework for building LCNC GUIs, ProbeBasic is a GUI that happens to use QtPyVCP
[12:38:14] <hazzy> ProbeBasic really should be in it's own repository, rather than a branch in the QtPyVCP repo
[12:38:23] <Roguish_desk> ok. I see.
[12:38:57] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (206KB) < https://matrix.org >
[12:40:10] <Lcvette> im trying to imaging a scenario we would create a new file inside the gui?
[12:40:37] <Lcvette> i could see maybe saving a file built in a conversational window or even in a gcode editor perhaps?
[12:41:01] <hazzy> Lcvette: Not very often, but for doing a quick bolt circle or that kinda thing it is useful
[12:41:13] <hazzy> But then we need a good editor ..
[12:41:48] <Lcvette> but would you create the file first?
[12:41:49] <Roguish_desk> and editor of choice can be specified in the .ini file.
[12:42:19] <Lcvette> or would you simply build in the editr and save which then would create a new file
[12:43:23] <Roguish_desk> could, but what's the purpose? a GUI or an editor. better to make a good GUI and use good, proven editors.
[12:43:36] <hazzy> Lcvette: you are right, you could always get a new file that way, so maybe there is no need for a new file button
[12:43:49] <hazzy> Roguish_desk: I agree
[12:44:16] <Lcvette> i onily ask because i would wonder what the button was used for since it is basically creating a new file in a filing system
[12:44:47] <Roguish_desk> hazzy: yeah, i'm one of those stick-to-the-project kinda guys. very easy to get sidetracked.
[12:44:49] <Lcvette> rather then in a program
[12:45:32] <Lcvette> roguish this isn't about an editor specifically this is about the create new file button
[12:45:50] <Roguish_desk> creating a file is cool.... then a right click or button to open and editor.
[12:46:28] <Lcvette> ok thats a good point
[12:46:29] <Roguish_desk> so we're on the same line.
[12:46:38] <Lcvette> thatsd the type ansdwer i was looking for
[12:47:39] <Lcvette> so the file type it creates will be specific?
[12:48:01] <Lcvette> or txt nor?
[12:48:06] <Lcvette> or*
[12:48:18] <Lcvette> ngc
[12:48:23] <Roguish_desk> gcodes are always simple text files. different extension, though. .nc .ngc .......
[12:49:02] <Lcvette> you have to forgive me, im still new to linuxcnc
[12:49:14] <hazzy> Maybe the new file could contain some basic NGC boiler code
[12:49:31] <Lcvette> i have actually never run a program in it before
[12:49:31] <Roguish_desk> a template file?
[12:49:34] <hazzy> yes
[12:50:25] <Roguish_desk> a template, or extension preference could be specified in the general GUI preference.
[12:50:54] <Lcvette> turboss, do the wiring connection look right in the image i posted
[12:50:55] <Lcvette> ?
[12:51:34] <Lcvette> there was not one for the RecentFileComboBox
[12:51:41] <Lcvette> need to be?
[12:52:34] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (75KB) < https://matrix.org >
[12:52:49] <hazzy> Lcvette: The recent file combobox does not do much there, would make more sense to have a "recentDir" combobox, I will make one
[12:52:53] <TurBoss> should look like this
[12:53:07] <Lcvette> ok
[13:06:11] -!- hazzy has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[13:06:35] -!- hazzy has joined #hazzy
[13:06:36] -!- mode/#hazzy [+o hazzy] by ChanServ
[13:15:34] -!- hazzy has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[13:20:31] * Lcvette uploaded an image: folder_group.PNG (79KB) < https://matrix.org >
[13:32:04] -!- Roguish_desk has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[13:36:31] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (217KB) < https://matrix.org >
[13:36:40] <Lcvette> new file button added!
[13:36:48] <Lcvette> connections made!
[13:36:52] <Lcvette> need more buttons
[13:36:53] <Lcvette> !
[13:37:02] <Lcvette> hazzy!!!
[13:39:43] <Lcvette> ok question
[13:39:54] <Lcvette> ni the gcode file preview window
[13:40:15] <Lcvette> the edit g-code button i assume that is to edit the selected file in the menu
[13:40:39] <Lcvette> should there not be a save and save as button there?
[13:41:41] -!- hazzy has joined #hazzy
[13:41:42] -!- mode/#hazzy [+o hazzy] by ChanServ
[13:43:35] <Lcvette> also, is there a way to turn off the bold feature when it selects the QColumnHeader Text when the filewindow is selected?
[13:43:49] <Lcvette> the bebas kai looks horrible in bold
[13:44:11] <Lcvette> and there is already a highlight on the file line depicting the window has been activated
[13:44:41] <Lcvette> seems redundant to bolt the header text as well i think, thought?
[13:45:55] -!- Roguish_desk has joined #hazzy
[13:50:41] <Lcvette> also how do i connect the gcode poreview window to the main file window?
[13:54:52] -!- hazzy has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[13:59:08] -!- hazzy has joined #hazzy
[13:59:08] -!- mode/#hazzy [+o hazzy] by ChanServ
[14:03:11] <Lcvette> pushed the updates and merged to master since it looked like no other major changes except the dep readme!
[14:21:14] -!- hazzy has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[14:43:42] -!- pcw_home has joined #hazzy
[15:50:54] <jthornton> can someone not running Linux Mint test this and see if you get the error in the txt file? https://github.com
[16:00:20] <pcw_home> I get a little checkbox (but the end of the x is clipped off) (Ubuntu 18.04)
[16:13:47] <TurBoss> jthornton: got this:
[16:13:49] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (13KB) < https://matrix.org >
[16:14:23] <TurBoss> no errors
[16:15:49] <TurBoss> debian 9
[16:19:26] <JT-Shop> thanks
[16:19:58] <JT-Shop> no error in the terminal?
[16:21:26] <TurBoss> no
[16:21:40] <TurBoss> I think that is related to gtk themes on linux mint
[16:21:59] <TurBoss> try to change the theme from control panel
[16:22:05] <pcw_home> no errors but text is clipped (I think 18.04 is based on Debian 10)
[16:22:58] <JT-Shop> TurBoss: thanks I'll try that... been looking for an excuse to upgrade lol
[16:23:36] <JT-Shop> pcw_home: I didn't put the checkbox in any container so it's ok it's clipped
[16:24:37] * JT-Shop gets back to fixing bird feeders
[16:32:09] <JT-Shop> I think I was supposed to fix these bird feeders about 10 years ago...
[16:32:21] <TurBoss> :O
[20:44:54] -!- grijalvap[m] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[20:46:19] -!- grijalvap[m] has joined #hazzy