#hazzy | Logs for 2019-02-22
[00:00:09] <Lcvette> 🐼
[00:00:53] <Lcvette> What's troubling
[00:01:16] * hazzy-m uploaded a video: VID_20190221_235547334.mp4 (89063KB) < https://matrix.org >
[00:01:21] <hazzy-m> Stuck studs, lol
[00:01:25] <hazzy-m> I need panda rust buster fu
[00:01:35] <Lcvette> Heat
[00:02:06] <Lcvette> Pb blaster and heat
[00:03:23] <hazzy-m> I've been applying PB blaster for a few days, hasn't even begun to penetrate this mess :(
[00:03:38] <Lcvette> That's what the heat is for
[00:03:39] <hazzy-m> Should try heat
[00:05:01] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: IMG_20190222_000431462.jpg (172KB) < https://matrix.org >
[00:05:33] * hazzy-m is too lazy to get the bottles out from back there, lol
[00:06:18] <Lcvette> Lol
[00:06:28] <Lcvette> Have a small map gas touch?
[00:06:32] <Lcvette> Torch
[00:06:40] <Lcvette> Or even propane
[00:07:14] <hazzy-m> Yeah
[00:07:39] <Lcvette> Doesn't take much, just need to expand it enough for the pb to sneak in
[00:08:17] <Lcvette> Once it gets past the outer layer it will creep and work
[00:38:01] <Lcvette> Get it?
[00:38:02] * hazzy-m is out of small propane bottles
[00:38:08] <hazzy-m> I'll have to fill some in the morning
[00:38:10] <Lcvette> Oh no
[00:38:21] <Lcvette> Get the big torch out
[00:38:32] <hazzy-m> I could have swore I had a case
[00:38:56] <Lcvette> Have a tig torch
[00:39:43] <hazzy-m> no, but that would be perfect, could head just the nut to get it to expand
[00:40:03] <Lcvette> Yeah I do that alot
[00:40:20] <Lcvette> Low and and move it allot to not melt the nut
[00:40:23] <hazzy-m> hohoho, I have a 600A power supply, maybe could run that thru the nut
[00:40:31] <Lcvette> No
[00:40:31] <TurBoss> LOL
[00:40:33] <Lcvette> Lol
[00:40:43] <Lcvette> Low amps
[00:40:50] <Lcvette> Looked 40
[00:41:20] <Lcvette> Doesn't take long to turn it cherry red
[00:41:27] <hazzy-m> I don't mean tig, just running they the nut directly
[00:41:28] <Lcvette> Like*
[00:41:39] <hazzy-m> I use if the heating bearing races to remove them
[00:42:24] <Lcvette> Yeah might work
[00:42:30] <Lcvette> Never used one before
[00:42:55] <Lcvette> Is it like an induction heater?
[00:47:18] <hazzy-m> its just a rewound microwave oven transformer
[00:47:40] <hazzy-m> will heat up a 1.5" steel bar pretty quick lol
[00:49:47] <Lcvette> That would work if it fits where you need to get it
[04:14:40] -!- JT-Shop has joined #hazzy
[04:14:42] -!- jthornton has joined #hazzy
[05:26:51] <jt-m[m]> morning
[05:29:10] <TurBoss> hi
[07:05:32] <jt-m[m]> what's up today?
[07:08:41] <TurBoss> testing the matrix bridge
[07:08:51] <TurBoss> in production lol
[07:21:36] <jt-m[m]> cool
[07:29:46] <TurBoss> it bridges some matrix rooms with ingame rooms
[07:47:58] <Lcvette> morning
[07:48:23] <jthornton> morning
[08:13:21] <jt-m[m]> looks like the drowidget is broken it only shows the x axis
[08:15:35] <Lcvette> broken?
[08:21:44] <Lcvette> i just noticed on probe basic when referencing that the a and b axis were referencing
[08:21:56] <Lcvette> think some things got jumbled
[08:22:30] <Lcvette> yeah for sure they did
[08:23:26] <Lcvette> X axis work and machine coord dro's and B axis work dro are linked
[08:24:07] <Lcvette> Y axis work and machine coord dro's and z axis work dro is linked
[08:24:33] <Lcvette> z axis machine coord dro and a xis work coordinate dro is linked
[08:24:43] <Lcvette> definitely jumbled up
[08:26:29] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07jethornton pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±10] 13https://git.io/fhFyp
[08:26:31] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07jethornton 03715988b - DOC: update tutorial for new datachannels
[08:28:32] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+405/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/fhFSf
[08:28:34] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 031973b2b - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
[08:32:46] <Lcvette> fixed the dros in probe basic
[08:32:50] <Lcvette> pushed
[08:33:06] <jthornton> how did you fix that?
[08:33:17] <Lcvette> rules editor
[08:33:53] <Lcvette> hazzy was in there and i think he was making some changes and was copying and pasting and didn't go through and change the axis designators to what they were supposed to be
[08:35:00] <Lcvette> all dtg were for x axis
[08:35:01] <Lcvette> lol
[08:36:26] <jthornton> no, that's a status label, I'm talking about the DROWidget
[08:37:24] <Lcvette> i dunno, mine is working and i did not have to fix it
[08:37:27] <jthornton> yea I see that it was a copy/paste job not completed
[08:37:37] <Lcvette> just fix the sro status labels
[08:38:00] <jthornton> probe basic is not using the DROWidget which is different than a status label
[08:38:43] <Lcvette> ah
[08:38:47] <jthornton> look on the left side of designer and you can see the DROWidget
[08:39:01] <jthornton> no matter what axis you select you get x
[08:39:43] <Lcvette> chrecking
[08:41:05] <jthornton> I have a 27" monitor and still can't see all of probe basic lol
[08:41:21] <Lcvette> go full screen
[08:41:28] <Lcvette> thats what its designed for
[08:41:36] <Lcvette> in 1080x1920
[08:41:45] <Lcvette> alt+f11
[08:42:18] <jthornton> that should be set to automatically go full screen if the controls are off your screen and you don't know anything about linux you just assume it's broken and move on
[08:42:51] <Lcvette> it was, but everytime hazzy resets master his ini settings retake mine
[08:42:53] <Lcvette> lol
[08:43:12] <jthornton> create an ini for probe basic
[08:43:35] <jthornton> shower time here
[08:43:42] <Lcvette> im in the drowidget.py file
[08:44:00] <Lcvette> wondering if hazzy has some copy paste errors in here too
[08:47:23] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[08:47:39] <Lcvette> this is why im guessing everything turns up x axis
[08:48:03] <Lcvette> self.axis_number = Axis.X
[08:48:47] <Lcvette> that is probably supposed to have some formular or selector code to work withb the selection menu in designer
[08:49:16] <Lcvette> ?
[09:03:08] <jthornton> yea prob ought to be self._axis_number is my quick guess
[09:03:26] <jthornton> do you need me to make an ini for prob basic so it "just works"?
[09:03:28] <Lcvette> i have no clue
[09:03:56] <Lcvette> i tried changing it to a few things and it gave errors when loading
[09:04:02] <Lcvette> axis.()
[09:04:12] <Lcvette> just axis
[09:04:32] <Lcvette> there is a class rule above it for the xyzabcuvw all
[09:04:36] <jthornton> yea that is in the init just looked again but time for me to start fires and see what's up work wise
[09:05:21] <Lcvette> perhaps its supposed to call on the calls rule for that number there
[09:05:29] <Lcvette> ok
[09:05:41] <Lcvette> i can copy over the ini i think and make some little changes
[09:05:52] <Lcvette> was getting ready to do that
[09:17:51] <Lcvette> i forget how you tell probe basic to open a specific ini file
[09:17:53] <Lcvette> ?
[09:18:58] <JT-Shop> look in the ini options section of the docs
[09:24:54] <Lcvette> i think hazzy has me setup different than you guys
[09:26:10] <Lcvette> need to get with him when he gets on and figure on how to switch to the normal method of loading without breaking anything
[10:22:24] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: you can set PB to default to fullscreen in the YAML file
[10:22:54] <hazzy-m> the INI settings are for users to override VCP specific settings in the YAML
[10:23:03] <Lcvette> yaml or ini?
[10:23:27] <Lcvette> i know i can remove the ; in front of full screen: true in the ini
[10:23:52] <hazzy-m> since most people are going to be usesing their own INI rather then the sim ones I try to keep the sim ones as basic as possible so its easy to see how things will behave formost people
[10:23:57] * jthornton tried to finger out drowidget but failed
[10:24:13] <hazzy-m> I thought I fixed it
[10:24:26] <jthornton> reports back only x axis
[10:24:26] * hazzy-m was tired, lol
[10:24:30] <TurBoss> jcnc uses status labels as dro
[10:24:43] <TurBoss> hazzy did
[10:25:01] <jthornton> anyway off to work for me :)
[10:25:03] <TurBoss> with rules right?
[10:25:07] <Lcvette> lcvette fixed probe basics dro's
[10:25:10] <TurBoss> latter
[10:25:10] <Lcvette> :D
[10:25:14] <TurBoss> hurray
[10:25:28] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fhFHx
[10:25:30] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07Lcvette 039e4a3f9 - fixed dro axis assignments in rules editor
[10:27:55] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+405/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/fhFQe
[10:27:56] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 03b42c500 - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
[10:46:55] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 032 commits to 03master [+0/-0/±4] 13https://git.io/fhFQV
[10:46:57] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 03a3258ff - ENH: enable setting initial window states from YAML
[10:46:58] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 03feb776e - VCP: ProbeBasic - set probe basic to open full screen by default
[10:49:38] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+405/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/fhFQi
[10:49:40] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 03a367072 - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
[10:51:33] <jt-m[m]> YIPPEE
[10:52:52] <Lcvette> hurray!
[11:07:33] <jt-m[m]> Yea the battery place took my 5 gallon box of battery acid!
[11:17:29] <hazzy-m> nice!
[12:56:46] <jthornton> is there a way to set an override slider back to the default value with a push button?
[12:57:13] <hazzy-m> yes
[12:57:27] <hazzy-m> the override.reset action
[12:57:43] <hazzy-m> spindle.override.reset
[12:58:03] <jthornton> thanks
[12:58:46] <hazzy-m> leon just asked the same on the forum
[12:58:47] <hazzy-m> lol
[12:59:35] <jthornton> yea I saw that
[12:59:43] <jthornton> and it works yippie
[13:03:29] <Lcvette> whoo hoo
[13:06:46] <TurBoss> yesterday managed to draw arch in the vtk backplot
[13:06:48] <TurBoss> hurray!!
[13:11:21] <jthornton> yippie
[13:27:06] <hazzy-m> Hurray!
[13:30:24] <JT-Shop> hmm if I get this machine build I will start my SW subscription back up...
[13:33:45] <Lcvette> get?
[13:34:17] <Lcvette> JT are you a machine builder?
[13:34:32] <JT-Shop> yea, automation assembly machines
[13:34:38] <Lcvette> nice
[16:26:29] -!- JT-Shop has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:27:48] -!- JT-Shop has joined #hazzy
[17:13:23] <jthornton> wow seb is giving away a robot arm
[17:34:45] <TurBoss> cool
[18:08:15] <hazzy-m> Looks interesting
[18:08:44] <hazzy-m> Be fun to play with, but I don't need any more projects lol
[18:12:10] <jthornton> I sure don't need any
[18:12:26] <jthornton> making any progress on jog stuff?
[18:14:23] <jthornton> I'm thinking of adding another section after the tutorials and put the VCP Components in there... just started the action button one
[18:15:48] <jthornton> maybe Component Reference dunno
[18:24:49] <hazzy-m> I havn't had a chance to work on it
[18:25:05] <hazzy-m> that sounds like a great idea!
[18:26:20] <jthornton> yea move the tutorials to after installation then configuration sorta in order how a newbee would work through the docs
[18:27:21] <jthornton> got my 7i96 configuration tool sorted out to install with pip and have sphinx docs but when I installed it with 7i96 as the directory name it didn't like that
[18:40:56] <hazzy-m> I don't think a python package name can start with a number
[18:44:55] <jthornton> oddly it works when you just run it from the source directory but errors out when installed... anyhow I know better now lol
[18:50:24] <Lcvette> how is that 7i96 JT?
[18:50:41] <jthornton> the card or my configuration tool?
[18:50:49] <jthornton> both are awesome lol
[18:50:49] <Lcvette> the card
[18:51:25] <Lcvette> thats like a mini me 7i76e right?
[18:51:36] <jthornton> pretty much yea
[18:52:00] <jthornton> you can still add on smart serial cards to expand I/O
[18:52:15] <Lcvette> gotcha
[18:52:22] <Lcvette> great starter card
[18:52:37] <jthornton> great for most stepper machines
[18:56:05] <jthornton> at one time I was thinking of doing anodizing and got 6.5 gallons of battery acid sure was glad to just get rid of the 5 gallon box of acid today
[18:56:27] <jthornton> trying to clean up the garden shed and convert it to a coop
[18:57:18] <Lcvette> need acid for anodizing?
[18:57:26] <Lcvette> oh for etching i guess?
[18:57:35] <jthornton> yea, it etches the part yea
[18:57:53] <jthornton> cleaner, acid, color, sealer
[18:58:22] <Lcvette> oooh
[18:58:33] <Lcvette> the 7i95 looks pretty sweet too
[18:58:56] * hazzy-m boiled away about 1 gal of battery acid by accident once, current controller failed and thigs got a little out of control
[18:59:14] <hazzy-m> had rust problems for a little while after that
[18:59:39] <jthornton> 7i95?
[19:00:01] <jthornton> I can imagine everything near that rusted
[19:00:01] <hazzy-m> TJ, your the first hit!
[19:00:02] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: image.png (70KB) < https://matrix.org >
[19:01:34] <jthornton> hmm I guess I can still have the same 7i96 name and just make the directory name start with a letter
[19:01:54] <jthornton> lol first, second, and third
[19:02:44] <jthornton> don't get first billing on google
[19:06:04] <jthornton> I wonder if there is a way to launch the docs from my 7i96 tool in a browser?
[19:06:34] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (499KB) < https://matrix.org >
[19:07:41] <jthornton> hmm I don't see that on store.mesanet.com
[19:07:43] <Lcvette> step and direction but with 6 encoder inputs too
[19:08:04] <jthornton> a lot of folks want closed loop steppers
[19:09:08] <Lcvette> just noticed it wasn't for sakle too
[19:09:37] <jthornton> where did you find that?
[19:09:50] <Lcvette> http://www.mesanet.com
[19:10:14] <Lcvette> there are several new boards here not yet listed for sale on the store
[19:10:34] <Lcvette> 7i94
[19:10:40] <Lcvette> 7i97
[19:11:19] <Lcvette> looks like the entire ethernet variant line up of the 7i7X menu
[19:11:24] <jthornton> wow
[19:11:53] <Lcvette> pcw_home has been keeping secrets
[19:12:22] <jthornton> lol
[19:12:54] <Lcvette> that 7i97 is exactly what i needed
[19:13:08] <Lcvette> instead i have a 7i92+7i76+7i77
[19:13:41] <jthornton> one minute till either the coop door closes or not
[19:19:51] <Lcvette> dun dun dun...
[19:20:20] <Lcvette> houston did we have closage?
[19:22:13] <Lcvette> didn't think about it, should have taken you there when you came down
[19:29:40] <Lcvette> thats it no more playing Chicken coup games with you JT
[19:30:00] <Lcvette> you can't drop a bomp like that and then leave me hangin man!
[19:30:02] <Lcvette> thats just wrong!
[19:30:05] <Lcvette> :D
[19:33:58] <TurBoss> it could open and closed at the same time
[19:34:20] <TurBoss> it could be opened and closed at the same time
[19:45:02] -!- JT-Shop has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[19:45:14] <hazzy-m> Schrödinger's cat ...
[19:45:29] -!- jthornton has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[19:45:58] <hazzy-m> actually Schrödinger's chicken door
[19:45:59] <hazzy-m> lol
[20:02:41] * TurBoss spents some time in the c# thing
[21:09:02] <TurBoss> enought
[21:09:11] <TurBoss> now heads to blendercam
[22:25:11] <Lcvette> Hazzy, did you get the but loose?
[22:35:49] <Lcvette> <Lcvette "Hazzy, did you get the but loose"> Nut*
[22:50:52] <hazzy-m> no, I heated with the oxy torch and soaked in PB blaster for quite a while, but the stud still ended up pulling out of the block
[22:52:19] <hazzy-m> actualy 6 of 12 studs pulled out of the block, but I'm not too concerned since I don't plan to rebuild that engine any time soon anyway
[23:22:56] <Lcvette> Ah bummer