#hazzy | Logs for 2019-02-18
[00:05:40] * hazzy-m decided to wait to merge till the morning when there is time to fix problems
[00:05:55] <Lcvette> Don't blame you
[00:06:39] <Lcvette> Lcvette is exhausted, had sick kitty at 4:30 this morning and went to bed at 2am
[00:06:41] <hazzy-m> this is pretty major, don't want to do in hast what I may repent in lesure
[00:06:56] <hazzy-m> oh, poor thing
[00:06:59] <hazzy-m> both of you
[00:07:01] <hazzy-m> lol
[00:07:04] <Lcvette> Lol
[00:07:14] <Lcvette> I'm fading fast right now
[00:07:30] <hazzy-m> alrighty man, get some sleep!
[00:07:42] <Lcvette> Night but awesome work
[00:07:46] <Lcvette> Bud*
[00:07:54] <hazzy-m> yeah, very productive day
[00:07:56] <hazzy-m> gn8
[00:08:02] <Lcvette> Night
[06:42:35] <jt-m[m]> morning
[07:27:51] <jt-m[m]> aww the clock:date and clock:time return error as type
[07:29:47] <TurBoss> hello
[07:42:08] <jthornton> hi
[09:18:13] <hazzy-m> Morning
[09:19:49] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss pushed 031 commit to 03VTKCannon [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fhdv6
[09:19:51] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss 03c39b866 - make tool follow status.axis_positions.connect
[09:20:20] <hazzy-m> Hurray!
[09:22:41] <JT-Shop> hazzy-m: I tried to add clock:date to a status label in DataChannel and it gave me an error
[09:23:44] <hazzy-m> Thanks! I will check
[09:39:02] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (8KB) < https://matrix.org >
[09:40:27] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss pushed 031 commit to 03VTKCannon [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fhdfZ
[09:40:28] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss 035ec36d8 - fix tool origin
[09:40:30] <jthornton> hazzy-m: also how do you set positions to commanded?
[09:49:24] <JT-Shop> TurBoss: you getting close with vtk?
[09:49:40] <TurBoss> no
[09:49:42] <TurBoss> :)
[09:49:56] <TurBoss> not much featured
[09:50:59] <hazzy-m> JT-Shop: you can set commanded or actual pos when loading the possitions plugin int he YAML file
[09:51:13] <hazzy-m> I would make it so if obays what is set in the INI
[09:52:22] <JT-Shop> that would be nice
[10:00:22] <TurBoss> hazzy: can't find any signal named current_line
[10:00:54] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss pushed 031 commit to 03VTKCannon [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fhdfj
[10:00:56] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss 030066b69 - draw path boundaries
[10:11:56] <hazzy-m> `getPlugin('status').current_line.notify(self.onLineChanged)`
[10:15:31] <Lcvette> morning!
[10:15:47] <Lcvette> JT-Shop: thought of you JT!
[10:15:50] <Lcvette> https://www.tractorsupply.com-Ecom--2-19_ChickDays%26cm_lm=bGN2ZXR0ZTFAeWFob28uY29tS0%26utm_source=ECOMM%26utm_medium=EMAIL%26utm_campaign=19_ChickDays%26utm_content=ChickDays
[10:19:38] <roguish[m]> good morning Gentlemen.
[10:19:49] <TurBoss> hello
[10:20:09] <roguish[m]> holla TurBoss
[10:20:13] <Lcvette> turboss, vtk is lookin good!
[10:20:20] <TurBoss> thanks!
[10:22:11] <JT-Shop> we have chick days here too but I get mine from a hatchery in Lebanon MO
[10:22:14] <TurBoss> <hazzy-m "`getPlugin('status').current_lin"> thanks
[10:22:40] <Lcvette> nice JT
[10:23:24] * JT-Shop finally got the extension ladder up now to assemble the flue cleaner thing
[10:25:49] * hazzy-m thinks that doesn't sound fun
[10:25:58] <hazzy-m> masonry or pipe?
[10:28:46] <JT-Shop> pipe
[10:29:00] * JT-Shop almost had a flue fire yesterday :(
[10:29:01] <TurBoss> hazzy: how can I notify vtk cannon to renderupdate from a dialog?
[10:29:03] <TurBoss> :)
[10:33:03] <roguish[m]> sheeeeze. Fireplaces are practially outlawed around here now. San Fransisco Bay area
[10:36:10] <TurBoss> ok found
[10:43:49] <jthornton> ok hazzy-m I figured out why the clock did not work for me as it needed to be added to the yml in data plugins
[10:45:37] <jthornton> I didn't find an example of report_actual being set just some action buttons
[10:46:47] <hazzy-m> sek, I'll give you one
[10:46:49] <hazzy-m> Great!
[11:02:57] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 032 commits to 03DataChannel [+0/-0/±2] 13https://git.io/fhdUF
[11:02:59] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 03a4e2284 - BUG: positions - fix report actual and commanded pos settings
[11:03:00] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 035e65498 - DOC: positions - add YAML config example
[11:03:09] * hazzy-m sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[11:06:04] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[11:06:25] <TurBoss> how to enable this?
[11:06:36] <TurBoss> they doesn't fire
[11:06:37] <TurBoss> :P
[11:08:59] <TurBoss> I don't really need them
[11:09:01] <TurBoss> :)
[11:09:42] <hazzy-m> they dont exist anymore
[11:09:47] <TurBoss> oh ok
[11:13:00] <JT-Shop> thanks
[11:15:10] <hazzy-m> JT-Shop: I broke it bad, lol
[11:15:50] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03DataChannel [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fhdTG
[11:15:51] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 031a498e7 - positions - fix status signals connections
[11:16:03] <hazzy-m> that sould be working again
[11:16:57] <TurBoss> could the Datachannel branch make my life easier with the vtkcannon?
[11:17:25] <hazzy-m> maybe a little
[11:17:40] <hazzy-m> I'm about to merge to master, then you can merge it into VTK
[11:17:48] <TurBoss> cool
[11:17:51] <TurBoss> Ican wait
[11:24:50] <Lcvette> whoo hoo, exciting!!
[11:24:53] <Lcvette> :D
[11:25:07] <Lcvette> turboss, on the vtk, with it be configurable?
[11:25:25] <Lcvette> will*
[11:25:36] <TurBoss> yes
[11:25:36] <Lcvette> colors, etc?
[11:25:46] <TurBoss> I don't know how yet
[11:25:47] <TurBoss> :D
[11:25:57] <Lcvette> hahahaha
[11:26:07] <Lcvette> stylesheet
[11:26:08] <Lcvette> :D
[11:26:14] <Lcvette> waaaa
[11:26:37] <Lcvette> QVTK{
[11:26:40] <Lcvette> :D
[11:29:06] <TurBoss> stylesheet is good
[11:29:15] * jt-m[m] has switched to master and waits
[11:30:43] <jthornton> hazzy-m: yes positions is working now
[11:32:59] <TurBoss> latter
[11:33:55] <hazzy-m> hurray!
[11:34:08] <Lcvette> hurray!
[11:34:45] <Lcvette> positions was broken?
[11:39:45] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03DataChannel [+0/-0/±2] 13https://git.io/fhdTw
[11:39:46] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 0371c3997 - clock - clean up and add doc strings
[11:40:15] <hazzy-m> ok, the great merge is upon us!
[11:40:53] <Lcvette> :O
[11:41:17] <hazzy-m> only 5 conflicts
[11:41:27] <Lcvette> 😅
[11:41:33] <Lcvette> phew
[11:46:59] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 0376 commits to 03master [+11/-0/±148] 13https://git.io/fhdT5
[11:47:01] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 037372295 - ENH: Merge branch 'DataChannel'
[11:47:10] <hazzy-m> Hurray!!!!
[11:47:23] <hazzy-m> everything seems OK
[11:49:19] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+401/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/fhdTF
[11:49:21] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 037f81ce2 - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
[11:49:25] <Lcvette> hurray!
[11:50:15] <jthornton> yippie!
[11:51:20] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (18KB) < https://matrix.org >
[11:51:30] <hazzy-m> oops
[11:51:36] <Lcvette> lol
[11:52:12] <hazzy-m> once we get those those ironed out I'm going to release as v0.2.1 since it hase incompatable API changes
[11:52:24] <hazzy-m> has. lol
[11:52:55] <Lcvette> im going in to look and see if i can break it
[11:52:59] <Lcvette> fix* it
[11:53:11] <hazzy-m> lol, geat!
[11:53:17] <hazzy-m> should be something simple
[11:53:53] <hazzy-m> already fixed
[11:53:57] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (35KB) < https://matrix.org >
[11:54:09] <hazzy-m> should be tool_number instead of number
[11:54:47] <Lcvette> hurray!
[11:55:02] <hazzy-m> do you want to change it or should I?
[11:55:35] <Lcvette> i fixed
[11:55:45] <hazzy-m> ok
[11:55:53] <Lcvette> turned green int
[11:57:51] <hazzy-m> perfect
[12:01:20] <Lcvette> major milestone accomplished?
[12:01:42] <hazzy-m> yes!
[12:03:06] <jthornton> took me about 5 minutes to update bp_touch lol
[12:10:19] <hazzy-m> sweet!
[12:11:25] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±2] 13https://git.io/fhdk4
[12:11:27] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 0356d4fc8 - remove debug prints
[12:12:29] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fhdkB
[12:12:30] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 03ce488c6 - fix BP tool number label
[12:12:59] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+401/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/fhdkR
[12:13:01] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 03c245120 - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
[12:14:51] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+401/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/fhdku
[12:14:52] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 03e6848e6 - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
[12:15:25] <hazzy-m> roguish: if you want the control point speed then you can use `status:current_vel`
[12:15:25] <hazzy-m> https://qtpyvcp.kcjengr.com
[12:15:52] <hazzy-m> I think that is the same as what you calculate in HAL
[12:20:14] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (209KB) < https://matrix.org >
[12:20:31] <Lcvette> ?
[12:20:43] <Lcvette> always unsure what to do here
[12:21:21] <Lcvette> pull fast fporward?
[12:21:29] <hazzy-m> yes
[12:23:34] <Lcvette> it tried to pull my master from way below up
[12:23:39] <Lcvette> and do a merge
[12:23:40] <Lcvette> i aborted
[12:25:27] <hazzy-m> right click on the purple master and select rebase master onto this commit
[12:26:37] <Lcvette> you mean the top master?
[12:26:43] <Lcvette> kcj?
[12:26:49] <Lcvette> its blue right now
[12:26:52] <hazzy-m> yes
[12:26:55] <Lcvette> because its checked out
[12:27:27] <Lcvette> soft, mixed hard?
[12:27:53] <Lcvette> hard
[12:27:55] <hazzy-m> hmm, try hard
[12:29:20] <jthornton> I just do git reset --hard from a terminal
[12:30:36] <Lcvette> did you fix the tool number label?
[12:31:04] <hazzy-m> yes
[12:31:11] <Lcvette> fix your note
[12:31:13] <Lcvette> BP
[12:31:16] <Lcvette> PB
[12:31:20] <Lcvette> confusing
[12:31:26] <Lcvette> i will just leave it alone then
[12:31:30] <Lcvette> that was my only commit
[12:31:30] <hazzy-m> I just notieced that, lol
[12:31:49] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fhdkh
[12:31:51] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 034b5f4f9 - fix PB tool number label
[12:31:59] <Lcvette> :D
[12:32:35] <hazzy-m> ok, making a new release
[12:32:37] <Lcvette> it looks like you merged me into master but i remained seperated
[12:34:01] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+401/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/fhdIv
[12:34:02] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 03128c9f3 - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
[12:34:06] <Lcvette> is there a way to catch me up to the updated master?
[12:34:49] <hazzy-m> yes, checkout your master, then right click on my master and sepect reset here and choose hard
[13:01:17] * JT-Shop goes to cut some hickory for firewood
[13:01:42] <Lcvette> i tried that but it dopesn't do anything\
[13:02:47] <Lcvette> it just checksout your master
[13:02:59] <Lcvette> but leaves mine sitting down below
[13:03:16] <hazzy-m> that fine, then you need to push to update your remote
[13:03:28] <hazzy-m> set upstream to lcvette and push
[13:03:35] <hazzy-m> you will need to force
[13:05:20] <Lcvette> hurray!
[13:05:27] <hazzy-m> hurray!
[13:05:33] <Lcvette> it was the force push
[13:05:43] <Lcvette> now we are master buddies again
[13:06:05] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (2KB) < https://matrix.org >
[13:06:14] <Lcvette> :D
[13:14:03] <Lcvette> is it ok?
[13:14:10] <Lcvette> not broken now is it?
[13:14:17] <hazzy-m> yeah, its great!
[13:15:11] <Lcvette> looked different this time when i started probe basic in terminal is why i asked
[13:15:25] <Lcvette> before with the datachannel it was different
[13:15:46] <Lcvette> now it looks like it did before datachannel
[13:15:49] <Lcvette> can you verify?
[13:16:14] <hazzy-m> it should look the same
[13:16:24] <hazzy-m> what does qtpyvcp -v say?
[13:17:33] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[13:18:06] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[13:18:16] <hazzy-m> your good!
[13:18:22] <Lcvette> ok
[13:18:23] <Lcvette> hurray
[13:18:44] <Lcvette> maybe it was just different when i was launching from the datachannel checkout
[13:19:20] <hazzy-m> it shouldn't have been, that is a little odd if it looked different
[13:19:51] <Lcvette> had lots and lots of white G5x stuff
[13:20:02] <Lcvette> i remember it being different
[13:21:17] <Lcvette> i also think i remember it having some image file stuff
[13:21:54] <Lcvette> if you say its good its good
[13:22:19] <Lcvette> i just wanted to note my observations in the event i needed to undo anything before it was too late
[13:22:44] <hazzy-m> yes, thats good, thanks
[14:34:20] <TurBoss> hazzy: yo how do i check file loaded since new status?
[14:35:10] <TurBoss> ```
[14:35:11] <TurBoss> self.status.file_loaded.connect(self.load_program)
[14:35:12] <TurBoss> self.status.axis_positions.connect(self.move_tool)
[14:35:24] <TurBoss> its old
[14:35:31] <hazzy-m> `getPlugin('status').file.notify(self.onFileChanged)`
[14:35:53] <hazzy-m> the new file will be passed as the first arg to onFileChanged
[14:36:05] <TurBoss> ok
[14:36:29] <TurBoss> and what about axis_poistionS?
[14:37:28] <hazzy-m> getPlugin('status').position.notify(self.move_tool)
[14:37:31] <hazzy-m> should work
[14:37:35] <TurBoss> cool thanks
[14:37:40] <hazzy-m> np
[14:41:46] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss pushed 03110 commits to 03VTKCannon [+70/-0/±236] 13https://git.io/fhdti
[14:41:47] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss 03fec6a04 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'Lcvette/master' into VTKCannon
[14:41:49] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss 03f1959b5 - use new datachannel
[14:42:31] <TurBoss> its working
[14:42:44] <TurBoss> is dome doc about status?
[14:42:45] <TurBoss> :)
[14:43:30] <TurBoss> https://qtpyvcp.kcjengr.com
[14:43:33] <TurBoss> found
[14:44:25] <TurBoss> Ihmmm
[14:44:27] <hazzy-m> and also: https://qtpyvcp.kcjengr.com
[14:44:38] <TurBoss> I have to read again the file?
[14:44:52] <TurBoss> there is some loading mecanism?
[14:45:07] <hazzy-m> to load the file into LCNC
[14:45:08] <hazzy-m> ?
[14:45:42] <TurBoss> to add drawing to the line read
[14:45:45] <TurBoss> if posible
[14:45:52] <TurBoss> to do it at once
[14:46:14] <TurBoss> it loads the file in gcodeeditor
[14:46:25] <TurBoss> it reads the whole file too?
[14:46:28] <TurBoss> again
[14:46:45] <TurBoss> not sure if Im expaying
[14:47:25] <hazzy-m> yes, the gcode editer and the backplot each load the file on their own
[14:47:35] <hazzy-m> they don't get it from memory
[14:48:00] <hazzy-m> is that what you meant?
[14:48:40] <TurBoss> load the file once and feed the gcode editor and plot3d at the
[14:48:51] <TurBoss> same time
[14:49:01] <TurBoss> like a signal on each line
[14:49:02] <TurBoss> :P
[14:49:29] <TurBoss> or too heavy?
[14:49:46] <hazzy-m> you could do that, but it might not be any faster
[14:49:53] <hazzy-m> (probably slower)
[14:49:59] <TurBoss> ok
[14:50:12] <TurBoss> but I don't know where I should place
[14:50:29] <TurBoss> aha
[14:53:15] <TurBoss> actions?
[14:53:34] <TurBoss> I only know widget stuff
[14:53:45] <TurBoss> qtpyvcp has wrow
[14:58:28] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (51KB) < https://matrix.org >
[14:58:36] <TurBoss> hazzy cookie monster code
[15:01:13] <Lcvette> i like the cookie monster code idea
[15:01:17] <Lcvette> \i can get behind it
[15:06:40] -!- hazzy[m] has quit [Quit: removing from IRC because user idle on matrix for 30+ days]
[15:13:21] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss pushed 031 commit to 03VTKCannon [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fhdqB
[15:13:23] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss 03756f0a4 - fix position
[15:16:37] <TurBoss> or maybe just use cannon
[15:17:17] <hazzy-m> I'm not sure what you are trying to do
[15:19:06] <TurBoss> no worries
[15:27:56] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (1KB) < https://matrix.org >
[15:28:03] <TurBoss> ohh
[15:28:13] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (1KB) < https://matrix.org >
[15:28:15] <TurBoss> ohh
[15:28:18] <hazzy-m> xD
[15:28:26] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (7KB) < https://matrix.org >
[15:28:29] <TurBoss> hahahaha
[15:28:37] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (24KB) < https://matrix.org >
[15:28:39] <TurBoss> now
[15:30:35] <hazzy-m> ah, so you are trying to combine rapit and feed moves into a single actor
[15:30:47] <TurBoss> yup
[15:30:53] <TurBoss> by changint color
[16:10:47] <TurBoss> n8
[18:26:44] <jthornton> pretty quiet in here this afternoon
[18:27:03] <roguish[m]> doing taxes. oh joy
[18:27:36] <jthornton> wow your ahead of the game
[18:28:12] <jthornton> I'll probably get a refund this year... didn't make much money last year
[18:28:23] <roguish[m]> gonna owe lots. figure it out now, pay at the last day.
[18:28:45] <jthornton> hazzy-m: what branch has the program exit thing?
[18:29:01] <jthornton> yea if I owe they get it on the last day lol
[18:29:33] * jthornton can't wait to find out what the taxes are on the new insight
[18:30:05] <hazzy-m> jthornton: the proh exit is in a stash right now, lol
[18:30:14] <jthornton> lol ok
[18:30:38] <jthornton> is there anything else in the works besides vtk cannon?
[18:31:07] <hazzy-m> yes, lots, but I'm keeping it secret
[18:31:07] <hazzy-m> xD
[18:31:11] <roguish[m]> I don't really mind paying taxes. it cost to live, I just don't feel we get good value for the money.
[18:31:45] <jthornton> yea if I have to pay a lot of tax then I made a lot of money
[18:31:47] <hazzy-m> roguish: agreed
[18:32:04] <jthornton> and yea there is a lot of wasted tax dollars
[18:33:06] <jthornton> I always say you can tell when a politician is lying because his mouth is moving
[18:33:48] <jthornton> it's no fun if you keep it a secret lol
[18:34:10] <jthornton> how can I bug you to finish something if I don't know what to bug you about lol
[18:34:25] <hazzy-m> jthornton: lol, i'm gonna have to remember that one!
[18:35:07] <hazzy-m> will rogers said "good thing we don't get the government we pay for"!
[18:35:10] <hazzy-m> lol
[18:53:24] <jthornton> that's a good one too
[18:54:08] <roguish[m]> some of the forms are shorter, some aren't.
[18:54:09] <jthornton> can the info button be linked to different places in the docs? or just the py file?
[18:54:22] <roguish[m]> still gotta have all the data.
[18:58:31] <roguish[m]> well. done with that for now. need 1 more 1099, and all the wife's info.
[19:05:26] <hazzy-m> jthornton: Yes, I assume it could be, maybe each DataChannel should have a "UrlSlug" attribute for the docs the corispond to it ...
[19:06:29] <jthornton> that would be cool, I think the info button can be quite helpful
[19:07:26] <jthornton> if you can roll one out I can do monkey see monkey do and do the rest
[19:07:51] <hazzy-m> ok
[19:10:03] <Lcvette> don't get mje started on taxes and government
[19:10:15] <Lcvette> im about to blow a gasket right now with the state of NC
[19:10:33] <hazzy-m> LOL
[19:10:47] <hazzy-m> you've got trey gowdy, you should be fine
[19:11:39] <Lcvette> what i had was an overeager tax officer who screwed up majorly and it has caused me some serious heartburn
[19:13:10] <jthornton> all right all the hens are in bed and the door is down and locked!
[19:13:55] <Lcvette> the year we built the house, being i built it myself, i did not do hardly any business because i focused on building to get out of the high rent space i was in at the time.
[19:14:17] <Lcvette> we the tax officer decided that because i did not show much income that year i couldn't have deductions
[19:14:24] <Lcvette> which is completely incorrect
[19:14:54] <hazzy-m> ouch
[19:14:56] <jthornton> deductions for state taxes?
[19:15:04] <Lcvette> so he redid our taxes for us and sent out a letter saying we owed when we were supposed to be getting a return
[19:15:17] <jthornton> damn
[19:15:18] <Lcvette> for business
[19:15:26] <jthornton> oh
[19:15:28] <Lcvette> writeoffs
[19:15:40] <Lcvette> rent, power, utilities
[19:15:48] <Lcvette> this was for a brick and mortar location
[19:17:07] <Lcvette> so he removed the deductions and redid just my wifes taxes with a standard deduction
[19:17:21] <Lcvette> now she works on commission
[19:17:30] <Lcvette> and the way they tax that kinda sucks
[19:17:34] <jthornton> my buddy has some property in the woods with a shack for hunting and the county tried to tax them like it was a house with full utilities
[19:18:09] <jthornton> state taxes?
[19:18:22] <Lcvette> income taxes
[19:18:27] <Lcvette> state
[19:19:13] <jthornton> my sister lives in Concord and my Grandparents used to live in Greensboro
[19:19:15] <Lcvette> mind you this is after federal had already accepted our tax return
[19:19:23] <jthornton> I loved going to the farm in the summer
[19:19:41] <Lcvette> and issued a check
[19:19:45] <jthornton> yea that sucks that the state is a ass about that
[19:19:54] <Lcvette> yeah
[19:20:07] <Lcvette> in the interim, our accountant passed away
[19:20:13] <jthornton> here in Missouri it's not too bad
[19:20:38] <Lcvette> and it was a mom and pop accounting firm
[19:20:43] <Lcvette> so it closed down
[19:20:56] <Lcvette> and then they started asking questions about the acounting
[19:21:03] <jthornton> damn
[19:21:12] <Lcvette> which i could no longer direct them to the accountant because well, he was deceased
[19:21:21] <jthornton> I do my own accounting so when I close down they can all just fuck off lol
[19:21:25] <Lcvette> this is for 2014 taxes and its still not resolved
[19:21:43] <jthornton> WTF that's 5 years ago
[19:21:53] <Lcvette> i know
[19:21:59] <Lcvette> here is the worst part
[19:22:26] <Lcvette> they have turned over 6 different tax agents in the time and each time the new one decides to start over from the beginning
[19:22:44] <jthornton> damn the bad luck
[19:23:15] <Lcvette> if they didn't owe us $4900 i would have let it go, but thats a chunk of money
[19:23:29] <Lcvette> plus they are asking for $2300 from us instead
[19:24:15] <jthornton> yea that sucks big time
[19:24:15] <Lcvette> so in essence itsa like being out $7200 if i paid it to make it go away
[19:24:33] <hazzy-m> what a mess
[19:25:09] <Lcvette> we just got a new lady
[19:25:29] <Lcvette> and yet again she is asking for the same documentation we have submitted 4 time previously
[19:25:33] <jthornton> I used to get bills for dad after he passed and I'd put return to sender wrong address... try heaven or hell dunno
[19:25:44] <Lcvette> hahahaha
[19:26:55] <Lcvette> im probably going to gather everything up and just go up there and force a sit down and not leave until its resolved
[19:27:20] <jthornton> yea gotta get that resolved
[19:27:23] <hazzy-m> my uncle who is in steelville mo was audited, and they claimed he had to pay some exorbitant amount, so they spent weeks sending people to go thur all his paper work and it turned out they OWED him a hefty chunk, it was still a huge pain though, but at least they admited they were wrong and paid up
[19:27:31] <Lcvette> its beyond the point of ridiculousness
[19:28:45] <jthornton> I've been through there a few times going to swiss mo
[19:29:28] <jthornton> odd I have a stranger in ##chickens
[19:29:40] <hazzy-m> my mother has always done all the accounting and taxes for my dads business, and he was making millions in the 90s and early 2000s
[19:29:50] <roguish[m]> yoh, hazzy. so, in my aux gui, I am show joint velocities. when I set the jog velocity to 15 in/sec, the gui shows 0.25. which is 15/60. seems like it's displaying 0.25 in/sec.
[19:30:31] <hazzy-m> she says it is not that hard, but then she has a lot of experience ...
[19:30:34] <roguish[m]> which probably makes sense. any way to do math in the gui?
[19:31:03] <roguish[m]> or am I waiting for your pin data display?
[19:31:10] <hazzy-m> yes, everything is in /s in LCNC
[19:31:15] <roguish[m]> channel.
[19:31:42] <hazzy-m> yes, in the expresion you can multiply the value bu 60
[19:31:44] <hazzy-m> ch[0] * 60
[19:33:43] <roguish[m]> works. thanks
[19:34:18] <hazzy-m> np
[19:34:33] <Lcvette> ok, lcvette goes to take some BP meds now that he can feel his temples pulsing
[19:34:44] <Lcvette> and goes to spend wife time
[19:34:47] <Lcvette> back in a bit
[19:34:51] <hazzy-m> enjoy!
[19:35:53] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 032 commits to 03master [+1/-0/±4] 13https://git.io/fhdsU
[19:35:54] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 033c6c2e5 - ENH: notify - make it possible to specify icons by name
[19:35:56] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 03854fff0 - ENH: add notifications plugin
[19:36:17] <jthornton> is that for me?
[19:37:51] -!- travis-ci has joined #hazzy
[19:37:52] <hazzy-m> no
[19:37:52] <travis-ci> kcjengr/qtpyvcp#632 (master - 854fff0 : Kurt Jacobson): The build was broken.
[19:37:52] <travis-ci> Diff view : https://github.com
[19:37:52] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org
[19:37:52] -!- travis-ci has parted #hazzy
[19:38:01] <hazzy-m> :(
[19:38:21] <hazzy-m> on the bright side, at least if says when it failes now!
[19:38:39] <jthornton> great
[19:43:01] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fhdsq
[19:43:03] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 036d4aec8 - BLD: fix doc build by mocking dbus
[19:44:14] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fhdsm
[19:44:16] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 03d438e87 - ignore sim/*messages.json
[19:45:03] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+405/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/fhdsY
[19:45:04] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 030c6046a - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
[19:45:22] -!- travis-ci has joined #hazzy
[19:45:23] <travis-ci> kcjengr/qtpyvcp#633 (master - 6d4aec8 : Kurt Jacobson): The build was fixed.
[19:45:23] <travis-ci> Diff view : https://github.com
[19:45:23] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org
[19:45:23] -!- travis-ci has parted #hazzy
[19:45:36] <hazzy-m> hurray!
[19:46:42] <roguish[m]> yoh, hazzy, the 'distance to go' is not working. i think it's showing the 'relative' data. noticed it in my gui, just confirmed it in brender.
[19:46:43] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+405/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/fhds3
[19:46:44] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 0372d8a77 - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
[19:47:01] -!- travis-ci has joined #hazzy
[19:47:02] <travis-ci> kcjengr/qtpyvcp#634 (master - d438e87 : Kurt Jacobson): The build was fixed.
[19:47:02] <travis-ci> Diff view : https://github.com
[19:47:02] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org
[19:47:02] -!- travis-ci has parted #hazzy
[19:47:04] <hazzy-m> in the DROs?
[19:47:08] <roguish[m]> yes
[19:47:49] <hazzy-m> the DROs are broken, but widge the new data chans I can fix them
[19:47:52] <hazzy-m> I'll do that now
[19:48:05] <hazzy-m> widge => with
[19:48:40] <roguish[m]> not in a hurry here. just figuring it all our
[19:48:44] <roguish[m]> out
[19:49:49] <hazzy-m> BTW, desktop notifications are working now
[19:49:52] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: image.png (66KB) < https://matrix.org >
[19:50:30] <hazzy-m> you requested that a long while back ...
[23:09:17] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fhdZK
[23:09:18] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 0373c85f2 - BUG: DROWidget - fix DRO widget reporting wrong values
[23:11:19] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+405/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/fhdZi
[23:11:21] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 034ac79f5 - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
[23:55:10] <Lcvette> Hurray