#linuxcnc-devel | Logs for 2020-06-12
[00:56:56] -!- ve7it has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:09:13] -!- Centurion_Dan has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[01:15:55] -!- Tom_itx has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[01:19:04] -!- Tom_L has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
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[02:42:11] -!- Centurion_Dan has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[04:15:44] <dwrobel> > which firmware opened up the usb boot thing. https://github.com - if I'm not mistaken
[05:08:44] -!- CaptHindsight has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:09:09] -!- CaptHindsight has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[05:09:09] -!- CaptHindsight has quit [Changing host]
[05:09:09] -!- CaptHindsight has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[07:49:38] -!- c-log has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
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[08:09:54] <jepler> CaptHindsight there is some kind of uboot support for some PIs, but it's still "after" the proprietary code, not replacing it.
[08:10:49] <jepler> Tom_L build times are awful until you get an external drive and make sure everything the build process writes, including temporary files, is not going to the SD card
[08:11:01] <jepler> Then it's 4x better at least
[08:13:46] <jepler> Raspbian has shipped a 64 bit kernel for a long time, but doesn't use it by default; userspace is 32 bits. They view supporting all pi boards with a single image as more important than many other considerations, such as being compatible with what Debian designated armhf or being 64 bits for the sake of it. Agree or disagree with the goals, but it's not fair to call them "behind"
[11:13:44] -!- Centurion_Dan has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[11:13:48] -!- Centurion-Dan2 has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[11:16:08] Centurion-Dan2 is now known as Centurion_Dan
[11:28:15] -!- c-log has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[11:32:55] -!- c-log has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[12:30:41] -!- mauz555 has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[13:07:55] Tom_itx is now known as Tom_L
[13:17:32] <andypugh> jepler: Available?
[13:17:59] <andypugh> I am composing an email to Paulo, but want to get my nomenclature correct.
[13:18:23] <andypugh> (Paolo I mean)
[13:18:54] <andypugh> How should I refer to “normal” and “uspace” versions of running LinuxCNC + RTAI?
[13:49:18] <jepler> "uspace" + RTAI is LXRT
[13:49:37] <jepler> the other is .. kernel mode I guess?
[13:49:47] <andypugh> That’s what I called it
[13:49:52] <jepler> but you aren't using a tree from Paolo, are you?
[13:50:06] <andypugh> No. And therein lies part of the problem.
[13:50:08] <jepler> of rtai
[13:50:38] <andypugh> It’s hard to know what is LinuxCNC, what is Paulo and what is Alec
[13:51:34] <andypugh> (Incidentally, the repeated abs.0 test script runs _really_ slowly with LXRT realtime.
[13:52:07] <andypugh> About 5 seconds per iteration
[14:00:38] <CaptHindsight> Paolo gets upset if you change his tree, Alec forked the RTAI so it would be clean and stable
[14:01:10] <andypugh> Right, so asking him for any help is a bad idea?
[14:01:44] <CaptHindsight> at times Paolo seems to provide fixes and advice
[14:02:08] <CaptHindsight> all you can do is ask
[14:03:40] <CaptHindsight> appears to be calm lately
[14:08:17] -!- ve7it has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[14:48:28] <CaptHindsight> jepler: https://github.cnc32.ru
[14:48:56] -!- mauz555 has quit []
[14:49:01] <CaptHindsight> armbian packages for arm64, preempt_rt and LCNC
[14:49:18] <CaptHindsight> haven't tried them on the Rpi
[14:49:39] <CaptHindsight> might work
[15:00:02] <andypugh> Has anyone tried Xenomai on the Pi?
[15:02:25] <andypugh> I thinkI got Xenomai running LinuxCNC on the Udoo, but that is iMX6
[15:04:01] -!- sparafucile has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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[15:29:41] <skunkworks> I though seb had the same issue with kernel panic with paolo's branch...
[15:49:05] <andypugh> He did, as that was before Alec’s work
[16:12:31] <CaptHindsight> Alec's tree has slowed a bit, he was off his feet for 5-6 months and then Covid hit... been a rough last year
[17:09:54] <andypugh> I just mentioned that I was using Alec’s fork in a private email to Paolo. He went mildly ballistic.
[17:10:07] <andypugh> So we probably aren’t getting any help there.
[17:12:08] <Tom_L> heh
[17:12:12] <Tom_L> oops
[17:12:25] <Tom_L> does his sh** not stink?
[17:14:27] <CaptHindsight> heh, Alec removed >500K lines of cruft
[17:14:38] <CaptHindsight> from paolos tree
[17:14:49] <Tom_L> pet projects tend to be that way
[17:15:11] <CaptHindsight> same reaction
[17:15:46] <andypugh> He has just insisted that I _must_ use his tree, Which, as far as I can see, it not linked in any way from rtai.org
[17:16:42] <andypugh> Seriously, is there a way to navigate from www.rtai.org to https://savannah.nongnu.org
[17:17:03] <CaptHindsight> more fun
[17:17:20] <Tom_L> doesn't the savannah site have the rtai patches?
[17:17:40] <Tom_L> it may still leak...
[17:18:06] <CaptHindsight> andypugh: yeah that is how its been
[17:20:32] <CaptHindsight> Alec worked with ShabbyX until he gave up on RTAI
[17:21:48] <CaptHindsight> 7-8 years ago
[17:23:06] <andypugh> So, do I commit a weekend to comoiling offical RTAI to find out if it fails in the same way, or do I do something more useful and/or fun?
[17:24:34] <Tom_L> go for fun
[17:24:42] <Tom_L> you'll feel better in the end
[17:25:12] <CaptHindsight> take the weekend off, the weather here will be wonderful, not sure about your area
[17:25:19] <Tom_L> i compiled the rtai.org to find out i needed the patches and never went back to it yet
[17:25:35] <Tom_L> yeah, i'd let the weather make your decision
[17:26:02] <Tom_L> i wouldn't know how to fix it anyway
[17:30:30] <andypugh> I can do this, I managed to deal with MAH for years until the day he got just a bit too personaly insulting.
[17:30:59] <Tom_L> that's the spirit!
[17:32:16] <Tom_L> i can help test if you get something
[17:33:35] <CaptHindsight> andypugh: did he give you parenting advice as well?
[17:34:14] <Tom_L> i say let them discover the light socket on their own
[17:34:36] <CaptHindsight> was like he watched Good Will Hunting too many times
[18:33:38] -!- Connor has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[19:23:49] <andypugh> Looks like I managed to defuse Paolo with excessive reasonableness.
[20:39:07] <CaptHindsight> Italians :)
[22:59:37] -!- Connor has joined #linuxcnc-devel