#hazzy | Logs for 2019-03-18
[00:04:47] <Lcvette> Bad cell
[00:05:01] <Lcvette> Is there a great sink on the processor?
[00:05:06] <Lcvette> Heat
[00:06:39] <Lcvette> My new system was doing something similar until I removed the heat sink, cleaned it and reapplied new thermal paste. After that she ran awesome
[00:35:52] <Lcvette> hazzy (@kcjengr:matrix.org): ?
[08:24:54] <JT[m]1> when I editvcp brender I get this warning The enumeration-type property reference_type could not be read.
[08:25:11] <JT[m]1> I also can't run it from a fresh install
[08:26:12] * JT[m]1 sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[08:30:22] <JT[m]1> this is what I get when I edit brender on this pc https://paste.ubuntu.com
[08:35:59] <JT[m]1> https://paste.ubuntu.com
[09:01:54] <JT[m]1> looks like brender needs the dro widgets replaced with new ones
[09:41:01] <hazzy-m> morning
[09:41:13] <hazzy-m> thanks JT!
[09:42:40] <Lcvette> morning
[09:43:10] <hazzy-m> those errors look like they are related to the DROWidget lol
[09:43:20] <hazzy-m> that think causes so many problems!
[09:44:36] <Lcvette> does probe basic use a dro widget?
[09:44:46] <hazzy-m> yes
[09:45:16] <Lcvette> so i should change it?
[09:45:46] <hazzy-m> no, I need to fix the DRO widget lol
[09:46:02] <hazzy-m> been puting it off too long
[09:50:41] <JT-Shop> morning
[09:56:54] <Lcvette> morning JT
[10:17:12] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±2] 13https://git.io/fjvML
[10:17:14] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 031c016c1 - fix DROs in Brender
[10:17:33] <Lcvette> hurray!
[10:17:35] <Lcvette> you figured it out?
[10:17:38] <hazzy-m> the DROWidget seems to be working OK
[10:18:21] <hazzy-m> I think so. I updated the brender UI file, the DROWidget seems fine
[10:18:45] <Lcvette> what was it?
[10:19:24] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+442/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/fjvMq
[10:19:26] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 03b409f89 - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
[10:19:53] <hazzy-m> I just haden't updated the brender UI file for the new DROWidget
[10:21:00] <Lcvette> is PB?
[10:21:21] <hazzy-m> yes, PB does not use the DROWidget
[10:21:52] <Lcvette> thats what i thought
[10:22:12] <Lcvette> we use status labels right?
[10:22:35] <hazzy-m> right
[10:24:51] * JT[m]1 spent 5 minutes swapping to a dark theme... https://forum.linuxcnc.org
[10:24:57] * JT[m]1 is off to town
[10:25:15] * JT[m]1 uploaded an image: Screenshot at 2019-03-18 09-20-48.png (44KB) < https://matrix.org >
[10:26:23] <JT[m]1> now if we could select a qss file with the ini... or similar
[10:27:01] <JT[m]1> and I see we can yippie
[10:27:42] <hazzy-m> Nice!!!
[10:27:47] <JT[m]1> STYLESHEET = style.qss # Path to QSS style sheet file. so the stylesheet can be in the configuration directory?
[10:28:15] <hazzy-m> yep, that should be easy!
[10:55:09] * JT[m]1 ponders having the container change colors to indicate the button status so different themes look correct
[11:00:33] <roguish[m]> JT. looking pretty good. is it ready for prime time?
[11:02:44] <Lcvette> Note to Turboss: the tool table in the atc branch is broken, when adding or deleting a tool it adds or deletes 2 rows at a time.
[11:02:54] <JT[m]1> Yea
[11:03:14] <hazzy-m> That would be a hazzy problem :(
[11:03:29] <hazzy-m> that sounds like a signal connecte twice ...
[11:04:55] * JT[m]1 can't find the tab key on the phone lol
[11:05:16] <hazzy-m> LOL
[11:05:27] <hazzy-m> spaces > than tabs
[11:07:09] <Lcvette> yeah looks like there was a double
[11:07:16] <Lcvette> wonder how that happened?
[11:08:08] <Lcvette> lcvette fixed it
[11:08:10] <Lcvette> :D
[11:08:26] <hazzy-m> Thanks!
[11:25:08] <Lcvette> 553
[11:52:03] <Lcvette> pushed ATC branch updates!
[11:52:17] <Lcvette> fixed the formatting on the tool table page, lookes alot better
[11:52:22] <Lcvette> everything lines up now
[11:53:51] <Lcvette> heh.. all that and sublime auto updated with sudo apt update
[11:53:51] <Lcvette> lol
[11:57:01] <hazzy-m> haha
[11:57:23] <Lcvette> riot updated too
[11:57:28] <Lcvette> hurray
[11:57:35] <Lcvette> lcvette is fully updated again
[11:57:38] <Lcvette> bleeding edge
[11:57:45] <hazzy-m> its better!
[11:58:00] <hazzy-m> I like the dock icon
[11:58:00] <Lcvette> hopefully
[11:58:10] <Lcvette> was having some trouble with the messages not updating on the last version
[11:58:37] <hazzy-m> same here, this seems better
[11:59:01] <hazzy-m> I also was having some messages I had sent always staying at the bottom, very anoying
[11:59:15] <hazzy-m> hopefully they add spellcheck soon LOL
[11:59:29] <Lcvette> yeah that happened too once or twice
[12:00:12] <Lcvette> guess they thats why they fixed
[12:00:12] <Lcvette> and released a new version so wuickly
[12:00:13] <Lcvette> quickly
[12:00:15] <Lcvette> they do seem to stay on top of it
[12:00:48] <hazzy-m> yeah
[12:01:40] <hazzy-m> LOL, just got an email from Ga Tech asking if I could be interviewed about my weather station
[12:03:07] <Lcvette> nice
[12:05:46] * JT[m]1 uploaded an image: VectorImage_2019-03-18_110532.jpg (65KB) < https://matrix.org >
[12:10:29] <hazzy-m> Nice!
[12:11:10] <hazzy-m> that reminds me that I need to cut up a tree for a neighbor
[12:12:37] -!- pcw_home has joined #hazzy
[12:24:20] <Lcvette> fun!
[12:36:31] * JT[m]1 did a walkabout and counted 32 trees marked for me to cut down.
[12:37:14] <hazzy-m> not fun
[12:37:21] <hazzy-m> how much land do you have?
[12:47:04] <JT[m]1> I just have 9 acres, I'm cutting on my buddies land
[12:48:09] <hazzy-m> ah
[12:48:16] <hazzy-m> 9 acres is enough to keep one busy ..
[15:26:18] -!- Guido_ has joined #hazzy
[15:28:48] <Guido_> Evening - I have been around here last evening with a pip vtk issues regarding qtpyvcp. I have since looked up details on pypi wheel packages. As it turns out, there is only one for 64bit platforms. The debian I had installed was a 32bit version. As I write, the system is reinstalling... I'll see what happens in the next hour or so:)
[15:58:58] <Guido_> Well, there is always something new. I can indeed launch the installer and install vtk. However, I am now stuck with qtpyvcp itself when attempting to launch sim/xyz
[15:59:43] <Guido_> I get "Can't execute DISPLAY program qtpyvcp" and "Unrecognized line skipped: ;Tool Pocket X Offset Y Offset Z Offset Diameter Remark
[16:00:51] <TurBoss> hello
[16:01:18] <TurBoss> in debian stretch I do $ pip install --user vtk
[16:01:58] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (207KB) < https://matrix.org >
[16:01:59] <Lcvette> like that?
[16:02:00] <TurBoss> > Can't execute DISPLAY program qtpyvc
[16:03:01] <Guido_> similarly - just found a post by KCJ on that issue (a PATH thing)
[16:04:31] <Lcvette> think the display proggram is because you didn't install the example files maybe
[16:04:33] <Lcvette> ?
[16:05:08] <TurBoss> yes tha export path
[16:05:38] <Guido_> https://forum.linuxcnc.org - did do the trick
[16:05:39] <Lcvette> https://qtpyvcp.kcjengr.com
[16:05:51] <Guido_> i just managed to finaly start probe basic:)
[16:06:23] <TurBoss> great
[16:06:55] <Guido_> now the fun playing will all that glorius linuxcnc mess can actually start:)
[16:07:50] <Lcvette> just so you understand, probe basic is not finished
[16:08:08] <Lcvette> and is untested
[16:08:17] <Lcvette> still work in progress
[16:08:40] <Lcvette> TurBoss: hola tubross
[16:08:59] <TurBoss> hello!
[16:09:16] <Guido_> I know - It is more about my curiosity - config to be done with gmoccapy or something like that - post on the forum just made me really curious:)
[16:09:26] <Lcvette> did you have a relaxing weekend?
[16:09:58] <TurBoss> not much
[16:10:00] <Lcvette> Guido_: have fun enjoy!
[16:10:12] <Lcvette> TurBoss: no fun?
[16:10:43] <TurBoss> Guido_: if you are curious try jcnc https://github.com
[16:11:00] <TurBoss> havent tried in long time
[16:11:19] <TurBoss> i was messing with the matrix bridge
[16:23:09] <Guido_> TurBoss: It is a lot of new stuff for me... install/ launch how (after git clone) ?
[16:23:48] <TurBoss> under the jauricnc directory
[16:23:59] <TurBoss> run: "pip install --user -e ."
[16:24:19] <jthornton> Guido_: did you do the quick install?
[16:24:30] <TurBoss> then should apear in the vcpchooser
[16:25:18] <Guido_> @jthornton: yes (qtpyvcp in general)
[16:25:26] <TurBoss> linuxcnc examples/xyz.ini
[16:25:51] <Guido_> it does - thanks again...
[16:25:53] <jthornton> I did a fresh install this morning and vtk is installed automatic, I see you figured out what your problem was.
[16:26:10] <jthornton> a simple vcp is here https://jethornton.github.io
[16:26:46] <Guido_> jthornton: I did a fresh one too - however, it really is a 32/64bit "issue"... did somehow not see that coming
[16:27:13] <TurBoss> cool pip git
[16:28:49] <jthornton> yea I saw that, I'll update the docs to spell that out
[16:30:45] <TurBoss> i setup a pypi server but ist more easy to just pip git
[16:31:07] <TurBoss> you have to add the repo wich is one step
[16:33:18] <TurBoss> https://pip.jauriarts.org
[16:34:01] <TurBoss> experimental ^
[16:34:13] <TurBoss> old versions in there
[16:40:39] <Guido_> as always - thanks a lot for all of your good work and the help I received. I'll keep an eye on qtpyvcp and specifically probebasic. In the meantime: time to get my simple machine going with the basics
[16:41:14] <TurBoss> you are welcome
[16:41:31] <TurBoss> https://pip.jauriarts.org
[16:42:15] <TurBoss> jthornton: ^
[16:43:53] -!- Guido_ has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[16:51:47] <TurBoss> hazzy: can you make a redirection on your server? pip.jauriarts.org -> pip.kcjengr.com?
[16:52:12] <hazzy-m> TurBoss sure!
[16:52:31] <hazzy-m> I'll do it tonight, I'm away
[16:52:38] <TurBoss> ok!
[16:52:40] <TurBoss> ty
[17:49:29] <jthornton> TurBoss: what is that?
[17:49:38] <TurBoss> a pip server
[17:50:14] <TurBoss> I have to update it acording to git releases
[17:50:19] <TurBoss> automatically
[18:09:43] <jthornton> cool
[18:11:36] <roguish[m]> jthornton: hey JT. do you have a single 'doc' page that directs to all the docs you've made lately? would/could be really handy.
[18:16:38] <jthornton> depends on which docs lol, which ones?
[18:17:41] <roguish[m]> your mill-touch, all the qtpyvcp's, etc.
[18:19:15] <JT[m]1> No, but that's a good idea
[18:19:43] <roguish[m]> didn't mean to make more work....
[18:20:35] <roguish[m]> may be some fairly easy way to tie 'em all together.
[18:20:38] <JT[m]1> I do have my linuxcnc page on gnipsel.com
[18:21:19] * JT[m]1 uploaded an image: VectorImage_2019-03-18_052109.jpg (33KB) < https://matrix.org >
[18:21:41] <JT[m]1> Veronica and Tu Tu
[18:21:43] <roguish[m]> now don't get up....
[18:22:58] <hazzy-m> they look sleek and healthy!
[18:23:59] <JT[m]1> Yea all done with the molt, so looking pretty now
[18:25:11] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: IMG_20190318_181426218.jpg (48KB) < https://matrix.org >
[18:25:15] <hazzy-m> Darn it
[18:25:40] <JT[m]1> Ouch
[18:25:55] <hazzy-m> Garage door spring broke, and this door is old solid wood and weighs a ton
[18:26:33] <JT[m]1> Jacks and blocks
[18:26:53] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: IMG_20190318_182401051.jpg (66KB) < https://matrix.org >
[18:27:00] <hazzy-m> Not much room to work either
[18:27:53] <JT[m]1> They are rated by weight I think
[18:28:37] <JT[m]1> Is that a double wide door?
[18:29:23] <hazzy-m> yeah, its an 18 foot'er
[18:29:40] <hazzy-m> looks like I can get them on amazon
[18:29:58] <hazzy-m> I think this door weighs about 300lbs
[18:30:06] <JT[m]1> 4 springs?
[18:30:25] <TurBoss> remove the broken part and use half of the spring
[18:30:35] <hazzy-m> just two
[18:30:42] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: Not a bad idea!
[18:30:50] <TurBoss> :)
[18:33:23] <JT[m]1> Seems like in the big city you should be able to find them
[19:20:58] <Lcvette> need the length for the rotations
[19:21:26] <Lcvette> hazzy, let me make a suggestion, don't phuck with garage door springs
[19:21:34] <Lcvette> call a garage door guy
[19:21:41] <Lcvette> those things can mame
[19:21:51] <Lcvette> and are violent
[19:22:20] <jthornton> but they can't go anywhere except round and round the pipe...
[19:22:21] <Lcvette> even the pros wind up getting hurt by them at some point, they are not to be trifled with
[19:23:08] <jthornton> agreed you need to pay careful attention when winding them up...
[19:23:39] <hazzy-m> I've done garage door a few times, once on this door and a couple of times on single doors for other people
[19:23:42] <Lcvette> yeah but with a wrench on them it is as scary as turning a lathe on with a chuck in place if something slips
[19:24:06] <Lcvette> key
[19:24:09] <Lcvette> wrench
[19:24:11] <hazzy-m> lately I've been having to retention these pretty often since the were getting weak
[19:25:03] <TurBoss> Lcvette sounds reasonable
[19:25:05] <hazzy-m> this door is so heavy it takes almost all my weight on a 18" bar to wind the spring
[19:25:29] <hazzy-m> but that is not a lot of weight LOL
[19:26:56] <jthornton> yea my big door is hmm 12' wide and 11' tall and the springs are wound up tight
[19:27:38] * jthornton just changed the fill valve on the 500 gallon propane tank...
[19:28:34] <jthornton> now both tanks have new fill valves and gauges should last for a while
[19:29:17] <Lcvette> one of my garage doors follows the ceiling slope to make clearance for the lift
[19:29:23] <hazzy-m> the springs I realy hate (and are more dangorous IMO) are the doors with tension springs and pully system, I've had the cable break on one of those and it was like a weighted wip singing around my ears
[19:29:54] <Lcvette> that one has a pretty beefy spring on it, its an 18' x 8' insulated door as well.
[19:30:26] <jthornton> yea they can be more dangerous than the coil spring type at least the spring packs include new cables
[19:31:09] <Lcvette> the installers were two big fellas and the one setting the spring tension was nervous as hell, it was a hot day in july and they were sweating and he was terrified the bar was going to slip from his hands
[19:31:16] <jthornton> damn sure gets your attention when they break lol
[19:31:17] <Lcvette> i stayed well clear during the process
[19:33:05] <Lcvette> he told he he had a bar come off a spring and stick in the concrete and another that didn't come off that went through the drywall and sheathing before stopping against the header
[19:33:22] <hazzy-m> I have a .5 in bar with a 60deg hooked end on it that I put in the top most hole, that way I always have at least 2 bars in at a time, and if I mess up while walking at leats one should catch
[19:34:11] <hazzy-m> ouch
[19:34:45] <Lcvette> should you be in front of or have a limb between those when it occured your friends would call you nubby from then on
[19:35:47] <Lcvette> o/
[19:36:01] <TurBoss> Lcvette
[19:36:02] <TurBoss> > Note to Turboss: the tool table in the atc branch is broken, when adding or deleting a tool it adds or deletes 2 rows at a time.
[19:36:03] <TurBoss> you figured?
[19:36:28] <Lcvette> turboss, yes, hazzy guessed aty the issue and i investigate his hunch and it was correct and i fixed
[19:36:38] <Lcvette> :D
[19:36:45] <TurBoss> hurray!
[19:36:49] <TurBoss> did he push?
[19:36:50] <Lcvette> Hurray!
[19:36:54] <Lcvette> i pushed
[19:37:14] <Lcvette> latest is fixed
[19:38:45] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 033 commits to 03ATC [+0/-0/±4] 13https://git.io/fjvbs
[19:38:46] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07Lcvette 0384366e4 - fixed tool table double entry and reformatted tool table page layout
[19:38:48] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07Lcvette 03f2e5a5d - shifted pocket numbers closer to platter perimeter for aesthetics
[19:38:49] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07Lcvette 03de33435 - additional formatting to ATC page and changed main tab format
[19:38:59] <TurBoss> hurray!!!
[19:39:10] <Lcvette> hurray!
[19:39:13] <hazzy-m> o/
[19:39:55] <Lcvette> o/ = hazzy the fastest one handed typist in Georgia
[19:40:06] <hazzy-m> LOL
[19:40:18] <Lcvette> nubby!
[19:40:20] <Lcvette> :D
[19:40:27] <TurBoss> \o/
[19:40:36] <Lcvette> \o/
[19:41:07] <hazzy-m> At least I'd have a better excuse for my spelling lol
[19:41:24] <Lcvette> \o/\o/\o/ o/
[19:41:33] <Lcvette> team QtPyVCP
[19:41:41] <TurBoss> so only rotate the pockets and tools is left
[19:41:41] <hazzy-m> xD
[19:41:47] <TurBoss> and velocity
[19:41:49] <Lcvette> hahahahaha
[19:42:08] <Lcvette> maybe turboss
[19:42:15] <Lcvette> i dunno what you did in the code
[19:42:27] <Lcvette> i tried to understand it but its over my head
[19:42:57] <TurBoss> I made it go to the pocket a tool is
[19:43:07] <TurBoss> it wasn't
[19:43:11] <TurBoss> nt
[19:43:12] <Lcvette> oh
[19:43:34] <Lcvette> how does it know what tool is in nwhat pocket?
[19:43:50] <TurBoss> from the tool table
[19:44:26] <Lcvette> how does the tool table know what tool was loaded in the atc?
[19:45:07] <Lcvette> and how do we write the toold we load to the atc?
[19:45:11] <TurBoss> I need to modify the atc stuff to use the linuxcnc tooltable instead of vars
[19:45:32] <TurBoss> more work
[19:45:56] <Lcvette> is the tool table going to be able to work that way?
[19:46:05] <TurBoss> what does nubby think
[19:46:06] <TurBoss> lol
[19:46:07] <TurBoss> what?
[19:46:49] <TurBoss> nubbywent crazy
[20:03:59] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss pushed 031 commit to 03ATC [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fjvbV
[20:04:00] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss 039667af5 - Fix animation duration
[20:05:34] <Lcvette> you did it?
[20:07:42] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07jethornton pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±2] 13https://git.io/fjvbr
[20:07:43] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07jethornton 0356c7f07 - DOC: add requirements information
[20:08:32] <Lcvette> \o\ Hurray :D
[20:08:58] <Lcvette> \o/ you did it Turboss thats so much better!!
[20:08:59] <Lcvette> :D
[20:09:14] <TurBoss> wait a sek
[20:09:16] <TurBoss> :P
[20:10:00] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+442/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/fjvbK
[20:10:01] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 03a2f88b7 - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
[20:12:12] <hazzy-m> Hurray!
[20:13:56] <Lcvette> TurBoss: ok
[20:13:59] <Lcvette> :D'
[20:27:34] -!- Lcvette has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:27:34] -!- boban_serb[m] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:27:50] -!- hazzy-m has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:27:52] -!- TurBoss has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:27:56] -!- hazzy[m] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:27:56] -!- GitterIntegratio has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:28:00] -!- roguish[m] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:28:01] -!- Glenda[m] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:28:02] -!- JoseLuisGitter[m has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[20:28:04] -!- matrixbotGitter[ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:28:04] -!- KurtJacobsonGitt has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:28:04] -!- silopolis[m] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:28:04] -!- JT[m]1 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:38:14] -!- hazzy[m] has joined #hazzy
[20:45:17] -!- TurBoss has joined #hazzy
[20:45:19] <TurBoss> Lcvette: does the atc go in the shortest direction
[20:45:33] <TurBoss> I managed to
[20:45:41] <TurBoss> but now I don't know whic will pick
[20:45:48] <TurBoss> ehhehe
[20:47:04] -!- Lcvette has joined #hazzy
[20:47:06] <Lcvette> :D
[20:47:14] <Lcvette> i see you typing
[20:47:15] <Lcvette> one way to find out
[20:47:18] <Lcvette> :D
[20:47:26] <Lcvette> yes
[20:47:40] <Lcvette> hurray!
[20:47:51] <Lcvette> lol
[21:07:56] -!- matrixbotGitter[ has joined #hazzy
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[21:13:05] <TurBoss> hmmmmmmm
[21:13:13] <TurBoss> dbus issues again...
[21:13:58] <Lcvette> dbus?
[21:14:07] <TurBoss> http://dpaste.com
[21:14:22] <TurBoss> notification popups
[21:14:49] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: Thanks!
[21:14:57] <hazzy-m> so you have it to ...
[21:15:05] <hazzy-m> are you on stretch?
[21:15:08] <TurBoss> yes
[21:15:14] <hazzy-m> ok
[21:15:38] <TurBoss> on the ATC branch
[21:15:45] <TurBoss> not sure if affects master
[21:15:49] <TurBoss> is sporadic
[21:15:51] <hazzy-m> I should probably just make our own pupup windows rather than use the system popups
[21:16:10] <TurBoss> duno...
[21:16:18] <TurBoss> should be system related
[21:16:33] <TurBoss> but riot popups are shown
[21:16:56] <hazzy-m> yes, its the worst kind of bug, very hard to reproduce
[21:17:21] <TurBoss> can I make a widget ?
[21:17:41] <TurBoss> to integrate on the UI
[21:18:54] <TurBoss> Lcvette: I'll push but I have to figure the direction issue
[21:19:07] <Lcvette> ok
[21:19:22] <Lcvette> bugs.... :(
[21:19:28] <Lcvette> squashem
[21:19:32] <Lcvette> splat
[21:19:38] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss pushed 031 commit to 03ATC [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fjvNG
[21:19:40] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss 03ff32715 - rotate in the shortest direction
[21:20:08] <TurBoss> but not on master
[21:20:33] <Lcvette> no bugs on master?
[21:20:37] <TurBoss> maybe you figure a way to find the direction
[21:20:38] <Lcvette> only on atc?
[21:21:20] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (253KB) < https://matrix.org >
[21:21:25] <Lcvette> hahahaha
[21:21:47] <Lcvette> i was looking over the files for the toolchange to see how it determined the direction
[21:21:51] <Lcvette> its criptic
[21:21:58] <Lcvette> but it uses a formula
[21:22:04] <TurBoss> can you give me some pointer?
[21:25:28] <Lcvette> there is alot that has to go on with the tool change]
[21:25:44] <Lcvette> it needs to put tools away
[21:26:30] <TurBoss> macros/m10.ngc:
[21:27:08] <Lcvette> yes
[21:27:14] <Lcvette> im looking at it now
[21:27:15] <Lcvette> this is the formula
[21:28:23] <Lcvette> m11 p# and M12p# is ccw and cw
[21:29:12] <TurBoss> ok
[21:29:19] <Lcvette> M11= CCW
[21:29:28] <Lcvette> M12= CW
[21:30:56] <Lcvette> #517= Current tool pocket
[21:31:24] <Lcvette> #5170= Current Tool Pocket
[21:32:28] <Lcvette> M10 P# is the command to go to the pocket (#) shortest distance
[21:33:08] <Lcvette> P# is the selected pocket to go to
[21:33:18] <Lcvette> P7 for example
[21:37:14] <Lcvette> (Number of Steps) = [(Current Pocket #)-(Selected Pocket #)
[21:37:40] <Lcvette> (Number of Steps) = [(Current Pocket #)-(Selected Pocket #)]
[21:38:28] <TurBoss> ```
[21:38:29] <TurBoss> test
[21:38:34] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[21:39:27] <TurBoss> slots_num doesn't count shortest path
[21:40:27] <Lcvette> thats not the whole equation
[21:40:40] <Lcvette> im putting it together in laymans terms but im slow
[21:40:54] <TurBoss> hehe
[21:41:02] <Lcvette> and my wife is blathering on about something distracting me
[21:42:18] <Lcvette> that was the first part just to get the number of steps
[21:43:19] <Lcvette> once you know the number of steps from the formula you use the rest to determine the direction of shortest path based on the starting pocket and selected pocket
[21:44:49] <TurBoss> found it
[21:45:16] <TurBoss> [#<steps> GT 6]
[21:50:36] <hazzy-m> oh, thats easy!
[21:50:39] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[21:51:08] <Lcvette> here is an easier to understand formula
[21:53:34] <Lcvette> you will need the whole formula
[21:53:49] <Lcvette> to determine when it needs to move in which direction
[21:53:52] <TurBoss> that
[21:54:46] <Lcvette> the greater than 0 can also be listed as a -# or +#
[21:54:52] <Lcvette> if thats easier
[21:55:07] <Lcvette> less than or greater than 0
[21:55:33] <Lcvette> less than ) is minus
[21:55:36] <Lcvette> 0
[21:56:38] <Lcvette> its basically trying to arrive at the new count for the correct direction and then identify the direction
[21:57:13] <Lcvette> direction is identified by less than or greater than 0 or - 0 +
[21:57:44] <Lcvette> so you could use a the final integer answer being negative to say go CCW
[21:57:54] <Lcvette> and positive to go CW
[21:57:59] <Lcvette> am I making sense?
[21:58:04] <Lcvette> or helping at all?
[21:58:45] <Lcvette> so here would be an example
[22:01:57] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[22:02:51] <Lcvette> this would correctly move in the shortest path from pocket 3 to pocket 10
[22:05:13] <Lcvette> does that make sense?
[22:05:35] <Lcvette> the second line would need to be a positive integer always
[22:06:07] <Lcvette> so may need to add an absolute to it
[22:06:16] <TurBoss> but the greater than 6 increment in 12
[22:06:29] <TurBoss> and the lower than -6 subs 12
[22:06:30] <Lcvette> ?
[22:06:36] <TurBoss> or the oposite
[22:06:38] <Lcvette> you need to elaborate you statements
[22:06:56] <TurBoss> :)
[22:07:55] <Lcvette> just as its written in the original code
[22:08:27] <Lcvette> if you change it it will act differently
[22:08:30] <TurBoss> hurray!
[22:08:40] <Lcvette> you got it?
[22:09:17] <TurBoss> yea
[22:09:20] <TurBoss> testing
[22:09:22] <Lcvette> Hurray!!
[22:09:30] <Lcvette> post code
[22:09:45] <Lcvette> :D
[22:10:11] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[22:10:43] <TurBoss> slots_num is steps
[22:11:09] <TurBoss> test?
[22:11:36] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss pushed 031 commit to 03ATC [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fjvN7
[22:11:37] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss 03fc822ac - determine duration
[22:11:40] <Lcvette> push
[22:14:16] <Lcvette> Hurray!
[22:14:19] <Lcvette> you did it!
[22:14:21] <TurBoss> yippie
[22:14:22] <Lcvette> :D
[22:14:27] <Lcvette> yippie!
[22:14:29] <TurBoss> thanks to you
[22:14:33] <TurBoss> :)
[22:14:45] <Lcvette> i dunno
[22:14:47] <Lcvette> lol
[22:14:53] <Lcvette> maybe a little
[22:14:58] <Lcvette> but that code is shorter and better
[22:14:59] <Lcvette> :D
[22:15:21] <TurBoss> its the same basically
[22:15:29] <Lcvette> it wonderous!
[22:15:48] <Lcvette> it turns at the same speed and in the shortest direction!
[22:15:52] <Lcvette> thats a HUGE WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[22:15:57] <Lcvette> go turboss go turboss!
[22:16:07] <Lcvette> whoop whoop!
[22:16:09] <TurBoss> I'll try to figure how add a property or two in the designer
[22:16:12] <Lcvette> disco disco!
[22:16:18] <TurBoss> ACID!!!
[22:16:21] <Lcvette> lol
[22:17:05] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (86KB) < https://matrix.org >
[22:17:09] <Lcvette> lol
[22:17:21] <Lcvette> for the 12 and 6
[22:18:05] <Lcvette> since they are variables of the pocket count of the atc, is there a way to tie them into the repeater value?
[22:18:08] <Lcvette> :D
[22:18:25] <TurBoss> uff lol
[22:18:39] <Lcvette> whats uff?
[22:18:54] <Lcvette> u fucking fucker?
[22:18:56] <Lcvette> lol
[22:19:04] <Lcvette> hahahaha
[22:19:05] <Lcvette> :D
[22:19:16] <TurBoss> tmff
[22:20:13] <Lcvette> too much fucking fucker?
[22:20:14] <hazzy-m> Nice work!!!
[22:20:17] <Lcvette> lol
[22:20:19] <TurBoss> :D
[22:20:22] <hazzy-m> LOL
[22:20:32] <TurBoss> we are celebrating!!
[22:20:38] <TurBoss> \o/
[22:20:42] * hazzy-m is beating he head agains the walls on settings
[22:20:49] <Lcvette> \o/
[22:20:55] <TurBoss> :O
[22:20:56] <hazzy-m> o/
[22:21:01] <Lcvette> NUBBY!
[22:21:13] <TurBoss> hhahahaa
[22:21:33] <Lcvette> HAZBY
[22:21:41] <hazzy-m> hahaha
[22:22:14] <Lcvette> o/\o
[22:22:18] <Lcvette> high fives!
[22:22:40] <TurBoss> one of the JT chickens
[22:22:47] <Lcvette> lol
[22:23:11] <TurBoss> whats next
[22:23:20] <Lcvette> im spinning the wheel in shortest path mode and its glorious!
[22:23:25] <Lcvette> rotation
[22:23:30] <Lcvette> :O
[22:23:37] <TurBoss> ah yea
[22:23:40] <TurBoss> uff
[22:23:46] <Lcvette> whats uff?
[22:23:56] <TurBoss> u f**
[22:24:01] <Lcvette> lol
[22:24:13] <TurBoss> ok I'll head to rotation
[22:25:58] <Lcvette> <iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/Lb4IZLmCfALhm" width="480" height="480" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/happy-smile-smiley-face-Lb4IZLmCfALhm">via GIPHY</a></p>
[22:26:26] <Lcvette> https://giphy.com
[22:26:48] <Lcvette> https://gph.is
[22:26:48] <TurBoss> ACID!!!
[22:27:36] <TurBoss> https://i.giphy.com
[22:27:46] <Lcvette> hahaha
[22:28:07] <TurBoss> now when I close the eyes I see jesus
[22:28:15] <Lcvette> so i had a thought while i was trying to figure out the rotation
[22:28:30] <Lcvette> maybe its helpful or not i dunno
[22:28:51] <TurBoss> thought mesns ?
[22:29:17] <Lcvette> sek, opening qt
[22:29:22] <TurBoss> coo
[22:29:23] <TurBoss> l
[22:31:18] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[22:31:29] <Lcvette> so here is for the big image
[22:31:39] <TurBoss> yup
[22:31:50] <TurBoss> no
[22:32:00] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[22:32:28] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[22:32:33] <TurBoss> line 5
[22:32:54] <Lcvette> ok
[22:32:59] <TurBoss> or do you mean the tool?
[22:33:16] <TurBoss> the cicle
[22:33:18] <TurBoss> *circle
[22:33:21] <Lcvette> but what im saying is that what i posted is for the big picture of the rectangles
[22:33:56] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (50KB) < https://matrix.org >
[22:34:17] <TurBoss> the T#?
[22:35:45] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (34KB) < https://matrix.org >
[22:35:54] <Lcvette> ok so line 98
[22:36:07] <Lcvette> this determines the diameter of the whole ring of numbers
[22:36:14] <TurBoss> yes
[22:37:17] <Lcvette> so what i was trying to find the right words to ask is does that mean that we need to more accutely identify line 107's parameters
[22:37:49] <Lcvette> so that it is more uniquely relative to the internal position of the text orientation
[22:38:06] <TurBoss> index is a counter
[22:38:28] <TurBoss> for each repeater
[22:38:50] <Lcvette> oh
[22:38:54] <TurBoss> for each repeater element
[22:39:16] <TurBoss> like hours
[22:39:25] <Lcvette> so where is the text rotation then?
[22:39:41] <TurBoss> next to
[22:40:01] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[22:40:08] <TurBoss> but I'm fighting with the pocket
[22:40:22] <TurBoss> its the same but a bit diferent
[22:40:36] <Lcvette> because its not in a rectangle?
[22:40:46] <Lcvette> if so we can put it in a rectangle
[22:40:48] <TurBoss> yes!
[22:40:59] <TurBoss> yes
[22:41:00] <Lcvette> yes
[22:41:13] <TurBoss> and will be the same
[22:41:27] <Lcvette> can always make the border transparent?
[22:41:28] <TurBoss> pockets and tools
[22:41:33] <TurBoss> yes
[22:41:44] <Lcvette> use pick tool to make background same as the platter color
[22:41:51] <Lcvette> be almost like no rectangle at all
[22:42:01] <Lcvette> be fine
[22:42:03] <TurBoss> thats not posible
[22:42:10] <Lcvette> no?
[22:42:20] <TurBoss> cant make the whole widget transparent
[22:42:27] <TurBoss> but yes its elements
[22:43:06] <TurBoss> so must match backgroundcolor
[22:43:11] <Lcvette> then make border and background same color as existing background?
[22:43:30] <Lcvette> ok so thats about the same thing
[22:43:52] <TurBoss> we can add a rectangle and make it transparent
[22:43:58] <Lcvette> great if that solves it lets do it
[22:44:03] <TurBoss> no
[22:44:12] <Lcvette> no solve it?
[22:44:15] <TurBoss> it doesn't solve
[22:44:22] <Lcvette> oh then never mind
[22:44:45] <TurBoss> :=|
[22:44:47] <TurBoss> :P
[22:45:24] <Lcvette> i misunderstood
[22:45:45] <Lcvette> thought you said you were fighting the pocket one because it wasn't in a rectangle
[22:45:58] <TurBoss> ahhh
[22:46:00] <TurBoss> sorry
[22:46:01] <TurBoss> :D
[22:46:23] <Lcvette> so what are you fighting
[22:46:24] <Lcvette> ?
[22:46:59] <Lcvette> is the tool rectangle a problem?
[22:47:05] <TurBoss> trying to move the at from tha desk
[22:47:07] <Lcvette> do we need to eliminate?
[22:47:35] <TurBoss> el gato
[22:47:45] <TurBoss> ok he is gone
[22:47:47] <Lcvette> hahaha
[22:48:02] <TurBoss> with the repeater on hand
[22:48:02] <TurBoss> :)
[22:48:10] <TurBoss> we have a counter
[22:48:23] <TurBoss> with that counter we an pick elements from a list
[22:48:45] <TurBoss> but that list has childs
[22:48:55] <Lcvette> strngs
[22:49:04] <Lcvette> strings
[22:49:26] <Lcvette> tuples
[22:49:36] <TurBoss> tuples
[22:49:41] <TurBoss> yes similar
[22:49:45] <Lcvette> :D
[22:50:10] <TurBoss> per example in the tool repeater there is some pocket_items
[22:50:34] <TurBoss> item at position index will be our tool
[22:50:48] <TurBoss> but
[22:50:56] <TurBoss> tool has childres
[22:51:05] <TurBoss> Text
[22:51:12] <TurBoss> and animation
[22:51:30] <TurBoss> how can I run the animation of the tool at position index
[22:52:38] <Lcvette> so we need a trigger?
[22:53:23] <TurBoss> i have it but I need to pipe it to the animatio
[22:53:24] <TurBoss> n
[22:55:57] <Lcvette> pocket_items = line 40 target: pocket_item?
[22:56:22] <Lcvette> trying to piece together where you are in your explanation so i can better connect the problem
[22:57:05] <Lcvette> sorry line 40 id: pocket_item
[22:57:11] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[22:57:18] <TurBoss> 217
[22:57:39] <Lcvette> ahhh.. i was in wrong place
[22:58:26] <TurBoss> thats qml part of code
[22:58:28] <Lcvette> and the problem above is how do we fire the rotation animation
[22:58:35] <TurBoss> yes
[22:58:40] <Lcvette> of the text
[22:58:44] <TurBoss> begin inside a repeater
[22:59:23] <Lcvette> hmmm
[22:59:49] <Lcvette> it needs to begin inside the repeater portion you mean?
[23:00:02] <TurBoss> nono
[23:00:24] <TurBoss> I mean tha the P# Text is declared in there
[23:00:42] <TurBoss> and manipilated on 217
[23:01:02] <Lcvette> ok
[23:01:12] <Lcvette> im fuzzy but trying to follow
[23:01:23] <Lcvette> so we define the text attribute in the repeater
[23:02:12] <Lcvette> and we then hav them transform in the 217 animation code
[23:02:54] <Lcvette> sorry if im missing it completely
[23:03:03] <TurBoss> no is ok
[23:03:22] <Lcvette> just to be clear are we working on the text rotation?
[23:03:23] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[23:03:35] <TurBoss> tes
[23:03:37] <TurBoss> ti
[23:03:38] <TurBoss> yes
[23:03:44] <Lcvette> ok
[23:04:06] <TurBoss> the part betwen the /* */ is descativated
[23:04:26] <TurBoss> so currently only the pocket is half connected
[23:04:37] <TurBoss> ```
[23:04:42] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[23:04:54] <TurBoss> rotate tool from to
[23:04:56] <Lcvette> ok and that is the problem area
[23:05:01] <TurBoss> line 174
[23:05:49] <TurBoss> there i set the parameters
[23:05:50] <TurBoss> function rotate_tool_from_to(tool, previous_pocket, tool_no)
[23:06:00] <TurBoss> tool is the animation,
[23:06:04] <TurBoss> or should be
[23:06:44] <TurBoss> so betwen line 227 and 174 I have to insert the pocket / tool anim
[23:08:01] <TurBoss> so you can see that in line 227
[23:08:18] <TurBoss> i try with pocket_slot.itemAt(j)
[23:08:46] <TurBoss> wich return the Item = pocker_item
[23:08:50] <TurBoss> at line 40
[23:09:05] <TurBoss> but I need line 69
[23:09:08] <TurBoss> pocket_anim
[23:09:11] <TurBoss> follow?
[23:09:20] <Lcvette> a little
[23:09:27] <Lcvette> im scrolling up and down
[23:09:35] <Lcvette> trying to envision the flow
[23:09:46] <TurBoss> good
[23:10:56] <Lcvette> do we know when the main image is being rotated?
[23:11:16] <TurBoss> the carrousel?
[23:11:20] <Lcvette> yes
[23:11:38] <TurBoss> 145
[23:11:38] <TurBoss> 177
[23:11:57] <TurBoss> but its not inside a repeater
[23:12:00] <TurBoss> :(
[23:12:45] <Lcvette> so we can't capture its movement values
[23:12:50] <Lcvette> because its not within the repeater
[23:13:06] <TurBoss> the problem I have
[23:13:19] <Lcvette> what is in the repeater that moves the same as the image?
[23:13:32] <TurBoss> is how do I access the pocket animation
[23:13:49] <TurBoss> they are glued to the image
[23:13:57] <Lcvette> ok
[23:14:09] <Lcvette> so they are blind
[23:14:16] <TurBoss> :@
[23:14:17] <TurBoss> :|
[23:14:22] <TurBoss> how?
[23:14:24] <Lcvette> have no compass
[23:14:44] <TurBoss> they just are moved because its parent moved
[23:14:48] <TurBoss> doesn't knows
[23:14:52] <Lcvette> right
[23:14:56] <TurBoss> ok
[23:16:33] <Lcvette> they need to know they are spinning so they can rotate and maintain their vertical orientation and you don't know how to inform them that they are spinning or in what direction or how many slots
[23:17:07] <Lcvette> because there is a barrier between the main global image and the repeater
[23:17:09] <TurBoss> I don't know both but half of the one
[23:17:29] <TurBoss> really I know
[23:17:41] <TurBoss> is the missing chain
[23:18:17] <Lcvette> you know you need the link but you aren't sure of how to build it
[23:18:30] <TurBoss> yeah
[23:18:34] <Lcvette> ok
[23:18:36] <TurBoss> thats
[23:18:52] <Lcvette> so we need to figure out how to link a parent to a child repeater
[23:19:05] <TurBoss> hmmm close
[23:19:42] <TurBoss> we need to access the animation of the ```itemAt(j)```
[23:19:58] <TurBoss> ```pocket_slot.itemAt(j)```
[23:21:45] <TurBoss> maybe I'm focusing it wrong
[23:21:53] <Lcvette> the "j" thing threw me
[23:22:01] <TurBoss> https://stackoverflow.com
[23:22:11] <TurBoss> j means the tool pr pocket number
[23:22:55] <TurBoss> "Behavior" could be the solution
[23:23:03] <TurBoss> back in a bit
[23:23:23] <Lcvette> ok, im gonna keep reading on it
[23:32:04] <TurBoss> back
[23:32:20] <Lcvette> lcvette is sifting through stack overflow
[23:34:07] <Lcvette> https://stackoverflow.com
[23:34:16] <Lcvette> this is helping me understand some more
[23:35:40] <TurBoss> > “Items instantiated by the Repeater are inserted, in order, as children of the Repeater's parent.”,
[23:36:04] <Lcvette> is helpful?
[23:36:26] <TurBoss> i think
[23:36:35] <Lcvette> google fu
[23:36:36] <Lcvette> waaaaaa
[23:36:42] <Lcvette> panda
[23:36:45] <Lcvette> :D
[23:36:52] <TurBoss> :D
[23:37:46] <Lcvette> for someone who doesn't know code very well i have a nack for finding helful tidbit needles in haystacks