#hazzy | Logs for 2019-09-25
[00:00:04] <Tom_L> i realize that's impractical for this
[00:00:04] <TurBoss> Id love to have a linuxcnc-core version
[00:00:25] <TurBoss> i tried to sript the makefile
[00:00:29] <TurBoss> but is huge
[00:00:40] <Tom_L> yeah
[00:00:42] <TurBoss> compile without gtk2 etc
[00:01:25] <Tom_L> anyway, it's late and i've got an early day tomorrow
[00:01:26] <Tom_L> bye
[00:01:51] <TurBoss> bye
[00:03:10] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (17KB) < https://matrix.org >
[00:03:14] <Lcvette> like such
[00:03:25] <Lcvette> tom_l
[00:03:27] <TurBoss> \o/
[00:03:29] <Lcvette> ^^^
[00:03:33] <TurBoss> or...
[00:04:27] <TurBoss> is ok
[00:04:29] <TurBoss> no or
[00:04:33] <Lcvette> lol
[00:04:46] <Lcvette> guis for dummies this way
[00:04:51] <Lcvette> works easier
[00:04:53] <TurBoss> hurray!
[00:05:37] <Lcvette> that way if someone says wow i love that gui where can i get it you can send them straight to the gui's page and they can install 1,2,3 celebration time!
[00:05:48] <Lcvette> hurray!
[00:05:51] <Lcvette> party time
[00:05:56] <TurBoss> probe_basic.com
[00:06:00] <TurBoss> buy fast
[00:06:04] <Lcvette> lol
[00:06:07] <Lcvette> no way
[00:06:08] <TurBoss> ~o~
[00:06:11] <Lcvette> no profits
[00:06:16] <Lcvette> just expenses
[00:06:18] <Lcvette> lol
[00:06:20] <TurBoss> xD
[00:06:30] <TurBoss> profit comes from support
[00:06:42] <Lcvette> support?
[00:06:56] <Lcvette> hazzy don't want support
[00:06:57] <TurBoss> if someone wnats ob in their machine
[00:07:05] <TurBoss> * if someone wnats pb in their machine
[00:07:14] <Lcvette> i tried to setup a funding page for him
[00:07:26] <TurBoss> and maybe wants to pay for profesional support
[00:07:31] <Lcvette> ah yes
[00:07:43] <Lcvette> there are times when its frustrating enough to want to do that
[00:07:55] <TurBoss> then can call you
[00:08:04] <Lcvette> i feel sometimes open source is not ideal for the end user
[00:08:06] <Tom_L> 404
[00:08:26] <TurBoss> why?
[00:08:31] <Tom_L> only brave souls use open source
[00:08:38] <TurBoss> you can contact the dev thru irc
[00:08:40] <Tom_L> 404 on probe_basic.com
[00:08:48] <Tom_L> :D
[00:08:57] <Lcvette> because there support would end up costing more then the non open source software that didn't need support
[00:09:05] <Lcvette> 404?
[00:09:13] <Lcvette> availability is good then
[00:09:16] <Lcvette> lol
[00:09:19] <TurBoss> he tried to join porbe_basic.com
[00:09:27] <TurBoss> is not owned by us
[00:09:30] <Tom_L> i knew it wasn't there
[00:09:42] <Lcvette> he was testing availability
[00:09:50] <TurBoss> ah
[00:09:51] <TurBoss> xD
[00:10:01] <TurBoss> TurBoSerVices.com
[00:10:11] <TurBoss> oh it exist
[00:10:14] <TurBoss> :|
[00:10:24] <TurBoss> turbotrollservices.com
[00:10:30] <TurBoss> that one
[00:10:44] <Lcvette> lol
[00:10:56] <Lcvette> turbocoder.com
[00:11:23] <Lcvette> only $3995
[00:11:42] <TurBoss> oh...
[00:11:49] <TurBoss> not for me
[00:11:53] <Lcvette> lol
[00:12:05] <TurBoss> I spent al the moneys on the house ☹️
[00:12:14] <TurBoss> now I'm as poor as a rat
[00:12:16] <Lcvette> you bought a house?
[00:12:24] <Lcvette> \o/
[00:12:24] <TurBoss> reformed old one
[00:12:29] <Lcvette> thats great
[00:12:35] <Lcvette> now the value is incresased
[00:12:36] <TurBoss> yea is cool looks new
[00:12:46] <Lcvette> thats great
[00:12:57] <TurBoss> new floor walls doors windows kitchen
[00:13:01] <TurBoss> and wc
[00:13:02] <TurBoss> all
[00:13:07] <TurBoss> gone crazy
[00:13:15] <Tom_L> i dug a basement under mine
[00:13:22] <TurBoss> nice
[00:13:26] <Tom_L> not recently
[00:13:40] <TurBoss> I need a place the server its really noisy
[00:13:44] <TurBoss> I'll dig
[00:13:52] <Tom_L> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81
[00:14:27] <Lcvette> lcvette needs to do some more organizational projects inthe shop its getting crowded
[00:15:03] <Lcvette> 4 cars and 3 bikes and all the tools benches projects
[00:15:14] <Lcvette> need to build a steel rack for under the bench that rolls out for easy access
[00:15:27] <Tom_L> you can only drive one car at a time
[00:15:40] <Lcvette> they are development cars
[00:15:44] <Lcvette> for my company
[00:15:44] <TurBoss> lol
[00:15:48] <Lcvette> for parts design
[00:15:51] <Tom_L> ahh
[00:15:54] <TurBoss> they need more steps
[00:16:08] <Tom_L> oh that's right.. you do beemer stuff right?
[00:17:04] <Lcvette> bmw 135i n55, bmw 335i n54, bmw 335i fseries
[00:17:11] <Lcvette> yup
[00:17:27] <TurBoss> nice!
[00:17:45] <Tom_L> they need all the help they can get...
[00:17:46] <Tom_L> :)
[00:17:49] <Lcvette> time to start moving one of them for a newer model for product development
[00:17:51] <TurBoss> :)
[00:18:15] <Lcvette> im not gonna complain about bmw, they put a roof over my head
[00:18:16] <Lcvette> lol
[00:18:38] <Tom_L> i rebuilt a 2002 once
[00:18:38] <TurBoss> :)
[00:18:48] <Lcvette> nice
[00:18:59] <Tom_L> engine that is
[00:19:11] <Lcvette> those cars were nice
[00:19:23] <Tom_L> tight valve clearance
[00:19:35] <Lcvette> highly sought after today
[00:19:40] <TurBoss> I used to have a 325i without any tech
[00:19:44] <TurBoss> just gas
[00:19:57] <TurBoss> difting was fun
[00:20:11] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (357KB) < https://matrix.org >
[00:20:29] <TurBoss> is that a m1?
[00:20:30] <Lcvette> nice lines
[00:20:32] <Lcvette> light weight
[00:20:38] <Lcvette> 2002
[00:20:43] <Lcvette> tii
[00:21:06] <Tom_L> ok this time i am goin to bed... really..
[00:21:28] <Lcvette> night tom
[00:21:59] <Lcvette> turboss, in kraken if i make changes do i need to branch?
[00:22:08] <TurBoss> if you want
[00:22:12] <Lcvette> ok
[00:22:15] <TurBoss> i like to branch for feature
[00:22:27] <TurBoss> so things don't get mixed
[00:22:30] <Lcvette> but for small fixes just stay in master
[00:22:34] <TurBoss> i can dev 2 separated things
[00:22:36] <TurBoss> yes
[00:22:41] <Lcvette> you are masterdev
[00:22:42] <TurBoss> just commit to master
[00:22:45] <Lcvette> k
[00:34:23] <TurBoss> https://pypi.org
[00:35:18] <Lcvette> that your juariacnc website?
[00:38:21] <TurBoss> i just made a pip package
[00:38:44] <TurBoss> to see how to do with pb
[00:45:41] <Lcvette> yeah?
[00:45:50] <Lcvette> nice!!
[00:54:49] <TurBoss> https://pypi.org just updated the readme
[00:54:51] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-09-25_00-54-31.png (207KB) < https://matrix.org >
[00:55:00] <TurBoss> whoa
[00:55:04] <Lcvette> machine console
[00:55:10] <TurBoss> nice!
[00:55:19] <Lcvette> clean and simple
[00:55:37] <TurBoss> fu strong in you
[00:55:55] <Lcvette> easy similar to windows
[00:55:56] <Lcvette> lol
[00:56:20] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (430KB) < https://matrix.org >
[00:56:24] <Lcvette> hey how do i move the probe basic icon image file to the usr/share/pixmaps folder?
[00:56:35] <Lcvette> lol
[00:56:35] <TurBoss> to?
[00:56:36] <TurBoss> why?
[00:56:37] <TurBoss> no need
[00:56:51] <Lcvette> so its with the rest of the icons
[00:57:09] <TurBoss> you can move it to /home/cris/.local/share/pixmaps
[00:57:09] <Lcvette> currently its in my pictures folder
[00:57:26] <TurBoss> if .local is not shown
[00:57:30] <TurBoss> press ctrl + h
[00:57:38] <TurBoss> to toggle hidden folders
[00:58:57] -!- c-log has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[00:59:12] <TurBoss> !logs
[00:59:14] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-09-25_00-59-06.png (65KB) < https://matrix.org >
[00:59:26] <TurBoss> create it
[00:59:28] <TurBoss> is fine
[00:59:32] <Lcvette> no pixmaps folder and ctrl + H doesnt show any other folders
[01:00:53] <Lcvette> ok done!
[01:00:55] <Lcvette> \o/
[01:01:04] <TurBoss> hurray!
[01:01:16] <Lcvette> hurray
[01:01:40] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[01:02:38] <TurBoss> * ## Quick installinstall linuxcnc using the stretch isohttp://www.linuxcnc.org once boot upgrade to linuxcnc version 2.8 or master* Dependencies```$ sudo apt install python-pyqt5 python-pyqt5.qtquick python-dbus.mainloop.pyqt5 python-pyqt5.qtopengl python-pyqt5.qsci python-pyqt5.qtmultimedia qml-module-qtquick-controls gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad libqt5multimedia5-plugins pyqt5-dev-tools python-dev
[01:02:38] <TurBoss> python-setuptools python-pip git```* jauriacnc pip package```$ pip install jcnc```## Customizeclone the jcnc repository```$ git clone https://github.com```install the dev version using pip```$ cd jauriacnc$ pip install -e .```now you can run editvcp to edit the interface```$ editvcp jcnc```
[01:10:47] -!- c-log has joined #hazzy
[02:28:26] <Lcvette> I you did it?
[02:33:45] <TurBoss> what did
[02:47:36] <Lcvette> What's all that?
[02:47:45] <TurBoss> not much
[02:47:53] <TurBoss> working on notification popup
[02:48:00] <Lcvette> Ah, nice!
[02:51:16] <Lcvette> You have your ceephax on? Coding Jamz
[02:51:26] <TurBoss> not
[02:51:28] <TurBoss> but can
[02:51:47] <TurBoss> https://www.lainon.life
[02:52:22] <Lcvette> Beep boop beep boop boop
[02:52:56] <TurBoss> xD
[04:01:42] -!- c-log has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[04:04:43] -!- KimK has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[04:14:45] -!- KimK has joined #hazzy
[06:08:36] <hazzy-m> morning
[06:16:48] <Tom_L> hey
[06:17:34] <jthornton> morning
[06:55:43] <TurBoss[m]> morning
[07:01:46] <TurBoss> hmmm I'm getting this error
[07:01:50] <TurBoss> ```
[07:01:50] <TurBoss> QWidget: Must construct a QApplication before a QWidget
[07:02:08] <TurBoss> I'm trying to enable the new native notification system
[07:02:32] <TurBoss> maybe plugins are loaded befor the UI?
[07:08:28] <TurBoss> hurray!
[07:08:29] <TurBoss> got it
[07:08:47] <TurBoss> Captura de pantalla de 2019-09-25 13-08-44
[07:08:57] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (64KB) < https://matrix.org >
[07:09:34] <TurBoss> but fullscreen hides them
[07:09:34] <TurBoss> :|
[07:10:02] <TurBoss> \o/
[07:12:49] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (13KB) < https://matrix.org >
[07:20:18] <Not-5e4d> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss pushed 031 commit to 03Notificationoverlay [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/JeGC2
[07:20:20] <Not-5e4d> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss 0396896e0 - enable native notification system
[08:56:02] -!- jthornton has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[09:43:28] -!- jthornton has quit [Quit: Leaving]
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[09:54:02] <roguish[m]> Lcvette: hey, good morning. is your benchtop mill a real Rong Fu, or a clone? what exactly? is it enhanced? cnc'ed?
[10:10:21] -!- jthornton has joined #hazzy
[12:37:55] <Lcvette> roguish: Grizzly G0704 en hanced and cnc'd with power drawbar and extended travels. but i wouldn't recommne it for high volume production as it requires constant tinkering in that environment to maintain tolerances. better served as a weekend warrior..lol
[12:43:18] <TurBoss> hello
[12:43:46] <Lcvette> yo
[12:43:57] <Lcvette> turboss \o/
[12:43:59] <Lcvette> how is your day
[12:44:06] <TurBoss> nice!
[12:44:19] <TurBoss> went to do some tasks
[12:56:11] <roguish[m]> Lcvette: thanks for the info. understand those machines are not 'production', but then neither and I. production. strickly prototyping and very small run parts
[12:56:48] <Lcvette> gotcha
[12:58:51] <Lcvette> precision matthews has a new machine offering that appears a little more robust with an enlarged column base and i have a few buddies with PM machines and they say the quality os pretty good on them, both of them have converted the machines, the spindle is also much better as its factory belt drive with a triple AC bearing setup.. it would be a great start for a conversion machine if that is ultimately the direction you
[12:58:52] <Lcvette> planned on going.
[12:59:51] <Lcvette> https://www.precisionmatthews.com
[13:01:39] <Lcvette> roguish: they are taiwan made and that is a big bump up in quality generally from china
[13:02:51] <Lcvette> plus they come with lubrication already installed which is a major headache usually for conversions, pretty much most of what you would need to upgrade has been done so all you would need to worry with is the axis conversions and home/limits
[13:04:51] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (501KB) < https://matrix.org >
[13:05:18] <Lcvette> the column upgrade along with the much higher quality castings from taiwan would make this twice the machine of a grizzly G0704
[13:07:39] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (345KB) < https://matrix.org >
[13:07:50] <Lcvette> and they give lots of clearance for conversion
[13:08:25] <roguish[m]> I really am at a point where i need my own machine. the BP series II that I have does not belong to me and it's really way to big. (for what it is.)
[13:08:53] <Lcvette> yeah
[13:08:54] <Lcvette> im with ya
[13:09:16] <Lcvette> what travels do you need again?
[13:09:18] <roguish[m]> so I'm back thinking what to do. If I do a 'conversion' I would definitely want to start with quality, new machine.
[13:09:43] <Lcvette> this would be the machine i started with if i were to do it again
[13:09:55] <Lcvette> but like i said i wouldn't do it again
[13:09:56] <Lcvette> lol
[13:10:06] <Lcvette> not after seeing the accuracy difference in a real machine
[13:10:23] <roguish[m]> just put in for a quick quote on the Syil . both a 5 and a 7. we'll see the $$$$
[13:11:48] <roguish[m]> that's a clean looking machine.
[13:12:22] <Lcvette> the syils are very nice
[13:12:25] <Lcvette> especially the 7
[13:14:01] <roguish[m]> is your Griz cnc Z axis the column or the quill ???
[13:14:34] <Lcvette> column
[13:14:42] <Lcvette> you never make it the quill
[13:14:46] <Lcvette> thats busch league
[13:15:06] <Lcvette> i would 100% go this route before a conversion everyday of the week..
[13:15:07] <Lcvette> https://www.ebay.com
[13:15:18] <roguish[m]> same on my BP. the knee is the Z. quill is still manual, locked in place.
[13:16:58] <Lcvette> that tc-229 is a running machine
[13:17:24] <Lcvette> can clean it up and make it look new do repairs and what not and be 1000 times farther ahead then a conversion for les money
[13:19:02] <Lcvette> has a small enough spindle motor power and axis power that you could run it on a small RPG no porblems. its only 4k lbs so a baby forklift to get it in your garage/shop is all that would be required
[13:19:39] <roguish[m]> check this one https://sfbay.craigslist.org
[13:19:56] <Lcvette> my buddy graham had his shipped from colorodo to florida and i wanna say it was just over a grand
[13:20:28] <Lcvette> mmm no enclosure
[13:20:33] <roguish[m]> my BP is 5500 lb
[13:21:13] <Lcvette> for that money i would be looking at a 3016 fadal
[13:21:19] <roguish[m]> yeah, no enclosure or ATC, but clean and big. close by. I know where the sell is.
[13:21:41] <Lcvette> not the best reason to jump on one
[13:22:00] <Lcvette> you will hate yourself for no enclosure
[13:22:13] <Lcvette> it will sling chips everywhere with the new adaptive paths
[13:22:22] <Lcvette> the grizzly needed one even
[13:22:26] <roguish[m]> got that going on now.
[13:22:32] <Lcvette> they spray chips while cutting
[13:22:55] <Lcvette> plus coolant is a must
[13:22:56] <Lcvette> and not fun without an enclosure
[13:23:06] <Lcvette> that machine would cost a fortune to enclose well
[13:23:53] <roguish[m]> look closely, there's a curtain rod thing all around mounted on the chip pan. clever.
[13:24:37] <Lcvette> https://www.ebay.com
[13:25:15] <roguish[m]> same price https://sfbay.craigslist.org
[13:25:17] <Lcvette> https://www.ebay.com
[13:25:23] <Lcvette> freemont cali
[13:25:33] <Lcvette> 22x16
[13:25:42] <Lcvette> 12k spindle
[13:27:12] <Lcvette> https://www.ebay.com
[13:27:24] <Lcvette> spend a little more get a sweeter machine
[13:27:33] <Lcvette> has a arm type atc
[13:27:34] <Lcvette> fast
[13:27:44] <Lcvette> santa paula cali
[13:27:57] <Lcvette> thats about what the syil range will be outfuitted
[13:28:10] <Lcvette> i would probably lean towards the fadal
[13:28:11] <Lcvette> more machine
[13:28:34] <Lcvette> lots of options but converting is more of a hobbyists thing
[13:28:42] <Lcvette> only so good you can make a tiny machine
[13:29:06] <roguish[m]> my biggest problem is managing my wants vs. needs, and expectations.
[13:29:15] <Lcvette> for the investment, i would go with a dedicated cnc machine first
[13:29:26] <Lcvette> conversion machine expectation should be low
[13:29:49] <Lcvette> brother tc machine expect 50 times the performance and capability
[13:30:09] <Lcvette> both will cost about the same amount once completed
[13:30:11] <Lcvette> to me thats a no brainer
[13:31:03] * roguish[m] uploaded an image: image.png (121KB) < https://matrix.org >
[13:31:26] * roguish[m] uploaded an image: image.png (106KB) < https://matrix.org >
[13:32:35] <Lcvette> Definitely the 7 over the 5
[13:32:51] <Lcvette> Not bad pricing
[13:33:01] <Lcvette> New machine, setup for linuxcnc
[13:33:06] <roguish[m]> a bit surprising the small cost difference there. still a lot of money.
[13:33:18] <Lcvette> Could run probe basic
[13:33:32] <Lcvette> Control the ATC e5c
[13:33:44] <Lcvette> Etc*
[13:34:02] <Lcvette> Be like a smaller version of my machine
[13:34:17] <Lcvette> Clean efficient and uogradable
[13:34:32] <Lcvette> Small footprint
[13:34:59] <Lcvette> I'd go that direction if you wanna be up and running with no headaches
[13:36:40] <roguish[m]> hey, thanks again for the opinions and info. enough chat for now. let's get back to $$$ making.........
[13:37:29] <Lcvette> lunch break here
[13:37:32] <Lcvette> lol
[13:37:46] <Lcvette> oh i would upgrade the spindle to the 10k bt30
[13:38:24] <Lcvette> if it doesn't auto upgrade with the atc addon
[13:38:47] <Lcvette> nm see its upgraded in the quote
[13:38:55] <Lcvette> yeah thats a stout machine!
[13:39:15] <Lcvette> tooling from the vendor i got from would be cheap too
[13:39:22] <Lcvette> ~$12 holder
[13:39:32] <Lcvette> very good quality
[13:39:46] <Lcvette> way better then tts type r8
[13:40:05] <Lcvette> any how good luck let me kno what you decide!
[15:36:00] <Tom_L> man what a day...
[16:00:50] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (294KB) < https://matrix.org >
[16:14:26] <Infnity553> uhh that looks nice !
[16:27:49] <TurBoss> video widget
[17:07:33] <Lcvette> Nice turboss
[17:07:39] <TurBoss> \o/
[17:07:46] <TurBoss> was done long ago
[17:07:47] <Lcvette> \o/
[17:07:49] <TurBoss> :P
[17:07:57] <Lcvette> Lol
[17:07:58] <TurBoss> just remembered
[17:08:13] <TurBoss> needs streaming xD
[17:09:05] <Lcvette> Lol
[17:09:12] <Lcvette> Stream ceephax
[17:27:08] <TurBoss> ok so we need to make a pip probebasic package
[17:27:09] <TurBoss> what i tried for now only works if i do by hand
[17:27:10] <TurBoss> qtpyvcp does this auto on every release, I should take a look there
[17:28:07] <Lcvette> ok
[17:28:09] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (939KB) < https://matrix.org >
[17:28:13] <Lcvette> sorry neighbor stopped by
[17:28:19] <Lcvette> they gone now
[17:28:20] <Lcvette> lol
[17:28:30] <Lcvette> pip install probe_basic
[17:28:40] <TurBoss> yes make that work
[17:28:42] <Lcvette> fu
[17:28:47] <Lcvette> ok
[17:28:51] <Lcvette> give me 2 miutes
[17:28:56] <TurBoss> no wonkies
[17:29:15] <Lcvette> lol
[17:29:21] <Lcvette> i dunno what a wonkie is
[17:29:26] <TurBoss> me either
[17:29:29] <Lcvette> or how to build pip
[17:29:39] <Lcvette> hazzy!!
[17:29:41] <Lcvette> lol
[17:29:47] <TurBoss> ahhh you did
[17:29:50] <TurBoss> you summoned
[17:30:05] <Lcvette> hazzy is the pip'er
[17:30:12] <Lcvette> he made the other pips?
[17:30:26] <TurBoss> 😁
[17:30:37] <TurBoss> yes the qtpyvcp one is done automatically one every release change
[17:30:50] <Lcvette> nice
[17:30:55] <Lcvette> so we will have releases?
[17:30:57] <Lcvette> :o
[17:31:02] <Lcvette> versions
[17:31:06] <Lcvette> so cool
[17:37:26] <TurBoss> we also need this
[17:37:27] <TurBoss> https://travis-ci.org
[17:39:24] <TurBoss> https://travis-ci.org
[17:39:31] <TurBoss> something exist
[17:50:10] <TurBoss> ok I did add all the needed travis stuff
[17:50:37] <TurBoss> need to disable docs generation and pypi upload
[18:19:09] <Tom_L> pip pip horray!
[18:19:21] <TurBoss> looool!
[18:20:26] <Lcvette> yeah?
[18:20:31] <Lcvette> you did it lready
[18:20:39] <TurBoss> not yet
[18:20:57] <TurBoss> I can do it but I would like to hazzy checks this
[18:21:11] <TurBoss> * I can do it but I would like that @kcjengr:matrix.org checks this
[18:21:20] <Lcvette> good idea
[18:21:25] <Lcvette> he is veteran pip
[18:21:26] <Tom_L> what's the pip need to do that it didn't do for me yesterday?
[18:21:31] <Lcvette> where is hazzy?
[18:21:57] * Tom_L lights up the lighthoue for hazzy-m
[18:22:18] <Lcvette> he is lost in a sea of bends
[18:22:38] <TurBoss> lol
[18:24:13] <TurBoss> Tom_L: do you have jauriacnc installed?
[18:24:14] <TurBoss> :P
[18:24:27] <TurBoss> it could be installed with pip install jcnc
[18:24:32] * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (521KB) < https://matrix.org >
[18:24:37] <Tom_L> i haven't a clue
[18:24:38] <Lcvette> hazzy is somewhere in there
[18:25:12] <Tom_L> where's waldo
[18:25:34] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (98KB) < https://matrix.org >
[18:26:04] <Lcvette> hazzy is in a sea of bends for the ends
[18:27:11] <TurBoss> Lcvette: did you saw my commit to pb¿
[18:27:24] <TurBoss> it adds the autorelease
[18:27:27] <Tom_L> TurBoss is it on the list?
[18:27:46] <TurBoss> wich list¿
[18:27:48] <Lcvette> travis is with us
[18:27:50] <Lcvette> \o/
[18:28:43] <TurBoss> i can go ahead but until i fix I'll be creating releases
[18:29:04] <TurBoss> so we can end with v1.3.3.7 just trying to get travis to work
[18:29:49] <Tom_L> TurBoss, i don't have that one installed
[18:30:06] <TurBoss> is on the github i added some install notes
[18:30:08] <TurBoss> https://github.com
[18:31:16] <Tom_L> what screen size is it for?
[18:31:42] <Tom_L> i've got an old dell 'square' monitor on the mill
[18:31:47] <TurBoss> 1024*768 and up
[18:31:56] <Lcvette> 1080P\
[18:32:01] <Lcvette> :o
[18:32:03] <Tom_L> fu
[18:32:13] <Lcvette> lol
[18:33:39] <Tom_L> 4k or bust
[18:34:53] <Lcvette> You guys with square monitors need to loosen the purse strings a bit..there is a while new 1080p world out there
[18:35:16] <Tom_L> i know i have 3 of em
[18:35:44] <Lcvette> 3 wide screens monitors?
[18:35:45] <Tom_L> but i'm not gonna toss a good monitor when i can use it in the shop
[18:35:48] <Tom_L> yes
[18:36:06] * TurBoss uploaded a video: video_2019-09-26_00-35-37.mp4 (1560KB) < https://matrix.org >
[18:36:54] <Lcvette> Whoa what's that?
[18:37:06] <Lcvette> Ceephax time machine
[18:37:11] <TurBoss> a comodore 64 running inside a teensy
[18:37:16] <TurBoss> running a demo
[18:37:41] <Lcvette> Pooh get spy vs spy for the commodore 64
[18:37:51] <TurBoss> cool
[18:38:11] <Tom_L> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81
[18:38:16] <Tom_L> Lcvette ^^
[18:38:42] <TurBoss> WTHF
[18:38:53] <Lcvette> That's it probe basic is goin dual monitor size full screen only
[18:39:26] <Lcvette> Finally the space to fit more buttonses
[18:39:43] <Tom_L> you'd need an index for that many buttons
[18:39:56] <TurBoss> very true
[18:41:19] <Lcvette> i can do it
[18:41:32] <Lcvette> one miiiiillion buttons
[18:42:30] <Tom_L> those are 4k btw :)
[18:43:15] <Lcvette> those your monitors?
[18:43:27] <Tom_L> heh no, i'm just f'n with ya
[18:52:04] -!- Tom_L has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[18:57:57] -!- Tom_itx has joined #hazzy
[18:59:55] Tom_itx is now known as Tom_L
[19:01:18] <Lcvette> do you even widescreen bruh
[19:01:19] <Lcvette> lol
[19:01:55] <Tom_L> i do have 3 1080
[19:02:01] <Lcvette> ok
[19:02:02] -!- c-log has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[19:02:04] <Lcvette> lol
[19:02:07] * TurBoss has 2
[19:02:08] <Lcvette> that was a joke statement
[19:02:22] <Tom_L> and 4 monitors on my desk
[19:02:24] <Lcvette> "do you even lift bruh"
[19:02:42] <Lcvette> 4-1=3 good monitors
[19:02:43] <Lcvette> lol
[19:04:15] -!- c-log has joined #hazzy
[19:26:39] <TurBoss> Tom_L: strong python-fu on you?
[19:28:56] <TurBoss> c-log is python
[19:28:56] <c-log> TurBoss: Today's Log http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81
[19:29:01] <TurBoss> no?
[20:01:50] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: I didn't read all the logs, but I saw you were woried about keeping the machine "clean",all you have to do is uninstall qtpyvcp, or if you want start compleatly from scratch delete your .local/lib/python2.7
[20:02:28] <hazzy-m> pip does not mess with your software sources or anything, so you don't have to worry about that, which is real nice
[20:04:51] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: I like the notifications!
[20:05:01] <TurBoss> cool thanks
[20:08:45] <Lcvette> hazzy: so I can uninstall and delete.local/lib/python2.7
[20:08:59] <Lcvette> Just Dave all my configs first
[20:09:03] <Lcvette> Save
[20:09:17] <Lcvette> Then reinstall?
[20:10:29] <Lcvette> Hazzy turbos is trying to do pip and wanted your guidance
[20:17:19] <TurBoss> yo
[20:17:30] <TurBoss> Lcvette: fire
[20:17:33] <TurBoss> what you need
[20:19:45] <TurBoss> ah lol
[20:19:49] <TurBoss> I missunderstood
[20:20:00] <Lcvette> Was letting hazzy know you wanted help
[20:20:05] <TurBoss> yes
[20:20:05] <Lcvette> Lol
[20:20:21] <TurBoss> we need travis for probe_basic
[20:20:31] <TurBoss> i just copied .travis into pb repo
[20:20:54] <Lcvette> \o/
[20:20:56] <TurBoss> if I push to kcjengr master it will start ?
[20:22:11] <hazzy-m> I think I have to add it to travis first
[20:22:12] <hazzy-m> sek
[20:22:20] <hazzy-m> I should give you accsess too
[20:22:34] <TurBoss> i have
[20:22:42] <TurBoss> I activated the repo
[20:22:43] <hazzy-m> oh sweet
[20:22:48] <hazzy-m> so then it should work
[20:22:56] <TurBoss> i think its just push to master
[20:23:07] <hazzy-m> yep that should fire it
[20:23:09] <TurBoss> i disabledn pypi upload and docs
[20:23:11] <TurBoss> i thin
[20:23:11] <TurBoss> k
[20:23:25] <TurBoss> ok lets do it
[20:23:27] <TurBoss> thanks
[20:25:02] <hazzy-m> travis configs look good
[20:26:06] <TurBoss> ok
[20:26:10] <TurBoss> here they goes
[20:26:28] <TurBoss> https://travis-ci.org
[20:26:31] <hazzy-m> KABOOOOOM!!
[20:26:46] <TurBoss> https://travis-ci.org
[20:26:54] <TurBoss> it doing something
[20:27:08] <hazzy-m> booting!
[20:27:13] <hazzy-m> at least that works :D
[20:28:12] <hazzy-m> I wonder if we need a new github token for the brope_basic repo...
[20:28:15] <hazzy-m> will have to see
[20:28:25] <TurBoss> oh very true
[20:28:30] <TurBoss> duno really
[20:28:45] <hazzy-m> neither do I lol
[20:29:44] <hazzy-m> oops
[20:29:46] <TurBoss> bang
[20:29:48] <hazzy-m> no docs
[20:29:50] -!- travis-ci has joined #hazzy
[20:29:50] <travis-ci> kcjengr/probe_basic#1 (master - a1d438c : TurBoss): The build failed.
[20:29:50] <travis-ci> Diff view : https://github.com
[20:29:50] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org
[20:29:51] -!- travis-ci has parted #hazzy
[20:29:53] <hazzy-m> haha
[20:29:58] <TurBoss> then I didn't disabled
[20:30:14] <TurBoss> irc works :D
[20:33:25] <TurBoss> ok I comented the docs section
[20:33:30] <TurBoss> I'll try again
[20:35:47] -!- travis-ci has joined #hazzy
[20:35:47] <travis-ci> kcjengr/probe_basic#2 (master - 7b48e18 : TurBoss): The build is still failing.
[20:35:47] <travis-ci> Diff view : https://github.com
[20:35:47] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org
[20:35:47] -!- travis-ci has parted #hazzy
[20:36:22] <TurBoss> ok at least i know how it works
[20:40:57] -!- travis-ci has joined #hazzy
[20:40:57] <travis-ci> kcjengr/probe_basic#3 (master - 74ec13c : TurBoss): The build is still failing.
[20:40:57] <travis-ci> Diff view : https://github.com
[20:40:57] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org
[20:40:57] -!- travis-ci has parted #hazzy
[20:51:57] <hazzy-m> hmm
[21:05:40] <Lcvette> Holy smokes you did it?
[21:05:50] <hazzy-m> it failed :(
[21:05:55] <hazzy-m> not sure why thoug
[21:06:06] <Lcvette> :o
[21:06:22] <hazzy-m> I kicked him, lets see what happens
[21:06:43] <Lcvette> Bad Travis
[21:07:55] -!- travis-ci has joined #hazzy
[21:07:56] <travis-ci> kcjengr/probe_basic#3 (master - 74ec13c : TurBoss): The build is still failing.
[21:07:56] <travis-ci> Diff view : https://github.com
[21:07:56] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org
[21:07:56] -!- travis-ci has parted #hazzy
[21:09:43] <Lcvette> I scared him off
[21:09:54] <Lcvette> Then he came back
[21:11:47] <Lcvette> Did he do it?
[21:13:41] <hazzy-m> no :(
[21:33:33] -!- travis-ci has joined #hazzy
[21:33:33] <travis-ci> kcjengr/probe_basic#4 (master - 95efe69 : Kurt Jacobson): The build is still failing.
[21:33:33] <travis-ci> Diff view : https://github.com
[21:33:33] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org
[21:33:33] -!- travis-ci has parted #hazzy
[21:38:21] <Lcvette> bad travis
[21:38:25] -!- travis-ci has joined #hazzy
[21:38:25] <travis-ci> kcjengr/probe_basic#6 (master - 410103f : Kurt Jacobson): The build was fixed.
[21:38:25] <travis-ci> Diff view : https://github.com
[21:38:25] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org
[21:38:25] -!- travis-ci has parted #hazzy
[21:38:27] <Lcvette> come on travis you can do it
[21:38:39] <Lcvette> he did it?
[21:38:44] <Lcvette> he fixed it?
[21:38:48] <Lcvette> \o/
[21:38:51] <hazzy-m> Hurray!
[21:38:57] <Lcvette> hurray!
[21:39:05] <Lcvette> you're alright travis
[21:39:07] <hazzy-m> I fixed been!
[21:39:22] <Lcvette> whose been?
[21:39:31] <Lcvette> :o
[21:48:00] <hazzy-m> hahah
[21:48:23] <hazzy-m> darn autocorrect of heem
[21:48:29] <hazzy-m> `The command "echo "maybe this will work"" exited with 0.`
[21:48:32] <hazzy-m> xD
[21:48:32] <Lcvette> hahaha
[21:54:23] <Lcvette> whats echo?
[21:58:56] <hazzy-m> `echo echo echo` in a terminal
[21:59:07] <hazzy-m> run*
[21:59:51] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[22:00:09] <hazzy-m> lol
[22:00:15] <hazzy-m> do you see what it does?
[22:00:35] <hazzy-m> it just prints whatever is after echo to the terminal
[22:00:36] <Lcvette> yes
[22:00:42] <Lcvette> it echos underneat
[22:00:47] <Lcvette> minus the first echo command
[22:01:01] <hazzy-m> yep
[22:01:07] <Tom_L> full duplex: run echo, echo echo
[22:01:26] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[22:01:31] <hazzy-m> travis was sad that he didn't have any work to do, thats' why he kept failing to do it, so I told him to echo something and he was happy
[22:01:33] <Tom_L> Lcvette did you get your repo updated to the right branch?
[22:01:38] <TurBoss> yo is back
[22:01:38] <hazzy-m> haha
[22:01:45] <Lcvette> yo
[22:01:55] <Lcvette> so is PB on pip now?
[22:01:59] <TurBoss> had a nap
[22:02:04] <Lcvette> \o/ turboss is back
[22:02:06] <Lcvette> its a party
[22:02:08] <TurBoss> sorry
[22:02:31] <Lcvette> tom_l is here
[22:02:40] <Lcvette> tom_l whatchu talkin bhout?
[22:03:10] <Tom_L> where probe_basic was moved to
[22:03:15] <Tom_L> did you get yours updated?
[22:04:10] <Lcvette> not yet, they are fixing
[22:05:01] * hazzy-m is going to make PB release v0.0.1 and see that hapens
[22:05:15] <TurBoss> \o/
[22:05:17] <TurBoss> thanks!
[22:05:42] <Lcvette> wowowow
[22:05:44] <Lcvette> \o/
[22:05:54] <TurBoss> cool versioner
[22:05:57] <Tom_L> fully functional?
[22:07:18] <Lcvette> what hazzy is doing giving probe basic versions
[22:07:24] <Lcvette> its pretty sweet!
[22:07:35] <TurBoss> https://travis-ci.org
[22:07:47] <hazzy-m> ```
[22:07:47] <hazzy-m> kurt@toshiba:~/dev/cnc/qtpyvcp$ probe_basic -v
[22:07:48] <hazzy-m> QtPyVCP v0.2.3+364.g0ff18f6e5.dirty, Probe Basic vv0.0.1
[22:07:54] <Lcvette> \o/
[22:08:00] <hazzy-m> oops, double vv
[22:08:02] <Lcvette> vv?
[22:08:04] <hazzy-m> w
[22:08:06] <Lcvette> lol
[22:08:22] <Lcvette> doubleu
[22:08:27] <Lcvette> lol
[22:08:44] -!- travis-ci has joined #hazzy
[22:08:44] <travis-ci> kcjengr/probe_basic#8 (v0.0.1 - ef0b1af : Kurt Jacobson): The build passed.
[22:08:44] <travis-ci> Diff view : https://github.com
[22:08:44] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org
[22:08:44] -!- travis-ci has parted #hazzy
[22:08:48] <hazzy-m> I think that is a QtPyVCP bug, never had v prefixed VCP versions befor
[22:09:12] <hazzy-m> SAWEEET!
[22:09:12] <hazzy-m> https://github.com
[22:09:29] <Lcvette> \o/
[22:09:29] <TurBoss> hurray!
[22:09:30] <hazzy-m> all automagic
[22:09:56] <Lcvette> so how to make new versions now?
[22:09:58] <hazzy-m> all I had to do was tag and it updated the version files and published a release to github
[22:09:59] <Lcvette> whats the process
[22:10:30] <TurBoss> i see the tag
[22:10:38] <hazzy-m> all you do it tag in th kraken and push, increment the tag one number each time, so next would be v0.0.1
[22:11:02] <TurBoss> fantastic
[22:11:08] <Tom_L> question
[22:11:15] <Lcvette> v0.0.2?
[22:11:30] <Lcvette> and only version go to the new pip upgrade?
[22:11:32] <Tom_L> will the install fail since the xyzab.ini has a hardcoded /home/chris/... directory?
[22:11:37] <hazzy-m> if you previx commits with tags like DOC, BLD, BUG etc. it will automagicaly fill out the change log
[22:12:07] <Lcvette> Tom_L: you just reconfigure your system with chris as the new home file
[22:12:11] <hazzy-m> Tom_L: it don't think it will fail, but it also won't work lol
[22:12:22] <Lcvette> lol
[22:12:26] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: hahaha
[22:12:39] <Tom_L> i'm wondering how linuxcnc does that with their sims
[22:12:50] <hazzy-m> use relative paths
[22:13:00] <Lcvette> probably need to have hazzy or turboss put magic location calls in those lines
[22:13:14] <hazzy-m> ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../.../../../../../../../.home/
[22:13:14] <hazzy-m> lol
[22:13:19] <Lcvette> i don'ty know those well enough to use them
[22:13:44] * hazzy-m is getting silly and needs to sleep
[22:13:50] <TurBoss> good night
[22:14:10] <hazzy-m> happy because he sold a 1 million $ machine today :)
[22:14:11] <hazzy-m> gn8
[22:14:17] <TurBoss> great!
[22:14:24] <Lcvette> congraqts hazzy!
[22:14:25] <Lcvette> and thanks!
[22:14:36] <hazzy-m> absolutly! more tomarrow
[22:14:36] <Lcvette> bonus money?
[22:14:46] <Lcvette> drinks are on you
[22:14:54] <hazzy-m> yes, I get commision! so very happy
[22:15:07] <Lcvette> 10%?
[22:15:08] <Lcvette> \o/
[22:16:12] <hazzy-m> I wish! Thats what the sales men get, I get get the dregs, but it not too shabby
[22:20:08] <Tom_L> what sort of machines?
[22:20:22] <Lcvette> cnc bending/folding machines
[22:20:32] <Tom_L> nice
[22:20:32] <Lcvette> the big bad mamajamas
[22:21:19] <Tom_L> so who goes to set it up?
[22:21:31] <Lcvette> hazzy i think
[22:21:45] <Lcvette> he is the production engineer
[22:21:49] <Tom_L> nice
[22:21:52] <Lcvette> he does alot of demos and stuff
[22:22:01] <Tom_L> i had a friend that did that
[22:22:04] <Lcvette> turboss, so is that it? pip works now?
[22:22:07] <Tom_L> his company built presses
[22:22:17] <Tom_L> Lcvette try it and see
[22:22:18] <TurBoss> Lcvette: pip was skiped
[22:22:18] <Tom_L> :)
[22:22:18] <TurBoss> lol
[22:22:30] <Lcvette> ah
[22:22:31] <TurBoss> but we are close
[22:22:37] <Lcvette> but we needed travis first?
[22:22:39] <TurBoss> yes
[22:22:44] <Lcvette> oh no, not close
[22:22:48] <TurBoss> no no
[22:22:55] <Tom_L> need a build script for it?
[22:23:01] <TurBoss> is there
[22:23:06] <TurBoss> just need to enable
[22:23:15] <Lcvette> ok
[22:23:29] <Lcvette> ok i have a question maybe you can help me resolve
[22:23:51] <TurBoss> I should push 0.0.2?
[22:23:53] <TurBoss> to pip?
[22:24:05] <Lcvette> on the entries in probe basic, I myself feel like it needs something more
[22:24:11] <Tom_L> i thought it just turned 0.0.1 today
[22:24:16] <TurBoss> text entries
[22:24:20] <Lcvette> yes
[22:24:34] <Lcvette> they are very unsatisfying when you enter
[22:24:47] <Lcvette> nothing really happens to confirm the data has been accepted
[22:24:57] <Lcvette> does that make sense?
[22:25:11] <TurBoss> yes
[22:25:18] <TurBoss> we can have somethin on focus
[22:25:31] <TurBoss> ?
[22:25:35] <Tom_L> most cnc's are silent when they're done
[22:25:50] <Tom_L> need a marching band to play?
[22:26:01] * Tom_L queues up the music
[22:26:03] <TurBoss> lol
[22:26:03] <Lcvette> they highlight in blue border so you know they are selected, i was thinking maybe when you hit enter the blue highlight and cursor go off
[22:26:25] <Tom_L> flashing red
[22:26:40] <Lcvette> tom_l its just a matter of it feeling completed once entered
[22:26:40] <Tom_L> alternate flashing red/yellow
[22:26:46] <Tom_L> i know
[22:27:04] <Lcvette> you have to physically click somewhere else cuirrently to get the cursor and highlight to turn off
[22:27:13] <Tom_L> did you grow up on windows?
[22:27:31] <Tom_L> "are you really really damn sure you want to delete this file"
[22:27:33] <Lcvette> yes like 98% of the world
[22:27:35] <Tom_L> linux just does it
[22:27:43] <TurBoss> until 15
[22:27:59] <Lcvette> that is fine but i want the users to feel confident in the action they performed
[22:28:48] <Lcvette> currently I know it accepts it and i still look at the screen after hitting enter and feel it is incomplete
[22:29:15] <Lcvette> besides, this gui was made to bring windows users over to linuxcnc
[22:29:31] <Lcvette> give it a base growth
[22:29:59] <Lcvette> once it is full out there and running on machines i think it will have an impact
[22:30:14] <Lcvette> the response i have gotten has been very positive so far
[22:30:57] <Tom_L> if i had a way to test/use it i would, but i don't
[22:31:19] <Tom_L> i can run the sim
[22:31:25] <TurBoss> ok /me is about to push to pip
[22:31:27] <TurBoss> pip pip
[22:31:35] <Tom_L> horray
[22:31:49] <TurBoss> https://travis-ci.org
[22:32:02] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[22:32:05] <Lcvette> turboss?
[22:32:10] <Lcvette> lots of errors from something
[22:32:22] <TurBoss> max_aoi=64
[22:32:23] <Lcvette> is that the hal thing?
[22:32:26] <Lcvette> aio?
[22:33:21] <TurBoss> max_dio=64 to
[22:33:27] <TurBoss> whats that sim?
[22:33:35] <Lcvette> i don't know
[22:33:45] <Lcvette> im confused since we changed everything
[22:34:05] <TurBoss> are you on your dektop or on the machine?
[22:34:18] <Lcvette> desktop
[22:34:20] <TurBoss> ok
[22:34:31] <TurBoss> wich sim are you trying to run?
[22:34:36] <TurBoss> xyzab.ini
[22:34:39] <TurBoss> ok
[22:35:16] <TurBoss> ok
[22:35:19] <Tom_L> where did you say the source is stored?
[22:35:25] <TurBoss> is the atc searching for its motion pins
[22:35:37] <TurBoss> Tom_L: source of what?
[22:35:42] <Lcvette> i don't see xyzab.ini in the probe_basic config folder
[22:35:49] <Tom_L> probe_basic
[22:36:15] <TurBoss> http://github.com
[22:36:22] <Tom_L> locally
[22:36:25] <TurBoss> Lcvette: hmmmmm.....
[22:36:32] <TurBoss> locally installed?
[22:36:36] <TurBoss> to modify it?=
[22:36:39] <Tom_L> yes
[22:36:44] <Lcvette> oh wwait its under dev/probe_basic
[22:36:45] <TurBoss> you need to dev install
[22:36:46] <Lcvette> ?
[22:36:51] <Tom_L> i have it
[22:37:02] <TurBoss> ok did you
[22:37:09] <TurBoss> cd probe_basic
[22:37:11] <TurBoss> and
[22:37:14] <Lcvette> /home/chris/dev/probe_basic/config/xyzab/hallib/
[22:37:15] <Tom_L> i have dev installed yes
[22:37:17] <TurBoss> pip install --upgrade -e .
[22:37:21] <TurBoss> cool!
[22:37:32] <TurBoss> then edit the code fron that folder
[22:37:46] <TurBoss> Lcvette: I'm thinking
[22:37:49] <Lcvette> turboss do i do that pip in the main terminal?
[22:37:56] <TurBoss> no
[22:37:58] <Lcvette> or need to do it in the dev terminal
[22:38:04] <TurBoss> thats for tom
[22:38:09] <Lcvette> oh
[22:38:15] <TurBoss> ok
[22:38:17] <TurBoss> lets see
[22:38:46] <TurBoss> you have atc_motion.hal in your ini
[22:38:55] <TurBoss> but you are missing some lines
[22:38:55] <TurBoss> sek
[22:38:59] <TurBoss> I'll search
[22:40:27] <Lcvette> im not sure what im looking for
[22:40:39] <Lcvette> the one i opened was the xyzab.ini
[22:40:41] <TurBoss> Lcvette: https://github.com
[22:40:50] <TurBoss> in that line
[22:40:57] <TurBoss> you have to add
[22:40:59] <Lcvette> i found that hal file but i'm not sure where to add those aio
[22:41:04] <TurBoss> num_dio=20 num_aio=23
[22:41:18] <TurBoss> or 64 for both
[22:41:42] <TurBoss> ```
[22:41:43] <TurBoss> loadrt [EMCMOT]EMCMOT base_period_nsec=[EMCMOT]BASE_PERIOD servo_period_nsec=[EMCMOT]SERVO_PERIOD num_joints=[KINS]JOINTS unlock_joints_mask=16 num_dio=20 num_aio=23
[22:41:48] <TurBoss> like this ^
[22:43:13] <Tom_L> those got left out of the load line?
[22:43:16] <Lcvette> done
[22:43:50] <Lcvette> no more errors
[22:43:53] <Lcvette> i'll push
[22:44:05] <TurBoss> ok but check mine
[22:44:09] <TurBoss> i did push too
[22:44:20] <TurBoss> sek
[22:44:23] <TurBoss> pls
[22:45:12] <Lcvette> k
[22:45:23] <Lcvette> i did the 20 23
[22:45:27] <TurBoss> ok didnt deploy
[22:45:31] <Lcvette> is there any reason to do 64 instead?
[22:45:32] <TurBoss> works?
[22:45:37] <Lcvette> does it slow down system performance?
[22:45:42] <TurBoss> we only need thoose
[22:45:45] <TurBoss> duno
[22:45:49] <Lcvette> k
[22:45:59] <Lcvette> tom_l do you know?
[22:46:11] <TurBoss> but that is because of the atc widget
[22:46:13] <Tom_L[m]> where did probe_basic move to?
[22:46:20] <TurBoss> moved?
[22:46:27] <Tom_L> no i don't know
[22:46:51] <Tom_L[m]> pip install git+https://github.com/kcjengr/probe_basic.git
[22:46:51] <Tom_L[m]> doesn't work now
[22:47:09] <TurBoss> checking
[22:47:26] <Lcvette> its broken?
[22:47:31] <Lcvette> :o
[22:47:32] <Lcvette> lol
[22:47:37] <Lcvette> tom borke it?
[22:47:42] <Lcvette> broke
[22:47:50] <TurBoss> oh no its broken
[22:47:51] <TurBoss> :D
[22:47:54] <Tom_L[m]> Command "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-g258GH-build/
[22:48:14] <TurBoss> I'll fix
[22:50:48] <TurBoss> Tom_L: fixed
[22:51:01] <Lcvette> \o/
[22:51:55] <TurBoss> xyzab.ini works!
[22:52:01] <Lcvette> \o/
[22:52:45] <TurBoss> ok m13
[22:53:20] <Lcvette> ?
[22:53:39] <Lcvette> you mean add m14?
[22:53:46] <Tom_L[m]> Could not find ini file '/home/tom/qtpyvcp/sim/xyzab.ini'
[22:54:04] <Lcvette> should be looking under probe_basic
[22:54:16] <Tom_L> but where is that located?
[22:54:19] <Tom_L> the folder is empty
[22:54:27] <TurBoss> oh
[22:54:33] <TurBoss> maybe clone went wrong
[22:54:46] <Lcvette> /home/chris/dev/probe_basic/config/xyzab/xyzab.ini
[22:54:50] <Lcvette> thats where mine is
[22:55:04] <Tom_L> i don't have a dev directory
[22:55:34] <Lcvette> ah
[22:55:38] <Lcvette> thats your problem
[22:55:38] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[22:55:47] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[22:55:48] <Lcvette> where did you put your probe_basic file?
[22:55:49] <Tom_L> i just need to know where it puts the code
[22:56:04] <Tom_L> i thought in probe_basic dir but it's empty
[22:56:08] <Lcvette> it puts the lotion in the basket
[22:56:24] <TurBoss> where is that probe basic dir?
[22:56:35] <TurBoss> you can start over and
[22:56:45] <Tom_L> /home/tom/probe_basic
[22:57:05] <TurBoss> git clone https://github.com
[22:57:05] <Lcvette> maybe it is broken from when he did the installation before it was ready?
[22:57:06] <TurBoss> then cd into probe_basic
[22:57:14] <Tom_L> it's empty
[22:57:26] <TurBoss> the its safe to remove
[22:57:28] <Lcvette> sounds like it did not install the files
[22:57:38] <Tom_L> but it did
[22:57:41] <Tom_L> and the sim runs
[22:57:45] <Tom_L> on xyz.ini
[22:57:54] <Lcvette> xyz.ini?
[22:58:02] <Tom_L> from yesterday
[22:58:05] <Lcvette> from?
[22:58:12] <Lcvette> qtpyvcp?
[22:58:16] <Tom_L> yes
[22:58:17] <TurBoss> thats because pip install git+https... put the code in ~/.local
[22:58:25] <Lcvette> it will because those are generic sims for any and all ui's
[22:58:33] <TurBoss> ok
[22:58:47] <TurBoss> is confussing i accept
[22:58:50] <TurBoss> :)
[22:59:11] <Lcvette> but you should/need to be running on the sims in the probe_basic file which you are missing because turboss said it put them in the wrong place?
[22:59:11] <TurBoss> it took me time to understand
[22:59:17] <Tom_L> i just need to find where the files are
[22:59:42] <TurBoss> Tom_L: you deleted the ~/probe_basic dir?
[22:59:42] <Lcvette> if not in probe_basic as you said you don't have them?
[23:00:07] <Tom_L> /home/tom/probe_basic is gone
[23:00:14] <TurBoss> or renamed
[23:00:31] <TurBoss> okay
[23:00:33] <TurBoss> now
[23:01:04] <TurBoss> ```
[23:01:05] <TurBoss> git clone https://github.com
[23:01:37] <TurBoss> that will create a directory in your home called probe_basic with stuff on it
[23:02:05] <Tom_L> but if i :linuxcnc /home/tom/qtpyvcp/sim/xyz.ini i can select probe basic and it runs
[23:02:24] <TurBoss> thats because its installed
[23:02:34] <TurBoss> its currently stored on .local
[23:02:41] <TurBoss> ~/.local/python...
[23:02:50] <TurBoss> but
[23:02:51] <Tom_L> where exactly is that?
[23:02:55] <TurBoss> sek
[23:02:58] <TurBoss> I'll search
[23:03:26] <TurBoss> ```
[23:03:26] <TurBoss> ~/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/probe_basic$
[23:03:34] <TurBoss> there
[23:03:42] <TurBoss> but you dont do modifications there
[23:04:20] <TurBoss> you have to install probe_basic other way using pip install -e . in the directory you just cloned
[23:05:40] <TurBoss> like cd ~/probe_basic
[23:05:45] <TurBoss> pip install -e .
[23:06:25] <TurBoss> that will tell python to use your ~/probe_basic directory as source of the app and not ~/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/probe_basic
[23:06:54] <TurBoss> so you can finally edit the code and see changes when running
[23:06:59] <Tom_L> ok it's installed
[23:07:07] <TurBoss> great
[23:07:09] <Tom_L> so i can edit that
[23:07:21] <TurBoss> yes the files in ~/probe_basic
[23:07:25] <Tom_L> k
[23:07:27] <TurBoss> its now from where it runs
[23:07:38] <Lcvette> \o/
[23:07:40] <Lcvette> sorted?
[23:07:48] <TurBoss> you can run editvcp probe_basic
[23:08:47] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-09-25_23-08-32.png (26KB) < https://matrix.org >
[23:08:53] <Lcvette> or you can make a luancher
[23:09:33] <Lcvette> and you can change the icon for probe basic too if you want
[23:09:47] <TurBoss> 😁
[23:09:48] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-09-25_23-09-41.png (26KB) < https://matrix.org >
[23:12:15] <TurBoss> Lcvette: I'll add this as notes on the readme
[23:12:29] <Lcvette> add what as notes?
[23:12:40] <TurBoss> the user install or dev instal
[23:12:41] <TurBoss> * the user install or dev install
[23:12:42] <Lcvette> the launcher and icon?
[23:12:50] <Tom_L> ok launcher works
[23:13:00] <Lcvette> \o/
[23:13:17] * Tom_L fixes it for a 600 x 800 vga monitor
[23:14:23] <Lcvette> good luck with that
[23:14:28] <Tom_L> :D
[23:14:41] <Lcvette> its going to implode
[23:15:21] <Lcvette> you have no idea of the complexity of all the different boxes and layout frames and once you make one change it literally is going to collapse
[23:15:30] <Tom_L> yes i do
[23:15:47] <Tom_L> and i have no plans to change it
[23:15:50] <Lcvette> you will spend weeks trying to sort it out
[23:16:19] <Lcvette> i built it and when i inadvertently messed it up it would friustrate me for days trying to find an offending component
[23:16:20] <Lcvette> lol
[23:16:22] <TurBoss> all/4
[23:16:54] <Lcvette> so, turboss now what?
[23:17:07] <TurBoss> click pus and docs is up
[23:17:12] <TurBoss> * click push and docs is up
[23:17:40] <TurBoss> ok
[23:17:55] <Lcvette> oh god kraken is confusing
[23:18:03] <TurBoss> :|
[23:18:33] <TurBoss> https://github.com
[23:18:57] <TurBoss> readme now has user and dev install process
[23:19:10] <Lcvette> i caught up to your top one
[23:19:19] <TurBoss> ok
[23:19:20] <Tom_L> does it retain tool and offset info on exit?
[23:19:34] <Lcvette> tool?
[23:19:35] <Lcvette> yes
[23:19:38] <Lcvette> offset no
[23:19:46] <Lcvette> offset is future project
[23:19:47] <Tom_L> G54?
[23:19:51] <Tom_L> etc
[23:19:59] <Lcvette> for tool you must save and reload
[23:20:21] <Lcvette> yes it retain offsets of the machine but not the ones in the offset table on the offsets page
[23:20:38] <Lcvette> thats a future project
[23:20:50] <Tom_L> so we're unable to use those
[23:21:33] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-09-25_23-21-22.png (25KB) < https://matrix.org >
[23:21:42] <Lcvette> this table has not code behind it yet
[23:21:45] <Tom_L> currently those are all stored in the mymill.var file
[23:21:46] <Lcvette> its a placeholder
[23:22:01] <Tom_L> and the tool table
[23:22:05] <Tom_L> 2 files
[23:22:09] <TurBoss> that could be next
[23:22:09] <Lcvette> hazzy has some work to do to dig out that data
[23:22:13] <Lcvette> tool table works
[23:22:22] <TurBoss> oh
[23:22:53] <Tom_L> will the tool table read the tool fine on start up?
[23:22:57] <Tom_L> file*
[23:23:45] <Lcvette> yes
[23:23:48] <Tom_L> lcnc.tbl
[23:23:49] <Tom_L> etc
[23:23:58] <Tom_L> whatever it's named
[23:24:02] <Lcvette> turboss?
[23:24:06] <TurBoss> the one you put on your ini
[23:24:18] <Tom_L> ok
[23:24:40] <Tom_L> so it will read those tools and the tool offsets stored in the file on startup
[23:25:06] <Tom_L> but not the 'mymill.var' file
[23:25:11] <Tom_L> for the fixture offsets
[23:25:28] <TurBoss> i don't know that part
[23:25:31] <Lcvette> yes it will read those
[23:25:41] <Lcvette> but it won't put them in that table i posted
[23:25:55] <Tom_L> so if they're already set in the file it will use them
[23:26:01] <Lcvette> it should
[23:26:06] <Tom_L> :/
[23:26:15] <Lcvette> its just doing the same thing it would normally do an pull the data from the var file
[23:26:37] <Tom_L> it just doesn't fill in the screen yet
[23:26:38] <Tom_L> ?
[23:26:42] <Lcvette> what are you asking maybe im misunderstanding
[23:27:00] <Lcvette> explain your question a bit better
[23:27:01] <Tom_L> just checking to see where you're at with it
[23:27:16] <Tom_L> i have a g54 offset stored in mymill.var
[23:27:25] <Lcvette> everything works except ofset table and conversational
[23:27:32] <Tom_L> will probe_basic read that offset and load it in the screen?
[23:27:45] <TurBoss> not yet
[23:27:48] <Tom_L> ok
[23:27:59] <TurBoss> but if theres is something there
[23:27:59] <Tom_L> but the tool file will work
[23:28:10] <Lcvette> load it in what screen?
[23:28:18] <Lcvette> the main dro?
[23:28:23] <Tom_L> the fixture offsets screen
[23:28:26] <Lcvette> no
[23:28:31] <Lcvette> that table is dead
[23:28:32] <Tom_L> under the button 'offsets'
[23:28:34] <Lcvette> not connected
[23:28:36] <Tom_L> ok
[23:28:47] <Tom_L> get busy!
[23:28:49] <Tom_L> :)
[23:28:57] <Lcvette> thats hazy
[23:28:57] <TurBoss> whats missing thee?
[23:29:00] <TurBoss> * whats missing there?
[23:29:15] <Tom_L> to read the file and load the values
[23:29:21] <Lcvette> he needs to find some method to dig out offsets and allow us to write to them from the table
[23:29:47] <Lcvette> i assumed it was going to be very similar to the tool table
[23:29:55] <Lcvette> but he said it was different for some reason
[23:29:56] <Tom_L> where the button says 'save table'
[23:30:04] <Lcvette> not sure beyond that explanation
[23:30:06] <Tom_L> or 'reload table'
[23:30:11] <Tom_L> i understand
[23:30:43] <TurBoss> i think I know
[23:30:54] <Lcvette> save saves it to the linuxcnc tool table and reload reloads the table so it works
[23:31:15] <Tom_L> http://linuxcnc.org
[23:31:25] <Tom_L> those get stored in the .var file
[23:31:40] <Tom_L> from X to R
[23:32:02] <TurBoss> yes but we need linuxcnc to tell us
[23:32:03] <TurBoss> not read the var file
[23:32:06] <TurBoss> * not reading the var file
[23:32:20] <Tom_L> right
[23:34:06] <Lcvette> For some reason we were able to have linuxcnc spit out that data
[23:34:21] <Lcvette> Hmmm
[23:34:46] <TurBoss> i'm idiot?
[23:34:51] <Lcvette> Wonder if we could pull it into a subroutine and then m68 it out?
[23:34:53] <TurBoss> lol g54offset work
[23:35:12] <TurBoss> we use g10 l20 etc..
[23:35:39] <Lcvette> You can fix the table?
[23:35:43] <Tom_L> you need one for each X thru R
[23:35:43] <TurBoss> duno
[23:36:39] <Lcvette> In a subroutine you could do
[23:38:04] <Lcvette> G54_x_offset = 5xxx
[23:38:15] <Lcvette> And run down all of them
[23:38:29] <TurBoss> we use to read that to draw the 3d plot
[23:39:25] <Lcvette> ?
[23:40:50] <Lcvette> wait its a table i forgot
[23:40:56] <Lcvette> im not sure how the tables work
[23:41:58] <Lcvette> if they were individual lline edits we could name them and send data from subroutine and could pull data frmo the offsets parameters in the subroutine then m68 e q them into the line edits
[23:42:11] <Lcvette> i do that for probing
[23:42:20] <Lcvette> to kick out the probed position
[23:48:37] <TurBoss> ok i have an idea but I would like to know what jacinto says
[23:48:53] <TurBoss> so I'm gona sleep
[23:48:55] <Lcvette> jacinto
[23:48:56] <Lcvette> ?
[23:49:18] <TurBoss> jazzy
[23:49:25] <Lcvette> ah
[23:49:33] <TurBoss> ok n8
[23:49:41] <Tom_L> l8r
[23:49:51] <Lcvette> night turboss
[23:50:16] <TurBoss> I leave the plan here:
[23:50:17] <TurBoss> the plan is to use the same methoth the 3d plot does to get the g5x offsets
[23:50:36] <Lcvette> cool
[23:51:33] <Tom_L> those are the only 2 tables i can think of that need to be read / written
[23:52:14] <Lcvette> they are internall
[23:52:22] <Lcvette> just not displayed yet
[23:52:38] <Tom_L> ok
[23:52:44] <Lcvette> meaning if you have a G55 offset it is stored in linuxcnc,
[23:52:55] <Lcvette> the table just isn't displaying anything
[23:53:09] <Tom_L> the mind is severed from the body
[23:53:11] <Lcvette> but the underlying functionality is still there no different then axis or gmoccapy
[23:53:12] <Lcvette> etc
[23:53:27] <Lcvette> when you change to that offset it will display in the main dro's
[23:53:44] <Tom_L> just not on the setup page
[23:54:01] <Lcvette> no but it will
[23:54:14] <Lcvette> once its sorted
[23:54:27] <Lcvette> however its no different then any other ui currently and won't stop you from being able to use it
[23:54:33] <Tom_L> i think it looks awesome so far
[23:54:39] <Lcvette> the offsets all work properly i tested that while probing
[23:54:57] <Lcvette> first youve looked through it?
[23:55:12] <Tom_L> i haven't looked at it all either
[23:55:23] <Lcvette> ah
[23:55:25] <Tom_L> i've seen bits and pieces as you've been working on em
[23:55:55] <Lcvette> go to the probing page and enter something in the probing parameters and hit enter
[23:56:08] <Tom_L> it's all shut down for the night
[23:56:14] <Lcvette> ah ok
[23:56:22] <Tom_L> and so am i
[23:57:29] <Tom_L> i'd need a new pc on the mill in order to use it though
[23:57:48] <Tom_L> not fast enough to run preempt-rt
[23:58:20] <Lcvette> grab one of those HP Elite 8300 USDT pc's
[23:58:31] <Lcvette> they are very good latency for rt_preempt
[23:58:34] <Tom_L> i have a mb but no box for it
[23:58:36] <Lcvette> and very cheap
[23:58:39] <Lcvette> snd compact
[23:58:48] <Tom_L> and it's not a priority right now
[23:59:47] * Lcvette uploaded an image: IMG_20190925_235921715.jpg (73KB) < https://matrix.org >