#hazzy | Logs for 2019-02-14
[04:26:59] -!- Roguish has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[04:31:12] -!- Roguish has joined #hazzy
[04:47:44] -!- Roguish has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[05:14:29] <jt-m[m]> morning
[07:36:10] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07jethornton pushed 031 commit to 03DataChannel [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fh7g9
[07:36:11] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07jethornton 035a92085 - WIP: finish up positions abs and dtg
[07:36:48] <jt-m[m]> hazzy: hope you don't mind me fixing the positions.py in data channel
[10:10:27] <hazzy-m> jt-m: of course not, thank you!
[10:23:43] <Lcvette> hazzy you get it installed yet?
[10:23:48] <Lcvette> morning
[10:24:52] <Lcvette> what time ya wanna come by?
[10:43:43] <hazzy-m> nope, still can't download
[10:44:00] <Lcvette> thats so wierd
[10:44:18] <hazzy-m> SW installer didn't recognize the ones I donwloaded on the laptop
[10:44:53] <JT-Shop> did you install the motherboard lan drivers?
[10:45:31] <hazzy-m> yes, I installed all the drivers using the original driver disks
[10:45:45] <hazzy-m> and then checked for driver updates
[10:46:03] <Lcvette> have you tried going to the manufacturers website to get updated drivers for the hardware?
[10:46:33] <Lcvette> especially if running a different operating system than it came with
[10:46:45] <Lcvette> is it a lenovo?
[10:46:47] <hazzy-m> no, but I am pretty sure it is not a driver issue, as everything works fine
[10:47:12] <hazzy-m> it is for win7, that is part of the reason I went back to win7 from win10
[10:48:39] <Lcvette> have you tried performing a clean install of fusion 360?
[10:49:42] <Lcvette> thats what i had to do after to spunked up my original install because it would not load correctly
[10:50:07] <Lcvette> afterwards it loaded fine
[10:51:07] <Lcvette> and regradless, i would still install the updated drivers for the system considering if its windows 7 the factory drivers are many years old by now
[10:51:17] <hazzy-m> yes, I got fusion working! It had something to do with that windows defender definitions update. I ended up downloading the files and installing by hand and it worked. pretty sure it was a bug in the update, since it had just been releaced a few hours before
[10:51:40] <Lcvette> nice!
[10:51:56] <Lcvette> so its just the dsolidworks now that is having an issue
[10:52:34] <hazzy-m> yes, and I think my internet connection is just too slow and so the SW installer gives up
[10:52:35] * JT-Shop should go to the other shop and do some welding on the NHR Carrier parts
[10:52:38] <Lcvette> and the problem is it won't complete the download process?
[10:53:41] <hazzy-m> yes, its a 13gb download :O
[10:54:48] <hazzy-m> now the installer is saying 2% complete, it was a 21% yesterday, and 11% the day before
[10:54:48] <hazzy-m> LOL
[10:55:28] <hazzy-m> but it says there are only 110min left, and it used to say >480min, so that is interesting
[10:56:07] <Lcvette> maybe because it is downloading different segments
[10:57:19] <hazzy-m> very possibly, I sure hope so!
[10:57:29] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: image.png (56KB) < https://matrix.org >
[10:58:10] * hazzy-m just realized his SW certification expires in 2019
[10:58:19] <Lcvette> uh oh
[10:59:06] <Lcvette> whats that mean
[10:59:33] <Lcvette> have to take your cert tests again?
[11:00:33] <hazzy-m> yes, and they are a pain 😞 Not sure if I have to take them all or just the higher level ones again
[11:04:11] <hazzy-m> oh, interesting, I might have found the problem
[11:04:16] <Lcvette> Sounds like no fun
[11:04:33] <Lcvette> What is the problem?
[11:05:17] <hazzy-m> the installer is downloading to Documents, not Downloads, to google drive and one drive are trying to back it up to the cloud
[11:05:44] <hazzy-m> if nothing else that is eating up a lot of bandwidth
[11:05:44] <Lcvette> I have all those clouds back up apps
[11:05:49] <Lcvette> Hate
[11:06:12] <Lcvette> For sure
[11:07:35] <hazzy-m> same, OneDrive especially is a curse, spent a lot of money on it a few years back and then they limit the rate at which you can download, so your files are basically gone
[11:07:51] <hazzy-m> they clame to have fixed that, but I don't trust them
[11:16:08] <Lcvette> Is it going faster now?
[11:17:14] <hazzy-m> Much faster, says 55min left, still only 14% but that is WAY faster than it's ever gone
[11:17:26] <Lcvette> Nice!!
[11:26:29] <jt-m[m]> sweet!~
[12:26:24] <hazzy-m> whoa! Riot has an all new look
[12:26:55] <hazzy-m> much better!
[13:41:43] <TurBoss> cool
[13:42:52] <hazzy-m> this SW installer is completely f'ed up, down to 9% again, the the downloaded files size has gone DOWN, its deleteing the files!
[13:43:12] <TurBoss> :O
[13:43:21] <TurBoss> SolidTroll
[13:43:27] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: Hey!
[13:43:38] <TurBoss> hello
[13:43:39] <hazzy-m> lol
[13:45:05] <Lcvette> did one drive start back up?
[13:45:24] <Lcvette> or some other back up drive?
[13:45:48] <hazzy-m> nope, its all shut down, at least it says it is
[13:46:13] <Lcvette> is there no other way to install it?
[13:47:04] <hazzy-m> all I'm trying to do is download the files, havent even got to the install part
[14:07:22] <hazzy-m> HURRAY!!!
[14:07:37] <Lcvette> installed?
[14:08:04] <hazzy-m> finally got it to recognize the files I downloaded on the linux machine
[14:08:16] <hazzy-m> now time to try installing
[14:08:29] <Lcvette> sweet
[14:08:31] <Lcvette> what was it?
[14:08:35] <TurBoss> hurray
[14:09:30] <hazzy-m> not sure, I just tired the same thing over and over and it kept saying it needed to download them again, and it would delete them and start over
[14:09:41] <hazzy-m> this time it just happened to like them
[14:22:43] <Lcvette> oooh new riot is fancy
[14:30:33] * JT-Shop checks his S.O.H.K. SW cert and it's good for life
[14:32:17] <hazzy-m> that is the advantage of S.O.H.K. certs, they are more than a little slip of paper with an expiry date, but they are much harder to get
[14:36:24] <jthornton> so much for work today the 8 port poe switch for the chicken coop is here
[17:15:00] <TurBoss> cool
[17:21:47] <jt-m[m]> what triggers a datachannel to run?
[17:21:51] * jt-m[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[17:22:06] * jt-m[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[17:22:27] <jt-m[m]> I see the print statements 4 times in a row
[17:23:15] <jt-m[m]> I added that code to data channel status.py just to try and understand how it works
[17:23:33] <hazzy-m> the for prints is because of the `for jnum in range(STAT.joints)`
[17:24:34] <jt-m[m]> I understand why I get 3 prints of False but not why I get the print of all axes homed
[17:25:48] <hazzy-m> the `print('all axes homed')` is the first thing in the method, so it will always be called
[17:26:21] <jt-m[m]> yea but what calls the method is my question and why it does not get called when homing is done?
[17:26:47] * hazzy-m needs to switch PCs
[17:26:51] <hazzy-m> sek
[17:27:24] <jt-m[m]> ok
[17:27:24] <TurBoss> self value should be a list
[17:28:34] <jt-m[m]> a list of what?
[17:28:56] <jt-m[m]> the function only returns true or false
[17:29:08] <TurBoss> oh float
[17:29:08] <TurBoss> sek
[17:29:18] <TurBoss> then
[17:29:34] * TurBoss switch pc too
[17:29:57] <jt-m[m]> lots of switching going on lol
[17:30:53] <hazzy-m> did you add the all_axes_homed method?
[17:31:09] <jt-m[m]> no, where does that go?
[17:31:37] <jt-m[m]> or yes I added def all_axes_homed(self):
[17:31:46] <hazzy-m> I mean the @DataChannel
[17:31:51] <hazzy-m> ok
[17:32:00] <jt-m[m]> yea I adde the code above
[17:32:25] <jt-m[m]> I can push if you want to look at it
[17:32:46] <hazzy-m> yes, that would be great!
[17:32:52] <jt-m[m]> sec
[17:33:31] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07jethornton pushed 031 commit to 03DataChannel [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fh7SU
[17:33:32] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07jethornton 034b419da - WIP: testing all homed datachannel
[17:33:47] <hazzy-m> thanks
[17:35:50] <jt-m[m]> oh I forgot to mention if no force homing is true that part works
[17:37:14] <hazzy-m> AHA!
[17:37:40] <jt-m[m]> with no force home set to true I get this output
[17:37:41] * jt-m[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[17:38:48] <hazzy-m> when the rules are first initialized, the rule DataChannel getter method is called so that is what is causing all those prints even though you don't have the channel connected to anything to update itself
[17:41:51] <JT-Shop> where do you connect it?
[17:43:39] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss created branch 03allhomed - 13https://git.io/fhCou
[17:43:41] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss pushed 031 commit to 03allhomed [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fh7Ss
[17:43:42] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss 032b604dc - verify that all axes are homed
[17:44:17] <hazzy-m> I would connect that to the stat.homed DataChannel
[17:45:08] <hazzy-m> `self.homed.notify(self.all_axes_homed.setValue)`
[17:45:25] * JT-Shop heads back down to the beer cave
[17:45:26] <TurBoss> hazzy: could you take a look at my commit?
[17:45:46] <hazzy-m> just looking
[17:46:06] <TurBoss> ok
[17:46:36] <hazzy-m> yes, that works
[17:46:57] <hazzy-m> or it might be faster to break out of the loop if an axis is not homed and set the value to False
[17:46:59] <TurBoss> was overrriding self.value
[17:47:06] <hazzy-m> otherwize true
[17:47:07] <TurBoss> trye
[17:49:46] * hazzy-m sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[17:50:08] <TurBoss> yes too
[17:50:27] <hazzy-m> many ways :)
[17:50:52] <TurBoss> my baby stepper drivers just arrived
[17:51:08] <hazzy-m> I didn't know about all, so it returns if all the values in a list are true?
[17:51:15] <hazzy-m> Hurray!
[17:51:35] <TurBoss> yes
[17:52:20] <hazzy-m> then maybe it is as easy as `self.value = all(STAT.homed)`
[17:52:31] <TurBoss> hohoh very true
[17:53:14] <jt-m[m]> self.homed.notify(self.all_axes_homed.setValue)
[17:53:15] <jt-m[m]> AttributeError: 'Status' object has no attribute 'homed'
[17:54:22] <hazzy-m> hmmm
[17:54:41] * TurBoss uploaded an image: 20190214_194842.jpg (326KB) < https://matrix.org >
[17:55:00] <TurBoss> they are not the ones with he iron case
[17:55:01] <TurBoss> :(
[17:55:07] <TurBoss> boooo
[17:55:14] <jt-m[m]> I added to the init self.homed.notify(self.all_axes_homed.setValue)
[17:55:15] <jt-m[m]> and got that error
[17:57:27] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: I have heard that the plastic case drives are actually better, the genuine leadshines are plastic, so it might be true
[17:57:42] <TurBoss> oh good!
[18:01:05] <hazzy-m> jt-m: you need to add it far enough down in the init that the all datachannels have been created
[18:01:25] <hazzy-m> try adding it right before were the timer is started
[18:01:40] <jt-m[m]> ok
[18:04:20] * jt-m[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[18:04:25] <jt-m[m]> for this code
[18:04:28] * jt-m[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[18:05:15] <hazzy-m> I just realized that does not work because the non used axes still show as unhomed :(
[18:05:34] <hazzy-m> I have another idea
[18:05:34] <jt-m[m]> ah ok
[18:06:56] <TurBoss> ohhhh
[18:06:58] <TurBoss> mew
[18:07:26] * hazzy-m sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[18:07:42] <TurBoss> great!
[18:07:51] <jt-m[m]> one sec
[18:09:38] <jt-m[m]> hmm I get None as the value...
[18:10:26] * jt-m[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[18:10:30] <jt-m[m]> that works :)
[18:11:34] * hazzy-m sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[18:11:43] <hazzy-m> Final revision
[18:11:44] <hazzy-m> lol
[18:11:56] <TurBoss> hurray!
[18:12:08] <TurBoss> hmmm
[18:12:17] <TurBoss> why the is not 1?
[18:12:25] <hazzy-m> just looking at that
[18:12:32] <hazzy-m> should be != 1
[18:12:40] <TurBoss> True?
[18:13:01] <TurBoss> hmmm
[18:13:03] <TurBoss> hehehehee
[18:13:21] <hazzy-m> I don't know, I think either way works, but I think not is mostly for chekcing for types
[18:13:29] <TurBoss> ok
[18:13:31] <TurBoss> sorry
[18:13:32] <TurBoss> :D
[18:13:46] <jt-m[m]> just tested homing on axis at a time and it works great
[18:13:49] <hazzy-m> No, that was a good catch!
[18:13:57] <hazzy-m> Hurray!
[18:14:06] * jt-m[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[18:14:51] <hazzy-m> I guess we don't need that allHomed method anymore
[18:14:57] <TurBoss> cool!
[18:15:04] <jt-m[m]> instead of return False why not just break
[18:15:20] <TurBoss> youl get none
[18:16:07] <jt-m[m]> just breaking out of the for loop when one is false the return will return self.value
[18:16:33] <hazzy-m> jt-m: you are right, I like that better
[18:16:56] * jt-m[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[18:17:23] <TurBoss> oh i see
[18:17:27] <TurBoss> good
[18:17:48] <jt-m[m]> File "/home/john/qtpyvcp/qtpyvcp/actions/program_actions.py", line 83, in _run_ok
[18:17:48] <jt-m[m]> elif not STATUS.allHomed():
[18:17:49] <jt-m[m]> AttributeError: 'Status' object has no attribute 'allHomed'
[18:18:04] <jt-m[m]> looks like allHomed is used somewhere
[18:18:16] <hazzy-m> oh shoot, I guess leave it till the new actions are done
[18:18:50] <jt-m[m]> undoing lol
[18:19:44] <jt-m[m]> and putting a note where it's used
[18:21:56] <hazzy-m> peafect
[18:24:59] <jt-m[m]> all_homed = DataChannel(doc='True if all homed, or NO_FORCE_HOMING is True',
[18:24:59] <jt-m[m]> data=False)
[18:25:24] <jt-m[m]> what does that do besides add the docstring?
[18:25:25] <jt-m[m]> line 329
[18:27:18] <hazzy-m> It creates a new DataChannel instance, you can also create one by using the @DataChannel decorator on the getter method
[18:27:30] <hazzy-m> a DataChannel is very similar to a python property
[18:28:43] <hazzy-m> so in the same way you would do `my_prop = property(fget, fset, doc)` you can do `my_chan = DataChannel(fget, fset, doc)`
[18:29:09] <jt-m[m]> ah ok so the @all_homed.setter and that line can be removed
[18:29:26] <hazzy-m> that is correct
[18:29:57] <jt-m[m]> we are making progress 😁
[18:32:03] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07jethornton pushed 031 commit to 03DataChannel [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fh79k
[18:32:04] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07jethornton 036a0a094 - WIP: all axes homed status
[18:32:34] <jt-m[m]> I just commented out the lines for now
[18:34:34] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07jethornton pushed 031 commit to 03DataChannel [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fh79L
[18:34:36] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07jethornton 03ac12b2f - DOC: remove docstring from deprecated function
[18:36:28] <jt-m[m]> I think I've tested all the status and position data channels so I guess the tool table is the only thing left?
[18:38:20] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07jethornton pushed 031 commit to 03DataChannel [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fh79s
[18:38:21] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07jethornton 03db12aa3 - minor note change
[18:44:57] <jt-m[m]> is there a way to get the missing status items into the docstrings now that they are auto added?
[18:46:40] <hazzy-m> you mean so they would show up in the documentation?
[18:49:25] <jt-m[m]> yes
[19:39:52] <TurBoss> https://www.seeedstudio.com
[19:40:42] <TurBoss> https://www.seeedstudio.com
[20:02:03] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: That is pretty cheap!
[20:08:24] <TurBoss> risc-v
[20:08:26] <TurBoss> cpu
[20:10:34] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (42KB) < https://matrix.org >
[20:13:43] <hazzy-m> Nice!
[20:13:56] <hazzy-m> what are you working on?
[20:27:31] <TurBoss> upgrade my avr programer
[20:32:03] <TurBoss> I'm testing the drivers with an arduino
[20:58:21] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 033 commits to 03DataChannel [+0/-0/±3] 13https://git.io/fh7Hi
[20:58:22] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 030cf416c - use else in all_axes_homed to prevent setting value thru on each loop
[20:58:24] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 03b9f6039 - add to all_axes_homed doc and delete unused code
[20:58:25] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 034d224c2 - add homed DataChannel
[20:59:37] <TurBoss> great
[21:00:01] <TurBoss> is ok to remove my branch
[21:00:04] <TurBoss> allhomed
[21:00:26] <hazzy-m> yes, looks like it
[21:28:21] * TurBoss uploaded a video: 20190215_032732.mp4 (8444KB) < https://matrix.org >
[21:28:59] <hazzy-m> great
[21:29:04] <hazzy-m> sounds ok
[21:29:09] <TurBoss> tomorrow the real deal
[21:29:26] <hazzy-m> are you going to use the mesa card?
[21:29:26] <TurBoss> finally replace thoose a4988
[21:29:30] <TurBoss> yes
[21:29:36] <hazzy-m> nice!
[22:09:54] <hazzy-m> pcw_home: My brother is trying to set up a 5i25 with the g540/7i76 firmware.
[22:09:55] <hazzy-m> He is trying to set hm2_5i25.0.gpio.000.is_output true, but it fails. Not much to go off of, but would you expect that to work?
[23:15:29] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03DataChannel [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fh7Q7
[23:15:30] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 03b2bfc4e - tooltable - fix tooltable plugin
[23:23:23] -!- mcj_ has joined #hazzy
[23:23:56] -!- mcj_ has quit [Client Quit]
[23:50:04] <hazzy-m> those are my brothers initials ...
[23:50:06] <hazzy-m> lol
[23:59:20] <hazzy-m> glenda: are you still awake?