#hazzy | Logs for 2019-02-03

[05:29:26] <JT-qtpyvcp> morning
[06:45:48] <JT-qtpyvcp> can the widget rule data source be the state of another widget? for example a toggle button to switch between absolute and relative position
[07:44:56] <JT-qtpyvcp> looks like a name like bp-touch breaks something as the mainwindow.pyc never gets built
[08:45:21] <JT-qtpyvcp> to reproduce run tutorial.sh in vcp-template and use a name with a dash
[09:02:43] -!- JT-Shop has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[09:03:54] -!- JT-Shop has joined #hazzy
[09:26:32] <hazzy-m> Morning
[09:26:56] <jthornton> morning
[09:27:18] <hazzy-m> Rules can't be used between widgets like that, but that is an interesting idea, hmmm
[09:29:29] <hazzy-m> I think the naming problem is because - is an opperator so can't be used in a variable name. I didn't think you could imort s module named bp-touch
[09:47:36] <jthornton> ok, I
[09:47:44] <jthornton> 'll change the script to not allow -
[10:18:35] <hazzy-m> "Package and Module Names should have short, all-lowercase names. Underscores can be used in the module name if it improves readability.", so yes, you can't name a python file with a -, I'm surprised i've never done that by accident!
[10:59:41] -!- Roguish has joined #hazzy
[11:04:18] <Lcvette> morning
[11:04:35] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (82KB) < https://matrix.org >
[11:04:43] <Lcvette> says i aloready have this package
[11:04:56] <hazzy-m> hmmm
[11:05:10] <Lcvette> maybe in the wrong place?
[11:05:28] <hazzy-m> no, that is fine
[11:05:32] <Lcvette> ok
[11:06:27] <hazzy-m> what does `python -c "import qtpy; print qtpy.__version__"` say
[11:07:33] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (91KB) < https://matrix.org >
[11:07:40] <hazzy-m> AHA!
[11:07:42] <hazzy-m> thanks
[11:07:59] <Lcvette> it busted
[11:07:59] <Lcvette> ?
[11:08:31] <hazzy-m> you need qtpy v1.6.0, I added the QtQuickWidgets in that version
[11:08:40] <Lcvette> ahhh
[11:08:54] <hazzy-m> run `pip install qtpy --upgrade`
[11:08:59] <hazzy-m> that should work
[11:09:53] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (115KB) < https://matrix.org >
[11:10:01] <hazzy-m> sweet!
[11:10:06] <hazzy-m> you should be good to go now
[11:21:49] -!- Marshallazora has joined #hazzy
[11:21:57] -!- Marshallazora has parted #hazzy
[11:27:01] -!- JT-Shop2 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[11:33:10] <JT-qtpyvcp> hazzy-m, do you have a basic example of a widget for qtpyvcp?
[11:33:24] <JT-qtpyvcp> and if I make one what do you have to do to add it?
[11:36:46] <hazzy-m> yes, the action button is a good example
[11:36:48] <hazzy-m> https://github.com
[11:37:51] <hazzy-m> the make the widget show up in designer all you need to do is add it to the designer_plugins.py file
[11:37:52] <hazzy-m> https://github.com
[11:39:22] <JT-qtpyvcp> thanks
[11:39:22] <hazzy-m> we probably also need to way for individual VCPs to provide their own custom widgets
[11:39:43] <JT-qtpyvcp> yea that would be nice to share custom widgets with your VCP
[11:58:43] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fhSV4
[11:58:45] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 0334ca443 - DOC: fix formatting error that prevented docs from building
[12:00:27] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+356/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/fhSVE
[12:00:28] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 03b0263c9 - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
[12:13:37] <Lcvette> yo
[12:13:47] <hazzy-m> hey
[12:14:00] <Lcvette> im trying a different driver for the elo
[12:14:06] <Lcvette> have a quick question
[12:14:28] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[12:14:33] <Lcvette> i just did this portion
[12:14:55] <Lcvette> do i skip the following portion?
[12:14:59] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[12:15:24] <hazzy-m> yes, skip the init section
[12:15:33] <Lcvette> ok
[12:15:36] <Lcvette> :D
[12:15:42] <Lcvette> i uninstalled i think
[12:15:53] <Lcvette> seemed to work as it didn't touch after reboot
[12:16:08] <hazzy-m> Why are you trying another driver?
[12:16:19] <Lcvette> because of the beep
[12:16:24] <Lcvette> no way to turn it off
[12:16:31] <Lcvette> was driving me nuts
[12:16:33] <hazzy-m> oh, LOL
[12:16:45] <hazzy-m> there used to be a way to turn it off
[12:16:52] <Lcvette> in windows there is a control panel you can go into for settings
[12:16:55] <hazzy-m> I remember with my elo there was
[12:16:58] <Lcvette> not so much in that last driver
[12:17:11] <Lcvette> this new driver says it has some beep control
[12:17:17] <Lcvette> so i figured why not test it out
[12:17:31] <hazzy-m> yeah!
[12:17:32] <Lcvette> worst case i just revert right?
[12:17:49] <hazzy-m> let me know which you you like best and I'll use it when I get my screen!!!
[12:18:00] <Lcvette> how come linux doesn't have the software interface like windows?
[12:18:19] <Lcvette> thats bullcrap
[12:20:05] <hazzy-m> because the elo folks know win folks will likly be individual users who like point n grunt, and the linux folks will mostly be system admins setting up a whole bunch of screens for a restaurant POS or something and would prefer config files
[12:20:40] <hazzy-m> they just tailor it to the use
[12:21:49] <Lcvette> seems like they would cater to both
[12:22:45] <hazzy-m> its a lot of work to maintain a GUI config tool though, especialy one that works on a very wide range of systems including embeded systems
[12:32:00] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (168KB) < https://matrix.org >
[12:32:14] <Lcvette> eh!
[12:32:15] <Lcvette> :D
[12:32:42] <Lcvette> i fu'd it
[12:32:45] <Lcvette> :D
[12:32:48] <Lcvette> Panda
[12:32:50] <hazzy-m> Hurray!!
[12:33:05] <Lcvette> hurray
[12:36:30] <Lcvette> do we want right click on hold?
[12:36:37] <Lcvette> sounds fun
[12:37:08] <Lcvette> y
[12:38:06] <hazzy-m> yes
[12:38:10] <hazzy-m> !
[12:38:33] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (88KB) < https://matrix.org >
[12:38:39] <Lcvette> setting for it?
[12:38:53] <Lcvette> no clue what it means
[12:38:54] <Lcvette> lol
[12:39:35] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (108KB) < https://matrix.org >
[12:39:48] <Lcvette> more better
[12:42:08] <Lcvette> what do you think the setting should be?
[12:42:34] <Lcvette> +/-250
[12:42:35] <Lcvette> ?
[12:42:42] <Lcvette> middle of the roadish
[12:44:34] <hazzy-m> yea, that seems decent
[12:44:49] <hazzy-m> you can always tweak it latter if needed
[12:45:32] <Lcvette> that broke something
[12:46:05] <Lcvette> i have a run awayb terminal
[12:46:14] <hazzy-m> xD
[12:46:21] <hazzy-m> lots of data printing to it?
[12:46:36] <Lcvette> keeps scrolling saying something about invalid input
[12:47:01] <Lcvette> error
[12:47:04] <Lcvette> yeah
[12:47:11] <Lcvette> should i close it?
[12:47:35] <hazzy-m> try ctrl+c
[12:47:39] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (163KB) < https://matrix.org >
[12:47:54] <hazzy-m> lol
[12:47:55] <Lcvette> that worked
[12:48:42] <Lcvette> they should hsve given more informastion on what the entry should be
[12:48:49] <Lcvette> i put in +/-250
[12:49:01] <Lcvette> seemed intuitive given their range
[12:49:14] <hazzy-m> probably just wants a number
[12:49:16] <hazzy-m> 250
[12:50:18] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (58KB) < https://matrix.org >
[12:50:21] <Lcvette> the default
[12:50:24] <Lcvette> lol
[12:50:30] <Lcvette> im just gonna leave it
[12:50:37] <Lcvette> seems we had the right idea though
[12:50:51] <Lcvette> look at you gonna inherit all the easy installation
[12:51:48] <hazzy-m> yes, for once I'm not the Genny pig!!!
[13:01:09] <Lcvette> well, this driver doesn't really work or somethign is messed up
[13:01:34] <Lcvette> the calibration
[13:01:34] <Lcvette> maybe
[13:01:54] <Lcvette> but iver tried recalibrating to no success
[13:03:12] <Lcvette> its like the arrow is opposite where i click on the screen
[13:03:31] <Lcvette> i click bottom left, it clicks bottom right
[13:03:40] <Lcvette> top right excuse me
[13:04:27] <Lcvette> if i click center screen , it clicks center screen
[13:18:42] <hazzy-m> oh, that is very common probnlem!
[13:18:48] <hazzy-m> you need to invert an axis
[13:21:12] <Lcvette> both axis
[13:21:22] <Lcvette> it is showing the origin as the lower left corner
[13:22:05] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (133KB) < https://matrix.org >
[13:22:08] <Lcvette> lower right corner
[13:22:13] <Lcvette> sorry
[13:22:16] <Lcvette> should be top left corner
[13:22:28] <hazzy-m> hmmm
[13:22:39] <Lcvette> so x and y are flipped
[13:22:44] <Lcvette> but i am not sure how to invert
[13:22:53] <Lcvette> i don't see any options for that
[13:23:21] <Lcvette> http://media.elotouch.com
[13:23:32] <Lcvette> thats all the manual i have to work with in this driver
[13:23:33] <hazzy-m> you probably need to set up a coordinate transform matrix
[13:25:33] <Lcvette> libXm.so.3
[13:25:38] <Lcvette> how do i get this?
[13:25:42] <hazzy-m> https://help.ubuntu.com
[13:28:04] <Lcvette> that is for ubuntu
[13:37:39] <Lcvette> not sure if you are saying i should load that or?
[13:39:22] <hazzy-m> should give you some hints
[13:39:44] * hazzy-m sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[13:40:01] <hazzy-m> the "sawpY" "1" is what you need
[13:40:16] <hazzy-m> I had to do the same for mu screen
[13:42:13] <Lcvette> not sure how to implement it
[13:43:49] <Lcvette> i sawear ya'll can pick on windows all ya want, but it was installed and setup and working in 5 minutes with all the configuration i wanted to add to it..lol
[13:44:01] <Lcvette> linuxblows
[13:44:07] <Lcvette> nopt the otherway around
[13:44:11] <Lcvette> lol
[13:45:02] <Lcvette> linux is the erector set of the computing world
[13:45:56] <hazzy-m> yes it is LOL, its like legos vs. a blow molded toy
[13:47:17] <Lcvette> for want of no beep, one must reconfigure the universe
[13:47:36] <Lcvette> in windows, you check the box shut beep off
[13:51:58] <hazzy-m> I can't beleive you can't configure the other driver to not beep
[13:52:05] <hazzy-m> i'll have to play with it when I get my screen
[13:53:16] <Lcvette> perhsaps you csn, but there is no instruction on hoiw to get the newly added interface to have the options list olike in the new driver
[13:53:28] <Lcvette> and i just found another driver that is newer that the other one before
[13:53:37] <Lcvette> it is from 1/2/19
[13:53:54] <Lcvette> guess i will try it
[13:53:58] <hazzy-m> the is very recent
[13:55:07] <Lcvette> https://www.elotouch.com
[14:12:27] <Lcvette> e.) Motif 3.0 (libXm.so.3) library is required to use the Graphic User Interface
[14:12:28] <Lcvette> (GUI) based control panel (/etc/opt/elo-mt-usb/cpl). Openmotif or lesstif
[14:12:28] <Lcvette> installation packages provide the required libXm.so.3 library.
[14:12:33] <Lcvette> i need this!
[14:12:39] <Lcvette> how do we get it?
[14:19:59] <hazzy-m> try `sudo apt-get install pcb-lesstif`
[14:20:33] <Lcvette> but i want mo tiff
[14:20:34] <Lcvette> :D
[14:20:37] <Lcvette> lol
[14:20:41] <Lcvette> not less
[14:20:45] <Lcvette> hahaha
[14:20:46] <hazzy-m> libmotif-common libxm4 pcb-common pcb-lesstif
[14:20:53] <hazzy-m> which seems to be the right things
[14:20:54] <hazzy-m> LOL
[14:24:10] <Lcvette> ok installed
[14:24:17] <Lcvette> finishing new driver install now
[14:24:40] <hazzy-m> mo betta?
[14:25:38] <Lcvette> we'll see once im finihsed, if it worked i should have a graphical user interface for the settings
[14:44:04] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03embeded_ui [+5/-0/±3] 13https://git.io/fhSis
[14:44:05] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 03dcfd345 - ENH: add Embedded UI widget
[14:44:07] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson created branch 03embeded_ui - 13https://git.io/fhCou
[14:48:38] <Lcvette> for some reason the new driver isn't detecting the touchscreen
[14:49:12] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (86KB) < https://matrix.org >
[14:49:44] <hazzy-m> :(
[14:49:56] <hazzy-m> your screen might be too old for that driver
[14:50:49] <Lcvette> meh
[14:51:39] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[14:51:54] <Lcvette> could i maybe nnot have any of these installed causing an issue?
[14:52:15] <Lcvette> i did a update and upgrade just before
[14:52:51] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (82KB) < https://matrix.org >
[14:54:48] <Lcvette> whats the version identification command?
[14:56:29] <Lcvette> funny, when i do a linuxcnc version request it says i have version 2.7.14
[14:56:42] <Lcvette> linuxcnc version
[14:57:06] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (42KB) < https://matrix.org >
[14:57:34] <Lcvette> i swear i thought i upgraded to master?
[15:00:01] <hazzy-m> hmm
[15:00:03] <hazzy-m> try
[15:00:25] <hazzy-m> python -c "import linuxcnc; print linuxcnc.version"
[15:01:09] <hazzy-m> very strange, you have been using master for sure
[15:01:24] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (28KB) < https://matrix.org >
[15:02:04] <hazzy-m> you some how reverted
[15:02:34] <hazzy-m> go to applications > system > synaptic
[15:03:12] <Lcvette> im there
[15:03:44] <hazzy-m> click setting in the menubar and select repositories
[15:03:53] <hazzy-m> take a screenshot of that
[15:04:30] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (92KB) < https://matrix.org >
[15:05:42] <hazzy-m> hmmm
[15:05:44] <hazzy-m> ok
[15:06:17] <Lcvette> its broken?
[15:06:20] <hazzy-m> uncheck the deb linuxcnc.org stretch 2.7uspace line
[15:06:48] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (99KB) < https://matrix.org >
[15:07:33] <hazzy-m> check the buildbot.linuxcnc.org stretch 2.7-rtpreempt line
[15:08:31] <Lcvette> deb or deb-src
[15:08:39] <hazzy-m> deb
[15:09:02] <Lcvette> k
[15:09:31] <hazzy-m> with that line still selected, in the bottom of the window change 2.7-rtpreempt to master-rtpreempt
[15:10:13] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (100KB) < https://matrix.org >
[15:10:20] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: IMG_20190203_150946718.jpg (669KB) < https://matrix.org >
[15:10:47] <hazzy-m> looks good
[15:10:52] <hazzy-m> click ok and run
[15:10:56] <Lcvette> click ok?
[15:11:15] <hazzy-m> sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
[15:11:43] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (101KB) < https://matrix.org >
[15:11:46] <hazzy-m> you will need to close synaptic first
[15:12:08] <hazzy-m> looks perfect
[15:15:13] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (44KB) < https://matrix.org >
[15:15:34] <hazzy-m> great!
[15:19:32] -!- Roguish_desk has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:19:52] -!- Roguish_desk has joined #hazzy
[15:26:48] <Lcvette> how do i find if things are installed?
[15:27:01] <Lcvette> libusb-1.0
[15:27:21] <Lcvette> im in the tourble shooting section before i give up on this driver
[15:27:34] <Lcvette> just want to runn through it completely before i uninstall and go back to the first beepy driver
[15:27:49] <Lcvette> its asking me to make sure things are installed
[15:27:56] <Lcvette> but not telling me how to check
[15:28:05] <Lcvette> hazzy
[15:28:07] <Lcvette> ?
[15:34:39] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (125KB) < https://matrix.org >
[15:37:40] <Roguish> Lcvette: are you still working on the Elo?
[15:37:52] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: use apt show libusb-1.0
[15:37:58] <Lcvette> tinkering
[15:38:10] <Lcvette> i did a list of all installed
[15:38:12] <Roguish> does it work at all, in linux
[15:38:16] <Lcvette> and saved it so i can reference
[15:38:19] <Lcvette> yesah]
[15:38:29] <Lcvette> it works just looking for the best driver for it
[15:38:34] <Roguish> are you trying to calibrate it?
[15:38:36] <Lcvette> trying various options
[15:38:50] <Lcvette> some have different options
[15:40:10] <Roguish> ok, mine was a PITA to calibrate, but I got it. lots of patience
[15:40:32] <Roguish> and accepting when it's good enough.
[15:40:32] <Lcvette> with the first driver it calibrated first try
[15:40:37] <Lcvette> but had a beep on touch
[15:40:45] <Lcvette> and no graphical interface
[15:40:47] <Lcvette> for settings
[15:41:00] <Roguish> yeah, that's linux for you.
[15:41:00] <Lcvette> newer drivers have an optional graphical interface for settings
[15:41:18] <Lcvette> lol
[15:41:20] <Lcvette> seems to be
[15:41:44] <Roguish> all the linux heads want everything command line..... like vi or grep
[15:41:54] <Lcvette> i tested it on windows to make sure it worked and it had a great gui for the settings
[15:42:10] <Lcvette> was able to set everything up the way i wanted
[15:42:23] <Lcvette> but for some reason the linux drivers aren't giving me the same options
[15:42:37] <Roguish> I am constantly astounded at how well Windows plug-n-play works.
[15:42:45] <Lcvette> which seems odd since i know they should work with this touch screen since they do on windows
[15:43:21] <Lcvette> whoever makes the module for linux that makes things plug and play like windows or at least an option to do so will be known as a hero
[15:43:35] <Lcvette> don't be too astounded
[15:43:43] <Lcvette> people get paid on that side of the fence
[15:43:52] <Lcvette> there is motivation
[15:44:23] <Lcvette> if things were as difficult to use as linux, software and hardware sales would be a fraction of what they are now
[15:44:40] <Lcvette> mac takes it a step further
[15:44:51] <Lcvette> they configure things for you
[15:45:02] <Lcvette> and say here this is how you should use it
[15:45:03] <Lcvette> lol
[17:08:28] <JT-qtpyvcp> Roguish, you around?
[17:13:50] <Roguish> yeah, here. was on the trainer (Kraftwerk and Cream playing)
[17:17:18] <JT-qtpyvcp> https://github.com
[17:17:34] <JT-qtpyvcp> I'm saving the bp touch screen to my github
[17:18:00] <Roguish> so how could i see and try it?
[17:18:03] <JT-qtpyvcp> I'll do a push in the morning... something used up 1/2 of my monthly data...
[17:18:19] <Roguish> oh,ok thats the answer
[17:18:24] <JT-qtpyvcp> you just do a git pull then run pip install -e .
[17:18:38] <JT-qtpyvcp> from the bp_touch directory
[17:23:57] <JT-qtpyvcp> I'm trying to design the gui the way I work on the bp, first things after starting up the machine up front and handy and the most used up front and handy
[17:33:59] -!- pcw_home has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
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[17:49:46] <Roguish> pcw_home: hello, bouncing in and out...
[17:51:25] <Roguish> JT-qtpyvcp: that sounds fine. I like an almost minimalist approach. Just what I need and not a lot of fluff.
[17:52:09] <JT-qtpyvcp> exactly
[17:52:41] <JT-qtpyvcp> I like visual feed back on some things but want it simple and straight forward
[17:53:38] <Roguish> yup
[18:00:42] <JT-qtpyvcp> hazzy-m, is python os available in an expression of a rule?
[18:03:00] -!- pcw_home has joined #hazzy
[18:17:02] <hazzy-m> No, but if you have a good reason for why it should by I'll add it
[18:24:17] <JT-qtpyvcp> trying to get the basename from the file status :)
[18:24:29] <JT-qtpyvcp> or just make a filename status item...
[18:24:44] <JT-qtpyvcp> os.path.basename(ch[0])
[18:34:53] -!- pcw_home has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[18:46:10] -!- pcw_home has joined #hazzy
[19:25:27] <hazzy-m> ah, ok
[19:26:30] <hazzy-m> I would like to keep the eval environment for the rules as trimmed down as possible for speed, but it might be worth adding the os module for things like that
[19:27:05] <hazzy-m> hmmm how about using ch[0].split('/')[-1]
[19:27:14] <hazzy-m> that should just give you the file name
[22:54:49] <Lcvette> I played with the drivers and stuff done more this afternoon
[22:54:55] <Lcvette> But didn't succeed
[22:55:46] <Lcvette> Maybe when you're arrives we can take it another look
[23:42:52] <hazzy-m> Yeah, don't spend more time on it till we can look together