#hazzy | Logs for 2019-04-04
[06:01:14] <JT[m]1> morning
[06:39:00] <silopolis[m]> Morning JT
[06:47:12] <silopolis[m]> @jt-m:matrix.org: Curious to get your opinion about the tapping arm panel I sent you the link of and whether such could be built with QtPyVCP running on a small SBC and a brushless spindle?
[06:49:19] <JT[m]1> I must have missed that
[06:51:55] * JT[m]1 uploaded a video: database4.mp4 (83KB) < https://matrix.org >
[06:53:23] * JT[m]1 uploaded a video: database4.mp4 (68KB) < https://matrix.org >
[07:01:49] * silopolis[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[07:03:16] <Lcvette> morning
[07:04:10] <jthornton> morning
[07:06:14] <silopolis[m]> @jt-m:matrix.org: really like it 👍 do you also plan drop down menus to jump more quickly to different entries? Icing on the cake would be schemas and display of thread specs changing with selection 😋
[07:06:31] <silopolis[m]> Morning @lcvette:matrix.org
[07:07:12] <Lcvette> morning sil
[07:07:57] <Lcvette> i was just thinking the same thing about a drop menu
[07:08:15] <JT[m]1> I've never messed with a tapping arm but I think they are rather simple
[07:08:16] <JT[m]1> it's for a touch screen...
[07:08:22] <Lcvette> is looking good!
[07:10:56] <Lcvette> JT, havent tried it yet, but will the drop boxes not work with touch screen?
[07:16:01] <JT[m]1> they should but selecting something may be a pain because of the size of the rows
[07:16:27] <Lcvette> that isn't editable?
[07:17:45] <JT[m]1> I think you should be able to change that in qss
[07:20:12] <silopolis[m]> Could be why there a full screens in the panel of the arm in the link above 🤔
[07:22:45] <silopolis[m]> Pop-up windows?
[07:45:54] * JT[m]1 uploaded a video: database5.mp4 (73KB) < https://matrix.org >
[07:48:21] <Lcvette> nice!
[07:48:33] <silopolis[m]> yeah !
[07:52:46] <silopolis[m]> Drilling diameter spec could be handy too 😋
[07:59:44] * JT[m]1 uploaded a video: database6.mp4 (56KB) < https://matrix.org >
[08:00:08] <JT[m]1> silopolis: I have all the specs in my database for threads, holes fit etc
[08:01:25] <silopolis[m]> oh my 😍
[08:03:14] <silopolis[m]> Actually, that's what I suspected reading your discussions... And what made me think I could use it to build my tapping arm panel :)
[08:04:10] <jthornton> a tapping arm does not need anything but forward and reverse
[08:05:57] <Lcvette> nice jt!
[08:06:23] <Lcvette> JT, you need to make that into a mobile app and sell it
[08:06:59] <jthornton> lol
[08:07:16] <Lcvette> im serious
[08:07:41] <Lcvette> actually, for fusion360 there are add on apps that you can buy
[08:07:47] <Lcvette> just like apps on your phone
[08:08:02] <Lcvette> some are one time 1.99 some are subscription for the more powerful
[08:08:38] <Lcvette> this one would be great for threadmilling because it would quickly calculate the pitch diameter offset for the thread class you wanted
[08:08:39] * silopolis[m] uploaded an image: Tapping_Arm_Panel.jpg (48KB) < https://matrix.org >
[08:10:02] <Lcvette> just add the offset for the threadmill flat and a window that spits out the adjusted pitch diameter offset and plu it into fusion as a sellable app and wait for the $1.99 notifications to roll in
[08:10:09] <Lcvette> i'd buy it
[08:10:19] <silopolis[m]> jthornton: basically yes, but...
[08:10:32] <Lcvette> i have to open a browswer and tab to a bookmark i have and go through a pdf chart currently
[08:10:34] <Lcvette> its cumbersome
[08:10:54] <JT[m]1> Lcvette: it will do all the calculations for you after you select the tool
[08:11:33] <Lcvette> even better
[08:12:00] <Lcvette> dead serious, this is one of those moments where you could make a little money from something cool
[08:12:01] <JT[m]1> you will be able to add your thread milling tools to the database
[08:12:11] <Lcvette> and a $1.99 a pop is nothing
[08:12:16] <Lcvette> but it adds up
[08:12:17] <Lcvette> beer cave money
[08:12:36] <JT[m]1> lol
[08:13:34] <Lcvette> https://apps.autodesk.com
[08:13:52] <JT[m]1> I feel like I have most of the bugs worked out in the code now so very progressive morning for me
[08:15:15] * JT[m]1 just had an ah ha moment...
[08:16:34] <silopolis[m]> 👏 💪
[08:16:40] <Lcvette> talk to me goose
[08:18:20] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-04-04_08-17-44.png (16KB) < https://matrix.org >
[08:18:36] <Lcvette> lcvette started playing with spin box fomatting
[08:18:41] <Lcvette> :D
[08:18:46] <Lcvette> adding custom button images
[08:19:04] <Lcvette> and qss
[08:19:48] <silopolis[m]> nice
[08:23:18] * JT[m]1 uploaded a video: database7.mp4 (59KB) < https://matrix.org >
[08:23:46] <JT[m]1> I fixed it so when you change the class of fit it does not change the thread that is selected
[08:24:10] <Lcvette> smart!
[08:24:17] <Lcvette> now add the pitch diameter offset
[08:24:40] <JT[m]1> that spin box looks big enough for a touch screen very nice
[08:24:55] <Lcvette> thats why i made it
[08:24:56] <Lcvette> :D
[08:25:08] <Lcvette> thinking of brother JT
[08:26:05] * JT[m]1 uploaded an image: Screenshot at 2019-04-04 07-25-23.png (68KB) < https://matrix.org >
[08:26:16] <JT[m]1> all right I'm off to the shower
[08:28:45] <silopolis[m]> Drill size ?
[08:30:24] <JT-Shop> I have all that info in the database, basically all the machinery's handbook is in there lol
[08:31:42] <silopolis[m]> oh ok, sorry, asking because not visible in the screenshot
[08:32:11] <JT-Shop> that's just one table, there are a bunch of them :)
[08:32:17] <silopolis[m]> this DB really has much potential so !
[08:32:34] <silopolis[m]> obviously :)
[08:34:00] <silopolis[m]> What DBMS ?
[08:38:10] <Lcvette> JT-Shop: what data base software?
[08:38:47] <silopolis[m]> yes Data Base Management System in IT lingo
[08:39:08] <Lcvette> Dunno lngo
[08:39:17] <Lcvette> Lingo
[08:39:48] <silopolis[m]> parlance ?
[08:40:12] <Lcvette> Lcvette isn't a programer
[08:40:13] <silopolis[m]> language ?
[08:40:27] <Lcvette> Programmer
[08:40:42] <silopolis[m]> no one is perfect 😁
[08:40:53] <silopolis[m]> and neither do I lol
[08:41:04] <Lcvette> English
[08:41:18] <Lcvette> I knew nothing in August
[08:41:49] <Lcvette> Only installed Linux a year ago first time
[08:42:00] <silopolis[m]> Then, that is really impressive and encouraging
[08:42:01] <Lcvette> Well in May
[08:42:12] <Lcvette> Never coded anything
[08:42:13] <silopolis[m]> 🎩 🏅
[08:43:12] <silopolis[m]> was a consulting, architecture and system/network administration kind of guy in IT
[08:43:12] <Lcvette> Are you a programmer?
[08:44:10] <silopolis[m]> no, only written bash scripts and one single 5K lines Python project
[08:45:31] <silopolis[m]> alone, without education, client above one shoulder, boss above the other... Enjoyed the pain !
[08:46:29] <Lcvette> Lol
[08:48:55] <silopolis[m]> now that I've changed carrier to machining, I'd love to slowly dive into Open Source CAD/CAM/CNC toolchain and peacefully work out my Python muscles
[09:09:24] <silopolis[m]> oh may be I should have mentioned that I was a Free/Libre and Open Source Software exclusive practitioner :)
[09:09:43] * JT[m]1 uploaded a video: database8.mp4 (84KB) < https://matrix.org >
[09:11:59] <Lcvette> JT: might make sense to put class at the end?
[09:12:29] <silopolis[m]> agreed
[09:18:24] <Lcvette> This could snow ball, but you could split the DB into material type
[09:19:17] <JT[m]1> I have a table for materials 😎
[09:19:55] <Lcvette> Does it narrow the max/mins
[09:21:36] <silopolis[m]> yes it does https://www.amesweb.info
[09:22:43] * JT[m]1 uploaded an image: Screenshot at 2019-04-04 08-22-17.png (8KB) < https://matrix.org >
[09:24:00] <JT[m]1> alright enough play time for me ...
[09:25:00] <Lcvette> Lol
[09:25:33] <Lcvette> Get to work young man
[09:25:34] <silopolis[m]> so DBMS is Sqlite, what I suspected :)
[09:25:59] <Lcvette> Is that expensive?
[09:27:14] <silopolis[m]> no it's FOSS, and single file, and multi-platform, and supported by maybe all possible languages on earth and darn featureful for such a light package !
[09:28:02] <Lcvette> FOSS?
[09:28:17] <Lcvette> Free ?
[09:28:22] <silopolis[m]> Free and Open Source Software
[09:28:54] <silopolis[m]> You have to know this one as a Contributor ;)
[09:32:36] <silopolis[m]> Men, slap me I'm like a bug in your ears, but that DB tables shot push me to raise it there as it would be the perfect container for it IMHO: it would be amazing that there was a Tool table compatible with ISO 13399/GTC format
[09:36:00] <silopolis[m]> As more and more tool manufacturers are offering tools data (when not complete tool catalog !) downloadable in this format, these would be directly importable
[09:36:44] <silopolis[m]> https://mms.epubxp.com
[09:36:56] <silopolis[m]> http://gtc-tools.com
[09:38:01] <silopolis[m]> https://www.sandvik.coromant.com
[09:38:32] <silopolis[m]> https://www.mmsonline.com
[09:39:33] <silopolis[m]> one last https://github.com
[09:40:58] <silopolis[m]> Made the same suggestion for FreeCAD Path Workbench and seems like Fusion 360 could be working on it but no clear fact
[10:02:05] <roguish[m]> JT:good moring JT. so, which of your GUI's is 'best'? most developed?
[10:06:13] <Lcvette> silopolis: there is a database tooltable in development curently by rene
[10:10:28] <silopolis[m]> Lcvette: ah ?! good to know ! Wonder if/hope it's related with this post from one of the FreeCAD Path developper https://forum.freecadweb.org
[10:22:29] <silopolis[m]> arf sorry wrong link :/ https://forum.freecadweb.org
[10:25:12] <Lcvette> that looks like cam implementation
[10:25:19] <Lcvette> not interface for control
[10:26:13] <silopolis[m]> Yes FreeCAD Path workbench is like CAM in Fusion 360
[10:27:17] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: the idea is to have a tool table that semlessly workd between CAM (FreeCAD) and the control (LinuxCNC)
[10:27:19] <Lcvette> even your higher end cam programs require heavy input from knowledgeable users when it comes to feeds and speeds due to the complexity of the task
[10:28:21] <roguish[m]> Lcvette: that's because machining is complicated..... not just click and clack...
[10:29:09] <roguish[m]> all the salespeople want everyone to believe it's oh so easy. just click on it, and voila it pops out done.....lolololol
[10:29:17] <Lcvette> roguish: hence "heavy input from knowledgeable users"
[10:29:32] <silopolis[m]> Of course, but having a "universal" data exchange format for tools, tool holders and fixtures geometries between CAD, CAM and CNC softwares as well as between manufacturers and users would be a HUGE win !
[10:29:37] <Lcvette> and its very much dependent on the machine capabilities
[10:30:56] <roguish[m]> silopolis: yes, it could help, but that's sort of like herding cats... every supplier wants to have some kind of edge...some specialty.
[10:30:57] <silopolis[m]> of course, I'm not talking about cutting parameters
[10:31:13] <Lcvette> silopolis: i have put a great deal of thought into this and you have to ask a few questions. can you make the software companies conform to a standard,how long would it take to make that standard and how realistic is it to have that happen in the next decade
[10:31:42] <Lcvette> so ideally the solution is to offer a universal import export
[10:31:44] <Lcvette> which most do
[10:32:06] <Lcvette> currently i think the major hurdle isn't the cam programs but linuxcnc
[10:33:44] <Lcvette> with the current tooltable being so handicapped
[10:34:54] <Lcvette> if the tool table in linux wasn't capped, and was database driven, things would be much simpler
[10:36:30] <silopolis[m]> hazzy: Exactly !!! missed your message :/
[10:40:24] <JT[m]1> roguish: the one I'm currently working on is https://github.com
[10:40:56] <JT[m]1> it's not as polished as some of the previous ones...
[10:41:50] <JT[m]1> Andy made a database tool table but I think he deleted the branch due to lack of support
[10:45:00] <roguish[m]> JT: i'm looking at all of 'em. do any have pop up keyboards?
[10:45:37] <roguish[m]> or could have?
[10:46:23] -!- JT-Shop2 has joined #hazzy
[10:51:09] <Lcvette> hazzy: o/
[10:59:29] <hazzy-m> roguish: pop up keyboards are in the pipe line
[10:59:37] * hazzy-m should update the branch
[10:59:41] <hazzy-m> o/
[11:00:42] <Lcvette> \o/
[11:01:01] <Lcvette> :D
[11:01:01] <Lcvette> thats awesome!!
[11:16:48] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-04-04_11-16-16.png (19KB) < https://matrix.org >
[11:17:55] <Lcvette> JT sized spinbox and dropbox with custom image arrows
[11:21:57] <Lcvette> hazzy: do the dropboxes get their info from a database?
[11:22:05] <Lcvette> and spinbox?
[11:24:15] -!- livian has joined #hazzy
[11:24:51] -!- livian has quit [Client Quit]
[11:26:40] <Lcvette> hazzy: i think i need sqlite
[11:26:41] <Lcvette> :D
[11:26:52] <Lcvette> there is a download button on their site is that how i get it?
[11:27:14] * JT[m]1 uploaded an image: VectorImage_2019-04-04_102702.jpg (25KB) < https://matrix.org >
[11:28:01] <JT-Shop> you can populate almost anything with data from a database
[11:28:20] <JT-Shop> Lcvette: you install it not download it...
[11:28:38] <Lcvette> sudo apt install sqlite
[11:28:39] <Lcvette> ?
[11:29:08] <JT-Shop> a spin box for example gets data from a model and a mapper can get the data from the database
[11:29:22] <JT-Shop> let me look
[11:29:53] <JT-Shop> made that planter box to use some old planters we had for the wife to plant her herbs
[11:29:55] <Lcvette> i just did it and something installed
[11:30:18] <Lcvette> nice!
[11:32:48] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[11:33:36] <JT[m]1> you don't want version 2...
[11:33:37] <hazzy-m> JT-Shop: nice! How are the seedlings fermenting? lol
[11:33:45] <Lcvette> ok
[11:33:51] <Lcvette> how do i remove
[11:33:56] <Lcvette> sudo apt remove sqlite
[11:34:00] <Lcvette> ?
[11:34:05] <hazzy-m> yes
[11:34:06] <JT[m]1> most of the tomatoes have hatched and are out of the fermenter
[11:34:22] <hazzy-m> excellent
[11:34:41] <JT[m]1> put some peppers in yesterday
[11:34:42] * hazzy-m hasn't had time to start the garden yet :(
[11:34:49] <Lcvette> ok removed
[11:34:55] <JT[m]1> did you see the database videos?
[11:34:59] <hazzy-m> peaches are swelling nicesly though
[11:35:21] <hazzy-m> Yes, looks fantastic!
[11:35:48] <hazzy-m> thinking of ways we can use it on other ways ..
[11:36:26] <Lcvette> tool table library!
[11:36:56] <hazzy-m> did you compile the DB or did you get it from somewhere?
[11:37:36] <JT[m]1> I typed it in lol
[11:37:53] <JT[m]1> years ago for my mill g code generator
[11:37:59] <hazzy-m> wow, that took some time
[11:38:15] <JT[m]1> Lcvette: sqlite is included with python
[11:39:14] <JT[m]1> yea lots of time with the machining handbook and a magnifying glass lol till I got the big print version
[11:40:18] <Lcvette> it is?
[11:40:26] <Lcvette> how do i acces it and make a launcher?
[11:40:28] * JT[m]1 sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[11:40:50] <JT[m]1> in qtpyvcp?
[11:41:41] <Lcvette> i imagined it would be its own program no?
[11:41:55] <Lcvette> where i could import json files etc to start from something
[11:41:58] <JT[m]1> it?
[11:42:04] <Lcvette> sqlite
[11:42:11] <Lcvette> similar to a spreadhseet
[11:42:16] <Lcvette> have an interface
[11:42:32] <Lcvette> like the image of the tbale you sent
[11:43:07] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (92KB) < https://matrix.org >
[11:43:24] <JT[m]1> to edit a file I use DB Browser for Sqlite
[11:43:25] <JT[m]1> Version 3.9.1
[11:43:26] <JT[m]1> Qt Version 5.7.1
[11:43:26] <JT[m]1> SQLite Version 3.15.2
[11:43:43] <JT[m]1> that's DB Browser
[11:43:59] <JT[m]1> https://sqlitebrowser.org
[11:44:21] <Lcvette> sudo apt install DB Browser for Sqlite
[11:44:23] <Lcvette> ?
[11:44:24] <Lcvette> oh ok
[11:44:33] <JT[m]1> no
[11:45:34] <hazzy-m> sudo apt-get install sqlitebrowser
[11:45:35] <Lcvette> sudo apt-get install sqlitebrowser
[11:45:47] <Lcvette> o/
[11:47:30] <JT[m]1> yea that will work, I just used the synaptic package manager lol
[11:47:47] * JT[m]1 uploaded an image: Screenshot at 2019-04-04 10-46-49.png (66KB) < https://matrix.org >
[11:48:41] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-04-04_11-48-30.png (57KB) < https://matrix.org >
[11:48:46] <Lcvette> hurray!
[11:49:19] <JT[m]1> to do the stuff I did there is package requirement python-pyqt5.qtsql
[11:50:56] <Lcvette> sudo apt install python-pyqt5.qtsql
[11:51:00] <Lcvette> ?
[11:54:03] <JT[m]1> aye
[11:54:25] <Lcvette> https://github.com
[11:54:26] <Lcvette> i need this other stuff too?
[12:01:18] <JT[m]1> no
[12:03:52] <Lcvette> where would i save a new database?
[12:03:53] <Lcvette> in probe basic?
[12:03:54] <Lcvette> make a new file?
[12:04:15] <Lcvette> databases
[12:04:16] <Lcvette> ?
[12:05:11] <TurBoss> hello
[12:06:12] <Lcvette> TurBoss: \o/
[12:06:41] <TurBoss> vape arrived
[12:06:51] <Lcvette> just now?
[12:06:56] <Lcvette> :o
[12:07:11] <Lcvette> is it hand carved?
[12:07:27] <Lcvette> lol
[12:07:28] <TurBoss> all
[12:07:31] <TurBoss> :D
[12:07:32] <TurBoss> the camel was slow
[12:07:45] <Lcvette> indeed
[12:07:46] <TurBoss> its big
[12:08:40] <Lcvette> its good!
[12:37:04] <Lcvette> TurBoss: fired up?
[12:37:49] <TurBoss> no
[12:37:59] <TurBoss> i need the coils and cotton
[12:38:26] <Lcvette> kit should have a set of coils and cotton in it
[12:40:51] * JT[m]1 hums the final jepordy song while waiting for Lcvette to show us his database
[12:41:44] <Lcvette> JT:
[12:41:45] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-04-04_12-41-16.png (66KB) < https://matrix.org >
[12:42:02] <Lcvette> dunno if im doing it right or not
[12:45:53] * Lcvette posted a file: tool_library.tsv (20KB) < https://matrix.org >
[12:53:27] <JT[m]1> what are you wanting to do?
[12:54:09] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-04-04_12-53-54.png (116KB) < https://matrix.org >
[12:54:20] <Lcvette> this is imported from fusion360
[12:54:51] <Lcvette> but its missing about half of the tools in that table
[12:55:44] <JT[m]1> you tried to import the tsv file?
[12:56:13] <JT[m]1> line 29 in the tsv file looks faulty
[12:58:15] <Lcvette> yeah
[12:58:18] <Lcvette> tried
[12:58:22] <Lcvette> 29?
[12:59:50] * Lcvette posted a file: tool_library.tsv (20KB) < https://matrix.org >
[13:01:29] <Lcvette> need to see if there is a way to filter what is exported
[13:01:40] <Lcvette> most of that isn't needed
[13:01:51] <Lcvette> really only need two items
[13:02:06] <Lcvette> description and diameter
[13:03:30] <JT[m]1> yea there is some garbage in the file that stops the import at line 20
[13:10:54] <Lcvette> it would be nice to use certain columns to create a standard description for the tools
[13:12:39] <silopolis[m]> And here we are ISO 13399/GTC for the win!
[13:14:15] <Lcvette> Diameter, No. of Flutes, Flute Length, Material, Finisher/Rougher, Corner Type
[13:15:13] <Lcvette> jump in silopolis
[13:15:45] <Lcvette> get to workin!
[13:16:02] <silopolis[m]> Standard data model for tool database, managed by qtpyvcp with a mapping to LinuxCNC tool table supported params
[13:16:40] <Lcvette> time to put on an apron and start cookin!
[13:17:05] <silopolis[m]> @lcvette:matrix.org: You tease me!
[13:17:25] <Lcvette> im asking you to start helping
[13:17:43] <silopolis[m]> I know lol
[13:17:55] <Lcvette> well lets get on it
[13:18:21] <silopolis[m]> That'd be great, I'd love it
[13:20:25] <JT-Shop> lol
[13:20:40] * silopolis[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[13:21:05] <Lcvette> docs, JT made a fantastic document on everything
[13:22:35] <silopolis[m]> That's the least that can be said!
[13:22:36] <silopolis[m]> We all owe so much JT for it's talent and dedication for documentation 🎩🎩🎩
[13:24:37] <silopolis[m]> BTW translating it to French could be a good way to learn it in depth
[13:28:27] <JT-Shop> you have to make good documents when you suffer from CRS
[13:32:54] <silopolis[m]> CRS?
[13:33:10] <Lcvette> Can't Remember Shit..lol
[13:33:18] <JT-Shop> yup
[13:33:31] <silopolis[m]> ROFL
[13:35:21] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (30KB) < https://matrix.org >
[13:35:21] <silopolis[m]> I can remember a lot of things, but not where I put them 🤣
[13:35:49] <Lcvette> JT-Shop: something wonky is definitely going on, i skipped columns in excel to try and get a clean import and it still messed up at line 29
[13:39:01] <silopolis[m]> It's missing several fields at the beginning of the line it seems
[13:40:23] <silopolis[m]> File is poorly formated, fields should be quoted to avoid this kind of troubles
[13:41:18] <Lcvette> there is a .json format avaialable
[13:42:04] * Lcvette posted a file: tool_library.json (175KB) < https://matrix.org >
[13:52:50] <TurBoss> <Lcvette "kit should have a set of coils a"> I can't see them
[13:52:56] <TurBoss> :(
[13:53:07] <Lcvette> you didn't get the pulsex kit?
[13:53:08] <TurBoss> vandy vape pulse X
[13:53:31] <TurBoss> kit :|
[13:53:32] <Lcvette> they would be inside the box
[13:53:46] <TurBoss> ok
[13:53:46] <TurBoss> I'll search more
[13:53:50] <TurBoss> I was making some cnc parts
[13:53:51] <Lcvette> along with some seals
[13:53:58] <Lcvette> little toold
[13:54:03] <Lcvette> tools
[13:54:08] <Lcvette> litle pack of cotton
[13:54:10] <TurBoss> I saw the seals
[13:54:16] <TurBoss> some screws
[13:55:31] * Lcvette uploaded an image: IMG_20190404_135457343.jpg (28KB) < https://matrix.org >
[13:56:29] <TurBoss> yes that
[13:56:31] <TurBoss> found the coils
[13:56:56] * Lcvette uploaded an image: VectorImage_2019-04-04_015647.jpg (35KB) < https://matrix.org >
[13:57:56] * TurBoss uploaded an image: VectorImage_2019-04-04_075741.jpg (347KB) < https://matrix.org >
[13:58:15] <Lcvette> Hurray
[13:58:20] <TurBoss> but no cotton
[13:58:28] <Lcvette> What?
[13:58:33] <Lcvette> Keep looking
[13:59:50] <Lcvette> you have sisters?
[14:01:02] <Lcvette> well of all the things you might need to get locally, cotton is the easiest
[14:01:16] <TurBoss> ok
[14:01:20] <Lcvette> ANY vape supply place will have cotton
[14:01:22] <TurBoss> yes one sistee
[14:01:27] <TurBoss> ok
[14:01:59] <Lcvette> if she uses make up, ask if she has pure cotton make remover pads
[14:02:03] <silopolis[m]> @lcvette:matrix.org: Arf, tried to compare json and csv on mobile but makes my eyes bleed. But json should be better. Much more structured format. Is there json import feature in sqlite UI?
[14:02:31] <Lcvette> pretty much the same things
[14:02:35] * TurBoss uploaded an image: VectorImage_2019-04-04_080140.jpg (1209KB) < https://matrix.org >
[14:02:54] <Lcvette> thats what we used before "vaping cotton" was available
[14:06:29] * silopolis[m] uses ceramics instead of cotton, much softer
[14:10:44] <Lcvette> that kit in the picture
[14:10:48] <Lcvette> coils last for a month
[14:10:50] <Lcvette> same with wicks
[14:10:57] <Lcvette> cotton
[14:11:48] <Lcvette> when i say last i mean the only reason to rewick even is the cotton needs to be rewicked because its missing the center
[14:12:05] <Lcvette> best unit i have EVER used
[14:12:32] <Lcvette> best taste, longest lasting coils, great satisfying hit
[14:53:32] * Lcvette posted a file: tool_library.csv (2KB) < https://matrix.org >
[15:10:44] * Lcvette posted a file: tool_library.csv (2KB) < https://matrix.org >
[15:48:28] <Lcvette> finally!!!!!!!
[15:48:37] <Lcvette> that took all afternoon to figure out why i wasn't getting a clean tsv export
[15:49:21] * Lcvette posted a file: tool_library.tsv (20KB) < https://matrix.org >
[15:52:08] <TurBoss> cool!
[15:54:18] * JT[m]1 uploaded a video: database9.mp4 (237KB) < https://matrix.org >
[15:54:39] * Lcvette posted a file: fusion_tool_library.tsv (20KB) < https://matrix.org >
[15:57:21] <Lcvette> nice!
[15:58:15] <JT[m]1> just about got all the details sorted out...
[15:59:31] <JT[m]1> does the single point thread mill need a wear factor or would you just reduce the diameter?
[15:59:58] <JT[m]1> I'm assuming some kind of tweaking is needed...
[16:01:32] <Lcvette> for?
[16:02:49] <Lcvette> JT: how are you calculating the thread mill tool path ?
[16:05:00] <Lcvette> generally in cam it is calculated based off the drilled hole diameter and the thread major diameter
[16:05:19] <Lcvette> so for a 1/4-20 for instance let use that as its pretty common
[16:05:37] <JT-Shop> I found a big spreadsheet with all kinds of single point threading info
[16:05:44] <Lcvette> 0.201" drilled hole with a 0.2500" major thread diameter
[16:06:39] <Lcvette> .25-.201 = .049"
[16:06:52] <Lcvette> that would be your base pitch diameter offset
[16:07:00] <JT-Shop> yep
[16:07:08] <Lcvette> to that you would add your crest
[16:09:38] <Lcvette> with your class rules those will all shift a bit
[16:10:36] <JT-Shop> yep, I assume the desired major diameter is in the middle of the tolerance?
[16:10:39] <Lcvette> and of course deflection
[16:10:41] <Lcvette> how well the machine cuts a concentric path etc etc
[16:11:25] <Lcvette> honestly, for me it seems everytime i think ive come up with a formula for it the formula fails
[16:12:02] <Lcvette> what i do know is once i nail down a setting that works in a material it works everytime
[16:12:18] <JT-Shop> how does it fail?
[16:12:41] <Lcvette> thread fit
[16:12:54] <Lcvette> too tight or too loose
[16:13:20] <Lcvette> on my small machine all i do is thread milling and i do A ALOT of thread milling, both single point and multipoint
[16:13:29] <Lcvette> in steel and aluminum
[16:13:46] <Lcvette> from 4-40 through 5/16 and equivelant in metric
[16:15:31] <Lcvette> it will generally be about .001- .002 off
[16:16:11] <Lcvette> but with threadmilling that is the difference between a good fit or a sloppy fit or no fit
[16:16:13] <Lcvette> lol
[16:16:59] <JT-Shop> that's pretty close tolerance
[16:17:46] <Lcvette> so now if i have a new tool, i generally start at base PDO + crest and then run it +.001 until i have the right fit and save those parameters for that tool
[16:20:04] <Lcvette> im sure if this were on my big machine or a haas or something with no backlash or minimal backlash the formulas would be very effective
[16:21:08] <JT-Shop> so in my tool, you can adjust the diameter or crest of the tool to alter the thread depth
[16:21:12] <Lcvette> but on the little mill with .0015"-.002" backlash, even with comp, it still doesn't give great interpolatated movement at the 90's
[16:21:35] <Lcvette> that little hiccup in transition im sure plays a big role
[16:22:21] <Lcvette> I would probably keep it with the tool
[16:22:24] <JT-Shop> and those tools will be on that machine only so any adjustments you make will stay at the machine
[16:22:57] <Lcvette> yeah that would have been my concern
[16:23:33] <Lcvette> and i now hate databases
[16:23:40] <Lcvette> i thought i fixed this thing
[16:23:53] <Lcvette> it imported perfect now into excel and libre calc
[16:24:15] <Lcvette> but for some reason it cuts off at 19 tools still when importing to the database
[16:24:22] <Lcvette> pulling my hair out
[16:25:05] <hazzy-m> interesting, you can export as JSON but not import as JSON
[16:25:49] <hazzy-m> you would probably be better off with CSV if you can get it in that format, one tiny step better than TSV
[16:26:54] <hazzy-m> JT-Shop: have you pushed your DB stuff anywhere yet?
[16:27:57] <JT-Shop> yea it's mill touch v5
[16:28:24] <JT-Shop> I didn't push from lunch tho
[16:31:19] * JT-Shop didn't have a good last year he is getting a refund...
[16:35:14] <Lcvette> hazzy: that worked
[16:35:15] <Lcvette> but it adds a step
[18:50:13] <Lcvette> turboss did you get some cotton?
[18:50:54] <TurBoss> nop
[18:50:56] <TurBoss> :)
[18:51:41] * Lcvette posted a file: fusion_tools.sqbpro (1KB) < https://matrix.org >
[18:54:58] <Lcvette> you have a vaoe shop near you?
[18:56:37] <Lcvette> TurBoss: where do you live?
[18:56:48] <TurBoss> nop
[18:57:16] <Lcvette> Cartagena?
[18:57:45] <Lcvette> Valencia?
[18:57:56] <Lcvette> TurBoss: ?
[18:58:07] <TurBoss> valencia
[18:58:12] <TurBoss> spain
[18:58:34] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (486KB) < https://matrix.org >
[18:58:42] <Lcvette> vape supply shops
[18:59:04] <TurBoss> too far
[18:59:04] <Lcvette> https://www.vapetrotter.com
[19:00:10] <Lcvette> those are in valencia
[19:00:14] <Lcvette> lol
[19:00:17] <Lcvette> what do you mean too far/
[19:10:20] <Lcvette> if you have a store locally that sells Koh Gen Do 100% Pure Cotton make up pads
[19:10:30] <Lcvette> they are well knows as very good vaping wicks
[19:10:48] <Lcvette> turboss
[19:11:09] <Lcvette> but there are several vape supply stores there in Valencia
[19:12:20] <TurBoss> sorry im away 10 min
[19:19:31] <TurBoss> yo
[19:19:35] <TurBoss> back
[19:19:37] <Lcvette> yo
[19:19:58] <TurBoss> tomorrol
[19:19:58] <TurBoss> lol
[19:19:58] <TurBoss> \o/
[19:19:58] <Lcvette> \o/
[19:20:07] <hazzy-m> o/
[19:20:13] <TurBoss> hello!
[19:20:13] <Lcvette> o/
[19:20:25] <TurBoss> \o
[19:20:35] <TurBoss> hazzy:
[19:20:52] <TurBoss> is the halcomp thing
[19:20:54] <TurBoss> useable?
[19:20:58] <Lcvette> how is halcomp thing hazzy?
[19:21:02] <TurBoss> :D
[19:21:04] <Lcvette> o/
[19:21:07] <Lcvette> :D
[19:21:11] <Lcvette> tag team on hazzy
[19:21:14] <Lcvette> :o
[19:21:24] <Lcvette> he ran away
[19:21:26] <Lcvette> lol
[19:21:28] <TurBoss> 🕵
[19:21:31] <Lcvette> there he is
[19:21:34] <Lcvette> o/
[19:21:35] <TurBoss> heheh
[19:21:38] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: not much progress, just sitting down to dev for a bit
[19:21:55] <hazzy-m> done breaking things in the shop for the day lol
[19:21:56] <TurBoss> can I take a look?=
[19:22:10] <TurBoss> any hint=
[19:22:17] <hazzy-m> sure!
[19:22:18] <hazzy-m> sek
[19:22:26] * hazzy-m gets back in gear
[19:22:29] * JT[m]1 uploaded a video: mtv4-1.mp4 (203KB) < https://matrix.org >
[19:22:54] <hazzy-m> Nice!
[19:23:00] <Lcvette> \o/
[19:23:07] <TurBoss> :O
[19:23:33] <JT[m]1> 😎
[19:24:43] <hazzy-m> JT: just noticed your DB is not complete, its missing #0000 thru #00 and UNS, UNEF and ME series
[19:24:47] <hazzy-m> LOL
[19:25:00] <JT[m]1> lol
[19:25:28] <JT[m]1> well what about witworth and BST
[19:25:53] <hazzy-m> hahaha, I guess while im nitpicking those too
[19:26:14] <JT[m]1> feel free to add them lol
[19:26:19] <hazzy-m> actualy it looks great! Thats a lot of into you have in there
[19:26:48] <JT[m]1> yea just need to sort the thread size tho
[19:29:56] <JT[m]1> hmm the metric database is wrong it's for external threads not internal :(
[19:30:24] <hazzy-m> oh no!
[19:30:32] <TurBoss> can we draw the toolholder on the vtk ?
[19:30:38] <hazzy-m> still usefull though, for thread milling bosses lol
[19:31:22] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: yes, that would be neat!
[19:31:46] <hazzy-m> maybe it could be an STL file, that could be specified in the INI to make it easy to customize per machine?
[19:32:01] <TurBoss> https://grabcad.com
[19:32:40] <TurBoss> https://grabcad.com
[19:32:48] <JT[m]1> the thread info if correct would not change but the tool info would be per machine and is saved in the database
[19:33:49] * JT[m]1 uploaded a video: database9.mp4 (237KB) < https://matrix.org >
[19:34:16] <JT[m]1> I still need to work out the edit a tool function
[19:39:13] <TurBoss> http://dpaste.com
[19:39:22] <TurBoss> on HAL branch
[19:47:06] <TurBoss> only happends with linuxcnc sim/xyz.ini
[19:47:06] <TurBoss> linuxcnc sim/xyz.ini probebasic <---- works
[19:48:06] -!- JT-Shop2 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[19:48:06] -!- JT-Shop has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[19:48:07] -!- jthornton has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[19:48:33] -!- JT-Shop has joined #hazzy
[19:48:33] -!- JT-Shop2 has joined #hazzy
[19:48:33] -!- jthornton has joined #hazzy
[20:09:06] <Lcvette> Nom nom nom.. lcvette had a grilled chicken salad for dinner
[20:09:16] <Lcvette> What's up turboss, is broken?
[20:09:22] <TurBoss> a bit
[20:11:45] <Lcvette> Copy the macros and Hal files from the newest ATC branch
[20:11:56] <Lcvette> Should work
[20:12:35] <Lcvette> Maybe it's broke from when I made changes a couple days ago
[20:12:52] <Lcvette> But new files fixed and start up now
[20:26:11] * JT[m]1 uploaded a video: mtv4-2.mp4 (165KB) < https://matrix.org >
[20:27:51] * JT[m]1 uploaded a video: mtv4-2.mp4 (142KB) < https://matrix.org >
[20:28:00] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss pushed 031 commit to 03HAL [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fjLcG
[20:28:01] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss 0316ce696 - exit signals
[20:33:17] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: Hurray!!!
[20:33:21] <hazzy-m> it works
[20:33:31] <TurBoss> hazzy: we need to add a 100ms timmer
[20:33:39] <TurBoss> so __del_gets callet
[20:33:44] <TurBoss> called*
[20:33:53] <TurBoss> before exit
[20:34:22] <TurBoss> so we intercept the signal and wait 100 ms del gets fired and the we exit
[20:34:26] <TurBoss> i think...
[20:34:39] <hazzy-m> hmmm
[20:35:18] <hazzy-m> it seems to be working here with the SIGTERM
[20:35:27] <TurBoss> not sure how could behabe in inside a VCP
[20:35:35] <TurBoss> behabe is that aword?
[20:35:53] <hazzy-m> no, behave
[20:36:01] <TurBoss> "comportarse"
[20:36:12] <hazzy-m> you spelled it in spanish :)
[20:36:20] <TurBoss> so is that
[20:36:26] <TurBoss> behave ok
[20:37:07] <TurBoss> could be testes
[20:37:07] <TurBoss> d
[20:37:18] <hazzy-m> in english we also have comport, but behave is used more commonly
[20:38:52] <TurBoss> ok so we have the component
[20:38:54] <hazzy-m> right now it is unloading the HAL comp correctaly
[20:38:55] <TurBoss> whats missing
[20:40:13] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss pushed 031 commit to 03HAL [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fjLcR
[20:40:15] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss 0319071d8 - fail of the week
[20:40:55] <TurBoss> https://github.com
[20:41:00] <TurBoss> 😀
[20:41:34] <hazzy-m> ahahaha
[20:41:42] <hazzy-m> you stole it, from your self
[20:41:48] <hazzy-m> do you still use the DRO?
[20:41:50] <TurBoss> yaiks
[20:41:53] <TurBoss> yes
[20:42:07] <TurBoss> DRO + MPG
[20:42:12] <TurBoss> both usb
[20:42:16] <TurBoss> single one
[20:42:27] <hazzy-m> that last commit xD
[20:43:00] <TurBoss> so does it emit signals?
[20:43:14] <hazzy-m> it should, testing now
[20:43:20] <TurBoss> cool!
[20:43:32] <hazzy-m> no way to connect to them yet, lol
[20:43:37] <TurBoss> 😓
[20:43:54] <TurBoss> ah yet :D
[20:46:26] <hazzy-m> Hurray!
[20:46:29] <hazzy-m> it just works
[20:46:34] <hazzy-m> pushing
[20:46:41] <TurBoss> cool!
[20:48:10] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03HAL [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fjLcV
[20:48:12] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 0330d1fc8 - add __getitem__ for retrieving QPin items from component
[20:48:45] <Lcvette> You did it?
[20:48:53] <Lcvette> \o/
[20:49:01] <TurBoss> \o/
[20:49:19] <roguish[m]> you guys gott a see this https://futurism.com
[20:49:20] <Lcvette> \o/|o|\o/
[20:49:57] <hazzy-m> I just read the title and I agree lol
[20:50:49] <TurBoss> Linus has OO
[20:51:20] <roguish[m]> hazzy: hey you're there. so i'm working on my DRO gui. still get an error, though I click on 'ignore' and it runs anyway. I think i fixed all the errors from yesterday.
[20:51:21] <hazzy-m> "it’s all geared to the reverse of quality control, with lowest common denominator targets, and click-bait, and things designed to generate an emotional response, often one of moral outrage.”
[20:51:25] <hazzy-m> truth
[20:51:47] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: LOL he does!
[20:51:57] <Lcvette> Facebook is the worst
[20:52:03] <TurBoss> I dont have any
[20:52:07] <hazzy-m> roguish: what is the error?
[20:52:35] <roguish[m]> i'll post in a while. dinner now....
[20:52:54] <hazzy-m> enjoy
[20:53:07] <Lcvette> But I like my Instagram but now that's getting pretty spammed up
[20:53:18] <TurBoss> ohohohohoo
[20:53:26] <TurBoss> i'm scared
[20:53:39] <Lcvette> We need to make Linux Graham
[20:53:43] <TurBoss> merge HAL to ATC
[20:53:49] <Lcvette> Do it
[20:54:10] <Lcvette> O it's not master is it?
[20:54:18] <TurBoss> not yet
[20:54:23] <Lcvette> That's gonna require some finesse
[20:54:32] <Lcvette> I have allot of changes in both
[20:54:37] <TurBoss> i saw
[20:54:45] <TurBoss> 😋
[20:56:13] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (7KB) < https://matrix.org >
[20:58:10] <TurBoss> hazzy: I should merge hall in master?
[20:58:23] <TurBoss> harl
[20:58:30] <hazzy-m> sek, I'm adding a few more things
[20:58:36] <TurBoss> cool
[20:58:39] <hazzy-m> no way to set pin values yet
[20:58:52] <TurBoss> i only need to read for now
[20:59:11] <TurBoss> but I can wait
[21:00:00] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03HAL [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fjLcy
[21:00:01] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 03b84013a - add support for setting pin values
[21:00:19] <TurBoss> that was fast lol
[21:00:31] <hazzy-m> easy too haha
[21:01:55] <Lcvette> I can't remember what what from what anymore but I know the ATC branch ATC page has the proper formatting for the ATC stuff and I had to change things on several other pages to change the size of the screen
[21:02:08] <Lcvette> So everything would fit
[21:02:33] <Lcvette> Will take some go for fine tuning
[21:03:23] <Lcvette> Hurray!! U did it?
[21:05:10] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03HAL [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fjLcN
[21:05:12] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 034b72f8f - fix HalLedButton imports
[21:05:47] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: image.png (29KB) < https://matrix.org >
[21:05:52] <hazzy-m> oops LOL
[21:08:12] <TurBoss> then is ok?
[21:08:19] <TurBoss> the code is 0000
[21:08:21] <hazzy-m> I merged ..
[21:08:26] <TurBoss> oh
[21:08:29] <TurBoss> I'm late
[21:08:44] <TurBoss> went fine=
[21:08:47] <hazzy-m> oh, is somethign wrong?
[21:08:54] <TurBoss> no
[21:09:10] <TurBoss> did nothing
[21:09:26] <hazzy-m> no, I think I'll undo and rebase HAL on ATC_Remap and then merge, some conflicts
[21:13:28] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: which one is right?
[21:13:30] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: image.png (84KB) < https://matrix.org >
[21:13:48] <Lcvette> Right
[21:13:51] <hazzy-m> correct I should say lol
[21:13:57] <hazzy-m> thanks
[21:14:05] <Lcvette> Right is the correct
[21:15:25] <hazzy-m> WTH, kraken is using 108% if CPU time
[21:15:25] <Lcvette> Hazzy, the resizing from the ATC remap is the correct to keep
[21:16:05] <Lcvette> Is trying to keep up with lcvettes massive Fu endeavors
[21:16:16] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 0358 commits to 03ATC_Remap [+78/-40/±134] 13https://git.io/fjLCY
[21:16:18] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 0357e95a0 - Merge branch 'HAL' into ATC_Remap
[21:16:29] <hazzy-m> Hope that did not brake too much
[21:17:00] <TurBoss> cool!
[21:17:09] <TurBoss> testing inmediatly
[21:17:12] <hazzy-m> broken
[21:17:19] <TurBoss> oops
[21:17:22] <TurBoss> is it
[21:17:24] <TurBoss> ?
[21:17:43] <TurBoss> hazzy: you are a brake braker
[21:18:48] <hazzy-m> yes :(
[21:18:59] <TurBoss> lol
[21:19:00] <Lcvette> what broke?
[21:19:03] <TurBoss> works fine here
[21:19:09] <hazzy-m> this PC is too slow
[21:19:13] <hazzy-m> yeah?
[21:19:27] <TurBoss> it ok
[21:20:18] <TurBoss> ```
[21:20:19] <TurBoss> c.newPin('input', hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_IN)
[21:20:24] <TurBoss> do I need to import hal?
[21:20:32] <TurBoss> could be done in the hal_qlib?
[21:20:52] <TurBoss> hal.HAL_BIT -> "bit"?
[21:21:02] <hazzy-m> hmm, yeah, I like that
[21:21:05] <hazzy-m> all strings
[21:21:06] <TurBoss> cool
[21:21:09] <hazzy-m> and a dict to look up
[21:21:38] <TurBoss> do you have something in mind?
[21:21:54] <TurBoss> or I can do some of my magic
[21:22:08] <hazzy-m> feel free to do it
[21:22:11] <TurBoss> cool
[21:22:16] * hazzy-m is trying to fix PB
[21:22:29] <TurBoss> I should wait?
[21:22:39] <hazzy-m> go ahead
[21:23:08] <TurBoss> ```
[21:23:09] <TurBoss> c.newPin('input', "HAL_BIT", "HAL_IN")
[21:23:10] <TurBoss> c.newPin('input', hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_IN)
[21:23:15] <TurBoss> approve?
[21:23:33] <TurBoss> same name
[21:24:03] <hazzy-m> that is fine, you it could just be "bit" and "in", either way
[21:24:08] <TurBoss> ye
[21:24:19] <TurBoss> "bit" "in"
[21:24:20] <TurBoss> ok
[21:24:22] <hazzy-m> probably less confusing like you have it
[21:24:59] <hazzy-m> could also map python types to hal types ...
[21:25:09] <hazzy-m> float => HAL_FLOAT
[21:25:23] <hazzy-m> no
[21:25:24] <hazzy-m> bad
[21:25:41] <hazzy-m> because of HAL_U32 and HAL_S32
[21:25:56] <TurBoss> c_uint
[21:26:04] <TurBoss> :P
[21:28:32] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[21:30:02] <hazzy-m> nice!
[21:31:18] <Lcvette> nice!
[21:31:22] <Lcvette> it works?
[21:31:22] <Lcvette> :D
[21:31:27] <TurBoss> not yet
[21:31:47] <Lcvette> lcvette is at pc
[21:31:57] <Lcvette> i checked out the new merge
[21:31:59] <Lcvette> is busted
[21:32:10] <Lcvette> won't open
[21:34:33] <hazzy-m> yea, the probe_basic.ui file is missing a lot at the beginning
[21:34:41] <hazzy-m> working on it
[21:35:41] <Lcvette> i wish i knew how to help with the merge
[21:36:09] <Lcvette> im standing by
[21:36:50] <Lcvette> probably should have just done all the work in the atc branch
[21:42:07] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03ATC_Remap [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fjLC2
[21:42:09] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 03867550d - try to fix Probe Basic
[21:42:45] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: should be working again, let me know if any changes got lost and I will try a diffrent aproach
[21:43:43] <Lcvette> ok
[21:43:45] <Lcvette> checking
[21:44:13] <Lcvette> how to i start?
[21:44:26] <Lcvette> atc ini launch?
[21:45:56] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[21:45:59] <Lcvette> errors
[21:46:58] <Lcvette> hazzy: ?
[21:47:05] <Lcvette> am i doing it wrong?
[21:48:16] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[21:48:23] <Lcvette> this is trying to launch from launcher
[21:48:36] <hazzy-m> yeah I get hat too now
[21:48:51] <Lcvette> k
[21:49:21] <Lcvette> lcvette goes away from keyboard for 10 minutes
[21:49:31] <Lcvette> will be mbile on his thinking chair
[21:49:36] <Lcvette> lol
[21:51:51] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03ATC_Remap [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fjLCr
[21:51:53] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 039890e2a - last try
[21:55:02] <Lcvette> Hazzy, what makes are you discarding?
[21:55:27] <Lcvette> Commits are you prioritizing?
[21:57:51] <Lcvette> Have a feeling I understand the issues
[21:58:05] <hazzy-m> master
[21:58:19] <hazzy-m> i.e. HAL
[21:58:31] <Lcvette> That's the problem
[21:58:37] <hazzy-m> HAL was based on master, but ATC was way behind
[21:59:06] <Lcvette> But ATC has formatting that is required to bring the qml in
[21:59:12] <hazzy-m> I think I will just start over and cherry pick the commits from HAL onto VCP
[21:59:26] <hazzy-m> right, that is what makes it so dificult. there are changes in both
[21:59:41] <Lcvette> Probably where all those pyqt5 errors are from
[21:59:43] <hazzy-m> proably should go ahead and merge ATC to master
[22:00:05] <Lcvette> Will have the same problem
[22:00:25] <hazzy-m> yeah, no mater when we do it we will have problems :(
[22:00:34] <hazzy-m> is the ATC stuff pretty localized?
[22:00:41] <Lcvette> No
[22:01:02] <hazzy-m> we could just add the ATC widget to master when it is done and then add it to the UI
[22:01:03] <Lcvette> To fit it changes were made to allot of sizing
[22:01:09] <hazzy-m> :(
[22:01:17] <hazzy-m> it is going to be a mess then
[22:02:11] <Lcvette> It looks like mostly ATC stuff was done first
[22:02:15] <TurBoss> is much work what has been done in the at branch on pb?
[22:02:23] <Lcvette> Can you merge in order?
[22:02:32] <Lcvette> Yes
[22:02:35] <TurBoss> opps
[22:02:40] <Lcvette> Turboss allot
[22:02:47] <TurBoss> :|
[22:03:02] <Lcvette> Days worth
[22:07:24] <TurBoss> hurray!
[22:07:27] <TurBoss> hal works!
[22:07:55] <TurBoss> /o\
[22:07:56] -!- JT-Shop2 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[22:08:25] -!- JT-Shop has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[22:08:25] -!- jthornton has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[22:08:25] -!- JT-Shop2 has joined #hazzy
[22:08:47] <Lcvette> Hurray!!
[22:08:48] -!- jthornton has joined #hazzy
[22:08:50] -!- JT-Shop has joined #hazzy
[22:09:19] <Lcvette> lcvette is back at pc
[22:11:17] * TurBoss uploaded a video: Peek 05-04-2019 04-10.mp4 (715KB) < https://matrix.org >
[22:11:49] <TurBoss> ops
[22:13:36] <TurBoss> fixed
[22:14:46] <Lcvette> it moves again
[22:14:49] <Lcvette> :D
[22:14:53] <Lcvette> with halpins!
[22:14:57] <Lcvette> \o/
[22:15:10] <TurBoss> yeah!
[22:15:18] <Lcvette> hurray!
[22:15:20] <TurBoss> direction is fixed here
[22:15:31] <Lcvette> video!
[22:15:33] <Lcvette> :D
[22:15:39] <Lcvette> lcvette cant see it
[22:15:41] <Lcvette> :(
[22:17:49] <TurBoss> it works
[22:18:27] <Lcvette> hurray!
[22:23:53] <Lcvette> hazzy, the last one launches
[22:27:41] <hazzy-m> does everything look ok?
[22:28:05] <Lcvette> few minor dodads but that is from the two qrc files
[22:31:34] <Lcvette> i think its all good
[22:32:13] <Lcvette> is it safe for me to do a reset hard?
[22:32:56] <Lcvette> if so i can fix up those files real quick and push before you merge master
[22:35:17] <Lcvette> hazzy: ?
[22:36:16] <TurBoss> I did some work on ATC_Remap
[22:36:20] <TurBoss> is ok to push?
[22:36:36] <Lcvette> which one turboss?
[22:36:54] <Lcvette> only the very latest is good
[22:37:13] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (54KB) < https://matrix.org >
[22:37:21] <Lcvette> ok
[22:37:59] <TurBoss> now the problem is on the QML team
[22:38:49] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (48KB) < https://matrix.org >
[22:38:52] <TurBoss> in there
[22:39:34] <TurBoss> afk 10 min
[22:40:26] <Lcvette> just checked out
[22:46:33] <roguish[m]> Lcvette, check this: https://youtu.be
[22:46:45] <roguish[m]> what i've been working on.
[22:47:06] <roguish[m]> same, differnt speed. https://youtu.be
[22:48:28] <Lcvette> sweet!
[22:48:47] <Lcvette> what is it?
[22:49:36] <roguish[m]> what's not there are the blades. a straight edge blade attached to each cylinder and as the cylinder come around, the blades cut a web of insulation material passing thru.
[22:50:07] <roguish[m]> the blades are 24" long, hardened and sharp as razors.....
[22:50:17] <roguish[m]> not there for testing.
[22:50:18] <roguish[m]> yst
[22:50:21] <roguish[m]> yet
[22:50:41] <Lcvette> cool
[22:51:20] <Lcvette> awesome job man!
[22:51:29] <Lcvette> looks fancy
[22:51:30] <TurBoss> hey nice
[22:51:43] <TurBoss> thats cool
[22:52:03] <Lcvette> TurBoss: it moves again turboss!
[22:52:06] <Lcvette> :D
[22:52:20] <TurBoss> some break age but the ball is now in our side
[22:52:25] <Lcvette> it looks like it moves more then supposed to
[22:52:31] <Lcvette> yes indeed!
[22:52:33] <Lcvette> :D
[22:52:54] <TurBoss> the breakage os in the lines i pasted
[22:53:06] <TurBoss> news to be twraked
[22:53:19] <TurBoss> *tweaked
[22:54:16] <Lcvette> so help me to understand your code
[22:54:22] <TurBoss> ok
[22:54:45] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[22:54:51] <TurBoss> this
[22:55:36] <Lcvette> are you still using the formula above it?
[22:56:02] <TurBoss> it needs to be fixed
[22:56:02] <Lcvette> seems redundant?
[22:56:46] <TurBoss> where
[22:57:04] <Lcvette> or maybe i don't understand what you were doing with the hal
[22:57:18] <Lcvette> are you getting the number of steps and direction from the hal?
[22:57:23] <TurBoss> yes
[22:57:23] <Lcvette> or just the direction?
[22:57:27] <TurBoss> both
[22:57:33] <TurBoss> #### FORWARD 5.0 steps
[22:57:36] <Lcvette> ok so then we no longer need the formula
[22:57:42] <TurBoss> #### FORWARD 1.0 steps
[22:57:52] <TurBoss> #### REVERSE 5.0 steps
[22:57:54] <TurBoss> :OOO
[22:58:02] <TurBoss> cool big letters
[22:58:04] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[22:58:19] <TurBoss> this is not used
[22:58:21] <TurBoss> any more
[22:58:29] <TurBoss> is unused
[22:58:50] <Lcvette> its still there
[22:58:57] <TurBoss> doesn't matter
[22:59:02] <TurBoss> isn't begin called
[22:59:34] <TurBoss> look at line... 253 65
[22:59:40] <TurBoss> 253 265
[23:00:10] <TurBoss> onRotateFwdSig is where the party starts
[23:00:18] <TurBoss> onRotateRevSig
[23:00:23] <TurBoss> same for this
[23:00:30] <Lcvette> ok, so we can remove the other?
[23:00:35] <TurBoss> the are fired by the hal signals
[23:00:42] <Lcvette> cauise mine is flying around like ahelicopter
[23:00:45] <TurBoss> yes
[23:01:03] <TurBoss> I'll remove the legacy
[23:01:37] <Lcvette> yeah get rid of the legacy
[23:01:47] <Lcvette> or lcvette gets confused
[23:02:09] <TurBoss> :D
[23:03:37] <TurBoss> is up
[23:12:52] <Lcvette> much better
[23:15:10] <Lcvette> pushed a graphics fix
[23:15:25] <Lcvette> run qcompile . after checkout
[23:15:44] <Lcvette> run it in the qtpyvcp terminal
[23:16:16] <TurBoss> ok
[23:17:23] <TurBoss> done
[23:20:25] <roguish[m]> good night gentlemen.
[23:20:31] <TurBoss> nite
[23:20:35] <Lcvette> night
[23:22:16] <TurBoss> Lcvette: saw somenthing?
[23:22:42] <Lcvette> yeah i just cleared the var table
[23:22:54] <Lcvette> wanted to start with a fresh install to see what was happening
[23:23:09] <Lcvette> first 2 tools loaded fine, 3rd tool i got no movement
[23:23:13] <TurBoss> I think that something is mirrorer
[23:23:18] <TurBoss> ah
[23:23:21] <TurBoss> true
[23:23:49] <TurBoss> after some steps it doesn't call M111 /112
[23:23:53] <Lcvette> maybe something in the timer?
[23:24:51] <TurBoss> wich timmer
[23:25:09] <Lcvette> dunno
[23:25:10] <Lcvette> lol
[23:25:24] <Lcvette> just imagined maybe that 100ms timer thing maybe
[23:25:51] <TurBoss> ah
[23:25:53] <TurBoss> hmmm
[23:26:08] <Lcvette> but i dunno how it works
[23:26:12] <Lcvette> lol
[23:26:13] <TurBoss> search for CW 5.000000
[23:26:21] <TurBoss> in the terminal logs
[23:26:35] <TurBoss> should be next to M11
[23:27:10] <TurBoss> I think that we need to add M111 / 112 on more places
[23:27:27] <TurBoss> hmmm
[23:28:27] <TurBoss> Lcvette: can you check your machine macros?
[23:28:28] <Lcvette> from the remap
[23:28:31] <TurBoss> there is a typo
[23:28:35] <Lcvette> ah
[23:28:41] <TurBoss> on m12.ngc
[23:29:11] <TurBoss> is fixed on git
[23:29:30] <TurBoss> on m12.ngc is a 11 there
[23:29:39] <TurBoss> should be 12
[23:30:09] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[23:30:13] <Lcvette> ?
[23:30:20] <TurBoss> there is fixed
[23:30:40] <Lcvette> i didn't pull from git
[23:30:49] <TurBoss> can you compare pls?
[23:30:59] <TurBoss> don't pull
[23:31:02] <TurBoss> just compare
[23:31:33] <Lcvette> dunno how
[23:31:42] <TurBoss> sudo apt install meld
[23:33:34] <Lcvette> done
[23:33:39] <Lcvette> and restarted kraken
[23:33:41] <Lcvette> now what?
[23:33:47] <TurBoss> open meld
[23:34:02] <Lcvette> k
[23:34:43] <TurBoss> directory comparation
[23:35:02] <TurBoss> choose macros and macros from qtpyvcp
[23:37:35] <Lcvette> i don't know what your talking about
[23:37:49] <TurBoss> sek
[23:37:49] <Lcvette> i knoly know the macros in the atc_test config folder
[23:38:22] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (243KB) < https://matrix.org >
[23:39:55] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (151KB) < https://matrix.org >
[23:40:01] <Lcvette> where is the other folder?
[23:40:10] <TurBoss> one is in
[23:40:22] <TurBoss> atc_test/configs/
[23:40:30] <Lcvette> i know that one
[23:40:35] <Lcvette> ]the other one
[23:40:38] <TurBoss> and the other in your original macros
[23:40:46] <Lcvette> yes that one is wrong
[23:40:56] <Lcvette> atc_test is correct
[23:41:14] <TurBoss> I'm comparing
[23:42:40] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (203KB) < https://matrix.org >
[23:42:42] <TurBoss> this one
[23:42:51] <TurBoss> check the 11 in the left
[23:42:54] <TurBoss> is wrong
[23:43:01] <TurBoss> should be a 12
[23:45:13] <Lcvette> its correct in atc
[23:45:32] <Lcvette> i caught it while i was combing through them looking for errors
[23:45:38] <Lcvette> thats why there are differences
[23:46:01] <Lcvette> its wrong because it used to be the M11 sub and was changed
[23:46:10] <Lcvette> not by me by my buddy
[23:47:35] <TurBoss> so is fixed in your machine?
[23:48:04] <Lcvette> i have not looked
[23:48:05] <TurBoss> you only may need to add M111 / 112 is some places
[23:48:05] <Lcvette> lol
[23:48:20] <TurBoss> so will keep your configs
[23:48:41] <Lcvette> but to end the m12 sub you need the m12 m2
[23:48:52] <Lcvette> there were a few over sights
[23:49:03] <Lcvette> there was a print m11 when it was supposed to be print m12 too
[23:49:14] <TurBoss> yes
[23:49:37] <TurBoss> cool
[23:49:47] <Lcvette> i think it was an oversight when he edited the remap files
[23:50:12] <Lcvette> print wouldn't effect anything except the readout
[23:50:26] <TurBoss> endsub :)
[23:50:31] <Lcvette> but maybe for our situation it does so i fixed it
[23:52:58] <TurBoss> ok
[23:53:34] <TurBoss> so we have some atc motion without M111 / 112 not begin called
[23:53:39] <Lcvette> oh
[23:53:42] <Lcvette> some other things too
[23:53:52] <Lcvette> i changed but the changes are not there any more
[23:54:00] <TurBoss> where
[23:54:45] <Lcvette> missing parameters in var file
[23:55:24] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[23:55:29] <TurBoss> thoose?
[23:55:42] <Lcvette> 5399
[23:55:46] <TurBoss> oh
[23:55:53] <TurBoss> i should read that=
[23:55:54] <TurBoss> ?
[23:56:10] <Lcvette> dunno, but its in the macros and not in the var file
[23:56:21] <TurBoss> sec
[23:56:28] <TurBoss> could be volatile memory
[23:56:59] <TurBoss> 5399 - Result of M66 - Check or wait for input. Volatile.
[23:57:07] <TurBoss> not needed on var file
[23:57:14] <Lcvette> k
[23:57:58] <Lcvette> how about 5170 and 5171?
[23:58:01] <Lcvette> i think i added
[23:58:09] <Lcvette> maybe thats messing things up?
[23:58:13] <TurBoss> unused persistent
[23:58:17] <TurBoss> could be
[23:58:22] <TurBoss> lets add them
[23:58:57] <Lcvette> they are added already
[23:59:12] <Lcvette> wondering if maybe they shouldn't be?
[23:59:22] <TurBoss> it must
[23:59:26] <Lcvette> ok
[23:59:32] <TurBoss> they are not used on linuxcnc
[23:59:39] <TurBoss> and they are persistent
[23:59:46] <TurBoss> should be somthing from the remap
[23:59:51] <TurBoss> where is used?