#hazzy | Logs for 2019-01-13

[00:35:41] <Lcvette> What's the tool bar we need JT was talking about?
[00:35:52] <Lcvette> Something I need to make?
[00:37:24] <hazzy-m> it's a QToolBar, I'm not sure how they work, I've never used one
[00:37:30] <hazzy-m> no, you don't need to make it
[00:37:47] <hazzy-m> unless you want one or PB, then you could play with it
[00:38:25] <Lcvette> What's it do
[00:42:35] <hazzy-m> it is the bar at the top of QtDesigner with the buttons in it, just below the menubar
[00:45:33] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: axis-toolbar.png (105KB) < https://matrix.org >
[00:45:46] <hazzy-m> that thing in the red box
[00:50:45] <Lcvette> Oh, we have those already
[00:50:56] <Lcvette> Except the viewport ones
[00:51:38] <hazzy-m> JT meant the widget itself, not something in PB
[00:51:48] <Lcvette> Oh
[00:52:21] <Lcvette> What widget
[00:54:05] <hazzy-m> the ToolBar widget
[00:56:02] <Lcvette> Would you just use the buttons to make what you needed? Rather than make a widget
[00:56:28] <Lcvette> Seems like it would be more configurable
[00:56:35] <hazzy-m> you could achieve a similar e result that way
[00:56:55] <hazzy-m> but is would not integrate with the DM
[00:57:02] <hazzy-m> would be fine for most things
[00:57:07] <Lcvette> Dm?
[00:57:14] <hazzy-m> Desktop Manager
[00:59:13] <Lcvette> What's that
[01:01:04] <hazzy-m> https://en.wikipedia.org
[01:02:43] <Lcvette> <hazzy-m "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De"> So you want the linuxcnc toolbar to be part of the main Linux window desktop?
[01:03:41] <Lcvette> So you want the linuxcnc toolbar to be part of the main Linux window desktop?
[01:06:04] <hazzy-m> depending on the how the desktop works, application menubars and toolbars may not be located at the top of the window, for example on MACs the application toolbar is often moved up to the very top of the screen, and is not part of the app window at all. Unity and GNOME desktops also do simething similar
[01:06:55] <hazzy-m> so if you want an app to work as expected on various systems then you need to use the standart systems provided for making the menubar and toolbar
[01:06:56] <Lcvette> No clue
[01:09:34] <hazzy-m> all I'm saying is that putting a row of buttons across the top might work OK with some DEs, but could look very non native on others and not work like the user expects
[01:11:44] <Lcvette> No clue what your trying to abolish
[01:11:50] <Lcvette> Accomplish
[01:14:23] <hazzy-m> > What's that
[01:14:23] <hazzy-m> > Would you just use the buttons to make what you needed? Rather than make a widget
[01:14:24] <hazzy-m> just trying to answer your question (at least I thought it was one)
[01:15:33] <Lcvette> I'm referring to the goal of the tool bar
[01:16:50] <Lcvette> Seems if there's going to be a problem with how the Gui looks in certain desktop environments, then there's a bigger underlying problem
[01:17:27] <hazzy-m> JT mentioned that we did not have a way to make one at the moment, we should make it possible, though it is not very urgent
[01:18:03] <Lcvette> If the desktop environment is capable of reformatting the gui I m mean that would be a problem wouldn't it?
[01:18:31] <Lcvette> Or did I misunderstand what you explained?
[01:20:38] <hazzy-m> No, that is their job, to make all applications fit into the overall desktop environment in a consistent and aesthetic manner, which includes reformating them to more or less extent.
[01:21:38] <hazzy-m> Have you ever thought about what a UI looks like to somebody that uses a R to L language instead of a L to R one like English? They will think everything is backwards
[01:22:30] <Lcvette> N no
[01:22:33] <Lcvette> Lol
[01:22:34] <hazzy-m> the desktop will do its best to relayout the UI to fit, it is the programmers responsibility to give the desktop as much help at they can
[01:23:51] <hazzy-m> so uses the proper methods for making menubars and toolbars goes a long ways to making the app look and work right in different situations
[01:25:02] <Lcvette> That's why we hire people from Asia
[01:25:11] <hazzy-m> LOL
[01:25:20] <Lcvette> :D
[01:25:48] <Lcvette> I I put wanted ads out
[01:26:01] <Lcvette> Waiting on applicants
[01:26:08] <hazzy-m> xD
[01:26:37] <hazzy-m> ok, time to sleep!
[01:26:42] <hazzy-m> good night!
[01:26:42] <Lcvette> Yes
[01:26:49] <Lcvette> Lcvette is sleepy
[01:26:54] <Lcvette> Night
[05:41:53] <jthornton> morning
[09:01:50] <jthornton> aww crumb reload not programmed yet
[09:10:27] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+5/-0/±3] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/1ee97e710f548b2624a6c4b83ae71c16663c07a9...5f4640b395c646ae0b5a16fb7035b84528bdd1cb
[09:10:28] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07John Thornton 035f4640b - DOC: rework first page of tutorial and add more content Signed-off-by: John Thornton <jt@gnipsel.com>
[09:11:41] <hazzy-m> Morning
[09:14:01] <jthornton> morning
[09:14:21] <jthornton> are there more than the open file and set work offsets dialogs?
[09:17:18] <hazzy-m> Yes, so far, but a UI file can be used for a dialog
[09:22:27] <jthornton> like for a custom dialog?
[09:22:54] <hazzy-m> Yes
[09:23:29] <jthornton> ok, I'm just trying to cover the built in dialogs but I should mention that
[09:24:33] <jthornton> would it take much to implement program reload?
[09:24:54] <hazzy-m> https://qtpyvcp.kcjengr.com
[09:25:35] <jthornton> ah ha you have that already lol
[09:26:15] <hazzy-m> No, program reload should be easy, just need to get to it, lol
[09:27:01] <jthornton> I use that a lot in real life, make a change reload test make a change reload test...
[09:27:55] <hazzy-m> A file watcher with auto reload might be nice ...
[09:30:01] <jthornton> might be a pain too lol unless you can select it to work or not
[09:31:35] <jthornton> I wonder if reset_interpreter() is what is used to reload a file?
[09:33:18] <hazzy-m> I think you have to look a blank file (one with just M3) and then reload the original one
[09:33:20] <jthornton> axis reload https://paste.ubuntu.com
[09:38:32] <jthornton> if you don't want a menubar how do you turn that off? for example a touch screen application
[09:59:33] <hazzy-m> good question, in yml config file you should be able to replace ( default_menu ) with null, but that does not work
[09:59:35] <hazzy-m> hmm
[10:02:07] <JT-Shop> yea tried that lol
[10:11:25] <Lcvette> Rewind/reload? To take program back to start?
[10:11:34] <Lcvette> Morning
[10:11:39] <Lcvette> :D
[10:11:49] <Lcvette> I had that on the early version
[10:15:53] <JT-Shop2> reload a program that you have changed
[10:16:28] <burkelfoo> If there's a fault could it change the status tab color? (assuming status is just a log)
[10:16:49] <JT-Shop2> yea you can do that
[10:18:14] <JT-Shop> https://www.youtube.com
[11:07:04] <hazzy-m> JT-Shop: you can hide the menu with the cmd line option --hide-menu-bar or from the INI with [DISPLAY]HIDE_MENU_BAR=true
[11:07:19] <hazzy-m> pushing a fix for custom menu bars now
[11:38:34] <Roguish> hazzy-m: how is one to know of all these options (like hiding the menu) ?
[11:38:51] <JT-Shop> ok great
[11:39:09] <Roguish> so, JT, how's the weather?
[11:39:17] <JT-Shop> Roguish: I'm writing that in the docs :)
[11:39:18] <hazzy-m> Roguish: qtpyvcp -h will print a list of all the options to the terminal
[11:39:28] <hazzy-m> I should add them to the docs as well
[11:39:28] <JT-Shop> wet and nasty
[11:40:23] <hazzy-m> all the command line options can also be used in the INI[DISPLAY] section, just conver to upper case and instead of - use _ so it matches the rest of the INI format
[11:40:44] <hazzy-m> JT-Shop: thanks!
[11:43:50] <jthornton> I'll be adding that info too
[11:47:10] -!- JT-qtpyvcp has joined #hazzy
[12:17:04] <hazzy-m> jthornton: just pushed a fix for the menu bar, setting menu: null should now remove the menu bar
[12:17:27] <hazzy-m> boy, that was a hard one to squish, I thought is was going to be easy
[12:17:29] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 033 commits to 03master [+3/-0/±4] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/5f4640b395c646ae0b5a16fb7035b84528bdd1cb...b6ba6ecb1d69c3ca889045088142ef9423296e58
[12:17:30] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07John Thornton 03bd6547f - DOC: add ini file configuration options Signed-off-by: John Thornton <jt@gnipsel.com>
[12:17:32] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07John Thornton 038ac3ec9 - DOC: add dialogs to tutorial Signed-off-by: John Thornton <jt@gnipsel.com>
[12:17:33] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 03b6ba6ec - BUG: fix custom menu bar handling in YAML It is now possible to override the default menubar by setting the menu value do anything other than 'default'. if null is pass no menu bar will be added to the window.
[12:21:57] <jthornton> ok thanks
[12:22:32] <jthornton> now we have more than one way to skin that cat lol
[12:48:59] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/b6ba6ecb1d69c3ca889045088142ef9423296e58...113fa153860643f35e40c700a9e50426d6231b1d
[12:49:01] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07John Thornton 03113fa15 - DOC: add info about hiding the menu in the tutorial Signed-off-by: John Thornton <jt@gnipsel.com>
[12:50:31] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: VectorImage_2019-01-13_125023.jpg (378KB) < https://matrix.org >
[12:51:04] * hazzy-m changing a radiator, in the cold :(
[13:21:28] <jthornton> not much room in there...
[13:40:30] <TurBoss> hello
[13:43:06] <JT-Shop> hi
[13:45:10] -!- Roguish_VM has joined #hazzy
[13:50:16] <Roguish> my weather, https://www.wunderground.com
[13:51:38] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/113fa153860643f35e40c700a9e50426d6231b1d...ca03a32ee7c0468751d362438057f4de70a7fe8b
[13:51:39] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07John Thornton 03ca03a32 - DOC: add upgrade information Signed-off-by: John Thornton <jt@gnipsel.com>
[13:51:43] -!- Roguish_VM has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[13:52:10] -!- Roguish_VM has joined #hazzy
[14:03:15] <JT-Shop> Roguish: https://qtpyvcp.kcjengr.com
[14:03:45] <Roguish> THANKS JT.
[14:07:42] <jthornton> Roguish: did you see the tutorial?
[14:07:49] <jthornton> I've been working on that some
[14:07:51] <Roguish> no, have
[14:08:24] <Roguish> haven't had time to look yet. might go thru it later today, after a bike ride.
[14:08:40] <jthornton> ok, feedback is good!
[14:09:34] <Roguish> i'll let ya know. for sure.
[14:37:29] <TurBoss> nice JT
[15:01:09] <hazzy-m> jthornton: did you creat a release?
[15:02:32] <hazzy-m> v0.1.11 was just released, I don't think I did it, but I'm not sure
[15:02:33] <hazzy-m> LOL
[15:06:13] <JT-Shop2> not me lol
[15:06:28] <JT-Shop2> TurBoss: thanks
[15:06:50] <JT-Shop2> might have happened when the cat walked on the keyboard...
[15:08:13] <hazzy-m> XD
[15:10:00] <hazzy-m> I was testing a git script, but I don't see how it could have tagged and push a release, but I guess it did
[15:24:51] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson tagged 03ca03a32ee7c0468751d362438057f4de70a7fe8b as 03v0.1.11
[15:29:47] <TurBoss> not me
[15:31:00] <TurBoss> gosht release
[15:33:43] <TurBoss> ill check the pypi server
[15:33:47] <TurBoss> tonight
[16:31:31] <TurBoss> hazzy: where is Qcontrol hosted
[16:31:35] <TurBoss> inside qtpyvcp?¿
[16:33:02] <TurBoss> t3kr0A8
[16:33:07] <TurBoss> https://youtu.be
[16:33:16] <hazzy-m> www.github.com/kurtjacobson/qcontrol
[16:34:08] <TurBoss> https://pip.jauriarts.org
[16:34:41] <TurBoss> ty
[16:35:23] <TurBoss> http://dpaste.com
[16:37:20] <TurBoss> I'm in a dilema
[16:37:40] <TurBoss> debian 9 doesn't recognize my soundcard so I have no mucis
[16:37:44] <TurBoss> *music
[16:38:03] <TurBoss> youtube mobile is bs
[16:38:19] <TurBoss> I should install my soundcard on debian 9
[16:39:29] <TurBoss> apart of that
[16:39:50] <TurBoss> when will PB leave the nest and fly alone?
[16:39:51] <TurBoss> hahahahahah
[16:41:32] <TurBoss> http://dpaste.com
[16:42:30] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (77KB) < https://matrix.org >
[17:27:04] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: I cant reproduce those syntax errors
[17:27:10] <TurBoss> hmmmm
[17:27:20] <TurBoss> sek
[17:27:38] <TurBoss> pip install git+https://github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git -d somefolder
[17:27:57] <hazzy-m> thanks, trying
[17:28:14] <TurBoss> maybe because the pypi server doesn'¡t have qt?
[17:28:17] <TurBoss> could be
[17:28:36] <hazzy-m> ah yes, could be
[17:28:42] <hazzy-m> I install it on travis
[17:29:25] <hazzy-m> on travis I do: sudo apt-get install pyqt5-dev-tools before building the python packages
[17:30:09] <TurBoss> sek
[17:30:17] <TurBoss> where is teh Qcompile.py
[17:30:33] <hazzy-m> in tools/
[17:30:52] <TurBoss> missing () in the print
[17:31:01] <TurBoss> maybe py3 messing with it
[17:31:18] <hazzy-m> it should not be using py3
[17:31:21] <TurBoss> line 43 and 68
[17:31:28] <TurBoss> ok
[17:31:48] <hazzy-m> because then the .pyc files in the wheel would be wrong
[17:31:55] <TurBoss> oh found
[17:32:01] <TurBoss> pypi venv is py3
[17:32:09] <hazzy-m> aha!
[17:35:59] <TurBoss> can you please fix the print to be p3 compat?
[17:36:07] <TurBoss> hazzy:?
[17:40:29] <hazzy-m> sure
[17:40:31] <hazzy-m> sek
[17:40:33] <TurBoss> ty
[17:40:42] <TurBoss> I'm onmybuntu
[17:40:46] <TurBoss> not deb
[17:41:01] <TurBoss> no music on debian :(
[17:44:28] <hazzy-m> :(
[17:44:28] <hazzy-m> pushed
[17:44:37] <TurBoss> thanks!
[17:44:37] <hazzy-m> I don't think that is the problem though
[17:45:10] <TurBoss> chacking
[17:45:30] <TurBoss> hurray
[17:45:35] <TurBoss> fixed
[17:45:43] <hazzy-m> excellent!!
[17:48:03] <TurBoss> https://pip.jauriarts.org
[17:48:06] <TurBoss> :D
[17:48:20] <TurBoss> qcontrol still point to not updated qtpyvcp
[17:48:26] <hazzy-m> whoa! Nice!
[17:48:51] <hazzy-m> says I need a passworkd to download
[17:49:05] <TurBoss> hmmmm
[17:49:06] <TurBoss> sek
[18:02:20] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://gitlab.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/compare/ca03a32ee7c0468751d362438057f4de70a7fe8b...9d4c478529b46801e8ed41f44cb1f407604727ba
[18:02:22] <Not-e6c6> [02QtPyVCP] 07Kurt Jacobson 039d4c478 - qcompile - make print statements py3 compatible
[18:02:30] <TurBoss> ty!
[18:04:43] <JT-qtpyvcp> adding all homed to a channel in the rules editor what is the exact syntax? I've not been able to guess it lol
[18:07:47] <TurBoss> export PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL=https://pip.jauriarts.org/simple/
[18:07:57] <TurBoss> pip install qtpyvcp
[18:14:25] -!- Roguish has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92-rdmsoft [XULRunner 35.0.1/20150122214805]]
[18:33:45] <JT-qtpyvcp> so status:joint[0].homed is valid what is valid for status:all.homed?
[18:46:34] <hazzy-m> JT-qtpyvcp: I don't think LCNC has an all homed attribute, I shouild add one
[18:47:01] <jthornton> you have an all homed method what is that?
[18:47:41] <hazzy-m> hmm, I don't remember, lol
[18:47:45] <hazzy-m> let me check
[18:47:46] <hazzy-m> sek
[18:48:02] <JT-qtpyvcp> https://qtpyvcp.kcjengr.com
[18:49:11] <hazzy-m> there is an an all_homed signals, but it I don't think it can be used from rules
[18:49:14] <hazzy-m> I'll work on that
[18:49:27] <JT-qtpyvcp> ok, no wonder it didn't work lol
[18:50:14] <JT-qtpyvcp> trying to change the home all button from home to homed and change the color green for the tutorial
[18:50:16] <hazzy-m> sorry about that, it would certainly be a very useful signal to be able to use from rules
[18:50:26] <hazzy-m> Nice!
[18:51:14] <jthornton> time for some chow...
[18:52:28] -!- Roguish has joined #hazzy
[19:32:24] <TurBoss> @Lc
[19:32:32] <TurBoss> Lcvette: you arround?
[19:32:48] <TurBoss> wana helpme finish the Lathe touch off thing?
[19:33:10] <Lcvette> Hola
[19:33:18] <TurBoss> Alo!
[19:33:21] <Lcvette> I'm here but not at home
[19:33:24] <TurBoss> oh ok
[19:33:28] <TurBoss> doesn't matter
[19:33:36] <TurBoss> will do myself
[19:33:44] <Lcvette> At my parents for a Sunday dinner
[19:33:50] <TurBoss> profit
[19:34:05] <TurBoss> profit is profresional fir?
[19:34:08] <TurBoss> fit?
[19:34:12] <Lcvette> Will be home around 10
[19:34:24] <TurBoss> don't worry
[19:34:31] <TurBoss> thanks
[19:34:59] <TurBoss> hazzy: I have installed the sublime thig
[19:35:15] <hazzy-m> do you like it? it is FAST!
[19:35:16] <TurBoss> what does for free?
[19:35:34] <TurBoss> wants my moneis
[19:35:45] <hazzy-m> :(
[19:35:58] <Lcvette> I have sublime
[19:36:10] <hazzy-m> I did not play with it much, but it seems good, but $99 is a bit much
[19:36:17] <Lcvette> Can I help from here?
[19:36:21] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: this is a sublime version of gitkraken
[19:36:25] <TurBoss> yeah
[19:36:26] <TurBoss> that
[19:36:30] <TurBoss> no thanks
[19:37:11] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: You know bash?
[19:37:16] <TurBoss> a bit
[19:37:21] <TurBoss> what do you need
[19:37:22] <TurBoss> ?
[19:37:51] <TurBoss> https://git-scm.com i'm looking at this
[19:39:09] <hazzy-m> I have this which works great in a terminal `git log --pretty="* %an" "v0.1.1..HEAD" | sort -u`
[19:39:17] <hazzy-m> but not in a script file
[19:39:55] <hazzy-m> `CONTRIBUTORS=$( git log --pretty="* %an" "v0.1.1..HEAD" | sort -u )`
[19:40:05] <hazzy-m> it does not work the same as in the terminal
[19:40:10] <hazzy-m> and I can't see why
[19:40:11] <TurBoss> sek
[19:42:25] <TurBoss> I have this in one of my scripts
[19:43:05] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[19:43:58] <hazzy-m> great! I'll try that format with the ``
[19:44:08] <hazzy-m> ty
[19:44:13] <TurBoss> you are welcome
[19:49:20] <TurBoss> GitAhead
[19:49:25] <TurBoss> works like a charm
[19:50:55] <hazzy-m> LOL, the comparison chart says Gitkraken does not have things that it actualy does!
[19:51:05] <TurBoss> hehe
[19:57:36] <hazzy-m> GitAhead is very nice!
[19:57:48] <hazzy-m> much faster then GitKraken on my laptop
[19:57:52] <TurBoss> Great
[19:57:56] <hazzy-m> the power of Qt
[19:58:04] <hazzy-m> lol
[20:30:04] -!- Roguish_VM has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[21:50:22] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (25KB) < https://matrix.org >
[21:50:25] <TurBoss> hmmmm
[21:50:29] <TurBoss> cool
[21:50:53] <hazzy-m> what is that?
[21:50:59] <TurBoss> openscad
[21:51:04] <TurBoss> just playing with it
[21:51:10] <TurBoss> is a demo file
[21:51:10] <hazzy-m> oh, nice
[21:51:16] <TurBoss> just copied the viewport
[21:51:21] <TurBoss> and smaped here
[21:51:26] <TurBoss> *spamed
[21:58:10] <TurBoss> what you working on hazzy ?
[21:58:56] <hazzy-m> can't get the script thing to work :(
[21:59:23] <hazzy-m> I'm going to go sit by the fire and relax
[21:59:34] <TurBoss> paste it some were
[21:59:37] <TurBoss> I'll take a look
[21:59:52] <hazzy-m> Thank you!
[21:59:53] <hazzy-m> sek
[22:00:41] <hazzy-m> http://dpaste.com
[22:00:46] <hazzy-m> should output:
[22:01:41] <hazzy-m> lol
[22:01:42] * hazzy-m sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[22:01:42] <hazzy-m> seems easy
[22:02:08] <TurBoss> k
[22:03:38] <hazzy-m> `git shortlog v0.1.10..HEAD -sn` is almost perfect, but I cant figure out how to get it into a variable and add the * for the list
[22:23:31] <TurBoss> CONTRIBUTORS=$(git shortlog 'v0.1.10..v0.1.11' -sn)
[22:23:38] <TurBoss> 😇
[22:24:14] <TurBoss> you should be showing commits betwentags?
[22:26:12] <TurBoss> contributors since latest comit and head are none
[22:26:13] <TurBoss> :D
[22:47:01] <TurBoss> hazzy: works?
[22:47:39] <TurBoss> I only made 128 commits
[22:47:41] <TurBoss> lol
[22:48:56] <TurBoss> ```
[22:49:17] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[22:51:55] <Lcvette> Hello
[22:52:01] <TurBoss> hell-o
[22:52:29] <TurBoss> you won me
[22:55:00] <Lcvette> What's that
[22:55:08] <TurBoss> number of commits
[22:55:46] <Lcvette> Meh
[22:56:03] <Lcvette> Lol
[22:56:09] <Lcvette> Not a competition
[22:56:14] <TurBoss> ahhahahaha
[22:56:16] <Lcvette> Is a team effort
[22:56:30] <TurBoss> ya true
[22:56:31] <TurBoss> :D
[22:56:35] <Lcvette> Team score
[22:56:42] <TurBoss>
[22:56:49] <Lcvette> B:D
[22:56:55] <Lcvette> :D
[22:57:00] <TurBoss> B-D
[22:58:31] <Lcvette> The colon key and B key is same
[22:59:24] * Lcvette uploaded an image: _20190113_225905.JPG (5KB) < https://matrix.org >
[23:01:04] <hazzy-m> I won big time! What is the prize?
[23:01:05] <hazzy-m> LOL
[23:01:18] <hazzy-m> hey Lcvette
[23:01:27] <TurBoss> you won El Chapas
[23:01:32] <TurBoss> I'm delivering it
[23:01:32] <Lcvette> Hola
[23:01:43] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: xD
[23:01:51] <Lcvette> Kitties?
[23:02:23] * TurBoss uploaded an image: 20190114_050204.jpg (231KB) < https://matrix.org >
[23:02:23] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: is that your VLB? Looks great!
[23:02:46] <TurBoss> as usual don't let me do things
[23:02:47] <hazzy-m> hahaha, that is a great prize! Thank you, I'll take very good care
[23:02:50] <Lcvette> My tablet
[23:03:33] <hazzy-m> oh, duh
[23:04:59] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (1104KB) < https://matrix.org >
[23:05:04] <TurBoss> lol
[23:06:38] <TurBoss> hazzy: did the git script worked?
[23:11:16] <Lcvette> Kitties love boxes
[23:11:33] <TurBoss> like hermits
[23:11:45] <TurBoss> crabs
[23:31:18] <Lcvette> Indeed
[23:31:39] <Lcvette> How did the radiator fix go hazzy
[23:35:01] <hazzy-m> it was easy, ran out of time to get it up to get it all the way up to temp, but all seems good
[23:35:45] <Lcvette> Nice
[23:36:04] <Lcvette> I did my wifes x5 Monday
[23:36:06] <hazzy-m> first time replacing one, it had a integral ATF cooler and I could not find any info on bleeding or flushing that
[23:36:15] <hazzy-m> is that needed?
[23:36:17] <Lcvette> And downwind tank both were leaking
[23:37:01] <Lcvette> No, but you may need to add a little fluid if much was lost
[23:37:24] <Lcvette> Expansion tank*
[23:37:33] <Lcvette> Auto correct got me... Lol
[23:37:47] <hazzy-m> Great! Very little was lost, I was nervous so pluged them up real quick
[23:38:27] <Lcvette> Check the level just to be safe
[23:38:27] <hazzy-m> oh, that is not good, how difficult was it, have to take much out? on the newer cars it looks like it could bea real pain
[23:38:38] <hazzy-m> I will
[23:38:43] <Lcvette> Wasn't to bad
[23:39:48] <hazzy-m> good, I need to do my sisters corola soon too, leaking all around the top where the composite cap is crimped to the metal fins
[23:40:05] <Lcvette> But I heard a rattle afterwards which I know to be the timing chain at the end of its stretch and tensioner adjustment so we got her a Kia sportage
[23:40:37] <Lcvette> BMW getting cleaned up to sell now
[23:40:55] <hazzy-m> Nice!! Those Kias are are zippy little cars
[23:41:09] <Lcvette> She got it Friday
[23:41:16] <Lcvette> Loves it
[23:41:23] <Lcvette> They are very reasonable
[23:41:55] <Lcvette> 2017 with 44k miles for $11,800
[23:42:36] <hazzy-m> that is fantastic
[23:42:51] <Lcvette> Yeah it's the base model
[23:42:57] <hazzy-m> and many are made right here!
[23:43:28] <Lcvette> But it's just too get her by for a year or so until our other car is paid off
[23:44:09] <Lcvette> Wasn't ready to have to take on another car payment right now so had to keep it low
[23:44:21] <Lcvette> $211/mo
[23:44:45] <Lcvette> No money down
[23:44:49] <Lcvette> No trade
[23:45:01] <Lcvette> Hoping to get 4-5k for her x5
[23:45:21] * hazzy-m has never paid that much for a car, much less monthly xD
[23:45:39] <Lcvette> Your young
[23:45:58] <hazzy-m> and willing to drive junk :)
[23:45:59] <Lcvette> You will
[23:46:26] <TurBoss> mine is near to 300k Km
[23:46:49] <TurBoss> 1999
[23:46:59] <TurBoss> spain is little
[23:47:01] <TurBoss> :P
[23:47:12] <hazzy-m> toyoda?
[23:47:18] <TurBoss> yup
[23:47:22] <TurBoss> landcruiser
[23:47:27] <Lcvette> Nice
[23:47:33] <TurBoss> 3000 125
[23:47:45] <TurBoss> diesel
[23:47:59] <hazzy-m> do you spell it toyoda or toyota in spain?
[23:48:03] <TurBoss> toyota
[23:48:08] <hazzy-m> diesel, nice!!
[23:48:28] * Lcvette uploaded an image: bmw_x5_07.jpg (380KB) < https://matrix.org >
[23:48:42] <TurBoss> now show your M5
[23:48:51] <TurBoss> lol
[23:49:58] * Lcvette uploaded an image: IMG_20150522_204756702_HDR.jpg (2797KB) < https://matrix.org >
[23:50:01] <Lcvette> 335i
[23:50:10] <hazzy-m> after getting stuck int he snow hazzy wants to get an M35, lol
[23:50:18] <TurBoss> my mother had an 325i
[23:50:25] <TurBoss> much fun with it
[23:50:42] <Lcvette> 335i is lots of fun
[23:50:52] <Lcvette> 335i with 500whp
[23:51:09] <TurBoss> woah
[23:51:37] <TurBoss> was a e36 version
[23:51:45] <TurBoss> no esp and that things
[23:52:00] <Lcvette> Turbo
[23:52:04] <TurBoss> duno
[23:52:07] <TurBoss> yours?
[23:52:12] <Lcvette> Yes
[23:52:15] <TurBoss> cool
[23:53:16] <Lcvette> Is your Landxruiser turbo diesel?
[23:53:27] <TurBoss> yup
[23:53:35] <Lcvette> Mods?
[23:53:38] <TurBoss> nop
[23:53:40] <TurBoss> raw
[23:53:43] <Lcvette> Lol
[23:53:55] <Lcvette> Need more boost
[23:54:12] <TurBoss> lul and a diesel tank behind
[23:54:44] <Lcvette> Lol
[23:54:57] <hazzy-m> haha
[23:57:14] <hazzy-m> my sis has an older turbo diesel mercedes sprinter, I drove it about 10k miles a few summers ago and for a bus its not bad at all, and it has a nice whistle, I could listen to that thing all night
[23:57:17] <hazzy-m> (and did several times, lol)
[23:57:51] <Lcvette> Turn up the boostesses
[23:58:41] <hazzy-m> yes, I was joking about doping that, what it really needs it the darn governor removed..
[23:59:45] <hazzy-m> wont go over 120kmh, which gets real old when speed limit is 75
[23:59:52] <Lcvette> Tear it off