#linuxcnc | Logs for 2018-11-09

[01:03:45] -!- jthornton has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[01:28:28] <rmu> does anybody in here have experience with vers.by stuff?
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[02:51:29] <Deejay> moin
[02:57:27] -!- veek has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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[04:48:09] -!- dimas has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[05:00:50] -!- pingufan has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
[05:00:57] <Jin|away> morning
[05:01:00] Jin|away is now known as Jin^eLD
[05:03:00] -!- Akex_ has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[05:03:58] -!- veek has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[05:11:03] <XXCoder> overwrought
[05:30:14] -!- veek has joined #linuxcnc
[05:44:15] <jthornton> morning
[05:45:18] <XXCoder> hey jthornton
[05:45:38] <XXCoder> today was another crushing boring work lol
[05:45:48] <jthornton> just when I thought I could make a copy of my sd card on the RPi I found I needed two sd slots...
[05:45:53] <XXCoder> yeserday broaching, then today slot cutting same part
[05:48:12] <jthornton> how many parts?
[05:48:24] <XXCoder> 180 broaching, 131 slotting
[05:50:51] <jthornton> something is wonky with my code but yesterday I found this https://sourceforge.net
[05:50:59] <jthornton> that may clear up the issue
[05:52:48] <XXCoder> different handling nice
[05:54:46] -!- asdfasd1 has joined #linuxcnc
[05:56:29] <jthornton> I thought this code was bullet proof but it fires randomly lol https://paste.ubuntu.com
[05:57:51] <XXCoder> man_up lol
[05:58:06] <XXCoder> so while true is a loop in phyton, running forever?
[05:58:33] <XXCoder> looks like just need to change to trigger "event detected" so its bulletproof?
[05:59:06] <jthornton> yea that's what I'm working on now to test it
[05:59:30] <jthornton> yea runs forever, I should do a proper thread I guess
[05:59:37] <XXCoder> gonna love that man_up
[05:59:47] <MarcelineVQ> have you got pullups/pulldowns now?
[06:00:10] <jthornton> using pull downs in the RPi
[06:00:25] <jthornton> GPIO.setup(MAN_UP, GPIO.IN,pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN) # Manual Up Switch
[06:01:14] <XXCoder> so there is no way to set INT so it calls code when event happens?
[06:01:28] <XXCoder> so you dont need to have cpu hit of infinity loop
[06:01:34] <jthornton> https://paste.ubuntu.com this code runs fine
[06:02:26] <jthornton> probably I just need to try a few things with it just found it yesterday evening
[06:02:45] <XXCoder> GPIO.add_event_detect
[06:02:52] <XXCoder> that sounds like INT adding
[06:02:57] <jthornton> and I was trying to add a time out feature so if something happened to the door it stopped the motor
[06:02:59] <XXCoder> GPIO.add_event_detect(channel, GPIO.RISING, callback=my_callback, bouncetime=200)
[06:03:09] <jthornton> aye
[06:03:13] <XXCoder> this is removal of call from INT GPIO.remove_event_detect(channel)
[06:03:40] <XXCoder> so you dont need to do any loop, just make it call
[06:09:05] -!- phillc54 has joined #linuxcnc
[06:09:54] <XXCoder> ohh who in here wanted to build a solder vent that dont lose heat when not used?
[06:11:16] <XXCoder> Jin^eLD: was it you?
[06:11:58] <XXCoder> or miss0r
[06:12:54] <MarcelineVQ> XXCoder: Jin^eLD
[06:13:06] <XXCoder> thanks
[06:13:06] -!- gloops has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[06:14:02] <XXCoder> Jin^eLD: this is cool https://www.youtube.com needs rather large vent body though. maybe that can be made other way
[06:16:21] <XXCoder> what I would do is add isulation rigid foam on the flat side, offset by small amount so gaps is also covered
[06:16:38] <XXCoder> so it will be fairly strongly isulated for a vent.
[06:16:56] -!- JesusAlos has quit [Quit: JesusAlos]
[06:20:30] <MarcelineVQ> kind of interesting how at 6:13 you can see the limitations of the software he used, or the method of using it, in that the circle is very polygonal
[06:20:55] <MarcelineVQ> 6:10-6:15
[06:21:03] <XXCoder> its because slicers and printers cant do g2 g3
[06:21:29] <XXCoder> or it is STL thats not quite high enough resolution to be smooth
[06:21:48] <Tom_L> 32°F, Hi 38, Lo 21
[06:22:33] <MarcelineVQ> Yeah, as though it was blown up larger after converstion. it's a a pretty neat project though
[06:22:42] <XXCoder> it is
[06:22:48] <XXCoder> all need is fairly precise rods
[06:22:52] <MarcelineVQ> For all the nose-turning printing gets this is pretty practical
[06:23:14] <XXCoder> only part can just replace is that lathed part
[06:23:22] <XXCoder> just 3d print that also
[06:23:40] <XXCoder> can use sandpaper and drill spin it use sandpaper to smooth that
[06:24:30] <MarcelineVQ> I'm entirely okay with bearing surfaces not being thermoplastic :>
[06:26:33] <XXCoder> yeah though dont have lathe so that bit is harder for me lol
[06:28:43] <MarcelineVQ> hehe fair, I used a wood lathe to make a brass bearing the other day
[06:29:30] <MarcelineVQ> When the vid started I was thinking it would be automatic though, and the panes would tilt with the fan strength. One of the points the vid totes at the end is precise modulation of air suction, but they could just modify the fan speed for that and put less strain on the motor comapred to full blast with closed vanes. Neat system for closing airflow in general though
[06:30:00] <MarcelineVQ> Though I supposed it depends how long the outlet is come to think of it
[06:30:30] <XXCoder> hmm I think automatic can be done yeah. though needs to point other way
[06:30:40] <XXCoder> using springs to auto close
[06:30:58] <XXCoder> it'd have to be quite finely tuned though. maybe with some torson bolt or something
[06:32:21] -!- JesusAlos has joined #linuxcnc
[06:48:08] -!- gloops has joined #linuxcnc
[06:50:36] <jthornton> centrifugal pumps with the inlet closed is the least amount of effort to the motor although friction of the circulating fluid will build up heat
[06:50:38] <Loetmichel> *hmpf* "He who buys cheap buys twice." I bought a new noname battery for my Note3 6 months ago on ebay... Today i was wondering why that phone wasnt fitting the belt clip any more... Battery is twice as thick as it was when it was new... *ordering an original samsung battery now*... :-(
[06:51:35] <XXCoder> lol
[06:59:16] -!- JesusAlos has quit [Quit: JesusAlos]
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[07:02:37] -!- emsjessec has joined #linuxcnc
[07:08:09] -!- phillc54 has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[07:30:48] <jthornton> ok, I've proved my toggle switch is a bit flaky so that must have been the problem all along
[07:32:59] <XXCoder> yeah? how so? varied bouncing?
[07:33:43] <jthornton> I get random edge detected sometimes I get down after going from up to center etc
[07:36:14] <XXCoder> odd
[07:37:08] -!- miss0r|laptop2 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[07:41:23] <jthornton> https://paste.ubuntu.com
[07:46:47] <XXCoder> yeah
[07:46:52] <XXCoder> huge bounce
[07:47:26] <jthornton> the toggle switches are very old and look like they came out of some military equipment
[07:47:52] <XXCoder> might want try other switches
[07:48:03] <XXCoder> you got extra limit switch or microswitch?
[07:48:06] <XXCoder> see if it works
[07:48:45] <jthornton> yea, I'll replace the switches with some new ones
[07:51:27] -!- gloops has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[07:51:37] -!- veek has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[07:51:47] <XXCoder> hopefully that will work. ) later
[07:51:49] -!- gloops has joined #linuxcnc
[07:51:54] <jthornton> at least that explains why my program was wonky lol
[07:52:01] <XXCoder> indeed
[07:52:24] <XXCoder> well worth it if you get rid of some infinite loops
[07:52:45] <XXCoder> the less busy cpu is, the less power it uses :)
[07:52:48] <jthornton> how do you suggest I get rid of the infinite loop?
[07:53:07] <XXCoder> dont adding a listener make it call your function when event happens?
[07:53:43] <jthornton> hmmm https://raspi.tv
[07:53:53] <jthornton> that one does not have a while loop!
[07:54:08] <jthornton> but it does not run forever
[07:55:37] <XXCoder> it does once press happens
[07:55:56] <XXCoder> it waits for event to change gpio_pin to true then exists
[07:56:00] <XXCoder> *exits
[07:56:30] <XXCoder> whole thing is also in while loop once setup is done
[07:56:36] <jthornton> nope without the while true it exits immediately
[07:56:53] <jthornton> that one exits after 30 seconds no matter what
[07:57:35] <XXCoder> I dont know enough about hardware programming unfortunately
[07:57:58] <jthornton> the while loop is software only
[07:58:19] <XXCoder> while GPIO.input(gpio_pin) == False << this depends on INT call to change variable
[07:58:55] <XXCoder> INT is hardware interrupt
[07:59:33] <XXCoder> https://medium.com
[08:01:17] <XXCoder> best design would be have a loop to handle stuff like timed stuff
[08:01:44] <XXCoder> while switches is purely called by INT and it calls functions as needed to make things happen
[08:01:56] <XXCoder> so dont need many loops just one
[08:02:02] <jthornton> where are you seeing INT?
[08:02:16] <XXCoder> INT is just shortland for interrupt
[08:02:50] <jthornton> what keeps the python program alive?
[08:03:12] <XXCoder> the single loop looks like
[08:03:41] <XXCoder> man its been so long. gonna sleep as been feeling kinda iffy lol
[08:03:53] <jthornton> ok see you later
[08:04:34] <XXCoder> keyboard used to be on its own interrupt pin
[08:04:51] <XXCoder> so cpu would instantly handle keyboard presses and keyboard cannot be lagged out
[08:05:02] <XXCoder> but nowdays with usbs.. oh well lol
[08:05:05] <XXCoder> later :)
[08:11:06] <Jin^eLD> jthornton: you probably want something like this https://stackoverflow.com
[08:11:27] <Jin^eLD> at least if I understand correctly that you want to read inputs but avoid infinite looping
[08:12:22] <Jin^eLD> only used those things in C though, but it seems there are python wrappers available
[08:12:23] <Jin^eLD> :)
[08:18:16] <jthornton> hi Jin^eLD I don't mind an infinite loop in python but doing it in C could be interesting
[08:22:27] <Jin^eLD> jthornton: well, the loops as such are not nice as XXCoder pointed out above, so you usually try to do blocking waits for a keypress rathen that polling in a loop
[08:22:56] <jthornton> there is no keypress, what is a blocking wait?
[08:23:04] <Jin^eLD> so if possible I usually use select() and epoll() is a bit a newer mechanism provided by the kernel
[08:23:10] <jthornton> and no polling is done in the loop
[08:23:42] <jthornton> https://paste.ubuntu.com
[08:23:43] <Jin^eLD> ok maybe I misunderstood what you were discussing above, sorry; I thought you loop to check a gpio input
[08:24:08] <jthornton> no, using event detect to get the rising edge
[08:24:27] <jthornton> I was using the loop but found the event detect last night :)
[08:24:46] <jthornton> now I have some old flaky switches to replace sorta like me
[08:25:23] <jthornton> is select() and epoll() python or C?
[08:25:40] <Jin^eLD> oh ok, then sorry for the confusion ;)
[08:25:52] <Jin^eLD> C, but I am sure python has equivalent wrappers
[08:26:04] <Jin^eLD> its for reading from sockets
[08:26:13] <jthornton> ok, I'll look for them and see what I can find
[08:27:00] <jthornton> https://docs.python.org
[08:27:25] <Jin^eLD> yeah, python has wrappers for everything :)
[08:27:51] <Jin^eLD> basially if you have something where you need to wait for some input, instead of looping and checking you do a blocking wait on that socket
[08:28:10] <Jin^eLD> also allows you to specify timeouts to get out of it and check if you maybe want to abort or do something else
[08:28:40] <jthornton> for my chicken door manual up/down switch it must wait forever
[08:29:40] <Jin^eLD> then it's probably exactly what you are looking for
[08:30:29] <Jin^eLD> as XXCoder pointed out, looping eats up some CPU, while blocking wait doesn't
[08:31:38] <Jin^eLD> not sure if you care in the chicken door scenario though :)
[08:34:51] <jthornton> yea I just want the chicken door to open/close at the correct time and if selected open/close from the manual input
[08:36:28] <Jin^eLD> ok so you do care to get out of the blocked state because you want to check the time, which you still can do with select
[08:37:26] <Jin^eLD> if you are fancy you could even calculate your wish time before entering select and passing it the appropriate timeout and then check why you returned from select - it will tell you if it timed out or if you had input on the socket
[08:38:05] <jthornton> not sure what you mean by blocked state?
[08:39:19] <Jin^eLD> if you selct() on a socket your program flow gets bloocked until you get input on that socket, thats the whole idea of select - you can avoid polling when you wait for some data/input
[08:39:50] <Jin^eLD> but if you need to do some other things and want to avoid multithreading, you can tell select to time out after a certain period if no data came in on the socket that you are monitoring
[08:39:58] <jthornton> ah that won't work for me then I can't block the normal stuff
[08:40:20] <Jin^eLD> it can still work depending on the time contsraints of the "normal stuff"
[08:41:05] <jthornton> nothing time critical about the normal stuff just opening/closing the door and turning on/off the lights
[08:41:11] <Jin^eLD> https://beej.us
[08:41:14] <Jin^eLD> check out 7.2
[08:41:37] <Jin^eLD> beej does explain stuff really well, so if you plan to start with C at some point, he has a great C beginners tutorial
[08:42:05] <jthornton> cool, I know a bit of C at least the basic stuff
[08:43:23] <Jin^eLD> that's my favorite C tutorial, I think that's where I started ages ago: https://beej.us
[08:44:17] <jthornton> hmm, never seen that page thanks for the link
[08:45:04] <Jin^eLD> I think it's hard to find because its so old and you usually get the new fancy stuff now when searching, but this guy is really good at explaining and does so with some humor
[08:45:23] <Jin^eLD> its just the basics but it's clear and not intimidating
[08:45:54] <Jin^eLD> I think first I had a lecture on C at the university and I failed terribly, but after this guide it all became clear
[08:45:59] <jthornton> thanks I've bookmarked that page and will give C another whirl
[08:46:03] <Jin^eLD> np
[08:46:07] <jthornton> cool
[08:46:19] <jthornton> shower time for me... gotta start my day
[08:47:54] <Jin^eLD> late lunch time here, gonna grab some food
[08:51:55] -!- veek has joined #linuxcnc
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[10:53:56] <Jin^eLD> did anyone try chinese turning carbide inserts from ali/ebay and is there a "brand" usable enough to buy?
[11:13:34] <methods_> i ordered some from that cheap machine tool place they seem to work alright
[11:13:42] <methods_> but wasn't really using them for production
[11:13:47] <methods_> shar's
[11:22:21] <Jin^eLD> "shar's" is the place? was that ebay or ali?
[11:22:35] <methods_> shar's
[11:22:47] <methods_> https://www.shars.com
[11:22:57] <methods_> it sells all chinese machine tool junk
[11:23:29] <Jin^eLD> I'm not doing any production, so just for myself, but I don't want to get complete garbage, also got confused by an ebay seller who wrote "if you want these inserts for yourself, don't buy them, because they are low quality!"
[11:24:11] <methods_> well it's definitely not sandvik
[11:24:19] <methods_> but they work
[11:24:30] <Jin^eLD> methods_: oh it's in the US, I'm in Europe, shipping from US is quite expensive
[11:24:31] <methods_> i've cut hardened ballscrews with the inserts i got
[11:24:36] <methods_> ahhhh
[11:24:43] <methods_> i'm sure there's a euro shar's
[11:24:49] <Jin^eLD> did they remove the china brand and rebranded as their own?
[11:25:02] <methods_> there is no brand on there lol
[11:25:08] <methods_> it's all straight from china
[11:25:18] <Jin^eLD> :)
[11:25:27] <methods_> rough edges and sand from teh castings and all
[11:25:39] <Jin^eLD> so no way to tell what this corresponds to on Ali, because I'm pretty sure they have the same there as well
[11:25:52] <methods_> yeah
[11:26:08] <methods_> well the thing i do is just buy the tool and use the inserts until they die
[11:26:14] <methods_> then get real inserts on ebay
[11:26:44] <methods_> or at auctions
[11:26:48] <Jin^eLD> from what I heard there is quite a differenec in what you can get there, some are quite OK like what you describe, but some are total crap and its hard to identify online, but there seem to be some chinese fake "brands" where you can at least keep them apart
[11:27:28] <methods_> yeah i think shars hand picks the "better" stuff to sell in there store
[11:27:35] <methods_> s/there/their
[11:28:51] <Jin^eLD> and this whole thing is totally new to me, got my lathe before leaving for summer holidays and started to learn how to turn now, I got a huge toolbox with all sorts of holders and inserts that came with it, mostly Sandvik and Kennametal, but I am missing inserts which I'd need for everyday stuff so need to buy some... and struggling :)
[11:28:52] <methods_> plenty of euro's in here should be able to find you someplace similar to shars
[11:29:07] <methods_> ahh just get the inserts then from ebay
[11:29:13] <methods_> you know what inserts you need?
[11:29:29] <Jin^eLD> more or less... took me a while to figure out codings and such
[11:29:34] <methods_> yeah
[11:29:47] -!- veek has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[11:30:03] <methods_> well if you know for example you need cnmg inserts just search for those on ebay
[11:30:13] <methods_> any major brand insert will be good
[11:30:30] <Jin^eLD> I'd take CNMG 120404 for rough stuff (probably not worth investing in 08 radiuses since I'm not in a hurry)
[11:30:38] <Jin^eLD> and CNMG 120402 for finishing
[11:31:07] <methods_> yeah just try ebay you can usually find them for a discount there
[11:31:08] <Jin^eLD> well that was the thing... "major brand" is damn expensive and I figured since I'm still learning and will kill a few, its probably not worth investing in top brands right now
[11:31:30] <Jin^eLD> but then got quite confused when even chinese wrote "dont buy my offer for yourself, it sucks" - huh?! :)
[11:31:31] <methods_> but cnmg is very common so there will be competition
[11:31:57] <methods_> yeah still learning you should just get the chinese junk for awhile
[11:32:00] <Jin^eLD> and then I am having a hard time to pick the properties, I need steel and hardened steel
[11:32:21] <Jin^eLD> and with the chinese ones its not always obvious or not specified what they are good for
[11:32:36] <methods_> yeah that's the downside of grabbing those
[11:33:36] <Jin^eLD> so my hope was if someone already tried and could say "I got these and seem usable", at least that was my thinking
[11:34:41] <Jin^eLD> catalogued all I have yesterday in an attempt to understand what the hell that is and what I should focus on: http://deadlock.dhs.org
[11:35:58] <Jin^eLD> I seem to have a lot of thread cutting inserts and then some number of smaller TPMR ones, but apparently none for everyday random kind of work
[11:36:10] <methods_> https://www.aliexpress.com
[11:36:16] <methods_> man if those are real
[11:36:19] <methods_> that's a great price
[11:36:53] <Jin^eLD> I heard they aren't :) i.e. its not real Mitsubishi
[11:37:24] <methods_> i would assume not at those prices
[11:37:29] <methods_> unless they are stolen
[11:37:42] <methods_> well you got some nice tooling
[11:37:56] <methods_> mostly looks like older style top lock
[11:38:05] <methods_> so you should be able to get some good deals on inserts
[11:38:49] <Jin^eLD> what are those TCMA/TCMW/TCMM bigger triangles used for?
[11:39:03] <Jin^eLD> or is it just defined by the form that you need to turn so you can get there physically?
[11:39:14] <methods_> not sure what you mean
[11:39:20] <Jin^eLD> http://deadlock.dhs.org
[11:39:27] <Jin^eLD> those
[11:39:39] <Jin^eLD> I think those are the only "bigger" inserts I have in reserve
[11:40:50] <methods_> ah you can use them for whatever
[11:40:56] <methods_> just depends on what you're trying to do
[11:41:22] <Jin^eLD> ok, so I could probably start with those while I am waiting for the CNMG ones to arrive (provided I decide where and what to order) :)
[11:41:51] <methods_> yeah
[11:42:16] <Jin^eLD> I figured to go with CNMG because I have enough PCLNR holders
[11:42:45] <Jin^eLD> and for the rest - I'd have to figure out what it does and if I need those
[11:42:47] <methods_> yeah cnmg is a good way to go
[11:43:00] <methods_> usually you see trigon inserts on boring bars
[11:43:04] <Jin^eLD> the lathe was in production at Liebherr and they apparently were doing some special stuff, some electrodes and what not
[11:43:05] <methods_> so you can get more clearance
[11:43:14] <methods_> you can use a smaller boring bar to get into a tight bore
[11:43:34] <Jin^eLD> I have a number of smaller trigons and boring bars that match them, so luckily I seem to be covered there
[11:43:43] <methods_> yeah
[11:43:48] <Jin^eLD> but as mentioned earlire, almost nothing for "normal" kind of stuff
[11:43:53] <methods_> i see you have some OD trigon holders though
[11:44:20] <methods_> i guess they needed them for some specific reason or clearance issues
[11:44:28] <Jin^eLD> OD? I am not yet all that good with the cypher :)
[11:45:10] <methods_> outside diameter
[11:45:11] <Jin^eLD> I also have a whole drawer of weirdly shaped and grinded HSS tools, but I need to buy a grinder myself and learn how to grind if I wanted to use those, figured it'd be easier with inserts for starters
[11:45:13] <methods_> outside work
[11:45:19] <methods_> ID is inside diameter
[11:45:26] <methods_> inside the bore work
[11:45:33] <Jin^eLD> ah
[11:46:11] <Jin^eLD> so OD's are boring bars for working on the outside like you normally would with a "normal" insert holder
[11:46:12] <Jin^eLD> ?
[11:46:39] <methods_> no boring bars are for ID work
[11:47:33] <methods_> http://deadlock.dhs.org
[11:47:37] <methods_> that's OD tool
[11:47:39] <Jin^eLD> oh I think now I get it, boring bars are usually using the trigon shape, but I have outside tools that take trigon inserts which is not common? is that what you wanted to tell me?
[11:47:49] <methods_> yes
[11:47:53] <methods_> you got it
[11:47:59] <Jin^eLD> ah, ok, understood
[11:48:23] <Jin^eLD> oh wait, so the one in the picture does not only take a threading insert but could work with other trigons as well?
[11:48:41] <methods_> oh i can't tell from the pic
[11:48:48] <methods_> it looked like a cnmg holder
[11:48:50] <methods_> sorry
[11:49:16] <Jin^eLD> if you click the thumb it will open a highres version
[11:49:25] <methods_> http://deadlock.dhs.org
[11:49:26] <Jin^eLD> its R166F-2525-310
[11:49:30] <methods_> that one there
[11:49:41] <Jin^eLD> thing is, that stuff is so old its not listed in the Sandvik catalogues any longer
[11:49:52] <methods_> that is a dnmg
[11:50:26] <methods_> good for od work where you have to get in tight to radius or something
[11:50:28] <Jin^eLD> ah, you meant the extruded diamond... interestingly enough I have some smaller inserts of that type, but no holder for them
[11:50:48] <Jin^eLD> and then the holder you posted above, but no spare inserts
[11:50:59] <methods_> ah that sucks
[11:50:59] <Jin^eLD> so all sorts of combos and need to figure out what I need to buy :)
[11:51:45] <Jin^eLD> but I can't complain, the tools came with the late, including 50 collets and a quick-clamp collet chuck and lots of other stuff
[11:51:58] <methods_> nice
[11:52:09] <methods_> yeah you got a good bit of tooling should cover all your needs
[11:52:41] <Jin^eLD> ...once I figure out what this stuff does :) a lot to learn here
[11:53:02] <methods_> well i personally think everyone should start with high speed steel
[11:53:10] <methods_> just so they learn how to grind their own tools
[11:53:18] <methods_> before you start using carbide
[11:53:42] <methods_> it's a lot cheaper to get going with too
[11:54:27] <Jin^eLD> buying a grinder is on my list
[11:55:37] <methods_> yeah you can get tons of old HSS for nothing basically
[11:55:41] <methods_> no one uses it anymore
[11:55:47] <Jin^eLD> but then, friend of mine has a clarkson grinder which can do radiuses and nice stuff like that and I was figuring if I should just get a normal grinder or some tool grinding machine or something
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[11:56:02] <methods_> you could probably go to any local machine shop and ask them for their old HSS tooling and they'd throw it at you
[11:56:23] <Jin^eLD> not many machine shops left over here
[11:56:34] <Jin^eLD> but yes, getting HSS is not a problem
[11:57:10] -!- gloops has joined #linuxcnc
[11:57:33] <Jin^eLD> and I have a drawer full of hss tools I could start with...
[11:57:37] <Jin^eLD> if I had a grinder
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[14:49:03] <SaldoT> Is Charles Steinkuehler on IRC?
[14:50:06] <Tom_L> if he is, he's hiding
[14:50:48] <SaldoT> Seems most people in this channel are. ^^
[14:51:00] <Tom_L> naw not the brave ones
[14:51:53] <SaldoT> need some help and messaging back and forth on google groups isn't most efficient way of communication. =)
[14:52:30] -!- Tecan has quit [Quit: Live Long And Phosphor!]
[14:52:55] <SaldoT> than again doing a very experimental setup as my first ever machinekit install wasn't perhaps the best idea...
[14:54:43] <Tom_L> why not... may as well do the trial by fire method
[14:55:34] <methods_> why don't they just make a #machinekit
[14:55:43] <methods_> so many people come in here trying to get help with it
[14:56:25] <miss0r> wtf is machinekit?
[14:56:32] <Tom_L> there is one. 6 ppl there
[14:56:40] <Tom_L> a branch off of linuxcnc
[14:57:25] <SaldoT> I was under the impression that it's the same people that develop linuxCNC & Machinekit?
[14:57:59] <Tom_L> to an extent
[14:58:15] <Tom_L> but machinekit is a branch all it's own
[14:58:37] <Tom_L> the core is probably the same or quite similar
[15:00:18] <miss0r> have any of you tried the Cat S61 phone?
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[15:04:45] <SaldoT> where are the INI files located?
[15:05:45] <Tom_L> in the install directory
[15:06:09] <Tom_L>  /home/user/linuxcnc/
[15:06:13] <Tom_L> or such
[15:08:49] <SaldoT> and they only exist after you've done a first configuration, right?
[15:09:12] <JT-Shop> correct
[15:11:13] <SaldoT> How do you launche the config wizzard from console?
[15:11:36] <SaldoT> connecting to my linuxCNC machine through ssh with X11...
[15:12:08] <JT-Shop> linuxcnc
[15:12:32] <JT-Shop> or linuxcnc path to the ini file
[15:13:22] <SaldoT> if i run that i dont get the config wizzard. Just the option to select my current axis config.
[15:13:53] <JT-Shop> if you do the second one it just launches the configuration in the ini file
[15:14:05] <gloops> lol, i cant remember how to start the config wizard, need cnc computer in front of me
[15:14:15] <SaldoT> If you have a display it
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[15:14:33] <SaldoT> 's a shortcut in the "start" menu. But i dont have a display and no windowmanager so...
[15:14:39] <JT-Shop> gloops: from the menu or the terminal?
[15:14:50] <mozmck> stepconf or pncconf ?
[15:15:04] <JT-Shop> SaldoT: what are you trying to do?
[15:15:21] <SaldoT> create a new "profile"
[15:15:29] <gloops> JT from the menu
[15:15:39] <SaldoT> only one i have now is axis.sim. Want to create a new one
[15:15:42] <JT-Shop> CNC > LinuxCNC
[15:16:08] <JT-Shop> oh config wizard is CNC > pncconf or stepconf
[15:16:08] <gloops> yeah open stepconfig waizard
[15:16:26] <JT-Shop> SaldoT: stepper or servo?
[15:16:38] <cnomad> anyone here have experience with sigma koki stages? they have limit switches according to the spec, and a wiring diagram I found showed wires called LIM(+) and LIM(-). I'm assuming LIM(-) is GND for the limit switch?
[15:16:51] <JT-Shop> or from the terminal you can just say stepconf
[15:17:12] <SaldoT> JT-Shop, servos, but they are controlled with step/dir signals. So i guess stepper
[15:17:16] <cnomad> I know this isn't linuxcnc specific, although this is for a linuxcnc setup, sorry if this isn't an apt place to ask
[15:17:55] <JT-Shop> SaldoT: start the stepconf wizard from the CNC menu or from a terminal with stepconf
[15:18:14] <gloops> not used them cnomad, but id say youre probably on the right track with - to gnd
[15:18:15] <JT-Shop> cnomad: we talk about a lot of stuff here including chickens...
[15:18:33] <cnomad> hah
[15:18:40] <SaldoT> JT-Shop, Thanks, "stepconf" was the one i was looking for!
[15:18:45] <JT-Shop> put a meter on it
[15:19:10] * JT-Shop wanders out to the other shop to work on the planer for a while
[15:19:43] <cnomad> JT-Shop: I did, not getting the expected result
[15:21:15] <cnomad> Basically -- vcc is passed through a pull-up resistor (47 kohm), which is connected in parallel between the input (used by linuxcnc... but replaced by scope for testing) and the LIM(+) of the stage
[15:21:53] <cnomad> and LIM(-) and general GND (from the wiring diagram I found) are connected to GND
[15:22:59] <cnomad> anyway, worth a try, going to do some more testing and report back
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[15:25:03] <cnomad> (otherwise, the motor works ok with the HAL I adapted for it, so at least some of the wires fomr the wiring diagram are correct. but naturally... I want to get limit switches to work :P)
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[15:52:38] <cnomad> also -- if this is general CNC nomenclature -- what would "+VS" mean in a wiring diagram for a stage (stepper motor attached to a stage plate with limit sensors and possibly an origin sensor)
[15:59:43] <Deejay> gn8
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[16:03:44] <skunkworks> http://electronicsam.com
[16:04:01] <skunkworks> http://electronicsam.com
[16:04:23] <skunkworks> installed windows 10 vs virtual windows 10
[16:07:39] <sync> unsuprising
[16:08:41] <CaptHindsight> are you going to try getting LCNC running with that Microsoft Linux based on Debian?
[16:10:47] <CaptHindsight> https://wccftech.com
[16:11:39] <mozmck> why would you want a linux distro for windows?
[16:12:24] <mozmck> Sometimes I run windows in virtualbox on linux, but that's quite seldom.
[16:15:40] <CaptHindsight> https://github.com
[16:16:30] <CaptHindsight> https://www.whitewaterfoundry.com
[16:17:01] <CaptHindsight> mozmck: not really sure what Wlinux is all about yet...
[16:17:59] <CaptHindsight> seems to be for devs that use M$ that might want to do something with Linux while still in windows
[16:18:22] <mozmck> If M$ is involved I don't trust it.
[16:19:53] <CaptHindsight> yeah, I'm sure anyone that uses it isn't concerned about trust
[16:20:05] <mozmck> heh!
[16:20:10] <CaptHindsight> so lots of people :9
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[17:03:21] <XXCoder> methods_: lol whole box for less than price of single insert at work
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[17:05:11] <XXCoder> wouldnt linux in windows be unable to get real time?
[17:26:34] <skunkworks> I doubt it.
[17:26:54] <skunkworks> can't make money on that. the realtime solutions on windows are $$
[17:27:02] <XXCoder> indeed
[17:27:11] <XXCoder> plus kernel mod is needed I think'
[17:29:36] <skunkworks> I am very happy with being able to use fusion 360 in linux. (my only reason to use windows in my home life)
[17:30:24] <skunkworks> and I can play with it all in one OS
[17:30:27] <skunkworks> http://electronicsam.com
[17:31:39] <cnomad> yeah linux subsystem for windows is a microkernel, but it's scheduled by window's kernel... which is not rt
[17:32:51] <XXCoder> whats freerdp
[17:33:06] <cnomad> ah wait no im wrong, it's not a microkernel -- it's just a compatibility layer -- still scheduled by a non-rt kernel
[17:40:56] <skunkworks> XXCoder: remote desktop on linus
[17:43:33] <XXCoder> wow you have remote desktop access to linus, the linux creator?
[17:45:14] <skunkworks> yes - we are like this ||
[17:49:31] <XXCoder> lol
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[21:18:53] <TurBoss> Hello
[21:19:08] <TurBoss> how I do create a new signal in hal
[21:19:22] <TurBoss> -Signal + Pin
[21:19:23] <TurBoss> :P
[21:19:31] <TurBoss> re
[21:19:47] <TurBoss> how I do create a new pin in hal files?
[21:19:54] <XXCoder> yo
[21:20:01] <TurBoss> hey!
[21:22:48] <XXCoder> making machinr work eh :)
[21:23:49] <TurBoss> yes bought a 6i25-7i76
[21:24:20] <XXCoder> nice
[21:24:34] <TurBoss> ty
[21:25:20] <mozmck_lp> TurBoss: I'm not sure you can make a pin in a hal file.
[21:25:32] <TurBoss> oh
[21:26:50] <mozmck_lp> you connect them to signals, but I think the hal pins have to be created in components.
[21:27:03] <TurBoss> ok
[21:28:13] <Tom_L> what are you looking for?
[21:28:31] <Tom_L> because it's probably there
[21:30:49] <TurBoss> I'm translating some gate logic to hal
[21:30:52] <TurBoss> sek
[21:30:57] <TurBoss> I almost finished
[21:31:09] * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (10KB) < https://matrix.org >
[21:32:27] <TurBoss> http://dpaste.com
[21:33:30] <Tom_L> simple enough
[21:34:02] <Tom_L> good you drew it up first
[21:34:26] <TurBoss> logisim works great
[21:34:33] <Tom_L> i went a step further on one and labeled the drawing with the hal pins i planned to use
[21:34:52] <Tom_L> simplifies any confusion
[21:35:01] <TurBoss> true
[21:36:26] -!- HSD has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[21:36:54] <mozmck_lp> you can make a custom component with halcompile pretty easily - and there are a bunch of logic components for examples.
[21:37:17] <TurBoss> I know but wanted to do it in simple hal
[21:37:31] <TurBoss> got it working
[21:37:35] <TurBoss> thank you guy
[21:37:36] <TurBoss> s
[21:37:38] <TurBoss> *guys!
[21:41:09] <Tom_L> you could have used lut5 too i bet
[21:42:22] <Tom_L> except you wanted 3 outputs
[21:44:42] <TurBoss> I have some DPDT switchs
[21:45:07] <TurBoss> wrong
[21:45:16] <TurBoss> SPDT
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[21:52:19] <Tom_L> i think 'logic' would have worked for it also
[22:04:00] <TurBoss> got another question
[22:04:36] <TurBoss> how can I change the selected axis shown in AXIS UI?
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[22:06:24] <TurBoss> from hal
[22:08:18] <cnomad> w.r.t. my earlier question on limit switches, they turn out to be optical -- i think they need to be powered, so I suspect that's what the "+VS" pin is on the wiring diagram. not sure, I emailed optosigma / sigma koki so hopefully this issue will clear up
[22:10:18] <Tom_L> TurBoss what do you mean?
[22:10:57] <TurBoss> Tom_L: the radio buttons shown in AXIS UI under manual control
[22:22:02] <Tom_L> how do you want to change it?
[22:22:52] <TurBoss> Tom_L: with the hal signals
[22:26:48] <Tom_L> http://linuxcnc.org
[22:26:52] <Tom_L> 11.9 maye
[22:26:55] <Tom_L> maybe
[22:29:24] <Tom_L> not exactly sure what you're after
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[22:47:07] <TurBoss> ty
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[23:04:16] <jesseg> Howdy
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