#hazzy | Logs for 2018-11-14
[01:03:11] <Lcvette> I don't know
[02:32:15] -!- JT-Shop2 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
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[03:20:01] -!- Balestrino has joined #hazzy
[04:03:30] -!- SB_ has joined #hazzy
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[04:09:31] -!- SB_ has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
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[04:52:51] -!- Balestrino has quit [Quit: Leaving]
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[06:12:18] <jthornton> morning
[09:43:50] <Lcvette> morning
[09:48:41] * Lcvette uploaded an image: 12737.jpeg (55KB) < https://matrix.org >
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[09:48:43] * Lcvette uploaded an image: 12732.jpeg (98KB) < https://matrix.org >
[09:48:44] * Lcvette uploaded an image: 1542177963628.JPEG (139KB) < https://matrix.org >
[09:48:44] * Lcvette uploaded an image: 12731.jpeg (95KB) < https://matrix.org >
[09:48:45] * Lcvette uploaded an image: 1542177963724.JPEG (100KB) < https://matrix.org >
[09:48:46] * Lcvette uploaded an image: 1542177963880.JPEG (142KB) < https://matrix.org >
[09:49:06] <Lcvette> the rhino has landed!
[10:14:33] -!- Balestrino has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[10:40:54] <hazzy-m> looks like a nice PM DC spindle motor?
[10:42:20] <hazzy-m> did that DB50 get damaged in shipment? That is a shame
[10:55:34] -!- Balestrino has joined #hazzy
[11:12:43] <Lcvette> no was one of the reasons it was removed from service
[11:13:16] <Lcvette> they were moving the machine from one place to another and forgot the cable was attached and ripped the pins out of it
[11:13:26] <Lcvette> the other reasons was the mnitor was failing
[11:14:08] <Lcvette> but i met a 70 year old dude who make model engine parts who has 3 of these machines from the hobby machinist forums and he is wanting to do a retrofit
[11:14:39] <Lcvette> but he is sending me a monitor and a new cable as well as a floppy to usb to get the software off the disks
[11:14:46] <Lcvette> super nice guy
[11:15:07] <Lcvette> so i may be able to see if it fires up under the fanuc 6t controls sometime next week
[11:15:23] <Lcvette> everything else is perfectly intact
[11:15:45] <Lcvette> and looks to be in great shape on it im actually shocked considering the build date is 1993
[11:15:56] <Lcvette> 25 year olf machine
[11:16:01] <Lcvette> lol
[11:42:53] <hazzy-m> excellent!
[11:42:54] <hazzy-m> it looks very clean and well maintained
[12:00:03] -!- Balestrino has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[13:53:19] <Not-5695> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+1/-0/±2] 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/compare/ac9af6ecadfc94849b41dcae9f5eb3bea560f0dc...540bbb14c4dec5faa186d4780fa55d4194d8319e
[13:53:21] <Not-5695> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03540bbb1 - DOC: Add QuickStart install using PIP
[13:53:35] <Not-5695> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson created branch 03master
[13:54:39] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: Thanks for the pip tip
[13:54:59] <hazzy-m> I added a quick start guide with it
[14:44:51] <Not-5695> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+1/-0/±1] 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/compare/540bbb14c4dec5faa186d4780fa55d4194d8319e...47a5e421c14cdd7ac3372fc37ebf226976543557
[14:44:53] <Not-5695> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 0347a5e42 - BUG: Fix location of main entry point update setup.py
[15:09:09] -!- JT-Shop2 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
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[16:39:02] <hazzy-m> Hurray!
[16:39:51] <hazzy-m> I just got QtPyVCP to install and run on a brand spanking new debian install with a total of three commands!
[16:40:02] <hazzy-m> that should be easy enough for the masses
[16:40:28] <hazzy-m> actually only two commands if there was not a bug in debian :D
[16:41:12] <hazzy-m> https://qtpyvcp.kcjengr.com
[17:37:30] <Not-5695> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 033 commits to 03master [+0/-0/±3] 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/compare/47a5e421c14cdd7ac3372fc37ebf226976543557...7709a3d766071129f48de31191e3c72753759ec2
[17:37:32] <Not-5695> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 038be37db - DOC: Install python-pip in quick start
[17:37:33] <Not-5695> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03f2a4408 - DOC: try to fix newlines breaking dep install command
[17:37:35] <Not-5695> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 037709a3d - DOC: Quick Start - also need to install git
[18:54:18] <Not-5695> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 032 commits to 03master [+1/-0/±1] 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/compare/7709a3d766071129f48de31191e3c72753759ec2...8686ada814d2406f7568be64c1e4c418f2415058
[18:54:20] <Not-5695> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03eb793a2 - DIST: include .ui and .qss files
[18:54:21] <Not-5695> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 038686ada - DIST: compile probe_basic.rc
[19:17:16] <Lcvette> you did it?
[19:17:21] <Lcvette> hurray!!!!
[19:18:29] <Lcvette> way to go hazzy!
[19:24:16] <Lcvette> i judt updste my gitkrsaken asnd reset locasl to the top mater spot but now myb linux won't open
[19:24:18] <Lcvette> :(
[19:24:23] <Lcvette> its busted
[19:24:25] <Lcvette> :(
[19:40:08] <hazzy-m> oh no!
[19:40:24] <hazzy-m> the whole machine won't start, or just LinuxCNC?
[19:42:44] <hazzy-m> Lcvette
[19:59:33] <Lcvette> just linuxcnc
[20:00:52] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[20:01:12] <hazzy-m> oops
[20:01:16] <hazzy-m> my bad
[20:02:03] <hazzy-m> I forgot to update the sim configs
[20:10:22] <Not-5695> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/compare/8686ada814d2406f7568be64c1e4c418f2415058...3a5d3fa52aee9c199a4adf365d3c5aa1501a0241
[20:10:24] <Not-5695> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 033a5d3fa - DOC: Quick Start - install qttools5.dev for compiling rc files
[20:11:12] <Not-5695> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±5] 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/compare/3a5d3fa52aee9c199a4adf365d3c5aa1501a0241...2770320b31341bc501214f95aacf54895c4bf2fb
[20:11:14] <Not-5695> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 032770320 - SIM: Update DISPLAY in sim configs
[20:11:35] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: should be fixed
[20:12:58] <Lcvette> nope
[20:13:19] <hazzy-m> what does it say now?
[20:15:24] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[20:16:20] <hazzy-m> from a terminal in the QtPyVCP dir run:
[20:16:36] <hazzy-m> `pip install .`
[20:16:43] <hazzy-m> you need the `.`
[20:17:23] <Lcvette> chris@debian:~/dev/qtpyvcp-master/QtPyVCP$ pip install .
[20:17:23] <Lcvette> Directory '.' is not installable. File 'setup.py' not found.
[20:17:24] <Lcvette> chris@debian:~/dev/qtpyvcp-master/QtPyVCP$
[20:17:36] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[20:17:42] <hazzy-m> cd .. and run again
[20:17:51] <hazzy-m> `cd ..`
[20:20:15] <Lcvette> same
[20:20:46] <hazzy-m> try `pip install ~/dev/qtpyvcp-master/QtPyVCP`
[20:20:55] <hazzy-m> oops
[20:20:57] <hazzy-m> no
[20:20:59] <hazzy-m> this
[20:21:00] <hazzy-m> try `pip install ~/dev/qtpyvcp-master`
[20:22:04] <hazzy-m> if none of those work run `python setup.py develop --user`
[20:22:20] <hazzy-m> ^ Thats better anyway
[20:22:35] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[20:23:59] <hazzy-m> thats ok, but I thought you'd have already had those installed ..
[20:24:37] <Lcvette> i dunno?
[20:25:00] <hazzy-m> did you run `python setup.py develop --user`?
[20:25:07] <hazzy-m> that should definetly work
[20:26:01] <Lcvette> chris@debian:~$ python setup.py develop --user
[20:26:01] <Lcvette> python: can't open file 'setup.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
[20:26:02] <Lcvette> chris@debian:~$
[20:26:24] <hazzy-m> you must be in the wrong place some how
[20:26:25] <hazzy-m> run
[20:26:40] <hazzy-m> `cd ~/dev/qtpyvcp-master` and try again
[20:27:54] <Lcvette> that did something
[20:28:29] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[20:28:49] <hazzy-m> excellent
[20:28:52] <hazzy-m> that loos right
[20:28:57] <hazzy-m> looks
[20:30:02] <Lcvette> still no run
[20:31:55] <hazzy-m> any error message?
[20:32:11] <hazzy-m> I realy broke stuff
[20:32:24] <hazzy-m> are you sure you are up to date?
[20:32:33] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[20:32:46] <hazzy-m> oh, I have it!
[20:32:51] <Lcvette> i clicked and set to here like you taught me
[20:33:06] <hazzy-m> run `export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin/`
[20:33:22] <Lcvette> gimme the whole thing
[20:33:25] <hazzy-m> remind me how you launch linuxcnc
[20:33:33] <hazzy-m> do you use a terminal?
[20:33:41] <hazzy-m> or a button on the desktop?
[20:33:47] <Lcvette> button
[20:34:01] <hazzy-m> hmm
[20:34:42] <Lcvette> ```chris@debian:~$ export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin/
[20:34:43] <Lcvette> chris@debian:~$
[20:34:44] <Lcvette> ```
[20:35:48] <hazzy-m> ok
[20:35:48] <Lcvette> do i need to pull or push?
[20:35:55] <hazzy-m> no
[20:36:08] <hazzy-m> right click on the launcher on the desktop
[20:36:16] <hazzy-m> and edit
[20:36:25] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (242KB) < https://matrix.org >
[20:36:43] <Lcvette> k
[20:36:45] <hazzy-m> in the Working Directory box put `~/.local/bin/`
[20:38:53] <Lcvette> k
[20:39:07] <hazzy-m> save and try again
[20:39:17] <Lcvette> same thing
[20:39:45] <hazzy-m> i'm trying to reproduce your set up here
[20:40:08] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (40KB) < https://matrix.org >
[20:40:29] <hazzy-m> thanks
[20:41:21] <Lcvette> correct ini?
[20:41:33] <Lcvette> right location?
[20:41:36] <hazzy-m> yes, it looks good
[20:42:20] <hazzy-m> I can't get it to work with a launcher here either
[20:42:39] <Lcvette> thats why nim the tester
[20:42:46] <Lcvette> quit using coder methods
[20:42:52] <Lcvette> use the normal people methods
[20:42:53] <Lcvette> lol
[20:43:12] <hazzy-m> yes, lol
[20:43:26] <hazzy-m> its so easy to miss things like then as a developer
[20:43:54] <Lcvette> i willyes and then infinitely arder to go back and find out where it all went wrong
[20:44:49] <hazzy-m> I know what I changed that broke it
[20:45:11] <hazzy-m> but it was a kludge to begin with, so now it is technicaly better, but doen't work
[20:45:12] <hazzy-m> LOL
[20:45:13] <Lcvette> yeah?
[20:46:07] <hazzy-m> can you try this for me?
[20:46:21] <hazzy-m> open a new terminal (anywere is fine)
[20:46:24] <hazzy-m> run
[20:46:25] <hazzy-m> `export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin/`
[20:46:25] <Lcvette> sure
[20:46:32] <hazzy-m> and then
[20:46:37] <hazzy-m> `probebasic`
[20:46:38] <Lcvette> what terminal
[20:46:45] <hazzy-m> open a new one
[20:47:04] <hazzy-m> Applications >> Terminal Emulator
[20:47:23] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[20:47:30] <hazzy-m> Hurray!
[20:47:39] <hazzy-m> so probe basic is alive and well
[20:47:49] <hazzy-m> linuxcnc just cant find it to use
[20:47:49] <Lcvette> lies
[20:47:55] <Lcvette> my button don't work
[20:48:00] <Lcvette> that shit is busted as hell
[20:48:00] <hazzy-m> lol
[20:48:12] <Lcvette> hahahaha
[20:51:36] <hazzy-m> what you really need to do it edit your ~/.profile file
[20:51:46] <hazzy-m> this is all caused by a but in debian
[20:52:06] <hazzy-m> brouse to your home folder
[20:52:08] <Lcvette> ok
[20:52:23] <hazzy-m> can you see a file called .profile?
[20:52:35] <hazzy-m> it might be hidden
[20:53:00] <hazzy-m> hit `ctrl + h` to make hidden files visible
[20:54:16] <hazzy-m> you can also go to View >> SHow hidden files
[20:54:21] <Lcvette> got no files in my home folder except chris
[20:54:41] <Lcvette> ctrl+H didnt show any hidden files
[20:54:46] <hazzy-m> I meant your chris folder
[20:54:48] <hazzy-m> sorry
[20:54:58] <hazzy-m> chris is your user home
[20:54:58] <Lcvette> i ntried it in the main file and it did show hidden files so im foin it right\
[20:55:33] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[20:55:59] <hazzy-m> perfect, thats it
[20:56:18] <hazzy-m> at the very end, after the fi add
[20:56:38] <hazzy-m> `PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin/`
[20:56:45] <Lcvette> to the right of it?
[20:56:52] <hazzy-m> bellow it
[20:57:09] <hazzy-m> you can even skip a line
[20:57:14] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[20:57:23] <hazzy-m> good
[20:57:34] <hazzy-m> save and log out and log back in
[20:57:38] <Lcvette> save and close
[20:57:43] <hazzy-m> I'm going to do the same
[20:57:51] <Lcvette> k
[20:57:51] <hazzy-m> log out of the PC
[20:58:15] <hazzy-m> if it does now work we will both bave broken PC together
[20:58:19] <hazzy-m> hahaha
[20:58:53] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[20:58:56] <Lcvette> same thing
[20:58:59] <Lcvette> lol
[20:59:24] <hazzy-m> shoot
[20:59:30] <hazzy-m> same here too
[20:59:31] <hazzy-m> :(
[20:59:46] <Lcvette> we ciould always just switch to mach3
[20:59:49] <Lcvette> lol
[20:59:54] <hazzy-m> hahahahahaa
[21:10:24] <hazzy-m> copy the command out ot the launcher and pase it into a terminal and see if it works
[21:10:36] <Lcvette> ?
[21:11:04] <Lcvette> xfce4-terminal -H -x /home/chris/dev/linuxcnc-master/scripts/linuxcnc "/home/chris/dev/qtpyvcp-master/sim/xyz.ini"
[21:11:10] <hazzy-m> yes
[21:11:20] <Lcvette> no
[21:11:45] <hazzy-m> just try
[21:11:55] <hazzy-m> `/home/chris/dev/linuxcnc-master/scripts/linuxcnc "/home/chris/dev/qtpyvcp-master/sim/xyz.ini"`
[21:13:46] <Lcvette> same
[21:15:13] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: HELP!
[21:15:15] <hazzy-m> :D
[21:15:22] <TurBoss> yo
[21:15:32] <TurBoss> how can I help you?
[21:15:56] <hazzy-m> I'm going crazy
[21:16:06] <TurBoss> :O
[21:16:10] <hazzy-m> can't figure out how to get ~/.local/bin in the path
[21:16:30] <TurBoss> hmmmm
[21:16:43] <TurBoss> ubuntu does it by adding some lines to bashrc
[21:16:46] <hazzy-m> We put PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin/ in .profile, no good
[21:16:47] <TurBoss> let me check
[21:16:57] <hazzy-m> ooh
[21:17:10] <hazzy-m> maybe that is where it should go
[21:17:11] <hazzy-m> thanks
[21:18:25] <TurBoss> PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin
[21:18:26] <TurBoss> export PATH
[21:19:01] <TurBoss> .bashrc or .bash_profile
[21:19:26] <hazzy-m> will that be in the global path?
[21:19:35] <hazzy-m> like the one used by desktop launchers?
[21:19:42] <TurBoss> hmmmmmmmm not sure....
[21:19:48] <hazzy-m> ok
[21:19:52] <hazzy-m> neither am I
[21:20:22] <hazzy-m> the problem is the QtPyVCP workd fine from a terminal, but Lcvett can't get it to work from a launcher
[21:20:42] <TurBoss> rus a shell script
[21:20:47] <TurBoss> *run
[21:21:04] <hazzy-m> yeah
[21:21:13] <hazzy-m> we will probably have to do that
[21:21:18] <TurBoss> :(
[21:21:27] <TurBoss> not much elegant but ...
[21:22:36] <hazzy-m> I'll see if I can find another solution
[21:22:43] <hazzy-m> thank you!
[21:22:49] <TurBoss> np
[21:40:22] <TurBoss> hazzy: got something?
[21:50:30] <hazzy-m> not yet
[21:51:14] <TurBoss> how can I start the set_zero_button 😇
[21:51:29] <TurBoss> buttons widgets?
[21:54:49] <TurBoss> hmmmm... once managed to build linuxcnc with a python interpreter inside a vnev , so linuxcnc and qtopyvcp could be all inside a virtualenv
[21:55:09] <TurBoss> but requires to build linuxcnc from sources
[22:04:36] <hazzy-m> set zero button should be an MDI button
[22:04:58] <TurBoss> ok
[22:05:00] <hazzy-m> just ender the MDI command QtDesigner and it will fire when you push the button
[22:05:04] <hazzy-m> enter
[22:05:20] <TurBoss> ok I'll check
[22:05:24] <hazzy-m> the work coord buttons are MDI buttons, I think
[22:05:30] <hazzy-m> you can look at those maybe
[22:05:59] <TurBoss> they are action buttons
[22:06:09] <TurBoss> machine.set-work-coord:G54
[22:06:12] <hazzy-m> hmmm
[22:06:24] <hazzy-m> something is an MDI button
[22:06:29] <TurBoss> ok
[22:06:30] <hazzy-m> I can't remember what
[22:06:45] <hazzy-m> sorry, gtg
[22:06:47] <hazzy-m> bbl
[22:06:51] <TurBoss> latter
[22:20:28] -!- JT-Shop has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:21:30] -!- JT-Shop has joined #hazzy
[23:34:44] * hazzy-m is back
[23:43:03] <TurBoss> jelou
[23:53:55] <hazzy-m> https://bugs.debian.org
[23:54:05] <hazzy-m> ^That is the bug report
[23:54:23] <hazzy-m> it should be fixed, but I guess not in current stretch?
[23:55:02] <hazzy-m> it makes `pip install --user` useless :(
[23:55:14] <hazzy-m> I'll have to go back to using pip with sudo :D