#hazzy | Logs for 2019-03-12
[09:40:49] -!- logs has joined #hazzy
[09:40:49] -!- mode/#hazzy [+o logs] by ChanServ
[09:58:03] <Lcvette> morning
[10:01:21] <hazzy-m> morning
[10:01:28] <hazzy-m> silopolis (Gitter): Intersting ideas for the camera ..
[10:03:02] <hazzy-m> Use the R13 LinuxCNC Debian 9 ISO from here: http://www.linuxcnc.org
[10:05:46] <hazzy-m> If you don't plan on editing LCNC, it is a little more convenient to install from buildbot than build from source, instructions are here: https://gnipsel.com
[10:06:56] <hazzy-m> Hmm, you mention vismach, a VTK version of it would be pretty neat ...
[10:07:42] <hazzy-m> I don't think vismach is very complicated, it might not be so hard to add it to the VTK backplot so the backolot and machine sim could be in the same window
[10:09:23] * hazzy-m tried to run linuxcnc in the terminal SSH'd into the server
[10:09:36] * hazzy-m gets some more coffee
[10:11:24] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03ATC [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fhj1Y
[10:11:26] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07Lcvette 03660844d - fixed graphics for ATC sizes
[10:11:54] <Lcvette> lol
[10:11:59] <Lcvette> that sounds cool
[10:12:00] <Lcvette> :D
[10:12:09] <Lcvette> turboss, why is bored?
[10:16:04] * jt-m[m] pours hazzy a cup of joe
[10:16:52] <jt-m[m]> in the mean time mill _touch the ini settings work here but not on my installed vcp
[10:16:53] <Lcvette> lcvette doesn't drink coffee
[10:17:05] <jt-m[m]> which is using the latest release
[10:17:05] <Lcvette> never acquired the taste for it
[10:17:31] <jt-m[m]> off to buy a $175 battery that is finally in stock!
[10:18:03] <Lcvette> ouch
[10:18:32] <Lcvette> lcvette is still reaching for a non existent keyboard..lol
[10:18:42] <Lcvette> :O
[10:22:09] <jt-m[m]> LOL
[10:23:05] <Lcvette> whats that?
[10:23:22] <Lcvette> JT, I forked
[10:23:23] <Lcvette> :O
[10:24:09] <jt-m[m]> Cool
[10:25:03] * jt-m[m] is driving
[10:26:33] <Lcvette> "Alexa, heads up riot windshield display and autopilot mode engage"
[10:28:00] <Lcvette> hazzy, who is automation-assist/qtpyvcp
[10:28:01] <Lcvette> ?
[10:28:09] <Lcvette> do i need to add to my remote?
[10:34:57] <jt-m[m]> I want you to try my tutorial
[10:35:35] <jt-m[m]> I'll get the link when I get home
[10:36:03] <Lcvette> i used it last night to do qtpyvcp
[10:36:17] <Lcvette> have soime suggestions for dumb dumbs like me
[10:36:51] <Lcvette> need to specify which terminal to do the inputting of the code
[10:36:59] <Lcvette> that always confuses me
[10:37:27] <hazzy-m> JT: current release it v0.2.1
[10:38:27] <Lcvette> update?
[10:38:37] <Lcvette> need to do the update frommJT's docs now?
[10:38:45] <jt-m[m]> .I did an upgrade this morning
[10:42:02] <jt-m[m]> I want you to try my Travis sphinx tutorial
[10:44:12] <Lcvette> i installed the sphinx
[10:48:09] <jt-m[m]> The tutorial will automatically build and publish the docs
[10:48:42] <Lcvette> yup
[10:48:49] <Lcvette> just like you showed me the other day
[10:48:54] <Lcvette> ive done it a couple times now
[10:49:03] <Lcvette> i recognized it
[10:49:05] <Lcvette> while i was installing it
[10:49:09] <Lcvette> lol
[11:00:38] <Lcvette> hazzy, can i connect windows pc to linux pc with just an ethernet cable for a network?
[11:01:04] <hazzy-m> yes, you should be able to
[11:06:13] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-03-12_00-56-07.png (366KB) < https://matrix.org >
[11:06:30] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-03-12_11-03-06.png (231KB) < https://matrix.org >
[11:07:01] <Lcvette> thats alot of options
[11:07:05] <Lcvette> lol
[11:07:22] <hazzy-m> Ethernet
[11:07:38] <hazzy-m> but I bet it will connect automajicaly if you plug the cable in
[11:09:40] <silopolisGitter[> @kcjengr thanks a lot for the pointers :)
[11:09:41] <silopolisGitter[> About Vismach, IIUC, a VTK version would of course be nice. But for simulation, my dream is an integration between LinuxCNC on one end, CAD software on the other (FreeCAD, ideally), and URDF/RViz/GazeboSim in between... Maybe this will come with MachineKit/ROS integration, if ever.
[11:11:54] <hazzy-m> yes, that would be awesome!
[11:12:27] <silopolisGitter[> @Lcvette you should need a crossed ethernet cable. Then configure interfaces with different addresses (.1/.2) on the same network ( with the same netmask (
[11:14:35] <silopolisGitter[> Why can't I see screenshots ? (I'm in Gitter web)
[11:17:16] <KurtJacobsonGitt> ah, interesting, they don't show up in gitter for some reason
[11:18:51] <KurtJacobsonGitt> this gitter room is just bridged to our main matrix and freenode rooms, I guess the images don't get forwarded
[11:19:55] <hazzy-m> yes, we probably have too many rooms ... lol
[11:20:41] <silopolisGitter[> :D
[11:21:35] <hazzy-m> this is the main room: https://riot.im
[11:22:11] <hazzy-m> you can also get to it on freenode #hazzy
[11:22:25] <Lcvette> silopolis (Gitter): thanks for the tidbit on the cables
[11:26:29] -!- silopolis[m] has joined #hazzy
[11:26:43] <silopolis[m]> you there !
[11:28:10] <Lcvette> im here
[11:28:32] <silopolis[m]> lol
[11:31:58] <Lcvette> http://cosmolinux.no-ip.org
[11:32:14] <Lcvette> does this look like what i need to start the synergy up at boot on debian stretch?
[11:32:29] <Lcvette> so i don't need two mice?
[11:34:01] <hazzy-m> silopolis is here, hurray!
[11:34:09] <hazzy-m> :D
[11:34:13] <Lcvette> huray
[11:34:17] <Lcvette> Hurray!
[11:34:20] <Lcvette> :D
[11:37:24] <JT-Shop> hazzy-m: v2.1+6.bunchofnumbers
[11:42:34] <silopolis[m]> Lcvette: that should work, but that's good old init system, I think stretch is based on the new systemd maze^wsystem
[11:43:13] <Lcvette> ah
[11:43:18] -!- silopolisGitter[ has parted #hazzy
[11:43:24] <hazzy-m> JT-Shop: that should be the latest
[11:43:28] <Lcvette> ok
[11:43:37] <Lcvette> i'll keep looking
[11:44:45] <Lcvette> https://youtu.be
[11:44:47] <Lcvette> hazzy this says it is opensource
[11:44:55] <Lcvette> but its older
[11:45:10] <Lcvette> maybe still available
[11:45:21] <silopolis[m]> well, looking at my /etc/init.d, the link you posted should get you going
[11:45:41] <Lcvette> silopolis: ok cool
[11:46:11] <Lcvette> i ordered a crossover cable too
[11:46:36] <Lcvette> because from time to time it does drop out if i try and copy a big clip board item
[11:46:54] <Lcvette> and it locks me in one system and i have to restart
[11:47:19] <Lcvette> figured if it is wired with a static IP it shouldn't be an issue?
[11:47:38] <Lcvette> and i read that any lag is removed with direct wire connection on larger file functions
[11:49:06] <Lcvette> i know it seems silly, but its so much more convenient to be able to just drag my image file from the windows screen right to the linux screen
[11:49:15] <Lcvette> rather then load in here then download
[11:49:20] <Lcvette> then open folders etc
[11:49:41] <Lcvette> plus it makes the linux machine have multi screens
[11:50:02] <Lcvette> so i can have riot on the windows box and copy and paste from it to the lnux box
[11:50:04] <Lcvette> so convenient
[11:52:05] <silopolis[m]> Synergy used to be FOSS for sure ! Was thinking to it yesterday while reading Heidenhain documentation where they have an option for their CNC systems adding a second computer and screen to the machine console for CAD, ERP...
[11:53:22] <Lcvette> that would be pretty sweet
[11:54:09] <hazzy-m> "In mid-2018, Symless started requiring the application to communicate with their servers in order to function, making an Internet connection mandatory to have Synergy work even in a LAN environment." - well that measnt I wont be using it
[11:54:19] <Lcvette> have a windows machine also in the control cabinet running your cad/cam connected to the linux machine
[11:54:26] <Lcvette> :D
[11:55:00] <Lcvette> lcvette thinks his control cabinet is big enough for two 22" monitors
[11:55:01] <Lcvette> :D
[11:55:23] <hazzy-m> here is an open source fork from before it went rogue: https://github.com
[11:56:01] <hazzy-m> looks like it is resonalbly active still
[11:56:10] <Lcvette> lcvette paid
[11:56:16] <Lcvette> :(
[11:56:21] <silopolis[m]> @hazzy you beat me lol
[11:56:40] <hazzy-m> :)
[12:05:16] <silopolis[m]> Barrier was accepted in testing and will be available in Buster, and testing should have been frozen... Today ! \o/
[12:06:30] <Lcvette> whats barrier and buster?
[12:06:32] <JT-Shop> well the backhoe is running with the new battery, truck has a new battery, Kubota side by side has a new battery and now a flat tire... never ends
[12:07:02] <Lcvette> JT, you are not having much luck
[12:07:20] <Lcvette> JT needs a maintenance crew
[12:07:21] <Lcvette> lol
[12:07:26] <JT-Shop> yea I have to make my own luck lol
[12:07:29] <Lcvette> do you use battery tenders?
[12:07:43] <JT-Shop> JT is the maintenance crew lol
[12:07:45] <JT-Shop> yes
[12:08:11] <JT-Shop> can't remember how old the batteries were but more than 5 years old all three
[12:08:28] <JT-Shop> except the truck was not that old
[12:08:38] <Lcvette> the severe cold doesn't help batteries
[12:08:39] <JT-Shop> lunch time!
[12:09:20] <hazzy-m> I've had by far the best experiance with the cheap walmard MAXX batteries, the one in the truck is a 2007 and still going strong
[12:09:24] <Lcvette> i also used to use a battery tender on boats but found they almost did as much damage as good
[12:10:47] <hazzy-m> I do add distilled water regularly and keep it clean, not sure how much that helps
[12:11:10] <Lcvette> in GA thats fine
[12:11:33] <Lcvette> not sure how cold it gets where JT is but in some places adding water to batteries isn't a great idea
[12:11:48] <hazzy-m> the dihard gold batteries only last a few years hear :(
[12:11:53] <Lcvette> better to refill with battery acid
[12:15:50] <silopolis[m]> Lcvette: Barrier is a fork of Synergy made before it went rogue as Hazzy's told. Buster is the nickname of next Debian Stable version, Debian 10 (current stable, v9, is called Stretch)
[12:16:17] <Lcvette> debian 10?
[12:16:27] <Lcvette> didnt debian 9 just come out like this time last year?
[12:16:29] <Lcvette> :O
[12:17:07] <hazzy-m> debian is catching up to windows lol
[12:18:18] <jt-m[m]> I hope not lol
[12:18:27] <silopolis[m]> ahh, those good old Sarge days 🤣
[12:19:27] <silopolis[m]> Sorry, was an RPM guy before that, then saw the light
[12:22:13] <jt-m[m]> I guess I need to add some toggles to mill_touch to see if the labels, ticks and boundries will turn off
[12:22:47] <jt-m[m]> Lcvette: are you going to make a new repository for probe basic?
[12:23:23] <hazzy-m> yes he is going to, he does not have a say in it lol
[12:23:58] <jt-m[m]> lol, when he does I want him to follow this https://jethornton.github.io
[12:24:14] <jt-m[m]> and see if I need to fix anything with that tutorial
[12:24:38] <jt-m[m]> I guess I need a one liner saying what it is lol
[12:24:39] <Lcvette> no new repository
[12:24:46] <Lcvette> i already forked!
[12:24:50] <Lcvette> WTH
[12:25:11] <jt-m[m]> oh yea you need a new one!
[12:25:12] <Lcvette> 😅
[12:25:31] <Lcvette> too many changes
[12:25:53] <jt-m[m]> https://jethornton.github.io
[12:26:55] <Lcvette> thats how lcvette feels
[12:27:46] * hazzy-m sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[12:28:24] <hazzy-m> that will automaticaly add the githubpages extention
[12:32:31] <jt-m[m]> ok thanks
[12:33:34] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 033 commits to 03master [+0/-0/±3] 13https://git.io/fhjyd
[12:33:35] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 03ac44ee4 - BaseWidget - use notify instead of deprecated onValueChanged method
[12:33:37] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 03bfa763c - new line at end of file
[12:33:38] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 03e85a5bf - BUG: use OrderedDict for plugins
[12:35:59] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+423/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/fhjyp
[12:36:01] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 03868588d - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
[12:42:36] <jt-m[m]> done, now it
[12:42:40] <jt-m[m]> 's off to work
[12:48:18] <Lcvette> hazzy,i fixed the atc graphics if you want to merge it together again
[12:48:39] <Lcvette> that way it displays the atc wheel
[12:48:52] <hazzy-m> great!
[12:48:55] <hazzy-m> did you push?
[12:49:08] <Lcvette> yeah did it last night
[12:49:25] <hazzy-m> oh then I already merged it
[12:49:41] <Lcvette> how come im not seeing it?
[12:50:38] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (92KB) < https://matrix.org >
[12:52:57] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (91KB) < https://matrix.org >
[12:53:48] <hazzy-m> I can see it, it's there in the ATC
[12:54:12] <Lcvette> now i can't launch
[12:54:18] <hazzy-m> see the ATC branch as the yello logo, that means its pushed to the main branch
[12:54:53] <hazzy-m> hmm
[12:55:15] <hazzy-m> have you run it on the new PC yet?
[12:55:25] <Lcvette> im trying to launch master
[12:55:34] <Lcvette> this is the vcp launcher
[12:55:43] <Lcvette> and yes it worked last night great
[12:56:13] <hazzy-m> you probably need to add the .xsessionrc file to your home dir
[12:56:20] <hazzy-m> sek
[12:57:00] <hazzy-m> copy the .xsessionrc file from the qtpyvcp/scripts directory into your home direcotry, then log out and log back in. This will add ~/.local/bin/ to your PATH each time xwindows starts. In the file manager select View > Show Hidden Files in order to see files that start with a dot like .xsessionrc.
[12:58:57] <jt-m[m]> can you check for ~/.local/bin/ in the path at startup and toss up a warning if it's not in the path?
[13:01:27] <hazzy-m> no, since if its not on the path the code that would check if its on the path wont be on the path lol
[13:02:11] <Lcvette> working now
[13:02:16] <Lcvette> doesn't seem to be merged as the graphic is missing in master
[13:02:23] <hazzy-m> JT: https://github.com
[13:02:37] <hazzy-m> that is one solution
[13:03:31] <hazzy-m> add .local/bin to the PATH in the linuxcnc start up script
[13:03:46] <hazzy-m> it would definetly be the neatest solution
[13:04:17] <hazzy-m> but I don't think it would ever get merged so I closed it
[13:04:21] <JT-Shop> did you merge it?
[13:04:36] <JT-Shop> oh
[13:05:40] <JT-Shop> should it have been if not found add it fi?
[13:06:07] <JT-Shop> so it does not get added if already there
[13:10:26] <hazzy-m> yes, that would be ideal, but I don't no how to do that lol
[13:10:56] <hazzy-m> could you merge it if I figrued out how to only add it if needed?
[13:40:24] <JT-Shop> yup, I can work on the bash if you like
[13:41:40] <JT-Shop> truck running check, backhoe running check, trailer emptied check... making headway lol
[13:44:13] <JT-Shop> on the installed version of qtpyvcp running the latest mill_touch I get an out of bounds error when I try to toggle any of the VCP program and machine bounds, labels, ticks...
[13:44:36] <JT-Shop> I wonder if in all the scramble some variable names got changed
[13:45:23] <JT-Shop> the error is for path bounds, labels and ticks only
[13:45:58] <hazzy-m> ok! I'll take a look
[13:46:08] <hazzy-m> settings are almost working, hurray!!!
[13:46:27] <JT-Shop> I think it is because I don't have a file loaded
[13:46:38] <JT-Shop> I should test for that
[13:47:15] <JT-Shop> yep that is the problem, I'll look at fixing that
[13:47:55] <JT-Shop> still have no idea why the ini file settings don't work
[13:48:57] <hazzy-m> hmmm, they work in the ediatable install but not a regular install?
[13:49:00] <hazzy-m> that is strange
[13:54:22] <jt-m[m]> the mill_touch is install editable but qtpyvcp is installed with pip install git+https://github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git
[13:58:27] <jt-m[m]> yippie on settings
[13:58:47] * jt-m[m] goes back to trying to get the splitter out of the shop
[13:59:07] <hazzy-m> that should work
[13:59:12] <hazzy-m> that is a huge spliter you have!
[14:02:41] <Lcvette> settings are almost done?
[14:02:42] <Lcvette> :D
[14:12:12] <Lcvette> what is the compile command and do i still do it in the same terminal?
[14:12:17] <Lcvette> i lost my history
[14:12:21] <Lcvette> :(
[14:15:59] <Lcvette> qcompile .
[14:16:10] <Lcvette> i remembered it after trying several variations
[14:20:53] * JT-Shop2 listens to Take Five
[14:24:30] * hazzy-m gets tired of 2gb of memory and replaces it with 2 4gb sticks
[14:28:03] <hazzy-m> there, this should be better
[14:29:56] <Lcvette> MORE BETTER
[14:32:51] <hazzy-m> wow, so much better!
[14:32:53] <hazzy-m> hurray!
[14:35:41] * hazzy-m uploaded a video: 19-0312 settings.mp4 (68KB) < https://matrix.org >
[14:36:18] <Lcvette> YOU DID IT?
[14:36:30] <hazzy-m> almost
[14:44:28] <jt-m[m]> sweet!
[14:44:30] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson created branch 03Settings - 13https://git.io/fhCou
[14:44:32] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03Settings [+2/-0/±5] 13https://git.io/fhjHP
[14:44:33] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 03b852ae0 - settings kinda working
[14:46:18] -!- travis-ci has joined #hazzy
[14:46:19] <travis-ci> kcjengr/qtpyvcp#810 (Settings - b852ae0 : Kurt Jacobson): The build passed.
[14:46:19] <travis-ci> Diff view : https://github.com
[14:46:19] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org
[14:46:19] -!- travis-ci has parted #hazzy
[15:21:07] <Lcvette> Hurray!
[15:21:12] <Lcvette> you did it?
[15:21:17] <Lcvette> kinda?
[15:21:20] <Lcvette> lol
[15:22:25] * Lcvette uploaded an image: carousel_12.png (492KB) < https://matrix.org >
[15:42:06] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-03-12_15-41-12.png (376KB) < https://matrix.org >
[15:42:57] <Lcvette> added the tool comment to the atc page as well, someone on the forum requested
[15:43:27] <Lcvette> resizing the rest of the graphics now too
[15:43:31] <Lcvette> make it load faster
[15:43:39] <Lcvette> :D
[15:43:56] <hazzy-m> looks good!
[15:44:00] <hazzy-m> Hurray!!!
[15:44:08] <hazzy-m> that will make it load much faster for me
[15:44:36] <hazzy-m> we are getting so close!
[15:45:13] <Lcvette> Hurray!
[15:45:21] <Lcvette> turboss needs some peeptalk, I think he is frustrated
[15:45:38] <hazzy-m> uh oh
[15:45:38] <Lcvette> pep
[15:45:39] <Lcvette> lol
[15:56:46] <JT-Shop> yea the splitter is in position under the carport, just need to drop the trailer off and put the truck in the shop and I'll call it a day
[15:57:45] <Lcvette> ok technical question
[15:58:00] <Lcvette> for the tool probe, there are 3 instances of it
[15:58:09] <Lcvette> 3 different sizes
[15:58:20] <Lcvette> they are close but not exact
[15:58:42] <Lcvette> do i have one image file of the largest size
[15:58:57] <hazzy-m> yes, that would be best
[15:58:59] <Lcvette> or 3 seperate image files with different names
[15:59:03] <Lcvette> with the exact size
[15:59:11] <hazzy-m> so you only have to have it in memory once
[15:59:12] <Lcvette> ok
[16:00:22] <Lcvette> gotcha
[16:25:06] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03Settings [+0/-0/±4] 13https://git.io/fhj7R
[16:25:07] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 032579ce3 - add persistence for settings
[16:41:48] * jt-m[m] uploaded an image: VectorImage_2019-03-12_034130.jpg (33KB) < https://matrix.org >
[16:42:32] <jt-m[m]> Rusty is in the shop, time to call it a day
[16:48:08] <hazzy-m> does not look so rusty ...
[16:48:54] * hazzy-m ran into a 2ft high bollard in a parkingdeck the other day :(
[16:49:35] <JT-Shop> look at the rocker panels lol
[16:50:13] <JT-Shop> and it's just starting to sprinkle so just made it getting everything done before the rain
[16:50:23] <hazzy-m> oh I see
[16:50:27] <hazzy-m> nice!
[16:50:59] <JT-Shop> I need to replace the rocker panels and she would be in top shape for a `02
[16:51:26] <hazzy-m> yeah, the rest of the body looks to be in very nice shape
[16:52:09] <JT-Shop> hmm only $35 each for new rocker panels
[16:52:32] <JT-Shop> https://www.c2cfabrication.com
[16:52:39] <JT-Shop> just what I need another project lol
[16:53:07] <hazzy-m> c2c is good
[16:53:20] <hazzy-m> accurate and heavy parts
[16:53:26] <hazzy-m> easy to weld
[16:53:27] <JT-Shop> nice to know
[16:54:22] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: IMG_20190312_165227621.jpg (119KB) < https://matrix.org >
[16:54:32] * hazzy-m has some rust to fix
[16:56:26] <hazzy-m> hmm, looks like the master cylinder has started leaking :(
[16:59:05] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-03-12_16-58-27.png (189KB) < https://matrix.org >
[16:59:16] <Lcvette> rescaled!
[16:59:19] <Lcvette> boom bitches!
[16:59:26] <Lcvette> biggest file is 241k
[16:59:44] <hazzy-m> fantastic!!!!
[16:59:54] <Lcvette> those big ones are big images
[16:59:55] <hazzy-m> I can't wait to try it
[17:00:02] <Lcvette> that took a while
[17:00:11] <Lcvette> all the probe buttons
[17:00:12] <hazzy-m> and jog incements and jog rate are working!!!!!
[17:00:21] <Lcvette> geez i was thinking how long it was taking to rescale them
[17:00:29] <Lcvette> yeah?
[17:00:34] <Lcvette> hurray!
[17:02:54] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 032 commits to 03Settings [+0/-0/±4] 13https://git.io/fhj5m
[17:02:55] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 03cdb38ae - settings - add getSetting and setSetting methods
[17:02:57] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 0393e710e - jog rate and increment settings
[17:03:02] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[17:03:20] <Lcvette> what are all these warnings?
[17:11:05] <JT-Shop2> anyone seen my 3.5 Ton floor jack?
[17:12:39] <hazzy-m> nope, but I'm not a good person to ask, I lost my pallet jack in a one car garage lol
[17:14:29] <JT-Shop2> dang that is bad, found it hiding under the hydraulic lift table
[17:14:59] <JT-Shop2> the portable mig cart was hiding the handle which usually is easy to spot
[17:16:11] <JT-Shop2> you get double points if it was a full size pallet jack lol
[17:16:27] <hazzy-m> that is exatly what happend with the pallet jack, it was under the BP, but the handle was doen behind it in some boxes of junk
[17:16:50] <hazzy-m> usualy the handle makes it easy to spot
[17:17:44] <hazzy-m> I think the box was originaly hung on the handle
[17:20:11] <hazzy-m> it is a mini 5000lb pallet jack, perfect size for a BP
[17:24:30] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±2] 13https://git.io/fhj5X
[17:24:31] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 03e998a47 - log version info
[17:25:51] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: you done have an ~/linuxcnc directory yet
[17:26:03] -!- travis-ci has joined #hazzy
[17:26:05] <travis-ci> kcjengr/qtpyvcp#813 (master - e998a47 : Kurt Jacobson): The build has errored.
[17:26:05] <travis-ci> Diff view : https://github.com
[17:26:05] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org
[17:26:05] -!- travis-ci has parted #hazzy
[17:26:23] <hazzy-m> run linuxcnc from the menu and start axis, that should trigger it to make the linuxcnc dir
[17:29:27] <JT-Shop2> mine is a narrow 6,000 lb jet pallet jack
[17:29:55] <JT-Shop2> some guy had a vending business and he was closing down so got it cheap
[17:35:33] <Lcvette> ok pushed, had to clean up the other files for lathe and vertical as well and fixed the qrc files
[17:35:39] <Lcvette> phwew that was a job
[17:35:59] <Lcvette> now it compiles without errors nice and clean except for something with the dyn-atc resource
[17:46:17] <hazzy-m> Hurray!
[17:50:57] <hazzy-m> 63.3MB down to 8.7MB, that is 14% the size!
[17:51:04] <hazzy-m> loads much faster
[17:51:09] <hazzy-m> thank you!
[17:52:54] <hazzy-m> that was a lot of work
[17:53:03] <hazzy-m> did you do it in gimp or inkscape?
[17:54:41] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 032 commits to 03ATC [+6/-25/±116] 13https://git.io/fhjdr
[17:54:43] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07Lcvette 030fed7fe - reformatted atc page, added tool comment, rescaled all images in PB ATC
[17:54:44] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07Lcvette 03e064e79 - changed out files in lathe and vertical image files, cleaned up qrc's
[17:58:02] <Lcvette> one at a time in gimp
[17:58:19] <hazzy-m> wow
[17:58:35] <Lcvette> had to get the exact size so i caoul scale them accordingly
[17:58:50] <Lcvette> so they are all now the perfect size for the application
[17:58:51] <Lcvette> :D
[17:59:18] <hazzy-m> that makes them look crisper too
[18:02:13] <Lcvette> yeah
[18:02:26] <Lcvette> noticed that with turboss's widget
[18:02:44] <Lcvette> was amazing to see how much cleaner looking it got with the correctly sized graphics
[18:02:59] <Lcvette> so im getting caught up on things on my end now
[18:04:05] <Lcvette> do i need to update something you said earlier?
[18:04:59] <hazzy-m> no, not yet
[18:05:06] <hazzy-m> getting ready to fix the jog stuff in PB
[18:06:00] <Lcvette> ok
[18:06:21] <Lcvette> everything i fixed was in the atc branch because it had the widget i needed to get the sizing
[18:06:34] <Lcvette> so keep that in mind
[18:06:46] <hazzy-m> yes
[18:06:53] <Lcvette> all those images
[18:06:54] <hazzy-m> i'm thinking about merging ATC to master ...
[18:07:16] <hazzy-m> it's not done, bit it mostly works
[18:07:31] <Lcvette> the atc?
[18:07:38] <Lcvette> its a long way off
[18:07:40] <hazzy-m> yes
[18:11:03] * jt-m[m] relaxes with a la cerveza mas fina and a home made pickled egg
[18:11:36] <Lcvette> never had a pickled egg
[18:11:47] <hazzy-m> neither have I
[18:11:47] <Lcvette> lcvette is addicted to jalapeno pickles though
[18:11:54] <hazzy-m> is the shell soft?
[18:12:13] <Lcvette> guessing they are cshelled before pickling
[18:12:15] <jt-m[m]> http://gnipsel.com
[18:12:40] <jt-m[m]> I don't use the water any more just 2c of vinegar
[18:12:48] <jt-m[m]> I need to fix my recipe
[18:13:26] <jt-m[m]> hard boiled eggs peeled of course
[18:13:36] <Lcvette> 1/8tspn cayenne pepper
[18:13:37] <Lcvette> :D
[18:13:50] <hazzy-m> that looks realy good!
[18:14:01] * hazzy-m is going to try making some
[18:14:17] <jt-m[m]> the red pepper flakes I think are enough heat for me anyway
[18:15:11] <hazzy-m> I got a gallon of water glass to preserve eggs with, but never got around to trying it
[18:15:22] <Lcvette> lcvette is on a spicy kick lately
[18:15:43] <jt-m[m]> for a dozen eggs I use a quart jar and leave out the onion
[18:16:29] <jt-m[m]> takes about 15 mintues to make not counting boiling and peeling the eggs then you just do nothing lol
[18:16:53] <hazzy-m> have you redone your recipes pages? Don't remember them being that nice
[18:18:21] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: checkout the ingredients calculator: http://gnipsel.com
[18:19:39] <jt-m[m]> that's the style I've always used for my recipes
[18:19:49] <jt-m[m]> yea that was fun to do lol
[18:20:24] <jt-m[m]> rut row master errored out travis said
[18:22:04] * hazzy-m sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[18:22:09] <hazzy-m> that is not good ...
[18:23:15] <hazzy-m> wonder if we're gonna have problems now since Py2 is so close to it's EOL
[18:24:11] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+423/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/fhjFW
[18:24:13] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 036cc9358 - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
[18:24:22] <hazzy-m> whew
[18:24:22] <Lcvette> thats awesome
[18:24:27] <hazzy-m> looks like if was a fluke
[18:24:29] <Lcvette> what do you use for dough?
[18:24:50] <jt-m[m]> me?
[18:25:28] <Lcvette> yeah, for your sauce
[18:25:29] <Lcvette> pizza sauce
[18:25:55] <Lcvette> hazzy is my stuff broke?
[18:26:10] <Lcvette> thought i did a good job fixing the broken qrc files
[18:26:38] <jt-m[m]> oh we use these ready made crusts any more used to make my own dough but when we make pizza it is just small personal size
[18:27:12] <Lcvette> gotcha
[18:27:18] <Lcvette> what ready made?
[18:27:29] <Lcvette> ive been wanting to do our own pizza at home
[18:27:52] <Lcvette> we have two decent pizza places here
[18:27:57] <jt-m[m]> let me see if I can find them... the sauce is wonderful
[18:27:57] <Lcvette> but other than that not much
[18:28:10] <Lcvette> it looks great!
[18:28:51] <Lcvette> might use it to make some strombolis
[18:28:53] <jt-m[m]> Mama Mary's and Boboli
[18:29:01] <Lcvette> cool!
[18:29:14] <jt-m[m]> we get the thin ones
[18:29:48] <jt-m[m]> hazzy: pickled egg recipe is updated so refresh
[18:30:30] <Lcvette> Oregano
[18:30:38] <Lcvette> Oragano
[18:31:14] <Lcvette> if your in there making corrections
[18:31:17] <Lcvette> :D
[18:31:48] <Lcvette> ao hazzy i should wait to do the version update?
[18:32:08] <jt-m[m]> which recipe?
[18:32:37] <Lcvette> sauce
[18:33:42] <jt-m[m]> it is spelled oregano
[18:34:09] <jt-m[m]> https://en.wikipedia.org
[18:34:12] <Lcvette> yes with an e
[18:35:33] <Lcvette> im originally from NY up there its pronounced Or egg en oh
[18:35:46] <jt-m[m]> ah pizza sauce easy not the fresh one lool
[18:36:05] <Lcvette> further south you go starts to get that oh ray gan oh
[18:36:40] <jt-m[m]> we always make the fresh pizza sauce
[18:36:40] <Lcvette> lol
[18:36:50] <Lcvette> i have the one hazzy linked
[18:37:02] <jt-m[m]> er tasty pizza
[18:37:08] <jt-m[m]> http://gnipsel.com
[18:37:38] <jt-m[m]> hazzy: was just showing off my ingredient calculator lol
[18:38:00] <Lcvette> oh snap
[18:38:05] <Lcvette> french bread
[18:38:31] <jt-m[m]> yea that is a tough one
[18:38:34] <Lcvette> now i think we need french bread pizza
[18:38:47] <Lcvette> we have a kitchen aid
[18:38:54] <Lcvette> need to put it to work more often
[18:41:20] <Lcvette> you put the loaves directly on the oven racks?
[18:41:35] <Lcvette> never mind
[18:44:34] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: we make pizza from scratch all the time, but I don't think they use a recipe lol
[18:46:09] * hazzy-m oops, forgot about the quiches
[18:46:31] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: IMG_20190312_184445618.jpg (119KB) < https://matrix.org >
[18:46:59] <hazzy-m> look done enough?
[18:47:00] <Lcvette> ah i see the pizza stone
[18:47:07] <Lcvette> lcvette dreams of carbs
[18:47:31] <Lcvette> while his vegatables and chicken are cooking
[18:47:54] <Lcvette> but my labs came back all good and normal
[18:47:56] <Lcvette> hurray!
[18:48:13] <Lcvette> nothing out of whack anymore
[18:48:14] <hazzy-m> fantastic!
[18:48:34] <Lcvette> doc was amazed
[18:48:44] * hazzy-m takes the quiches out of the oven
[18:49:03] <Lcvette> what kind of quiches?
[18:49:03] <hazzy-m> that is great! do you still have to eat almonds? lol
[18:49:11] <Lcvette> bacon cheddar?
[18:49:17] <Lcvette> spinach and mushroom?
[18:49:22] <hazzy-m> bacon, tons of bacon lol
[18:49:30] <Lcvette> mmmm
[18:49:39] <Lcvette> lcvette hates hazzy right now
[18:49:42] <Lcvette> lol
[18:49:56] <hazzy-m> just think about the smeel, mmmm
[18:50:21] <Lcvette> lcvette cant smeel nuttin
[18:50:23] <Lcvette> lol
[18:50:30] <Lcvette> sept chikin
[18:51:03] <jt-m[m]> don't be sniffing my chickens lol
[18:52:07] <Lcvette> lol
[18:55:08] * Lcvette uploaded an image: VectorImage_2019-03-12_065500.jpg (148KB) < https://matrix.org >
[18:55:59] <hazzy-m> nice!
[19:02:25] * jt-m[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[19:02:29] <jt-m[m]> hazzy: there you go
[19:04:10] * jt-m[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[19:04:28] <jt-m[m]> opps still had the testing bins directory in there
[19:05:02] <jt-m[m]> you can drop the echo
[19:08:01] <jt-m[m]> hmm something is wrong still
[19:09:30] <jt-m[m]> ah wait ok I remember it only adds that to the path for that session, it's not a permanent addition so I was right the first time lol
[19:10:11] * jt-m[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[19:11:34] <Lcvette> what fresh hell is going on in here now
[19:12:39] <hazzy-m> lol
[19:12:40] <hazzy-m> JT: Thanks!!
[19:13:25] <jt-m[m]> your welcome
[19:14:12] <jt-m[m]> we are bashing lol
[19:28:58] <jthornton> weee I'm 0.67GB ahead on data for the month
[19:29:48] <Lcvette> you can use probe basic more now it has less mb's
[19:29:49] <Lcvette> :D
[19:30:03] <jthornton> lol
[19:30:08] <Lcvette> hazzy said i reduced its size by 86%
[19:30:16] <jthornton> nice
[19:30:23] <jthornton> cut the fat
[19:31:14] <jthornton> wow 36 minutes till sunset and the hens are already going in the roost box
[19:31:16] <Lcvette> 14mb to 2mb
[19:31:23] <Lcvette> per version
[19:31:43] <jthornton> dang what did you reduce?
[19:32:23] <Lcvette> i scaled all the images to the actual needed sizes
[19:32:36] <Lcvette> took me all day today one at a time
[19:33:15] <Lcvette> loads fast now
[19:34:19] <jthornton> yea images too big can be huge files
[19:34:45] <Lcvette> yeah
[19:34:56] <Lcvette> they are streamlined now
[19:34:58] <Lcvette> high speed low drag
[19:35:01] <Lcvette> lol
[19:35:08] <jthornton> one of the hens just gave me the eye in the camera lol
[19:35:11] <Lcvette> wheres tubross?
[19:35:18] <Lcvette> lol
[19:35:30] <Lcvette> they want more feed
[19:35:43] <Lcvette> what do you feed them?
[19:35:45] <Lcvette> corn?
[19:35:48] <jthornton> I'm talking put her eye right up to the camera it was huge on the screen lol
[19:36:00] <Lcvette> hahahahaha
[19:36:04] <Lcvette> i can picture it
[19:36:33] <jthornton> 16% layer, it's a mix plus some scratch and sunflower seeds and dried mealworms on the side as treats
[19:36:50] <Lcvette> mmmm
[19:37:04] <jthornton> and banana, grapes and lettuce salad in the evening
[19:37:18] <Lcvette> wow
[19:37:20] <jthornton> they are so spoiled it ain't funny
[19:37:30] <Lcvette> how many do you have?
[19:37:48] <jthornton> currently I have 8 Rhode Island Red hens
[19:38:14] <jthornton> they are 82 weeks old tomorrow
[19:38:14] <Lcvette> how many eggs do they give
[19:38:26] <Lcvette> nice
[19:39:04] <jthornton> hens can lay only one egg per day but right now they are just getting back into gear after the winter so 5-6 average a day now
[19:39:34] <Lcvette> wow
[19:39:46] <Lcvette> one a day ios more then i would have guessed
[19:39:51] <jthornton> jan was 3.5 per day
[19:40:21] <jthornton> feb was 4.75 per day
[19:40:47] <jthornton> I must admit I keep a spread sheet and weigh each one on a triple beam scale lol
[19:41:43] <Lcvette> are they bigger then grocery store eggs on their rich diet?
[19:41:54] <jthornton> it actually takes 26 hours to make an egg but the next on is already in process
[19:42:27] <jthornton> RIR's lay large to extra large eggs on the average
[19:42:53] <Lcvette> nice
[19:42:54] <jthornton> this month they laid 37 large and 24 extra large
[19:42:57] <Lcvette> i love eggs
[19:43:05] <jthornton> and one medium
[19:43:09] <Lcvette> you sell them?
[19:43:14] <jthornton> fresh eggs are much better
[19:43:14] <Lcvette> or eatem
[19:43:27] <jthornton> no, I give extras away to friends
[19:43:36] <Lcvette> gtocha
[19:43:55] <jthornton> my neighbor sells her extra eggs
[19:44:07] <jthornton> around here they go for $2 a dozen
[19:44:40] <Lcvette> lol
[19:44:49] <Lcvette> not much of a profit unless ya have a crapload of hens
[19:45:16] <Lcvette> $1/week per hen
[19:46:06] <jthornton> geez everyone is on the west side except Pig Pen... jammed in like sardines lol
[19:46:25] <jthornton> yea raising backyard chickens is not for cheap eggs lol
[19:46:53] <jthornton> my first egg was a $1,000.00 egg lol
[19:47:06] <Lcvette> what?
[19:49:49] <jthornton> that's what it cost to put up 100' of 5' tall chain link fence my cost
[19:49:52] <jthornton> dinner time
[19:50:49] <Lcvette> enjoy
[21:11:35] <Lcvette> hazzy
[21:11:41] <Lcvette> my compter is frozen
[21:11:51] <Lcvette> second time this has happened
[21:11:59] <Lcvette> both times it was in qtcreator
[21:12:13] <Lcvette> not sure what the proper thing to do with linux is?
[21:12:21] <Lcvette> mouse moves but no other response
[21:13:46] <Lcvette> think i may be running out of ram?
[22:30:47] <hazzy-m> try ctrl + alt + backspace
[22:32:58] <hazzy-m> that will restart the desktop enviroment
[22:33:21] <hazzy-m> if you want to see what is causing the hand try ctrl + alt + F1
[22:33:26] <hazzy-m> then type top
[22:33:55] <hazzy-m> if you see a process that is suing a lot of memory or procesor time you can kill it
[22:35:00] <hazzy-m> remember the PID numberof the problem process (it it on the far left)
[22:35:09] <hazzy-m> then ctrl + c to quick top
[22:35:24] <hazzy-m> then run kil <PID number>
[22:35:34] <hazzy-m> kill <PID number>
[22:35:46] <hazzy-m> replace <PID number> with the number
[22:35:51] <hazzy-m> ex: kill 12345
[22:36:10] <Lcvette> wow
[22:36:14] <hazzy-m> to go back to the desktop do ctrl + F7
[22:36:31] <Lcvette> i ended up holding the power button
[22:36:32] <Lcvette> :O
[22:36:35] <hazzy-m> for now try ctrl + F1 and then ctrl + F7 to got used to it
[22:37:10] <hazzy-m> ctrl + alt + F1 and ctrl + alt + F7
[22:37:12] <hazzy-m> sorry
[22:37:32] <hazzy-m> it is like ctrl + alt + delete on a win machine
[22:38:36] <Lcvette> ok
[22:38:38] <Lcvette> noted
[23:26:02] <Lcvette> have you looked at turboss's latest code?
[23:26:09] <Lcvette> hazzy?
[23:26:16] <hazzy-m> no
[23:26:25] <Lcvette> its neat
[23:26:31] <Lcvette> im playing in it
[23:26:32] <Lcvette> :O
[23:26:38] <hazzy-m> with the repeater?
[23:26:43] <Lcvette> yeah
[23:26:52] <hazzy-m> I'll have to check it out
[23:26:55] <Lcvette> trying to fix anything i can in it for him
[23:44:35] <Lcvette> i think he tried making it so small that it got too hard to do things in
[23:44:39] <Lcvette> lol