#hazzy | Logs for 2018-09-26

[00:16:30] <TurBoss> Installed Zello
[00:16:31] <TurBoss> lol
[07:29:55] <Lcvette> hurray!!
[07:30:02] <Lcvette> morning
[07:38:13] <Lcvette> i copied the work coordinate offset buttons frm the probing page over to the offsets page, they work there too whoo hoo!!!
[07:38:18] <Lcvette> awesome job!
[08:26:36] <Lcvette> i am unable to change the spindle and feedrate slide over ride to 200%
[08:30:33] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (126KB) < https://matrix.org >
[08:33:54] <Lcvette> i can change it here like i used to (from memory) but it doesn't take in the actual gui environment
[08:36:19] <Lcvette> 0
[08:38:22] <Lcvette> thoughts?
[09:42:08] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: The offset values are set in the INI, don't want them to be set in designer since they vary for each machine
[09:42:49] <hazzy-m> You need to change [DISPLAY] MAX_SPINDLE_OVERRIDE and MAX_FEED_OVERRIDE in the INI to the values you want
[09:55:27] <Lcvette> ah sweet
[10:08:17] <Lcvette> will that also set the min?
[10:25:53] <hazzy-m> yes, there is also MIN_SPINDLE_OVERRIDE and MIN_FEED_OVERRIDE
[10:34:09] -!- Roguish has joined #hazzy
[10:59:18] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[10:59:23] <Lcvette> here
[11:02:40] <Lcvette> guessing 1.000 is 100%?
[11:07:09] <Lcvette> ok, that worked for spindle, but for some reason, feerate is already at 2.0000 as seen and is showing 100% instead of a scale of 200%?
[11:15:56] <Roguish> feedrate is in machine units/sec
[11:16:50] <Lcvette> correct, but override is in percentage
[11:17:52] <Lcvette> because the ciurrent feedrate is always changing
[11:18:28] <Lcvette> otherwise you would have some issues
[11:19:34] <Roguish> not positive, but I think the percentage is a multiple of 'MAX_VELOCITY'
[11:20:41] <Roguish> or possibly of 'DEFAULT_LINEAR_VELOCITY '
[11:21:16] <Roguish> probably the latter.
[11:21:17] <Lcvette> for feed rate override?
[11:21:25] <Lcvette> thats for the current cutting speed
[11:21:37] <Lcvette> its adjusting the set F word
[11:22:01] <Roguish> ok, i see you point. yes of multiple of F as set in gcode.
[11:22:11] <Lcvette> the MV over ride is controlling the over all machine speed limit
[11:22:29] <Lcvette> and rapid over ride as you requested would control the rapids
[11:22:44] <Roguish> ok, i'll go back to sleeep.
[11:22:56] <Lcvette> \so because the F word will be changing and is not a set constant it MUST be a percentage
[11:22:59] <Lcvette> hahahaha
[11:24:31] <Lcvette> i think Hazzy just has a line wrong somewhere in the code file for the scaling
[11:24:48] <Lcvette> the max value setting doesnt seem to change anything
[11:25:03] <Lcvette> it works perfect for the spindle though
[11:25:29] <Lcvette> hazzy: you around?
[11:32:00] <JT-Shop> bike computer set time to get on my tights and go for a ride
[11:35:40] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (134KB) < https://matrix.org >
[11:36:01] <Lcvette> had to change it in this code to get it to show up, the ini file method was not working
[11:37:26] <Lcvette> pedal bike?
[11:38:11] <Lcvette> hazzy, that was in the machine_actions.py file
[12:19:36] <Lcvette> hazzy:
[12:19:40] <Lcvette> turboss:
[12:19:44] <Lcvette> need assistance
[12:19:58] <Lcvette> having a hard time changing the estop and power button colors
[12:20:10] <Lcvette> can't seem to make the styleClass function work
[12:20:22] <Lcvette> would like to make those buttons red and green respectively
[14:19:12] <Not> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/compare/a896b7b0903567adf3fc267f86e2113b4b69cbcb...fbf0bc3f1773c698cb4ba6af3834fede2efab373
[14:19:13] <Not> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03fbf0bc3 - bugfix: Get max feed OR from INI
[14:20:13] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: Fixed the feed OR max val, forgot about that one :)
[14:20:49] <hazzy-m> Now it gets the value from the INO
[14:20:51] <hazzy-m> INI*
[14:21:13] <Not> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 036 commits to 03probe_basic_1920 [+2/-0/±16] 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/compare/3373467f6b52ff3ffb039b233dd7cbbcfcf5c41a...207ab87bb6370316be58a26d87e602d5e595f4f6
[14:21:14] <Not> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03227200a - Add action combobox
[14:21:16] <Not> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03a896b7b - make work coord action work with action combobox
[14:21:17] <Not> [02QtPyVCP] 07Lcvette 03b84af63 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/probe_basic_1920' into probe_basic_1920
[14:21:19] <Not> [02QtPyVCP] ... and 3 more commits.
[14:22:25] <hazzy-m> Just those buttons?
[14:23:47] * hazzy-m sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[14:24:05] <hazzy-m> fail
[14:24:54] <hazzy-m> QPushButton[actionName="machine.power.toggle"]{
[14:24:55] <hazzy-m> color: red;
[14:24:55] <hazzy-m> }
[14:38:20] <TurBoss> Lcvette: sorry was afk
[14:39:13] <Lcvette> sweet, do i need to go in and fix the py file back how it was?
[14:39:41] <TurBoss> sek please
[14:39:57] <hazzy-m> If you pull my merge it should overwrite your changes
[14:39:59] <Lcvette> for the OR slider
[14:40:09] <Lcvette> or is that no longer used?
[14:40:34] <hazzy-m> but it might be best to reset your changes to prevent a merge conflict
[14:58:45] <Lcvette> i ditched my changes
[14:59:19] <TurBoss> Lcvette xyz.qss line 84
[15:02:49] <Lcvette> that is no longer connected to that button
[15:03:53] <Lcvette> 100
[15:04:08] <Lcvette> sorry wrong keybvoard..lol
[15:46:25] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (276KB) < https://matrix.org >
[15:46:40] <Lcvette> hurray!
[15:47:05] <Lcvette> the M01 button starts up in the checked position and i can't figure out why
[15:47:08] <Lcvette> any thoughts>?
[15:47:52] <hazzy-m> Man that looks good!
[15:49:22] <hazzy-m> Yes LCNC all ways starts with optional stop and block delete active, so the button is indicating the correct state.
[15:49:47] <Lcvette> ah ok
[15:49:52] <Lcvette> oh we need a block delete button?
[15:50:20] <hazzy-m> Just noticed you don't have a block delete button
[15:50:21] <hazzy-m> Lol
[15:50:21] <hazzy-m> Yes
[15:50:56] <Lcvette> k
[15:51:11] <Lcvette> thats gonna be fun
[15:51:16] <hazzy-m> Maybe instead of the reset button. Stop already does what reset would do,
[15:51:18] <hazzy-m> I think
[15:52:32] <Lcvette> or make the cycle start button half width
[15:52:52] <hazzy-m> I have stop connected to program abort, which I think does what you planned stop to do
[15:54:00] <Lcvette> hmmm. not sure
[15:54:32] <Lcvette> does prohgram abort kill something reset wouldn't maybe?
[15:54:53] <Lcvette> current tool offset or anything like that ?
[15:55:08] <hazzy-m> I don't think so
[15:55:22] <hazzy-m> No
[15:57:25] <Lcvette> https://sherline.com
[16:10:02] <Lcvette> do you know the verbage for the block delete button?
[16:10:18] <Lcvette> program.delete?
[16:10:38] <Lcvette> program.block-delete?
[16:15:35] <Lcvette> pushed changes
[16:15:39] <Lcvette> check glo board
[16:15:48] <Lcvette> added taskes for you guys
[16:15:49] <Lcvette> :D
[16:17:13] <hazzy-m> Great! I'm on mobile, check in a bit
[16:17:37] <Lcvette> no, bring your desktop with you everywhere
[16:17:39] <Lcvette> lol
[16:18:10] <Lcvette> you need a rucksack with power supply and big internet antenna
[16:18:24] <Lcvette> hahahahaha
[16:18:45] <hazzy-m> 😂😂
[16:20:48] * Lcvette uploaded an image: msi-vr-one-backpack-pc-23.jpg (110KB) < https://matrix.org >
[16:20:57] <Lcvette> make it happen
[16:21:13] <Lcvette> you are neo
[16:21:16] <Lcvette> lol
[16:28:28] <hazzy-m> Lol
[21:37:07] <Lcvette> Anyone check the glo board yet? Have any questions?
[21:37:37] <hazzy-m> Not yet
[21:37:42] <hazzy-m> I will in a sek
[21:37:49] <Lcvette> 😁
[21:38:41] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: IMG_20180926_181530814.jpg (443KB) < https://matrix.org >
[21:38:55] * hazzy-m has been carving, lol
[21:40:12] <Lcvette> Have mill that shot of and 3d mill new ones
[21:40:36] <Lcvette> Facemill*
[21:41:33] <hazzy-m> Yeah, I started modeling it to vcarve it, but figured a utility knife was faster 😂
[21:42:45] * hazzy-m is now at the PC
[21:43:37] <Lcvette> Digitize it
[21:43:48] <Lcvette> Oh no probe
[21:44:24] * hazzy-m needed the TurBo3DScanner :D
[21:44:30] <hazzy-m> TurBoss ^
[21:44:45] <Lcvette> Just buy one
[21:44:51] <hazzy-m> The ActionButtons column in GLO?
[21:45:05] <Lcvette> Probe basic
[21:45:20] <hazzy-m> I could have used the 3d scanners at school ..
[21:45:30] <Lcvette> Doh
[21:45:36] <hazzy-m> we have some real nice ones!
[21:46:26] <Lcvette> Nice
[21:46:43] <hazzy-m> I don't see anything new in GLO
[21:46:56] <Lcvette> What?
[21:47:14] <hazzy-m> Which board?
[21:47:20] <Lcvette> I added to the probe basic one
[21:47:48] <Lcvette> Turboss invited me to it
[21:48:18] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: nothing.png (66KB) < https://matrix.org >
[21:48:54] <Lcvette> Where did everything go?
[21:49:10] <Lcvette> I didn't start a new one
[21:49:12] <hazzy-m> I don't know were it gloed :(
[21:49:29] <hazzy-m> Maybe it has not updated yet?
[21:49:35] <hazzy-m> I'll restart the kraken
[21:49:55] <Lcvette> Think it's under the qt
[21:50:19] <hazzy-m> I don't see anything
[21:50:37] <hazzy-m> Are you sure I am invited to it?
[21:50:59] <Lcvette> sek
[21:51:41] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (165KB) < https://matrix.org >
[21:52:19] <hazzy-m> AHA!
[21:52:26] <hazzy-m> In probe screen, I see it
[21:52:47] <hazzy-m> thanks
[21:52:58] <Lcvette> :D
[21:53:26] <hazzy-m> I'm going to rename it to ProbeBasic
[21:53:41] <hazzy-m> probe screen was the old stand alone probe screen
[21:53:52] <Lcvette> K
[21:54:24] <hazzy-m> Looks good
[21:54:45] <hazzy-m> I have to run, back in 45min
[21:55:00] <Lcvette> K
[21:58:04] -!- Roguish has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92-rdmsoft [XULRunner 35.0.1/20150122214805]]
[23:24:36] <Lcvette> Extended afk?
[23:24:43] <Lcvette> :)
[23:25:06] <hazzy-m> Yes lol
[23:25:25] <hazzy-m> Shutting up in the shop for the day
[23:25:39] <hazzy-m> Almost done