#linuxcnc | Logs for 2018-09-17
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[02:41:20] <Deejay> moin
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[03:44:59] Jin|away is now known as Jin^eLD
[03:45:07] <Jin^eLD> morning
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[04:27:23] <selroc> log
[04:27:23] <c-log> selroc: Today's Log http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81
[04:29:41] <XXCoder> wow thats long log lol
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[06:09:57] <Tom_L> 71°F Hi 90
[06:10:07] <Tom_L> summer's just not lettin go yet
[06:16:10] <jthornton> morning
[06:16:16] <XXCoder> yo
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[08:46:13] <fdarling> would anyone be able to help me set up Ubuntu 18.04 with a realtime kernel to run LinuxCNC 2.7 from git? (I could also run the master branch too). The issue is there doesn't seem to be much information about the realtime kernel when it comes to 18.04 aka "Bionic"...
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[08:47:33] <fdarling> if you're wondering why I am not just using the LinuxCNC distribution, it's because it's painfully outdated when it comes to drivers for the computers I am running on. I use the non realtime Ubuntu 18.04 on one of my systems, and it works fine with Mesa cards that offload the bulk of the timing problems, but I am trying to set up a parallel port system at the moment
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[09:17:02] <MacGalempsy> mornin =)
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[09:18:10] <cradek> fdarling: I think you might be the first to try that. if in your packaging system you have a kernel with -rt in the name it might just work fine if you install and boot that one.
[09:18:44] <fdarling> cradek: I wasn't able to find a realtime kernel of any sort in the package database, nor a PPA for one
[09:19:13] <cradek> that sucks
[09:19:37] <fdarling> it seems odd that I would be the first to try it, Ubuntu is quite popular and 18.04 LTS and 18.10 are the newest releases. I am wondering if there isn't something I am missing, like maybe the realtime stuff was mainlined and must be enabled with a kernel parameter or something
[09:20:16] <cradek> it would be cool if it was mainlined. I don't know where to look to find out.
[09:21:46] <cradek> what kernel does that ubuntu use?
[09:22:55] <fdarling> 4.15.0-33-generic
[09:23:19] <fdarling> there is also the -lowlatency version, but nothing else besides that
[09:26:36] <cradek> does your generic kernel now have an option CONFIG_PREEMPT_RT?
[09:27:45] <cradek> I think you'd see it listed in /boot/config-theversion
[09:28:50] <fdarling> grep'ing it for CONFIG_PREEMPT yields some results, but not CONFIG_PREEMPT_RT...
[09:29:08] <fdarling> # CONFIG_PREEMPT is not set
[09:30:32] <cradek> CONFIG_PREEMPT_RT_BASE=y
[09:30:33] <cradek> CONFIG_PREEMPT_RT_FULL=y
[09:30:45] <cradek> my much older kernel which I know is preempt-rt has these
[09:30:59] <fdarling> so I guess the question is, does anyone here have experience building a custom kernel with Ubuntu the "proper" way?
[09:31:34] <fdarling> I always built my own kernels when running Gentoo, but I know that Ubuntu is a lot more automated with it's upgrades and such, and I'm not sure how to make it aware of me building my own kernel that shouldn't be messed with
[09:31:58] <fdarling> is PREEMPT_RT suitable for using a parallel port to bit-bang step/dir signals?
[09:32:15] <fdarling> there was also some mention of RTAI, and I'm confused about the differences
[09:32:53] <cradek> rtai gives better realtime and is preferred for bit banging, but is not well maintained and harder to build
[09:33:42] <cradek> whether that slightly better latency matters depends on details like what step rate you need and unknownable-without-testing details about your pc
[09:35:05] <SpeedEvil> If you're very lucky, you may find someone has posted about your exact config of PC
[09:35:30] -!- charly629 has joined #linuxcnc
[09:36:20] <pcw_home> I am running LinuxCNC (master) on 18.04 here but its slightly busted...
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[09:36:33] <fdarling> busted?
[09:36:53] <cradek> pcw_home: did you find a preempt-rt kernel?
[09:37:27] <pcw_home> Built my own
[09:38:13] <pcw_home> its easy with Preempt-RT, nothing of the trials dealing with RTAI
[09:39:04] <fdarling> pcw_home: I think for one of my machines I used the LinuxCNC stretch edition that you linked me to
[09:39:57] <pcw_home> But there are a number of LinuxCNC issues with 18.04 (Debian buster based) that are not fixed yet
[09:40:52] <fdarling> pcw_home: did the issues have to do with the kernel, or did it have to do with some library version incompatibilities?
[09:41:08] <pcw_home> You might look at the (looong) mint 18 thread on the forum
[09:42:03] <pcw_home> not kernel, some are probably library version issues (Python seems to be the main culprit)
[09:43:43] <pcw_home> others like this error one are just weird:
[09:43:56] <pcw_home> emc/task/emctask.cc 397: interp_error: EOF in file:/home/peter/linuxcnc-dev/share/axis/images/axis.ngc seeking o-word: o<reset_state> from line: 0
[09:43:56] <pcw_home> EOF in file:/home/peter/linuxcnc-dev/share/axis/images/axis.ngc seeking o-word: o<reset_state> from line: 0
[09:44:49] <cradek> that can't be OS related can it??
[09:45:16] <fdarling> pcw_home: my guess is that due to G-code looping with O-codes or whatever, it's trying to seek in a file and it's failing, so instead it gets an EOF
[09:45:30] <pcw_home> I dont see how is can but the same (master) source ran on 16.04
[09:45:41] <fdarling> pcw_home: which is interesting, because the file should be random access usually, unless it's opened in a weird way or being piped or something
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[09:46:09] <cradek> reset_state is not in that file, so maybe you've got some (brokenish) remap in your config?
[09:46:19] <fdarling> pcw_home: how are you encountering/hunting down these bugs? a test suite? or are you manually running some test cases?
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[09:46:31] <pcw_home> it gets the error on any gcode file as soon as you hit the "toggle emergency stop" button on axis
[09:46:59] <fdarling> pcw_home: perhaps it's some sort of general memory corruption manifesting as that error message?
[09:47:15] <pcw_home> I just updated my Ubuntu setup and ran onto them
[09:47:27] <fdarling> pcw_home: do you know if it's possible to run LinuxCNC under valgrind? or do the Python aspects of it mess that up?
[09:48:08] <pcw_home> I dont think its memory corruption, the system runs happily 24 (and runs fine after that "error")
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[09:49:08] <pcw_home> The python issues are an old one with numpy I think (image2gcode wont run for example)
[09:49:45] <pcw_home> nothing really major, all the basics work OK
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[12:21:57] <Loetmichel> hmm, any BMW E36 mechanics here by chance? just had a strange effect... had to reset the position of my convertibles canopy again... So i put the jumpstart-box parallel to the battery (because its near death and if the VOltage on the bus falls below 10.5V the roof again forgets where it is)... resetted the roof, driven off... (jumper box in the trunk where the battery is)... and voila: no
[12:21:58] <Loetmichel> more idle RPM dropping to near stall when lifting the lead foot... what is THAT magic?
[12:22:50] <Jin^eLD> that's why I drive a car built in 1976 ;)
[12:23:16] <Loetmichel> Jin^eLD: the BMW is built in 1999
[12:23:26] <Loetmichel> not THAT much younger :-)
[12:23:31] <cradek> you had to reboot your car roof
[12:23:55] <cradek> I find that super funny and I would never buy a convertible :-)
[12:24:17] <Jin^eLD> Loetmichel: seems young enough to already be full of electronics :)
[12:24:30] <cradek> last week I was stuck in a plane while they rebooted it to try to get the cockpit screens to work right
[12:24:31] <Loetmichel> not as much as "modern" cars
[12:24:48] <Loetmichel> only ECU, ABS controller, Roof controller, Airbag controller
[12:24:50] <Loetmichel> thats it
[12:25:07] <Loetmichel> Not even a gearbox controller (its a manual shift)
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[12:52:44] <miss0r|laptop> 'evening
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[13:11:53] <Jin^eLD> hi miss0r
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[13:14:19] <miss0r|laptop> Jin^eLD: Up to anything interresting? I'm back at wiring this box up
[13:15:00] <Jin^eLD> miss0r: we figured out that we got the CW/CCW shaft directions wrong in our spec (started real life tests with the MH400E), I now swapped the logic and we are about to test :>
[13:15:06] <Jin^eLD> twitching seems to work fine already
[13:15:22] <miss0r|laptop> :o
[13:15:25] <miss0r|laptop> nice
[13:18:30] <miss0r|laptop> Say hello to your mh400 owner friend from me :)
[13:19:42] <Jin^eLD> just did, he's a bit stressed right now as I force him to use git :)
[13:20:01] <miss0r|laptop> :)
[13:20:37] <Jin^eLD> he says will be interesting to see if you can reuse our stuff for your machine :)
[13:21:15] -!- fragalot has joined #linuxcnc
[13:21:20] <fragalot> hey
[13:21:34] <fragalot> miss0r: bought me a new 3hp compressor >.>
[13:21:34] <miss0r|laptop> Indeed. I haven't dug into it in detail yet, as I am still just in the wiring part
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[13:21:40] <miss0r|laptop> hello fragalot
[13:21:44] <miss0r|laptop> :o nice
[13:22:19] <Jin^eLD> hi fragalot
[13:22:26] <miss0r|laptop> sure beats the 1/4hp you had before :D
[13:22:39] <fragalot> had a 2.5hp with a 6l tank before
[13:22:44] <fragalot> 3hp with 50l tank now
[13:23:31] <miss0r|laptop> somehow you made it sounds like it only had 0.25hp
[13:23:39] <miss0r|laptop> Was it worn out?
[13:23:47] <fragalot> tank was too small to run any air tools on it
[13:24:31] <miss0r|laptop> LOL. i see. for some reason I read you replaced a 2.5hp 61 l tank with a 3hp 50l tank
[13:24:42] <miss0r|laptop> Yeah.. 6->50 is a niceimorovement
[13:24:47] <fragalot> so the plan now is to parallel them up when I get around to fitting the piping
[13:24:52] <fragalot> :D
[13:25:13] <fragalot> 50L is the largest I can fit
[13:25:40] <miss0r|laptop> twin cylinder?
[13:26:00] <fragalot> twin cylinder, induction motor (60% DC) with cooling fins on all of the piping
[13:26:06] <MarcelineVQ> 6l? gosh :(
[13:26:07] <fragalot> and forced cylinder cooling
[13:26:15] <fragalot> MarcelineVQ: the 6L jobbo was a nice portable unit
[13:26:28] <fragalot> I mainly bought that to pump up tires & run nailers
[13:27:20] <MarcelineVQ> ehe I guess but I think I drink more water than that in summer's day hehe
[13:27:34] <fragalot> :P
[13:27:43] <fragalot> for the purposes I got it for, a small tank is very nice
[13:28:12] <fragalot> because it's up to pressure in less time than it takes me to kneel down & remove the little cap on wheels
[13:31:10] <Jin^eLD> you'll find that 50l will still fire up way too often when used with tools :P
[13:31:23] <fragalot> very probably
[13:31:32] <fragalot> I want a 100L if it comes with the space to put it
[13:31:33] <Jin^eLD> I also got one because of a price/space+handling ratio
[13:31:48] <fragalot> this one was €250 so i'm not complaining :P
[13:32:20] <Jin^eLD> although I was able to find LVLP spray guns where it more or less can keep up
[13:32:40] <fragalot> I prefer my airless setup
[13:32:42] <miss0r|laptop> Because I am an idiot, I just realised the 0.25mm^2 wire I bought, apparently is massive.. i.e. no small strands. gah! I must learn to properly read the description
[13:32:49] <fragalot> miss0r: ha! :D
[13:33:13] <ziper> i alway hear about the low pressure spray guns
[13:33:14] <fragalot> those cables do very abruptly get a LOT more flexible if you move them around enough
[13:33:18] <Jin^eLD> fragalot: what is an "airless setup"? normal brush?
[13:33:23] <ziper> whats the deal with the high pressure ones??
[13:33:33] <fragalot> Jin^eLD: high pressure spray, no air needed to create a fan pattern
[13:33:34] <miss0r|laptop> fragalot: haha, yeah
[13:34:03] <fragalot> ziper: basically: they work, but cost a lot.
[13:34:12] <miss0r|laptop> fsck... the grey AND the orange is massive... I'm down to red
[13:34:14] <Jin^eLD> fragalot: not sure I heard of that, do you have a link?
[13:34:29] <ziper> I need to spray my boat
[13:34:31] <ziper> and my car
[13:34:34] <fragalot> Jin^eLD: just search for airless paint spray system. I've got a tiny handheld graco
[13:35:00] <Jin^eLD> ziper: I think most common are HVLP, high volume low pressure, they've been around for much longer so all pro-painters use them, probably because they are used to it
[13:35:13] <fragalot> very low duty-cycle but enough to cover a small room without having to let it cool down
[13:35:28] <fragalot> Jin^eLD: you have more contol over the spray with HVLP
[13:35:45] <Jin^eLD> ziper: LVLP is fairly new I think, supposedly use less paint, produce less mist
[13:35:48] <fragalot> with high-pressure systems you have less control over the droplet size or volume applied
[13:36:16] <Jin^eLD> fragalot: I am not a pro on that topic, but I'm quite happy with my low volume low pressure gun, results are fine and the compressor can more or less keep up
[13:36:16] <fragalot> if the viscosity isn't too high we make systems to apply liquids without using air that give you a 1:100 turn-down ratio
[13:36:33] <fragalot> Jin^eLD: sure :) I just got the airless thing to paint my house interior
[13:37:25] <Jin^eLD> fragalot: I use it for car body parts/machines, so quite a different application
[13:37:43] <fragalot> I wouldn't use a high pressure setup for that :-)
[13:37:47] <Jin^eLD> but I had to pick the gun carefully because of my weak 50l compressor :)
[13:37:56] <fragalot> :P
[13:38:00] <Jin^eLD> fragalot: volume...
[13:38:08] <Jin^eLD> HVLP - high volume, low pressure
[13:38:12] <Jin^eLD> LVLP - low volume, low pressure
[13:38:18] -!- rob_h has joined #linuxcnc
[13:38:20] <fragalot> I did not know those existed
[13:38:20] <Jin^eLD> so pressure is low in both cases
[13:38:25] <Jin^eLD> but the amount of air they need is different
[13:38:33] <fragalot> apart from airbrush ones
[13:38:37] <Jin^eLD> HVLP is pretty much standard, been around for ages
[13:38:43] <Jin^eLD> LVLP is fairly new
[13:38:47] <fragalot> link,
[13:38:48] <fragalot> ?
[13:39:01] <fragalot> do you have to thin the paint more?
[13:39:31] <Jin^eLD> some say yes, but I did not notice too big of a difference, it just worked well when I thinned it normally
[13:39:48] <Jin^eLD> I got a rather cheap gun, friend of mine sent it to me from the US, from SprayIt
[13:40:26] <Jin^eLD> http://www.sprayit.us
[13:40:46] <Jin^eLD> I think this is the kit I have: http://www.sprayit.us
[13:42:58] <Jin^eLD> and I am really happy with it, actually I was surprised how well it works, especially if you consider its price
[13:43:24] <Jin^eLD> shipping was insanely expensive though :) luckily it got past customs as a "gift"
[13:43:30] <fragalot> lucky
[13:44:04] <Jin^eLD> well I asked him leave paint traces on them so they looked used and he repackaged to some ugly looking box and sent it as a private shipment
[13:44:13] <Jin^eLD> :)
[13:45:05] <fragalot> just remembered I have one of those crappy wagner HVLP setups with a turbine
[13:45:14] <Jin^eLD> in the meantime... miss0r: after I fixed the logic we had swapped in the spec - the gear shifting comp seems to work well
[13:52:34] <Jin^eLD> he'll now see that he integrates the comp into gmocappy
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[14:27:43] <fragalot> miss0r|laptop: do you have any experience with compressor air intake silencers?
[14:28:09] <miss0r|laptop> fragalot: Remember, I build a box so silence it. :)
[14:28:17] <fragalot> :P
[14:28:35] <fragalot> I don't nkow if I want to make the same box design as I did for the small compressor
[14:28:48] <miss0r|laptop> Why not?
[14:28:53] <fragalot> because that thing is HUGE with the 120mm sound damping foam
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[14:29:02] <fragalot> and the intake labyrinth
[14:29:35] <miss0r|laptop> sure
[14:29:37] <miss0r|laptop> :)
[14:29:46] <miss0r|laptop> Then come up with an alternate design?
[14:30:12] * fragalot kinda wants to see what simple high quality mufflers would do sound-wise
[14:30:13] <miss0r|laptop> (worth noting is the massive sound difference on cars using the regular plastic encased filters vs. "open" filters
[14:30:21] <miss0r|laptop> )
[14:31:08] <miss0r|laptop> i.e. open filters make alot of noise. The ones on a compressor is closed filters; but they are so craptacularly made, it sounds like an open one
[14:31:49] <fragalot> yea the ones that came with it are worthless in every single sense of the word
[14:32:05] <fragalot> tiny inlet hole, tiny surface area, tiny amount of plastic used
[14:32:15] <miss0r|laptop> :D
[14:32:36] <fragalot> so i'm hoping to find a decent large sized ones or two
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[14:53:47] <diverdude> If my steppermotor moves X mm at 1 pulse for full stepping, does it then move X/2 mm at half stepping and 1/4 for 25% stepping etc.? Is this always linear?
[14:54:51] <diverdude> miss0r: Hi, are you here ? :)
[14:54:59] <miss0r|laptop> I'm gonna go ahead and say meh
[14:55:25] <miss0r|laptop> In theory that is what you get. But because theres always imperfections inside a stepper, you can't completely count on it
[14:56:05] <fragalot> diverdude: if you do not take friction and imperfections into account.. yes.
[14:57:19] <diverdude> i see
[14:58:32] <XXCoder> diverdude: microstepping precision works for first few doubles but then it does not. it starts drifting a little and position gets average
[14:58:49] <Rab> diverdude, the stepper is engineered such that it will try to do that, within its performance envelope. But you must provide suitable conditions for it to succeed: current, step rate, etc.
[14:58:56] <miss0r|laptop> diverdude: don't let us confuse you. Your math is correct. just don't expect 100% accuracy when steppeing 1/32 of a step
[14:59:26] <miss0r|laptop> (with each step, that is)
[15:01:16] <diverdude> yeah ok that makes sense
[15:02:17] <diverdude> the thing is that my motors make A LOT of noise and do very large steps when i do full stepping. It would by nice to have less noisy and smaller steps....but i guess then it also runs really slow
[15:02:43] <XXCoder> use microstepping to tune your steppers
[15:02:48] <XXCoder> just dont go past 8
[15:02:56] <XXCoder> some can 16 I think but yeah
[15:06:28] <gloops> you cant always hit a tolerance bracket by adjusting the motors alone, also consider the gearing
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[15:10:23] <gloops> pondered this for my A/indexing axis, where step angles and accuracy suddenly get real
[15:12:05] <diverdude> XXCoder: mmm mine can do 12800 : https://www.lightobject.com
[15:12:48] <diverdude> XXCoder: i guess that corresponds to 64
[15:12:58] <XXCoder> yep lol
[15:13:19] <XXCoder> like I said above...
[15:16:03] <gloops> 20cm blank, 200 step motor on A, at the cutting surface 1 step = a staggering 3.1mm
[15:21:21] <JT-Shop> anyone have a simple formula to calculate the end point of a line perpendicular to a line with the two end points and the length of the perpendicular line?
[15:21:48] <JT-Shop> well at the mid point of the line defined by the end points
[15:26:05] <miss0r|office> fragalot: Status for this nights controller build: https://imgur.com
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[15:26:22] <gloops> well theres a right angle, so pythagorus JT-Shop?
[15:27:15] <JT-Shop> ok let me look that up
[15:27:27] <JT-Shop> I kept coming up with slope and stuff
[15:27:35] <miss0r|office> :)
[15:27:49] <miss0r|office> JT-Shop: THe controller is nearing completion: https://imgur.com
[15:27:58] <fragalot> JT-Shop: a² = b² + c² where a is the "long" side with no square angles
[15:28:10] <XXCoder> miss0r that looks fanastic
[15:28:22] <JT-Shop> looking good
[15:28:28] <miss0r|office> Thanks
[15:28:41] <XXCoder> no sapenetti so far. lol
[15:28:41] <gloops> you need some information about the triangle more than the right angle
[15:28:41] <miss0r|office> Although, I do think fantastic is a bit over the top, XXCoder ;)
[15:28:51] <JT-Shop> I have the same screwdriver as the one on the left
[15:28:53] <XXCoder> not when you see mine. :P
[15:28:59] <diverdude> miss0r|office: nice, what is this for?
[15:29:17] <fragalot> miss0r|office: neat job with that angle bracket for the connectors
[15:29:22] <miss0r|office> diverdude: This is the new controller for my maho 500c. I'm replacing the old philips 432
[15:29:38] <fragalot> miss0r|office: also - get a cable tube to go to the lid you savage :P
[15:30:03] <JT-Shop> fragalot: that does not give me the XY coordinates of the end of the perpendicular line
[15:30:04] <diverdude> miss0r|office: wow...that looks like a strong machine
[15:30:10] <JT-Shop> which is what I need
[15:30:18] <miss0r|office> fragalot: hehe. for that I have some spiraled tube. But I still need to wire the buttons up there, before I add it ;)
[15:30:37] <fragalot> miss0r|office: where does that moxa go?
[15:30:38] <miss0r|office> diverdude: Don't forget heavy. its heavy too
[15:30:47] <gloops> you need another angle or length of 1 side
[15:30:49] <fragalot> JT-Shop: add in basic line formula's and substitute?
[15:30:51] <miss0r|office> fragalot: On someone elses machine
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[15:31:42] <fragalot> JT-Shop: alternatively, sketch out in CAD & measure :D or is this for a software project that needs it over & over?
[15:31:45] <diverdude> miss0r|office: i guess that one can run quite fast
[15:32:11] <miss0r|office> diverdude: hehe, not realy. its from '86. and the spindle is only a 400rpm one
[15:32:19] <JT-Shop> yea a software project
[15:32:20] <fragalot> 400????
[15:32:24] <miss0r|office> +0
[15:32:26] <fragalot> :D
[15:32:37] <miss0r|office> fragalot: you know dis :)
[15:32:41] <Tom_L> JT-Shop my kid had to figure that out for his competetion...
[15:32:41] <fragalot> that's slower than my '68 schaublin
[15:32:43] <fragalot> :d
[15:32:55] <Tom_L> it's all foggy to me now though
[15:33:27] <Tom_L> we did verify it with cad
[15:33:54] <miss0r|office> diverdude: but I *CAN* move all axis at 5000mm/min. Which by todays standards is toad speed
[15:34:17] <XXCoder> toad speed? slowass? or fasy
[15:34:18] <miss0r|office> toad.. slow but not quite turtle...
[15:34:30] <miss0r|office> (i meant to say turtle) :D
[15:34:39] <XXCoder> lol ok
[15:34:48] <fragalot> JT-Shop: mind sketching out exactly what you have, and what you need? I may be bored enough to have a more detailed look :P
[15:34:53] <gloops> sohcahtoa may help
[15:35:00] <JT-Shop> give me a minute
[15:35:09] <Tom_L> basically you have T right?
[15:35:09] <miss0r|office> fragalot: Y U NO start looking at my gear comp ? :D
[15:35:18] <Tom_L> and want the bottom point of the T
[15:35:23] <fragalot> miss0r|office: Jin^eLD has more experience with that than I do :D
[15:35:37] <miss0r|office> fragalot: Yeah, but he is already cought up in a project :)
[15:35:50] <miss0r|office> you are, and I quite: "Bored"
[15:35:59] <miss0r|office> :D
[15:36:03] <fragalot> and you haven't yet provided the truth tables and state diagrams
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[15:36:34] <miss0r|office> I thought you could use your wizard skills to do that yourself?
[15:36:49] <fragalot> whilst I probably could
[15:36:52] <miss0r|office> :D
[15:36:54] <miss0r|office> hehehe
[15:36:56] <fragalot> :D
[15:37:07] <miss0r|office> I'll call it a night. See you around
[15:37:22] <fragalot> cya
[15:43:07] -!- kinlo19 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[15:45:29] <JT-Shop> fragalot: https://paste.ubuntu.com
[15:47:31] <JT-Shop> https://paste.ubuntu.com
[15:47:51] <JT-Shop> I added the cad generated end point for the perpendicular line
[15:48:38] <fragalot> JT-Shop: Right. gimme a moment :)
[15:49:05] <fragalot> i'm thinking for the slope it's easy, it's just perpendicular to your existing one
[15:49:18] <fragalot> and since starting point, length, and slope are known
[15:49:19] <XXCoder> JT-Shop: slope equation is y=mx+b m is slope (which is 1) and b is y-intercrypt
[15:49:34] <fragalot> what XXCoder said
[15:49:46] <JT-Shop> yea I read that a bunch of times but didn't understand what I was reading
[15:50:10] <JT-Shop> all I could grasp is m = slope of the first line
[15:50:22] <XXCoder> let me change it a little: m = slope of line is (X0 - X10) / (Y0 - Y10) = 1
[15:50:47] <JT-Shop> yea got that part
[15:50:53] <JT-Shop> https://imagebin.ca
[15:51:01] <JT-Shop> that's the image of the lines
[15:51:25] <XXCoder> yeah so with slope you want opposite slope so that turns to -1
[15:51:27] <JT-Shop> XXCoder: here is what I have so far https://paste.ubuntu.com
[15:52:18] <XXCoder> dammit cant recall next step
[15:52:26] <XXCoder> too tired
[15:52:48] * JT-Shop never learned the next step the math teacher was too cute to study
[15:54:40] <fragalot> JT-Shop: writing a little python script to work it out
[15:54:50] <fragalot> gimme a minute :)
[15:54:55] <JT-Shop> cool
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[16:05:09] <Tom_L> you solve for the triangle given any 2 factors
[16:05:21] <Tom_L> angle or length
[16:05:42] <fragalot> JT-Shop: got it
[16:05:53] <Tom_L> the machinist handbook has formulas also
[16:07:36] <fragalot> JT-Shop: https://paste.ubuntu.com
[16:08:01] <fragalot> at least.. that's my take on it
[16:08:48] <JT-Shop> thanks
[16:09:22] <fragalot> it's up for optimisation, but i figured i'd leave in the pathway how I got there
[16:09:25] <fragalot> :P
[16:09:30] <JT-Shop> what would you change to have the perpendicular line on the other side?
[16:09:45] <fragalot> length * -1
[16:09:46] <JT-Shop> yea I like a step by step code first
[16:11:44] <XXCoder> python dont have support for -(variable) opcode?
[16:11:52] <XXCoder> ie -x
[16:12:28] <fragalot> probably
[16:13:12] <fragalot> I prefer to spell out 0-x or x * -1 depending on what's faster on that platform
[16:13:21] <fragalot> more obvious what you want to do
[16:13:29] <XXCoder> cool
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[16:14:46] <JT-Shop> hmm I'm not getting the opposite side https://paste.ubuntu.com
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[16:15:34] <fragalot> JT-Shop: what are you expecting the opposite side to be?
[16:15:38] <pink_vampire> hi
[16:16:02] <JT-Shop> oh wait lol same numbers but reversed
[16:16:06] <JT-Shop> sorry
[16:16:14] <fragalot> JT-Shop: :-)
[16:17:31] <XXCoder> nice
[16:17:39] <XXCoder> hey pink
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[16:20:02] <JT-Shop> fragalot: works perfect thanks for the code and the help
[16:20:14] <fragalot> no problem, thanks for the patience
[16:21:09] <JT-Shop> I will study the cosine and sine in the morning :)
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[16:21:38] <fragalot> I may have gotten those backwards, but the output is correct :D
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[16:23:25] <JT-Shop> this is what I'm working on atm https://github.com
[16:33:27] <fragalot> anything involving a GUI is beyond me. :)
[16:33:38] * fragalot likes his low level bare metal tinkering
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[16:43:36] <Deejay> gn8
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[17:23:16] <rob_h> if you dont know the input excitation voltage and frequency on a resolver, is there away to find it out?
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[17:24:44] <homicdlbrainiac> Hey guys, what's the best way to connect HAL components across different machines?
[17:25:26] <homicdlbrainiac> So say I have a Raspberry Pi and I want to use it for Trajectory generation/HMI, etc and use a uC for hard-RT tasks
[17:25:33] <homicdlbrainiac> is NML the right way?
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[17:35:22] <pink_vampire> homicdlbrainiac: i'm not sure
[17:35:57] <pink_vampire> what is "uC"?
[17:36:13] <homicdlbrainiac> sorry, uC == microcontroller
[17:36:55] <homicdlbrainiac> I am wondering if NML is more meant to have high level processes kick off some of the lower ones, but not really shuttle the signals from HAL components
[17:37:04] <homicdlbrainiac> still trying to wrap my head around it all
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[17:43:41] <JT-Shop> what are you trying to do?
[17:44:38] <andypugh> rob_h: For frequency you can start with a signal generator and a scope and see where you get a nice sine wave and linear response. Voltage probably comes down to current and heating limits.
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[17:45:40] <andypugh> homicdlbrainiac: Can I ask why? CNC works perfectly adequately with soft realtime.
[17:45:49] <rob_h> thanks, ill give it ago when i get 5mins
[17:46:14] <andypugh> If you put all the realtime on the uC then LinuxCNC isn’t really doing very much.
[17:46:27] <homicdlbrainiac> Yes, it's an experiment of sorts
[17:46:53] <homicdlbrainiac> Just trying to understand linuxCNC better by trying to re-create it
[17:47:16] <homicdlbrainiac> but also in a way that might have worked in 80s hardware
[17:47:32] Jin^eLD is now known as Jin|away
[17:47:38] <homicdlbrainiac> so basically have a CPU for running the UI/HMI
[17:47:44] <homicdlbrainiac> and a CPU for each axis controller
[17:47:51] <homicdlbrainiac> or rather joint controller
[17:48:01] <andypugh> It looks like NML is (approximatrly) the layer to intercept. Have you seen the diagrams here? http://linuxcnc.org
[17:48:17] <homicdlbrainiac> Yes I have, sometimes I see question marks like "?NML"
[17:48:28] <homicdlbrainiac> I am having to work on this in spurts
[17:48:46] <homicdlbrainiac> life is a bit chaotic, so it does make it hard to wrap my head around it all
[17:48:55] <andypugh> This is a bit like what Machinekit are doing, they run some stuff on a Beagle Bone, some in the PRU on the Beaglebone and HMI on a separate machine.
[17:49:03] <homicdlbrainiac> yeah exactly
[17:49:25] <homicdlbrainiac> I am putting together a real linuxCNC machine too
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[17:49:40] <homicdlbrainiac> I got a parallel port and dedicated PC going now
[17:50:17] <andypugh> So Machinekit and Machinetalk might be what you want. But then the TP would have to run on your uC, so you might as well be using Mach3 and a Smoothstepper...
[17:50:57] <homicdlbrainiac> yeah I want the TP/trajectory generator to run on its own CPU
[17:54:14] <homicdlbrainiac> Of course I want to pull this off in a way that still works with everything on the same CPU as well
[17:54:34] <homicdlbrainiac> but would be nice to be able to have it work like I was describing it too
[17:54:35] <andypugh> I just mounted my fancy new vice: https://photos.google.com
[17:55:04] <andypugh> Actually, this link is probably better. https://photos.app.goo.gl
[17:55:48] <homicdlbrainiac> Damn that's a beefy vice
[17:55:52] <andypugh> I am not sure what that style isn’t more common. It seems like it should keep the jaws a lot more parallel.
[17:56:23] <andypugh> I was admiring it in Germany and the chap just gave it to me!
[17:56:42] <Tom_L> i need chaps like that around here :)
[17:58:39] <andypugh> List price is scary: https://shop.eisen-pfeiffer.de
[18:00:48] <Tom_L> about like a regular kurt vise
[18:01:57] <andypugh> Aye, but the Kurt is a machine vice.
[18:02:21] <andypugh> That said, the overall design is a lot like a machine vice.
[18:02:46] <Tom_L> yeah
[18:03:16] <andypugh> This Abwood, for example: https://www.ebay.co.uk
[18:06:06] <homicdlbrainiac> gotta run, kids running amok.
[18:06:10] <_unreal_> Sweet My pendent showed up today
[18:06:17] <homicdlbrainiac> thanks for letting me pick ur guys brain again
[18:07:12] <_unreal_> https://www.amazon.com
[18:07:29] <andypugh> Looking for Abwoods led me to https://goo.gl Noce to see that it still exists. An Aladdin’s Cave of second hand tooling.
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[18:18:57] <Tom_L> you could probably spend a couple paychecks there ehh
[18:21:21] <andypugh> Possibly more. They are not especially inexpensive.
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[19:13:48] <CaptHindsight> maybe someone will come along to rewrite machinekit with comments
[19:14:41] <CaptHindsight> and get software stepping working the microcontrollers in the i.mx8
[19:16:51] <CaptHindsight> http://linuxgizmos.com has two integrated micros like the PRU's in the BBB
[19:17:22] <CaptHindsight> but unlike the BBB has open drivers for the GPU
[19:29:10] <Rab> CaptHindsight, have any favored i.MX8 boards? I see a few out there, not sure which ones have GPIO expansion. This one seems to, if it's ever released: https://www.wandboard.org
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[19:37:17] <CaptHindsight> https://www.compulab.com
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[19:37:34] <CaptHindsight> http://variwiki.com
[19:38:08] <CaptHindsight> https://www.solid-run.com
[19:38:28] <CaptHindsight> https://www.toradex.com
[19:40:38] <CaptHindsight> for a CNC controller I'd want HDMI, SATA, USB and the GPIO from the mcu's and ethernet or PCIe
[19:42:09] <CaptHindsight> SATA over USB could be an option ifn there is enough RAM
[19:45:51] <CaptHindsight> Rab: if the imx8 works I'd probably buy them out the backdoor as chips and make my own boards
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[21:18:41] <pink_vampire> someone here use hsm?
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[21:46:55] <_unreal_> Tom_L, are you in canada?
[21:49:58] <Tom_L> no
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[22:17:12] <CaptHindsight> _unreal_: in need of a Canadian?
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[22:42:31] <_unreal_> CaptHindsight, me naaa
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