#hazzy | Logs for 2018-12-13
[00:00:00] <hazzy-m> night, thanks for spending the time to play with with QtPyVCP and the bug reports!
[00:25:02] <Lcvette> Turboss hurray he has awoken
[00:25:23] <TurBoss> hey
[00:25:42] <TurBoss> sorry my day cycle is broken
[00:25:56] <hazzy-m> night cycle
[00:25:58] <Lcvette> You are on a different schedule
[00:25:58] <hazzy-m> lol
[00:26:02] <hazzy-m> hello!
[00:26:08] <TurBoss> hi
[00:26:24] <TurBoss> just acceped your invitation
[00:26:29] <TurBoss> to the github
[00:26:36] <hazzy-m> hurray!
[00:26:41] <Lcvette> Hurray
[00:27:12] <TurBoss> some news out there?
[00:27:34] <hazzy-m> and new way to edit VCPs
[00:27:41] <hazzy-m> `editvcp mini`
[00:27:49] <TurBoss> wut?
[00:28:09] <hazzy-m> it launches deisnger with QSS and UI all set up
[00:28:09] <Lcvette> I updated linux
[00:28:21] <Lcvette> xD
[00:28:29] <TurBoss> great!
[00:28:36] <Lcvette> Lol
[00:28:50] <Lcvette> I installed video software
[00:28:52] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: Not as scarry as windows updates, no?
[00:29:10] <Lcvette> I Dino wineries does it on its own
[00:29:21] <Lcvette> Dunno*
[00:29:25] <Lcvette> Windows
[00:29:32] <hazzy-m> thin Lcvette has had to much to drink
[00:29:33] <TurBoss> flinstones
[00:29:58] * TurBoss reboots to lcnc
[00:30:04] <Lcvette> Is my tablet keyboard, it doesn't recognize my patterns yet
[00:31:57] * TurBoss is back
[00:37:45] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (18KB) < https://matrix.org >
[00:38:02] <TurBoss> I get this wen runing editvcp
[00:38:16] <TurBoss> also missing qss
[00:38:20] <TurBoss> or not found
[00:38:32] <TurBoss> editvcp jcnc.yml
[00:38:33] <hazzy-m> what does the YAML qtdesigner entry look like?
[00:39:15] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[00:40:20] * hazzy-m sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[00:40:49] <hazzy-m> I changed the format, sorry
[00:40:54] <TurBoss> hhehehe
[00:40:59] <TurBoss> ok no problem
[00:41:01] <Lcvette> Is busted?
[00:41:12] <Lcvette> I broke it?
[00:41:36] <Lcvette> I used to m many kwargs?
[00:42:39] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (21KB) < https://matrix.org >
[00:42:41] <TurBoss> :P
[00:42:51] <hazzy-m> better!
[00:42:53] <hazzy-m> lol
[00:43:11] <TurBoss> editvcp jcnc.yml
[00:44:04] <hazzy-m> Oh, your on master branch!
[00:44:08] <TurBoss> ah
[00:44:09] <TurBoss> o
[00:44:09] <hazzy-m> sorry
[00:44:21] <TurBoss> I need to checkout YAMLMenus?
[00:44:23] <hazzy-m> hmmm
[00:44:27] <hazzy-m> no
[00:44:32] <Lcvette> Turboss when you have some free time can you make the tool table sort by tool number?
[00:44:51] <TurBoss> sure
[00:44:51] <hazzy-m> shoud be ok
[00:44:52] <hazzy-m> does `editvcp mini` work?
[00:44:58] <TurBoss> yes
[00:45:21] <TurBoss> > does `editvcp mini` work?
[00:45:22] <TurBoss> yes
[00:45:42] <TurBoss> jcnc is on a separated project
[00:45:42] <hazzy-m> ok, than what you had before should have worked too
[00:45:52] <hazzy-m> that should be ok
[00:46:07] <TurBoss> no worries
[00:46:23] <TurBoss> I'll try to fix the tooltable
[00:47:07] <hazzy-m> can you paste the whole YAML file?
[00:47:45] <TurBoss> yes
[00:48:25] <TurBoss> http://dpaste.com
[00:50:17] <Lcvette> Hurray!
[00:53:02] <hazzy-m> thanks
[00:55:06] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 032 commits to 03master [+0/-0/±2] 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/compare/cb629e9047dfc1355b32cafa9abf56be90443c5d...d6fa87b40f64532a61922a76298a32903c4ea6be
[00:55:08] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03076a258 - editvcp: check LCNC version and give error it not 2.8~pre
[00:55:09] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03d6fa87b - setup.py: include *.qrc files in install
[01:02:56] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: image.png (228KB) < https://matrix.org >
[01:02:58] <hazzy-m> fixed
[01:03:01] <hazzy-m> i think
[01:03:50] <TurBoss> great!
[01:03:52] <TurBoss> ty
[01:09:16] -!- emilvv has joined #hazzy
[01:09:53] -!- emilvv has quit [Client Quit]
[01:11:06] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/compare/d6fa87b40f64532a61922a76298a32903c4ea6be...e3be6607955dbc66393e5c707d0ddab4f04eef7c
[01:11:07] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03e3be660 - use absolute file paths for expanding vars in YAML files
[01:11:45] <hazzy-m> your original YAML file should work now
[01:12:05] <hazzy-m> editvcp mini
[01:12:27] <hazzy-m> editvcp jcnc.yml
[01:13:07] <TurBoss> okey!
[01:13:43] <TurBoss> hmmm
[01:13:45] <TurBoss> seems no
[01:13:54] <TurBoss> don't worry
[01:13:58] <TurBoss> tomorrow
[01:14:10] <hazzy-m> ok
[01:14:12] <hazzy-m> gn8
[05:48:30] <jthornton> morning
[05:49:36] <TurBoss> yo
[05:49:37] <TurBoss> morning
[06:39:38] <jthornton> you guys have too much fun with this
[06:40:23] <TurBoss> :)
[08:45:43] -!- JT-Shop has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[08:46:56] -!- JT-Shop has joined #hazzy
[09:19:07] <Lcvette> morning
[09:19:11] <Lcvette> xD
[09:19:20] <TurBoss> lol
[09:19:27] <TurBoss> talking about the king
[09:19:56] <Lcvette> the king?
[09:20:26] <TurBoss> lol another
[09:20:41] <TurBoss> in spain we say
[09:20:54] <TurBoss> "talking about the king of rome"
[09:20:57] <hazzy-m> <TurBoss ":)"> Morning
[09:21:10] <TurBoss> when you are talking about someone and just apears
[09:21:12] <hazzy-m> Oops
[09:21:27] <TurBoss> Morning
[09:21:44] <TurBoss> good news
[09:21:53] <TurBoss> qtdesigner doesn't launch for me :D
[09:22:05] <hazzy-m> We say 'talking of the devil' here
[09:22:07] <hazzy-m> Lol
[09:22:21] <TurBoss> true same here too
[09:22:48] <Lcvette> i see no talk of me
[09:22:58] <hazzy-m> Does it give any errors?
[09:23:21] <Lcvette> must be from your privte chat session
[09:23:24] <Lcvette> i see
[09:23:29] <Lcvette> lcvette feels excluded
[09:23:31] <Lcvette> :(
[09:23:36] <TurBoss> yes
[09:23:37] <TurBoss> sek
[09:23:54] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[09:26:44] <TurBoss> ok I have to go
[09:26:47] <TurBoss> latter
[09:26:47] <TurBoss> !
[10:28:38] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 033 commits to 03master [+0/-0/±3] 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/compare/e3be6607955dbc66393e5c707d0ddab4f04eef7c...8791ae61082619849925ba160d6e65e0a49b92e8
[10:28:39] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03199ad5e - ProbeBasic: remove extra G52 offset DROs
[10:28:41] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03395a4ef - ProbeBasic: Power and E-Stop buttons checkable
[10:28:42] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 038791ae6 - fix launch_designer.sh log level bug
[10:28:56] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: Fixed
[10:33:15] <Roguish> hazzy-m: what ya doing to the E-Stop and Power buttons?
[10:34:26] <hazzy-m> just made them indicate the state they are in by making them checkable
[10:34:36] <hazzy-m> so estop it red and power is green when active
[10:35:44] <Roguish> that's sort of what I wanted to do. some things like those NEED to be really obvious. from across the shop.
[10:44:27] <Lcvette> Hurray!
[10:51:45] <Lcvette> We don't need g52?
[10:52:27] <hazzy-m> G52 and G92 change the same offsets
[10:52:33] <hazzy-m> so I combined them
[10:53:07] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: image.png (10KB) < https://matrix.org >
[10:58:15] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/compare/8791ae61082619849925ba160d6e65e0a49b92e8...0343b1bfb02f67edc4ba29369a76c09740c1c22f
[10:58:17] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 030343b1b - select active work coord at startup
[11:02:45] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson created branch 03master
[11:03:22] <Lcvette> Ah cool
[11:03:44] <TurBoss> alcohol
[11:03:51] <TurBoss> :P
[11:04:02] <hazzy-m> LOL
[11:04:07] <Lcvette> Hahaha
[11:04:14] <Lcvette> Turboss!
[11:04:20] * TurBoss is bored
[11:04:22] <TurBoss> :D
[11:04:31] <Lcvette> Did you fix that tool table?
[11:04:55] <TurBoss> not yet
[11:05:04] <TurBoss> asked on #freenode_#pyqt:matrix.org
[11:05:16] <TurBoss> got an answer but I need to go home
[11:06:35] <Lcvette> Sort on the tool number column doesn't work?
[11:07:22] <TurBoss> not yet
[11:07:44] <Lcvette> I mean the table widget rule
[11:07:59] <Lcvette> I only bagel remember reading about it
[11:08:06] <Lcvette> Vaguely
[11:08:07] <TurBoss> there is no widget
[11:08:13] <Lcvette> Or bagel
[11:08:13] <TurBoss> or yes?
[11:08:18] <TurBoss> duno
[11:08:23] <TurBoss> could you try?
[11:08:24] <Lcvette> Lol
[11:08:27] <TurBoss> i'm away
[11:08:41] <Lcvette> No widget?
[11:08:59] <TurBoss> try that you said
[11:09:00] <Lcvette> You want lcvette to go into the code?
[11:09:10] <TurBoss> on designer
[11:09:18] <Lcvette> Ok
[11:09:20] <TurBoss> the tooltable properties
[11:09:21] <Lcvette> On designer
[11:09:25] <Lcvette> Ok
[11:09:32] <Lcvette> I will
[11:09:35] <TurBoss> ok
[11:09:40] <Lcvette> Are you going home too?
[11:09:47] <Lcvette> Where are you?
[11:09:47] <TurBoss> no
[11:09:52] * hazzy-m enabled sorting in the tooltable
[11:09:53] <Lcvette> In the club?
[11:10:03] <TurBoss> I'm on a friend house
[11:10:14] <TurBoss> does it work?
[11:10:19] <Lcvette> Hazzy did it?
[11:10:51] <Lcvette> Hurray!
[11:10:57] <Lcvette> Hazzy is banging shit out!
[11:11:02] <hazzy-m> do, the arrow is there but it does not do anything :(
[11:11:07] <hazzy-m> no*
[11:11:41] <TurBoss> have you tried the proxything? QSortFilterProxyModel
[11:11:47] <Lcvette> Give me 20, I'm finishing up an order to go out then free
[11:11:54] <Lcvette> I'll help
[11:12:28] <hazzy-m> I'll try the QSortFilterProxyModel
[11:12:33] <TurBoss> ty
[11:23:41] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 032 commits to 03master [+0/-0/±2] 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/compare/563b11fa5ba2b870396481be30311f43e19b4358...5c87740767e9234bb6467b5663a1675356037713
[11:23:42] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 033f22133 - fix designer crash when no default rule property defined for widget
[11:23:44] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 035c87740 - add default rule property for LEDButton
[11:24:51] <hazzy-m> Roguish: Designer crash with the LEDButton should be fixed
[12:15:20] <Lcvette> it was a hazzy 20 minutes
[12:15:20] <Lcvette> lol
[12:15:44] <hazzy-m> hahaha
[12:16:47] <Lcvette> xD
[12:18:06] <Lcvette> lcvette goes to the kraken excited like a kid on christmas morning to see the new updates
[12:25:46] <Lcvette> saweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[12:25:57] <Lcvette> i noticed everythng you did!
[12:26:24] <Lcvette> :D
[12:26:36] <hazzy-m> better? the WC buttons updating it the biggest improvement I think
[12:27:36] <Lcvette> updating?
[12:27:54] <Lcvette> you mean staying synched from page to page?
[12:28:11] <hazzy-m> you used to have to click on one of the WC buttons to get it to register when first starting probebasic
[12:28:14] <Lcvette> probe and offsets page
[12:28:19] <Lcvette> ah yes
[12:28:22] <Lcvette> on initial startup
[12:30:12] <Lcvette> its wonderful!
[12:30:56] <Lcvette> 1
[12:51:32] <Lcvette> hazzy: can you think of any good use for the axis buttons in the main control panel window?
[12:51:46] <Lcvette> or should they become just indicators?
[12:51:54] <Lcvette> like in the offsets page?
[13:11:20] <Lcvette> hazzy: yo
[13:11:25] <Lcvette> question
[13:11:42] <Lcvette> trying to figure out how to use the dstatuslabel widget
[13:12:16] <hazzy-m> You have to use the rules editor
[13:12:34] <Lcvette> where do i access that again?
[13:12:51] <hazzy-m> double click on the widget
[13:12:59] <hazzy-m> and it should pop up
[13:13:14] <Lcvette> ah ha
[13:13:57] <Lcvette> if i copied a widget, and i remove a rule from the copied widghet does it leave the original alone?
[13:14:05] <Lcvette> or will it mess with it?
[13:15:58] <Lcvette> ius there a list of available channels to choose from?
[13:16:18] <Lcvette> or expressions?
[13:16:49] <hazzy-m> no, it won't change the other widget
[13:17:26] <hazzy-m> Yes, almost all of the linuxcnc.status atrubutes are fair game, but I need to compile a list
[13:17:37] <hazzy-m> what data are you looking for?
[13:18:00] <Lcvette> just tinkering trying to see if I can figure out how to bring in the commanded Fword and Sword
[13:18:23] <hazzy-m> Ok!
[13:18:24] <Lcvette> for the spindle readout section bottom right area
[13:18:59] <Lcvette> i made them statuslabels instead opf the qlineedits
[13:19:00] <hazzy-m> try:`status:settings[2]` for speed
[13:19:32] <hazzy-m> try:status:settings[1] for feed
[13:20:20] <hazzy-m> those will be the interpretrt setting, e.r. the values set by the F and S wors in the gcode file
[13:21:22] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (32KB) < https://matrix.org >
[13:22:18] <Lcvette> not sure how to use this thing
[13:22:22] <Lcvette> not very friendly
[13:22:40] <Lcvette> sure it is once you do it one time
[13:22:57] <Lcvette> but right now nothing seems to make sense
[13:22:58] <Lcvette> lol
[13:23:49] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: image.png (32KB) < https://matrix.org >
[13:25:15] <hazzy-m> it needs some work for sure
[13:25:32] <Lcvette> do i need to know the expression?
[13:25:33] <hazzy-m> I plan on making everything selectable by drop down menues, which should help a lot
[13:25:45] <Lcvette> or does it auto generate it?
[13:26:12] <hazzy-m> you need to know it, but it is not complicated
[13:26:24] <hazzy-m> instead of what I put in there try
[13:26:36] <hazzy-m> str( ch[0][1] )
[13:27:04] <hazzy-m> ch[0] gets the value from the first channel
[13:27:22] <hazzy-m> which is a tuple of values
[13:27:33] <hazzy-m> (sequence, feed, speed)
[13:27:44] <hazzy-m> you want the second value which is feed
[13:28:14] <hazzy-m> so ch[0][1] gets the value of the first chan and take the second item if that which it the feedrate
[13:28:26] <hazzy-m> that it a float
[13:28:27] <hazzy-m> number
[13:28:44] <hazzy-m> you need text, since that is all a button can show
[13:28:51] <hazzy-m> so convert the number to a string
[13:29:09] <hazzy-m> and `str( ch[0][1] )` is what you end up with
[13:29:49] <hazzy-m> that will show a very long number in the entry
[13:29:58] <Lcvette> (((((( 🙂 )))))))
[13:30:06] <hazzy-m> LOL
[13:30:33] <Lcvette> head exploded
[13:31:09] <hazzy-m> try putting things into the expression one by one
[13:31:19] <hazzy-m> that might help see what is going on
[13:31:25] <hazzy-m> start with just ch[0]
[13:31:30] <Lcvette> you are working on the assumption i understand the basics of this
[13:31:41] <Lcvette> ok
[13:31:50] <Lcvette> explain like this maybe
[13:32:12] <hazzy-m> hit save, what does it tell you?
[13:32:12] <Lcvette> ch[0] = ?
[13:32:19] <Lcvette> ch[1] = ?
[13:32:25] <Lcvette> ch[2] = ?
[13:32:30] <Lcvette> str = ?
[13:32:30] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: image.png (31KB) < https://matrix.org >
[13:32:42] <hazzy-m> just like that
[13:33:09] <Lcvette> im trying to understand the relationship of the formula or code
[13:33:49] <Lcvette> so first need to understand the variables
[13:34:41] <hazzy-m> `ch` stands for channels, it is a list of all the channels entered for each rules
[13:34:44] <Lcvette> otherwise its looks like this to me: yh87y887g[&^%]+78789
[13:35:59] <hazzy-m> right now it looks like this `ch = [(sequence, feed, speed), ]
[13:36:14] <hazzy-m> thinks in [ ] are a list in python
[13:36:23] <Lcvette> ok does rule name tie to something specific?
[13:36:26] <hazzy-m> things in ( ) are a tuple
[13:36:54] <Lcvette> or is that just made up as we go?
[13:36:55] <hazzy-m> No, rule name id just for you to keep track of what the rule does
[13:37:03] <Lcvette> ok
[13:37:22] <Lcvette> ch = the channel number in the list in the window
[13:37:34] <Lcvette> ch[x]
[13:38:01] <hazzy-m> ch is a list of the values off all the channels, to get the specifig value of a channel you do ch[chan_num]
[13:38:02] <hazzy-m> yes
[13:38:32] <hazzy-m> so here ch[0] = (sequence, feed, speed)
[13:38:35] <Lcvette> so when i add a channel in the box and it gives me a "0" desugnator
[13:38:38] <hazzy-m> which is a tuple
[13:38:43] <hazzy-m> basicaly a list
[13:38:57] <hazzy-m> yes
[13:39:12] <hazzy-m> if you add a second channel you can get it's value with ch[1]
[13:39:30] <Lcvette> then in expressions i write ch[0] i am referring to the channel above in the box
[13:39:44] <hazzy-m> exactly
[13:40:00] <Lcvette> this way if i add multiple channels i am building variables with which to write an expression
[13:40:09] <hazzy-m> yes
[13:40:23] <Lcvette> you need to explain it like that
[13:40:43] <Lcvette> the dumb dumb way
[13:40:46] <Lcvette> 1st grade
[13:40:51] <Lcvette> lol
[13:41:23] <hazzy-m> lol, I try. this is why I stopped teaching engineering classed xD
[13:41:42] <Lcvette> so in the expression
[13:41:44] <Lcvette> str( ch[0][1] )
[13:42:00] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (32KB) < https://matrix.org >
[13:42:20] <Lcvette> there is no ch[1] in the window
[13:42:45] <Lcvette> does that mean we need to add another channel?
[13:42:50] <hazzy-m> no
[13:43:10] <hazzy-m> it goes in order left to right, to
[13:43:34] <hazzy-m> ch[0] is evaluaded to (seqquence, feed, speed)
[13:43:57] <hazzy-m> then (sequence, feed, speed)[1] is evaluaded to feed
[13:44:10] <hazzy-m> and then since it is all in ( )
[13:44:31] <hazzy-m> str( feed ) is evaluaded to a text version of the number
[13:44:46] <Lcvette> ok i understand
[13:45:19] <Lcvette> but i don't know how i would know that ch[0][1] is feed and speed
[13:45:42] <TurBoss> Note for me here ###############################################
[13:45:43] <Lcvette> unless that is the list you need to compile
[13:46:02] <TurBoss> so latter I can search for this msg
[13:46:20] <Lcvette> turboss go home
[13:46:26] <Lcvette> xD
[13:46:30] <TurBoss> I'm AT
[13:46:31] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: you can find that out here: http://linuxcnc.org
[13:46:32] <Lcvette> so you can play with us
[13:46:39] <hazzy-m> search for settings
[13:46:48] <TurBoss> I'm playing with nazis and comunist
[13:46:49] <TurBoss> s
[13:46:53] <hazzy-m> LOL
[13:46:59] <TurBoss> Company of heros 2
[13:47:01] <hazzy-m> fun!
[13:47:05] <TurBoss> da
[13:49:21] <Lcvette> I don't see where it gives the ch number
[13:49:34] <Lcvette> to correlate to the item i would be looking for
[13:51:40] <hazzy-m> " settings
[13:51:41] <hazzy-m> (returns tuple of floats) - current interpreter settings. settings[0] = sequence number, settings[1] = feed rate, settings[2] = speed.
[13:51:42] <hazzy-m> "
[13:51:52] <hazzy-m> settings
[13:51:52] <hazzy-m> (returns tuple of floats) - current interpreter settings. settings[0] = sequence number, settings[1] = feed rate, settings[2] = speed.
[13:52:10] <hazzy-m> ````settings
[13:52:11] <hazzy-m> (returns tuple of floats) - current interpreter settings. settings[0] = sequence number, settings[1] = feed rate, settings[2] = speed.
[13:52:17] <hazzy-m> darn it
[13:52:20] <hazzy-m> LOL
[13:52:25] * hazzy-m sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[13:52:29] <hazzy-m> there
[13:52:47] <hazzy-m> from the linuxcnc docs
[13:52:59] <hazzy-m> I know it could be a lot clearer ..
[13:53:41] <Lcvette> im still looking for that
[13:53:45] <Lcvette> in the docs
[13:54:10] <hazzy-m> it's about a third of the way down
[13:55:33] <Lcvette> duh i was looking under feedrate
[13:55:37] <Lcvette> foiund it under settings
[13:56:22] <Lcvette> ok, so are those the only two things you can pull out?
[13:56:39] <hazzy-m> yes
[13:56:44] <Lcvette> ok
[13:56:55] <hazzy-m> well, what do you mean?
[13:57:23] <hazzy-m> you can use almost any of the things listed on theat docs page
[13:57:37] <hazzy-m> status:program_units
[13:57:40] <hazzy-m> etc.
[13:59:47] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (33KB) < https://matrix.org >
[14:00:15] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (33KB) < https://matrix.org >
[14:00:22] <Lcvette> hurray?
[14:00:35] <hazzy-m> hurray!
[14:00:39] <hazzy-m> you have it!
[14:00:43] <Lcvette> HURRAY!
[14:00:50] <Lcvette> ok i have it for this
[14:01:11] <Lcvette> but i have no clue how to do anything for another one if needed because i don't see ch{x} for them
[14:01:18] <Lcvette> ch[x]
[14:02:17] <hazzy-m> the x just refers to the channel number of the channels you have added
[14:02:31] <hazzy-m> it is the value of the number in the left of the channel table
[14:02:44] <Lcvette> for instace, i toyed with the idea of making the "WORK" header label for the dro's in the main window display the active offset.. ie G54 WORK
[14:03:03] <hazzy-m> sure!
[14:03:07] <Lcvette> but i don't see any ch representation for offset?
[14:03:34] <hazzy-m> the channel name shoulf be: `status:g5x_index?text`
[14:04:10] <hazzy-m> the expression should be: `ch[0] + WORK`
[14:04:41] <hazzy-m> sorry: `ch[0] + ' WORK'`
[14:04:53] <Lcvette> `?
[14:05:01] <Lcvette> or no `
[14:05:05] <hazzy-m> `ch[0] + ' WORK'`
[14:05:15] <hazzy-m> I turned markdown off, sorry
[14:05:28] <hazzy-m> no `
[14:05:42] <hazzy-m> `status:g5x_index?text`
[14:06:14] <hazzy-m> if you just did `status:g5x_index` it would be the WCO number rather than the test like G55
[14:06:30] <hazzy-m> ok, I have to run
[14:06:31] <hazzy-m> bbl
[14:06:32] <Lcvette> ah i see
[14:06:46] <Lcvette> glad we did this one because i didn't quite have a grasp until we did
[14:06:58] <Lcvette> ok
[14:06:59] <Lcvette> thx!
[14:07:04] <Lcvette> i will play
[14:07:14] <Lcvette> be prepared to fix things upon your return
[14:07:16] <Lcvette> :D
[14:07:20] <Lcvette> lol
[14:13:59] <Lcvette> Hurray!!!! they work!!! all of them work perfectly!!! I am soo happy!!
[14:14:19] <Lcvette> turboss
[14:14:31] <Lcvette> back to work!
[14:14:33] <Lcvette> lol
[14:14:50] <Lcvette> don't make me put parental controls on your xbox
[14:14:56] <Lcvette> hahahah
[14:15:01] <Lcvette> xD
[14:23:17] * TurBoss uploaded an image: VectorImage_2018-12-13_082307.jpg (97KB) < https://matrix.org >
[14:23:21] <TurBoss> Loosing
[14:23:53] <Lcvette> hurry up and squash the nazis
[14:24:29] <hazzy-m> Lcvette hurray!
[14:24:36] <Lcvette> HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
[14:24:41] <Lcvette> it works awesome!!!!
[14:24:49] <Lcvette> now it really is looking like a working gui
[14:25:24] <Lcvette> i had a thought
[14:25:56] <Lcvette> any reason we can't just copy the tool offset dro from the offsets page to the length spot?
[14:26:17] <Lcvette> it seems to display the tool length offset
[14:26:29] <Lcvette> ?
[14:26:37] <Lcvette> seems like an easy solution
[14:31:23] <Lcvette> hazzy: ?
[14:39:10] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (36KB) < https://matrix.org >
[14:40:13] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (36KB) < https://matrix.org >
[14:41:12] <Lcvette> anything jump out as to why the length offset isn't displaying?
[14:41:24] <Lcvette> 2fsupposed to be 3f?
[14:49:09] * hazzy-m is back
[14:50:23] <hazzy-m> LOL
[14:50:28] <hazzy-m> found the problem
[14:50:31] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: image.png (56KB) < https://matrix.org >
[14:50:35] <Lcvette> yeah?
[14:50:41] <hazzy-m> there all X
[14:50:42] <hazzy-m> xD
[14:50:56] <hazzy-m> copy paste error
[14:51:06] <Lcvette> whoops
[14:51:19] <Lcvette> i was just in the process of copying the rule from the tool offset dro
[14:51:29] <Lcvette> lol
[14:51:41] <Lcvette> status:tool_offset
[14:51:43] <Lcvette> tuple
[14:52:52] <Lcvette> probably good we found that though huh
[14:52:54] <Lcvette> lol
[14:53:09] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/compare/5c87740767e9234bb6467b5663a1675356037713...14770d5b0637b5f5ef632d7ba7fe487b0442b509
[14:53:10] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 0314770d5 - plugins: make tooltable offset getters return the right values
[14:54:55] <Lcvette> you need to merge them now
[14:55:04] <Lcvette> i pushed mine
[14:55:44] <Lcvette> i also checked a button in the tool table that said allow sorting
[14:56:03] <Lcvette> but it didn't allow sorting but didn't get a chance to investigate further before my push
[15:09:18] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 034 commits to 03master [+8/-0/±8] 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/compare/14770d5b0637b5f5ef632d7ba7fe487b0442b509...4c0df2047e09704f99b53bf27b490a1b528cfed4
[15:09:20] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Lcvette 03d997dae - added awesomeness to status labels g5x work status label, added feed and speed status label
[15:09:21] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 036dee0cb - add versioneer
[15:09:23] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 035835aaa - Merge remote-tracking branch 'Lcvette/master'
[15:09:24] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 034c0df20 - Merge branch 'versioneer'
[15:19:11] <hazzy-m> First official releases: https://github.com
[15:25:04] <TurBoss> First
[15:25:36] <TurBoss> wow debs !!
[15:25:39] <TurBoss> hurray
[15:35:38] * hazzy-m sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[15:35:43] <hazzy-m> hmmm, that is not good
[15:35:55] <Lcvette> uh oh
[15:36:04] <Lcvette> thats big busted
[15:36:22] <Lcvette> turboss did it
[15:42:33] <hazzy-m> I need to include the dependancies in the deb I guess
[15:43:48] * hazzy-m goes afk to bag leaves
[15:49:27] <Lcvette> dont do it
[15:49:34] <Lcvette> let the leaves be free
[16:00:44] <TurBoss> how I miss haiku bot
[16:00:49] <TurBoss> 😓
[16:01:07] <Lcvette> see, thats what happens
[16:01:33] <Lcvette> turboss is missing all the haikubot action
[16:02:14] <Lcvette> turboss forces lcvette to fix tool table sorting
[16:02:27] <TurBoss> what things... I do
[16:02:34] <TurBoss> I should look
[16:02:49] <TurBoss> I spent all the day playing videogames
[16:02:56] <Lcvette> lcvette is deep the the tooltable.py code
[16:03:04] <TurBoss> oh yes?
[16:03:06] <TurBoss> cool!
[16:03:24] <Lcvette> i don't think you will say that after you see how bad i break it
[16:04:03] <TurBoss> thats the spirit! o wait
[16:04:19] <TurBoss> seriously are you working on it?
[16:04:21] <TurBoss> ,
[16:04:50] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (190KB) < https://matrix.org >
[16:05:00] <Lcvette> somebody has to finish this thing
[16:05:17] <TurBoss> 😇
[16:05:23] <Lcvette> hazzy and i knocked out some other items earlier and its really getting c lose now
[16:05:57] <Lcvette> remaining items are turboss items
[16:06:08] <Lcvette> file page, tool table
[16:06:09] <Lcvette> atc
[16:06:22] <TurBoss> what?
[16:06:25] <Lcvette> yes
[16:06:51] <TurBoss> oh
[16:06:54] <TurBoss> i see
[16:06:55] <TurBoss> :(
[16:07:25] <TurBoss> ive been disconected a bit since a lot
[16:07:26] <Lcvette> too many nazis
[16:07:34] <TurBoss> I must spent more time!
[16:08:13] <Lcvette> so many distractions
[16:08:40] <Lcvette> you help finish probe basic i help with yours
[16:08:56] <Lcvette> if you want/need it
[16:09:01] <Lcvette> graphics etc
[16:09:10] <Lcvette> happy to help
[16:09:17] <TurBoss> thank your
[16:09:21] <TurBoss> thank you *
[16:09:42] <TurBoss> its dificult stuff
[16:09:51] <Lcvette> graphics is easy
[16:09:59] <Lcvette> code is difficult
[16:10:21] <TurBoss> hmmm
[16:10:35] <TurBoss> does probebaic work for you on latest master?
[16:10:38] <TurBoss> brender and mini does but PB no
[16:11:59] <TurBoss> forget it
[16:12:03] <TurBoss> my fault
[16:12:57] <Lcvette> yes it works for me
[16:42:20] <Lcvette> turboss you still here?
[16:42:29] <TurBoss> yup
[16:42:45] <TurBoss> dealing with the TT :)
[16:42:47] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (33KB) < https://matrix.org >
[16:43:04] <Lcvette> im trying to do the set tool touch off position button
[16:43:13] <Lcvette> and go to g 30 buttons
[16:43:20] <Lcvette> but im not sure about expressions
[16:43:32] <Lcvette> i think the channel is correct?
[16:43:37] <TurBoss> :|
[16:43:49] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (29KB) < https://matrix.org >
[16:43:51] <TurBoss> I have not understood rules yet
[16:43:53] <TurBoss> :D
[16:44:06] <Lcvette> ok
[16:44:17] <Lcvette> will await fearless leader
[16:44:23] <TurBoss> good
[16:44:47] <Lcvette> hazzy: done with leaves yet?
[17:02:32] <Lcvette> i did it!!
[17:02:39] <Lcvette> i made the buttons work!!
[17:02:44] <Lcvette> HURRAY!
[17:03:34] <Lcvette> Panda🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼fu
[17:05:22] <jschi[m]1> Hola
[17:05:30] <Lcvette> whooo hooo Jeff is here!
[17:05:59] <jschi[m]1> resurrected my virtual box VM - need to update code, been a while :-(
[17:06:34] <Lcvette> oh crap, yeah you will have to update alot
[17:06:46] <jschi[m]1> working on it
[17:06:48] <Lcvette> hazzy made a bunch of major changes
[17:06:59] <Lcvette> turboss
[17:06:59] <jschi[m]1> I gathered that
[17:07:29] <TurBoss> ohhhh fantastic
[17:07:34] <Lcvette> Jeff is here and is out of date on everything do you know what he needs to get caught up?
[17:07:47] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07TurBoss created branch 03SortTT
[17:08:32] <TurBoss> Hello jschi
[17:08:38] <jschi[m]1> hello
[17:09:07] <jschi[m]1> I guess which branches are 'active' and cmds to start?
[17:09:46] <TurBoss> master
[17:09:47] <TurBoss> :D
[17:09:57] <TurBoss> linuxcnc sim/xyz.ini
[17:10:05] <jschi[m]1> kk, updating now
[17:10:36] <Lcvette> this shit is gonna be EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[17:10:57] <Lcvette> now we need hazzy back in here too
[17:11:17] <Lcvette> turboss you did it>?
[17:11:18] <TurBoss> :))
[17:11:20] <Lcvette> the TT sort?
[17:11:22] <TurBoss> not yet
[17:11:38] <TurBoss> just commited some changes for review
[17:13:58] <Lcvette> im pretty jazzed i figured out the set tool touch off buttons with hazzy's rules
[17:14:01] <jschi[m]1> was there a required update to version of linuxcnc?
[17:14:15] <TurBoss> ye
[17:14:16] <TurBoss> s
[17:14:22] <jschi[m]1> I'm running LINUXCNC - 2.8.0-pre1-3813-g42d0b443d
[17:14:24] <Lcvette> i had to update linux and linuxcnc
[17:15:04] <Lcvette> but i think the linuxcnc was before you came around the first time
[17:15:13] <Lcvette> i am on 2.8pre
[17:15:15] <Lcvette> i think
[17:15:32] <TurBoss> jschi: do you use the buildbot debs?
[17:15:37] <Lcvette> rip
[17:15:45] <Lcvette> pip
[17:15:48] <Lcvette> ?
[17:15:49] <jschi[m]1> just noticed that I got an error running linuxcnc sim/xyz.ini off of master - with a dialog complaining about my ini file
[17:15:51] <Lcvette> turboss help
[17:16:13] <jschi[m]1> no, but I can follow the instructions to update
[17:16:17] <Lcvette> hazzy halp
[17:16:25] <TurBoss> what what
[17:16:40] <Lcvette> jeff is broken
[17:16:43] <TurBoss> ah xd
[17:16:52] <jschi[m]1> all good, just getting warmed up
[17:16:57] <TurBoss> sudo apt update %% sudo apt upgrade -y
[17:17:07] <TurBoss> is fine
[17:18:04] <jschi[m]1> kk, running it now - will advise
[17:18:19] <jschi[m]1> Lcvette: please describe the issue you want me to look at?
[17:20:07] <Lcvette> ok
[17:20:18] <Lcvette> the step/jog is all busted
[17:20:35] <Lcvette> not sure what happened
[17:21:08] <Lcvette> when you select step, jog is still highlighted
[17:21:36] <Lcvette> and no step increments are selected
[17:21:40] <Lcvette> you have to select a step increment
[17:21:55] <Lcvette> once you do, it is stuck in step increments and the only way to get out of it is to restart linuxcnc
[17:22:08] <jschi[m]1> ok, I'll go over the whole works - afaik the 'default' step size is set by linuxcnc so the wiring for the buttons must be jacked in the designer
[17:22:13] <Lcvette> it should really start in a predefined step increment
[17:22:25] <jschi[m]1> that was all wired up in signals & events or whatever it was called
[17:22:34] <Lcvette> right
[17:23:11] <Lcvette> i tried to go into that and fix it but i probably made more of a mess of it than what was there
[17:23:11] <jschi[m]1> give me a bit to get up and running - may be late night before I get to it but I will look @ it today
[17:23:12] <Lcvette> but i don't know if i ever pushed anything after i played in it
[17:23:27] <Lcvette> you are the hero!
[17:23:33] <Lcvette> thats a big ticket item
[17:23:37] <jschi[m]1> I was just prepping to update my G0704 to 2.8 PRE this weekend - are folks using 2.8 to drive actual machines?
[17:23:51] <Lcvette> yes
[17:24:02] <Lcvette> i know a few who are
[17:24:11] <jschi[m]1> yeah, think hazzy said he was
[17:24:48] <Lcvette> with a little polishing, may be testing the PB interface shortly!
[17:24:53] <Lcvette> :D
[17:28:08] <TurBoss> 2.8 on real machine here
[17:31:10] <Lcvette> with a little polishing, may be testing the PB interface shortly!70
[17:31:33] <Lcvette> wrong keyboard
[17:31:35] <Lcvette> lol
[17:31:38] <Lcvette> x
[17:32:07] <jschi[m]1> wow, looks awesome folks - really slick
[17:32:40] <jschi[m]1> ok, I have the UI installed - will look @ the step/jog stuff in a bit
[17:33:01] <Lcvette> cool!!
[17:33:07] <Lcvette> most of it works now too
[17:33:09] <Lcvette> :D
[17:35:25] <Lcvette> estop, power, reference all to get everything working
[17:35:51] <jschi[m]1> yep, I can see the behavior - need to fire up the designer and then look through the code
[17:38:12] <jschi[m]1> what's the syntax for editing the designer file? (asking for a friend ;-/)
[17:38:25] <TurBoss> jschi: you can open PR against github now
[17:38:32] <TurBoss> https://github.com
[17:38:47] <jschi[m]1> ah, are you all on github? and not gitlab?
[17:38:49] <jschi[m]1> gack
[17:38:52] <TurBoss> both
[17:38:55] <TurBoss> :D
[17:38:56] <jschi[m]1> ah
[17:39:03] <jschi[m]1> ok, sounds good
[17:39:08] <TurBoss> is in sync
[17:39:10] <jschi[m]1> my origin is still gitlab
[17:39:12] <jschi[m]1> kk
[17:39:18] <TurBoss> you on gitkraken?
[17:39:26] <TurBoss> simply add the new remote
[17:39:31] <jschi[m]1> right
[17:39:53] <jschi[m]1> yeah, I will move my clone to github - should be all good
[17:41:05] <jthornton> you guys using github now?
[17:41:15] <TurBoss> xD
[17:52:42] <jschi[m]1> k, gotta run - I have the code up and can see generally where to dig in, back at it after some fam time
[17:53:23] <Lcvette> thanks Jeff!
[17:53:34] <Lcvette> JT, im on the kraken
[17:53:50] <jthornton> kraken?
[17:54:01] <Lcvette> jthornton: but i have an account on the hub and lab
[17:54:15] <Lcvette> yes GitKraken
[17:54:28] <jthornton> ah never heard of that one
[17:54:28] <Lcvette> thats where we work
[17:54:48] <Lcvette> you should be on it with us
[17:54:49] <Lcvette> thats where all the magic happens
[17:55:16] <jthornton> that's why I see all that stuff when you post a photo or a long reply?
[17:55:46] <Lcvette> i dunno
[17:56:05] <Lcvette> what stuff?
[17:56:09] <jthornton> no that is something to do with matrix
[17:56:14] <jthornton> I just looked back
[17:56:20] <Lcvette> yes matrix
[17:56:26] <Lcvette> do you get photos?
[17:56:34] <Lcvette> or links?
[17:56:45] <Lcvette> i always wondered about that
[17:56:46] <jthornton> yea
[17:57:29] <Lcvette> getting exciting in here right now!!!
[17:57:33] <Lcvette> the gui is getting close
[17:57:39] <jthornton> cool
[17:57:58] <jthornton> I'm getting close to having the new chicken pop door done too
[17:58:07] <Lcvette> outstanding
[17:58:31] <Lcvette> gonna need some video footage of it in action
[17:58:35] <jthornton> doing this one with pyqt4 and a 7" touch screen
[17:59:02] <jthornton> yea, I have a vid of the first one that is currently in use
[17:59:15] <Lcvette> with linuxcnc?
[17:59:45] <jthornton> no, a Raspberry Pi 3B and Python
[18:00:04] <jthornton> https://www.youtube.com
[18:00:07] <Lcvette> i ned to break into the rasberry pi thing\
[18:00:12] <jthornton> https://www.youtube.com
[18:00:32] <jthornton> https://www.youtube.com
[18:00:44] <jthornton> for some excitement lol
[18:00:53] <Lcvette> JT, that looks like a Guillotine sp?
[18:00:58] <Lcvette> lol
[18:01:05] <jthornton> the RPi is just debian more or less
[18:01:06] * hazzy-m is back
[18:01:12] <Lcvette> hurray!
[18:01:21] <hazzy-m> jeff is here! Hurray!!!
[18:01:22] <jthornton> kinda sorta a guillotine but without the sharp edge lol
[18:02:38] <jthornton> https://www.youtube.com
[18:02:45] <jthornton> that's all my videos lol
[18:03:01] <jthornton> wow plasma first test 10 years ago has 3.4k views
[18:06:35] <Lcvette> thats awesome!!
[18:06:44] <Lcvette> hazzy
[18:06:51] <Lcvette> need your help!
[18:06:56] <jthornton> what's that?
[18:07:08] <Lcvette> the door
[18:07:13] <Lcvette> watched all the vids on it
[18:07:16] <jthornton> thanks
[18:07:21] <Lcvette> and the plasma table
[18:07:38] <Lcvette> i built my plasma table 10 years ago too
[18:07:56] <Lcvette> but lost my old youtube account so reposted it a couple years back
[18:08:42] <jthornton> that was my first EMC2 project after I finally got EMC to work on a PC
[18:09:00] <Lcvette> mine was my first mach3 build
[18:09:05] <jthornton> never could get the BDI CD to work even though it was Brain Dead Install!
[18:09:25] <hazzy-m> lol
[18:09:43] <hazzy-m> I hear it was not as easy in the "old" days
[18:09:52] <jthornton> I still have the BDI CD lol
[18:10:00] <hazzy-m> ok. what do I need to help with?
[18:10:10] <jthornton> well before HAL you had to compile for every change
[18:10:17] <hazzy-m> it should be in a museum!
[18:10:25] * jthornton gets back to chicken programs
[18:10:32] <Lcvette> ok, i managed to use your rules window to make the G30 button and the set tool touch off position buttons
[18:10:34] <Lcvette> both work nhurray!!
[18:10:42] <hazzy-m> I see, like gerble or marlin
[18:10:54] <hazzy-m> fantastic!
[18:11:36] <Lcvette> now i am trying to make the dro's under the tool touch position show the x,y,z coordinates stored for the g30.1
[18:11:45] <Lcvette> but i don't see how to do that
[18:11:56] <Lcvette> it gets much more compiocated then the other two buttons i did
[18:12:54] <Lcvette> just pushed
[18:13:06] <Lcvette> i did make the buttons the status type buttons for you
[18:13:06] <Lcvette> :D
[18:13:23] <Lcvette> and figured out how to change the decimal places with the 2f, 3f etc
[18:13:24] <Lcvette> :D
[18:13:30] <Lcvette> i did it! hurray!
[18:13:38] <Lcvette> but need help with the dros
[18:13:39] <hazzy-m> hurray!
[18:13:53] <Lcvette> check latest poush
[18:14:03] <hazzy-m> ok
[18:15:41] <hazzy-m> I need to study G30.1
[18:16:43] <Lcvette> G30.1 is a command to set save the current coordinates to parameters for G30
[18:17:18] <hazzy-m> I'm not sure we can get those values from linuxcnc
[18:17:18] <Lcvette> which are stored in 5181-5189
[18:17:20] <hazzy-m> hmmm
[18:19:00] <hazzy-m> we really need to be able to read parameter values from the interpreter
[18:19:09] <hazzy-m> read and set
[18:19:10] <Lcvette> so we need x= 5181, y= 5182, z= 5183
[18:19:18] <Lcvette> yes
[18:19:28] <Lcvette> its imperetive
[18:19:57] <hazzy-m> that is realy something that needs to be added to LCNC
[18:20:14] <Lcvette> i would think its in there already
[18:20:27] <hazzy-m> no it is not :(
[18:20:30] <Lcvette> you are able to call up the offsets
[18:20:42] <Lcvette> no different
[18:20:45] <Lcvette> is it?
[18:20:54] <Lcvette> they are stored in numbered parameters
[18:21:25] * TurBoss goes to sleep
[18:21:32] <Lcvette> night nturboss
[18:21:39] <hazzy-m> I don't no about the linuxcnc internals, but suposedly it is otherwise it would have been added by now, there has been a good bit of discusion about it
[18:21:40] <TurBoss> hazzy: i leaved some changes on sortTT branch
[18:21:42] <Lcvette> thanks for your help today!
[18:21:56] <TurBoss> you are welcome
[18:21:58] <TurBoss> n8
[18:22:13] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: Great! I'll check then and see what I can do
[18:22:31] <TurBoss> currently id does not show the table
[18:22:32] <hazzy-m> thank you! Night
[18:22:38] <TurBoss> so don't get scare
[18:22:38] <TurBoss> d
[18:22:46] <hazzy-m> haha
[18:23:04] <hazzy-m> I'll try to work magic on it
[18:23:33] <hazzy-m> thanks!
[18:23:45] <jthornton> hmm I just noticed gstat in master that looks cool
[18:24:16] <Lcvette> whats gstat
[18:24:24] <hazzy-m> in linuxcnc master?
[18:24:52] <hazzy-m> gobject status
[18:24:54] <jthornton> yea http://linuxcnc.org
[18:25:28] <hazzy-m> same as our status but uses gobject signaling instead of Qt signaling
[18:26:56] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[18:27:01] <Lcvette> just saw this
[18:31:07] <Lcvette> how are the work coordinate offset values retrieved?
[18:31:32] <Lcvette> you are pulling them from a status label
[18:33:29] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (85KB) < https://matrix.org >
[18:35:34] <hazzy-m> they are retreaved from the linuxcnc.stat.g5x_offset status item
[18:36:34] <Lcvette> so we need a linuxcnc.stat.g30_offset status item
[18:37:19] <hazzy-m> yes
[18:37:47] <hazzy-m> I have an idea
[18:37:50] <Lcvette> great
[18:37:55] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 032 commits to 03master [+0/-0/±2] 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/compare/4c0df2047e09704f99b53bf27b490a1b528cfed4...e859e8ff3c0d0adfd7189c9c33fa1aa17031012d
[18:37:57] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Lcvette 0393d1040 - added set tool touch position and go to g30 button code
[18:37:58] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Lcvette 03e859e8f - g30.1 dro updates in progress
[18:37:59] <Lcvette> i knoew if i kept talking i would inspire your genius
[18:39:59] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson created branch 03interp_param_plugin
[18:40:08] <Lcvette> whats the idea?
[18:40:31] <hazzy-m> I plugin that moniters the var file
[18:40:32] <hazzy-m> lol
[18:40:55] <Lcvette> whats that?
[18:40:58] <Lcvette> plugin
[18:41:02] <Lcvette> sounds elaborate
[18:41:04] <jthornton> do you remember that the .var file is not always up to date?
[18:41:05] <Lcvette> easy?
[18:41:09] <jthornton> IIRC
[18:41:25] <hazzy-m> yes
[18:42:07] <hazzy-m> but it does get written out for some commands, I hope G30.1 is one of those
[18:43:18] <jthornton> I guess you could monitor the .var file and see if it gets changed promptly for G30.1
[18:43:23] <Lcvette> who is in charge at linuxcnc?
[18:43:39] <hazzy-m> that is what hazzy it doing
[18:43:41] <jthornton> nobody
[18:43:54] <hazzy-m> lol, so true
[18:44:10] <Lcvette> who is the most in charge of linuxcnc?
[18:44:59] <jthornton> Seb takes care of the buildbot and the web page and Jeff takes care of the forum
[18:45:08] <hazzy-m> seb and jeff, but they have not been very active lately :(
[18:45:18] <Lcvette> who buuilds the code?
[18:45:40] <Lcvette> ah
[18:45:50] <Lcvette> can they not tell you how to do it?
[18:45:56] <jthornton> jeff does keep the forum up to date but he has backed out of making decisions
[18:46:28] <jthornton> master is an open slate at this time until someone decides to lock it down for a release
[18:46:49] <Lcvette> ok, so who makes changes to it?
[18:46:51] <hazzy-m> yes, he takes great care of the forum! I miss his envolvment elsewhere
[18:47:00] <jthornton> yes
[18:47:46] <jthornton> several people make changes Dewey, Andy and I forget the one that did the planner changes
[18:47:49] <Lcvette> with the introduction of the gui builders, that data in the var file is going to need to be accessible I would think
[18:48:15] <hazzy-m> rob?
[18:48:22] <jthornton> ah yea
[18:48:42] <Lcvette> and if it isn't updated then perhaps some way to capture the intitial data being sent for storage?
[18:48:54] <Lcvette> or have it sent to another location that is accessible
[18:48:56] <Lcvette> ?
[18:49:07] <hazzy-m> we can force a sync of the var file if needed
[18:49:14] <hazzy-m> it would be hacky, but would work
[18:49:17] <Lcvette> or a database
[18:50:21] <Lcvette> that ran in parallel to the realtime variables scheduled to be saved in the var table
[18:50:22] <jthornton> well hell I've managed to forget to install the linuxcnc documents on this new pc
[18:51:19] <Lcvette> that would be ideal, then you could always have access to the information
[18:51:31] <Lcvette> it would always be current
[18:51:58] <Lcvette> and it could have a predefined parameter name for easy targeting with the gui builders
[18:52:33] <Lcvette> maybe something like the gstat or qtstatus catcher that could write to that database?
[18:53:08] <hazzy-m> the problem is that linuxcnc does not expose that data
[18:53:23] <hazzy-m> the problem is getting it out of LCNC, not storying it
[18:53:36] <Lcvette> thats what im saying
[18:53:41] <Lcvette> rather then try and pry it out
[18:53:50] <Lcvette> catch it as its being saved
[18:54:11] <hazzy-m> but there is no way to know then it is being saved
[18:54:59] <Lcvette> ok, so when you command a G30.1
[18:55:15] <jthornton> time to prep for dinner some Texas huge shrimp :)
[18:55:16] <Lcvette> that stores the 9 parameters somewhere
[18:55:44] <Lcvette> think you said in volatile memory
[18:55:55] <Lcvette> and then saves it in the var file at shit down?
[18:55:59] <Lcvette> shut
[18:56:14] <hazzy-m> yes, that is correct
[18:56:18] <Lcvette> did i remember that correctly?
[18:56:21] <Lcvette> ok
[18:56:48] <Lcvette> so we would need a fork for each command that would send data into volatile memory
[18:57:43] <Lcvette> to end it both to volatile memory and to the database
[18:57:52] <Lcvette> that way it always stayed current
[18:58:02] <Lcvette> even if it was changed 5 times before the var file was updated
[18:58:09] <Lcvette> but i don't know how to do that
[18:58:09] <Lcvette> lol
[18:58:14] <jthornton> damn the g30 docs are still thinking there is only 6 axes
[18:58:54] <Lcvette> think its an oversight\
[18:59:09] <jthornton> yea I'll fix that
[18:59:17] <Lcvette> the upper portion shows 5181-5189
[18:59:33] <Lcvette> thenbelow it shows 5181-5186
[19:00:13] <jthornton> yea it didn't write to the .var file until I closed Axis
[19:00:45] <Lcvette> i suspected
[19:03:26] <Lcvette> actually, it may not be a bad idea to check in with rene and see what he is doing with the tool table and see if some of his ideas could work in this scenario since i would imagine that is of a similar if not the exact same nature
[19:04:38] <jthornton> fixed that omission error off to dinner time
[19:04:59] <Lcvette> awesome! thanks JT
[19:05:00] <Lcvette> enjoy!
[19:05:01] <Lcvette> skrimps
[19:05:02] <Lcvette> mmm
[19:05:12] <jthornton> I hope Seb merges it lol
[19:05:37] <jthornton> docs are what I've done for a long time for emc and linuxcnc
[19:05:53] <jthornton> I translate programmer speak into redneck lingo lol
[19:25:21] <Lcvette> hahaha, I like it!!
[19:25:37] <Lcvette> although some areas its still too smart
[19:25:53] <hazzy-m> LOL
[19:26:44] <Lcvette> may want to consider a FRDAV
[19:26:54] <hazzy-m> jthornton: it looks like linuxcnc.command.task_plan_sync does not exits, I get an AttributeError
[19:27:11] <hazzy-m> Guess I need to confirm that and update the docs
[19:27:18] <hazzy-m> that was my only hope :(
[19:27:45] <Lcvette> don't obiwan me
[19:30:28] <Lcvette> print?
[19:31:39] <Lcvette> hazzy: can we have it print the values?
[19:33:30] <hazzy-m> there is no what that I know of to get the values from LCNC
[19:36:27] <Lcvette> yuou know how we extracted those data sets in the probing routnes?
[19:36:34] <Lcvette> in the ngc files
[19:36:56] <Lcvette> could we do it that way?
[19:38:08] <hazzy-m> maybe
[19:38:15] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: image.png (151KB) < https://matrix.org >
[19:38:41] <hazzy-m> I made a plugin that monotors and reads the var file, but it is only written to twice at start up
[19:38:42] <hazzy-m> :(
[19:39:05] <Lcvette> thats amazing
[19:39:34] <hazzy-m> all the values are there, its so tantalizingly close
[19:39:42] <Lcvette> it is i see it
[19:40:07] <hazzy-m> you used to be able to force LCNC to write out the file, but I don't see how anymore
[19:40:12] <hazzy-m> the command was removed
[19:40:20] <Lcvette> thats bullshit
[19:40:27] <Lcvette> put it back in
[19:40:39] <Lcvette> maybe the command just changed a little bit
[19:41:06] <Lcvette> i saw where rene was dealing with some of that
[19:42:10] <Lcvette> maybe we are going about this the wrong way
[19:43:13] <Lcvette> can we have the button send a command besides g30.1 in the mdi to also capture the current machine coordinates?
[19:43:23] <Lcvette> for x,y,z
[19:43:29] <Lcvette> essentially thats the same thing
[19:44:40] <Lcvette> hazzy: ?
[19:49:32] <hazzy-m> not sure
[19:49:42] <hazzy-m> we can only send MDI commands
[19:49:46] <Lcvette> althought then not sure where you would save it
[19:50:45] <Lcvette> ok
[19:50:48] <Lcvette> :(
[19:50:58] <Lcvette> somebody needs to make a solution for this
[19:51:29] <Lcvette> time to call the linuxcnc tech help department
[19:51:32] <Lcvette> lol
[19:51:53] <hazzy-m> I'll ask on devel
[19:52:18] <Lcvette> ooh good idea
[19:52:28] <hazzy-m> afk for supper
[20:26:13] <Lcvette> lcvette did it
[20:26:22] <Lcvette> check latest push
[20:26:36] <Lcvette> i fixed the tool page graphical dro's
[20:26:37] <Lcvette> :)
[20:26:41] <Lcvette> all by myself
[20:27:07] <Lcvette> well, i copied two of them
[20:27:14] <Lcvette> but i made the current tool one
[20:27:28] <Lcvette> with my own expression
[20:27:33] <Lcvette> and it works!
[20:27:35] <Lcvette> :D
[20:29:35] <hazzy-m> Hurray!
[20:29:43] <Lcvette> Hurray!
[20:30:13] <hazzy-m> That makes me feel better about the rules, they obviously aren't that confusing!!
[20:30:22] <Lcvette> they are very confusing
[20:30:26] <Lcvette> lol
[20:30:33] <Lcvette> im grabbing low hanging fruit
[20:30:38] <Lcvette> hahahah
[20:30:48] <Lcvette> and using your examples
[20:31:08] <Lcvette> but i have no clue how to write an expression
[20:31:53] <Lcvette> i don't know who you made it for though
[20:32:07] <Lcvette> if your target user is a coder, then it will probably be fine
[20:32:23] <Lcvette> if it is a guy like me, then they are just as bad off as before
[20:32:54] <Lcvette> unless you plan on having a really well defined instruction manual
[20:34:00] <Lcvette> right now im monkey see monkey do
[20:34:32] <Lcvette> so when i run out of examples to extrapolate from or don't understand a more complex expression..its the end of the line
[20:34:51] <Lcvette> for example, i couldn't figure out how to do the comment box
[20:34:59] <Lcvette> because i couldn't find comment in the linuxcnc docs
[20:35:31] <Lcvette> so not sure if that means it can't be done or if it means it needs some special sauce to make it work
[20:35:46] <Lcvette> if special sauce i have no clue where to start looking
[20:36:11] <Lcvette> just trying to give real feedback
[20:36:16] <Lcvette> not trying to poo poo it
[20:36:27] <Lcvette> because it works great when its an easier one to make
[20:37:30] <Lcvette> just think it would be easier to use if it were clearer what i was doing in there
[20:37:44] <hazzy-m> no, the feedback is great, bring it on!
[20:38:03] <Lcvette> im learning as i use it too
[20:38:04] <hazzy-m> do you mean the tool comment box?
[20:38:08] <Lcvette> yes
[20:38:42] <hazzy-m> that is not provided by the linuxcnc status, but by a seperate plugin called tooltable
[20:39:20] <hazzy-m> I really need to work on some better documentation
[20:39:46] <hazzy-m> but you have given me ideas of where things need wor
[20:39:46] <hazzy-m> k
[20:39:52] <hazzy-m> which is great!
[20:39:54] <Lcvette> well, that or build the rules thingy to be more fluffy
[20:40:27] <Lcvette> for example
[20:40:59] <Lcvette> it took me a while to figure out that to make the T and the tool in spindle number show correctly, the expression needed to be written as:
[20:41:10] <Lcvette> 'T'+ch[0]
[20:42:43] <Lcvette> the ONLY reason i knew that was because of the ch[0] + ' work'
[20:42:52] <Lcvette> from the previous one you helped me with
[20:43:17] <Lcvette> now when i look at some of the other expressions the complexity is overwhelming and it looks like chinese
[20:43:41] <Lcvette> maybe an expression builder
[20:43:41] <Lcvette> ?
[20:44:46] <hazzy-m> they are all regular python expressions, so it should make more sense to sombody that is already familiar with that, but it is not ideal
[20:45:21] <hazzy-m> My philosophy is flexibility first. I don't want people to have to resort to hacks or start modifying source code to do what they want, but I also want it to be simple enough that its not too hard to get started with
[20:45:27] <hazzy-m> its a real balancing act
[20:45:30] <Lcvette> the issue with building gui's in linuxcnc has always been the need to know code
[20:45:43] <Lcvette> so if you need to know code, you didn't really make it easier
[20:46:15] <hazzy-m> do you think that a realy good set of examples would be sufficient to get soembody going with it even as it is?
[20:47:13] <Lcvette> i think what you are going to get is a bunch of excited people that get in there and then realize its still well above their paygrade and be discouraged
[20:47:13] <hazzy-m> I plan to add pre made rules for common things eventualy
[20:47:13] <hazzy-m> that you can select from a list
[20:47:24] <Lcvette> i would say leave it as is for now and see what comes of it
[20:47:30] <hazzy-m> yes, that is what I am woried about
[20:48:33] <Lcvette> i think the notion of a premade thingy is much more appealing
[20:49:12] <Lcvette> maybe have this for the die hard coders, but have a simpler pick from a menu type thing with generic options
[20:49:20] <Lcvette> ones that are more one size fits all
[20:49:39] <hazzy-m> yes
[20:49:52] <Lcvette> it would seem that after building this gui most of all the expressions will be hashed out
[20:49:55] <hazzy-m> and then you can edit them and costomize them as needed
[20:50:30] <Lcvette> so i don't see why you couldn't budle it somehow and offer a selectable item from the list of linuxcnc stats etc?
[20:50:36] <Lcvette> exactly
[20:50:49] <hazzy-m> yes, that is the idea
[20:51:03] <Lcvette> i think that would give people enough movement to make something and then the encouragement to maybe dabble with tweaking a bit here and there
[20:51:50] <Lcvette> so they could build confidence and their knowledge base slowly without facing down the entire gui build and a novel of reading on how to code
[20:52:03] <Lcvette> because thats where you will lose 90% of people
[20:52:30] <Lcvette> if instagram required you to read a 3 page manual, it would have failed
[20:52:51] <Lcvette> intuitive
[20:52:59] <Lcvette> the word for success
[20:53:10] <hazzy-m> instagram intuitive?
[20:53:20] <hazzy-m> lol
[20:54:09] <hazzy-m> yes, you are right, it needs to be easy enough to get started with that people gain confidance
[20:54:10] <Lcvette> compared to what we used to have to do in the 90's to send a picture digitally..... instagram is easier than talking
[20:55:03] <hazzy-m> yeah, I was just kidding, but it does trip me up pretty frequently
[20:55:14] <Lcvette> dude
[20:55:44] <Lcvette> i remember scanning a picture, then saving it, cropping it in the special software
[20:56:14] <Lcvette> resizing it so it didn't take 2 days to transfer over the telephone modem
[20:56:30] <Lcvette> then it would still take an hour to 2 hours in some cases to send
[20:56:57] <Lcvette> then the software got better and the compression and sizing was better and it got faster but the resolution siuffered
[20:57:20] <Lcvette> but, we thought we were hot shit back then
[20:57:32] <Lcvette> this was circa 1994-95
[20:57:42] <Lcvette> the very early early scanners
[20:58:21] <Lcvette> talking rs232
[20:58:22] <Lcvette> lol
[20:58:30] <hazzy-m> I uesd to get my brother to sent pictures with his HAM radio, I don't know how he did it but we could only use the internet in the evening because it would tie up the business line
[20:58:32] <hazzy-m> LOL
[20:58:49] <Lcvette> nice
[20:59:16] <Lcvette> thats impressive
[21:00:43] <hazzy-m> it was a modified YAESU, I have it right here, still in the same spot its been since about 98
[21:00:44] <hazzy-m> lol
[21:02:11] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (36KB) < https://matrix.org >
[21:02:23] <Lcvette> ok, what do i need for tool comment?
[21:03:04] <hazzy-m> replace z_offset with comment
[21:03:30] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (33KB) < https://matrix.org >
[21:03:37] <hazzy-m> for the expression just put ch[0]
[21:03:40] <hazzy-m> perfect!
[21:04:20] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/compare/e859e8ff3c0d0adfd7189c9c33fa1aa17031012d...f2a1dbddabcab1512b27b69d8941ef2fbe4b9bfa
[21:04:22] <Not-97e5> [02QtPyVCP] 07Lcvette 03f2a1dbd - added tool page graphics dro functionality
[21:05:21] <hazzy-m> man that is looking awesome!
[21:08:35] <Lcvette> hurray!!!
[21:08:38] <Lcvette> pushed!
[21:08:51] <Lcvette> ok 1 hour wife tv then back to the gui
[21:09:04] <hazzy-m> have fun!
[21:50:28] -!- Roguish has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92-rdmsoft [XULRunner 35.0.1/20150122214805]]
[22:04:06] <jschi[m]1> hazzy: hola
[22:04:22] <hazzy-m> hey
[22:04:48] <jschi[m]1> got my VM back online and updated to new master
[22:04:53] <jschi[m]1> looking @ the jog/increment buttons (again)
[22:04:55] <jschi[m]1> hope all is well
[22:05:00] <hazzy-m> hurray!
[22:05:13] <hazzy-m> doing great!
[22:05:30] <hazzy-m> how are you? Long time no see
[22:05:48] <hazzy-m> hows it going setting the new shop up?
[22:06:15] <jschi[m]1> yeah, doing well - been super slammed between moving into new house, work stuff and grasping to get some time in my shop - so OSS stuff fell off
[22:06:34] <jschi[m]1> good, got my G0704 wired up and reassembled this past weekend
[22:06:43] <hazzy-m> excellent
[22:06:46] <jschi[m]1> few cleanup items and should be cutting chips
[22:07:03] <jschi[m]1> I have like 50 projects going simultaneously so no real progress on any of them
[22:07:21] <hazzy-m> yep, I know how that goes
[22:07:24] <jschi[m]1> starting some work on a new welded stand for my 10x22 lathe
[22:07:47] <hazzy-m> what make lathe?
[22:07:56] <jschi[m]1> Precision Matthews
[22:08:00] <jschi[m]1> PM1022
[22:08:06] <hazzy-m> nice!
[22:08:08] <jschi[m]1> nice, compact,
[22:08:45] <hazzy-m> I think it is almost the same as the G0602 from griz
[22:08:56] <hazzy-m> a little nicer but similar
[22:09:00] <jschi[m]1> yeah with addition of power cross feed
[22:09:21] <hazzy-m> yeah, I which I had that sometimes
[22:09:30] <hazzy-m> I have a G0602
[22:09:38] <jschi[m]1> it's fine for everything I do - only wish is that threading wasn't such a PITA
[22:09:45] <jschi[m]1> yeah super similar then
[22:10:39] <hazzy-m> home shop machinist run a realy good series on adding dog clutch threading to the G0602
[22:10:55] <hazzy-m> it'd be real nice, but might as well just CNC it
[22:10:55] <hazzy-m> lol
[22:11:27] <jschi[m]1> ah, will check that out - yeah I hesitate to CNC it - as much as I like my CNC mill sometimes I just want to old skool it - so I bought a manual mill :-)
[22:11:43] <hazzy-m> sorry man, gtg, back soon
[22:12:20] <jschi[m]1> My shop ceiling height prevents me from getting a bigger CNC mill so ... told the wife it was only 1/2 of a dream shop ;-/
[22:35:53] <jschi[m]1> hazzy: when you get a second - there used to be this code: https://gitlab.com✓&search=jog_mode_signal&group_id=&project_id=7945540&search_code=true&repository_ref=#L408
[22:36:24] <jschi[m]1> that got wired up to the jog_mode signal - setEnabled/setDisabled in the signals/slots toggled jog mode
[22:36:33] <jschi[m]1> different way to do it now?
[22:37:40] <Lcvette> What's the dog clutch for the lathe threading?
[22:37:56] <Lcvette> Jeff I dunno how to answer your question
[22:38:00] <Lcvette> Lol
[22:38:21] <jschi[m]1> yeah, I'll get the answer from hazzy - I think that's the missing bit
[22:38:33] <jschi[m]1> code has changed a bunch - I'll keep digging
[22:38:38] <Lcvette> Ah cool
[22:38:47] <Lcvette> Yeah it has
[22:38:52] * hazzy-m is back
[22:39:44] <hazzy-m> yes, lots of stuff has changed
[22:40:28] <jschi[m]1> yeah, so that used to be in utilities/action.py - which now has gotten split up
[22:40:32] <hazzy-m> i need to look at the code again
[22:40:45] <jschi[m]1> so put that back in actions/machine_actions?
[22:40:56] <hazzy-m> right, so now status.py is in plugins
[22:41:20] <jschi[m]1> the status.py code looks intact, this was in the actions enum
[22:42:14] <jschi[m]1> JogMode and StepMode were actions that got connected via a signal to disabled/enabled on the buttons
[22:42:46] * jschi[m]1 sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[22:42:49] <jschi[m]1> sorry
[22:42:51] <jschi[m]1> uggh
[22:43:08] <jschi[m]1> https://gitlab.com
[22:43:59] <hazzy-m> LOL
[22:44:05] <jschi[m]1> if it's obvious to you - tell me or I'll dig in and re-reverse engineer it
[22:44:30] <hazzy-m> no its not obvious, i'm tying to remember how it worked
[22:45:06] <jschi[m]1> IIRC I wired enabled/disabled on the jog/step buttons to these actions - they toggled status.py appropriately
[22:45:15] <jschi[m]1> that code just isn't on master anymore
[22:45:52] <hazzy-m> I can't remember why I removed it, or what happend, I should have fixed it then :(
[22:46:13] <jschi[m]1> so I can go hunt down how BlockDelete got refactored and try to add it back - will take me a bit to get back up to speed
[22:47:12] <hazzy-m> it looks like most of your stuff is still in status.py
[22:47:38] <jschi[m]1> yeah, that's intact - the action code got dropped afaict
[22:48:11] <hazzy-m> oh, that is what happend
[22:48:12] <hazzy-m> ok
[22:50:34] <jschi[m]1> so it looks like actions are now bound to action buttons -if we restore JogAction and StepAction to machine_actions.py they should just work again
[22:51:11] <jschi[m]1> sorry JogMode and StepMode
[22:51:31] <hazzy-m> I think your right, as far as I cen tell everything else is still there
[22:52:15] <jschi[m]1> ok, I'll have to wrap my brain around the changes but should be able to pull this off - next day or so
[22:53:32] <hazzy-m> https://github.com
[22:53:58] <hazzy-m> oops
[22:54:03] <hazzy-m> wrong hash
[22:54:31] <hazzy-m> https://github.com
[22:58:18] <Lcvette> figured out the issue?
[23:03:37] <jschi[m]1> Lcvette: looks like some code got dropped in the refactor - I'll work on restoring it - will take me a bit to figure out how to restore it
[23:04:17] <Lcvette> k
[23:04:20] <hazzy-m> jschi: I think I might have it. I'm going to try putting it all in machin_actions.py
[23:04:29] <Lcvette> nice!
[23:04:32] <jschi[m]1> sweet - I think that's the place
[23:04:46] <jschi[m]1> and if it's bound as before it should just work :-/
[23:04:47] <hazzy-m> then all the jogging stuff is together
[23:04:52] <jschi[m]1> yes
[23:05:06] <Lcvette> unless someone...... changed the wiring
[23:05:20] <Lcvette> lcvette sheepishly slinks away
[23:05:34] <jschi[m]1> I looked at the signals/slots and they appear to be the same as when it was working
[23:05:34] <hazzy-m> lol
[23:05:44] <jschi[m]1> it was all triggered off enabled/disabled
[23:05:46] <hazzy-m> I think I'm the one that messed it up
[23:05:54] <jschi[m]1> all good, lots of movement
[23:06:06] <Lcvette> lol;
[23:06:07] <Lcvette> ok
[23:06:10] <jschi[m]1> it looks awesome by the way!
[23:06:32] <Lcvette> \thanks!!
[23:06:40] <Lcvette> gonna run it on the grizzly?
[23:07:18] <jschi[m]1> oh yeah, it's back together - I need to redo my quill pulley (as we discussed) and then upgrade to the new vector motor and 220V control stack
[23:07:41] <Lcvette> nice!
[23:08:03] <jschi[m]1> I also scored some closed loop steppers (and a few servos) so thought I'd play with those and whatever is left is going to my as yet unstarted surface grinder automation
[23:08:10] <Lcvette> did you grab one of the ones i told you about?
[23:08:33] <jschi[m]1> I have the motor - need to get the VFD you mentioned
[23:08:34] <Lcvette> the vector motors
[23:08:37] <jschi[m]1> yes
[23:08:44] <Lcvette> good cause they are gone now
[23:09:26] <jschi[m]1> I didn't get the one with the integrated encoder but I picked up an Omron encoder a while ago
[23:09:37] <jschi[m]1> that part is low on the list
[23:09:42] <Lcvette> you are better off with a seperate encoder\
[23:11:24] <jschi[m]1> I went down a rabbit hole on the surface grinder building out a touch LED UI for the control unit on an arduino
[23:11:33] <jschi[m]1> still need to wrap that up
[23:11:53] <Lcvette> nice!
[23:11:56] <Lcvette> what size is it?
[23:12:01] <Lcvette> the SG?
[23:12:04] <jschi[m]1> 6x12
[23:12:15] <jschi[m]1> same underlying unit as the Tormach PSG612
[23:12:24] <Lcvette> thats a grat size unit for a small shop
[23:12:27] <Lcvette> im jealous
[23:12:50] <jschi[m]1> got it for a steal and have now tired of sweeping it back and forth - so arduino + some steppers/pulleys
[23:12:55] <jschi[m]1> should be pretty cool
[23:13:14] <Lcvette> for sure
[23:13:25] <jschi[m]1> table movement only - no auto Z adjustment which I think is fine
[23:13:56] <Lcvette> can always add that on later
[23:14:05] <Lcvette> if you find it necessary
[23:14:17] <Lcvette> but most of the time you do one sweep at a time and check anyhow
[23:14:29] <Lcvette> z moves are so infrequest
[23:14:29] <jschi[m]1> although I did think about wiring up linuxcnc for it - seems overkill for stepover and length and pattern
[23:15:00] <Lcvette> unless you wanted to try and put a glass scale on the z
[23:15:10] <jschi[m]1> yeah, having crashed the grizz a few times I don't want to be there when I push the wrong button <Z - 0.250>
[23:15:14] <jschi[m]1> lol
[23:15:19] <Lcvette> lol
[23:15:21] <jschi[m]1> I may do that
[23:15:28] <Lcvette> yeah be careful around that grinding wheel
[23:15:32] <jschi[m]1> indeed
[23:15:33] <Lcvette> they are ugly when they explode
[23:22:51] <jschi[m]1> is there a setting for the subroutine dir that needs to be set? pressing ATC FWD bombs lcnc with an error about subroutines
[23:23:09] <hazzy-m> yes
[23:23:24] <hazzy-m> I need to fix that, it should not crash
[23:25:09] <hazzy-m> in your INI I think you needed to set [RS274NGC]SUBROUTINE_PATH=/path/to/subs
[23:25:21] <jschi[m]1> thx
[23:25:36] <hazzy-m> but you might need the subs as well
[23:25:39] <hazzy-m> hmmm
[23:25:57] <hazzy-m> not sure what Lcvette did there
[23:26:18] <jschi[m]1> they are in the probebasic dir
[23:26:28] <hazzy-m> oh great!
[23:26:38] <jschi[m]1> but yeah; that's a standard lcnc setting
[23:27:05] <Lcvette> yeah how does that work?
[23:27:06] <Lcvette> how do i fix it?
[23:27:17] <Lcvette> do i need to move the sub directory?
[23:27:40] <jschi[m]1> http://linuxcnc.org
[23:27:47] <hazzy-m> I should make pip install them in the standard LCNC dir
[23:28:39] <jschi[m]1> that would be optimal - wonder if we should rename the probe_basic ones to have a common prefix to avoid collisions
[23:28:56] <hazzy-m> that is a good idea
[23:29:02] <jschi[m]1> guess you can't do that as they are M commands?
[23:29:25] <Lcvette> ?
[23:29:26] <hazzy-m> they are called by name so that should work
[23:29:27] <Lcvette> no
[23:29:32] <Lcvette> can't rename
[23:29:35] <Lcvette> used elsewhere
[23:29:45] <Lcvette> lol
[23:29:47] <Lcvette> bad bad bad
[23:29:54] <Lcvette> DO NOT
[23:30:00] <Lcvette> rename the Mremap subs
[23:30:01] <hazzy-m> LOL
[23:30:19] <Lcvette> Lcvette will hunt you down and beat you with his broiken ATC parts
[23:30:25] <jschi[m]1> lol
[23:31:12] <jschi[m]1> hazzy: what about adding a stanza in the YML for a ui to add to the paths
[23:31:47] <jschi[m]1> e.g those paths accept multiple dirs and then they are not 'global'
[23:32:10] <hazzy-m> I was just thiking about that, but not sure how LCNC reads them, it might not update once started
[23:32:18] <hazzy-m> will need to investigate
[23:32:20] <jschi[m]1> so the yml would specify it's macros/subroutines
[23:32:22] <jschi[m]1> kk
[23:32:27] <jschi[m]1> just spitting out ideas
[23:32:29] <hazzy-m> that would be ideal
[23:32:31] <jschi[m]1> lower fritction
[23:33:31] <Lcvette> do anything you want but don't rename my atc subs
[23:33:34] <Lcvette> :D
[23:35:50] <hazzy-m> hohohohoh that is why you are so protective
[23:36:17] <hazzy-m> i'm gonna make your ATC to tricks
[23:36:18] <hazzy-m> LOL
[23:39:15] <Lcvette> its all fun and games until a $2500 ATC is in pieces
[23:39:22] <Lcvette> :(
[23:40:18] <jschi[m]1> Lcvette: what value do you have for SUBROUTINE_PATH in your ini?
[23:40:29] <jschi[m]1> I'm getting no love here with relative or absolute paths
[23:41:48] <hazzy-m> unfortunate it does not seem that SUBROUTINE_PATH is an enviroment var, so I don't think we can modify it once LCNC has started
[23:41:57] <hazzy-m> :(
[23:42:22] <jschi[m]1> ah, although you're createing the load path in INFO.py
[23:42:34] <Lcvette> ?
[23:42:35] <jschi[m]1> but that may defy user expectation
[23:42:51] <jschi[m]1> getSubroutinePath
[23:43:00] <Lcvette> jeff not following
[23:43:03] <Lcvette> mine is not setup
[23:43:07] <jschi[m]1> ah
[23:43:09] <hazzy-m> right, but that is just for me loading it, LCNC also has to be able to find it
[23:43:10] <Lcvette> but you will get errors
[23:43:17] <jschi[m]1> I see
[23:43:18] <Lcvette> the subs require feedback
[23:43:26] <Lcvette> 'from sensors for in position etc
[23:43:48] <jschi[m]1> all good, then pip ing them on install probably is the standard solution
[23:44:14] <Lcvette> i won't be able to test my subs until its on the actual machine
[23:44:20] <Lcvette> but i think they look right
[23:44:21] <Lcvette> lol
[23:44:28] <Lcvette> i eyeballed it
[23:44:34] <Lcvette> hahaha
[23:44:45] <hazzy-m> jschi: By the way, how did you install qtpyvcp, pip?
[23:44:54] <jschi[m]1> yeah, i'm sure they are good, right now when I press I button linuxcnc shits the bed
[23:44:56] <jschi[m]1> hazzy - yes
[23:44:59] <jschi[m]1> smooth
[23:45:14] <jschi[m]1> followed the instructions and was up to speed in 5-10m
[23:45:14] <hazzy-m> good to hear
[23:45:19] <jschi[m]1> very slick
[23:45:25] <hazzy-m> fantastic!
[23:45:55] <hazzy-m> I think you were the first to look at the instructions
[23:45:56] <hazzy-m> lol
[23:46:00] <jschi[m]1> so somethings amiss in subcall.py or elsewhere
[23:46:30] <Lcvette> i don't even know where instructions are
[23:46:35] <jschi[m]1> File "/home/jschilli/dev/qtpyvcp/qtpyvcp/widgets/button_widgets/subcall_button.py", line 52, in callSub
[23:46:36] <jschi[m]1> with open(subfile, 'r') as fh:
[23:46:37] <jschi[m]1> IOError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: '../examples/probe_basic/macros/'
[23:47:14] <jschi[m]1> and absolute dir:
[23:47:15] <jschi[m]1> File "/home/jschilli/dev/qtpyvcp/qtpyvcp/widgets/button_widgets/subcall_button.py", line 52, in callSub
[23:47:15] <jschi[m]1> with open(subfile, 'r') as fh:
[23:47:16] <jschi[m]1> IOError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: '/home/jschilli/dev/qtpyvcp/examples/probe_basic/macros/'
[23:47:17] <Lcvette> uh oh
[23:47:18] <hazzy-m> oh, maybe there is no file specified in the SubCallButton?
[23:47:27] <jschi[m]1> checking
[23:47:36] <Lcvette> sub bad?
[23:47:54] <Lcvette> yeah i made the buttons a long time ago
[23:48:06] <Lcvette> hazzy just glanced at them and said yeah its good
[23:48:07] <Lcvette> lol
[23:48:18] <Lcvette> probably all wrong
[23:48:30] <hazzy-m> you are giving me too much creadit
[23:48:35] <hazzy-m> I did not do that much
[23:48:37] <jschi[m]1> yeah, but M11 calls M64 which is not there
[23:48:40] <Lcvette> i know you may not have really glanced even
[23:49:00] <jschi[m]1> so yeah that could be it -
[23:49:14] <jschi[m]1> ok, I was just breaking things :-)
[23:49:25] <Lcvette> M64?
[23:49:39] <Lcvette> need to think back
[23:49:48] <jschi[m]1> I'm just talking out my ass
[23:50:26] <jschi[m]1> based on the traceback it looks like it's not finding the sub we're calling - I can add some debug
[23:51:28] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (83KB) < https://matrix.org >
[23:51:41] <Lcvette> those are actual Mcodes
[23:51:43] <Lcvette> not subs
[23:51:47] <Lcvette> lol
[23:51:49] <Lcvette> :D
[23:52:02] <jschi[m]1> all good, will look at this traceback
[23:52:23] <Lcvette> those are for the air solenoids
[23:52:32] <Lcvette> M64 and M65
[23:52:45] <Lcvette> in and out
[23:52:58] <jschi[m]1> yep, just swaging the error
[23:59:42] <Lcvette> Jeff have you grabbed the latest push?
[23:59:54] <Lcvette> it has some fixes since earlier this evening when you updated