#hazzy | Logs for 2019-01-10

[00:50:37] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson deleted tag 03v0.1.8.post3
[00:50:57] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson deleted tag 03v0.1.8.post2
[00:55:05] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson tagged 034131985c0e7c17d0c0b2188e5270625c7c74f88c as 03v0.1.9
[00:55:07] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 033 commits to 03master [+2/-1/±3] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/70d1463dcfe16a945bde125fb67eb5a04b2c968a...4131985c0e7c17d0c0b2188e5270625c7c74f88c
[00:55:08] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 0338efeaf - MNT: remove extra new line for setuptools version in Travis log
[00:55:10] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 0391cb605 - BLD: improve auto change-log generator
[00:55:11] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 034131985 - DOC: improve development guide docs
[01:03:14] <hazzy-m> gn8
[01:05:17] <hazzy-m> jthornton: https://qtpyvcp.kcjengr.com
[05:48:08] <jthornton> morning
[05:48:39] <jthornton> ok, I missed the TLA
[06:34:55] <TurBoss> moning
[06:35:00] <TurBoss> whats tla?
[07:01:31] <jthornton> https://qtpyvcp.kcjengr.com
[07:01:46] <jthornton> TLA (Three Letter Acronym)
[07:11:37] <TurBoss> oh cool
[08:33:29] <jthornton> well shit, I've broken my uspace docs and don't know what's wrong...
[08:35:41] <hazzy-m> Oh no! What is the error?
[08:36:07] <hazzy-m> Are you building with makefile?
[08:41:40] <jthornton> I think I found it, I was putzing around with a custom.css and when I uploaded everything it got included and used however it was just an empty file lol we'll see in a minute
[08:55:08] -!- boban_serb has joined #hazzy
[09:04:11] <jthornton> nope still no css formatting anymore just plain text :(
[09:04:22] * jthornton goes off to clean chicken poop
[09:06:30] <jthornton> hmm I'm missing _static/theme.css for some reason
[09:07:38] <TurBoss> hello
[09:07:55] <hazzy-m> Morning
[09:08:32] <TurBoss> have you played with the lathe thing?
[09:08:42] <TurBoss> it can be added to mini
[09:21:44] <hazzy-m> just trying =
[09:22:02] <hazzy-m> I installed python-pyqt5.qtquick
[09:22:24] <hazzy-m> ```
[09:22:24] <hazzy-m> file:// module "QtQuick.Controls" is not installed
[09:22:25] <hazzy-m> import QtQuick.Controls 1.5
[09:34:23] <jthornton> for some reason unknown to me I had a basic.css instead of a theme.css
[09:38:02] <TurBoss> checking
[09:39:18] <hazzy-m> fixed
[09:39:20] <hazzy-m> sudo apt-get install qml-module-qtquick-controls
[09:39:24] <hazzy-m> hurray!!
[09:39:25] <TurBoss> oh
[09:39:27] <hazzy-m> it works!
[09:39:33] <TurBoss> great
[09:39:47] <TurBoss> now I have to add the signals
[09:51:19] <TurBoss> moves smooth?
[09:57:47] <hazzy-m> very smooth
[09:57:50] <hazzy-m> its amazing
[09:57:59] <hazzy-m> I can't stop playing with it lol
[10:07:32] <TurBoss> ahhahahaha
[10:08:59] <TurBoss> hazzy: check the new commit
[10:09:12] <TurBoss> now you can click unselected tools
[10:09:13] <TurBoss> :D
[10:11:31] <Lcvette> morning
[10:11:42] <hazzy-m> morning
[10:11:46] <TurBoss> heyy yo
[10:11:48] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: Did you push?
[10:11:55] <TurBoss> to my fork
[10:11:59] <TurBoss> sek
[10:12:13] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07TurBoss pushed 033 commits to 03Lathe_Touch_off [+0/-0/±4] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/9b46de0f4239e3cc24c88ed8d630c90b8f49c765...f316e5a26f636abb3d0df9892a1c3294941c677e
[10:12:14] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03bb938e3 - add required packages for lathe touch off
[10:12:16] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07TurBoss 030216162 - add signals to qml
[10:12:17] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07TurBoss 03f316e5a - Merge remote-tracking branch 'kcjeng/Lathe_Touch_off' into Lathe_Touch_off
[10:12:18] <TurBoss> done
[10:12:24] <hazzy-m> ty
[10:12:56] <TurBoss> only fine placement left
[10:13:15] <TurBoss> and make the slot functional
[10:13:30] <Lcvette> was goping to ask about the tool placement :D
[10:13:40] <Lcvette> but sounds like you were just roughing it
[10:14:00] <TurBoss> whta?
[10:14:09] <TurBoss> roughing?
[10:14:24] <Lcvette> the place the tool moves to
[10:14:28] <Lcvette> you said fine placement
[10:14:32] <TurBoss> ahhh
[10:14:34] <TurBoss> true
[10:14:39] <Lcvette> so they line up on the dimension lines
[10:14:51] <Lcvette> properly to make sense for the user
[10:15:00] <TurBoss> where should they go?
[10:15:07] <TurBoss> to the dimension lines?
[10:15:07] <TurBoss> ok
[10:15:19] <TurBoss> but all?
[10:15:39] <Lcvette> the dimension lines are representing the distance away from the stock of the cutting tool faces
[10:15:52] <Lcvette> for x and z
[10:16:02] <Lcvette> so will be a little different for each tool
[10:16:32] <TurBoss> oh ok
[10:16:45] <Lcvette> as represented in the control point diagram
[10:16:48] <TurBoss> I'll move dimension lines acording to what tool is selected
[10:17:55] <TurBoss> wich diagram?¿
[10:18:27] <Lcvette> dimension lines would remain the same
[10:18:39] <Lcvette> the tool placement would change
[10:18:49] <Lcvette> when it moves into position
[10:19:50] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (108KB) < https://matrix.org >
[10:20:36] <Lcvette> yes
[10:20:49] <Lcvette> except the center would be on the same plane as the other two blue x's
[10:21:05] <Lcvette> and i guess it would be good if the bottom tools did flip the dimension lines
[10:21:39] <TurBoss> upper tools go to the upper point?ok
[10:21:58] <Lcvette> yes
[10:23:26] <TurBoss> ok
[10:23:29] <TurBoss> afk
[10:24:33] <Lcvette> im making a flipped dim line graphic
[10:24:36] <Lcvette> ok
[10:29:20] <Lcvette> ok, i made a mirrored graphic of the dimension lines and named it the same with _flipped at the end
[10:29:47] <Lcvette> i compiled it and pushed it on the vkb?
[10:29:51] <Lcvette> thought that was changed to lathe
[10:29:53] <Lcvette> hmm
[10:30:41] <Lcvette> i renamed to PB_Lathe
[10:31:47] <Lcvette> hazzy
[10:31:58] <Lcvette> you said the probe stuff was ready for me? or al;most ready for me?
[10:37:37] <hazzy-m> yes, theSubCall buttons should beworking again
[10:37:45] <hazzy-m> and I cleaned up some other stuff
[10:40:30] <Lcvette> how about the turboprobe tester?
[10:40:47] <hazzy-m> Do you want a new one?
[10:40:56] <hazzy-m> It won't take long to make
[10:41:11] <Lcvette> do i need a new one?
[10:41:31] <Lcvette> i just need to be able to test the subs so i know what i am writing isn't gibberish
[10:41:32] <Lcvette> lol
[10:41:42] <Lcvette> like we did last time
[10:41:50] <hazzy-m> yes
[10:42:04] <hazzy-m> ok, it would be nice to have
[10:42:16] <hazzy-m> I'll make a new one real quick
[10:42:22] <hazzy-m> the old one did not use QtPyVCP
[10:42:22] <Lcvette> the old one no longer viable?
[10:42:30] <Lcvette> ah ok
[10:42:55] <Lcvette> does it make a difference if it uses qtpyvcp?
[10:43:03] <Lcvette> bewing its just the code we are concerned about
[10:43:37] <hazzy-m> yes, the sub formats a diffrent
[10:43:46] <hazzy-m> are*
[10:43:47] <Lcvette> or you want it to be to make sure it works inside the probe basic
[10:43:53] <Lcvette> ok
[10:43:54] <Lcvette> that makes sense
[10:44:09] <Lcvette> good thinking
[10:54:52] <Lcvette> just installed gitkraken 4.2.0
[10:54:55] <Lcvette> :O
[10:56:02] * hazzy-m needs to do the same
[10:57:16] <Lcvette> there was some discussion before about needing buttons to control the backplot screen
[10:58:02] <Lcvette> i can do that while you are working on the prober
[10:58:13] <Lcvette> but i have a few questions
[11:00:01] <Lcvette> what do we need
[11:00:08] <Lcvette> for example?
[11:01:28] <Lcvette> Pan, Orbit, Clear, Refresh, Zoom In, Zoom Out, ?, ?, ?,
[11:02:18] <Lcvette> named views?
[11:03:28] <Lcvette> Front, Back, Right, Left, Top, Bottom, Orth?
[11:03:48] <Lcvette> or?
[11:07:25] <Lcvette> should i make the buttons in a little menu bar next to the backplot?
[11:07:37] <Lcvette> like a vertical menu bar?
[11:07:44] <Lcvette> on the right side?
[11:07:52] <Lcvette> with a column of buttons?
[11:07:56] <Lcvette> or?
[11:08:00] <Lcvette> thoughts?
[11:08:02] <hazzy-m> Yes, I like the menu bar idea
[11:08:25] <Lcvette> ok
[11:08:31] <Lcvette> and for the buttons
[11:08:43] <Lcvette> i don't know what the backplot button options are
[11:08:47] <Lcvette> is there a list?
[11:09:19] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: image.png (191KB) < https://matrix.org >
[11:10:28] <Lcvette> ok
[11:10:33] <Lcvette> P=?
[11:10:34] <Lcvette> pan?
[11:10:44] <Lcvette> or is that the hand?
[11:11:31] <hazzy-m> yes, pan, move, view x, view y, view z, view perspective
[11:12:12] <Lcvette> the tools?
[11:12:24] <hazzy-m> no needed
[11:12:28] <Lcvette> ok
[11:12:52] <hazzy-m> What I might should do is add the basic controlls to the backplot it's self ...
[11:13:06] <Lcvette> meaning?
[11:13:26] <hazzy-m> so you don't have to add them for each VCP
[11:13:27] <Lcvette> integrate them to the BP screen
[11:14:21] <hazzy-m> I meant integrate them into the backplot
[11:14:21] <hazzy-m> right
[11:14:21] <Lcvette> that might be smart
[11:14:21] <Lcvette> so the backplot is already configured when its used
[11:14:21] <hazzy-m> I think I'll do that
[11:14:28] <Lcvette> can you use graphics?
[11:14:34] <hazzy-m> yes
[11:15:20] <Lcvette> mght be easier then single letters
[11:16:03] <Lcvette> i will get you some accurate graphics
[11:16:12] <Lcvette> cross bar for pan
[11:16:28] <hazzy-m> great! thanks
[11:16:30] <Lcvette> etc
[11:31:51] -!- Roguish has joined #hazzy
[11:40:11] <Lcvette> 1.57
[11:40:30] <hazzy-m> wrong
[11:40:33] <hazzy-m> 1.59
[11:40:38] <hazzy-m> :D
[11:40:57] <Lcvette> lol
[11:41:01] <Lcvette> it was not wrong
[11:41:25] <Lcvette> Pi*D
[11:41:34] <Lcvette> .5*3.14
[11:41:50] <hazzy-m> LOLOLOL
[11:41:53] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: image.png (43KB) < https://matrix.org >
[11:42:31] <Lcvette> ah yeah!
[11:46:00] <Lcvette> 60
[12:11:46] <boban_serb[m]> hi
[12:13:03] <boban_serb[m]> I was download and install QtPyVcp from the github but all button caption and text is to big
[12:13:09] <boban_serb[m]> not looking nice
[12:13:12] <boban_serb[m]> why is that
[12:13:14] <boban_serb[m]> ?
[12:13:21] * boban_serb[m] uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-01-10_12-05-51.png (170KB) < https://matrix.org >
[12:13:39] <hazzy-m> boban_serb: you are missing the fonts
[12:14:28] -!- boban_serb has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[12:15:07] <boban_serb[m]> where to download and how to install fonts?
[12:15:23] <Lcvette> boban, you do understand this is not ready to use right?
[12:15:41] <boban_serb[m]> yes i know that
[12:15:49] <hazzy-m> you can down load from this link: https://github.com
[12:16:00] <Lcvette> are you p[lanning to help us develop iut?
[12:16:03] <boban_serb[m]> i devolp my own electronics wich is also not ready to use yet
[12:16:04] <boban_serb[m]> :)
[12:16:15] <boban_serb[m]> *develope
[12:16:25] <Lcvette> if not just previewing it does nothing but slow down our limited resources
[12:16:29] <hazzy-m> and put it in ~/.local/share/fonts/truetype
[12:16:49] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: How so?
[12:18:14] <boban_serb[m]> My programing skils are not so good , i dont know how i can help ?
[12:18:14] <hazzy-m> we need testers like boban_serb, otherwise how would we find out things like the font are missing?
[12:18:44] <Lcvette> i think there is a time for that
[12:19:00] <hazzy-m> boban_serb: just by trying to install and telling us were you have problmes is helping!
[12:19:03] <hazzy-m> thank you!
[12:19:26] <boban_serb[m]> im more hardware developer then software
[12:19:59] <boban_serb[m]> if you need my help just tell me , i'm glade if i can help you guys
[12:29:44] <hazzy-m> boban_serb: you install using `pip git+...` ?
[12:38:00] <boban_serb[m]> yes
[12:38:19] <hazzy-m> perfect
[12:38:32] <hazzy-m> have you installed the font yet? if not don't
[12:38:40] <hazzy-m> I'm adding it so it will auto install
[12:39:10] <boban_serb[m]> just finished
[12:39:11] <boban_serb[m]> working now
[12:39:15] <boban_serb[m]> thank you
[12:39:23] <boban_serb[m]> 🙂
[12:41:54] <boban_serb[m]> click on tool button crash linux cnc
[12:49:04] <hazzy-m> The tool table?
[12:50:23] <boban_serb[m]> on main screen tool button next to offset button
[12:50:57] * boban_serb[m] uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-01-10_12-50-42.png (5KB) < https://matrix.org >
[12:51:29] <hazzy-m> does it have any error message?
[12:52:54] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+1/-0/±1] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/4131985c0e7c17d0c0b2188e5270625c7c74f88c...b47bd19d79f04a593f880ccaafeb3e78375fcda9
[12:52:55] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03b47bd19 - VCP: ProbeBasic - include BebasKai font and auto install it
[12:55:35] <boban_serb[m]> 2019-01-10 12:53:58,529 - qtpyvcp.plugins.status - ERROR - Unable to open file </home/cnc/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sim/example_gcode/qtpyvcp.ngc>
[12:55:35] <boban_serb[m]> 2019-01-10 12:53:58,604 - qtpyvcp.plugins.status - ERROR - can't open /home/cnc/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sim/example_gcode/qtpyvcp.ngc
[12:56:03] <boban_serb[m]> this is a errors from the qtpyvcp.log file
[12:56:53] <hazzy-m> Excellent! That is very helpful
[12:57:07] <hazzy-m> easy fix
[12:57:59] <hazzy-m> hmm, but that should not cause a crash ..
[13:06:06] * boban_serb[m] uploaded an image: error.png (88KB) < https://matrix.org >
[13:06:27] <boban_serb[m]> how to send error file ?
[13:06:35] * boban_serb[m] posted a file: linuxcnc.report (657KB) < https://matrix.org >
[13:14:58] <boban_serb[m]> I found why, if the tool.tbl file is empty, it causes the program crash
[13:16:56] <hazzy-m> perfect!
[13:17:01] <hazzy-m> can you add that here? https://github.com
[13:17:04] <hazzy-m> thanks
[13:22:36] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson deleted tag 03v0.1.8.post4
[13:30:16] <TurBoss> <hazzy-m "image.png"> just saw that image today
[13:30:17] <TurBoss> lol
[13:30:35] <TurBoss> good old hazzy
[13:31:04] <hazzy-m> I still like it :)
[16:24:26] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07TurBoss pushed 033 commits to 03Lathe_Touch_off [+0/-0/±5] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/f316e5a26f636abb3d0df9892a1c3294941c677e...94125492ed692ef987d52b92e61d44242433d120
[16:24:28] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07TurBoss 03a3b5cd2 - select tool by external signal
[16:24:29] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07TurBoss 037dfc03d - allow to select all tools
[16:24:31] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07TurBoss 039412549 - the latest and the greatest
[16:34:27] <TurBoss> hazzy: I can't reproduce boban_serb issue
[16:35:07] <hazzy-m> neither can I :(
[16:35:27] <hazzy-m> did you try an empty tool.tbl?
[16:35:29] <TurBoss> deleted and remove the content
[16:35:34] <TurBoss> both
[16:35:44] <hazzy-m> hmmm
[16:35:56] <hazzy-m> ok, thanks! I'll look into it
[16:36:27] <hazzy-m> I'm trying to get QtQuickWidgets into QtPy
[16:36:28] <hazzy-m> https://github.com
[16:36:49] <TurBoss> amazing
[16:37:00] <hazzy-m> tests don't pass :(
[16:37:04] <TurBoss> :O
[16:58:09] <TurBoss> can I run tests locally?
[17:00:15] <hazzy-m> not sure, it look like the problem is with their test system
[17:00:52] <TurBoss> hmmmm
[17:01:06] <TurBoss> hazzy broke it
[17:01:08] <TurBoss> lol
[17:01:27] <hazzy-m> hahaha
[17:02:23] <TurBoss> I hacked the test
[17:02:30] <TurBoss> to ron it
[17:02:33] <TurBoss> rum
[17:02:42] <TurBoss> and pass
[17:03:54] <TurBoss> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
[17:03:56] <TurBoss> lol
[17:05:05] <TurBoss> https://circleci.com is this like travis-ci or does another things?
[17:26:25] <hazzy-m> I don't know, I think it is just like travis
[17:58:51] <jthornton> hazzy-m: I understand now that I probably should not have used pip install -e . for qtpyvcp but only for vcp-template
[17:59:14] <jthornton> installing from debian package seems a bit confusing to me
[18:01:05] <hazzy-m> jthornton: it is fine to use pip install -e for both, you just won't get the example configs installed with -e, since it keeps all files in the source dir
[18:01:20] <hazzy-m> I'm not sure the debian package it a good idea ...
[18:01:35] <hazzy-m> it should work though
[18:02:00] <hazzy-m> I used gdebi and it seemed to instal fine. did you have problems?
[18:02:21] <jthornton> downloaded the deb?
[18:02:33] <hazzy-m> yes
[18:02:43] <jthornton> I've not tried that I skipped a step lol and went right to the bottom of the page
[18:03:47] <jthornton> can you do python setup.py install and get the examples?
[18:04:25] <hazzy-m> probably, but it may try to zip the files up, which makes them useless
[18:04:49] <jthornton> that sucks
[18:04:53] <hazzy-m> Ive had bad luck with python setup.py install, pip seems much more reliable
[18:05:14] <jthornton> can pip be made to install the examples in the correct directory?
[18:05:17] <hazzy-m> pip install . (without -e) will give you the examples
[18:05:26] <jthornton> ah ok
[18:05:33] <hazzy-m> as will pip install qtpyvcp
[18:06:01] <hazzy-m> as will pip install git+https://github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git
[18:06:08] <hazzy-m> those should all work
[18:06:47] <jthornton> If you are not interested in development then it is best is to install with pip per the Quick Start guide.
[18:06:54] <jthornton> missed that bit of info
[18:07:28] <hazzy-m> yes, that might should be highlighted some way
[18:07:45] <jthornton> I actually think the quick start should be at the top of the installation page
[18:08:10] <jthornton> with some info about what each method does
[18:08:16] <hazzy-m> ok, instead of linking it that
[18:08:26] <hazzy-m> duh, that makes a lot of sense!
[18:08:27] <hazzy-m> LOL
[18:08:37] <hazzy-m> will do
[18:08:44] <jthornton> yea it's short enough and being at the top the first thing one might do
[18:09:20] <jthornton> can I pip uninstall -e .
[18:09:42] <hazzy-m> all you need it pip uninstall qtpyvcp
[18:09:51] <jthornton> ok
[18:10:04] <hazzy-m> you may need to run it a few times if you've tried multiple installes
[18:10:30] <jthornton> just once on debian it's a fresh install
[18:10:57] <jthornton> I'm on mint on that pc at the moment so I'll reboot in the morning and try that
[18:11:05] <hazzy-m> good
[18:11:47] <jthornton> I like to go step by step with a fresh install to make sure nothing is missed like mesaflash for my 7i96 config tool lol
[18:11:58] <hazzy-m> i've been doing all my dev work on mint on my laptop lately, really like it
[18:12:32] <hazzy-m> yes! I need to do the same for qtpyvcp, its so easy to miss deps
[18:13:13] <jthornton> I have another pc on the next table with to hood open just for swapping hard drives out and testing
[18:15:21] <hazzy-m> that is convenient. my PC has a slot in the top for hot swaping sata drives that I do the same with
[18:17:01] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: How did you run the tests?
[18:17:20] <TurBoss> only the one for qtquick
[18:17:20] <hazzy-m> ./qtpy/tests/runtests.py?
[18:17:30] <TurBoss> very hacky way
[18:17:33] <hazzy-m> oh, ok
[19:08:21] <TurBoss> I have 4 hdd pluged and i switch betwen them with the bios boot menu aka f12 or other
[19:09:11] <TurBoss> only one test left
[19:09:13] <TurBoss> hurray!
[19:09:18] <hazzy-m> hurray!!
[19:09:23] <hazzy-m> they are passing
[19:09:28] <hazzy-m> finaly
[19:09:46] <TurBoss> yeah!!!1
[19:09:47] <TurBoss> Coverage increased (+22.8%) to 49.491%
[19:09:50] <TurBoss> lul
[19:09:55] <TurBoss> we need that spam too
[19:10:10] <hazzy-m> hahaha, yes!
[19:10:22] <hazzy-m> our coverage would be >1%
[19:10:28] <TurBoss> nice
[19:10:31] <TurBoss> hahahah
[19:10:58] <TurBoss> we can switch to evas
[19:12:05] <TurBoss> https://www.enlightenment.org
[19:12:07] <hazzy-m> what is evas?
[19:13:00] <TurBoss> sorry EFL
[19:13:05] <TurBoss> evas is legacy
[19:13:06] <TurBoss> :O
[19:13:16] <hazzy-m> do you use Enlightenment?
[19:13:22] <TurBoss> not now
[19:13:24] <TurBoss> but used to
[19:13:30] <hazzy-m> I tried once
[19:13:37] <TurBoss> godd old e16
[19:14:24] <TurBoss> python support
[19:14:33] <TurBoss> hazzy: we should move
[19:14:37] <TurBoss> ahahahahahah
[19:16:23] <hazzy-m> LOL
[19:16:27] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: image.png (9KB) < https://matrix.org >
[19:16:33] <TurBoss> wow
[19:16:34] <hazzy-m> fanuc style :D
[19:16:36] <TurBoss> whats that
[19:16:38] <TurBoss> coool!
[19:16:41] <TurBoss> qss?
[19:17:03] <hazzy-m> no, just windows qt theme
[19:17:11] <TurBoss> ah
[19:17:16] <TurBoss> now I remember
[19:17:22] <TurBoss> I had the home crash
[19:17:37] <TurBoss> qtpyvcp crashes a son it latches
[19:17:46] <TurBoss> when setting home
[19:17:56] <hazzy-m> oops
[19:18:01] <hazzy-m> that is not good
[19:18:08] <TurBoss> sek
[19:18:43] <TurBoss> can't find
[19:18:45] <TurBoss> the log
[19:21:10] <TurBoss> I'll turn on the thing
[19:21:11] <TurBoss> ah
[19:21:12] <TurBoss> lol
[19:26:35] <TurBoss> now home fine?
[19:26:36] <TurBoss> why
[19:26:37] <TurBoss> lol
[19:27:42] <hazzy-m> worst type of bug
[19:35:11] <TurBoss> catch it
[19:36:00] <TurBoss> http://dpaste.com
[20:03:04] <TurBoss> n8
[21:33:20] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/b47bd19d79f04a593f880ccaafeb3e78375fcda9...be0e779084e013cbfc35b6941c7e20a20556fc71
[21:33:22] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03be0e779 - DOC: add PyPi badge to README