#hazzy | Logs for 2019-01-12
[00:21:30] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 032 commits to 03master [+0/-0/±3] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/dd8027598366faa4a88f0d9e96005e5684f34107...9922a71c508bbcf4b6accd25b9b0358b888b47a4
[00:21:32] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03903013b - ENH: catch unhanded exceptions and show in dialog This should make it possible to recover from most small exceptions, without crashing the whole VCP.
[00:21:33] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 039922a71 - remove unused import
[00:51:51] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/9922a71c508bbcf4b6accd25b9b0358b888b47a4...f6903948b525164abd057e1300eabd2ec85856f6
[00:51:52] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03f690394 - BUG: fix hang on notifications server if invalid icon path
[01:10:50] <Lcvette> I'm here
[01:10:56] <Lcvette> You found?
[01:11:17] <TurBoss> yes
[01:11:27] <Lcvette> Hurray!
[01:34:10] <hazzy-m> gn8
[01:54:08] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson tagged 03a6145e2ecc60f4e2db6f08c699380f0f77d8c6e4 as 03v0.1.10
[01:54:09] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/f6903948b525164abd057e1300eabd2ec85856f6...a6145e2ecc60f4e2db6f08c699380f0f77d8c6e4
[01:54:11] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03a6145e2 - ENH: enable setting Qt theme from YAML config file
[05:58:18] <jthornton> morning
[07:49:34] <jthornton> morning
[07:49:44] <jthornton> oh I said that lol
[07:50:04] <jthornton> what size screen is probe basic on? it's huge...
[09:02:28] <TurBoss> 1920x1080
[10:07:28] <hazzy-m> morning
[10:08:57] * hazzy-m realizes that when JT says morning at 5:58, it is actualy 4:58 JT's time :O
[10:12:47] <jthornton> yup
[10:41:40] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+2/-0/±1] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/a6145e2ecc60f4e2db6f08c699380f0f77d8c6e4...0d8f6806c2c1fc5d2c0c77493ca6737accbb6c29
[10:41:42] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07John Thornton 030d8f680 - DOC: start to build the vcp tutorial Signed-off-by: John Thornton <jt@gnipsel.com>
[10:44:40] <hazzy-m> jthornton: VCP docs look great! Thank you
[10:45:35] <hazzy-m> I pushed to master, so you might need to pull before pushing again
[10:45:46] <jthornton> ok
[10:45:48] <hazzy-m> boban_serb: morning
[10:46:21] <jthornton> is gitkraken much better than git gui?
[10:46:45] * hazzy-m says a resounding YES
[10:46:56] <boban_serb[m]> @hazzy good afternoon
[10:47:37] <boban_serb[m]> my local time is different 😆
[10:47:40] <jthornton> ok, I'll download it in the morning before you wake up :)
[11:03:38] <hazzy-m> lol
[11:12:23] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson created branch 03master
[12:44:20] <jthornton> why does it say you created a branch master?
[12:44:52] * jthornton goes to take a nap after that exhausting work on a DRO lol...
[12:45:29] <hazzy-m> it gets confused sometimes, lol
[12:45:36] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+4/-0/±2] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/a3db1fd54786961b0e29dec0104830b15514f55d...ff4643d614731124539e1182e4fd0544198321e0
[12:45:38] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07John Thornton 03ff4643d - DOC: add dro widget tutorial Signed-off-by: John Thornton <jt@gnipsel.com>
[12:45:55] <hazzy-m> hurray!!
[12:45:57] <hazzy-m> ty
[13:16:11] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 032 commits to 03master [+0/-0/±2] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/ff4643d614731124539e1182e4fd0544198321e0...7d485b9569c198c6296fc3ed067cc17d9e0d6121
[13:16:12] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 0352bde15 - add some docstrings to qtpyvcp.__init__.py
[13:16:14] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 037d485b9 - BUG: fix error when trying to enter action name in designer
[13:53:51] <Lcvette> Probe basic is big screen version 1920x1080
[13:54:02] <Lcvette> can be made smaller later once its all sorted
[13:55:02] <Lcvette> figured i would make it big though to maximize the big screens for their full use first since there isn't really much in the way for them out there currently
[13:55:26] <Lcvette> and there are alot of newer big touch screens available now days. works great for the vertical layout
[13:55:44] <Lcvette> especialy on smaller machines that don't have the width
[13:56:02] <Lcvette> and for bigger machines that can handle the width it workd great in the traditional layout
[13:57:45] <Lcvette> once its all hashed out i will go through and tune everything on it so it can expand and stretch a little more forgivingly to accomodate some minor swings in screen size changes
[13:58:04] <Lcvette> for wide screens and then look at a boxed size version also
[13:59:05] <Lcvette> but i figured that can wait until its a working gui and the rest is finished before investing the time into it in case anything needs to change between now and then that way im not having to change several versions
[13:59:26] <Lcvette> should be pretty quick and easy if the vertical conversion is any indication
[14:17:12] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/7d485b9569c198c6296fc3ed067cc17d9e0d6121...e1ddf04a7484f3a5a5a8d8aa603189e1eba5c6b3
[14:17:14] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03e1ddf04 - BUG: BaseDialog - fix error with setting window flags on Qt 5.7 This adds a backport of QWidget.setWIndowFlag() so it will work on all Qt versions.
[14:22:13] <Lcvette> Hurray
[14:22:24] <Lcvette> Lots of pushes
[14:26:48] <hazzy-m> making progress
[14:26:50] <hazzy-m> :)
[14:27:59] <Lcvette> I missed last night you said you were almost ready for prove routine work
[14:28:00] <Lcvette> Probe
[14:29:23] <Lcvette> Is it somewhere I can get to?
[14:29:27] <Lcvette> Our not yet
[14:29:31] <Lcvette> Or
[14:31:46] <hazzy-m> not yet, needs a little more work
[14:32:00] <hazzy-m> I had to make a sinple screen so I could test it
[14:32:00] <hazzy-m> lol
[14:32:41] <Lcvette> Ah
[14:32:43] <Lcvette> Kk
[14:33:06] <hazzy-m> it's uggle, but almost ready
[14:33:10] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: image.png (119KB) < https://matrix.org >
[14:33:55] <Lcvette> Oooh.... Can it also work for tool touch
[14:34:05] <Lcvette> To write that sub?
[14:34:13] <hazzy-m> ye!
[14:34:28] <hazzy-m> I'm mainly making if for my brothers gantry mill
[14:35:12] * hazzy-m 's keyboard is missing some keys (good excuse ..)
[14:41:58] <Lcvette> Nice
[15:02:50] -!- pcw_home has joined #hazzy
[15:18:32] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/e1ddf04a7484f3a5a5a8d8aa603189e1eba5c6b3...4e8e108974f47a028e40e5f7bf4fd512ef541a43
[15:18:33] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 034e8e108 - try to make popup dialog work
[15:18:47] <Lcvette> Nice
[15:19:04] <hazzy-m> it did work!
[15:19:04] <Lcvette> Hey Peter
[15:25:20] * jthornton goes out to the shop to putz around some and clean up
[15:47:44] -!- Roguish__desk has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:48:01] -!- Roguish__desk has joined #hazzy
[15:49:49] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson created branch 03docstring
[16:15:34] <pcw_home> How difficult is it to setup the new GUI? (I know that's like asking how long is a string)
[16:16:30] <hazzy-m> Hello pcw_home !
[16:16:35] <hazzy-m> should be as easy as install deps and run pip install qtpyvcp
[16:16:53] <hazzy-m> Here is the quick start: https://qtpyvcp.kcjengr.com
[16:18:08] <hazzy-m> if it is not that easy it is a bug! :D
[16:20:16] <hazzy-m> there is also a .deb that should make it possible to install with one command, but it is not very well tested, and is a little hacky ..
[16:21:23] <hazzy-m> https://github.com
[16:22:30] <JT-Shop> pcw_home: the most difficult thing is working with Qt Designer lol the rest is easy
[16:24:07] <hazzy-m> JT-Shop: the libpyqt5.so files are now automatically installed if you use the deb or sudo with pip, not sure it's the best idea though
[16:51:10] <pcw_home> I'll give its a try
[16:51:53] <hazzy-m> thank you!
[16:54:30] <TurBoss> hello
[16:54:50] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: Hey
[16:55:56] <TurBoss> QControl look great
[16:56:06] <hazzy-m> Thanks!
[16:56:15] <jthornton> yea I've been reading and some say it's not nice to auto install something but what the heck
[17:08:16] <jthornton> I think I have most of the docstring stuff done with the exception of examples to the actions
[17:16:43] <pcw_home> "Can't execute DISPLAY program qtpyvcp"
[17:23:05] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03docstring [+0/-0/±3] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/bd559fa0b5f89829582fc236f1ce1596b8b1ff9d...df2f1ef2681b31316134be25596badbd6cbd7e3f
[17:23:06] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07John Thornton 03df2f1ef - DOC: docstring add missing entries Signed-off-by: John Thornton <jt@gnipsel.com>
[17:23:08] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±2] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/4e8e108974f47a028e40e5f7bf4fd512ef541a43...5dee2ab60e18707d0e3cd416037ae4c55bb912e7
[17:23:09] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 035dee2ab - use setSliderPosition instead of setValue for action sliders This should prevent duplicate signals being emitted when the the sliders are updated due to external input i.e. physical override knobs.
[17:29:46] -!- pcw_home has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[17:33:23] -!- burkelfoo has joined #hazzy
[17:37:44] <burkelfoo> little further: ImportError: No module named OpenGL
[17:42:04] <jthornton> hazzy-m: when you get a chance add me to vcp-template, I want to make a small change to copy.sh
[17:44:21] <hazzy-m> jthornton: done
[17:44:54] <hazzy-m> burkelfoo: can you give the full error log?
[17:46:28] <hazzy-m> I think you must be missing python-pyqt5.qtopengl
[17:48:14] <hazzy-m> what distro are you trying to install on?
[17:50:29] <hazzy-m> (stretch and recent mint and ubuntu should be trivial installs following the quick start, wheezy is not supported, though should be possible if you build Qt and PyQt from source)
[17:54:56] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson deleted branch 03INI
[17:54:58] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03ModuleSignals [+0/-0/±1] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/6c3fe2e13c3fa4a32be66e259ede7fc9ede51078...a380e7e79553ed07a81a81a9a6a9e98c06663774
[17:54:59] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt 03a380e7e - WIP: module signals
[17:55:01] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 032 commits to 03VKB [+1/-0/±7] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/f3618ed5d6aa8f1cf97649dcb967a2da47299ac2...d0dbc064d7201c8a0a5af9b1b474b4fdd4a53540
[17:55:02] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt 0327de456 - WIP: work on VKB
[17:55:04] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt 03d0dbc06 - WIP: more work on VKBs
[17:55:05] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/5dee2ab60e18707d0e3cd416037ae4c55bb912e7...f6f8133e64443439b569359b78629d1bd0e4efdf
[17:55:07] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07John Thornton 03f6f8133 - DOC: change path to vcp-template copy location Signed-off-by: John Thornton <jt@gnipsel.com>
[17:55:08] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03HAL [+218/-0/±0] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/73d9290f77f383fd4bad42fdf98a7e54964cdc3c...954832ad2789badad52e118b4ed73ac41edab0b0
[17:55:10] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt 03954832a - WIP: work on adding HAL support
[18:08:10] <burkelfoo> <hazzy-m> got it working just needed pyopengl
[18:08:48] <burkelfoo> (this is ubuntu 18.04)
[18:09:13] <hazzy-m> great! I guess I should add that to the install deps ..
[18:15:01] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson deleted branch 03HAL
[18:25:51] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson created branch 03HAL
[18:25:52] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/f6f8133e64443439b569359b78629d1bd0e4efdf...eaee6c9457b14fcbe412a69df5896c5d4677661a
[18:25:54] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03eaee6c9 - add pyopengl to required packages
[18:48:27] <jthornton> hazzy-m: I made a copy of vcp-example with my script then deleted everything in the mainwindow and added back two actionButtons one for estop and one for power but they don't use the style.css now... what am I missing
[18:49:15] <jthornton> of course the actionNames are machine.estop.toggle and machine.power.toggle
[18:51:11] <Lcvette> <freenode_jth "I think I have most of the docst"> Hazzy did you see pcw_home had an issue?
[18:52:03] <Lcvette> Hazzy did you see pcw_home had an issue?
[18:56:50] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+2/-0/±1] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/eaee6c9457b14fcbe412a69df5896c5d4677661a...1ee97e710f548b2624a6c4b83ae71c16663c07a9
[18:56:52] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07John Thornton 031ee97e7 - DOC: start adding info on building for a touch screen Signed-off-by: John Thornton <jt@gnipsel.com>
[19:01:42] <jthornton> hazzy-m: never mind I figured it out lol
[19:15:43] <hazzy-m> jthornton: good
[19:18:42] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: Yes, and I pushed a fix to add the missing dependency
[19:22:44] <jthornton> hazzy-m: do we have button bar actions?
[19:23:22] <hazzy-m> from the menu bar alone the top of the window?
[19:23:28] <hazzy-m> along*
[19:23:41] <hazzy-m> for*
[19:23:46] <hazzy-m> lol
[19:24:32] * hazzy-m should learn to look before hitting enter
[19:29:29] <jthornton> just looking at the axis tool bar and thinking that is kinda nice to have
[19:29:56] <hazzy-m> oh, that tool bar
[19:30:02] <jthornton> including the menu bar you don't have the actions in the designer
[19:30:08] <hazzy-m> I have not played with making one=
[19:30:10] <Lcvette> What we need?
[19:31:18] <jthornton> ok time for me to finish up the chicken and dumplins and have chow
[19:31:59] <hazzy-m> enjoy
[19:32:32] * hazzy-m just finished a bowl of minestrone
[19:32:51] <hazzy-m> I'll incestigate the toolbar
[19:33:26] <jthornton> ok, making good progress sorting out making a vcp from scratch
[19:33:59] <hazzy-m> excellent, docs and docstrings are looking very good
[19:35:53] <jthornton> thanks
[19:36:04] <jthornton> did you merge the docstrings?
[19:36:29] <hazzy-m> no, are they ready?
[19:38:35] <jthornton> yes, I should do that in master but wanted to try a branch lol
[19:38:58] <jthornton> I can add example to the docstring in master as I go
[19:48:42] <jthornton> ah yea I just made a minimal vcp and loaded chips set my offsets and run the program
[19:49:04] <jthornton> and jogged to set the offsets lol
[19:49:55] * jthornton has some doc work to do in the morning lol
[19:52:00] <hazzy-m> Hurray! How does it compare in terms of ease use with gladevcp? I hope it's easier, but it's hard for me to tell lol
[20:48:32] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: https://www.sublimemerge.com