#linuxcnc | Logs for 2018-11-03
[00:00:01] <roycroft> he's gone too
[00:00:10] <roycroft> yeah, grandpa schnabel
[00:00:11] <MarcelineVQ> ah, just knew about schnovel
[00:00:16] <MarcelineVQ> oh okay
[00:00:20] <MarcelineVQ> I get it now hehe
[00:00:36] <roycroft> none of the hoffman crew are around
[00:00:42] <roycroft> they are ex miners
[00:00:55] <MarcelineVQ> That was sad news, schabel was quite a guy
[00:00:59] <roycroft> yeah
[00:01:02] <roycroft> he was in his mid 90s
[00:01:17] <roycroft> and he got to see his grandson succeed at gold mining
[00:01:28] <roycroft> so i think he was pretty satisfied with his life
[00:03:13] <MarcelineVQ> man, it's actually kind of hard to get a cast list by team so I can ask about people haha. especially with jokes like this at the top of the google results http://goldrush.wikia.com
[00:03:31] <roycroft> i'm not a big fan of rick
[00:03:38] <roycroft> i don't think i want to go read his jokes
[00:03:50] <MarcelineVQ> He's the joke in that article
[00:04:00] <roycroft> oh
[00:04:05] <roycroft> well maybe that's not so bad
[00:04:08] <roycroft> i'll pass anyway
[00:06:10] <MarcelineVQ> aha it was Cheeseman I wanted, so all this time I wanted to say "it seemed like parker smartened up a bit after he lost cheeseman due to being a complete cunt"
[00:06:19] <roycroft> aah
[00:06:27] <roycroft> he quit parker and went to work for tony
[00:07:13] <MarcelineVQ> yeah I recall tony saying something like, "gene could have asked me for twice as much as he did and I would pay it, parker made a great mistake"
[00:08:15] <XXCoder> hindsight is always 20/20
[00:08:15] <MarcelineVQ> or I'm making that up, but it's in the memory files, so hopefully it happened
[00:08:15] <roycroft> tonight tony is mounting some custom pontoons on the sides of his barge so it won't be so tippy
[00:08:22] <XXCoder> when person is smart anyway
[00:09:39] <roycroft> well gene is gone too now
[00:09:45] <roycroft> i forget exactly what happened
[00:09:51] <roycroft> a falling out with tony of some sort
[00:09:56] <roycroft> which should surprise nobody
[00:10:09] <MarcelineVQ> Well he was never happy with tony showing up randomly and telling everyone to stop being safe and smart and reasonable and then fucking off
[00:10:26] <roycroft> as i said, it should be no surprise :)
[00:10:52] <XXCoder> I rather have shit job with great boss than great job with shit boss
[00:10:58] <roycroft> and rick just dropped his giant trommel while trying to unload it
[00:11:28] <XXCoder> vending jobs was one of my worse jobs, loved that job though. people and boss was great
[00:11:32] <MarcelineVQ> that shit can be dicey, especially with a boss that doesn't want you to take the time to make a base to unload to/from/with
[00:12:44] <MarcelineVQ> Some of those excavators they have up there are just unreal huge
[00:12:59] <MarcelineVQ> Could scoop up the ones we have down here
[00:13:00] <roycroft> i'd like to go check out one of those mines some day
[00:13:03] <roycroft> that would be fun
[00:13:11] <roycroft> i don't want to work on one though
[00:13:19] <roycroft> that would not be fun
[00:13:49] <roycroft> it would be both invigorating and exhausting at the same time
[00:13:50] <XXCoder> roy "make everything from strach" guy went to one of old copper mines, got bunch of rocks and managed to make 1 1/2 pound of copper
[00:14:05] <XXCoder> its very ineffecient but looked like interesting experence in least
[00:14:20] <roycroft> especially since we're well past peak copper
[00:14:31] <roycroft> nobody should be mining copper any more for anything more than the experience
[00:14:43] <XXCoder> yeah. it was just to make copper from sources as per requirement for his show
[00:14:52] <XXCoder> nothing can be bought
[00:14:54] <roycroft> and since we're past peak copper it's a more difficult experience than before
[00:15:07] <XXCoder> so copper prices have crashed?
[00:15:13] <MarcelineVQ> at least copper is very easy to recover chemically
[00:15:14] <roycroft> no
[00:15:21] <MarcelineVQ> that's not true of just anything
[00:15:34] <roycroft> peak metal is when it's cheaper to recycle/remanufacture scrap than to mine new
[00:15:40] <XXCoder> ahh I see
[00:16:15] <XXCoder> I just hope evenually method to cheapy make titanium (like alum was discovered to have a cheap way to make) is found
[00:16:17] <roycroft> all the easy copper that we know of in the world has been mined
[00:29:04] <XXCoder> oh well
[00:29:08] <XXCoder> we really to get to space
[00:29:12] <XXCoder> earth is finite
[00:29:20] <XXCoder> space adds "in
[00:29:27] <XXCoder> *"in"
[00:35:14] <jesseg> Howdy
[00:35:38] <XXCoder> hey
[00:35:53] <jesseg> How's it going there XXCoder ?
[00:37:17] -!- m0n5t3r has joined #linuxcnc
[00:38:25] <XXCoder> still watching its great series
[00:38:36] <XXCoder> on 8th, soon 9th and waitinf for 10th
[00:39:07] <XXCoder> pareon to watch those is so worth money, if free videos isnt worth it as is lol
[00:51:09] -!- {HD} has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[00:56:28] <XXCoder> aww
[00:56:44] <XXCoder> just finished sundial series. apparently 10th will be last one of that one
[00:57:07] -!- {HD} has joined #linuxcnc
[00:58:35] <XXCoder> now on to pareon series 1! :D
[01:01:27] -!- c-log has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[01:06:38] <pink_vampire> hi
[01:07:08] <XXCoder> hey
[01:07:19] -!- c-log has joined #linuxcnc
[01:07:25] <pink_vampire> how are you
[01:07:40] <XXCoder> mostly ok. yeserday work shift sucked lol
[01:07:49] <pink_vampire> why?
[01:08:08] <XXCoder> just combination of lack of sleep, dizzyness and dismovation
[01:09:17] <pink_vampire> we all known dismotivation one day or other
[01:13:58] <XXCoder> yeah
[01:20:54] -!- hazzy has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[01:50:03] -!- m0n5t3r has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[01:50:21] -!- fragalot has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
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[02:04:10] -!- ve7it has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:15:07] -!- MarcelineVQ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:37:25] <pink_vampire> what diode do i need to use in this circuit? https://www.geckodrive.com
[03:47:00] <XXCoder> hopefully someone knows
[03:47:16] <pink_vampire> I hope too
[03:53:47] -!- Deejay has joined #linuxcnc
[03:54:02] <Deejay> moin
[04:08:30] -!- merkatorix has joined #linuxcnc
[04:10:15] -!- nallar has joined #linuxcnc
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[04:10:49] nallar is now known as Ross
[04:14:34] -!- syy__ has joined #linuxcnc
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[04:22:30] -!- gloops has joined #linuxcnc
[04:27:17] <gloops> all dayer in york yesterday, v expensive and not good for my garage plans for today
[04:32:31] -!- EntropyWizard has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[05:07:28] -!- MarcelineVQ has joined #linuxcnc
[05:20:42] -!- merkatorix has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[05:43:18] -!- JesusAlos has joined #linuxcnc
[05:48:47] -!- gloops has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[06:13:40] <jthornton> morning
[06:15:49] -!- gloops has joined #linuxcnc
[06:18:58] <gloops> 10ft bandsaw blade collected, this is 3tpi with extra set for green wood
[06:19:21] <MarcelineVQ> You should make a steam engine to run it with
[06:19:35] <jthornton> I brought home a Rikon band saw the other day
[06:19:36] <MarcelineVQ> And by make I mean get from someone else because steam is crazy deadly
[06:20:20] <jthornton> low pressure steam ain't that bad to mess with
[06:20:32] <MarcelineVQ> As long as it stays that way
[06:21:01] <MarcelineVQ> Forget one check valve and it's the last valve you'll forget :(
[06:21:37] <MarcelineVQ> check valve isn't the term I want, I mean those ones that release at a pressure threshold
[06:21:49] <jthornton> I know what you meant
[06:22:21] <MarcelineVQ> my water tank calls it a releif valve
[06:22:47] <gloops> its only a somewhat sickly 1.5hp motor on it
[06:23:27] <gloops> however it will do for testing purposes
[06:24:13] -!- alex_joni has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[06:24:42] <jthornton> for sawing timber into lumber?
[06:25:03] <gloops> mainly for slicing logs up yeah, nothing massive - stuff i can carry
[06:26:28] <jthornton> what have you rigged up to dry the lumber?
[06:27:40] <gloops> nothing yet, have got a shed made with fibreglass sheets that lets sunlight in, ill rig something up in there - if this works, it gets quite warm even on nice days in winter
[06:28:43] <gloops> about 1 year per inch for air drying boards - a good bit less if the wood is for outdoor anyway
[06:29:24] <jthornton> my neighbor has something with clear fiberglass panels but I don't think he uses it anymore he just stacks it up under the carport with spacers between them so air can circulate
[06:30:28] <gloops> yeah thats all you need, at the local sawmill most of it isnt under any permanent cover its just got lorry sheets over it
[06:30:38] <gloops> about £20 a foot lol
[06:31:13] <jthornton> lorry sheets == tarps?
[06:32:38] <gloops> yeah, i went to look at some the other week - mostly crap under tarpaulins, youd have to cut half of it away for any decent boards
[06:34:17] <jthornton> yea seems like the tarps would not allow the boards to dry well unless they are elevated off the wood
[06:34:54] <jthornton> I did manage to get the freebee jointer working quite well, just a few more tweaks and it's ready for use
[06:35:53] <gloops> nice one re the jointer, i got mine levelled up too but realised i didnt make a good job of grinding the blades so got that to do again - ground a dip in the middle
[06:38:28] <jthornton> I put a new set in mine but could only find 1/8" thick blades so I had to grind them down to 3/32" to fit but for $20 I'm not complaining
[06:39:10] <jthornton> I still need to check the outfeed table to make sure it's parallel to the infeed table it seems to be making test cuts
[06:39:36] <gloops> theyre about £40 for mine here but ill give grinding them another go, i had them lined in true it was the clamping i think that bowed them after id lined them up
[06:39:41] <gloops> extra claming
[06:41:40] <jthornton> I found a Tormek T7 pretty cheap a while back and they guy had every accessory you could get for it https://www.tormek.com
[06:42:34] <jthornton> I've not tried to sharpen any planer or jointer blades yet on it but my neighbor gave me some to learn how to sharpen with
[06:44:10] <gloops> very hit and miss without some kind of carriage or jig
[06:45:10] <jthornton> aye, I was trying to make a jig for my surface grinder( I used to sharpen nail point cutters for a living on surface grinders with lots of jigs)
[06:48:28] <gloops> well, suppose i better have a look at things bbl
[06:48:57] <jthornton> when you get back check out this https://www.youtube.com
[06:49:28] <jthornton> he seems to be very straight forward and shows a way to sharpen jointer and planer knifes
[06:50:47] <MarcelineVQ> "what does keep is simple mean? well, it means to keep it simple" This guy is awesome :>
[06:51:22] <gloops> thats a good idea with the slit in the wood, im going to try that
[06:51:34] <jthornton> yea he has some awesome videos
[06:56:34] <gloops> ive been pondering mounting the block, blades and all in the lathe and running a toolpost mounted grinder over them, wont get much truer than that, but some messing about taking the block out etc
[06:56:59] <gloops> local place used to sharpen them for £10 but its closed
[06:57:39] <jthornton> wouldn't that change the angle to an arc then?
[06:57:47] -!- Tecan has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[06:58:10] <jthornton> or did you mean to index the shaft for each blade?
[07:01:54] <gloops> you would get arc yeah, whichever way the wheel was set to the blade
[07:05:20] <jthornton> making some louver vents for the shed to be chicken coop https://imagebin.ca
[07:06:25] <MarcelineVQ> nice looking pieces. any concern about bats with them?
[07:06:32] <jthornton> https://imagebin.ca
[07:06:52] <jthornton> bats are good...
[07:07:09] <gloops> those look pro, in oak for a church - a bit bigger $0000s
[07:07:20] <jthornton> the back side will be covered with aluminum screen then with 1/4" welded wire hardware cloth
[07:07:53] <MarcelineVQ> bats are good, they're just not so good when they rest in weird spots and die hehe. they're not too bright
[07:07:55] <jthornton> just pine but I could have used oak from my neighbors saw mill
[07:08:19] <jthornton> I have a few bat houses around the property
[07:38:47] <Tom_L> morning
[07:44:06] <jthornton> morning
[07:44:21] <XXCoder> morning
[07:44:28] <XXCoder> cant sleep bah
[07:44:32] <XXCoder> tried to sleep earlier
[07:46:56] <jthornton> got a brazillion bugs flying around in front of the cameras... attracted to the IR light I guess
[07:52:36] <XXCoder> too bad no way to control em
[07:52:46] <XXCoder> unless you make something like anti-air blade and suck bugs up
[07:52:52] <XXCoder> you can feed chickens with em
[07:53:49] <jthornton> speaking of chickens the one I gave to the neighbor has a boyfriend now lol
[07:54:15] <jthornton> XXCoder: did you see the vent?
[07:54:42] <XXCoder> no
[07:55:00] <jthornton> https://imagebin.ca
[07:55:07] <jthornton> https://imagebin.ca
[07:56:23] <XXCoder> the latest firefox sucks
[07:56:34] <XXCoder> unable to load sites and have to restart sometimes
[07:57:09] <XXCoder> yep one addon is broken
[07:57:19] <XXCoder> wow looks nice
[07:57:26] <XXCoder> plan to waterproof, varnash or?>
[07:57:36] <jthornton> just some barn paint
[07:57:59] <XXCoder> cool
[07:58:05] <jthornton> gotta put some aluminum screen wire on the inside then cover that with 1/4" hardware cloth
[07:58:27] <jthornton> I have one more to build this weekend and clean up my mess lol
[07:59:42] <jthornton> I pretty much got the digole color lcd library working so on to the next chicken programming lol
[08:00:47] <XXCoder> nice
[08:02:29] <jthornton> one of the hens laid a 9 gram fart egg last night lol
[08:02:39] <jthornton> smallest one I've ever seen
[08:02:48] <XXCoder> oh about vismach i was planning on writing a howto and give you info to finish docs with
[08:03:05] <XXCoder> but I just dont know. im not in great condition right now lol
[08:03:10] <jthornton> cool, you making a simple mill or lathe?
[08:03:17] <XXCoder> mill and router
[08:03:32] <XXCoder> both will be really basic
[08:03:49] <XXCoder> mill maybe modifed version of that weird horzional mill one
[08:08:23] <jthornton> the mill sounds easier than a gantry but I can't wait to see one with some comments so I can understand it and document it
[08:09:00] <XXCoder> most of it is pretty strightforward, its just making basic shapes, compile it into groups
[08:09:01] <jthornton> even better would be a single axis demo with just the basics to start one off
[08:09:16] <XXCoder> thats a idea yeah
[08:09:40] <XXCoder> from what I understand groups move together
[08:09:49] <XXCoder> so you wouldnt group column and z assembly
[08:10:03] <XXCoder> its final command that glues it all together and make a machine
[08:10:45] <XXCoder> I think its also a tree, as spindle and z assembly block may move together but only spindle spins
[08:11:22] <XXCoder> so make spindle, and other parts, group z assembly and spindle, then in final group, with other parts of machine
[08:15:53] <XXCoder> im making a simple tree for example
[08:19:07] -!- gloops has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[08:19:28] -!- gloops has joined #linuxcnc
[08:22:00] <XXCoder> ok jthornton http://dpaste.com
[08:22:46] <XXCoder> I might be wrong but thats basic machine data structure tree for basic mill
[08:24:28] <jthornton> are you making parts from primitives?
[08:25:07] <jthornton> ah ok that is a blueprint for the structure :) cool
[08:25:17] <XXCoder> for basic examples yeah. for mill im probably just grabbing from horzional mill example. right now im too dizzy and too tired to seriously think
[08:25:49] <XXCoder> you can define any shape at any point before its being called I think so basucally like c variables
[08:25:53] <jthornton> I know that feeling sometimes... close to your bed time I assume
[08:26:02] <XXCoder> you can define it anywhere before its used
[08:26:30] <XXCoder> so for best readability you probably wanna define shapes or import dxfs whatever at top of machine file
[08:26:40] <XXCoder> then build it up tree
[08:26:56] <XXCoder> hen finally do final collection and call main
[08:28:05] <XXCoder> in that site exmple, #create a top-level model
[08:28:05] <XXCoder> model = Collection([base, saddle, head, carousel])
[08:28:05] <XXCoder> #Start the visualization
[08:28:05] <XXCoder> main(model, tooltip, work, 100, lat=-75, lon=215)
[08:28:48] <XXCoder> thats final collection command thats where we get complete machine. then we call main(), tooltip work last 3 is unknown
[08:28:58] <XXCoder> maybe its size of machine workspace
[08:29:34] <XXCoder> ah! its setting initial view point
[08:30:04] <XXCoder> i might be wrong on tooltip
[08:31:09] <XXCoder> wheres your docs entry again?
[08:31:44] <jthornton> http://linuxcnc.org
[08:33:33] <XXCoder> okay looking at same page ok
[08:34:12] -!- JesusAlos has quit [Quit: JesusAlos]
[08:34:16] <XXCoder> scargui shows nice stucture
[08:35:16] <XXCoder> tooltip = Capture()
[08:35:17] <XXCoder> tool = Collection([ tooltip, Sphere
[08:37:09] <XXCoder> i cut off rest but sphere is shape attached to tool
[08:37:19] <XXCoder> link3 = CylinderZ(0.0, l3_rad, l3_len, l3_rad)
[08:37:19] <XXCoder> # attach tool to end
[08:37:19] <XXCoder> link3 = Collection([tool,link3])
[08:37:35] <XXCoder> it defines link3 shape itself, adds tool group to it
[08:38:11] <XXCoder> link 2 does basically same, but larger cylinder, then collection([link3, link2])
[08:38:27] <XXCoder> since if link2 moves it affects everything linked to it
[08:38:37] <XXCoder> but if link3 moves it dont affect link2
[08:38:51] <gloops> hmm, well i have a blade running perfect on 2 wheels on a thing that slides backward and forward lol
[08:39:12] <XXCoder> if youre wondering, its a arm type machine. link1 is basically same as link 2 but even larger
[08:39:35] <gloops> put a few guides back on it and it might be a saw...just letting blade run a bit see if it will stretch, very limit of adjustment
[08:39:37] <XXCoder> link0 is base of machine
[08:40:30] <XXCoder> another cylinder but doesnt move. there is table that also groups work into it
[08:41:00] <XXCoder> final collection: link0, floor, table
[08:42:02] <pink_vampire> any tips how to cut accurate on a manual lathe?
[08:42:12] <XXCoder> it sucks that the BEST example is the most complex machine.
[08:42:26] <XXCoder> but after analizing how it works I think I get the grip
[08:43:31] <gloops> pink_vampire, remember the old adage, you can always take a bit more off, you cant put a bit back on
[08:44:04] <pink_vampire> gloops: this is how i work right now
[08:44:08] * SpeedEvil metal-sprays gloops with 1.5mm of SS.
[08:44:39] <jthornton> mmm I smell bacon... bbib
[09:05:20] <jthornton> pink_vampire: I make a cut then measure then make the rest of the cuts
[09:07:08] <pink_vampire> jthornton: there is something like edge finder for a lathe?
[09:07:18] -!- Sabotender has quit [Quit: 1000 Needles!]
[09:08:25] -!- Sabotender has joined #linuxcnc
[09:09:47] <XXCoder> jthornton: think most diffult one is creating linuxcnc HAL to use vismach
[09:09:48] <gloops> is it convenient to turn the chuck or some wheel by hand pink_vampire? for closer to target cuts and measureing etc, i always rotate the job hand until im happy
[09:09:56] <XXCoder> that area is very vague and no examples.
[09:13:00] <pink_vampire> lets say i have 10mm drill road, so it is ground and with true surface, ans i want to take 0.5mm cut and reduce the diameter to 9mm, is there a way to do it in one pass?
[09:14:38] <gloops> i personally would try to get the finish size in one cut
[09:14:42] <gloops> err wouldnt
[09:15:51] <pink_vampire> on the mill i touch the and, move the machine, and get it right.
[09:15:59] <gloops> but say you tried, take down a small shoulder on one end, step by step, measuring each time - when you get the size you want, run the cutter all way through at that
[09:16:11] <pink_vampire> and=edge*
[09:16:33] <gloops> if by accuracy you mean the diamter
[09:16:48] <pink_vampire> correct
[09:17:55] <gloops> if you want a good fit for another part you turned - turn the internal first, then the shaft, again its just a matter of keep checking, often you will get the perfect fit by filing or sanding the shaft for the very last bit
[09:18:34] <pink_vampire> i know
[09:18:57] <gloops> you can ink the part and touch the cutter tip until it marks the ink
[09:19:54] <pink_vampire> what about cutting grooves in intervals?
[09:20:02] <gloops> once you get used to the dials, they will help return to position
[09:20:47] <pink_vampire> but there is backlash
[09:21:29] <gloops> that will be consistent
[09:23:55] <jthornton> pink_vampire: you can use a dowel to measure with yes
[09:28:45] <gloops> a bit of thread cutting practice is a good way to get the hang of the dials, depending on the machine
[09:29:06] <gloops> im not a turner by any means but i have worked with some good old ones
[09:30:47] <gloops> now the boring bit of my bandsaw thing, need to devise some means of hold the log
[09:31:54] <gloops> couple of dogs to tap in that slide on something
[09:33:06] <gloops> https://www.ebay.co.uk
[09:36:49] -!- ziper has joined #linuxcnc
[09:39:22] <gloops> another thing you will find with 10mm rod pink_vampire, it will bend while youre cutting, in the middle obviously - get a travelling steady, take light cuts etc
[09:40:15] <JT-Shop> for small diameter stock sometimes it's best to take one heavy cut instead of several shallow cuts
[09:40:55] <gloops> putting more force on it though JT-Shop?
[09:41:08] <Tom_L> the angle of the cutter will effect the deflection too
[09:41:31] <Tom_L> cut along the axial plane moreso than the radial with a flat cutter
[09:41:31] <gloops> if it can spring in the middle it will judder off
[09:41:45] <SpeedEvil> gloops: If you cut to final diameter of (say) 5mm, from a 15mm blank, you have the 15mm blank supporting you up to the cut.
[09:42:06] <JT-Shop> if the final diameter is rather small and unsupported one cut using the strength of the larger diameter is better when possible
[09:42:20] <JT-Shop> what SpeedEvil said :)
[09:42:44] <gloops> hmm, i see what you mean
[09:43:01] <gloops> but 10mm rod is is going to bend anyway
[09:43:15] <gloops> so is 15, depending on the length
[09:43:15] <SpeedEvil> depends on the length
[09:43:46] <Tom_L> any stock deflects to a degree no matter the size
[09:43:55] <Tom_L> it is more noticeable on small stock
[09:44:01] <gloops> one cut = no second chance, travelling steady - no problem
[09:44:21] * SpeedEvil wishes he could remember the recent video on this topic on youtube
[09:45:11] <SpeedEvil> Someone like edge precision, but not edge precision.
[09:47:41] <JT-Shop> if you have a traveling follower... if not
[09:47:54] <gloops> make one
[09:48:18] <SpeedEvil> https://www.youtube.com - aha!
[09:48:39] <SpeedEvil> Joe Pieczynski was edge precision but not edge precision
[09:48:58] <gloops> https://www.ebay.co.uk
[09:49:15] <SpeedEvil> https://www.youtube.com also - on thinwall parts, and he has a number of useful videos around that time on fixturing
[09:57:25] <{HD}> I am using artcam to generate some gcode. It is my first time using artcam with linuxcnc. What do I select for “machine output file is formatted for:”?
[09:57:59] -!- merkatorix has joined #linuxcnc
[10:00:23] <gloops> linuxcnc? or emc2?
[10:05:17] <{HD}> I am running lcnc 2.7.14 isn’t emc2 the old name of lcnc?
[10:06:45] <gloops> yes, i dont use artcam but im guessing you have options to generate gcode for various controllers, emc2 should work if you dont have linuxcnc option, it does for me with the apps i use anyway
[10:06:52] -!- merkatorix has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[10:08:26] <{HD}> Oh! I will see if there is an emc2 in the list.
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[10:10:40] <{HD}> Not in the list. I’ll see if there is one I can pull from elsewhere.
[10:12:23] <gloops> https://forum.linuxcnc.org
[10:12:44] <{HD}> Just read that post
[10:12:55] <{HD}> Too bad he didn’t upload his version
[10:12:58] <gloops> might be more on the forums, i use emc2 g64 - you can set g64 easy enough anyway
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[10:16:36] <{HD}> I am going to try mach3gb-arcs[inch]
[10:17:18] <{HD}> I don’t know what gb stands for...hopefully not “great boom!”
[10:17:30] <gloops> what are you cutting?
[10:20:45] <{HD}> I am just making squares and circles in wood to calibrate the machine.
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[10:50:03] <fdarling> does anyone have experience with creating their own Mesa Electronics Anything-IO daughterboards? In other words, use the 26-pin or 50-pin connector and break it out into custom connectors rather than using one of their off-the-shelf boards with screw terminals?
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[10:55:12] <JT-Shop> yea, pcw does
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[11:03:14] <tiwake> hmm
[11:03:31] <tiwake> after the 7i77, what should I look at for servo drivers?
[11:05:33] -!- diverdude has joined #linuxcnc
[11:05:35] <diverdude> hi, im running my steppermotors using accelstepper. It seems that I have to set a final position using .move() or .moveTo(). Does anybody know if its possible to just set a direction, a speed and an accelleration and no end point and just run the engines?
[11:07:44] -!- gloops has joined #linuxcnc
[11:15:12] <gloops> any luck {HD}
[11:19:55] <{HD}> gloops: well it seemed to run alright. The circle was a odd combination of arcs and flats but it was fast enough.
[11:20:48] <gloops> hmm, will keep you going then - you mean there are flats on the circle though?
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[11:49:40] <fdarling> diverdude: it is not possible with that library, I just read the documentation. I have actually tried using it for a project before, but ultimately wrote my own stepper motor code based off interrupts
[11:50:11] <diverdude> fdarling: ok - why did you opt to write your own?
[11:50:25] <fdarling> diverdude: what you want to look into is something called DDS -- direct digital synthesis -- it can be used to generated square waves of varying frequency, and that vary frequency over time particularly
[11:51:13] <fdarling> diverdude: you can make a square wave ramp up from 0Hz to 200Hz for example, and stay there. It turns out that DDS is trivial when generating square waves, because you don't really need a wavetable
[11:53:58] <fdarling> diverdude: (if DDS is confusing, I can explain it to a degree)
[11:54:56] <fdarling> diverdude: I own many Mesa cards and use them, but in this particular case I am retrofitting a Fanuc based 1998 Mori Seiki F-M1 and the Fanuc controller ("brain") is meant to work with it's proprietary sister modules that need not only weird connectors, but weird amounts of RS-422 signals and PWM and such
[11:55:23] <fdarling> diverdude: so I could buy multiple Mesa cards and only use parts of each, or I could roll my own that was more suited for the job
[11:57:05] <fdarling> diverdude: like I need 12x differential PWM outputs, 8x differential analog inputs, at least 4x differential inputs and another 4x outputs for serial communication with the Fanuc proprietary encoders...
[11:58:01] <fdarling> pcw has said before in the forums that he would like to create a daughterboard for this, but doesn't have the time. I have the time, but I need some help getting started on it since I can't find any schematics for the off-the-shelf Mesa boards
[11:58:04] -!- diverdude has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[11:58:50] <fdarling> hmm, I think I may have misunderstood diverdude... I thought he was asking about making my own card, not about writing my own stepper code, LOL
[11:58:56] <fdarling> I must be pretty tired
[11:59:59] <fdarling> gloops: I only caught a portion, but you said something about a circle being realized as arcs and lines? Is this when being cut, or is that actually in the G-code?
[12:00:43] <gloops> <{HD}> gloops: well it seemed to run alright. The circle was a odd combination of arcs and flats but it was fast enough.
[12:01:00] <fdarling> I ask because I've run into issues with converting 2D CAD files too many times and degrading circles into splines into circles again and ending up with really ugly toolpaths (if you peek at the G-code)
[12:01:43] <tiwake> anyone happen to know if the drillbits at maritool are cobalt?
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[12:03:29] <JT-Shop> tiwake: I get my carbide tooling from lakeshore carbide and get my tooling from maritool
[12:03:38] <JT-Shop> tooling/holders even
[12:04:10] <tiwake> JT-Shop: well, I just got a 4" shellmill from maritool, but they didn't have any R8 arbors
[12:04:23] <tiwake> so I got one from MSC
[12:04:45] <JT-Shop> my R8 tooling is crap mostly lol
[12:05:12] <tiwake> but I need a set of drillbits, was considering the maritool ones but it does not say anything about them being cobalt
[12:05:31] <tiwake> honestly I only want cobalt drill bits
[12:05:57] <fdarling> I don't know, but I'd imagine that if they don't specify, they aren't cobalt but just normal HSS
[12:06:05] <tiwake> yeah
[12:06:13] <tiwake> in general anyway
[12:06:53] <tiwake> cobalt is technically a highspeed steel though, and once or twice in the past I've seen "HSS" when it was actually cobalt
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[12:09:43] <fdarling> tiwake: I read that cobalt tooling has the gold-ish color because of the baking process it goes through or something. I know I have cobalt Hanita roughing end mills that are *not* gold, they are normal silver looking, so I guess I could see where "HSS" and cobalt tooling might not technically be that different
[12:10:37] <tiwake> I'll just email them
[12:10:39] <tiwake> heh
[12:10:41] <fdarling> but the cobalt you're referring too I'd imagine would be the stuff that was clearly a different color like gold/yellow (but not due to an intentional coating) and also not black oxide nor plain silver
[12:11:17] <tiwake> hmm, I'm not sure if I've ever seen black oxide coated cobalt drills
[12:12:27] <tiwake> ah, their parabolic drills are cobalt it seems
[12:12:39] <tiwake> parabolic is badass, but expensive... lol
[12:12:44] <tiwake> donno why
[12:13:07] <tiwake> oh, morse manufactures them, not maritool
[12:13:16] <tiwake> enh
[12:13:33] <tiwake> JT-Shop: you have a favorite place to get good cobalt drill bits?
[12:14:19] <fdarling> no I meant that some HSS is black-oxide coated, I associate it with really cheap and crappy drills, not sure if that's inherent or not though
[12:14:45] <tiwake> enh
[12:15:30] <JT-Shop> I get my drills from MSC, name brand drills only
[12:15:46] <fdarling> tiwake: I actually get my cobalt drill bit index from Harbor Freight (they work well enough) and when my coworkers abuse or lose them, I replace them with ones off McMaster-Carr for ~$2 each (depends on the size)
[12:15:50] <tiwake> I've had some reallllly crap bright finish drills, and black-oxide ones being higher quality in general
[12:15:56] <JT-Shop> it's cheaper to drill the right size hole with a good bit than use a crap bit
[12:16:24] <fdarling> tiwake: my favorite drills for aluminum are parabolic flute ones, and I get YG-1 (Korean) brands ones off eBay from Suncoast Precision
[12:16:36] <tiwake> well sure, thats why parabolic drills exist
[12:16:59] <tiwake> hmm
[12:17:26] <fdarling> I do a lot of plastic machining too where the issue isn't the tool wearing or breaking, it's avoiding friction welding the plastic
[12:17:58] <tiwake> fdarling: you would like sear geometry tooling then
[12:18:11] <tiwake> *shear
[12:18:33] <tiwake> fdarling: http://www.robertsonprecision.com
[12:19:02] <tiwake> the best I've seen for soft materials
[12:19:27] <tiwake> used it soooo much with all the copper crap I've made over the years
[12:19:44] <tiwake> but also in plastics, aluminum and such
[12:20:23] <fdarling> tiwake: that link seemed to be for a turning tool, do they make "Shear geometry" tooling in the way of drill bits and end mills?
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[12:20:42] <tiwake> they make the inserts... I think they might make a shellmill
[12:20:47] <tiwake> or similar
[12:21:30] <tiwake> hmm, no
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[12:21:50] <tiwake> its possible its a standard size insert though... *shrug*
[12:22:11] <tiwake> APGX it seems
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[12:23:14] <tiwake> looks like its turning only
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[12:25:10] <tiwake> could email and ask
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[12:27:57] <gregcnc> Aren't all aluminum tools high positive?
[12:28:24] <tiwake> sure, just have not seen any as effective as shear geometry though
[12:28:50] <tiwake> as far as insert turning tools go
[12:28:57] <gregcnc> https://abtoolsinc.com
[12:29:13] <gregcnc> ho do they perform differntly than common aluminum inserts?
[12:30:30] <tiwake> don't remember really, its been a long time since I could compare anything
[12:31:05] <tiwake> 8+ years
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[12:34:34] <tiwake> gregcnc: nice link though! I might have to get some of that tooling
[12:35:07] <gregcnc> some people really like them, I haven't used those
[12:37:15] <gregcnc> APGX suggest a milling insert, which does look quite similar
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[13:28:01] <skunkworks> wow - the new oiler pumps up to 100+psi
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[13:39:39] <{HD}> The gcode was a combination of flats and arcs. The result was seemingly a perfect circle. ^^^
[13:54:53] <tiwake> crap
[13:55:04] <tiwake> I need a good drill bit sharpener too
[14:03:39] -!- HP_ has parted #linuxcnc
[14:04:16] -!- gloops has joined #linuxcnc
[14:04:25] <gloops> lol
[14:07:09] <gloops> presto and dormer make good drill bits, dunno if you get them over there
[14:08:08] <gloops> even old sets off ebay sharpen up very well
[14:19:47] <tiwake> don't have a sharpener
[14:20:05] <tiwake> darex is fantastic, but I can't spend that much on a drill sharpener
[14:23:03] <gloops> oh plenty of easy to make jigs on youtube
[14:23:24] <gloops> its not zero tolerance thing
[14:33:50] <tiwake> ..?
[14:43:48] <gloops> you could make one
[14:47:22] <tiwake> gloops: make one what?
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[14:48:37] -!- diverdude has joined #linuxcnc
[14:50:40] <gloops> a drill bit sharpening jig
[14:51:04] <diverdude> Hi. When I am homing, I am asking my 2 motors to go 1 million steps in negative direction, and then i am calling this function on every iteration of the loop: http://paste.ubuntu.com When it reaches limit switch it backs up until release and then sets position to 0. Works very nicely. What I do not understand is that if i have line 15 disabled as shown, the motor does not stop. It just continues a while and then stops. Why is line 15
[14:51:04] <diverdude> so important?
[14:51:53] <diverdude> Sorry, correction - it stops and then continues in same direction - instead of stopping and changing direction
[14:56:43] <tiwake> gloops: how?
[14:57:12] <gloops> i thought you had a mill and a lathe tiwake?
[14:57:20] <tiwake> at work, not at home
[14:57:29] <gloops> grinding wheel of some description
[14:58:05] <gloops> the if operation diverdude?
[14:58:43] <diverdude> gloops: no its not the if - that one is fine
[14:58:51] <diverdude> gloops: its something to do with accelstepper
[14:59:26] <diverdude> gloops: if i do not set current posistion to 0 it wants to continue and deacellerate before stopping... but i just want it to halt immedietly
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[15:45:56] <{HD}> Er11 collets are fiddlie little things.
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[15:58:31] <diverdude> hi - anybody has an idea why this very simple arduino stepper motor program does not work? http://paste.ubuntu.com
[16:08:08] <jdh>
[16:08:36] <jdh> no
[16:09:18] <XXCoder> diverdude: does it require enable command of some kind?
[16:09:35] <{HD}> Do you buy metric and inch collets or do you just use the closest that you have?
[16:10:06] <diverdude> XXCoder: i dont think so - because if i call .run() instead it works ok....but it ramps - and i dont want that which is why i want to use .runSpeed()
[16:10:10] <XXCoder> {HD}: in many cases "closest" is fine, but there is gaps where youwill need specific size, so recommand both
[16:10:32] <XXCoder> ok, diver. sorry out of idea lol
[16:11:43] <{HD}> How much do you feel comfortable squishing a collet?
[16:11:56] <XXCoder> basically I do this..
[16:12:13] <XXCoder> if tool cant move under simple handheld collet, its fine
[16:12:15] <XXCoder> otherwise nope
[16:12:47] <XXCoder> ie use your hand to fairly lightly hold collet and try move tool in it. if it cant its close enough
[16:12:50] <{HD}> So no collet nut. You put the tool in collet and pinch it?
[16:13:20] <XXCoder> not very hard you'll get it by testing
[16:13:50] <{HD}> I will give it a shot. I have metric collets but a 1/4” tool.
[16:14:05] <{HD}> I think 6.5 feels close but I will double check.
[16:14:12] <XXCoder> its 6.35mm
[16:14:32] <XXCoder> its one of those sizes that you might want inches
[16:14:37] <JT-Shop> what ever collet you choose don't stuff the tool in and swell it out...
[16:14:40] <{HD}> Doh!
[16:15:07] <JT-Shop> a 1/4" tool fits in a 7mm collet not a 6mm
[16:15:21] * JT-Shop wanders off to town see everyone in the morning
[16:15:27] <XXCoder> hey JT-Shop
[16:15:56] <JT-Shop> hey XXCoder
[16:16:07] <JT-Shop> see you in the morning!
[16:16:18] <XXCoder> later :) have fun at town
[16:17:07] <{HD}> JT-Shop: I can wiggle my 1/4” in the 6.5 collet.
[16:17:27] <XXCoder> {HD}: lightly pinch it
[16:17:31] <XXCoder> see if tool can move
[16:17:48] <{HD}> XXCoder: i can still move it with a decent pinch
[16:19:01] <XXCoder> not too sure but think thats bit much
[16:19:24] <{HD}> Well crap. Guess I need an inch set for my er11 & er20...
[16:19:35] <XXCoder> 6mm is too small you dont want collet to expand too much, or it wont fit er nut
[16:20:03] <XXCoder> maybe not all of em, just awkward sizes like 1/4
[16:21:45] <{HD}> XXCoder: I didn’t even try the 6mm I figured 6.35>6
[16:22:29] <{HD}> Buy a collet or switch to all metric tooling... hum...
[16:22:34] <{HD}> Haha
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[16:26:07] <XXCoder> im sure most tools could be meteric just some is convient in inches im sure
[16:26:28] <XXCoder> *more
[16:26:52] <XXCoder> shop I work at is 99% inches. we use very few metric tools
[16:35:36] <{HD}> If I am going to buy a one I might as well buy the set.
[16:35:46] <{HD}> Now to find how many in a set
[16:36:58] <XXCoder> I think I remember seeing sets that had all metric and one 1/4 lol
[16:37:11] -!- gloops has joined #linuxcnc
[16:37:15] <XXCoder> its hell of an inconvient size if you use metric lol
[16:47:30] <{HD}> Wow r/linuxcnc is a ghost town!
[16:50:23] <gloops> ye there are a few ghosts here
[16:51:13] <{HD}> 282days since last post
[16:51:25] <XXCoder> fun
[16:51:27] <{HD}> I just subbed just in case
[16:57:13] -!- diverdude has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[17:01:19] -!- Deejay has joined #linuxcnc
[17:01:34] <Deejay> re
[17:17:09] <gloops> its strange ichs disappearance coincided with having to register on freenode
[17:18:49] <{HD}> Whos ichs? And where did they disappear to?
[17:19:11] <{HD}> I need a good video explaining feeds and speeds. Any recommendations?
[17:21:24] <XXCoder> gloops: nah ich stayed for few months more
[17:21:32] <XXCoder> then probabky died
[17:23:03] <gloops> oh i see
[17:24:10] <{HD}> Died? Yikes.
[17:24:16] <gloops> ichs was a bit of a linuxcnc legend HD, he would have schooled you in every aspect of cnc
[17:25:05] <gloops> also had a very useful youtube channel hundreds of help vids he made, he came in here all the time very eager to help newbs
[17:25:15] <XXCoder> those videos is gone
[17:25:28] <XXCoder> I couldnt watch em but heard it helped so many people, those videos.
[17:25:30] <gloops> yes that is a great shame, many many hours he spent on those
[17:25:49] <gloops> i a;ways checked his channel first for a tutorial
[17:25:52] <{HD}> XXCoder: what? Where did the videos go?
[17:26:03] <XXCoder> his supposely grandson deleted em all
[17:26:16] <{HD}> Wow
[17:26:22] <XXCoder> we asked if can restore em he said maybe. guess it wont happen
[17:26:26] <gloops> id want them to stay if that was my grandad
[17:26:32] <XXCoder> indeed
[17:26:50] <gloops> although maybe took some managing he got hundreds of emails every day
[17:27:08] <XXCoder> guy was real busy all time. always building cnc machines
[17:27:43] <{HD}> I vaguely remember the name. I will have to grep the logs. I have been in and out of this channel for the last 5 years more.
[17:29:00] <gloops> what are you cutting HD? wood, aluminium?
[17:29:23] <{HD}> That just goes to show you to archive everything ‘you’ find important and not rely on it being there in the future.
[17:29:49] <gloops> thats true
[17:30:31] <{HD}> gloops: whatever needs to be cut. I milled some teflon spouts for some local scientist recently. That was fun.
[17:30:42] <Glorfindel> {HD}: yup, I keep lots of stuff around
[17:30:47] <Glorfindel> "just in case"
[17:32:19] <gloops> i havent found aluminium s/f calculator useful for my router
[17:32:27] <gloops> a lot depends on the machine
[17:34:18] <XXCoder> play by ear
[17:35:13] <gloops> i meant to make a test script up, varying speed feed depth combos
[17:35:29] <gloops> but yeah some trial cutting required
[17:36:06] <gloops> these high speed ally cutting theories might work in *ideal* conditions
[17:38:33] <gloops> https://www.ns-tool.com
[17:43:33] <{HD}> How do you calculate ideal chip load?
[17:43:49] <{HD}> Or is that a constant provided by tool mfg?
[17:44:04] <gregcnc> usually tool mfg has some figure
[17:44:10] <XXCoder> sometimes recommanded dont really work well
[17:44:15] <XXCoder> but most times its fine
[17:44:39] <XXCoder> for example some machines cant move that fast, or cant bear up to sideload, etc
[17:45:37] <gloops> https://www.cncroutershop.com
[17:45:50] <gloops> Typical Chip Load Values for Various Size Cutters
[17:46:12] <gloops> you wont need this for wood, after a while youll get a feel for it
[17:46:58] <{HD}> I am trying to hit maximum!
[17:47:15] <gloops> i had real doubts a 3mm cutter could hack boards up quickly - they can
[17:47:19] <{HD}> I am already comfortable just tweaking until it seems right.
[17:47:27] <gloops> what is the maximum feed here?
[17:50:23] <gregcnc> I can only do a double cheeseburger and fry before giving up
[17:50:40] <XXCoder> heh some tools is overkill, expecially on weak woods like pine
[17:50:44] <gloops> https://www.ebay.co.uk
[17:50:52] <XXCoder> my spindle turned off while it was cutting wood, and tool didnt break
[17:50:59] <XXCoder> it just went though wood, and not spinning
[17:51:11] <gloops> these work fine for all wood, single flute, ive only broken 1 and that was smashing into ally
[17:51:25] <XXCoder> 1/16 carbide ball endmill
[17:52:19] <gloops> my max speed is only 150ipm ish though, which ill hopefully correct soon
[17:55:09] <{HD}> gloops: why LH?
[17:55:32] <SpeedEvil> https://www.youtube.com - Oroville dam repaired - hugely massive amount of work.
[17:55:43] <SpeedEvil> 12 million pounds of rebar
[17:58:21] <gloops> {HD} its a downcut spiral
[17:58:34] <gloops> pushes material down
[17:59:35] <gloops> with some wood jobs you want a clean edge on the top/surface, downcut wont tear material up at the surface
[17:59:55] <gloops> you can get upcut, or compression (up and down cutting)
[18:01:35] <SpeedEvil> I wonder if expansion bits exist
[18:01:44] <{HD}> Haha neat
[18:02:08] <gloops> you might also want to consider climb or conventional strategy
[18:02:40] <SpeedEvil> gloops: that isn't always enough.
[18:03:00] <SpeedEvil> err - nvm
[18:03:01] <gloops> it is for wood
[18:03:08] <SpeedEvil> misread
[18:03:19] <gloops> the strategy is basically - put cutter in - give it some stick
[18:04:59] <XXCoder> lion air jet crashed into sea only 2 months old
[18:05:07] <XXCoder> cant blame that on poor maintance record
[18:05:12] <gloops> https://www.ebay.co.uk
[18:05:55] <XXCoder> so many bingo words there. high quality, imported
[18:06:21] <gloops> obviously you cant have a single flute UP DOWN cutter
[18:06:26] <XXCoder> if it also had "total qualty" or "totally" I'd have won bingo
[18:06:57] <gloops> the chinese know the online selling game, average attention to the ads is about 15 seconds
[18:07:02] <gloops> get the key words in
[18:07:46] <XXCoder> why do they add so many irrevelant words then?> lol
[18:08:04] <XXCoder> I saw 3d printer that had "3d print mill router laser camera kitchen sink"
[18:08:16] <XXCoder> fine last 2 wasnt really there but I wouldnt be surpised if it was.
[18:08:21] <gloops> cuts everything, lasts forever, unbreakable
[18:08:56] <gloops> just in case you had any doubts
[18:09:05] <Deejay> gn8
[18:09:54] <XXCoder> https://www.aliexpress.com OMG! accurate title! Open MiniMill CNC Mechanical Kit 3 Axis Desktop CNC Mini Mill
[18:10:04] <XXCoder> price isnt bad
[18:10:48] <XXCoder> its little more than toy but machine toy price also
[18:11:12] -!- Deejay has quit [Quit: bye]
[18:11:28] <gloops> hmm, v wheels
[18:11:43] <gloops> that eliminates cost of linear rails
[18:12:40] <XXCoder> LOL https://www.aliexpress.com
[18:12:43] <XXCoder> thats new.
[18:12:44] <gregcnc> I need a press....https://youtu.be/DLxw6x9lTwM
[18:14:26] <XXCoder> did you know theres one design that you can build but cannot unbuild without breaking a part?
[18:14:41] <gloops> rotating between rollers, you know engraved glasses are popular with weddings and stuff now
[18:14:49] <gregcnc> have not seen that
[18:15:02] <XXCoder> gloops: yeah pretty awesome
[18:15:14] <XXCoder> though I would enclose the crap out of that machibe
[18:16:10] <gloops> would need to be slightly faster if getting orders for 300 glasses though
[18:16:28] <gregcnc> 300 machines?
[18:16:59] <gloops> but whos to say you couldnt make some cash doing odd few for birthdays, anniversaries etc, gifts
[18:17:01] <XXCoder> 10 would do. just 30 runs
[18:17:02] <gloops> dogs name
[18:17:27] <gloops> jeb
[18:22:14] <XXCoder> gregcnc: sdly cant find example of it now
[18:22:50] <gregcnc> if you run into it one day
[18:23:27] <XXCoder> its pretty easy to make really lol
[18:24:14] <XXCoder> once you slide in final axis 2 it becomes impossible to unbuild
[18:28:40] <XXCoder> gregcnc: lol variant of it https://2.bp.blogspot.com
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[19:48:07] <jthornton> whew ate too much mexican food...
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[20:22:55] <Tom_L> :)
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[20:37:51] <XXCoder> power your car with gas ;)
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[21:42:22] * evilroot is BACK!
[21:48:49] <{HD}> Doesn’t down cutters pack the chips in the slot?
[21:49:01] <flyback> evilCANUCK
[21:49:03] <flyback> evilCANUCK
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[23:14:26] <XXCoder> man.
[23:14:48] <XXCoder> bad obession motorsport alternator location is insane
[23:23:36] <evilroot> Oh?
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[23:44:37] <XXCoder> yeah
[23:44:46] <XXCoder> its on other side, connected by flex shift
[23:44:55] <XXCoder> no room on that side for alt
[23:45:26] <MarcelineVQ> Imagining servicing this thing
[23:45:46] <XXCoder> its unique thats for sure
[23:45:58] <XXCoder> https://www.youtube.com first one if youre curious
[23:46:02] <XXCoder> warning: addictive
[23:46:20] <MarcelineVQ> I missed the last couple but have seen the others :> In a similar boat actually, the welder in our truck just started spewing oil and I suspect I'll have to cut it out just to get a look at it
[23:46:33] <XXCoder> man! havent seen car in orginial condition for long while
[23:48:13] <norias> i need to learn more welding
[23:48:32] <MarcelineVQ> It's a lot of fun if you can afford it
[23:49:28] <norias> yeah
[23:49:35] <norias> i just do it at work, for now
[23:50:41] <norias> i'm thinking about getting a cheapo 120 stick welder for stuff at home
[23:51:21] <Tom_L> pretty limiting
[23:51:32] <norias> aye, but cheap
[23:51:33] <MarcelineVQ> I've used 120 wirefeeds but dunno how much fun a 120 stick would be
[23:51:48] <norias> i've never
[23:51:57] <norias> next on the list is hobart handler 190
[23:52:01] <Tom_L> i got a 220v wirefeed and it's nice
[23:52:12] <norias> it's uh... 220V single phase
[23:52:18] <Tom_L> used to have a gas stick welder
[23:52:28] <norias> the hobart is a mig
[23:52:39] <norias> but you can get a spool gun for doing aluminum for that one
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[23:59:35] <evilroot> I only ever learned to stick weld, arc
[23:59:59] <Tom_L> same