#hazzy | Logs for 2019-09-26

[00:00:26] <Lcvette> awesome little workhorse for linuxcnc and nice and tiny for easy mounting on machines
[00:18:31] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-09-26_00-18-11.png (29KB) < https://matrix.org >
[00:35:00] <Lcvette> turboss, when you wake up, i have a problem with the designer ui changes not showing up in probe basic sim
[00:42:36] <Lcvette> i think somehow that the qtdesigner file being pulled up is saving somewhere other then the new probe_basic dev ui file maybe?
[00:45:35] <Lcvette> i see the probe basic qss file being loaded when you start probe basic is pulling from the qtpyvcp dev folder
[00:45:41] <Lcvette> /home/chris/dev/qtpyvcp/examples/probe_basic/probe_basic.qss
[00:46:11] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-09-26_00-46-01.png (139KB) < https://matrix.org >
[00:46:32] <Lcvette> so im guessing it is also pulling the ui file from that folder as well
[00:48:07] <Lcvette> yup
[00:49:00] <Lcvette> it is calling the ui and qss and im guessing all the other important files from the qtpyvcp dev folder when you run the sim
[00:49:08] <Lcvette> need to fix but im not sure how
[01:03:13] <Lcvette> lcvette can make the offsets work!
[01:03:15] <Lcvette> \o/
[01:03:19] <Lcvette> but its very hacky
[01:03:55] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-09-26_01-03-37.png (18KB) < https://matrix.org >
[01:04:19] <Lcvette> I made this subroutine
[01:04:42] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[01:05:09] <Lcvette> i used vcpqlineedits
[01:05:14] <Lcvette> works
[01:05:24] <Lcvette> but need to hit a button to call them
[01:05:35] <Lcvette> can put in use until you guys find another way
[01:06:32] <Lcvette> also, probably would run out of aout pins
[01:07:13] <Lcvette> unless i could use multiple lines for one output?
[01:07:51] <Lcvette> dunno though, this was just an idea that popped into my head that i thought could work and wanted to test and it does in fact work
[01:09:42] <Lcvette> thought i was clever on that
[01:09:43] <Lcvette> lol
[01:34:57] -!- c-log has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[01:36:52] -!- c-log has joined #hazzy
[01:41:25] -!- c-log has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[01:42:57] -!- c-log has joined #hazzy
[06:10:15] <hazzy-m> morning
[06:10:22] <Tom_L> hey
[06:12:46] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: that is clever
[06:12:53] <hazzy-m> Hey Tom
[06:27:26] <jthornton> morning
[09:15:33] <Lcvette> morning
[09:21:10] <Lcvette> is turboss here?
[10:12:46] <Lcvette> hazzy or turboss, how do i change the directory and file that loads when probe basic is started?
[10:19:20] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[10:19:33] <Lcvette> this is the probe_basic.yml file
[10:20:31] <Lcvette> i think there is something to do with the call here maybe but im not sure what to adjust to make sure it pulls from the correct folder?
[10:20:53] <Lcvette> need some help its a bit tough doing changes and having to save over different files
[10:21:00] <Lcvette> im sure i will break something that way
[10:21:11] <Lcvette> lol
[11:02:54] <Lcvette> also im researching the lineedit feel when you hit enter so it feels more complete and found this article but im not sure how or where to try incorporating it and hoped one of you guys could help me figure that out
[11:02:57] <Lcvette> https://www.tutorialspoint.com
[11:12:10] <Lcvette> https://stackoverflow.com
[11:12:17] <Lcvette> and this looked potentially useful
[12:03:40] <Lcvette> this also looks helpful but i tried implementing and it says im doing it wrong..lol
[12:03:48] <Lcvette> https://www.programcreek.com
[12:22:32] -!- c-log has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[12:25:21] -!- c-log has joined #hazzy
[14:28:32] <Lcvette> so lonely in here today
[14:48:09] <TurBoss> yo
[14:51:34] <TurBoss> hello1
[14:51:40] <TurBoss> * hello!
[14:57:15] <TurBoss> https://doc.qt.io
[15:01:55] <Lcvette> yo
[15:02:18] <Lcvette> how do do?
[15:02:31] <Lcvette> TurBoss: still here?
[15:02:32] <Lcvette> \o/
[15:02:42] <TurBoss> I'm here
[15:02:47] <Lcvette> \o/
[15:02:49] <Lcvette> hurray!
[15:03:18] <Lcvette> did you see all my earlier posts about the qtpyvcp files?
[15:04:21] <Lcvette> i was going nuts making changes to the qss and nothing was happening then i realized that it was pulling the qss and the probe_basic.ui file from the qtpyvcp folder and not the probe_basic folder
[15:07:22] <TurBoss> :o
[15:07:23] <TurBoss> xD
[15:09:43] <Lcvette> do you know how to fix?
[15:10:01] <TurBoss> what exactly
[15:10:34] <Lcvette> the file call
[15:10:46] <Lcvette> i think its in probe_basic.yml
[15:10:53] <TurBoss> with editvcp
[15:10:54] <TurBoss> ?
[15:10:59] <TurBoss> yes
[15:11:01] <TurBoss> brb
[15:11:05] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[15:11:45] <Lcvette> well when you launch the sim its pulling from the qtpyvcp directory not the new probe basic directory
[15:11:48] <Lcvette> editvcp probe_basic saves to the correct file location
[15:12:14] <TurBoss> oh damn
[15:12:59] <Lcvette> big problem?
[15:13:03] <TurBoss> no
[15:13:08] <Lcvette> \o/
[15:13:09] <TurBoss> jus consufing
[15:13:15] <Lcvette> yes
[15:13:23] * TurBoss reboots
[15:13:31] <Lcvette> it bruned up 2 hours on me last night trying to find what was happening
[15:13:32] <Lcvette> lol
[15:14:13] <Tom_L> you want it to launch from another directory like i did?
[15:14:30] <Lcvette> i dunno what you did
[15:14:38] <Lcvette> its the ui and qss files
[15:14:40] <Lcvette> not the ini
[15:14:51] <Tom_L> installed to probe_basic directory
[15:14:57] <Lcvette> ini and hall and subroutines etc are from the correct directories
[15:14:59] <Tom_L> and told it to use that copy
[15:16:51] <Lcvette> think its two seprate issues we are talking about
[15:16:59] <Tom_L> maybe
[15:17:14] <Tom_L> i cloned it to a directory then pip install -e .
[15:17:32] <Lcvette> im referring to it using the probe_basic.ui and probe_basic.qss files for loading the actual interface
[15:17:42] <Tom_L> mmm
[15:17:57] <Lcvette> think you had config load issues
[15:18:20] <Tom_L> no i was just trying to figure out where the source was
[15:18:47] <Lcvette> looks like hazzy did something a few hours ago?
[15:34:55] <Lcvette> i tried directing the yml files to probe_basic/probe_basic/probe_basic.ui
[15:35:05] <Lcvette> but when it loads in the designer its missing stuff
[15:35:25] <Tom_L> what file controls the designer?
[15:36:05] <Lcvette> what do you mean?
[15:36:34] <Tom_L> does the designer have a "projec" file it loads to tell it where things are?
[15:36:43] <Lcvette> you mean the qtdesigner software itself or the probe_basic interface in qtdesigner?
[15:36:53] <Lcvette> it loads several
[15:37:00] <Tom_L> which ever one you're talking about
[15:37:05] <Tom_L> i don't know that much about it
[15:37:22] <Lcvette> ui, qss, qrc, more im sure those are the three i work inside
[15:37:49] <Lcvette> its kind of like linuxcnc in that it pulls all of those files when it opens a project
[15:38:15] <Lcvette> but right now those files are correctly in probe_basic directory
[15:38:34] <Lcvette> but when linuxcnc loads its pulling the outdated ui, qss, qrc from the qtpyvcp directory
[15:38:36] <Tom_L> you using editvcp?
[15:38:46] <Lcvette> i think it has to do with yaml loading
[15:38:50] <Lcvette> yeah
[15:39:01] -!- Tom_itx has joined #hazzy
[15:39:06] <Tom_itx> https://qtpyvcp.kcjengr.com
[15:39:53] <Tom_L> it's the main one yes
[15:39:59] <Tom_L> it can be overridden
[15:40:16] <Lcvette> editvcp is opening the correct files
[15:40:22] <Lcvette> and saving to the correct directory
[15:40:34] <Lcvette> linuxcnc is pulling the wrong ui,qss,qrc
[15:40:41] <Tom_L> oh
[15:40:47] <Lcvette> when it islaunched
[15:41:07] <Lcvette> thats why when i was making changes i wasn't seeing them
[15:41:48] <Lcvette> it was driving me mad, then i decided to see if thats what was happening so i copied the edits ui file from the probe basic directory over to overwrite the one in qtpyvcp and voila my changes were in linuxcnc
[15:42:12] <Lcvette> so when linuxcnc is initiated it needs to pull from the new probe basic directory for the ui, qss and others
[15:43:38] <TurBoss> so editvcp is working correctly but linuxcnc gets the qtpyvcp bundled files?
[15:43:51] <TurBoss> I'm trying to disable probe_basic from qtpyvcp
[15:44:13] <Lcvette> yes thats correct
[15:44:23] -!- Tom_itx has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[16:01:14] <Lcvette> tom_l did you say you knew python?
[16:01:22] <Tom_L> oh hell no
[16:01:26] <Tom_L> i wish i did
[16:01:58] <Tom_L> o
[16:02:07] <Tom_L> i've done other programming though
[16:03:22] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[16:03:51] <Lcvette> i think this is the file where the change is needed for the probe boxes when you hit enter to change focus but i played for a few hours unsuccesfully today
[16:04:15] * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[16:04:22] <Tom_L> jt's pretty good with python
[16:04:48] <Lcvette> have not seen JT in a few days, hope he is alright
[16:05:22] <Tom_L> i think he's been working around his house
[16:06:26] <Lcvette> yeahbut he usually pops in for lunch minute
[16:12:51] <Lcvette> turboss is lost in the matrix
[16:13:47] <Lcvette> https://stackoverflow.com
[16:15:00] <Lcvette> Tom_L: does that make any sense to you?
[16:18:38] * TurBoss was eating
[16:19:53] <Lcvette> ahm ahm ahm
[16:20:11] <Lcvette> turboss how i make my box focus go out when i hit enter?
[16:20:36] <TurBoss> hmmm
[16:20:36] <Lcvette> i tried all day and got at least 90 errors every which way i tried
[16:20:42] <TurBoss> there is a signal
[16:20:55] <TurBoss> maybe ca be wired to texbox again
[16:21:02] <TurBoss> * maybe can be wired to texbox again
[16:23:04] <Lcvette> i don't see an option for remove focus
[16:23:28] <TurBoss> oh
[16:26:14] <TurBoss> focus should go to other place
[16:26:26] <TurBoss> I don't know if can be disabled
[16:26:50] <Lcvette> how about editing finished on return press
[16:26:52] <Lcvette> ?
[16:28:17] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-09-26_16-28-00.png (100KB) < https://matrix.org >
[16:28:28] <Lcvette> do i do like this?
[16:29:01] <TurBoss> yes but there is no slot for remove focus
[16:29:28] <Lcvette> canbe added
[16:29:29] <Tom_L> or setFocus
[16:29:30] <Lcvette> ?
[16:29:46] <TurBoss> I'm searching
[16:32:02] <Tom_L> https://subscription.packtpub.com
[16:32:06] <Tom_L> dunno....
[16:36:15] <TurBoss> ok
[16:36:30] <TurBoss> got it but can't test until I manage to disable pb from qtpyvcp
[16:36:30] <Lcvette> \o/
[16:36:50] <TurBoss> /o\
[16:37:01] <Lcvette> you can save the file as and in the probe basic directory of qtpyvcp
[16:37:13] <Lcvette> i must know its been killing me for hours!!!!!
[16:37:20] <Lcvette> tell lcvette pleeeeeaaaasssseeee
[16:37:29] <Lcvette> /o\
[16:37:38] <TurBoss> give yo a min
[16:37:40] <TurBoss> :P
[16:38:37] <Lcvette> tell me the signal and slot to connect
[16:38:53] <TurBoss> i have to push
[16:38:59] <TurBoss> I added the signal
[16:39:04] <Lcvette> ok
[16:39:08] <TurBoss> and I have to test first
[16:40:34] <Lcvette> merge me too
[16:50:29] <TurBoss> ok I think I'm done
[16:50:33] <TurBoss> I'll check again
[16:52:44] <Lcvette> eagerly standing by
[16:57:23] <TurBoss> \o/
[16:57:27] <TurBoss> it workS!!
[16:57:31] <Lcvette> \o/
[16:57:36] <Lcvette> HURRAY!!!!!
[16:58:19] <Lcvette> pushy mergy
[16:58:22] <Lcvette> \o/
[16:58:30] <TurBoss> but did big changes
[16:58:36] <Lcvette> :o
[17:00:12] * TurBoss uploaded an image: Peek 26-09-2019 22-59.gif (22KB) < https://matrix.org >
[17:00:39] <Lcvette> \o/
[17:00:44] <TurBoss> should be default for all entries?
[17:00:52] <TurBoss> other tha pb?¿
[17:00:53] <Lcvette> hurray!
[17:11:18] <Lcvette> yo when to push?
[17:11:30] <TurBoss> its big
[17:11:35] <TurBoss> needs testing
[17:11:36] <Lcvette> whats big?
[17:11:49] <Lcvette> the new slot?
[17:11:53] <TurBoss> just nuked the probe_basic examples
[17:11:58] <TurBoss> so I can test
[17:12:01] <Lcvette> :o
[17:12:23] <TurBoss> and wen to the machines to buy some drink
[17:13:04] <Lcvette> you have drink machines?
[17:13:24] <Lcvette> carillo dispenser?
[17:13:24] <TurBoss> over there
[17:13:25] <TurBoss> there are
[17:13:28] <TurBoss> no alchol
[17:13:44] <TurBoss> but caffeine :D
[17:14:05] <TurBoss> lol
[17:14:10] <TurBoss> carajillo
[17:14:11] <TurBoss> !
[17:16:36] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: nice! Much better, the PB entries felt dead before lol
[17:17:03] <TurBoss> yes but I did so much changes to disable pb
[17:17:15] <TurBoss> disable/nuke
[17:17:22] <TurBoss> I'll push to my fork
[17:17:55] <hazzy-m> Sweet! I'll review when I get home
[17:17:57] <Lcvette> hazzy: hazzy o/
[17:18:05] <Lcvette> now they are alive!!
[17:18:21] <Lcvette> if they get persiostent we will be shittin in tall cotton
[17:20:06] <Not-5e4d> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss created branch 03PB_REMOVAL - 13https://git.io/fhCou
[17:20:07] <Not-5e4d> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss pushed 031 commit to 03PB_REMOVAL [+0/-382/±2] 13https://git.io/JeG5a
[17:20:09] <Not-5e4d> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss 039a0b9ff - remove pb examples
[17:21:09] <TurBoss> lineedit needs a bit more of work
[17:21:23] <Lcvette> yeah whats werong with it?
[17:21:45] <TurBoss> i want that you don't need to wire each entry
[17:22:14] -!- travis-ci has joined #hazzy
[17:22:14] <travis-ci> kcjengr/qtpyvcp#1089 (PB_REMOVAL - 9a0b9ff : TurBoss): The build passed.
[17:22:14] <travis-ci> Diff view : https://github.com
[17:22:14] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org
[17:22:14] -!- travis-ci has parted #hazzy
[17:22:16] <Lcvette> can you do all of them inside a container?
[17:22:26] <Lcvette> i think the probe is the majority
[17:22:29] <TurBoss> all of them or none
[17:22:39] <Lcvette> thats fine
[17:22:46] <Lcvette> they all should be like that i think no?
[17:22:50] <TurBoss> yes
[17:22:59] <TurBoss> on return the lose focus
[17:23:04] <TurBoss> * on return the ylose focus
[17:23:07] <TurBoss> * on return they lose focus
[17:23:11] <Lcvette> so you need to do it in lineedit.py
[17:23:12] <Lcvette> ?
[17:23:16] <TurBoss> yes
[17:23:17] <TurBoss> I did
[17:23:22] <Lcvette> nice
[17:23:24] <TurBoss> but need some bits more
[17:23:26] <Lcvette> but it needs more?
[17:23:35] <TurBoss> a line
[17:23:43] <TurBoss> I'm thinkinfg
[17:23:45] <TurBoss> * I'm thinking
[17:23:50] <TurBoss> *drinking
[17:23:52] <Lcvette> k
[17:23:58] <TurBoss> lol
[17:24:29] <Lcvette> code before drinking
[17:24:30] <Lcvette> lol
[17:24:48] <TurBoss> oh
[17:24:55] <TurBoss> I thought was the oposite
[17:26:04] <Lcvette> simultaneous
[17:26:04] <Lcvette> \o/
[17:26:05] <Lcvette> lcvette will drink
[17:26:06] <Lcvette> koolaide
[17:26:21] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: I think I know how to do it globally
[17:26:38] <TurBoss> I did
[17:26:41] <TurBoss> with vcplines
[17:26:46] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: it is the opposite xD
[17:26:55] <hazzy-m> Oh sweet!
[17:27:03] <Lcvette> Hazzy.. you tackle persistence keep your eye on the ball
[17:27:05] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[17:27:09] <Lcvette> Lol
[17:27:18] <Lcvette> Don't look at the shiny new thing
[17:27:50] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: will do! Haha
[17:27:52] <Lcvette> ooh piece of candy Pooh piece of candy
[17:28:09] * hazzy-m is getting ready to test out his new speakers on the drive home
[17:28:12] <Lcvette> i had similar earlier but not with clear focus
[17:28:26] <Lcvette> i had removeFocus
[17:28:30] <Lcvette> but it errored
[17:28:41] <Lcvette> hazzy: \o/
[17:28:42] <Not-5e4d> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/JeG5M
[17:28:43] <Not-5e4d> [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss 03e9e58ef - clear self focus on return
[17:28:46] <TurBoss> ceephax ceephax!
[17:28:48] <Lcvette> party in the mazda
[17:29:59] <TurBoss> https://youtu.be
[17:30:06] <TurBoss> tune min 39
[17:30:17] <TurBoss> \o\ /o/
[17:30:29] <Lcvette> Little rave men
[17:30:35] <Not-5e4d> [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+460/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/JeG5D
[17:30:37] <Not-5e4d> [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 03b50c2c8 - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
[17:30:46] <Lcvette> \o\ /o/
[17:31:54] <TurBoss> didn't you ever ear about the balmer peak?
[17:32:16] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (131KB) < https://matrix.org >
[17:33:01] <hazzy-m> Hohohohoh
[17:33:29] <Lcvette> Lol
[17:34:41] <TurBoss> :D
[17:39:03] <TurBoss> Lcvette: linedit is up
[17:39:07] <TurBoss> on qtpyvcp master
[17:42:43] <Lcvette> ok
[17:43:40] <Lcvette> can you merge me in?
[17:44:34] <TurBoss> done
[17:46:28] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (38KB) < https://matrix.org >
[17:47:40] <TurBoss> hmmmm
[17:47:56] <TurBoss> i think that you just did the work on qtpyvcp
[17:47:56] <Lcvette> i have spinning wheel in kraken
[17:48:00] <Lcvette> i just updated it
[17:48:06] <Lcvette> i pushed both
[17:48:18] <Lcvette> they were both updated here because of the issue
[17:48:20] <TurBoss> both have the vcp lines?
[17:48:23] <Lcvette> yes
[17:48:26] <TurBoss> ok
[17:48:29] <TurBoss> no problem then
[17:48:35] <Lcvette> they were the same identical ui
[17:48:45] <Lcvette> i was manually updating both
[17:48:49] <Lcvette> locally
[17:53:31] <Lcvette> is not working
[17:54:02] <Lcvette> turboss what do i do?
[17:54:10] <TurBoss> tlf
[17:54:26] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-09-26_17-54-09.png (38KB) < https://matrix.org >
[17:54:44] <Lcvette> i got caught up but now line edit function like you showed
[17:55:08] <TurBoss> on the kraken click on the new tab +
[17:55:13] <Lcvette> no line edit function like you showed*
[17:55:35] <Lcvette> k
[17:56:49] <Lcvette> then what?
[17:56:54] <TurBoss> open qtpyvcp
[17:56:58] <TurBoss> in kraken
[17:57:20] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-09-26_17-57-08.png (106KB) < https://matrix.org >
[17:57:28] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (78KB) < https://matrix.org >
[17:57:41] <TurBoss> reset master on our master
[17:57:58] <Lcvette> that will discard all my changes?
[17:58:14] <TurBoss> the ones you did on the qtpyvcp
[17:58:15] <TurBoss> yes...
[17:58:21] <TurBoss> could you wait
[17:58:30] <TurBoss> to the pb removal
[17:58:31] <TurBoss> is there
[17:58:39] <Lcvette> i can wait
[17:58:43] <Lcvette> what are you doing?
[17:58:57] <TurBoss> just did the line edit
[17:59:44] <TurBoss> you can try your self meanwhile
[17:59:46] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-09-26_17-59-33.png (97KB) < https://matrix.org >
[17:59:51] <TurBoss> okay
[18:00:03] <TurBoss> forcepushed?
[18:00:32] <Lcvette> yes
[18:00:43] <TurBoss> now editlines should work
[18:00:57] <Lcvette> no work
[18:01:04] <TurBoss> mew
[18:01:21] <Lcvette> why did you di it in wtpyvcp?
[18:01:31] <Lcvette> instead of probe_basic?
[18:01:41] <TurBoss> is where the editline widgets is
[18:02:08] <TurBoss> on qtpyvcp you don't need to push just pull
[18:02:43] <TurBoss> only if you do some widget or something
[18:02:44] <Lcvette> how do we get it working on probe_absic?
[18:02:49] <TurBoss> ok
[18:03:00] <Lcvette> probe_basic
[18:03:02] <TurBoss> ok
[18:03:02] <TurBoss> ok
[18:03:04] <TurBoss> xD
[18:03:06] <TurBoss> sorry
[18:03:07] <TurBoss> :P
[18:05:05] <TurBoss> if didn't work out of the box
[18:06:06] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[18:06:34] <Lcvette> yes
[18:06:42] <Lcvette> from probe_basic temrinal?
[18:06:55] <TurBoss> any terminal
[18:06:59] <TurBoss> doesn't matter
[18:08:06] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-09-26_18-07-55.png (52KB) < https://matrix.org >
[18:08:13] <Lcvette> ok?
[18:08:20] <TurBoss> now just rok but also on the qtpyvcp directory
[18:08:29] <TurBoss> but has to be in order
[18:08:33] <Lcvette> ?
[18:08:39] <Lcvette> rok?
[18:08:43] <TurBoss> xD
[18:08:48] <TurBoss> nothing
[18:09:00] <Lcvette> you are confusing me
[18:09:04] <TurBoss> sorry
[18:09:04] <TurBoss> ok
[18:09:07] <Lcvette> please explain what i need to do now
[18:09:14] <TurBoss> just issue the same pip command
[18:09:20] <TurBoss> in the qtpyvcp directory
[18:09:29] <TurBoss> not the probe_basic one
[18:09:29] <TurBoss> :D
[18:11:08] <Lcvette> ok
[18:11:09] <Lcvette> done
[18:11:10] <Lcvette> now?
[18:11:22] <TurBoss> run linuxcnc
[18:11:31] <TurBoss> and test the entries
[18:12:14] <Lcvette> no work
[18:12:30] <TurBoss> hmmm 😕
[18:13:13] <TurBoss> what doesn't work the clearfocus?
[18:13:26] <Lcvette> correct
[18:13:35] <Lcvette> i hit enter and it does nothing stays the same
[18:13:44] <TurBoss> :/
[18:14:16] <TurBoss> the only diference is that I'm listening to ceephax and you don't
[18:14:18] <TurBoss> lol
[18:14:56] <Lcvette> i have ceephax on
[18:15:05] <TurBoss> ah
[18:15:08] <TurBoss> then duno
[18:15:28] <Lcvette> i see the change in the file
[18:16:28] <Lcvette> did you change the ui file?
[18:16:56] <TurBoss> no
[18:17:09] * TurBoss uploaded a video: Peek 27-09-2019 00-16.mp4 (533KB) < https://matrix.org >
[18:17:46] <TurBoss> you changed to vcp editlines
[18:17:57] <TurBoss> maybe is picking the wrong probebasic again
[18:18:11] <TurBoss> just vcp editlines will do this
[18:18:37] <Lcvette> sek
[18:20:32] <Lcvette> \o/
[18:21:14] <Lcvette> works
[18:21:18] <Lcvette> is glorious!
[18:22:56] <TurBoss> hurray!
[18:24:06] <Lcvette> hurray!
[18:24:15] <Lcvette> now we need to fix the issue that is ocnfusing the files
[18:24:24] <TurBoss> its fixed
[18:24:27] <TurBoss> but need revew
[18:25:13] <Lcvette> hazzy
[18:25:47] <Lcvette> did you see my fix for the offsets?
[18:25:53] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: ima_9cee4fd.jpeg (80KB) < https://matrix.org >
[18:26:19] <Lcvette> you need a tesla so you can code on your homeward commute
[18:26:46] <TurBoss> lol
[18:28:54] <Lcvette> what was your idea for the offsets table?
[18:31:56] <Lcvette> can we m68 E# Q# to the table entries?
[18:33:31] <Lcvette> and can we combine the output of the M68 E# Q#<g54_x>, #<g54_y>, #<g54_z>, #>g54_a>, .....
[18:33:45] <Lcvette> and then interperet it in the ui as a strong?
[18:34:25] <TurBoss> i managed to read the values
[18:34:28] <TurBoss> prom python
[18:34:34] <Lcvette> what?
[18:34:36] <Lcvette> \o/
[18:35:11] <TurBoss> doin like i did on the vtk plot
[18:35:16] <TurBoss> * doing like i did on the vtk plot
[18:35:47] <Lcvette> TurBoss (@TurBoss:matrix.org): that's fantastic news
[18:43:25] * jthornton is glad he doesn't live where hazzy-m does...
[18:44:44] <jthornton> hazzy-m, get a blow up doll so you can use the HOV lane lol
[18:45:18] <Lcvette> lol
[18:48:29] * hazzy-m is finaly home!
[18:48:42] <Lcvette> \o/
[18:48:51] <jthornton> https://www.backyardchickens.com
[18:49:07] <hazzy-m> jthornton: haha, or identify as a pregnant woman lol
[18:49:41] <hazzy-m> Nice! What flavor are those?
[18:50:03] <jthornton> Spitzhauben's
[18:50:05] <hazzy-m> I like the tufty hairdo
[18:50:33] <jthornton> the one on the right is Beldar
[18:50:57] <hazzy-m> thats a good name
[18:51:21] <jthornton> the other two are female
[18:51:58] <hazzy-m> my uncle had some appenzeller spitzhauben, but the foxes got to them before I got to see them
[18:53:19] <jthornton> yea if you have predators you gotta have either too many for them to eat or chicken fort knox
[18:54:09] <TurBoss> lol
[18:58:34] <jthornton> I chose chicken fort knox
[19:04:25] <Tom_L> mmm, got quiet. Lcvette must have things fixed
[19:04:41] <Lcvette> lcvette is in dev mode doing some cleanup on the ui
[19:05:01] <Tom_L> buttons change color now?
[19:05:40] <Lcvette> input on all line edits unhighlight and cursor hides when you hit enter now
[19:05:43] <Lcvette> feels complete
[19:07:31] <Tom_L> is that for all inupts?
[19:08:11] <Lcvette> yes
[19:08:12] <Lcvette> global
[19:08:18] <Lcvette> \o/
[19:08:21] <jthornton> that's pretty nice Lcvette
[19:08:36] <jthornton> where does the focus go?
[19:08:37] <Lcvette> jthornton: thanks JT!
[19:09:03] <Lcvette> once this is done and the offset table is complete i will begin doing the conversational
[19:10:09] <Lcvette> i wanna do some trick stuff like tie the probed result in to quick and easy functions such as facing the stock
[19:10:24] <Lcvette> one touch probe and one touch face off
[19:10:59] <Lcvette> maybe perimeter clean up etc
[19:11:20] <jthornton> that would be nice to probe and size material
[19:11:46] <Lcvette> it already sizes it except depth
[19:12:18] <Lcvette> but for facing if you just want to have a predefined cleanup amount like 0.020" should be prety easy to have stuff like that
[19:12:24] <jthornton> wouldn't you have to probe the parallels to get the base height? or something like that say if you need the final height to be 2.25" or something
[19:12:29] <Lcvette> figured i better way for hazzy to nail down the persistent stuff
[19:12:47] <hazzy-m> yep, I'm on it
[19:12:50] <Lcvette> no, it probes the workpiece for zero
[19:12:57] <Lcvette> and face off would come from that down
[19:13:06] <jthornton> ah ok a cleanup facing that would be easy to probe and take a bit off
[19:13:15] <Lcvette> yup
[19:13:35] <Lcvette> i thinkit will be fun to write those
[19:13:40] <Lcvette> and do the graphics for it
[19:13:46] * hazzy-m is goingto get a drewtronics probe, seems to have good reviews
[19:13:53] <Lcvette> did you see the vid jt?
[19:13:55] <jthornton> when I'm sizing stock I put the height gauge on the parallels and set Z0 to the top of the parallels
[19:14:08] <hazzy-m> jthornton: same!
[19:14:10] <jthornton> no missed it been woodchucking
[19:14:19] <Lcvette> i do on part flip
[19:14:28] <jthornton> yea makes it easy to do the math in your head
[19:14:38] <Lcvette> but for the top side i find it easier to probe stock and go
[19:14:44] <jthornton> I square and size at the same time
[19:15:31] <Lcvette> yup
[19:15:48] <Lcvette> thats what im thinking, do face and perimeter cleanup then flip
[19:15:57] <Lcvette> make sure it fits square and tight in the vise
[19:16:08] <Lcvette> i spend alot of time now doing it manual entry in the mdi
[19:16:20] <Lcvette> will be nice to automate it with theprobe
[19:17:17] <jthornton> yea I'm getting a drew tronics probe as well, my pony one is just not accurate
[19:17:50] <Lcvette> https://www.youtube.com
[19:17:57] <Lcvette> check the repeatability test
[19:18:08] <Lcvette> +/_0.0001"
[19:18:22] <Lcvette> pretty strong for a $130 probe
[19:18:37] <Lcvette> shame wildhorses quality fell off
[19:18:40] <jthornton> better than my BP knee mill lol
[19:18:45] <Lcvette> think he got complacent
[19:18:48] <jthornton> yea it looks nice
[19:19:27] <Lcvette> i just ordered the wireless unit
[19:19:33] <Lcvette> so i can keep it in the carousel
[19:23:13] <Tom_L> did more driving than work today :/
[19:24:09] <jthornton> I thought for sure my limb fire would be out after this mornings rains but no it was too hot so burned branches all day
[19:25:33] <Tom_L> too small for firewood?
[19:26:36] <jthornton> too small or rotten, cut down 4 huge dead oaks last Thursday so still cleaning up the mess and splitting firewood
[19:26:56] <jthornton> got 7 1/2 logs to cut up for lumber so pretty good haul
[19:27:31] <Tom_L> nice
[19:27:38] <Tom_L> got plans for em?
[19:27:43] <jthornton> anything 4" in diameter or larger that is not rotten goes in the wood pile
[19:28:08] <Tom_L> all 4 dead trees?
[19:28:21] <Tom_L> i don't like crawling around in dead ones
[19:28:24] <jthornton> my buddy has a sawmill so I got some fresh bandsaw blades so we can cut them up into lumber
[19:28:48] <Tom_L> we can't just do one cut and done here
[19:28:56] <Tom_L> too many obstacles
[19:29:03] <jthornton> well 5 dead but one was rotten so I just pushed it over with the hoe, the other 4 died last winter or last fall
[19:29:39] <jthornton> it was a challenge for sure to not hit any buildings and we only cut one live tree to get the last one down
[19:30:00] <jthornton> there was no place to put it without hanging up in another tree
[20:22:32] <Lcvette> hows it coming guys?
[20:22:52] <Lcvette> hazzy turboss? did you two discuss the offsets table idea?
[20:25:13] <TurBoss> no
[20:26:44] <Lcvette> how about the file call?
[20:27:04] <Lcvette> its a pain having to save two different directories every update to check stuff
[20:27:28] <Lcvette> any ideas turboss or is that hazzy?
[20:27:40] <Lcvette> o/
[20:32:38] <TurBoss> oh
[20:32:43] <Lcvette> hazzy, there is a problem with where the ui and qss files are being pulled from
[20:32:59] <TurBoss> the offset table can be filled with the same data the vtk backplot does its paints
[20:33:06] <TurBoss> vtk allready reads offsets
[20:33:13] <Lcvette> \o/
[20:33:23] <hazzy-m> yo!
[20:33:28] <Lcvette> o/
[20:33:32] * hazzy-m looks into the file paths
[20:34:06] * hazzy-m kicks off his boots
[20:34:12] <Lcvette> editvcp saves and opens the correct path but when linuxcnc starts it pulls the old files from the dev/qtpyvcp/example/probe_basic/ folder
[20:34:39] <hazzy-m> thats strange
[20:34:42] <Lcvette> ini and hal files are from correct directory, just sdeems to be the ui and qss
[20:34:50] <Lcvette> yeah it made me nuts last night
[20:35:13] <Lcvette> i was making changes and they were not showing up in wheni launched linuxcnc
[20:36:23] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-09-26_20-36-07.png (132KB) < https://matrix.org >
[20:36:40] <Lcvette> then i saw this line saying it was ising the ui from qtpyvcp
[20:37:09] <Lcvette> or qss
[20:37:16] <Lcvette> and assumed ui as well
[20:37:53] <Lcvette> so i have been having to save changes in two directories as i make edits
[20:37:54] <Lcvette> lol
[20:38:33] <Tom_L> is this just on your local copy or a general problem?
[20:39:01] <Lcvette> you wouldn't notice unless you were editing the ui
[20:39:20] <Lcvette> when you launch what path does it say it pulls the qss from?
[20:39:30] <Lcvette> the second orange line in the above image
[20:39:40] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: wrong entry in the INI file
[20:39:54] <Lcvette> that should be ?
[20:40:43] <hazzy-m> it was `DISPLAY = qtpyvcp probebasic`, but now since it is stand alone it should be `DISPLAY = probe_basic`
[20:41:21] <Lcvette> dammit
[20:41:26] <Lcvette> \o/
[20:41:27] <Tom_L> :O
[20:41:27] <hazzy-m> I pushed the fix
[20:41:28] <Lcvette> hurray!
[20:41:46] <Lcvette> supposed to be probe_basic
[20:44:17] <hazzy-m> `DISPLAY = qtpyvcp probe_basic` would also work, but there is no need for the qtpyvcp command
[20:44:40] <hazzy-m> probe basic can run stand alone
[20:44:54] <Lcvette> \o/
[20:45:00] <hazzy-m> try `probe_basic -h` from a terminal to prove it :D
[20:45:27] <hazzy-m> or `probe_basic -v` to test out the new version prefixed with a dobleve lol
[20:46:05] <hazzy-m> sorry, needs an accent, doblevé
[20:46:11] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-09-26_20-45-59.png (163KB) < https://matrix.org >
[20:46:29] <hazzy-m> sweet!
[20:47:17] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-09-26_20-47-09.png (24KB) < https://matrix.org >
[20:47:22] <Lcvette> why it says dirty
[20:47:23] <Lcvette> ?
[20:47:25] <Lcvette> :O
[20:47:36] <hazzy-m> haha
[20:47:41] <Lcvette> probe basic is clean and fresh!
[20:47:47] <hazzy-m> it means you have uncommented changes
[20:47:59] <Lcvette> where?
[20:48:18] <hazzy-m> in git
[20:48:20] <hazzy-m> the kraken
[20:49:13] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: maybe just preferance, but I think there might should be some indication which feilds are inputs, and which are just display lables
[20:49:29] <hazzy-m> maybe a slightly gray background on the labels?
[20:49:39] <Tom_L> maybe just the display shouldn't change color?
[20:49:49] <Lcvette> yeah it doesn't
[20:49:52] <Tom_L> k
[20:49:57] <Lcvette> labels don't change
[20:50:03] <Lcvette> or at least they didn't use to
[20:50:26] <Tom_L> yeah but that was yesterday :)
[20:50:45] <Lcvette> i'll play with it
[20:50:48] <Lcvette> but it will upset the delicate balance of my color pallet
[20:50:52] <Lcvette> lol
[20:50:57] <hazzy-m> its much better with the clearFocus on the entries!
[20:50:57] <Lcvette> hahahahaha
[20:51:18] <Lcvette> yes!!
[20:51:19] <hazzy-m> haha, I thought you would say that!
[20:51:33] <hazzy-m> But it also makes it a liitle bit less intuitive, and its suposed to be that too!!
[20:51:33] <Lcvette> i LOVE LOVE LOVE it
[20:51:42] <hazzy-m> me too!
[20:51:43] <Lcvette> so much more satisfying to hit enter and have that cursor and highlight go away
[20:57:49] * hazzy-m uploaded an image: image.png (189KB) < https://matrix.org >
[20:57:59] <hazzy-m> with TTS shank!
[20:58:04] <Lcvette> yeah
[20:58:08] <Lcvette> he makes a great product
[20:58:39] <Lcvette> lcvette sent him a bt30 holder to mate to the new wireless probe
[20:58:48] <Lcvette> to neaten things up
[20:58:57] <hazzy-m> sweet!
[21:02:53] <Lcvette> 52
[21:03:04] <hazzy-m> 42
[21:03:12] <Lcvette> lol
[21:03:13] <Lcvette> px
[21:03:21] <hazzy-m> haha
[21:08:09] <TurBoss> hazzy: what we do with example pb?
[21:08:43] <hazzy-m> throw it out :D
[21:09:03] <Lcvette> just need one, blank
[21:09:07] <TurBoss> there is a branch
[21:09:11] <TurBoss> with the removal
[21:14:13] <Lcvette> ?
[21:26:12] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-09-26_21-26-00.png (104KB) < https://matrix.org >
[21:26:42] <Lcvette> for this button, or return pressed i am trying to have the box clear AFTER the load tool command is carried out
[21:26:58] <Lcvette> the way i have it here it clears the number before the tool is loaded
[21:27:02] <Lcvette> any thoughts?
[21:27:19] <hazzy-m> yes
[21:27:19] <Lcvette> its setup to be button click or return loads tool in spindle currently
[21:28:08] <Lcvette> was thinking pressed would do the oad tool and released would clear the box
[21:28:11] <Lcvette> but its not working
[21:28:26] <hazzy-m> probably need to use rule
[21:28:39] <hazzy-m> status:tool_changed or soemthing like that
[21:28:44] <hazzy-m> I'll take a look in a sek
[21:28:52] <Lcvette> k
[21:28:53] <hazzy-m> reviewing the TurBoBranch
[21:29:07] <Lcvette> \o/
[21:29:09] <Lcvette> turbobranch
[21:37:33] <hazzy-m> Lcvette: have you been havingto run qcompile?
[21:37:47] <hazzy-m> afk 30min
[21:41:43] <Lcvette> No why?
[21:42:00] <Lcvette> But I have not added any new pictures
[22:22:11] -!- travis-ci has joined #hazzy
[22:22:11] <travis-ci> kcjengr/probe_basic#18 (v0.0.2 - a59c1dc : Kurt Jacobson): The build has errored.
[22:22:11] <travis-ci> Diff view : https://github.com
[22:22:11] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org
[22:22:11] -!- travis-ci has parted #hazzy
[22:28:27] <Lcvette> Bad Travis
[22:32:06] -!- travis-ci has joined #hazzy
[22:32:06] <travis-ci> kcjengr/probe_basic#20 (v0.0.2 - aa67334 : Kurt Jacobson): The build has errored.
[22:32:06] <travis-ci> Diff view : https://github.com
[22:32:06] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org
[22:32:06] -!- travis-ci has parted #hazzy
[22:34:04] <Lcvette> Come on Travis you're better than that!
[22:34:27] <hazzy-m> *come on Hazzy, your better than that
[22:34:28] <hazzy-m> LOL
[22:35:01] <Lcvette> Yahoo's is failing
[22:35:09] <Lcvette> Hazzy is winning!
[22:35:15] <Lcvette> Travis*
[22:36:13] <hazzy-m> I though Yahoo failed long ago..
[22:36:15] <hazzy-m> xD
[22:36:24] <Lcvette> Hahahaha
[22:36:30] <Lcvette> How about excite
[22:36:39] <TurBoss> exicte-bike?
[22:36:57] <Lcvette> Used to be a competitor of Yahoo and aol
[22:38:12] -!- travis-ci has joined #hazzy
[22:38:13] <travis-ci> kcjengr/probe_basic#22 (v0.0.2 - 580f798 : Kurt Jacobson): The build passed.
[22:38:13] <travis-ci> Diff view : https://github.com
[22:38:13] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org
[22:38:13] -!- travis-ci has parted #hazzy
[22:38:19] <Tom_L> the source
[22:38:21] <hazzy-m> https://pypi.org
[22:38:23] <hazzy-m> Its up!
[22:38:40] <Lcvette> Along with lycos
[22:38:54] <Lcvette> \o/
[22:38:58] <TurBoss> hurray!
[22:39:02] <Lcvette> You fixed?
[22:39:28] <hazzy-m> hurray!
[22:39:33] * hazzy-m goes to sleep now
[22:39:42] <hazzy-m> gn8
[22:40:17] <TurBoss> n8 and thanks!
[22:40:23] <TurBoss> 🙂
[22:40:49] <Lcvette> So no more reliance on qtpyvcp?
[22:40:58] <Lcvette> The other install page?
[22:41:03] <hazzy-m> TurBoss: BTW, the no PB branch looks good
[22:41:19] <hazzy-m> going to clean it up a little more tomarrow and merge
[22:41:26] <TurBoss> cool
[22:41:36] <hazzy-m> but first sleep :
[22:41:38] <hazzy-m> )
[22:43:45] <Lcvette> o/
[22:45:42] <Lcvette> Turbos are you playing in probe or on other things?
[22:45:49] <Lcvette> Turboss
[22:46:09] <TurBoss> playing doing things
[22:46:19] <TurBoss> 😋
[22:46:20] <Lcvette> Ok
[22:46:25] <TurBoss> need something
[22:46:32] <TurBoss> the offsets stuff?
[22:46:45] <Lcvette> I didn't wanna leave ya hanging if you were working in probe basic
[22:47:02] <TurBoss> not now
[22:47:08] <Lcvette> Kk
[23:00:21] <TurBoss> ok I did it
[23:00:35] <TurBoss> just ported a nice game to the raspberry pi
[23:01:07] <TurBoss> https://github.com Original
[23:01:07] <TurBoss> https://github.com Mod
[23:01:17] <TurBoss> ok back to work
[23:01:43] <Lcvette> \o/
[23:02:01] <Lcvette> Nice job on the homes!
[23:02:10] <Lcvette> Games*
[23:04:32] <Tom_L> Lcvette, you cut any chips yet?
[23:05:25] <Lcvette> Not yet
[23:05:42] <Lcvette> I only wanna probe one version or
[23:05:51] <Lcvette> Prove*
[23:06:06] <TurBoss> Lcvette: in the ini file
[23:06:38] <Lcvette> Yeah?
[23:06:42] * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org >
[23:06:52] <TurBoss> but anyway the file must be on dev too....
[23:06:56] <TurBoss> so not a big diference
[23:07:04] <Lcvette> Ah ok
[23:07:29] <Lcvette> Will fix!
[23:10:52] <Lcvette> What else?
[23:10:59] <TurBoss> we also need to play with the multouch features
[23:11:23] <TurBoss> and notifications are done
[23:11:30] <Lcvette> What's that?
[23:11:44] <TurBoss> the vtk multitouch support
[23:11:46] <Lcvette> Notifications is done?
[23:11:48] <TurBoss> to pan
[23:11:54] <Lcvette> Ah yes
[23:12:05] <TurBoss> notifications need a fix only
[23:12:12] <Lcvette> Bit last
[23:12:24] <TurBoss> it remains behind the full screen
[23:12:50] <Lcvette> Behind?ohpop up
[23:12:53] <Lcvette> Gotcha
[23:13:52] <TurBoss> so I'll try with the offsets
[23:13:59] <Lcvette> \o/
[23:14:29] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (33KB) < https://matrix.org >
[23:14:43] <TurBoss> this is a hand made table
[23:14:56] <TurBoss> what if I do a widget like the tool table or so
[23:15:18] <Lcvette> yeah thats fine
[23:15:20] <TurBoss> ok
[23:36:02] * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-09-26_23-35-47.png (50KB) < https://matrix.org >
[23:36:09] <Lcvette> turboss what do i do to merge?
[23:37:22] <Lcvette> i can't remember
[23:39:47] <TurBoss> I'll do
[23:40:26] <Tom_L> https://education.github.com
[23:41:23] <TurBoss> merged
[23:41:37] <Lcvette> whoa
[23:41:38] <TurBoss> now you can reset there and push to kcj
[23:42:49] <Lcvette> \o/
[23:42:53] <Lcvette> thanks turboss
[23:43:01] <Tom_L> don't you switch to master and merge his branch?
[23:43:54] <Tom_L> <- learning
[23:45:12] <Lcvette> i always get it mixed up
[23:45:21] <Lcvette> just need to do it as few times
[23:45:29] <Tom_L> or take notes
[23:45:30] <Lcvette> i used to just set upstream and push
[23:45:42] <Lcvette> but this is now different with merging
[23:45:50] <Lcvette> i don't wanna cause problems
[23:46:12] <Lcvette> before hazzy always did the merging
[23:55:37] <Lcvette> turboss, the notification pop up behind probe basic?
[23:55:50] <Lcvette> im trying to find the pop up box but i don't see it
[23:55:58] <TurBoss> its not enabled
[23:55:59] <Lcvette> or did you mean on the statuis page
[23:56:09] <Lcvette> oh ok
[23:56:24] <TurBoss> once enabled it will just popup on notifications
[23:56:26] <Lcvette> im with ya
[23:56:28] <Lcvette> :D
[23:57:53] <TurBoss> I can enable it with the bug
[23:58:01] <Lcvette> no need
[23:58:03] <TurBoss> ok
[23:58:17] <Lcvette> im so escited!
[23:58:22] <Lcvette> excite*
[23:58:28] <Lcvette> lo0l
[23:58:30] <Lcvette> \o/
[23:58:35] <Lcvette> eveyrthing is coming together
[23:58:47] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (105KB) < https://matrix.org >
[23:58:59] <TurBoss> https://cdn02.nintendo-europe.com
[23:59:06] <Lcvette> that game is awesome!
[23:59:10] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (953KB) < https://matrix.org >
[23:59:14] <TurBoss> brutal!
[23:59:34] <Lcvette> lol
[23:59:51] <Lcvette> i do real excitebike