#linuxcnc | Logs for 2018-07-14
[00:01:48] <skunkworks> when I was 10ish - I figured out what a diode did - and thought if I hooked it up in reverse I would get ac...
[00:06:20] <XXCoder> magic smoke eh
[00:12:27] -!- ziper has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[00:12:38] * Wolf__ is good at making magic smoke https://i.imgur.com
[00:16:59] <XXCoder> lol
[00:17:33] <hazzy-lab> http://ibm-1401.info
[00:17:39] <hazzy-lab> genuine IBM smoke
[00:18:04] <Wolf__> lol
[00:18:18] <XXCoder> lol
[00:26:33] -!- HSD has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[00:50:52] -!- ve7it has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:01:58] -!- Sabotend_ has joined #linuxcnc
[01:05:14] -!- Sabotender has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[01:16:14] -!- c-log has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
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[01:38:00] -!- Deejay has joined #linuxcnc
[01:38:13] <Deejay> moin
[01:47:11] -!- RyanS has joined #linuxcnc
[01:49:52] <hazzy-lab> morning Deejay
[01:50:53] <XXCoder> morning hazzy-lab
[01:52:53] <hazzy-lab> morning XXCoder
[01:54:41] <XXCoder> whats up
[01:56:23] <hazzy-lab> Not much, just working on making a better probe screen
[01:56:54] <XXCoder> probe gui?
[01:56:59] <hazzy-lab> so far I can call a sub: https://youtu.be
[01:57:01] <hazzy-lab> yes
[01:57:06] <hazzy-lab> baby steps :D
[01:58:17] <XXCoder> interesting
[01:58:20] <XXCoder> your video?
[01:58:33] <hazzy-lab> yeah
[01:58:57] <hazzy-lab> just a few minutes old
[01:59:27] <hazzy-lab> What I am truing to do it making possible to pass args to a subroutine from a GUI
[01:59:34] <hazzy-lab> trying*
[02:00:46] <hazzy-lab> The that will be used as the basis of a probe screen like this: https://matrix.org
[02:01:11] <XXCoder> that looks like decent gui yeah
[02:02:00] <CaptHindsight> my eyes
[02:02:05] <CaptHindsight> ah my eyes
[02:02:14] <CaptHindsight> :)
[02:02:42] <XXCoder> dmn we didnt add enough gray text on gray background
[02:02:56] <XXCoder> or maybe neon green on darker neon green background?
[02:03:04] <XXCoder> ;)
[02:03:48] <hazzy-lab> lol
[02:04:12] <hazzy-lab> That is an ugly screen, but is is a mach3 screen, so what do you expect?
[02:04:13] <hazzy-lab> xD
[02:06:44] <hazzy-lab> 2am here and I'm covered in oil and grease, better go take a shower and get some sleep
[02:06:45] <hazzy-lab> gn8
[02:07:05] <XXCoder> night
[02:07:49] <hazzy-lab> shoot, but there is still coffee left
[02:08:55] <hazzy-lab> not any more ;)
[02:15:28] <Wolf__> probe routine is relevant to my interests
[02:15:52] <XXCoder> i wanna probe some 3d models with it also
[02:26:24] -!- IchGucksLive has joined #linuxcnc
[02:26:24] <IchGucksLive> hi all
[02:26:40] <IchGucksLive> XXCoder, you get faster andbetter results with your smartphone
[02:27:08] <XXCoder> oh 3d shape scanner yeah I know of such
[02:27:27] <IchGucksLive> Wolf__, only touch probe Z or XY
[02:27:52] <IchGucksLive> Wolf__, i made 5 Buttons and did it that way
[02:27:54] <Wolf__> renishaw so yes
[02:28:31] <IchGucksLive> you can make a entry field that graps the tool diameter and caculate on this
[02:28:51] <IchGucksLive> and a M code reloads the screen
[02:29:10] <IchGucksLive> so you are at the probe end at the realtime
[02:29:45] <IchGucksLive> XXCoder, you can get it also free ofline
[02:32:32] <XXCoder> offline?
[02:34:44] <IchGucksLive> 123D is autodesk only online
[02:35:12] <XXCoder> ah I dont plan to use autodesk
[02:36:47] <IchGucksLive> insight3d.sourceforge.net
[02:38:57] <IchGucksLive> this is for height modells of face onyl http://cvl-demos.cs.nott.ac.uk
[02:40:14] <XXCoder> thats pretty cool
[02:40:43] <XXCoder> im pretty sure its a requirement for androids someday, so they can figure what they are seeing, in 3d world
[02:41:31] -!- holzjunkie has joined #linuxcnc
[02:44:18] <Wolf__> lidar does that
[02:48:59] -!- holzjunkie has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[02:49:50] <XXCoder> well thats where it gets data
[02:50:01] <XXCoder> im talking about internal compution and modeling
[02:50:13] <XXCoder> so it figures and learns if reality matches modeling
[02:50:58] -!- holzjunkie has joined #linuxcnc
[02:58:05] <IchGucksLive> im off 2 garden the Lake beatch is filling very quick this morning
[02:58:10] -!- IchGucksLive has quit [Quit: Leaving]
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[03:01:45] -!- gloops has joined #linuxcnc
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[06:08:17] <jthornton> morning
[06:08:27] <XXCoder> yo
[06:08:39] <Deejay> yo ;)
[06:41:53] -!- swarfer has joined #linuxcnc
[06:51:57] <Tom_L> morning
[06:53:02] <XXCoder> yo
[07:02:39] -!- swarfer has quit [Quit: swarfer]
[07:12:30] -!- DaViruz has joined #linuxcnc
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[07:33:30] jelly-home is now known as jelly
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[07:37:50] Sabotend_ is now known as Sabotender
[07:51:52] -!- gloops has joined #linuxcnc
[07:57:46] <gloops> well, a days machining wasted thanks to the drunken antics of the neighbours last night
[07:58:32] <jthornton> what did they do?
[07:59:55] <XXCoder> hopefully not by entering your shop and dicking around
[08:00:27] <gloops> kept me up while 2.30
[08:01:00] <gloops> too tired to be messing about with machines
[08:01:35] <gloops> also - too hot lol
[08:02:30] <jthornton> damn it's 80°F already at 7am with 90% humidity
[08:02:36] <XXCoder> dang
[08:12:45] -!- P1ersson has joined #linuxcnc
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[09:02:03] -!- HighInBC has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[09:03:07] <gloops> this looked very bad at the NATO summit https://www.youtube.com
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[09:04:06] -!- RyanS has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[09:26:52] -!- IchGucksLive has joined #linuxcnc
[09:26:57] <IchGucksLive> hi all
[09:27:45] <IchGucksLive> it is super hot outside 33C air at the alke
[09:27:50] <IchGucksLive> lake
[09:30:37] <IchGucksLive> im off just a check of thunderstrorms around
[09:30:42] -!- IchGucksLive has quit [Client Quit]
[10:03:11] -!- Roguish has joined #linuxcnc
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[10:17:59] <tjb1> must be nice to go to work drunk
[10:18:21] <tjb1> or like the arizona guy bragging to the cop that he drives 140
[10:18:37] <tjb1> I really picked the wrong profession...
[10:24:06] -!- Flopper has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[10:30:50] -!- holzjunkie has joined #linuxcnc
[10:50:54] <Tom_L> 74°f
[10:51:39] <Tom_L> rain cooled things down a bit
[10:52:17] <hazzy-lab> .weather Atlanta
[10:53:09] <hazzy-lab> aww, the wee birdie is not here
[10:53:17] -!- ziper has joined #linuxcnc
[10:54:32] <hazzy-lab> It's 80F here and 80% RH :(
[11:06:21] -!- holzjunkie has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[11:06:55] <pcw_home> 60F here, pacific ocean air conditioning has kicked in...
[11:09:10] <tjb1> 83F, 55% RH in New York
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[11:47:27] -!- gloops has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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[12:29:45] -!- tiwake has joined #linuxcnc
[12:34:23] -!- IchGucksLive has joined #linuxcnc
[12:34:27] <IchGucksLive> hi all
[12:34:44] <IchGucksLive> tjb1, are you arond NY
[12:34:53] <tjb1> yes
[12:34:56] <tjb1> near Corning
[12:38:56] <IchGucksLive> that is far west
[12:39:23] <tjb1> yeah, the good part of NY
[12:39:45] <IchGucksLive> NY state is almost like here in Germany
[12:39:57] <IchGucksLive> thats why so many are from germany there
[12:41:17] <IchGucksLive> 14000 YT hits today
[12:41:21] <IchGucksLive> 1400
[12:41:35] <IchGucksLive> what happend Big M faild
[12:44:06] <IchGucksLive> gloops how they lost the confidence
[12:44:54] -!- unterhausen has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[12:47:56] <tjb1> what do you post on youtube?
[12:54:48] <IchGucksLive> linuxcnc stuff
[12:55:20] <tjb1> link?
[12:57:50] <IchGucksLive> https://www.youtube.com
[12:59:40] <tjb1> cool stuff!
[13:04:56] <IchGucksLive> workable things
[13:10:42] -!- holzjunkie has joined #linuxcnc
[13:14:57] <IchGucksLive> hi holzjunkie
[13:15:16] <holzjunkie> IchGucksLive: hi
[13:15:17] <IchGucksLive> it is getting thundry here
[13:15:34] <IchGucksLive> lots of people leaving the lake beatch
[13:15:51] <IchGucksLive> with pink swimm utils
[13:16:00] <IchGucksLive> very lart things
[13:16:05] <IchGucksLive> large
[13:16:54] <holzjunkie> no more pictures for my head please
[13:17:40] <IchGucksLive> holzjunkie, if makerman joins he is near me tell him im always here at 19:00
[13:18:21] <holzjunkie> no prob if i read him i´ll do so
[13:18:33] <IchGucksLive> Bye Gn8 from the old Germany
[13:18:38] <holzjunkie> bye
[13:18:43] -!- IchGucksLive has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[13:24:17] -!- holzjunkie has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
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[13:48:12] <miss0r> I just a a fun little task at hand. I got a 1948 two stroke moped single cylinder motor started. Remarkably good shape :) Now I will see what it'll take to turn the rusted heap of a chassis into something presentable :D
[13:49:00] <hazzy-lab> miss0r: Sweet!
[13:50:28] <miss0r> Yeah. it was pretty fun. I threw together a small bracked adapter so I could start it with a cordless drill. The moped it came from was basically a motorized bike, so you had to paddle it up to speed before releasing the clutch to engage the motor
[13:50:38] <miss0r> That was not an option :)
[13:52:19] <CaptHindsight> what is the life expectancy of a cordless drill used under fresh water?
[13:53:18] <hazzy-lab> CaptHindsight: quite long :D
[13:53:33] <CaptHindsight> 1000 years?
[13:54:03] <hazzy-lab> I made a RC boat with a drill for the motor, it ran great for a long time
[13:54:24] <hazzy-lab> The motor was submerged for "cooling"
[13:54:28] <hazzy-lab> ;)
[13:59:52] -!- gloops has joined #linuxcnc
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[14:10:23] <jesseg> hazzy-dev, under fresh water I presume :D
[14:11:49] <jesseg> CaptHindsight, actually the motor would probably run a while under fresh water, the electronic speed control module however may die on contact or soon thereafter.. your mileage may vary. Conditions apply :P
[14:15:28] <CaptHindsight> https://www.youtube.com Nemo Power Tools Demo: Angle Grinder and Hammer Drill
[14:15:51] <CaptHindsight> for the fish people
[14:17:40] <hazzy-lab> That's some nice video work
[14:17:49] <hazzy-lab> Not so easy underwater
[14:18:14] <hazzy-lab> jesseg: Yes, fresh water\
[14:19:04] <jesseg> haha guy goes into the ER "Yeah nurse I was running the hammer drill and I got a fish in my eye"
[14:23:36] -!- HSD has joined #linuxcnc
[14:26:38] <hazzy-lab> LOL
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[15:55:31] <Tom_L> quiet day
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[16:01:22] <hazzy-lab> real real, quite. kinda unusual for a staterday
[16:03:18] <CaptHindsight> we need more users in cooler climates
[16:04:01] <gloops> this is a cooler climate
[16:04:15] <gloops> when it isnt 96f
[16:04:17] <CaptHindsight> used to be
[16:04:32] <CaptHindsight> that fake climate change has changed it
[16:04:49] <gloops> nah, this is only a flash in the pan
[16:05:02] <CaptHindsight> gods punishment for leaving the EU
[16:05:16] <gloops> if we ever leave
[16:05:36] <gloops> did you see the glorius president of the EU at nato summit?
[16:05:49] <CaptHindsight> " either hot or cold, lukewarm and I'll spit you out" Jesus
[16:05:52] <gregcnc> http://www.freedomworks.org
[16:06:14] <CaptHindsight> it's all in that book written by god
[16:06:37] <gloops> the aliens only visit in the hottest years
[16:07:51] <CaptHindsight> who wants to visit a cold planet, duh
[16:08:17] <gregcnc> like visiting North Dakota in January
[16:08:17] <gloops> reptiles probably wouldnt
[16:08:41] <gloops> highly likely that other intelligent species are reptiles, not mammals
[16:09:03] <gregcnc> maybe they are heating the planet to make it more habitable
[16:09:13] <gloops> maybe
[16:09:31] <CaptHindsight> reptile fruit hybrids
[16:10:11] <gloops> there are signs that this ecological era is coming to an end
[16:11:10] <gregcnc> it was a good run
[16:12:20] <gloops> luckily machines dont mind 40C
[16:12:53] <Tom_L> well i'm headin out in the heat to prove out this program i think
[16:14:50] <gloops> ive been practising with blender on and off, slowly getting the hang of it
[16:16:27] <CaptHindsight> working on an animated film?
[16:16:38] -!- swarfer has quit [Quit: swarfer]
[16:26:26] -!- miss0r has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de]
[16:27:57] <gloops> no just modelling, i might take it to rigging and animation just for fun ..one day
[16:30:58] <gloops> for decor and any kind of artistic modelling really, the vector based drawing apps are wholly inadequate
[16:31:07] <gloops> only mesh can do it properly
[16:31:34] -!- Tom_shop has joined #linuxcnc
[16:31:46] <gloops> daunting for a beginner and agonisingly slow to start, but its actually pretty easy
[16:31:50] -!- micges has quit [Quit: Wychodzi]
[16:32:08] <CaptHindsight> I prefer tempra paint and brush for that
[16:32:52] <gloops> i dont like sculpting, i know a lot use it but you dont have the same control
[16:34:58] <gloops> only thing is you need a clear sharp head for modelling, and its just been too hot and muggy to concentrate
[16:37:55] <CaptHindsight> how did people sit and concentrate before air conditioning or cooler weather?
[16:38:08] <CaptHindsight> ice baths?
[16:39:29] <CaptHindsight> can a person train themselves to concentrate in hot and humid conditions?
[16:39:48] <gloops> they had sabs wafting them with ostrich feathers and palm leaves
[16:40:23] <XXCoder> CaptHindsight: they grew up in it, its just fine lol
[16:40:25] <Rab> They didn't move to places like Phoenix AZ.
[16:40:36] <XXCoder> I grew up poor. no AC
[16:41:01] <gloops> its true, the people trapped in ice regions were the innovators, very little creativity in hot climes
[16:41:32] <CaptHindsight> the internet wasn't invented in Mexico was it
[16:41:51] <CaptHindsight> or Cambodia
[16:42:35] <CaptHindsight> besides tropical disease what has ever been invented in hot and humid?
[16:42:47] <gloops> not a lot
[16:43:50] <gloops> we'll just have to work in the winter only
[16:43:51] <CaptHindsight> wasn't one of those nordic countries the hub of cellphones before Samsung and Apple invented rounded corners
[16:44:03] <XXCoder> winter will be shorter
[16:44:39] <gloops> it wasnt this year
[16:44:47] <gloops> record winter followed by record summer
[16:46:05] <CaptHindsight> damn libtards with their climate propaganda
[16:46:54] <gloops> its just the natural cycle, happens every 50 years or so
[16:47:30] <gloops> look at the bible - 7 years famine followed by 7 years plenty
[16:47:31] <CaptHindsight> same for CO2 levels, made up science mumbo jumbo
[16:48:01] <CaptHindsight> that was because Moses lost his sandals
[16:49:35] <XXCoder> ... said frog sitting in slowly boiling water
[16:49:40] <gloops> well, an ice age is due whatever man does
[16:50:04] <gloops> even if the temps are climbing at this moment, the long term decline cannot be stopped
[16:50:23] <CaptHindsight> well really the Pharaoh of Egypt hid them
[16:50:38] <CaptHindsight> they used to kid really big in those days
[16:51:15] <gloops> cold is a stimulant, cold makes you think and get up and do something
[16:51:32] <gloops> heat is the opposite, your brain shuts down to save water
[16:51:54] <gloops> your head is nothing more than a giant radiator
[16:52:26] <Deejay> gn8
[16:52:27] <XXCoder> thats not true. that 80% from head? test was very cold room, person was wearing very warm coat and clothes but no hat
[16:52:52] <XXCoder> of course head was radating 80% of heat. much more tests were in nude. heat radition was much more even.
[16:53:00] <CaptHindsight> speak for yourself
[16:53:01] <gloops> it becomes obvious if you try wearing a hat XXCoder
[16:53:20] <CaptHindsight> without a head people would overheat and die
[16:53:32] <XXCoder> nah they would rapidly cool
[16:53:40] <gloops> about 80% of the brain is never used you know
[16:53:46] <CaptHindsight> that how it works
[16:53:53] <XXCoder> to room temperate. after all dead dont generate heat
[16:53:59] <gloops> it could well be that larger brains evolved simply to control body temp
[16:53:59] <XXCoder> gloops: also a myth'
[16:54:09] <gloops> nothing to do with intelligence
[16:54:11] <XXCoder> we use 100% of brain at all time
[16:54:18] -!- Deejay has quit [Quit: bye]
[16:54:20] <CaptHindsight> sure they do, they even expand from the gasses forming within
[16:54:29] <XXCoder> lol
[16:54:56] <gloops> XXCoder you can do most things with a brain the size of a hazelnut
[16:55:26] <CaptHindsight> speak for yourself :)
[16:56:35] <CaptHindsight> I'm proud of my hazelnut brain
[16:57:56] <gloops> well the reptilian brain stem, which is good enough for fish and crocodiles is just a knotty bunch of nerve endings - we could probably survive just using that
[16:58:37] <gloops> the neocortex is a very recent addition, only a few mm of grey much on the outside
[16:58:43] <gloops> mush
[17:01:14] <XXCoder> https://3.bp.blogspot.com yep real world
[17:03:21] -!- holzjunkie has joined #linuxcnc
[17:04:16] <gloops> how do you explain hairlessness in humans XXCoder?
[17:04:27] <XXCoder> sex appeal
[17:04:40] <XXCoder> no hair means easy to see if no parastes and all
[17:05:23] <CaptHindsight> parasites are bald?
[17:05:34] <gloops> doesnt help in -30c though
[17:05:40] <tiwake> heh
[17:05:54] <XXCoder> who said evolution has to make sense?
[17:06:00] <XXCoder> its a blind process
[17:06:44] <tiwake> answersingenesis also says that it does not make sense
[17:07:27] -!- holzjunkie has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[17:07:54] <gloops> yes thats something to consider tiwake
[17:08:06] <gloops> im quite open to creation theories
[17:08:32] <XXCoder> creation is far too small minded, failing to consider how large universe is.
[17:08:33] <tiwake> gloops: nothing I've seen does not fit the model
[17:09:33] <XXCoder> if I was a god, I would rather come up with physics complex enough to have intellegance arise than make everything myself directly.
[17:09:45] -!- ziper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[17:10:03] <gloops> i suppose it depends on the creation theory
[17:11:06] <gloops> tiwake does yours use a general framework like that or did the creator design every detail?
[17:13:08] <tiwake> gloops: designed to be flexible and structured at the same time? because literally everything is like that... biological and non-biological systems
[17:15:35] <CaptHindsight> https://imgur.com
[17:15:58] <tiwake> CaptHindsight: an no fire hazard
[17:16:02] <tiwake> genius
[17:16:50] <tiwake> *and
[17:16:55] <gloops> unless it isnt windy
[17:18:07] <tiwake> though if it does spill, there will be a lot of unhappy people... which is a different kind of hazard
[17:22:07] <XXCoder> thats nice idea lol
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[18:01:08] <hendrik_cnc> does someone a way to probe the material height in gmoccappy?
[18:01:14] <hendrik_cnc> *know
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[18:57:28] <hazzy-lab> How does one check if an arg was passed to a sub?
[18:58:12] <hazzy-lab> Seems like the right thing to use would be EXISTS, but I can't get it to work
[19:00:34] <hazzy-lab> one problem is that EXISTS only takes a named parameter, so I can't pass it the numbered parameter that gets passed to the sub directly
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[19:26:43] Connor1 is now known as Connor
[19:36:39] <tjb1> what is the red square in sheetcam? https://i.imgur.com
[19:38:35] <XXCoder> stock?
[19:38:41] <XXCoder> dunno I dont use sheetcam
[19:39:39] <tjb1> found it, you are correct
[19:42:19] <XXCoder> nice
[19:42:26] <XXCoder> correct by pure luck lol
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[19:44:04] <XXCoder> okay it was SLIGHLTLY more than luck, colored in shape reminded me of freecad stock display (not same color but same idea)
[19:57:05] <tjb1> its rainin sideways
[19:57:06] <tjb1> damn
[19:57:20] <XXCoder> its ... warm here
[19:59:01] <tjb1> only 70 here now
[19:59:21] <XXCoder> my room is 81f its hotter outside
[19:59:49] <tjb1> heh im the opposite, 81 inside
[20:00:02] <tjb1> but not very humid, ac was on most of day just got tired of listening to it
[20:00:03] <XXCoder> it'll correct itself here evenually
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[21:25:33] <tjb1> Anyone know what this means in sheetcam post? "if(endX > 1e17 and endY > 1e17) then return end" - specifically the 1e17?
[21:30:37] <hazzy-lab> tjb1: Is that after a trig functions or something like that?
[21:30:50] <hazzy-lab> Probably checking for infinity
[21:31:24] <tjb1> hazzy-lab: https://pastebin.com line 140
[21:36:28] <hazzy-lab> tjb1: Yeah, they are checking it the xend and yend values are very large, and returning it so, probably to prevent the math.hypot call from failing
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[21:39:05] <tjb1> hazzy-lab: thanks!
[21:39:42] <hazzy-lab> tjb1: Sure!
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[22:00:50] <XXCoder> highly secure car https://www.bbc.co.uk
[22:01:09] <XXCoder> guy could leave door open with key still in, and nobody would steal it
[22:06:40] -!- hendrik_cnc has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
[22:14:36] <XXCoder> interesting! https://interestingengineering.com
[22:14:41] <XXCoder> boring bricks. very interesting/
[22:15:27] <XXCoder> looks like easy way to do rammed earth structures
[22:16:35] <infornography> boring
[22:16:44] <XXCoder> yep. boring company.
[22:17:22] <XXCoder> i was slighting tempted by boring flamethrower but nah too much money for toy
[22:19:13] <XXCoder> whats amazing about those boring bricks is its mostly dirt with little concerete mixed in
[22:19:17] <XXCoder> so its 10 cent each bricl
[22:19:56] <XXCoder> I think they invented it to use up soil from boring tunnels
[22:19:58] <infornography> that is not boring, that's pretty sweet
[22:20:08] <XXCoder> yep. boring company is pretty sweet
[22:20:17] <XXCoder> if I had money I'd have invested
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[22:28:45] <XXCoder> not so boring. ouch! https://youtu.be
[22:29:06] <XXCoder> this is why we have codes
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[22:45:44] <TurBoss> df
[22:51:42] <tjb1> rgb lights in the tunnel? really
[22:54:16] <XXCoder> guess so
[22:55:25] -!- HSD has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[22:56:58] <XXCoder> there was research that shows that tunnels drivers have accients because of boredom
[22:57:26] <tjb1> dance party
[22:57:29] <XXCoder> they tested on lots of stuff and found out one of causes is lights flickering and changeless stuff. so they added "shows" after certain distances
[22:57:50] <XXCoder> and changed spacing of light (1/3 as bright, but 3 times as many lights)
[22:57:54] <XXCoder> and it worked
[22:58:02] <tjb1> my THC has feature cree[
[22:59:21] <tjb1> Maybe I can add output testing through the e-stop button
[23:04:23] <tjb1> I really need a new way to handle menus on the 4x20
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[23:07:13] <XXCoder> you know you have gone too far if it includes kitchen sink
[23:09:57] <tjb1> it just seems so ugly to use setcursor all the time and print spaces just to clear the lcd
[23:12:36] <tjb1> and when I print the spaces, I have to do setcursor again to print something in that space...such a waste
[23:26:18] <hazzy-lab> tjb1: That is a pain
[23:26:38] <hazzy-lab> Is there some library that would make it easier?
[23:27:26] <tjb1> I havent really looked
[23:27:59] <tjb1> hazzy-lab: its this https://github.com
[23:31:47] <tjb1> I mean I can switch from right to left to left to right but thats still an extra line
[23:33:35] <hazzy-lab> That looks pretty good, but it sure is verbose
[23:34:10] <hazzy-lab> Found this, don't know if its applicable: https://playground.arduino.cc
[23:38:25] <tjb1> i need another button
[23:38:47] <tjb1> this one button/5000 functions is getting annoying
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