#hazzy | Logs for 2019-02-02

[00:15:08] -!- JT-Shop has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:15:42] -!- JT-qtpyvcp has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:15:43] -!- jthornton has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:16:00] -!- JT-qtpyvcp has joined #hazzy
[00:16:08] -!- JT-Shop2 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:16:09] -!- jthornton has joined #hazzy
[00:16:37] -!- JT-Shop2 has joined #hazzy
[00:16:48] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: does it need to light up based on the orientation set in the tooltable?
[00:17:09] -!- JT-Shop has joined #hazzy
[00:17:38] <Lcvette> Hmmmm, I would assume so
[00:18:00] <Lcvette> Or maybe this is a way to set the tool table also
[00:18:26] <Lcvette> Seeing as how the offsets should be written to the tool table
[00:18:36] <hazzy-m> right
[00:19:03] <hazzy-m> i had a look at johns vid, looks like that should be easy to implement what PP does
[00:19:14] <Lcvette> Awesome
[00:34:35] <Lcvette> hazzy, what paint did you use on your mill build
[00:34:41] <Lcvette> the MD001
[00:45:11] <hazzy-m> it is quite a concoction. mostly valspar tractor and implement enamel, mixed from four or five of the stock colors to get what I liked, some japan driers, valspar hardener, VM&P naptha (the stinky kind), and acetone as needed to thin for spraying
[00:45:42] <Lcvette> ah
[00:45:49] <hazzy-m> it turned out pretty good, very hard and resistant to peeling and damage from oil, but it was not worth the effort, lol
[00:45:55] <Lcvette> so it wasn't just a can of something
[00:45:56] <Lcvette> lol
[00:46:15] <JoseLuisGitter[m> test
[00:46:19] <JoseLuisGitter[m> hello
[00:46:35] <hazzy-m> it was a bunch of different cans, unscientifically mixed, xD
[00:46:39] <hazzy-m> I could never repeat it
[00:46:46] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: Hey!
[00:46:56] <JoseLuisGitter[m> this bridge still alive
[00:46:57] <JoseLuisGitter[m> :D
[00:47:07] <hazzy-m> haha, it is!
[00:47:17] <hazzy-m> we never use gitter anymore
[00:47:34] <hazzy-m> Jose Luis (Gitter): there we go
[00:47:51] * TurBoss is trying to mix pyqt5 and asyncio
[00:48:10] <TurBoss> hazzy: have you ear about quamash?
[00:48:22] <hazzy-m> hohoho, there is some good asyncio stuff in Qt, no?
[00:48:29] <hazzy-m> no
[00:48:36] <hazzy-m> sounds bad
[00:48:36] <hazzy-m> lol
[00:48:48] <TurBoss> I allready have an asyncio library
[00:48:58] <TurBoss> I'm trying to use it with pyqt5
[00:49:02] <hazzy-m> ah
[00:49:55] <hazzy-m> this? https://github.com
[00:50:00] <TurBoss> yup
[00:50:17] <TurBoss> only pythonm 3.5<
[00:50:52] <TurBoss> https://pypi.org
[00:51:09] <TurBoss> hmm not usefull
[00:53:08] <TurBoss> hazzy: this thing is what im working on --> https://github.com
[00:54:58] <hazzy-m> `loginSuccesSignal = pyqtSignal(int, arguments=['result'])`, I did not know you could to that!!
[00:55:05] <hazzy-m> do
[00:55:26] <TurBoss> line?=
[00:55:40] <hazzy-m> the arguments
[00:55:58] <TurBoss> ah found
[00:56:18] <TurBoss> this way I can pick arguments by name in QML
[00:56:36] <hazzy-m> nice!
[00:57:48] <hazzy-m> we need a lathe sim now ..
[00:57:57] <TurBoss> oh yes
[00:59:16] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 032 commits to 03Lathe_Touch_off [+0/-0/±2] 13https://git.io/fhSme
[00:59:18] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 0392d1259 - add rules to check orientation button for active tool
[00:59:19] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 038f0c60b - ignore *.qmlc files
[00:59:37] <TurBoss> oh?
[00:59:46] <hazzy-m> not much
[00:59:52] <hazzy-m> just playing :)
[00:59:57] <TurBoss> play play
[01:00:53] <hazzy-m> I need a lathe sim to test, will make one in the morning
[01:01:04] <hazzy-m> time to sleep now!
[01:01:05] <hazzy-m> gn8
[01:01:24] <Lcvette> hurray!!!!
[01:01:57] <Lcvette> night!
[05:31:58] <JT-qtpyvcp> morning
[05:42:01] <TurBoss> hello
[05:42:34] <TurBoss> i saw what you mentioned about larhe branch
[05:42:52] <TurBoss> property... simething
[05:43:09] <TurBoss> lathe**
[05:48:41] <JT-qtpyvcp> https://paste.ubuntu.com
[06:22:56] <TurBoss> yes that
[06:23:07] <TurBoss> can reproduce
[10:17:26] -!- Roguish has joined #hazzy
[10:30:51] <Lcvette> Wow, they packed the heck out of this monitor
[10:31:23] * Lcvette uploaded an image: VectorImage_2019-02-02_103111.jpg (102KB) < https://matrix.org >
[10:33:43] * Lcvette uploaded an image: VectorImage_2019-02-02_103334.jpg (90KB) < https://matrix.org >
[10:34:45] * Lcvette uploaded an image: VectorImage_2019-02-02_103437.jpg (162KB) < https://matrix.org >
[10:39:31] * Lcvette uploaded an image: VectorImage_2019-02-02_103917.jpg (172KB) < https://matrix.org >
[10:40:14] * Lcvette uploaded an image: VectorImage_2019-02-02_104005.jpg (93KB) < https://matrix.org >
[10:41:36] <Lcvette> Not a nick, scratch or ding Tobe found on it and it came with all cables including the remote control plug in for power and settings
[10:50:30] <Lcvette> Scratch that comment, not all cables, did not come with USB or video cable, but those are pretty common I have tons here from various other machines of the past
[10:51:02] <Lcvette> Gonna try it out real quick on the hazzy box
[10:54:54] <hazzy-m> Sweet!!
[11:07:11] * hazzy-m just bought a trouchscreen
[11:31:25] <Lcvette> just got it connected to the hazzy box, picture is gorgeous, but touch is not working
[11:31:51] <Lcvette> hazzy: any thoughts?
[11:32:01] <Lcvette> is there anything i need to do?
[11:32:17] <Lcvette> the last time the monitor was connected when the system was installed
[11:32:53] <hazzy-m> it should be plug n play
[11:33:01] <hazzy-m> you have the USB connected?
[11:33:09] <Lcvette> yeah
[11:33:15] <Lcvette> but its not tthe factory usb
[11:33:38] <hazzy-m> wonder if it needs different drivers because it is multitouch
[11:34:19] <Lcvette> my other one is a capacitive 10 touch
[11:37:12] <hazzy-m> hmmm, so should be fine
[11:37:31] <hazzy-m> the drivers link on the elo site is broken :(
[11:39:02] <Lcvette> great
[11:39:32] <Lcvette> why must everything have a caveat
[11:39:33] <Lcvette> lol
[11:39:39] <Lcvette> its the last little things
[11:39:51] <hazzy-m> maybe try on your win machine and see what it does
[11:40:15] <Lcvette> good idea
[11:40:17] <hazzy-m> then you will know if its the monitor or the PC
[11:41:23] <hazzy-m> I'll have mine soon and we can cuss, I mean troubleshoot, together
[11:41:37] <Lcvette> hahahahaha
[11:44:16] <Lcvette> it looks like there is a video car on the pc you sent plus onboard graphics
[11:44:30] <Lcvette> could there be a conflict there?
[12:02:27] <hazzy-m> hmm, I dont think so, because the touchscreen part is completely separate from the actual display
[12:02:47] <hazzy-m> you should be able to just plug in the USB (no video cable) and use it like a mouse
[12:03:25] <hazzy-m> all the touchscreen is as far as the PC is concerned is a USB input device
[12:07:33] <TurBoss> nice screen
[12:14:29] <Lcvette> just got it plugged into the windows box
[12:14:32] <Lcvette> no touch
[12:14:39] <Lcvette> not sure if i need to install anything
[12:15:12] <Lcvette> running a wondows update check now
[12:18:41] <Lcvette> http://support.elotouch.com
[12:19:47] <Lcvette> thx turboss, but its not so nice if it doesn't touch
[12:19:49] <Lcvette> :(
[12:21:02] * hazzy-m cancels his screen order
[12:21:03] <hazzy-m> JK
[12:21:12] <Lcvette> i would
[12:21:24] <Lcvette> until i get this one figured out
[12:21:54] <Lcvette> might be a bunch of duds
[12:22:33] <hazzy-m> hmm, true, but they said they had tested touch ...
[12:22:46] <hazzy-m> looks like a very reputable seller
[12:23:05] <Lcvette> i tried 2 computers and no touch
[12:23:21] <Lcvette> lcvette goes to get his certified elo usb
[12:23:26] <Lcvette> just in case
[12:23:38] <hazzy-m> that monitor has a lockout setting for touch, have you played with that?
[12:23:58] <Lcvette> no
[12:24:01] <Lcvette> where?
[12:24:04] <hazzy-m> wonder if it is locked out by default for some reason
[12:24:11] <hazzy-m> should be in the settings menu
[12:24:17] <hazzy-m> on the monitor
[12:26:50] <Lcvette> i just scrolled through them again and don't see anything about lockout
[12:27:37] <hazzy-m> hmm, then it may be a physical switch
[12:27:44] <hazzy-m> or maybe on the remote
[12:29:36] <Lcvette> no
[12:29:41] <Lcvette> don't see anything
[12:29:44] <Lcvette> looked thoroughly
[12:30:04] <hazzy-m> hmmm
[12:32:43] <Lcvette> i definitely don't have the correct drivers though
[12:32:44] <Lcvette> it says its a generic display
[12:32:44] <Lcvette> lol
[12:32:54] <Lcvette> so going to try and figure out how to get the correct drivers on the windows machine
[12:37:29] <Lcvette> installing drivers
[12:39:21] <Lcvette> it works
[12:39:23] <Lcvette> :D
[12:39:28] <Lcvette> just needed drivers
[12:39:33] <Lcvette> running calibration now
[12:39:40] <Lcvette> it was the drivers
[12:39:52] <Lcvette> Hurray!
[12:43:59] <Lcvette> hazzy: don't cancel
[12:44:23] <Lcvette> it works on windows, now i need to know which linux drivers so i canverify it works there too!
[12:44:30] <Lcvette> switching the screen back over
[12:44:37] <Lcvette> to verify before you cancel
[12:46:01] * Lcvette uploaded a video: VID_20190202_124519632.mp4 (11744KB) < https://matrix.org >
[12:50:01] <Lcvette> gping dark for a moment while i shut down to unplug everything
[12:50:04] <Lcvette> brb
[12:52:45] <hazzy-m> Hurray!!!!
[13:02:44] <TurBoss> amazing
[13:03:56] * Lcvette uploaded an image: VectorImage_2019-02-02_010343.jpg (248KB) < https://matrix.org >
[13:04:11] <Lcvette> ok back up and runn ing and more organized now
[13:13:47] <Lcvette> ok, I downloaded the latest driver file, but i am not sure what to do with it?
[13:14:21] <hazzy-m> it should have readme that says how to install
[13:14:35] <Lcvette> http://support.elotouch.com
[13:16:14] <hazzy-m> yeah, look at the readme.txt
[13:16:28] <Lcvette> the instructions are byond me
[13:16:39] <Lcvette> there is stuff in there thati know nothing about
[13:16:42] <Lcvette> because linux
[13:16:52] <Lcvette> it is not easy like wondows
[13:16:56] <Lcvette> windows
[13:16:58] <Lcvette> :(
[13:17:33] <Lcvette> there is a whole list of stuff in there that it says that makes no sense
[13:18:40] <hazzy-m> don't get scared because it is not grunt n click :)
[13:19:05] <hazzy-m> just do easy step in order, all you have to do is copy and paste the commands into a termina
[13:19:07] <hazzy-m> l
[13:23:20] <Lcvette> im just gonna return it and get another like the one i have the is plug and plkay
[13:23:44] <Lcvette> i can't get past the first step
[13:23:55] <Lcvette> later
[13:24:02] <Lcvette> back to the lathe
[13:42:31] <Lcvette> I remembered i needed to be in the folder it was saved to
[13:42:40] <Lcvette> but now i am stuck and need help
[13:42:56] <Lcvette> its beyond my depth because i don't understand what it is saying
[13:43:38] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[13:44:20] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[13:45:00] <Lcvette> thats what i have done and that is the instruction set im stuck on, i don't understand kernel module stuff
[13:45:05] <Lcvette> help!
[13:45:14] <Lcvette> hazzy
[13:46:04] <hazzy-m> ah, you need to use sudo
[13:46:40] <Lcvette> i did
[13:46:53] <Lcvette> i forgot but always went back and used it before moving on
[13:48:00] <pcw_home> you cannot copy or change files in system folders (like /etc) without sudo
[13:49:17] <Lcvette> i did do it though
[13:49:33] <Lcvette> i used sudo
[13:49:49] <Lcvette> just maybe nbot the first time i did it
[13:50:13] <Lcvette> but i did put sudo in before moving to the next step
[13:50:26] <Lcvette> reran the same line with sudo
[13:50:41] <hazzy-m> ok, I see
[13:50:53] <hazzy-m> looks like the files did not get copied
[13:51:44] <Lcvette> i'll do it again
[13:52:01] <hazzy-m> did you run make
[13:52:07] <hazzy-m> yes, repeat those stepps
[13:53:35] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (43KB) < https://matrix.org >
[13:54:18] <Lcvette> thgis is what happened lat time too
[13:54:22] <Lcvette> before i started over
[13:54:39] <Lcvette> do i do this one without sudo?
[13:54:40] <pcw_home> dont need sudo for cd
[13:54:42] <Lcvette> hazzy?
[13:54:46] <Lcvette> ok
[13:55:04] <pcw_home> make and make install you likely do
[13:55:40] <pcw_home> wheres su when you need it
[13:56:37] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (74KB) < https://matrix.org >
[13:56:51] <pcw_home> Their instructions must assume you are logged in as root (or su)
[13:56:53] <Lcvette> now its just going to the next line
[13:57:35] <Lcvette> a.) Must have administrator access rights on the Linux machine to
[13:57:35] <Lcvette> install the Elo Touchscreen USB Driver.
[13:57:47] <Lcvette> do i not?
[13:58:31] <hazzy-m> you do
[13:59:54] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (95KB) < https://matrix.org >
[14:01:12] <pcw_home> did you run make and make install? (with sudo)
[14:01:53] <Lcvette> not yet
[14:01:59] <Lcvette> have not gotten to those steps
[14:02:01] <pcw_home> (those are the commands that build the kernel module)
[14:02:02] <Lcvette> they are next
[14:02:08] <Lcvette> but this isn't finding the files
[14:02:13] <Lcvette> oh
[14:03:46] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (135KB) < https://matrix.org >
[14:04:55] <pcw_home> looks a little more promising...
[14:04:58] <Lcvette> # make install
[14:04:59] <Lcvette> (or)
[14:05:00] <Lcvette> # cp ./elo_mt_input_mod.ko ../elo_mt_input_mod_`uname -r`.ko
[14:05:14] <Lcvette> do i do the next one or ju8st the make install
[14:05:19] <Lcvette> which i already did?
[14:05:30] <pcw_home> sudo make install already did it
[14:05:56] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[14:06:13] <Lcvette> sudo ?
[14:07:00] <pcw_home> Dont think any of that stuff needs sudo
[14:08:01] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (128KB) < https://matrix.org >
[14:09:05] <Lcvette> so i guess i have systeminitd?
[14:09:51] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (137KB) < https://matrix.org >
[14:10:35] <pcw_home> yep
[14:10:51] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[14:11:05] <Lcvette> sudo for copy you said right?
[14:11:20] <hazzy-m> Yes
[14:12:19] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (126KB) < https://matrix.org >
[14:13:52] <Lcvette> ok, need to reboot
[14:13:58] <Lcvette> thats step VI
[14:20:14] <Lcvette> ok, it beeps when i touch it which is what the windows install did
[14:20:31] <Lcvette> then i had to go into the settings program and do the calibration and set it up and it worked
[14:20:34] <Lcvette> :D
[14:20:38] <Lcvette> going to find that now
[14:31:58] <Lcvette> pcw_home: Thank you Peter!!
[14:32:06] <Lcvette> its working
[14:33:19] <Lcvette> hazzy: thanks Hazzy
[14:34:27] * Lcvette uploaded an image: VectorImage_2019-02-02_023413.jpg (439KB) < https://matrix.org >
[14:35:03] <hazzy-m> Hurray!!!
[14:35:37] <TurBoss> just in time hurray!!
[14:35:44] <Lcvette> probe basic is broke
[14:35:55] <TurBoss> how?
[14:36:12] <TurBoss> size?
[14:36:16] <Lcvette> all the buttons are grayed out
[14:36:31] <Lcvette> wtf?
[14:36:35] <hazzy-m> When ci get my screen I'll finally be able to work on PB, hurray!
[14:36:49] <Lcvette> indeed
[14:36:58] <Lcvette> sliders work with touchscreen
[14:37:00] <Lcvette> its fun
[14:37:02] <Lcvette> :D
[14:37:52] <Lcvette> but right now its all busted
[14:37:56] <Lcvette> and i can't play
[14:37:58] <Lcvette> :(
[14:38:12] <Lcvette> who broke it
[14:38:22] <Lcvette> fess up
[14:45:07] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (36KB) < https://matrix.org >
[14:50:39] * Lcvette uploaded a video: VID_20190202_144901273.mp4 (11443KB) < https://matrix.org >
[15:05:33] <hazzy-m> Nice!
[15:06:14] <hazzy-m> Your missing the pyqt5-quickwidgets package
[15:14:08] <Lcvette> sudo apt get instal pyqt5-quickwidgets package
[15:17:04] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (75KB) < https://matrix.org >
[15:26:07] <Lcvette> ?
[15:26:29] <Lcvette> i looked online but there are many versions
[15:26:40] <Lcvette> and it says python not pyqt5
[15:31:14] <TurBoss> yo
[15:32:58] <TurBoss> libqt5quickwidgets5
[15:33:08] <TurBoss> Lcvette: could be this package
[15:33:38] <Lcvette> Ok
[15:33:58] <Lcvette> I'll check it later, I've headed into the shop to work on the lathe
[15:34:03] <TurBoss> okey!
[15:34:16] <Lcvette> Thanks turboss!
[20:26:43] -!- Roguish has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92-rdmsoft [XULRunner 35.0.1/20150122214805]]