#hazzy | Logs for 2019-02-20

[00:21:01] <TurBoss> did hazzy get lost in the sea of code?
[00:21:28] <hazzy-m> yes, lol
[00:21:33] <TurBoss> :)
[00:21:50] <hazzy-m> investigating why the tool is offset
[00:22:00] <TurBoss> what?
[00:23:01] <hazzy-m> the tool cone is offset from the plot, but I think it's because we need to take into acount the tool and G92 offsets in the positions
[00:23:30] <TurBoss> in all axis?
[00:23:33] <TurBoss> in mine is fine
[00:24:22] <TurBoss> if follows path
[00:24:37] <hazzy-m> hmmm
[00:24:38] <hazzy-m> sek
[00:24:56] <TurBoss> opengl or vtk?
[00:24:58] <TurBoss> :P
[00:25:09] <hazzy-m> vtk, lol
[00:27:29] <hazzy-m> seems fine now
[00:27:52] * TurBoss uploaded a video: Peek 20-02-2019 06-26.mp4 (388KB) < https://matrix.org >
[00:28:34] <hazzy-m> perfect
[00:28:36] <hazzy-m> hmm
[00:29:11] <TurBoss> hmmm ?
[00:29:13] <TurBoss> :D
[00:29:56] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: does not believe hazzy
[00:29:58] <hazzy-m> :(
[00:30:03] <hazzy-m> lol
[00:30:05] <TurBoss> hahahah
[00:30:08] <TurBoss> you broke
[00:32:11] * hazzy-m uploaded a video: Peek 2019-02-20 00-31.webm (67KB) < https://matrix.org >
[00:32:29] <TurBoss> hmmmm
[00:32:29] <hazzy-m> when there is a tool offset!
[00:32:34] <hazzy-m> easy fix
[00:32:34] <TurBoss> ahhhh
[00:32:43] <TurBoss> tool is not much worked
[00:32:54] <TurBoss> I wan't to draw current tool
[00:32:59] <hazzy-m> don't worry abot it now, not important
[00:33:02] <TurBoss> cone or cyl
[00:33:12] <hazzy-m> nice!
[00:36:03] <hazzy-m> and show it throwing chips
[00:36:08] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: image.png (105KB) < https://matrix.org >
[00:36:15] <hazzy-m> lol
[00:36:17] <hazzy-m> fail
[00:36:22] <hazzy-m> should be a gif
[00:37:10] <TurBoss> hahah
[01:29:36] <Lcvette> Video not working
[01:30:06] <Lcvette> :(
[01:30:24] <Lcvette> Got excited to see steel chips fly
[04:58:23] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07jethornton pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±5] 13https://git.io/fhdQm
[04:58:24] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07jethornton 030315c19 - BUG: fix sim ini so screens load at 0x0
[04:58:56] <jt-m[m]> morning
[05:00:24] <TurBoss> hello!
[05:00:55] -!- knaliret[m] has joined #hazzy
[05:00:56] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+405/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/fhdQ3
[05:00:57] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 036d27a5a - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
[05:13:46] <jthornton> making some progress with vtk?
[07:16:14] <TurBoss> yup
[07:16:47] <TurBoss> it will require a ton of funtionabilities to compete with opengl
[07:18:09] <jthornton> is a better way to make the back plot?
[07:19:03] <TurBoss> is easiest to code
[07:19:43] <jthornton> nice
[07:19:43] <TurBoss> more high level
[07:19:58] <jthornton> I need to look into that
[07:20:02] <TurBoss> less gl.vertex.pop.push.lmatrix
[07:20:02] <TurBoss> duno
[07:20:17] <TurBoss> simple create cone
[07:20:25] <TurBoss> and it plops
[07:22:01] <TurBoss> https://github.com
[07:22:05] <TurBoss> tool definition
[07:22:21] <TurBoss> in the future will read tool table and draw it acording
[07:22:29] <jthornton> cool
[07:22:48] <jthornton> that's pretty short code for sure
[07:23:04] <TurBoss> and will be posible to load and write STL
[07:23:11] <TurBoss> for stock
[07:23:14] <TurBoss> or vise
[07:24:36] <jthornton> neat stuff for sure
[07:28:05] <jthornton> now to figure out why my pyqt can't be run as a service I get cannot connect to X server
[07:28:32] <TurBoss> whats happend
[07:28:43] <TurBoss> hmmm
[07:28:57] <TurBoss> where did you put the launch code?
[07:28:58] <jthornton> trying to get my chicken program to run with systemd on bootup
[07:29:08] <TurBoss> systemd
[07:29:09] <TurBoss> ok
[07:29:13] <TurBoss> you have a unit
[07:29:17] <jthornton> yea
[07:29:21] <TurBoss> sek
[07:29:59] <TurBoss> [Install]
[07:30:00] <TurBoss> WantedBy=xsession.target
[07:30:04] <TurBoss> https://superuser.com
[07:31:44] <jthornton> thanks
[07:45:36] <jthornton> [Service]
[07:45:37] <jthornton> Environment="DISPLAY=:0"
[07:45:37] <jthornton> Environment="XAUTHORITY=/home/pi/.Xauthority"
[07:45:42] <jthornton> that fixed it
[07:49:04] <TurBoss> cool!
[09:17:36] -!- jthornton has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[10:07:27] <hazzy-m> morning
[10:21:56] <jt-m[m]> Morning
[10:26:49] -!- JT-Shop has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[10:27:33] <roguish[m]> good morning all.
[10:28:04] <hazzy-m> morning roguish
[10:28:39] <roguish[m]> so, what's the latest and greatest with qtpyvcp ?
[10:31:54] <hazzy-m> roguish: the new DataChannels for sure
[10:32:31] <roguish[m]> what exactly are they and what do they do?
[10:32:40] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: chan_completion.gif (80KB) < https://matrix.org >
[10:32:58] <hazzy-m> and chan auto completion
[10:33:47] <hazzy-m> they are what are used to signal the widgets then things change
[10:36:56] <roguish[m]> I realize it might be a bit early, but any docs on them? what is available and how to use 'em ?
[10:37:40] <hazzy-m> yes! JT has been writing docs as fast as Ican code, lol
[10:37:50] <hazzy-m> https://qtpyvcp.kcjengr.com
[10:39:15] <roguish[m]> are these all still bound by what is in the linuxcnc-python interface, as currently implemented?
[10:39:45] <jt-m[m]> hazzy (@kcjengr:matrix.org): any thoughts on the info links
[10:40:31] <hazzy-m> No, I haven't gottend a chance to look into that
[10:42:11] <roguish[m]> hazzy, on a side note, what machine is the base for your benchtop mill rebuild?
[10:43:43] <jt-m[m]> Ok just checking
[10:44:33] <hazzy-m> roguish: https://www.mscdirect.com
[10:44:51] <hazzy-m> it was lest that half that when i got it
[10:45:46] <roguish[m]> ah, an Enco. i think that is what cmorely has, too. i think.
[10:46:19] <hazzy-m> oh, I didn't know that!
[10:46:38] <roguish[m]> how do i stick a picture in this riot thing?
[10:46:55] <hazzy-m> copy the pic and paste
[10:46:58] * roguish[m] uploaded an image: image.png (107KB) < https://matrix.org >
[10:47:32] <hazzy-m> oh that is a little better, I need to log in
[10:47:42] * hazzy-m hates MSC
[10:47:51] <hazzy-m> enco was so much less tricky
[10:48:46] <roguish[m]> yeah, i've been an enco buyer for a long time, and when MSC took them, my account transfered, and I get pretty good pricing. even on the rest of MSC
[10:49:02] <hazzy-m> much better, it was $3,252.64 ea.
[10:49:53] <TurBoss> hey
[10:50:14] <hazzy-m> yes, same here, they held too their promise of "same great prices" for a while, but its steadily increasing, still much better then there normal prices though
[10:51:22] <hazzy-m> I think I paid $1500 for it, I was able to use a %25 off coupon and free truck freight, lol
[10:52:05] <roguish[m]> good on ya.
[10:52:24] <roguish[m]> is it ways and gibs? or linear rails?
[10:52:42] <hazzy-m> it is ways and gibs
[10:52:49] <roguish[m]> did you scrape the ways?
[10:53:02] <hazzy-m> the fit in finish on that machine is very nice, much better then the IH machines
[10:53:25] <hazzy-m> I had to do a very tiny bit, but not bad at all
[10:53:34] <hazzy-m> mostly on Z
[11:00:00] <roguish[m]> just curious, why did you choose the enco, over all the others on the market?
[11:02:11] <hazzy-m> because it was the cheapest
[11:04:47] <roguish[m]> that's pretty straight forward. as much as I would like to build a benchtop mill, totally, I gotta be realistic. doing a quality rebuild has got to be far less expesive, and lots less time.
[11:04:56] <Lcvette> are you shopping for a machine roguish ?
[11:05:06] <roguish[m]> always.
[11:05:26] <Lcvette> what travels do you need?
[11:05:40] <Lcvette> morning
[11:05:43] <Lcvette> :D
[11:06:27] <hazzy-m> roguish: I would never build a benchtop machine again, its just not worth it. For the same cost and effort I could have had a really nice VMC
[11:06:31] <roguish[m]> I have a BP series II in my shop, but it actuall belongs to a friend. it's big and stable, but really far bigger than I need, and I do not own it and don't want to invest in an fixups.
[11:06:53] <roguish[m]> hazzy: such as?
[11:07:58] <Lcvette> a benchtop conversion will be a big fix up
[11:07:59] <Lcvette> lol
[11:08:29] <roguish[m]> Lcvette, you're right, but I would own it.
[11:08:31] <Lcvette> in most cases far more so than even converting a used small brother drill and tap machine for example
[11:09:10] <Lcvette> if you want cnc, i would suggest starting with a base cnc machine
[11:09:25] <Lcvette> you will be far ahead of the game in the long run
[11:11:28] <hazzy-m> I have about 5K in my mill now, not to mention 100s of hours, old VMCs in very restorable condition can be found around here for almost nothing, so I would definitely have come out ahead going that rout, but then again, I learned a huge about, so I'm not complaining
[11:13:23] <Lcvette> roguish: what work envelope do you need?
[11:14:39] <roguish[m]> not sure, about the same as a benchtop mill. 20 x 10 x 10 ???? or there about.
[11:15:26] <Lcvette> you are definitely in the realm of an old brother drill and tap center and those can be had very reasonable
[11:16:22] <Lcvette> nice thing about them is they have linear rails so if they by chance need to be repairs it is something you can do in your shop without needing to have boxed ways reground or turcite reapplied
[11:16:33] <Lcvette> they also have relatively small axis servos
[11:16:42] <Lcvette> i think 400/400/750
[11:16:53] <Lcvette> so not terribly expensive to update
[11:17:05] <Lcvette> DMM servos can be fitted cheaply
[11:17:50] <Lcvette> they don't weigh too much so moving them around a small shop doesn't require obnoxious sized forklifts
[11:17:59] <Lcvette> and transporting isn't terribly difficult
[11:19:12] * Lcvette uploaded an image: tc225 brother.jpg (24KB) < https://matrix.org >
[11:19:38] <roguish[m]> never seen one of those.
[11:19:40] <Lcvette> buddy picked this one up a couple months back for $1250
[11:21:17] <Lcvette> https://www.youtube.com
[11:22:07] <Lcvette> control is a bit outdated and certainly could use a linuxcnc update
[11:22:19] <Lcvette> but most of the hardware is perfectly fine
[11:22:47] * roguish[m] uploaded an image: image.png (238KB) < https://matrix.org >
[11:24:23] <Lcvette> clean, priced high
[11:24:39] <roguish[m]> first on e i just came across
[11:24:40] <Lcvette> not sure the envelope on the 221
[11:25:41] <roguish[m]> https://www.ebay.com
[11:25:47] <Lcvette> the 225 i think is a X23.6" Y11.8" xy travel
[11:26:18] <Lcvette> 221 is a bit small
[11:26:26] <Lcvette> envelop wise
[11:26:32] <Lcvette> i would try for the 225 minimum
[11:26:47] <Lcvette> its a good size envelope
[11:26:56] <Lcvette> 11.8" is a bit limiting
[11:27:21] <Lcvette> but better than most benchmills without overtraveling them beyond reason
[11:27:30] <Lcvette> and it is a much beefier machine than a bench mill
[11:28:50] <Lcvette> something like this may require a week of elbow grease going through and cleaning and inspecting and replacing little items neglected over the years but ultimately everything is already in place so it far easier than making everything like a retrofitted benchtop
[11:29:19] <Lcvette> the other avenue if you have the space, are the smaller fadal machines
[11:29:26] <Lcvette> in the linear versions
[11:29:36] <Lcvette> designated by "L"
[11:30:00] <Lcvette> 2016L, 3016L, 15XT
[11:30:17] <Lcvette> little bigger physically but are very capable machines
[11:30:26] <Lcvette> and most have a 7500 or 10k rpm spindle
[11:30:41] <Lcvette> will be a little heavier then the brother
[11:31:57] <Lcvette> these machines are really good machines for lighter work, they aren't going to be the best for heavy hard metal cutting at speed mind you but they will run circles around any benchtop in all categories
[11:32:46] <Lcvette> like hazzy said, a benchtop conversion will end up costing you way more than you plan or budget for and they tend to be an ongoing project
[11:33:00] <Lcvette> great as a hobby for fun but not for business
[11:33:07] <roguish[m]> that's why I'm still shopping. lol.
[11:33:39] <roguish[m]> thanks for the lead on the Brother. I was not familiar with that brand.
[11:33:53] <Lcvette> yesah great little machines
[11:34:33] <Lcvette> they were not so well received a while back because of how old they were but now retrofitters are snatching them up it seems
[11:37:11] <Lcvette> i think the spindle is a 4 or 5 hp on the brother
[11:37:54] <Lcvette> so it is certainly on the lighter side of the little vmc machines
[11:38:37] <Lcvette> sand table load is around 260lbs
[11:39:24] <Lcvette> in comparison, a fadal 3016l has a 15hp spindle and a table load of 2000lbs
[11:42:11] <Lcvette> https://www.ebay.com
[11:42:42] <Lcvette> https://www.ebay.com
[11:44:47] <Lcvette> https://www.ebay.com
[11:45:20] <Lcvette> here is a fadal TRM, if you are space limited, it is a great little machine with some decent travels to boot
[11:47:41] <Lcvette> i wanted one of these TRM's in a bad way when I was just in a 2 car garage
[11:48:35] <Lcvette> when i was trying to decide what to do for my machine purchase i did exhaustive research before going the direction i did
[11:49:21] <Lcvette> the only thing i am certain of is I am glad i went with linear rails for the type machining i do
[11:49:58] <Lcvette> had i crashed a boxed way machine it may not have been as forgiving or as affordable to correct as it was
[11:49:59] <Lcvette> lol
[11:52:59] <hazzy-m> but a box way machine is also a LOT more robust, so probably would not have been damaged at all
[11:53:58] <jt-m[m]> Yep, box ways are tough
[11:56:07] <Lcvette> you are right... so the next weakest link would have broke
[11:57:01] <hazzy-m> yep, which would proably have been something even harder to fix
[11:57:27] <Lcvette> screw, ballnut, nut mount
[11:57:38] <Lcvette> maybe coupler slipped if lucky
[11:57:54] <Lcvette> hurt motor
[11:57:57] <Lcvette> who knows
[11:58:17] <Lcvette> wound up only costing me a pair of bearing cars that replaced in 30 minutes
[11:58:25] <hazzy-m> destroyed spindle
[11:58:26] <hazzy-m> nice!
[11:58:33] <hazzy-m> thats about as easy as it gets
[11:59:16] <hazzy-m> though it takes haas about 7 months to replace a single linear block ...
[12:00:19] <hazzy-m> remember that haas with the jammed up table I posted a good while back? They finally got it fixed, lol
[12:00:47] <hazzy-m> at least they admitted it took way longer than it should have to did not charge anything
[12:01:36] <Lcvette> really?
[12:01:40] <Lcvette> why so long?
[12:02:41] <hazzy-m> just lazy and incompetent, they came out multiple times without the right tools or part
[12:02:59] <Lcvette> i just used a machinist jack under the front of the saddle and did one at a time just applied light pressure to take load off the bearing car, removed the 4 bolts and slid the car out and slide the new one in and bolted it back down
[12:03:01] <hazzy-m> would have been screwed if it was a production machine
[12:03:44] <Lcvette> did one at a time so i wouldn't afect the alignment
[12:04:07] <hazzy-m> thats the way to do it!
[12:04:56] <Lcvette> took longer to remove the fron y way cover and x way covers then replacing the bearing blocks
[12:07:56] <Lcvette> down the road when these rails are worn I will replace them with soem Hiwin Pin roller type rails
[12:08:23] <hazzy-m> those are awesome!
[12:08:28] <hazzy-m> should be a lot stiffer too
[12:08:33] <Lcvette> yeah
[12:08:42] <Lcvette> these will be fine for now
[12:08:49] <Lcvette> but they limit the table load
[12:09:14] <Lcvette> and i am sure with heavier cutting the pin rollers would make a difference
[12:10:34] <hazzy-m> Mazak uses some very interesting linear ways, they are basically V ways but with rollers, and the rollers don't recurculate.
[12:13:51] <Lcvette> really?
[12:13:54] <Lcvette> link?
[12:16:47] * jt-m[m] has killed his LAN lol
[12:17:29] <hazzy-m> I saw them on the mazak tech center. They were using them on their new (at the time) hybrid additive/subtractive machines, but he didn't seem to like me asking questions about them, lol
[12:18:00] <Lcvette> ah
[12:20:06] <hazzy-m> you know how a ball breading drawer slide works? they were very similar to that, so the support point of the table is constantly moving
[12:21:33] <Lcvette> gotcha
[12:21:58] <Lcvette> there is an intermediary slider
[12:22:45] <Lcvette> ?
[12:23:19] <hazzy-m> just a race that keeps the rollers together
[12:23:39] <Lcvette> ball bush
[12:23:52] <Lcvette> thats similar to some grinders
[12:24:21] <hazzy-m> yes, basicaly. and they ran on the casting, not on a separate rail
[12:24:33] <Lcvette> ok im with ya
[12:24:54] <Lcvette> that takes a long row
[12:24:58] <Lcvette> and a long bed
[12:25:02] <Lcvette> and extended table
[12:25:20] <hazzy-m> which surprised me as I think you would get brinelling on a high speed machine like that
[12:25:22] <Lcvette> but is the ultimate in full support for a rolling element type way
[12:25:52] <Lcvette> not if it was hardened
[12:26:03] <hazzy-m> right, very long bed and table, I guess the bed has to be 1.5 times the travel
[12:26:29] <hazzy-m> 1.5 times the travel plus the length of the rolling elements
[12:26:51] <Lcvette> hardened properly to load and frictional forces it would be seeing
[12:27:31] <Lcvette> and with so many points of contact, the load dispersal probably spreads everything out so much that it is not as difficult to control
[12:27:38] <hazzy-m> and I guess there is a lot more contact area compared to linear blocks
[12:27:47] <hazzy-m> right!
[12:28:21] <Lcvette> no elephant on a pogo stick
[12:28:29] <Lcvette> lol
[12:28:47] <Lcvette> sorry, was some humor from one of my professors
[12:29:54] <hazzy-m> anyway, I was surprised to see that on a machine that was primarily use for additive processes were cutting loads are basically zero, but speed it important
[12:29:55] <hazzy-m> LOL
[12:30:51] <Lcvette> that is WHY you saw it on a machine like that
[12:31:12] <Lcvette> same as why they put them on surface grinders
[12:31:19] <Lcvette> very stable
[12:31:24] <Lcvette> very low vibration
[12:31:36] <Lcvette> very low heat generation at speed
[12:33:16] <hazzy-m> ah, I guess that does make sense then, and you don't have the inevitable artifacts from the rollers leaving and entering in a recirculating system
[12:34:01] <Lcvette> yes
[14:44:54] <jt-m[m]> Hmm I left my phone WiFi enabled from the last trip we took, I wonder if that was using my data??
[14:45:45] <Lcvette> lcvette wonders why JT doesn't have unlimited data?
[14:45:53] <hazzy-m> oh, yes, that could use a LOT of data, especially if you have some apps with background data turned on
[14:46:23] <Lcvette> whois your internet service provider?
[14:46:47] <hazzy-m> typicaly apps will limit background data on mobile networks, but not on WiFi, since they assume WIFi is unlimited
[14:46:55] <jt-m[m]> I try to keep background crap off
[14:47:46] <hazzy-m> is it an android or iThing?
[14:48:12] <jt-m[m]> Visat
[14:48:13] <jt-m[m]> Try to keep everything off on the phone
[14:48:27] <jt-m[m]> Android lol I don't use istone
[14:49:36] <Lcvette> ah you are satellite
[14:49:47] <jt-m[m]> Aye
[14:49:47] <Lcvette> no cable?
[14:50:37] <jt-m[m]> Fiber 1.6 miles from me but not connected to anything lol
[14:50:40] <Lcvette> JT, you can move out here, we have cable and they allow chickens in our neighborhood
[14:51:23] <Lcvette> we have a lady who has chickens
[14:51:32] <jt-m[m]> JT has way too much crap to ever move again lol
[14:51:57] <Lcvette> and a stable with chickens and horses and goats and ponys
[14:52:07] <jt-m[m]> I visit NC from time to time
[14:52:18] <Lcvette> stop by
[14:52:23] <Lcvette> have dinner and a beer
[14:52:45] <jt-m[m]> What city are you in?
[14:53:07] <Lcvette> Rocky Point, NC
[14:53:14] <Lcvette> right near WIlmington
[14:54:15] <Lcvette> farm country
[14:54:16] <jt-m[m]> I go to Concord
[14:55:19] <Lcvette> thats up near Charlotte area
[14:55:30] <Lcvette> about 3.5hours from here
[14:55:34] <jt-m[m]> Yep
[14:57:51] <jt-m[m]> Grandparents used to have a farm near Greensboro
[14:59:05] <Lcvette> nice
[14:59:09] <jt-m[m]> I put a timer on my router lol
[14:59:18] <Lcvette> there ya go
[14:59:53] <jt-m[m]> The farm is all apartment buildings now :(
[15:56:24] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±4] 13https://git.io/fhFJE
[15:56:25] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 0330c7823 - ENH: add initialize and terminate methods to widgets
[15:59:08] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+405/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/fhFJ2
[15:59:10] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 03b5642dc - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
[16:22:57] <jt-m[m]> Hurray
[17:32:23] -!- jthornton has joined #hazzy
[18:21:23] <jthornton> hazzy-m: can you take a quick look at this simple program and tell me why I get this error trying to run it installed when it runs fine from the terminal "QWidget: Must construct a QApplication before a QWidget
[18:21:23] <jthornton> Aborted (core dumped)
[18:21:23] <jthornton> "
[18:21:32] <jthornton> https://github.com
[18:22:05] <jthornton> been pulling my beard out trying to get a simple example working with pip3 install -e .
[18:22:49] <hazzy-m> Sure! See, on the road
[18:23:10] <hazzy-m> Simi just got stuck under a bridge, lol
[18:23:14] <jthornton> ok when you have a chance
[18:23:28] <jthornton> lol do they know to let the air out of the tires to get out?
[18:23:36] <hazzy-m> It's a little shorter now
[18:23:46] <jthornton> oversized load?
[18:24:31] <hazzy-m> Nope, just want under the low side of the bridge by accident in the rain
[18:24:57] <jthornton> there goes his day
[18:28:16] <jthornton> looks like all the chickens are settled in... time to lock them up for the night
[18:41:30] * hazzy-m is home
[18:45:16] * hazzy-m posted a file: simp.tar.gz (16KB) < https://matrix.org >
[18:45:25] <hazzy-m> jthornton: Try that
[18:45:48] <hazzy-m> you need the entry point to call the main method to setup the QApp
[18:46:28] <jthornton> I knew I was missing something important lol... thanks so much
[18:46:47] <hazzy-m> absolutely!
[18:47:02] <hazzy-m> that is a good example of a minimal Qt based app
[18:48:42] <jthornton> and what sucks is it ran from a terminal! but not installed lol
[18:49:12] <hazzy-m> yes, that kind of think is a pain to debug
[18:50:41] <jthornton> so painful I turned on the internet lol
[18:51:30] <hazzy-m> that must have been pretty bad
[18:52:45] <jthornton> hot damn it works... now I can progress on with my 7i96 tool and others
[18:53:00] <hazzy-m> hurray!
[18:53:15] <jthornton> does pip install . work like pip install -e . but not editable?
[19:25:38] * Lcvette uploaded an image: 1550700483792.JPEG (145KB) < https://matrix.org >
[19:25:45] <Lcvette> slowly getting there
[19:28:40] <hazzy-m> jthornton: yes, pip install . is the same as pip install name, but uses the files from the current working dir
[19:28:56] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: Looking good!
[19:29:27] <hazzy-m> which grizzly saw is that?
[19:29:33] <hazzy-m> looks nice
[19:30:05] <Lcvette> not sure but i wouldn't recommend it
[19:30:49] <Lcvette> said it was good for wood/metal but i suspect it would be best suited for wood only
[19:31:16] <Lcvette> it doesn't cut like a true metal band saw
[19:32:01] <Lcvette> i rarely use it
[19:32:10] <Lcvette> unless im cutting sheet aluminum
[19:32:23] <Lcvette> or thiner aluminum stock
[19:33:15] <Lcvette> for any real stock cutting like steel or the tube im welding here in the picture, i have a cold saw which was by far the best investment in stock cutting i could have made
[19:33:51] <Lcvette> the cuts on it are perfectly square and almost machine quality straight
[19:34:14] <Lcvette> no deburring necessary afterwards
[19:34:55] <Lcvette> and it cuts fast
[19:35:00] <Lcvette> especially for steel
[19:35:20] <Lcvette> for aluminum, fastest method i have found is a miter saw
[19:36:26] <Lcvette> i have a sliding 12" miter saw that i use that will cut up to 16" wide aluminum flat bar
[19:36:35] <Lcvette> but it makes a hell of a mess
[19:36:41] <Lcvette> but it cuts straight and fast
[19:41:58] -!- jthornton has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:02:14] <hazzy-m> Yeah, I use a SCMS for AL too, works well but the band saw is just as fast if not faster for think sections
[20:02:22] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: image.png (1121KB) < https://matrix.org >
[20:03:05] <hazzy-m> that is 3" think, probably a 30s cut at most, and clean and quiet compared to the SCMS
[20:05:33] <hazzy-m> I've just 10" thick sections with no problem, but you need a very low pitch blade to clear the chips
[20:06:52] <hazzy-m> I use stelite tipped blades intended for logging for cutting AL, work great and last longer than in wood, LOL
[20:08:17] <hazzy-m> they have variable pitch to prevent resonance and deep gullets so they don't clock in green wood, and that is the key for good cuts on these low powered bandsaws
[20:09:12] <roguish[m]> a couple of machinist at a company i used to work for totally freaked out when I suggested using a skill saw to cut a 1/4" thick sheet of al into smaller pieces. then I showed how by doing it in their shop.
[20:09:22] <roguish[m]> guys were candy asses.
[20:10:02] <roguish[m]> it's messy alright. and loud too.
[20:10:45] <hazzy-m> yes, but it works!
[20:11:22] <roguish[m]> yup, done it a couple of times.
[20:11:33] <hazzy-m> The feud steel demon blades are fantastic if you need to cut steel with a MS or skill saw
[20:13:08] <hazzy-m> I know a production black smith that uses then in a 12" DW chop saw for breaking down all his material, and he does some big stuff
[20:13:52] <roguish[m]> I have an 1-1/4" steel shaft I need to cut in half. won't fit in the bandsaw. probably us an old fashioned hack saw.....
[20:13:53] <hazzy-m> he sharpens them free hand on the belt grinder lol, still work great
[20:14:34] <roguish[m]> then cut some keyways.
[20:14:54] <hazzy-m> is it too long for the band saw?
[20:15:47] <roguish[m]> yes. 6' length. need to cut it just about in half.
[20:16:07] <roguish[m]> bandsaw has a 20" throat.
[20:18:46] <roguish[m]> I need the arm excersise.....
[20:19:01] <hazzy-m> that's a decent throat and a small dia, maybe you can cut thru it at an angle and then clean it up ...
[20:19:18] * hazzy-m will do anything to not use a hacksaw lol
[20:22:20] <Lcvette> Coldsaw be perfect for that roguish
[20:22:53] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: what blades do you use, HSS?
[20:23:52] <Lcvette> I bought about 10 different blades at one time from Lennox on there recommendation for various materials
[20:24:38] <Lcvette> The only ones that worked with a shot we the this low tooth count for Aluminum
[20:24:58] <Lcvette> Were the
[20:25:42] <Lcvette> I think it's a 93-1/2" blade
[20:33:39] <Lcvette> That was a 30 second cut?
[20:33:50] <Lcvette> Yeah I definitely have the wing blades then
[20:34:00] <Lcvette> Wrong
[20:34:16] <Lcvette> That cut would take 5 minutes on mine
[20:34:24] <Lcvette> Lol
[20:36:19] <hazzy-m> yes, the blade it the most important thing, nothing more useless than one with the wrong blade lol
[20:36:45] <Lcvette> Link me the blade I need in a 93"
[20:37:15] <hazzy-m> sure!
[20:38:01] <hazzy-m> my brothers saw has a 3" wide blade and a .75" pitch, it will cut any think like butter
[20:38:07] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: image.png (950KB) < https://matrix.org >
[20:39:06] <Lcvette> Wow
[20:40:20] <hazzy-m> I guess actualy a 1.5" pitch, only every other tooth has a carbide tip, the others are just to rake the chips out
[20:42:09] <hazzy-m> these are what use 95% of the time for nonferrous and wood: https://www.highlandwoodworking.com
[20:44:51] <Lcvette> Cool, k order one now
[22:37:22] <Lcvette> https://www.grizzly.com
[22:37:34] <Lcvette> That's the band saw I have by the way
[22:38:42] <Lcvette> Good thing I looked, had blade length wrong
[22:39:31] <Lcvette> Do I want 1/2" or 3/4"?
[22:40:36] <Lcvette> Saw will accept 1/8" to 1" blades
[22:53:09] <hazzy-m> I almost always use a 1/2" blade, since it is fine for streight cuts, but you can also do arcs down to about 3"
[22:55:39] <Lcvette> Arcs?
[22:55:47] <Lcvette> I'm not artsy
[22:55:47] <Lcvette> Lol
[22:56:07] <hazzy-m> neither am I, lol
[22:56:24] <hazzy-m> but its nice for roughing out parts for the lathe if you only have bar stock :)
[22:57:44] <Lcvette> Haven't had a lathe big enough to worry about that in a while
[22:59:16] <Lcvette> I'll get the 1/2"
[22:59:31] <Lcvette> Might be useful for sheet metal
[23:00:22] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: IMG_20190220_225951204.jpg (219KB) < https://matrix.org >
[23:00:36] <hazzy-m> I do that kinda thing all the time
[23:01:06] <Lcvette> That with the same blade?
[23:01:15] <Lcvette> In steel
[23:01:17] <Lcvette> ??
[23:01:43] <hazzy-m> no, that blade is only good for thicker no ferrous
[23:01:54] <Lcvette> Gotcha
[23:02:04] <Lcvette> What steel blades?
[23:02:39] <Lcvette> Do you use coolant or air?
[23:02:56] <hazzy-m> I think that was with a Starrett, but I don't like them
[23:03:32] <Lcvette> No?
[23:03:46] <hazzy-m> I like the cheapo morris blades for steel
[23:04:37] <hazzy-m> I've had multiple Starrett's that just did not cut right, always pulled to one side or the other
[23:04:46] <hazzy-m> gave up on them
[23:05:17] <Lcvette> Ah
[23:05:49] <hazzy-m> no coolant, sometimes a squirt of WD40 if it squeals too much for comfort
[23:07:07] <hazzy-m> unless you have flood coolant any cutting oil makes the chips pack up in the gullets so end upi generating more heat and cutting slower then without it
[23:07:26] <Lcvette> Thought about adding an air blast and maybe a mister
[23:08:01] <hazzy-m> that is a good idea, get some velocity to blow the chips off
[23:08:28] <hazzy-m> I did add a brush to clean the blade and that does help
[23:11:51] <hazzy-m> these are the blades I use in the horizontal and for steel in the vert, dirt cheap, but cut great and last 75% as long as the bimetal: https://www.mscdirect.com
[23:22:22] <Lcvette> Looks like they don't have a 9'
[23:25:22] <hazzy-m> yeah, they don't have much of a selection right now, hmmm
[23:33:30] <hazzy-m> this does not look quite right ...
[23:33:31] <hazzy-m> https://youtu.be
[23:37:23] <Lcvette> Yeah, you would think it would hurt the setter or tool or knock something out of whack from spinning
[23:42:34] <hazzy-m> I was thinking that face mill did not look like it was spinning true
[23:43:15] <hazzy-m> it is fairly common to measure tools with them spinning, and you pretty much have to for diameter
[23:56:53] <Lcvette> I know, but it still doesn't look right
[23:58:05] <hazzy-m> if I tried that a insert would catch and throw the setter across the room
[23:58:06] <hazzy-m> lol
[23:58:27] <Lcvette> My friends Mori has one and it's great, but it's frightening to watch for me still
[23:59:11] <Lcvette> Our other buddy has a Mori with a laser measurement system
[23:59:31] <Lcvette> That's really awesome it's on the head of the machine