#hazzy | Logs for 2018-12-11
[02:10:06] <hazzy-m> I hope very soon, on the order of a few weeks
[02:10:07] <hazzy-m> gn8
[09:01:39] <jthornton> morning
[09:36:34] <Lcvette> morning
[09:38:02] <hazzy-m> morning gang
[12:36:30] <Lcvette> Morning!
[12:36:40] <Lcvette> That's great news hazzy
[12:39:45] <Lcvette> One of my buddies running masso was starting to really make some strong points on why I should switch over to a masso system (which he has been running for about a year now) and I of course have been telling him how awesome probe basic is going to be.
[12:40:50] <Lcvette> I want impressed with the Masso though, and it needs some work if looks like
[12:40:55] <hazzy-m> masso is good, I think one of the best all in one CNC systems. Not very flexable but for most machine it's fine
[12:41:17] <Lcvette> Was
[12:41:42] <Lcvette> Yeah I think it looks pretty well packaged
[12:41:54] <hazzy-m> yeah
[12:41:57] <Lcvette> Haas a decent user interface
[12:42:11] <hazzy-m> but i'd can't compete with ProbeBasic
[12:42:29] <hazzy-m> We should make a messo clone, it's nice and simple
[12:42:32] <Lcvette> Nothing fancy, and of course no built in probing
[12:42:34] <hazzy-m> be good for routers
[12:43:53] <Lcvette> I think probably finishing this one then make lathe and plasma offerings is the path
[12:44:08] <Lcvette> Then focus on additional options
[12:44:50] <hazzy-m> the end of the tunnle is in sight
[12:44:52] <hazzy-m> yes
[12:44:52] <hazzy-m> lots of progress here in the past few hours, getting really excited here
[12:45:07] <Lcvette> Yeah?
[12:45:26] <TurBoss> hello!
[12:45:30] <Lcvette> Talk to me Goose!
[12:45:32] <hazzy-m> sorry, Internet dropped out, my messages out out of ourder, lol
[12:45:59] <Lcvette> Hi turboss!
[12:49:04] <hazzy-m> hey TurBoss !!
[12:49:05] <hazzy-m> hey TurBoss !!
[12:49:13] <TurBoss> hey
[12:49:37] * hazzy-m 's internet connection sucks
[12:50:21] <Lcvette> Lcvette had shorten fix his finally, is better... I think
[12:51:07] <Lcvette> Spectrum
[12:52:44] -!- Not-97e5 has joined #hazzy
[12:52:44] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 032 commits to 03YAMLMenus [+3/-0/±4] 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/compare/9890250c364c15859d4405a319d7c59c724e545b...94950123ec989a25600b301dc4146394554297e4
[12:52:46] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 0379fe4ab - add support for menu providers
[12:52:47] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 039495012 - add recent files menu provider
[12:54:39] <Lcvette> Turboss I added a few new items to glo I found and hazzy found last night
[12:54:48] <Lcvette> Hope I did it correctly
[12:55:06] <TurBoss> checking
[12:57:31] <TurBoss> probebasic card?
[12:58:44] <Lcvette> Think so
[12:59:05] <Lcvette> It was where the big list was
[12:59:11] <Lcvette> I just added a few items
[12:59:21] <TurBoss> Isee
[12:59:28] <TurBoss> looks good
[12:59:28] <TurBoss> :D
[12:59:35] <Lcvette> I used code
[13:00:09] <Lcvette> - [ ] Item
[13:00:17] <Lcvette> Lol
[13:00:22] <TurBoss> great!
[13:00:32] <Lcvette> I copied your format
[13:04:48] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03YAMLMenus [+0/-0/±1] 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/compare/94950123ec989a25600b301dc4146394554297e4...ee5dab1feb3ad72aec28ccc5310ad17943b47904
[13:04:49] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03ee5dab1 - fix recent files provider path in mini config
[14:46:21] <TurBoss> hazzy: how do I upgrade jcnc to master?
[14:46:25] <TurBoss> refuses to launch
[14:46:38] <TurBoss> ```[qtpyvcp.vcp_launcher][CRITICAL] VCP could not be loaded: /home/turboss/Proyectos/JauriaCNC/jcnc.py (vcp_launcher.py:79)´´´
[14:46:47] <TurBoss> [qtpyvcp.vcp_launcher][CRITICAL] VCP could not be loaded: /home/turboss/Proyectos/JauriaCNC/jcnc.py (vcp_launcher.py:79)´´´
[14:46:49] <TurBoss> meh
[14:47:10] <hazzy-m> more braking changes :(
[14:47:22] <hazzy-m> You can't load a plain py file any more
[14:47:24] <TurBoss> hurray!
[14:47:30] <TurBoss> oh
[14:47:33] <TurBoss> need a yaml?
[14:47:40] <hazzy-m> yes
[14:47:45] <TurBoss> ok
[14:47:54] <hazzy-m> you load from a YAML instead of .py
[14:48:02] <TurBoss> better
[14:48:06] <hazzy-m> look at the new brender config
[14:48:15] <TurBoss> ok I'll stole one from mini or brender
[14:48:39] <TurBoss> ok
[14:48:41] <TurBoss> found it
[14:48:42] <TurBoss> ty
[14:48:51] <hazzy-m> great!
[14:50:02] <hazzy-m> there is also now the `edit_vcp.py` file that set desiner up from the YAML file, with QSS files etc.
[14:50:14] <TurBoss> what!
[14:50:38] <hazzy-m> it is much better!
[14:50:58] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[14:51:10] <TurBoss> xD
[14:51:28] <hazzy-m> haha
[14:52:12] <TurBoss> what is the window provider?
[14:52:17] <TurBoss> provider: brender:MainWindow
[14:52:37] <hazzy-m> it is the python class to use for the main window
[14:52:42] <hazzy-m> it can be any QWidget
[14:52:45] <TurBoss> ah ok
[14:52:57] <TurBoss> Oh idea
[14:53:08] <TurBoss> show icons in the vcp chooser
[14:53:17] <hazzy-m> Yes!!
[14:53:25] <hazzy-m> that would be awesome
[14:53:26] <TurBoss> I'm a genious
[14:53:29] <TurBoss> 🍭
[14:53:31] <hazzy-m> and show the description
[14:53:54] <TurBoss> I haven't look much at vcp chooser internal
[14:53:58] <TurBoss> i trust you
[14:54:01] <TurBoss> :P
[14:54:06] <hazzy-m> it is very simple
[14:54:37] <hazzy-m> ```yaml
[14:54:38] <hazzy-m> vcp:
[14:54:39] <hazzy-m> icon: vcp_icon.png
[14:54:45] <TurBoss> oh
[14:54:58] <hazzy-m> no implemented yet, but I should
[14:55:13] <TurBoss> in the yaml?
[14:55:16] <TurBoss> oh ok
[15:01:32] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07TurBoss created branch 03vcp_yaml_fiter
[15:05:09] <TurBoss> is current YAMLMenus branch broken?
[15:05:32] <hazzy-m> not sure, but probably
[15:05:50] <hazzy-m> I've made a bunch of changes
[15:05:53] <hazzy-m> will push soon
[15:06:00] <TurBoss> I made a commit
[15:06:07] <TurBoss> 🕵
[15:06:26] <TurBoss> I found more breaking
[15:06:52] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[15:06:55] <hazzy-m> thanks for the filter fix!
[15:07:23] <TurBoss> :)
[15:07:31] <hazzy-m> change "channel" in the UI file to "url"
[15:07:54] <TurBoss> ok
[15:08:47] <TurBoss> ok
[15:08:51] <TurBoss> now this one
[15:08:53] <TurBoss> KeyError: u'status.feedrate'
[15:09:26] <hazzy-m> change all `status.*` to `status:*`
[15:09:34] <hazzy-m> sorry :(
[15:09:40] <TurBoss> don't worry
[15:10:34] <TurBoss> and the last one is... !!!
[15:10:43] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[15:10:53] <TurBoss> looks scary
[15:11:14] <hazzy-m> it is!
[15:11:18] <hazzy-m> easy fix
[15:11:23] <TurBoss> ohhh
[15:11:28] <hazzy-m> your loading the UI file twice
[15:11:38] <TurBoss> oh
[15:11:42] <hazzy-m> one in the jcnc.py file
[15:11:47] <hazzy-m> and again in the YAML file
[15:11:49] <TurBoss> yes in the main.py
[15:12:03] <hazzy-m> deled the loadUi in the .py file
[15:12:43] <TurBoss> done
[15:12:56] <TurBoss> and should be fine to remove the qss too?
[15:13:04] <hazzy-m> yes
[15:13:13] <hazzy-m> all comes from the YAML file now
[15:13:20] <TurBoss> great
[15:14:52] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (124KB) < https://matrix.org >
[15:15:02] <TurBoss> new button textures
[15:15:19] <hazzy-m> Hurray!!
[15:15:26] <hazzy-m> looks great
[15:15:39] <TurBoss> ty
[15:16:33] <TurBoss> ok I'll add the work offsets dialog
[15:16:35] <TurBoss> ty !!!
[15:16:45] <TurBoss> ./lau
[15:16:47] <TurBoss> oop
[15:16:48] <TurBoss> s
[15:18:04] <TurBoss> hazzy: should be fine to push to master?
[15:23:20] <hazzy-m> yes
[15:23:34] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07TurBoss pushed 032 commits to 03master [+0/-0/±2] 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/compare/6912f898d09a94b2ddb73f337cde9b80f4b281fd...57004a46b146afe4d21538efb3e7ce56e457c449
[15:23:36] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07TurBoss 031d2ab58 - the same yaml filters but for master
[15:23:37] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07TurBoss 0357004a4 - add yml too
[15:23:45] <TurBoss> great
[15:23:53] <hazzy-m> thanks
[15:24:05] <TurBoss> don't merge the one from the other brancgh
[15:24:11] <TurBoss> I'll remove
[15:24:18] <hazzy-m> ok
[15:25:00] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07TurBoss deleted branch 03vcp_yaml_fiter
[15:25:20] <TurBoss> done
[15:25:25] <TurBoss> hmmm
[15:25:48] <TurBoss> I was thinking about rename gitlab.com/Hazzy to kcjengr ?
[15:25:55] <TurBoss> or fork
[15:26:30] <TurBoss> is kcjengr your name or organization name?
[15:27:44] <hazzy-m> yes, org name
[15:28:21] <hazzy-m> Sure! Hazzy is gone lol
[15:29:45] <TurBoss> but do you approve?
[15:29:56] <TurBoss> doesn't has to be right now
[15:30:23] <hazzy-m> yes!
[15:30:24] <TurBoss> so do you allow me to join kcjengr?
[15:30:34] <TurBoss> what Lcvette thinks?
[15:30:49] <hazzy-m> of course you can join
[15:31:03] <hazzy-m> i'll add you on git hub too
[15:31:12] <Lcvette> ok
[15:31:13] <TurBoss> hurray thank you
[15:31:27] <Lcvette> i dunno what is being discussed
[15:31:28] <Lcvette> lol
[15:31:39] <hazzy-m> KCJ => Kurt Chris and Jose
[15:31:41] <hazzy-m> xD
[15:31:41] <TurBoss> rename gitlab.com/Hazzy to kcjengr
[15:31:44] <Lcvette> but if it means progress yes i vote yes
[15:31:50] <TurBoss> ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[15:31:53] <TurBoss> lol
[15:32:18] <Lcvette> what are we naming the gui?
[15:32:26] <Lcvette> it needs a name still
[15:32:38] <Lcvette> nevermind you guys work
[15:32:42] <Lcvette> lol
[15:33:03] <TurBoss> we are talking to rename the organization of gitlab (HAZZY) to KCJENGR
[15:33:26] <Lcvette> ah
[15:33:33] <Lcvette> sounds good
[15:33:41] <Lcvette> we should name the gui
[15:33:45] <Lcvette> three hour tour
[15:33:50] <Lcvette> xD
[15:33:55] <TurBoss> NPB
[15:37:04] <TurBoss> has all the artwork of ProbeBasic License?
[15:37:35] <Lcvette> did i license it?
[15:37:38] <Lcvette> no
[15:37:48] <TurBoss> CC or someting?
[15:38:01] <hazzy-m> You should
[15:38:23] <Lcvette> yeah?
[15:38:36] <TurBoss> would be fun see that arwork on PP
[15:38:43] <hazzy-m> LOL
[15:38:52] <Lcvette> they could use it
[15:38:59] <Lcvette> it would be a badge of honor
[15:39:14] <TurBoss> sure
[15:39:17] <Lcvette> for tormach to rip stuff from the probe basic
[15:39:28] <Lcvette> they could use it freely
[15:39:39] <TurBoss> then a license for that exist
[15:39:42] <hazzy-m> It really needs a licance, even if it is very permisive
[15:40:03] <Lcvette> sounds like a complicated process
[15:40:06] <TurBoss> that requires PP to show you on the credits
[15:40:33] <Lcvette> i see
[15:40:36] <TurBoss> not jus TM
[15:40:38] <Lcvette> never licensed stuff before
[15:40:38] <TurBoss> *just
[15:40:42] <TurBoss> another company
[15:40:52] <hazzy-m> I asked for the PP source code in person, they would not give it to me ...
[15:40:55] <TurBoss> sek
[15:41:43] <TurBoss> https://creativecommons.org
[15:44:44] <Lcvette> says that if it is licensed that a business entity must own the license
[15:45:01] <Lcvette> seems like more toruble than its worth
[15:45:39] <TurBoss> hmmmm
[15:46:42] <TurBoss> we ave easy we just paste the header in our codes
[15:46:48] <TurBoss> but arworks... duno
[15:46:55] <hazzy-m> anybody can use the CC BY license
[15:47:58] <Lcvette> i say let it be free and unlicensed
[15:48:33] <Lcvette> its not like its exactly a monalisa
[15:48:34] <hazzy-m> That is a license. By default it is not free
[15:48:45] <Lcvette> its pretty standardized representations of objects
[15:49:15] <Lcvette> kinda like saying im gonna license the picture of a circle
[15:49:28] <Lcvette> at least as far as im cocerned
[15:50:44] <TurBoss> we use the GPL that requires that all derivateds must be GPL too
[15:51:16] <TurBoss> is like a virical license
[15:51:19] <TurBoss> in bad words
[15:51:39] <TurBoss> it guarantee the freedom of future versions of the code
[15:51:49] <TurBoss> done by others
[15:52:24] <TurBoss> but we can sell comerical licenses as STMBL does
[15:52:31] <TurBoss> or QT
[15:52:46] <TurBoss> well hazzy can
[15:52:53] <Lcvette> so you mean that it should be licensed to protect its use in the future
[15:53:05] <Lcvette> so someone else doesn't come along and claim it?
[15:53:10] <Lcvette> can they do that?
[15:53:13] <TurBoss> yes
[15:53:18] <Lcvette> even if a timeline can be proven?
[15:53:23] <TurBoss> done by Lcvette tm
[15:53:49] <Lcvette> think it would be difficult to have that stick when the original files are dated
[15:54:02] <Lcvette> proving when what was created first
[15:54:07] <TurBoss> ah
[15:54:31] <TurBoss> you only have to include a License .txt in the pic folder
[15:54:32] <Lcvette> but i could be wrong
[15:55:14] <TurBoss> what do you think? hazzy
[15:55:41] <TurBoss> isn't less the circles is more the work time it took
[15:56:09] <TurBoss> https://creativecommons.org
[15:56:38] <hazzy-m> no, we live in sad times, they can take it if they have enough money. Look what happend to the original EMC name for LinuxCNC, they never registered the EMC name and ended up almost getting sued by EMC for using there name, even though the LCNC use came first
[15:57:04] <TurBoss> sad
[15:57:15] <TurBoss> comapnies rule
[15:58:27] <Lcvette> ah
[15:58:28] <TurBoss> so renisaw could stole your pics and sue you for use in PB lol
[15:58:55] <hazzy-m> I'd use CC BY if you want anybody to be able to use it, or CC SA if you don't want commercial uses
[16:00:53] <TurBoss> it doesn't needs to be now
[16:01:27] <TurBoss> hazzy: can I disable ZERO dialog button until all homed using rules?
[16:02:09] <hazzy-m> should be able to, but the dialog is not a UI file ...
[16:02:10] <hazzy-m> hmm
[16:02:32] <TurBoss> I mean the button itself
[16:03:01] <Lcvette> i don't know if that would effect anything or not
[16:03:11] <TurBoss> no not much
[16:03:13] <hazzy-m> oh, yes!
[16:03:13] <hazzy-m> that sould be easy
[16:03:22] <Lcvette> but i would imagine you need to be homed before zeroing
[16:04:35] <TurBoss> oh
[16:29:57] <TurBoss> hmmm I'm unable to set an image on the dialog button
[16:30:08] <TurBoss> ```
[16:30:20] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[16:31:54] <Lcvette> its because you mispelled button...Boton
[16:32:09] <Lcvette> xD
[16:32:11] <TurBoss> xD
[16:36:56] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (170KB) < https://matrix.org >
[16:37:13] <TurBoss> ok time for the PB checklist
[16:38:12] <hazzy-m> Nice!
[16:38:19] <Lcvette> sweet!
[16:38:20] <TurBoss> 😊
[16:38:24] <Lcvette> looking good Turboss!
[16:39:09] <TurBoss> oh I don't have the font
[16:39:12] <TurBoss> bebas kau
[16:40:05] <Lcvette> what happened to bebas kai?
[16:40:21] <TurBoss> I need it
[16:41:54] <Lcvette> oh boy
[16:42:00] <Lcvette> thats from a long time ago
[16:42:13] <Lcvette> trying to remember
[16:42:24] <TurBoss> can you upload it?
[16:42:32] <TurBoss> under .local/share/fonts
[16:43:31] <hazzy-m> yes, it should be included I think
[16:43:39] <hazzy-m> setup.py can install it
[16:43:40] <hazzy-m> https://github.com
[16:45:01] <TurBoss> now looks good y
[16:45:05] <TurBoss> ty**
[16:45:45] <Lcvette> i was trying but it kept saying unknown command
[16:45:49] <Lcvette> oh great
[16:45:52] <Lcvette> you have it
[16:45:54] <Lcvette> ?
[16:45:57] <TurBoss> yes yes
[16:46:15] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (60KB) < https://matrix.org >
[16:47:22] * Lcvette posted a file: BebasKai.ttf?raw=true (45KB) < https://matrix.org >
[16:47:29] <Lcvette> i did it
[16:47:34] <Lcvette> i figured it out anyhow
[16:47:38] <Lcvette> lol
[16:47:48] <Lcvette> had to use the upload arrow not copy and paste
[16:47:48] <TurBoss> :D
[16:49:42] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: I need some kind of char sequence for designating values to interpolate in the in the YAML files
[16:49:43] <hazzy-m> I tried using "[" but YAML thinks its a list
[16:49:44] <hazzy-m> Do you have any ideas?
[16:50:05] <hazzy-m> maybe I'll use '<" and '>'
[16:50:06] <hazzy-m> `< section.item.value >`
[16:50:14] <hazzy-m> but that is uggly
[16:50:24] <TurBoss> what?
[16:50:28] <Lcvette> $$
[16:50:30] <TurBoss> interpolatie?
[16:50:48] <hazzy-m> get values from other sections in the YAML file
[16:50:48] <Lcvette> dolla dolla bills yall
[16:50:58] <TurBoss> lol
[16:51:05] <TurBoss> ahhhh
[16:51:29] <TurBoss> can be done inside the python?
[16:51:36] <TurBoss> or has to be in the yaml?
[16:51:40] <TurBoss> i have no idea
[16:51:44] * hazzy-m sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[16:51:48] <hazzy-m> hmm
[16:51:52] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (54KB) < https://matrix.org >
[16:52:01] <Lcvette> which one do i double click?
[16:53:50] <TurBoss> top
[16:54:16] <TurBoss> hazzy: oh I see
[16:54:28] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[16:54:33] <Lcvette> busted again
[16:54:55] <hazzy-m> Oops
[16:55:10] <Lcvette> i vlivked the llama
[16:55:13] <Lcvette> clicked
[16:55:14] <hazzy-m> objectName shadowing a method name
[16:56:06] <TurBoss> Lcvette: top master
[16:56:35] <Lcvette> origin master or turboss master
[16:56:43] <TurBoss> doesn't matter
[16:56:45] <TurBoss> origin
[16:58:18] <Lcvette> ok it works again
[16:59:11] <TurBoss> hazzy: who access qtdesigner:
[17:01:15] <hazzy-m> what do you mean?
[17:01:32] <TurBoss> sek
[17:02:32] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03YAMLMenus [+0/-0/±4] 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/compare/ee5dab1feb3ad72aec28ccc5310ad17943b47904...76deef4b9586c688fabe3716f4c397cfc79d76e9
[17:02:34] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 0376deef4 - better YAML file templating
[17:03:53] <TurBoss> nothing you fond it?
[17:04:12] <hazzy-m> oh sorry!
[17:04:36] <hazzy-m> qtdesigner entyr is only used to tell QtDesigner what file to load
[17:05:16] <TurBoss> you can launch yaml from qtdesigner?
[17:05:20] <hazzy-m> I ended up using ( ) for the interpolation tags
[17:05:25] <hazzy-m> seems to work ok
[17:05:34] <hazzy-m> you can launch QtDesigner from YAML
[17:06:17] <hazzy-m> the qtdesigner section is used by edit_vcp.py
[17:08:17] <TurBoss> then you could just acces windows.mainwindow.kwargs.uifile from edit_vcp.py?
[17:08:21] <TurBoss> *access
[17:08:34] <hazzy-m> yes
[17:08:42] <hazzy-m> but that was just an example
[17:09:02] <hazzy-m> you can also accsess ini file values etc. in the YAML files
[17:09:15] <TurBoss> oh
[17:09:27] <TurBoss> so...
[17:09:31] <hazzy-m> ```
[17:09:32] <hazzy-m> mainwindow:
[17:09:32] <hazzy-m> title: ( ini.machine.name )
[17:09:42] <TurBoss> you evaluate the yaml items like python
[17:09:47] <hazzy-m> yes
[17:09:50] <TurBoss> ahhhhhhh
[17:10:31] <TurBoss> looks hacky lol
[17:10:51] <hazzy-m> can also do loops and stuff to build the homming menus {% for axis in ini.traj.coordinates %} add menu entry
[17:11:21] <TurBoss> amazinfg
[17:11:38] <TurBoss> afk 5 min
[17:11:48] <hazzy-m> I'm, using the templating engine that comes with the YAML parser
[17:27:05] <TurBoss> ohhhhhhhhh
[17:27:06] <TurBoss> nice
[17:37:19] <TurBoss> I'm just trying to get the ATC thing to work on latest master
[17:37:32] <TurBoss> but qtpy seems to not implement QtQuickWidgets
[17:37:53] <hazzy-m> oh no!
[17:37:57] <hazzy-m> that is not good
[17:38:03] <hazzy-m> well have to add it
[17:38:12] <TurBoss> yes
[17:38:23] <hazzy-m> for now just import from PyQt5
[17:38:33] <TurBoss> okey
[17:38:33] <hazzy-m> I'll open a PR to PyQt
[17:38:42] <hazzy-m> they are very quick to accept them
[17:39:08] <TurBoss> do you know how to deal with that?
[17:39:42] <hazzy-m> with PyQt? yes
[17:39:55] <hazzy-m> I had to add the QtOpenGL widgets
[17:39:55] <TurBoss> qtpy?
[17:40:09] <hazzy-m> I mean qtpy
[17:40:18] <TurBoss> ok
[17:41:29] <hazzy-m> PySIde2 seems to have them: https://doc-snapshots.qt.io
[17:48:55] <jthornton> what is a qtquickwidget?
[17:49:28] <hazzy-m> it is a very fast widget, usually it is red
[17:49:58] <hazzy-m> it is a QWidget that lets you use QML within within a QWidgets based app
[17:50:01] <TurBoss> ? lol
[17:50:15] <hazzy-m> :D
[18:14:15] <Lcvette> flash widget
[18:14:19] <Lcvette> hahahaha
[18:14:24] <Lcvette> batman widget
[18:14:37] <Lcvette> superman widget
[19:50:20] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (7KB) < https://matrix.org >
[19:50:44] <Lcvette> for these two boxes, they would be mdi type lines
[19:50:56] <Lcvette> i think
[19:51:07] <Lcvette> but might need some special sauce
[19:51:18] <Lcvette> hazzy or turboss
[19:53:23] <Lcvette> thoughts?
[19:53:32] <Lcvette> they are basically S word and F word
[19:53:48] <Lcvette> but would be overwritten with program
[19:54:23] <Lcvette> son when program ends, need a way for this boxes value to become the active F and S
[19:55:52] <Lcvette> or I guess whatever the commanded F word or S word is could show in the white box
[19:56:16] <Lcvette> and then the actual moving number could display in the gray boxes?
[19:56:19] <Lcvette> thoughts?
[19:57:01] <Lcvette> or ideally, whatever F or S word is entered in MDI diosplays here but also whatever is entered here is entered in the mdi
[19:57:04] <Lcvette> ?
[19:57:13] <Lcvette> im getting confused thinking about it
[19:57:23] <hazzy-m> lol, so am I
[19:58:29] <hazzy-m> there are two values, the interpreter values (set from gcode) and the actual values with overrides etc. applied
[19:58:49] <hazzy-m> which do you want those to show?
[20:00:57] <Lcvette> The white boxes should show the base
[20:01:04] <Lcvette> The entered values
[20:01:14] <Lcvette> The great boxes should be actual
[20:01:23] <Lcvette> Gray
[20:01:51] <Lcvette> Ie, actual spindle rpm and actual feed rate
[20:02:14] <Lcvette> So they will be moving alot
[20:03:08] <Lcvette> But I also like how on msm, those boxes also are inputs
[20:03:39] <Lcvette> But also show the program F and S word
[20:04:07] <Lcvette> So if I have a:
[20:04:59] <Lcvette> G1 F120 x21.0000 y7.0000
[20:05:23] <Lcvette> It will display a 120.0 in the white box
[20:05:50] <Lcvette> But I can also enter a value in the white box when no program is loaded for jogging purposes etc
[20:19:57] <hazzy-m> ok, that should be doable
[20:30:07] <Lcvette> Sweet
[20:30:34] <Lcvette> But if it's too much trouble, just making it the command value would be fine too
[22:59:16] <hazzy-m> changes looks good
[22:59:29] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/compare/57004a46b146afe4d21538efb3e7ce56e457c449...a1f7c04744cf1963fc94bf6f6ba6454a10cb70a3
[22:59:31] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Lcvette 03a1f7c04 - made adjustments to pages for better fitment of new layout
[23:00:50] <Lcvette> Thanks!
[23:01:47] <Lcvette> Starting to really come together
[23:02:11] <hazzy-m> it realy is
[23:07:02] <Lcvette> Let me know if anything jumps out I need to correct
[23:24:39] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03YAMLMenus [+0/-0/±3] 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/compare/76deef4b9586c688fabe3716f4c397cfc79d76e9...395f48dfec39af953b896cf7419e07ef65abdd21
[23:24:40] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03395f48d - clean up menu loading in main_window.py