#linuxcnc-devel | Logs for 2018-11-24

[00:37:00] -!- ve7it has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:27:47] -!- c-log has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[01:30:03] -!- c-log has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[02:01:00] -!- c-log has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[02:03:13] -!- c-log has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[10:38:13] <jepler> minor kunena update
[10:38:53] <jepler> and a quick reboot to placate the OS after a grub update
[11:17:45] -!- Roguish has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[11:22:49] <Roguish> CMorley: i'm curious now, what are you doing with ProbeScreen (Vers's work) ?
[11:23:33] <Roguish> sort of updating all the graphics stuff?
[16:07:45] -!- crazyben has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[16:08:23] <crazyben> Hello, could you help me to upgrade linuxcnc 2.7 to 2.8 ?
[16:08:37] <JT-Shop> it's still down
[16:08:57] <JT-Shop> and the person that runs it is not here so he may be down as well
[16:10:04] <crazyben> Do you think it may be possible that I have all the sources on my old (2.8) installation?
[16:23:52] <crazyben> ok - made it working on my own using github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc
[16:24:44] -!- crazyben has parted #linuxcnc-devel
[16:27:52] <CMorley> Roguish:Porting versa probe to QtVCP - it's originally a gladeVCP project
[16:28:36] <CMorley> porting ^^^
[17:06:44] -!- ve7it has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[17:11:39] <Roguish> CMorley: so, that's an update to help with updating all the gladeVCP stuff? wonderful.
[17:26:32] <CMorley> Well not really. It's a project to use QT widgets rather then GTK widgets - whether it replaces gladeVCP remains to be seen - I would hope that both projects could be possible - Someday I intend to update gladeVCP if I have any energy left :)
[17:31:27] <Roguish> appreciate all the efforts.
[17:41:51] -!- ve7it has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[17:43:23] -!- ve7it has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[17:59:11] <Roguish> CMorley: been reading about QT vs GTK. seems like QT is more current. Which QT are you working with? QT5 ?
[18:06:08] <CMorley> yes QT5 though using python2 so a little behind the times but we are stuck with it in linuxcnc for some time yet
[18:07:06] <Roguish> so why is python2 so separate from python3?
[18:07:42] <Roguish> is hazzy working with QT5 also?
[18:10:33] <Roguish> I'd like to try a bit of coding help. trying to figure where to start.
[18:14:46] <CMorley> python 3 is incompatible with python 2 in many ways
[18:14:59] <Roguish> just reading that....
[18:15:02] <CMorley> Hazzy is working on his own qtvcp project
[18:15:12] <Roguish> https://learntocodewith.me
[18:16:01] <Roguish> so, is Linuxcnc stuck with Python2? why?
[18:16:09] <CMorley> in linuxcnc it's the python extension to c and C++ that are the real problem
[18:16:23] <Roguish> or does it really matter?
[18:16:44] <CMorley> just because python is incorperated _all_ over and one really needs to convert everything all at once
[18:17:52] <CMorley> it matters because libraries are converting to python3 so we isolate ourselves -
[18:18:08] <Roguish> so, one can't mix Python 2 with Python 3, in a larger code like lcnc?
[18:18:21] <CMorley> you can to some degree
[18:19:12] <CMorley> for instance if we had a python3 option for python's hal and linuxcnc library, the guis could use python3
[18:19:36] <Roguish> ok, how is that done?
[18:19:52] <Roguish> lots of dev work, i presume?
[18:19:52] <CMorley> I started a branch for python3 hal library
[18:20:19] <CMorley> using cython in my case
[18:20:46] <CMorley> it's very rough - really a proof of concept
[18:21:22] <Roguish> https://pypi.org
[18:21:41] <CMorley> I finding it tough to start the linuxcnc library as I'm not good at C++
[18:22:00] <Roguish> I left coding at Fortran 5
[18:22:15] <CMorley> lol
[18:22:47] <Roguish> started with cards on an IBM 360-70
[18:22:57] <CMorley> Anyways at the moment QtVCP keeps me busy trying to get it ready for merge
[18:23:39] <Roguish> well. good luck, and good efforts.
[18:23:40] <CMorley> atari 600xl was my first real programming experience - basic and asembly
[18:23:51] <Roguish> thanks for the brief eduction.......
[18:24:54] <CMorley> Thanks. Feel free to comment on code or anything else about it. Critique is helpful.
[18:25:00] <CMorley> TTYL
[18:25:34] <Roguish> yeah, i did basic also. first (an only) coding class, the instructor came in the first day and announced "this is an applications course, if you don't know a language, learn one..." half the class did not show up for the 2nd meeting
[23:01:27] -!- beachbumpete1 has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[23:26:18] -!- beachbumpete1 has quit [Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.]