#hazzy | Logs for 2019-03-24
[04:39:10] <TurBoss> morning
[05:13:06] <silopolis[m]> Morning
[05:13:42] <silopolis[m]> Lots of very nice screen shots
[05:13:55] <silopolis[m]> Pro looking color themes
[06:04:19] <JT[m]1> morning
[06:45:06] -!- biqut2 has joined #hazzy
[06:46:55] -!- biqut2 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:47:30] -!- biqut2 has joined #hazzy
[06:55:53] <biqut2> I don't think I missed any steps but I'm still getting: ImportError: No module named probe_basic_rc Installed Stretch, installed 2.8, have preempt kernal, other sims work but not the lathe sim with qtpyvcp
[07:00:21] <JT[m]1> I think you have to build the .qrc file but I'm not seeing it for some reason
[07:01:57] <biqut2> I fount this: https://github.com but it doesn't seem to help either, ValueError: Package "examples/probe_basic_vertical" not found!
[07:04:01] <JT[m]1> ah yea it's comging back to me if you don't have the rc.py file you have to run qcompile on the .qrc file
[07:05:26] <biqut2> for the install i ran: pip install git+https://github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git not sure where it would have put the relevant file
[07:06:27] <JT[m]1> sec I have a pc setup like that next to me
[07:06:56] <biqut2> okay no rush, thanks for the assistance
[07:08:01] <JT[m]1> hmm it runs for me, are you running master from at least a few days ago?
[07:09:46] <JT[m]1> but it don't fit my tiny screen lol
[07:11:12] <biqut2> no i downloaded mint 19.1 tried those instructions, same error, downloaded the latest debian stretch and tried it to no avail, downloaded the linuxcnc version of stretch uninstalled 2.7, installed 2.8 from the buildbot and went that route cause it has the preempt kernal already in place, I've recompiled my kernal 3-4 times over the last day or too and got tired of doing that
[07:11:45] <biqut2> Linux h3avylathe 4.9.0-8-rt-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT RT Debian 4.9.110-3+deb9u6 (2018-10-08) x86_64 GNU/Linux
[07:13:29] <JT[m]1> everything works but probe basic?
[07:14:15] <biqut2> brender and mini work, none of the ones with probe in the name work
[07:14:52] <biqut2> some of the screens in brender are blank though and i don''t know if thats because its unfinished or a problem with my install
[07:15:16] <JT[m]1> I think brender is an unfinished work
[07:16:04] <JT[m]1> have you seen this one https://github.com
[07:17:58] <biqut2> yeah seen the screenshots and the video posted the other day of it, its what drew me to this project. I guess I could start on the gui i wanted to design but i just felt like since the included ones were not all working i must have done something wrong on the install
[07:19:31] <JT[m]1> might want to wait for hazzy to come around
[07:20:46] <biqut2> again thanks for the help, i'm heading out the door in a few on a day long trip, I'll leave this client open and idling so I can read the log when I get back
[07:21:00] <JT[m]1> the other day I installed debian 9 using my instructions on the pc to the right then followed the install instructions for qtpyvcp and installed mill_touch and that's it
[07:21:28] <JT[m]1> http://gnipsel.com
[07:21:38] <JT[m]1> http://gnipsel.com
[07:22:02] <JT[m]1> https://qtpyvcp.kcjengr.com
[07:22:19] <JT[m]1> that's the way I just built the pc next to me
[07:24:48] <biqut2> just installed mill_touch and now its giving a linuxcnc error instead
[07:25:45] <biqut2> http://dpaste.com
[07:26:12] * biqut2 is away, out the door
[07:28:39] <JT[m]1> vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow (0x558be91f4490): GL version 2.1 with the gpu_shader4 extension is not supported by your graphics driver but is required for the new OpenGL rendering backend. Please update your OpenGL driver. If you are using Mesa please make sure you have version 10.6.5 or later and make sure your driver in Mesa supports OpenGL 3.2.
[07:28:45] <JT[m]1> looks like you have a vtk error
[07:39:00] <pcw_home> I had a similar issue with an old PC, needed a new video card to fix it...
[07:42:24] <JT[m]1> morning Peter
[07:49:17] <pcw_home> Morning
[07:50:08] <pcw_home> That's a tradeoff with VTK, really old clunker PC's may not work
[08:16:13] <JT[m]1> I just made 3 test vcp's one for opengl, one for vtk and one without either
[08:17:28] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07jethornton pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-17/±0] 13https://git.io/fjJXO
[08:17:29] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07jethornton 03f7d367c - delete old vtk test
[08:19:31] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+442/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/fjJXs
[08:19:33] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 03fb3649f - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
[09:14:10] <Lcvette> morning
[09:22:26] <JT[m]1> morning
[09:52:58] <Lcvette> turboss around?
[09:53:04] <TurBoss> yo
[09:53:10] <Lcvette> yo
[09:53:17] <Lcvette> you still playing?
[09:54:29] <TurBoss> no
[09:54:40] <Lcvette> did you win?
[10:04:10] <Lcvette> were you buuilding the robot?
[10:24:18] * JT[m]1 sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[10:24:23] <JT[m]1> what is that for?
[10:26:43] <Lcvette> where is that from?
[10:27:12] <Lcvette> think that is for the main window
[10:27:49] <Lcvette> and the areas such as the bottom area where the error messeges are reported etc
[10:29:03] <Lcvette> turboss, I made this file to make it easier to look at items in the ngc macross of the tool change ngc files, they are all combined into one file and seperated with a header
[10:29:21] * Lcvette posted a file: mxx_ngc_files_combined.ngc (8KB) < https://matrix.org >
[10:29:29] <TurBoss> thanks!!!
[10:29:49] <Lcvette> i got tired of having to hunt through all the different files
[10:30:32] <TurBoss> xD
[10:30:51] <Lcvette> better?
[10:31:05] <TurBoss> I ll take a looj
[10:31:07] <TurBoss> loon
[10:31:09] <TurBoss> look
[10:38:32] * hazzy-m sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[10:38:49] <JT[m]1> ah ok, thanks
[10:39:37] <Lcvette> ah
[10:39:44] <JT[m]1> next question what is the difference between # Specify the application wide stylesheet. at the bottom of the yml and the one above it in the mainwindow section
[10:39:45] <Lcvette> ah
[10:40:01] <JT[m]1> # Specify a stylesheet to use only for mainwindow.
[10:40:15] <JT[m]1> there goes that bold thing again lol
[10:40:48] <JT[m]1> so would the latter one be for like roguish did for the main window but not the second window?
[10:41:33] <Lcvette> i ran into an issue where i noticed that I was not seeing my changes in the designer using the seperate qss file
[10:41:42] <Lcvette> with mill_touch
[10:41:47] <hazzy-m> The one in the mainwindow section is applied only to the mainwindow (actually passed as an keyword arg when initializing the main window class)
[10:41:47] <hazzy-m> the application wide stile sheet is applied to the QApplication which will style all widgets and windows that are in the app
[10:42:00] <Lcvette> because it was still looking at the style.qss
[10:42:27] <hazzy-m> yes, that would alow roguish to use a seperate style sheet for the DRO window than for the main one
[10:42:59] <Lcvette> i ended up just reverting and using the style.qss as the main qss file and changed to the path back to it and i then had the designer showing my changes and the formatting
[10:44:13] <Lcvette> i was getting an error message that said it couldn't find that file after deleting it
[10:44:20] <Lcvette> when you said it wasn't used
[10:44:29] <hazzy-m> hmmm, that is intersting Maybe the style sheet is applied twice?
[10:44:32] <Lcvette> when i loaded designer
[10:45:18] <Lcvette> yeah
[10:45:37] <Lcvette> i dunno, i just like seeing changes made in designer
[10:45:44] <Lcvette> helps with work flow
[10:45:58] <Lcvette> didn't seem to work when the qss was elsewhere
[10:46:10] <Lcvette> and the style.qss was deleted
[10:46:21] <Lcvette> so maybe it loads both?
[10:46:39] <Lcvette> or maybe its just that designer loads the style.qss
[10:47:05] <Lcvette> but when launching the gui it only loads the dark1.qss from the other path specified
[10:48:11] <Lcvette> i figured easiest way to resolve for me at the time was just make both pull the same file
[10:48:16] * JT[m]1 sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[10:49:07] <Lcvette> yeah that formatting drove me crazy
[10:49:12] <Lcvette> until i found it
[10:49:28] <Lcvette> you formatted all the buttons globally
[10:49:38] <Lcvette> with min sizes
[10:49:51] <Lcvette> was wreaking havoc on the stretch sizing
[10:50:16] <JT[m]1> yea for a touch screen I feel you need to do that so you have at least that size button for your fat finger to hit
[10:50:37] <Lcvette> yeah but in doing so it changes the format type of the buttons
[10:50:58] <JT[m]1> how so?
[10:51:47] <Lcvette> so when you layout a frame/widget etc with a preferred or expanding button format in designer they would not evenly distribute
[10:52:12] <Lcvette> even though they were well over the min-width criteria
[10:52:24] <roguish[m]> JT: JT, hey, where can I find 6i24 bit files?
[10:52:30] <JT[m]1> that seems odd
[10:52:31] <Lcvette> because they were constrained to the minimum formatting
[10:52:53] <JT[m]1> roguish: mesanet.com
[10:53:00] <JT[m]1> in the support tab
[10:53:04] <Lcvette> once i went through and killed all the width minimums everything was fine
[10:53:17] <roguish[m]> all Peter has on his website are 5i24. under both the 5i24 and 6i24 products.
[10:53:27] <Lcvette> in the main window format stylesheet you had
[10:53:34] <JT[m]1> same thing just different plug
[10:54:48] <JT[m]1> hazzy: what installs the examples?
[10:56:51] * roguish[m] uploaded an image: image.png (146KB) < https://matrix.org >
[10:57:06] <roguish[m]> JT: this is from the 6i24 manual:
[10:57:29] <roguish[m]> it alludes to 6i24 specific bit files....
[10:57:56] <roguish[m]> for higher clock rates
[10:58:38] <roguish[m]> JT: do you have any 6i24's in stock?
[10:58:43] * JT[m]1 passes the baton to pcw_home
[10:58:54] <JT[m]1> I should have
[11:00:14] <JT[m]1> Lcvette: I just did a test with some buttons with the min-width: 50px; and I'm not seeing what you describe. some buttons with a single letter are all 80 px wide and one with PushButton as the text is 256 px wide or do I misunderstand what your saying
[11:01:43] <JT[m]1> also interesting if the stylesheet is in the yml you see it in designer... /me is learning a lot about qt stylesheets
[11:02:34] -!- Roguish has joined #hazzy
[11:03:22] <JT[m]1> Lcvette: oh wait I'm seeing something I'm not expecting
[11:04:22] <hazzy-m> the examples are installed by the main qtpyvcp/setup.py
[11:05:04] * hazzy-m sold 3 more driver CDs for late 90s laptops LOL
[11:05:23] <Lcvette> JT: trust me, it's an issue
[11:05:41] <Lcvette> I battled it for a couple hours yesterday until I found that formatting
[11:06:18] <Lcvette> You may just need to further define it in the store sheet
[11:06:24] <Lcvette> Style
[11:06:42] <Lcvette> The policy etc
[11:07:02] <roguish[m]> OK, JT I bumped my question to Peter.
[11:08:22] <JT[m]1> hazzy: should it install everything that is in examples?
[11:09:02] <JT[m]1> reason I'm asking is I want to add some test vcp's with vtk, opengl and none for people like biqut2 who have video card issues
[11:09:26] <hazzy-m> not all of the examples are installable, but theu ones that are complete I guess it might as well
[11:09:48] <hazzy-m> ok, thats perfect!
[11:10:12] <JT[m]1> I noticed that the vtk_test was not installed on my system... /me goes to look at the other pc
[11:11:03] <JT[m]1> under example vcps I see brender, probe 1 2 3 and mini
[11:12:22] <hazzy-m> yes, those are the only ones that are installed now, the other examples can be opened using the "open file" button, but that is not so obvious for newcomers
[11:17:04] * TurBoss uploaded an image: 20190324_160714.jpg (751KB) < https://matrix.org >
[11:17:08] <TurBoss> Hebereke
[11:18:39] <hazzy-m> haha, nice!
[11:28:15] <Lcvette> Is that printed turboss?
[11:28:45] <TurBoss> no machined
[11:28:53] <TurBoss> no , machined :D
[11:31:41] <Lcvette> Nice, looks great!
[11:37:31] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07jethornton pushed 031 commit to 03master [+15/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/fjJDY
[11:37:32] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07jethornton 0391b8b6d - ENH: add bare bones vcp's to test video cards
[11:38:10] <JT[m]1> hazzy: if you could have a Video Card Test's under Example VCP's with those three that would be great
[11:38:47] <pcw_home> 6I24s use 5I24 bitfiles
[11:39:11] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+442/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/fjJD3
[11:39:13] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 038e9f696 - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
[11:41:20] <Lcvette> How old of a video card is an issue?
[11:41:58] <Lcvette> Are we talking 1-2 years? Or ?
[11:43:03] <Lcvette> 10-12years
[11:43:06] <Lcvette> Sorry
[11:43:19] <Lcvette> Auto correct
[11:58:58] <JT[m]1> he is gone for the day...
[12:04:04] <pcw_home> What I found is the onboard video on old Intel MBs (Core Duo) doesn't support new enough OpenGL
[12:05:29] <pcw_home> So a I bought a 2011 video card...
[12:14:35] <hazzy-m> JT: I will work on adding a section to the chooser
[12:14:44] <hazzy-m> HAL is making progress
[12:18:28] <TurBoss> hazzy: how can i play with the settings thing?
[12:20:24] <hazzy-m> on a module level all you need to to is define a setting much like yoyu would a property
[12:20:25] <hazzy-m> https://github.com
[12:20:39] <hazzy-m> class level settings are not working yet :(
[12:20:54] <hazzy-m> I'm stuck on them, what I have so far it in the settings branch
[12:21:29] <TurBoss> but what are they for?
[12:21:55] <hazzy-m> They are basicaly properties that are persistant
[12:22:09] <hazzy-m> they are stored on shutdown and restored on start up
[12:22:09] <TurBoss> ah
[12:22:32] <TurBoss> ohhhh
[12:24:01] <hazzy-m> I'd like for things like the VTK show program bounds to be able to be set with settings you don't have to select it every time you run the VCP
[12:24:35] <TurBoss> ahhhhh
[12:24:38] <TurBoss> cool
[12:24:42] <hazzy-m> I tried sub classing pyqtProperty and it kinda works
[12:25:44] <TurBoss> :O nice
[12:27:06] <hazzy-m> it makes it so you can set the default setting in designer, which it great!
[12:29:05] <hazzy-m> you can get setting with getSetting("setting.name") and set settings with setSetting("setting.name", new_value)
[12:30:16] <hazzy-m> so eventualy the idea is to have a Settings Editer GUI that exposes all the settings for editing
[12:30:41] <JT[m]1> hazzy: looks pretty simple to add a section to the chooser, I can do that if you like
[12:31:06] <hazzy-m> JT: if you don't mind that would be great!
[12:31:22] <JT[m]1> no problem, I'll take care of that
[12:31:28] * hazzy-m has been short on play time lately :(
[12:47:32] <Lcvette> turboss, do you think it would be easy to do a small table with just the number of entries the ATC has for storing the tool nubers too?
[12:48:02] <TurBoss> yes it should
[12:48:09] <TurBoss> but isnt that in the tooltable?
[12:48:17] <Lcvette> maybe easier than trying to manipulate the entire tool table
[12:48:27] <TurBoss> I wan't the hard way
[12:48:33] <TurBoss> :_D
[12:48:41] <TurBoss> na joking
[12:48:45] <TurBoss> duno...
[12:48:49] <Lcvette> i think it is best to keep the tool table seperated maybe?
[12:49:13] <Lcvette> that way down the road if the tool table is updated it won't break things
[12:49:31] <Lcvette> the only thing the atc needs is the tool number
[12:49:53] <Lcvette> and a pocket to store it beside
[12:50:09] <Lcvette> 2 column table
[12:50:17] <TurBoss> where?
[12:50:40] <Lcvette> could be hidden
[12:50:54] <Lcvette> or maybe on the status page
[12:51:07] <Lcvette> probably a good place for it
[12:51:29] <TurBoss> hmm
[12:52:30] <TurBoss> I'm currently doing other things
[12:52:38] <TurBoss> I will head to ATC latter
[12:52:40] <TurBoss> :P
[12:52:47] <Lcvette> ok
[12:52:51] <Lcvette> i was just brainstroming
[12:53:09] <TurBoss> cool
[12:59:22] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07jethornton pushed 032 commits to 03master [+0/-0/±4] 13https://git.io/fjJyu
[12:59:23] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07jethornton 03f19b374 - ENH: add video test vcp's to chooser
[12:59:25] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07jethornton 03846ba10 - update info for tests
[12:59:37] <TurBoss> :O
[12:59:40] * JT[m]1 notes that it is nap time now
[12:59:46] <TurBoss> hahaa
[13:01:24] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+442/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/fjJy2
[13:01:25] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 034c63694 - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
[13:49:39] <Lcvette> turboss
[13:49:59] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-03-24_13-47-45.png (71KB) < https://matrix.org >
[13:52:48] <TurBoss> ohhhh
[13:53:45] <TurBoss> the VAR NO could be hidden
[14:02:05] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (228KB) < https://matrix.org >
[14:02:14] <TurBoss> I'm on KB
[14:16:33] <Lcvette> Ok
[14:18:50] <Lcvette> I didn't know if aqt table could have a real time connection to a small file it read and writes to
[14:19:02] <Lcvette> QT
[14:31:39] <TurBoss> http://linuxcnc.org
[14:31:40] <Lcvette> Or does it need that?
[14:32:56] <TurBoss> there is a space betwen #5189 and #5210
[14:33:03] <TurBoss> that is used on the remap
[14:35:05] <Lcvette> Yes those are reserved for the ATC pockets
[14:37:04] <TurBoss> but not documented
[14:37:12] <Lcvette> In this instance for 12 pocket, we are using #5190-#5201
[14:38:51] <Lcvette> No it's defined in the toolchange.ngc file
[14:49:17] <jthornton> 5430-5590 are not used as well
[14:53:13] <TurBoss> https://www.gitmemory.com
[14:53:30] <TurBoss> JT could a comp be called from sub?
[14:53:53] <TurBoss> or read write from it?
[14:54:54] <JT[m]1> I don't think so but M100-199 user defined can do anything you want
[14:56:02] <TurBoss> I would like to use the tool table table
[14:56:14] <TurBoss> instead of the #parameters
[14:59:37] <TurBoss> it only used to keep tool pocket over reboots?
[14:59:42] <TurBoss> right?¿
[14:59:48] <TurBoss> or whhat?¿
[15:00:27] <Lcvette> But the tool table is already used to store tools
[15:00:41] <TurBoss> and it has a pocket field
[15:01:49] <TurBoss> lets make it great again
[15:02:02] <Lcvette> What if you have tool 200?
[15:02:57] <Lcvette> Current tool table only has 56 slots
[15:03:13] <JT[m]1> T99999 P99999 Z+0.100000 ;big tool number
[15:03:24] <JT[m]1> that is a valid tool table entry
[15:04:40] * JT[m]1 gets the ole hoe out and empties the burn barrel
[15:12:11] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[15:12:18] <Lcvette> Turboss
[15:12:41] <Lcvette> It appears that it is used somewhere?
[15:12:50] <TurBoss> reading
[15:14:17] <TurBoss> there is a carousel component
[15:14:51] <TurBoss> meybe it uses it
[15:15:24] <TurBoss> http://linuxcnc.org
[15:15:28] <Lcvette> This is from here:
[15:15:47] <Lcvette> http://linuxcnc.org
[15:16:21] <TurBoss> Although tool numbers up to 99999 are allowed, the number of entries in the tool table, at the moment, is still limited to a maximum of 56 tools
[15:16:46] <TurBoss> If you have a very large tool changer, please be patient.
[15:16:47] <TurBoss> lol
[15:17:34] <Lcvette> Look in my Hal file
[15:18:01] <Lcvette> Yeah but that still allows up to 56 tools
[15:18:03] <TurBoss> ok
[15:18:29] <Lcvette> So this goes back to my original thoughts I was running by hazzy
[15:19:30] <Lcvette> That the tool table be just for the ATC, and a tool library be connected that isn't limited to a tool count likit
[15:19:34] <Lcvette> Limit
[15:23:27] <Lcvette> And then use import to copy tools with information from the library table to the ATC table
[15:24:03] <Lcvette> Otherwise I think it gets confusing
[15:24:10] <Lcvette> No place to store tool data
[15:25:11] <TurBoss> :(
[15:25:20] <TurBoss> will continue this latter
[15:25:23] <TurBoss> :)
[15:25:36] <TurBoss> latter
[15:26:03] <TurBoss> Lcvette: I have to build a real ATC
[15:26:05] <TurBoss> :D
[15:26:15] <TurBoss> so I can crash mine meanwhile
[15:26:57] <Lcvette> You do need ATC!!
[15:27:06] <Lcvette> :D
[15:27:17] <Lcvette> Winerack
[15:27:30] <Lcvette> Need ATC type spindle
[15:27:37] <Lcvette> Then it's easy
[16:02:02] * hazzy-m is back
[16:02:17] <hazzy-m> TurBoss's machie is so small that if he added an ATC he would have an ATC with a machine on it LOL
[16:02:44] * hazzy-m needs to build an ATC
[16:02:59] <hazzy-m> I need to get going on the PDB ...
[16:03:16] * hazzy-m heads to work on HAL some more
[16:03:53] <TurBoss> cool
[16:10:13] <JT[m]1> getting and setting hal pins?
[16:21:42] <hazzy-m> yes!
[16:35:25] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07jethornton pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fjJHD
[16:35:27] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07jethornton 030de9d84 - DOC: ini files can't have inline comments
[16:39:34] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+442/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/fjJHy
[16:39:36] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 03e14f5ca - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
[16:40:37] <hazzy-m> that inline coments thing has tripped me up good on a couple of ocasions
[16:44:18] <JT-Shop> yea just tripped me up too, copy paste and wtf it don't work no more
[17:12:42] <Lcvette> What thing?
[17:31:35] <JT[m]1> ini files can not have a trailing comment
[17:34:50] <hazzy-m> BREAKING NEWS: No collusion!
[17:34:54] <hazzy-m> Who da thuk it
[17:34:56] <hazzy-m> LOLOLOLO
[17:45:29] <JT[m]1> what are you talking about?
[17:54:06] <Lcvette> Hurray!
[17:54:11] <Lcvette> \o/
[17:54:23] <Lcvette> Mueller report
[17:54:42] <Lcvette> <JT[m]1 "what are you talking about?"> JT:
[17:54:47] <hazzy-m> o/
[17:54:59] <Lcvette> o/
[17:55:02] <Lcvette> Lol
[17:57:02] <JT[m]1> ah, my chickens didn't even say anything to me
[17:58:00] <Lcvette> Chickens need to watch the news!
[17:59:03] <hazzy-m> better yet they should report it, be better than most of them lol
[18:00:47] <Lcvette> Best way I get the news is listening to my suppliers in China
[18:02:16] <Lcvette> And by the number of marketing emails I get from previous chinese companies I've spoken too
[18:02:56] <Lcvette> When I start getting lots of requests for new business from them, I know the American economy is getting stronger
[18:04:08] <Lcvette> When old contacts message me to let me know they are at a new company because their old one closed
[18:04:10] <Lcvette> I know the American economy is getting stronger
[18:04:53] <hazzy-m> that is very interesting, I've been getting more emails from people I just got quotes from, didn't even buy anything. I did not think about them maybe being short on work
[18:05:50] <Lcvette> When the stronger companies start offering discounted services and pricing for products, up you guessed it... Murica
[18:06:30] <Lcvette> That's global economics and in that Area Trump is reforming it brilliantly
[18:07:51] <Lcvette> The Dems will pay anyone they can to go on TV and say differently but is getting to the point where whoever does will lose credibility
[18:08:43] <Lcvette> Yeah the Chinese manufacturing companies are passing their sales force hard right now
[18:10:17] <Lcvette> I spent time soaking with some long time supply partners and they said it's rough right now there, the business industry is leaning on the government in a big way to make some type of deal with Trump to end the tarrifs
[18:10:32] <Lcvette> Speaking*
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[22:53:05] <Lcvette> hazzy (@kcjengr:matrix.org): for the spindle encoder, I can't remember, is open collector or line driver the preferred type?
[22:53:23] <Lcvette> Or jt
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