#hazzy | Logs for 2019-04-22
[05:52:38] <hazzy-m> Morning
[06:04:19] <JT[m]1> morning
[06:23:50] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: changing the name should not be a problem
[06:24:16] <hazzy-m> as long as it it the same as the name of the parameter in the sub
[09:50:36] <Lcvette> Morning
[10:21:15] -!- Roguish has joined #hazzy
[10:21:47] <roguish[m]> https://www.phoronix.com
[10:40:07] <Lcvette> roguish: interesting
[15:34:51] <Lcvette> JT you on?
[15:35:20] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[15:35:36] <Lcvette> im getting an error message when pushing the subcall button now and not sure why
[15:35:46] <Lcvette> been trying to track it down all day and its infuriating
[15:35:50] <JT-Shop> out in the shop pulling on my beard trying to remember how to share to the lan lol
[15:36:02] <Lcvette> hahahah
[15:36:16] <Lcvette> same issue turboss helped iwth the other day?
[15:36:31] <JT-Shop> no
[15:37:09] <Lcvette> what do you need to share?
[15:37:20] <Lcvette> internet
[15:37:23] <Lcvette> or ?
[15:37:40] <JT-Shop> I need to edit g code files from my desk
[15:38:03] <JT-Shop> got samba installed and configured I thinkn
[15:38:10] <Lcvette> so you are trying to establich a network conection
[15:38:23] <JT-Shop> lan connection
[15:38:36] <Lcvette> mine did it automatically
[15:38:51] <Lcvette> but it needed a cable with a twist
[15:39:18] <Lcvette> if you are conecting direct pc to pc
[15:39:45] <Lcvette> once i got that special cable it just worked
[15:40:55] <JT-Shop> that is a null modem cable and no I'm just connected to the LAN
[15:41:21] <Lcvette> ah
[15:41:22] <Lcvette> ok
[15:41:55] <JT-Shop> getting closer lol
[15:42:11] <Lcvette> \o/
[16:00:08] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[16:00:28] <Lcvette> this bad character 'w' is gonna put me in an early grave
[16:01:39] <JT-Shop> that's a g code error
[16:02:05] <Lcvette> yeah?
[16:03:57] <JT-Shop> sheezzzz I'm finally in
[16:04:06] <Lcvette> hurray!
[16:04:09] <Lcvette> \o/
[16:04:50] <JT-Shop> well almost it won't let me create a file
[16:07:01] <Lcvette> permissions?
[16:07:56] <JT-Shop> dunno working now
[16:12:17] <JT[m]1> what's in probe_front_left_top_corner
[16:13:53] <Lcvette> probe subroutine
[16:14:26] <JT[m]1> paste.ubuntu.com the contents
[16:16:46] <Lcvette> the sub works
[16:16:55] <Lcvette> im using it right now fine
[16:17:16] <TurBoss> o/
[16:17:38] <Lcvette> but in the next branch it doesn't work even if i bring the exact same sub and save it in the file to use as known working sub
[16:17:47] <Lcvette> o/
[16:18:07] <Lcvette> its something going on in the branch or designer or somewhere else besides the sub
[16:19:14] <Lcvette> https://paste.ubuntu.com
[16:21:04] <JT[m]1> run from a terminal so you get the file name and line number
[16:22:24] * JT[m]1 heads back to the shop
[16:24:52] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[16:34:34] <TurBoss> SUP Lcvette ?
[16:35:14] <Lcvette> lcvette just saved the file where it was everywhere and the probelm sprung up
[16:35:22] <Lcvette> so now at least i have some direction
[16:37:36] <JT[m]1> odd that it is not showing an error after the mdi now
[16:44:28] <roguish[m]> JT: hey, are you having troubles with SAMBA?
[16:44:42] <TurBoss> di janeiro?
[16:44:51] <TurBoss> pa pa papa papa pa papa
[16:44:53] <TurBoss> :D
[16:45:04] <roguish[m]> clever....
[16:45:07] <TurBoss> hello!
[16:45:19] <Lcvette> TurBoss: \o/
[16:48:27] <JT-Shop> no, I kicked it's ass!
[16:48:56] <roguish[m]> ok. been through that many times. sometimes it gets weird...
[16:49:40] <roguish[m]> are you staying within linux? or envolving a windows world too?
[16:50:38] <JT-Shop> I have a couple of windoze pc's on the lan but debian 9 is a pain in the ass about anything that shares lol
[16:51:23] <roguish[m]> the permissions in linux are the biggest problem.
[16:52:56] <roguish[m]> On the linux boxes, I usually have to pull files from windows, rather than push them to linux from windows. sort of a pita
[16:53:08] <JT-Shop> yea back in the ubuntu 10 days it was just easy to share
[16:53:43] <roguish[m]> check out the plugins for sharing via the file manager.
[16:53:52] <JT-Shop> I edit files for the mill and lathe on this linux pc which is on my desk
[16:54:17] <JT-Shop> that's what I did was add samba and caja-share
[16:54:37] <JT-Shop> then I had to add myself to sambashares group
[16:54:58] <roguish[m]> caja-share helps. there's one for nautilus also. not sure about thunar.
[16:58:42] <JT-Shop> I'm machining parts finally with v6
[16:58:50] <TurBoss> hurray!
[16:58:54] <roguish[m]> ah cool.
[16:59:07] <TurBoss> JT-Shop: did you figured the home issue?
[17:02:57] <JT-Shop> yes, no force homing was set on so it showed as homed all the time
[17:10:18] <Lcvette> JT-Shop: TurBoss
[17:10:23] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[17:10:26] <Lcvette> is this legal
[17:10:44] <Lcvette> to define those parameters
[17:11:06] <TurBoss> ```
[17:11:08] <TurBoss> #<probe_radius> = [#<probe_diameter> / 2]
[17:11:08] <TurBoss> #<probe_radius> = #15
[17:11:56] <TurBoss> you seems to be setting the half of the diameter in probe rarius
[17:12:17] <TurBoss> then setting #15?
[17:12:25] <TurBoss> you are overriding
[17:12:30] <Lcvette> ok
[17:12:46] <Lcvette> but if i don't it say probe radius is undefined
[17:13:20] <JT-Shop> is probe diameter before probe radius?
[17:13:22] <TurBoss> whats #15 and #16?
[17:14:01] <JT-Shop> http://linuxcnc.org
[17:14:15] <JT-Shop> Lcvette: read about expressions
[17:14:34] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[17:14:46] <Lcvette> this is what i had originally but it yelled at me
[17:15:04] <Lcvette> JT-Shop: jt, i did which is where i got this equation but it doesn't want to accept it
[17:15:19] <TurBoss> check with an if statement
[17:15:22] <Lcvette> says probe radius is undefined
[17:15:38] <TurBoss> hmm
[17:15:41] <TurBoss> duno
[17:17:26] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (43KB) < https://matrix.org >
[17:17:38] <Lcvette> pretty much took it from here
[17:17:44] <TurBoss> 2.0
[17:18:08] <Lcvette> ok will try
[17:18:17] <Lcvette> think i did already with no change though
[17:18:20] <Lcvette> but will again
[17:18:22] <TurBoss> ok
[17:19:08] <JT-Shop> where is [#<calibration_dia>]
[17:19:42] <Lcvette> defined in the gui
[17:19:53] <JT-Shop> it's not in the g code?
[17:19:54] <Lcvette> referenced and defined again at the top of the sub
[17:20:11] <Lcvette> https://paste.ubuntu.com
[17:20:17] <JT-Shop> the three lines of code you posted fails on the third line
[17:20:24] <Lcvette> uses argspec
[17:21:16] <Lcvette> because you need to define calibration_dia
[17:21:38] <Lcvette> which it is in the sub with a default as well as the gui via qlineedit entry
[17:21:40] <Lcvette> that works
[17:21:46] <JT-Shop> calibration dia is the issue not probe radius
[17:24:07] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[17:25:19] <TurBoss> Lcvette: you missing a ">" symbol
[17:25:43] <TurBoss> #<probe_radius>
[17:26:20] <TurBoss> 🔨
[17:26:24] <TurBoss> fixed?
[17:26:27] <JT-Shop> good catch
[17:26:32] <Lcvette> hahahahahaha
[17:26:36] <Lcvette> thank you
[17:26:41] <TurBoss> 😇
[17:26:43] <Lcvette> im crosseyed
[17:26:52] <Lcvette> been looking at this stuff allday
[17:26:59] <Lcvette> wish they had colors for those things
[17:27:12] <TurBoss> the rs274 interpreter helps debug
[17:37:19] <TurBoss> @TurBoss : https://srinikom.github.io
[17:37:27] <TurBoss> note for me in the future
[17:37:53] <Lcvette> whats that?
[17:51:50] <TurBoss> to filter the content of a list
[18:16:35] -!- JT-Shop2- has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[19:58:16] <Lcvette> TurBoss: o/
[20:10:32] -!- JT-Shop2- has joined #hazzy
[20:59:15] -!- JT-Shop has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[21:00:22] -!- JT-Shop has joined #hazzy
[21:02:57] <Lcvette> Holy smokes that too all day to get back where I needed to be
[21:58:16] <TurBoss> yo
[22:05:45] <TurBoss> there was a clock widget?
[22:17:36] <Lcvette> Yes
[22:18:16] <Lcvette> Counter
[22:18:21] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss pushed 032 commits to 03NotificationsWidget [+0/-0/±2] 13https://git.io/fj3Eg
[22:18:23] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss 034a6dec3 - Align label to center
[22:18:24] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss 0357e397d - filter the notifications list
[22:19:43] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: no, but there is a clock plugin with channels for data and time
[22:19:52] <TurBoss> cool
[22:19:55] <hazzy-m> that you can use to make a clock out of a status label
[22:20:09] <TurBoss> I'll add time marks to notifications
[22:20:21] <hazzy-m> sweet
[22:20:42] <TurBoss> could you give a shoot to teh notifidations?=
[22:20:48] <TurBoss> is very must done
[22:20:59] <hazzy-m> sure
[22:21:01] <hazzy-m> sek
[22:21:23] * hazzy-m is at a hotel, even worse internet than at home LOL
[22:21:36] <TurBoss> :O
[22:23:21] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: very nice!!!
[22:23:27] <hazzy-m> the filtering even works!
[22:23:53] <TurBoss> yup
[22:23:58] <TurBoss> uses reges
[22:24:04] <TurBoss> lo/
[22:24:07] <TurBoss> regex
[22:24:42] <TurBoss> ```
[22:24:42] <TurBoss> self.clock_channel = getPlugin("clock")
[22:24:45] <TurBoss> doesn't work
[22:25:37] <Lcvette> Busted?
[22:25:43] <Lcvette> :(
[22:25:50] <TurBoss> no
[22:25:51] <hazzy-m> you may need to add it
[22:25:52] <hazzy-m> sek
[22:26:14] <hazzy-m> https://github.com
[22:27:00] <TurBoss> is that rewquired?
[22:27:12] <TurBoss> why the notification one doesn't?¿
[22:28:01] <Lcvette> What the clock?
[22:28:13] <Lcvette> Is nice feature to have
[22:28:39] <TurBoss> I'm adding the timespam to the notifications
[22:28:51] <Lcvette> Have it active when code is running
[22:31:02] * TurBoss found that error that allways pops
[22:31:31] <Lcvette> :o
[22:31:38] <Lcvette> \o/
[22:31:41] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[22:31:43] <TurBoss> this one
[22:31:49] <TurBoss> does it show on yours?
[22:31:55] <Lcvette> Yes
[22:31:59] <TurBoss> ok
[22:32:00] <Lcvette> I hate that error
[22:32:04] <TurBoss> moment
[22:32:20] <Lcvette> Makes me feel like it's so broken
[22:34:24] <TurBoss> hmmm not sure
[22:34:27] <TurBoss> didn't fixed
[22:34:44] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[22:35:33] <Lcvette> no?
[22:35:34] <Lcvette> :(
[22:36:07] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss pushed 031 commit to 03NotificationsWidget [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fj3EM
[22:36:09] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss 0321a1d9c - add timestamp to notifications
[22:36:17] <TurBoss> I'll headhunt!
[22:38:44] <Lcvette> TurBoss: how do i compare two files in gitkraken?
[22:38:53] <Lcvette> from two different commits?
[22:39:01] <TurBoss> hmmmm
[22:39:09] <TurBoss> duno
[22:39:13] <TurBoss> but good question
[22:39:42] <TurBoss> vandy is making nice cloud!
[22:39:43] <TurBoss> :D
[22:40:09] <Lcvette> \o/
[22:40:12] <Lcvette> mine too
[22:40:15] <Lcvette> :D
[22:41:03] <TurBoss> whe need qml gauges
[22:41:10] <TurBoss> everywhere
[22:41:17] <TurBoss> with nitro
[22:41:22] <TurBoss> \o/
[22:42:27] <Lcvette> dunno what that is
[22:42:28] <TurBoss> we had the linear atc on the fly
[22:42:33] <Lcvette> lcvette is close to machine testing
[22:42:59] <Lcvette> just a little bit left i think
[22:43:05] <TurBoss> nice!
[22:43:10] <TurBoss> how is the subcall thing?
[22:43:17] <TurBoss> can I help
[22:43:23] <Lcvette> i fixed it
[22:43:27] <Lcvette> with your help
[22:43:31] <Lcvette> then i found the other issue
[22:43:34] <Lcvette> in my branch
[22:43:40] <Lcvette> was similar issue but bigger scale
[22:43:52] <Lcvette> https://paste.ubuntu.com
[22:44:03] <Lcvette> lines 31-33
[22:44:10] <Lcvette> all missing the #<>
[22:44:16] <Lcvette> not sure how that happened
[22:44:29] <Lcvette> i added them and it now works!
[22:44:31] <Lcvette> \o/
[22:44:48] <Lcvette> everything is now working really well
[22:44:56] <Lcvette> like its supposed too
[22:45:00] <TurBoss> nice
[22:45:02] <Lcvette> with all the input boxes
[22:45:23] <Lcvette> and the calibration offset
[22:46:05] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[22:46:05] <TurBoss> hazzy: you up?
[22:46:08] <Lcvette> thats the final
[22:46:38] <TurBoss> cool!
[22:47:25] <Lcvette> should put a refresh vtk at the end
[22:47:30] <Lcvette> :o
[22:47:40] <TurBoss> isn't¿
[22:48:58] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss pushed 0317 commits to 03master [+2/-0/±17] 13https://git.io/fj3ES
[22:49:00] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss 03cb16d2a - Merge branch 'NotificationsWidget'
[22:49:13] <TurBoss> notifications widget in master! hurray!
[22:49:57] <Lcvette> :O
[22:50:00] <Lcvette> \o/
[22:50:02] <Lcvette> hurray!
[22:51:01] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+457/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/fj3EQ
[22:51:03] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 03fa40552 - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
[22:52:17] <TurBoss> how do you guys make a button row and only enable one and disable oders?
[22:52:22] <TurBoss> others!
[22:52:24] <TurBoss> :)
[22:54:54] <Lcvette> you mean one on that turns others off?
[22:54:59] <TurBoss> yes
[22:55:03] <Lcvette> dunno
[22:55:11] <Lcvette> in rules i think
[22:55:53] <Lcvette> or maybe it works if you make a button group
[22:56:05] <Lcvette> i haven't had to do that yet
[22:56:21] <Lcvette> the one time i was truying to use signals and slots and failed that way
[22:56:43] <TurBoss> got it
[22:56:59] <Lcvette> i think maybe button group and autoexclusive
[22:57:00] <Lcvette> ?
[22:58:55] <TurBoss> i did on the widget
[23:06:29] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[23:06:35] <TurBoss> this does not apply
[23:06:55] <Lcvette> ?
[23:07:01] <TurBoss> is on the main qss file
[23:07:20] <Lcvette> to?
[23:07:23] <Lcvette> PB?
[23:07:27] <TurBoss> jcnc
[23:07:32] <Lcvette> oh
[23:07:40] <Lcvette> are the images compiled?
[23:07:50] <Lcvette> and in the wrc?
[23:07:53] <Lcvette> qrc
[23:09:13] <TurBoss> tehy are
[23:09:26] <TurBoss> some other buttons work
[23:09:39] <TurBoss> bu I have to apply qss by reference
[23:09:45] <TurBoss> using #somebutton
[23:10:00] <TurBoss> maybe is overrrided
[23:10:25] <Lcvette> yes
[23:10:30] <Lcvette> you need to specify
[23:10:52] <TurBoss> but that buttons come from widget
[23:11:02] <TurBoss> they don0t have an ID
[23:12:27] <Lcvette> i don't understand
[23:12:28] <Lcvette> what widget?
[23:12:35] <Lcvette> include more information
[23:12:49] <TurBoss> the notifications widget has some buttons
[23:13:01] <TurBoss> I can't manage to apply style onit
[23:13:08] <Lcvette> ok so you need to do it in the widget
[23:13:47] <Lcvette> has its own little vcp?
[23:13:53] <TurBoss> nu
[23:14:11] <Lcvette> or just a py file type widget?
[23:14:21] <TurBoss> that
[23:14:40] <Lcvette> hmmm
[23:14:49] <TurBoss> I can remove the buttons andd add on the designer
[23:15:09] <TurBoss> ðŸ˜
[23:15:10] <Lcvette> yeah
[23:15:17] <Lcvette> then do any connecting in py
[23:17:54] <Lcvette> \o/ lcvette connected the stacked widget buttons and got them working
[23:17:57] <Lcvette> hurray!
[23:18:33] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (311KB) < https://matrix.org >
[23:19:09] <Lcvette> hurray!!
[23:19:13] <Lcvette> you did it!
[23:19:45] <TurBoss> I wan't qss in the bottom buttons
[23:20:08] <Lcvette> in designer
[23:20:42] <Lcvette> ?
[23:23:16] <TurBoss> no
[23:23:21] <TurBoss> they come from the widget
[23:23:33] <Lcvette> where do buttons come from in widgets?
[23:23:40] <Lcvette> i need to change one too
[23:23:45] <Lcvette> the probe sim one
[23:24:03] <TurBoss> code
[23:24:12] <Lcvette> :O
[23:24:15] <TurBoss> no ui fil
[23:24:17] <TurBoss> file
[23:24:23] <Lcvette> :(
[23:24:27] <Lcvette> bastards
[23:24:46] <TurBoss> ✌
[23:24:58] <Lcvette> lol
[23:25:37] <Lcvette> where is the code?
[23:26:24] <TurBoss> \t
[23:26:27] <TurBoss> https://github.com
[23:27:28] <Lcvette> how did you create the widget?
[23:27:32] <Lcvette> with the buttons?
[23:27:41] <Lcvette> with a ui?
[23:28:02] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/fj3u8
[23:28:03] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss 03bdff096 - togglebutton + 3 line msg
[23:28:10] <TurBoss> in notepad
[23:28:14] <TurBoss> lol
[23:28:27] <TurBoss> with pycharm
[23:29:18] <Lcvette> i have the probesim.py file open
[23:29:27] <Lcvette> but i see nothing that lkooks like formatting
[23:29:45] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+457/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/fj3uR
[23:29:46] <Not-e6c6> [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 037eb0b6f - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
[23:39:12] <TurBoss> what do you mean with probesim.py?
[23:39:19] <TurBoss> where is tthat file
[23:39:28] <Lcvette> in widgets
[23:39:33] <Lcvette> probe basic
[23:39:41] <Lcvette> qtpyvcp
[23:40:31] <TurBoss> probesim_widget.py?
[23:40:41] <Lcvette> ```
[23:40:41] <Lcvette> /home/chris/dev/qtpyvcp/qtpyvcp/widgets/input_widgets/probesim.py
[23:40:50] <Lcvette> yes
[23:40:52] <Lcvette> sorry
[23:40:59] <Lcvette> probesim_widget.py
[23:41:16] <Lcvette> I wanted to make the checkbox side by side with the button
[23:41:22] <Lcvette> instead of stacked
[23:42:36] <Lcvette> and make it a checkable button instead of a check box
[23:42:41] <Lcvette> more touchscreen friendly
[23:47:28] <Lcvette> \o/
[23:47:34] <Lcvette> lcvette fu's it!
[23:47:36] <Lcvette> in code
[23:48:15] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-04-22_23-47-51.png (10KB) < https://matrix.org >
[23:49:20] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[23:49:24] <Lcvette> my changes!
[23:49:28] <Lcvette> whoop whoop!
[23:50:56] <TurBoss> what?
[23:51:50] <Lcvette> i changed the probesim_widget.py formatting
[23:51:52] <Lcvette> in code
[23:51:57] <Lcvette> with my panda fu training
[23:52:38] <TurBoss> I don't see any change lol
[23:53:05] <Lcvette> changed to QHBoxLayout
[23:53:15] <Lcvette> changed from checkbox to QPushButton
[23:54:06] <TurBoss> cool
[23:54:18] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[23:54:19] <TurBoss> but how do you apply style to thoose buttons?
[23:54:19] <TurBoss> :P
[23:54:21] <Lcvette> but now its broken
[23:54:33] <Lcvette> with python style fu
[23:54:55] <Lcvette> try qss?
[23:55:07] <Lcvette> but with self stuff
[23:55:17] <Lcvette> i saw some elsewhere
[23:55:20] <Lcvette> for colors
[23:55:29] <Lcvette> and sizes before
[23:55:34] <Lcvette> let me try and remember where
[23:58:11] <Lcvette> look in jog_increment.py
[23:58:16] <Lcvette> it has some style formatting in python