#linuxcnc | Logs for 2018-12-30

[00:40:39] -!- ve7it has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:02:41] -!- CubicleNate has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
[01:03:46] -!- CubicleNate has joined #linuxcnc
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[01:31:57] -!- ziper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:40:09] <XXCoder> im addicted to those videos. https://www.youtube.com help!!
[01:55:50] -!- tehnull has joined #linuxcnc
[02:29:55] <renesis> xxcoder: cool
[02:30:15] <XXCoder> yeah lol
[02:30:30] <XXCoder> bunch of great videos
[02:48:02] -!- veek has joined #linuxcnc
[02:50:14] <veek> can we use pulleys to speed up a motor's rpm.. by hooking a large main pulley to a much smaller pulley - for bench grinder purposes
[02:57:43] <XXCoder> i'd guess so, up to limit where torque is just too much
[02:58:59] -!- veek has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[03:00:43] -!- fragalot has joined #linuxcnc
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[03:28:33] -!- veek has joined #linuxcnc
[03:49:56] -!- ferdna has joined #linuxcnc
[03:51:15] -!- Deejay has joined #linuxcnc
[03:51:42] <Deejay> moin
[03:59:38] -!- veek has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[04:01:12] -!- asdfasd1 has joined #linuxcnc
[04:13:57] <fragalot> mornin' Deejay
[04:14:19] <Deejay> hi fragalot
[04:15:26] <fragalot> long live amazon. Product Name : Carbide Bar;Material : HSS
[04:17:17] -!- ferdna has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[04:17:38] <XXCoder> lol
[04:17:47] <XXCoder> high speed steel carbide bar :P
[04:36:17] -!- gloops has joined #linuxcnc
[04:37:02] <gloops> hmm, new blade guides and wider belt required for bandsaw
[04:37:17] <gloops> wider blade
[04:37:25] <XXCoder> thats your new hobby ;)
[04:37:57] <gloops> just what i need lol
[04:38:50] <gloops> seems to be the way with all these home made machines, a series of failures and disappointments before success
[04:40:14] <gloops> you fi one thing but then its like theres someone saying 'dont get too excited yet pal, you forget the x'
[04:40:18] <gloops> fix
[04:43:36] <XXCoder> yeah though theres point where you says "eh it works fine"
[04:44:19] <gloops> yeah, the annoying thing is you can see it WILL work, theres just always one more modification required lol, and that is time and tedium
[04:45:15] <gloops> the factory guides arent up to it, so ill make some more - already done that for my normal bandsaw took ages, and the blade could do with being wider, so thats 2 things to deal with
[04:45:57] <XXCoder> i saw one guy using table saw for cutting alum
[04:46:04] <XXCoder> not sure if that was advisable. even with sleds
[04:46:46] <gloops> slightly dodgy, a chop saw yeah
[04:47:03] <gloops> bandsaw is ok for alu probably safest type of saw
[04:47:08] <XXCoder> i have table saw but I need to build a sled for it. its pretty small
[04:47:23] <XXCoder> i mainly will work with wood... once shop exists argh!
[04:47:54] <gloops> jigs and sleds and stuff get very easy once you have a cnc router running
[04:48:29] <XXCoder> my area would be probably 5' by 5'. not huge but workable. most of stuff would be on one wall anyway
[04:49:23] <gloops> its enough for a lot of jobs
[04:49:36] <XXCoder> i wont be making for other people
[04:49:42] <XXCoder> i plan to make artwork and sell
[04:49:50] <gloops> space seems to shrink if you start working with full sheets of board
[04:50:27] <gloops> probably the best way, less stressful anyway
[04:50:43] <XXCoder> would be ironic if I started a biz anyway
[04:50:50] <XXCoder> and start bulk parts
[04:51:42] <gloops> https://www.fionakingdon.com
[04:51:49] <gloops> this woman seems to do ok
[04:52:08] <XXCoder> yeah
[04:52:16] <XXCoder> looks cool
[04:52:41] <gloops> im going to buy that drawing
[04:53:29] <XXCoder> did you ever see that amazing soap holder?
[04:54:45] <XXCoder> http://www.grunblau.com
[04:55:14] <XXCoder> $10 for files
[04:55:47] <XXCoder> https://www.youtube.com youtube on it
[05:00:36] -!- veek has joined #linuxcnc
[05:01:11] <gloops> sorry was afk
[05:01:26] <XXCoder> its not like links expire ;)
[05:01:33] <gloops> oh yeah i have seen that before
[05:02:05] <gloops> i reckon i could draw that in blender now pretty easy
[05:02:29] <XXCoder> its by math but unfortunately what folumbia was not shown
[05:03:51] <gloops> well, you could just draw the circles and ovals then extrude whichever way, not sure how the other side would work out though lol
[05:04:21] <XXCoder> I suppose I could try recreate it in oltivia
[05:04:30] <XXCoder> octivia whatever
[05:04:46] * fragalot is getting his UK tooling shopping done before he has to pay import duties on 'm
[05:04:47] <gloops> that would look good as wall panels...a lot of cutting time though, impractical for stepper machines
[05:04:48] <XXCoder> its olviously has sin and cos, and both is crossed on X and Y
[05:05:11] <XXCoder> actually no powers likely
[05:05:39] <XXCoder> to power of 3 on Y, power of 6 on x
[05:05:45] <XXCoder> hm
[05:06:05] <gloops> just go via ireland fragalot thats where all the bootleg stuff will go
[05:06:23] <XXCoder> no, 4 and 8 respectively
[05:06:30] <gloops> if we ever leave...
[05:08:06] <fragalot> gloops: that'snot really the issue as such
[05:08:19] <fragalot> it's more that the UK seems to have better online distributors of the same crap everyone else sells
[05:08:30] <fragalot> so they import it first & then sell it on to me
[05:08:56] <gloops> yes we were set up as the logistics hub for the EU i think
[05:09:03] <fragalot> perhaps these places will revert back to drop-shipping
[05:10:22] <fragalot> like shop-apt.co.uk is my "go-to" carbide vendor
[05:10:26] <gloops> a lot to work out, a speedy 0 tariff trade deal with china and things may well get a lot better
[05:10:30] <fragalot> don't know any EU equivalents
[05:12:06] <gloops> thats the problem with central planning
[05:12:45] <gloops> where nations in a bloc are allocated different tasks, - one leaves the rest have a problem
[05:13:27] <gloops> they havent got the distribution infrastructure, just like we havent got the engine building plant
[05:13:29] <fragalot> the WTO schedules for the UK aren't published yet. it'd be interesting to see what they have planned.
[05:13:57] <fragalot> I mean, both poland and the netherlands are HUGE distribution centres
[05:14:21] <fragalot> like 90% of what I purchase comes from those 2 countries...
[05:14:50] <gloops> well so long as there is sea access and a decent rail network
[05:14:58] <fragalot> belgium is crippled in terms of online sales due to local government regulations preventing slave work
[05:15:14] <fragalot> the infrastructure is there, but the regulations aren't
[05:16:07] <gloops> regulations are part of controlling who does what in the eu bloc
[05:16:43] <fragalot> these are local regulations and have nothing to do with the EU
[05:16:56] <fragalot> because if they were imposed by the EU, NL wouldn't be able to do it
[05:17:46] <gloops> the regs for apples for example finished off the UK orchards, we had hundreds of varieties of apples - mostly not very uniform in colour or shape, france grows golden delicious - unaffected
[05:18:05] <gloops> you dont need two apple producing nations in the EU
[05:20:38] <XXCoder> lol restoring a shit computer https://www.youtube.com
[05:21:48] -!- leorat has quit [Quit: leorat]
[05:21:58] <fragalot> gloops: that ridiculous rule was repealed in 2009 wasn't it?
[05:22:31] <gloops> im not sure, too late when the trees have gone and houses built on the land though lol
[05:22:38] <fragalot> true
[05:23:52] <fragalot> makes you wonder how it ever got voted in though, given the UK has such a big swing
[05:25:55] <gloops> germany and france always get the favourable outcome
[05:26:24] <gloops> probably some bargain was struck - let france do the farming, we'll do the cold storage
[05:26:57] <fragalot> one of the reasons the UK gets that 60% rebate, or whatever it was
[05:28:21] <gloops> note italy is on the carpet for its proposed spending/deficit, France proposing higher deficit - no problem
[05:29:04] <XXCoder> lol. "large disk support driver" to support all 8 gb on disk. my pc has 16 gb ram. :P
[05:29:31] <fragalot> XXCoder: therer's a simple reason for that
[05:29:41] <XXCoder> yeah its 90s pc
[05:29:53] <fragalot> it's how large the addressing number needs to be
[05:30:01] <XXCoder> i know lol
[05:30:14] -!- syyl has joined #linuxcnc
[05:30:27] <XXCoder> my first windows was windows for workgroups 3.11
[05:31:17] <XXCoder> and last was windows 7
[05:31:33] <fragalot> :
[05:31:34] <fragalot> )
[05:31:47] <XXCoder> i ran windows 1.0 and 2.0 for lols later on
[05:32:01] <XXCoder> it was interesting seeing and running history of windows directly
[05:32:22] <fragalot> I wonder if I can get a VAT number for the express purpose of just being able to order stuff from hoffmann group >.>
[05:32:40] <XXCoder> how much would having vat number cost
[05:32:59] <fragalot> not much
[05:33:19] <fragalot> but typically having zero sales under it is frowned upon by the tax people
[05:33:33] <XXCoder> well maybe if you reship some stuff also lol
[05:33:46] <XXCoder> make 10 sales to friends each year lol
[05:34:14] <fragalot> most, if not all of my friends, have their own :P
[05:34:22] <XXCoder> lol
[05:34:39] <XXCoder> do they.. "sell" stuff to each other?
[05:35:04] <fragalot> actually.. kinda
[05:35:10] <fragalot> they do different things, so it makes sense
[05:35:47] <fragalot> one is a blacksmith / fabricator, the other restores statues or other antiques, and the other does adventure events :P
[05:35:54] <XXCoder> lol
[05:37:11] <gloops> their main interest is if you are charging VAT - and not declaring the sales
[05:37:37] <fragalot> see, I don't mind paying the VAT
[05:38:00] <fragalot> all I'm personally intersted in is having the VAT number to be able to buy things from wholesales such as hoffmann that does not sell to individuals
[05:38:13] <fragalot> I couldn't care less if I have to pay the VAT
[05:38:55] <fragalot> the only question then.. is do I buy via my VAT number, and then can I sell it to myself to get the taxes in order?
[05:40:31] <gloops> if its for fixed assets - not for resale you should be able to claim it back, assuming you have books for a business that these things are for
[05:41:46] <fragalot> yeah but if I would say, purchase a grinder "on the business"
[05:41:54] <fragalot> but never actually invoice anyone for anything that requires it
[05:41:59] <fragalot> surely that can't be legal?
[05:43:18] <gloops> well, the dilemna is, if you are stating your earnings are over the VAT threshold - but then show no business activity, theyre gonna want to have a look lol
[05:44:54] <fragalot> that's the thing isn't it :D
[05:44:55] <gloops> most tax forms just get processed by some clock watching clerk, they dont check anything, but the software flags up certain anomalies common to fraud, so some forms will get an automatic inquiry
[05:45:13] <fragalot> my interest isn't in fraud. happy to pay any taxes that are due
[05:45:32] <fragalot> but I'm also not interested in selling anything to anyone or the faff that comes with that
[05:45:40] <gloops> yes you arent avoiding tax, just wanting access to buy
[05:45:45] <fragalot> exactly
[05:45:53] <fragalot> so I wonder if I can sell it to myself for, say, 1% profit
[05:46:18] <fragalot> that way I'd personally pay for the taxes on the items, the company gets to sell something to remain legal
[05:46:19] <veek> fragalot, if myself is a business i'm guessing yes
[05:46:21] <fragalot> however it would only have one customer
[05:46:31] <fragalot> and that customer is the owner of the business
[05:46:33] <fragalot> ._.
[05:46:45] <veek> as in 'business' is an entity in of itself
[05:46:56] <XXCoder> customer better have another person, better scammy sounding
[05:46:56] <gloops> i dount theyd lock you up for it, you might just get corrected if they notice
[05:47:09] <veek> and 'you' are a different entity
[05:47:16] <fragalot> gloops: which is also not very interesting :-)
[05:47:56] <gloops> it would be bought by you for resale, as part of the vat registered business, then bought by you for personal use, you would technically be a bona fide customer i suppose
[05:48:23] <gloops> you can buy your own products
[05:48:39] <gloops> a shopkeeper doesnt go to another shop for his milk
[05:48:52] <fragalot> sure, but said shopkeeper has other customers too
[05:49:09] <gloops> buy 50 and sell 49 lol
[05:49:16] <fragalot> in belgium we have a term called "schijnzelfstandige" -- which is someone that works for himself for appearances only
[05:49:28] <gloops> like a front
[05:49:29] <syyl> sounds almost like the german word for it
[05:49:35] <syyl> scheinselbstständig
[05:49:36] <syyl> :D
[05:49:41] <fragalot> gloops: like a way for the employer to dodge taxes :P
[05:49:45] <fragalot> syyl: Exactly :-)
[05:49:54] <gloops> or money laundering
[05:50:06] <fragalot> gloops: kinda
[05:50:19] <fragalot> the way most of these get found out, is if they only invoice a single company
[05:50:24] <fragalot> though that's different I suppose
[05:50:47] <gloops> a lot of takeaways here dont have enough trade to even pay the rent on the premises, the owners all drive porsches though, funny that
[05:51:37] <gloops> i was one of the unfortunate ones who was taught to work for a living
[05:51:37] <syyl> i am doing something wrong
[05:51:39] <syyl> driving a fiat
[05:52:02] <fragalot> syyl: says the guy with a porsche worth of equiptment in his livingroom
[05:52:09] <syyl> lol
[05:52:22] <fragalot> :-)
[05:52:49] <fragalot> seriously though, i've added up all of the value of the items in my shed & attic and it made me sit down & re-evaluate my life choices for a bit :D
[05:53:04] <fragalot> always wondering why my sister could buy a house without a loan, and I couldn't
[05:53:08] <fragalot> now I know.
[05:53:11] <syyl> D:
[05:54:02] <XXCoder> lol
[05:54:11] <veek> it helps to look at prices in terms of rice bags
[05:54:11] <XXCoder> i cant get a house without loan :P
[05:54:21] <XXCoder> and I dont buy expensive stuff in general
[05:55:00] <fragalot> XXCoder: when I say house, I mean a run-down shack that needs a lot of work
[05:55:12] <XXCoder> depends on where
[05:55:27] <XXCoder> moldy and unlivable house sells for $1 million
[05:55:40] <XXCoder> and huge house for $300,000
[05:55:47] <XXCoder> difference? location
[05:56:37] <fragalot> sure
[05:57:12] <syyl> its the same here
[05:57:12] <fragalot> the simple answer really is to buy the unlivable house in a better location
[05:57:18] <fragalot> which is what i did
[05:57:39] <fragalot> then strip it down to bare brick, dig the foundation out completely, and re-do EVERYTHIG.
[05:57:46] <syyl> half a million will buy you a nice bathroom in the center of munich
[05:57:51] <XXCoder> unless house have history, yeah
[05:58:02] <syyl> or an OKish house out in the fields
[05:58:23] <fragalot> syyl: fields please.
[05:58:24] <XXCoder> one guy at seattle knocked down a house then asked permission to build new house and knock down house
[05:58:40] <XXCoder> they said "no you have to rebuild old house exactly to same specs as orginial"
[05:58:51] <fragalot> syyl: that way I could have more space for my shed... and run a punch machine without upsetting everyone in the neighbourhood
[05:58:54] <XXCoder> owner tried to get around keeping historic houses intact law
[05:59:10] <syyl> haha, yes fragalot
[05:59:28] <fragalot> XXCoder: one common method here is to have a jobside incident that damages it irrepairably
[05:59:30] <syyl> i am quite fortunate, living not in the city
[05:59:39] <XXCoder> jeez
[06:00:02] <syyl> and while I have neightbours, this is a mixed area, living/buisness
[06:00:18] <syyl> so, not a problem to run a buisness here, within reasons
[06:00:21] <gloops> yeah what they usually do here with listed buildings is leave it to fall down - usually help by several spontaneous fires
[06:00:28] <gloops> then get it declared unsafe
[06:00:30] * fragalot has issues running his big compressor due to noise
[06:00:39] <syyl> i couldnt do 12hours a day forging/heavy fabrication
[06:01:08] <fragalot> so i've got 2 compressors.. one dinky little sound insulated one that produces maybe 40dB, and a big bastard
[06:01:23] <syyl> i got one of the silent ones that sits in the basement
[06:01:41] <syyl> can run that even on sunday mornings, nobody outside will hear it :)
[06:01:46] <fragalot> I wondered about those.. but the high airflow versions are huuuuuge
[06:02:09] <syyl> i gladly dont need huuuuuuuge amounts of air
[06:02:15] <fragalot> what about your blast cabinet
[06:02:20] <gloops> cheap garage type machine https://www.ebay.co.uk
[06:02:27] <syyl> oh, that takes a buttload of air :D
[06:02:34] <fragalot> syyl: Exactly :D
[06:02:42] <fragalot> hence me having 2 compressors
[06:02:43] <syyl> but it runs good on the silent compressor
[06:04:37] <fragalot> mine runs well on the tiny one too for the first second or so
[06:04:45] <syyl> lol
[06:04:47] <syyl> :D
[06:04:48] <fragalot> with the #4 nozzle
[06:05:19] <fragalot> syyl: do you know where you can find tiny cast iron balls for blast cabinets btw?
[06:05:38] <fragalot> instead of the alox mix I use now... too agressive.
[06:05:42] <syyl> hmm
[06:05:51] <fragalot> and the glass beads just don't last very long
[06:05:58] <syyl> i dont like glass beads :D
[06:06:14] <syyl> as for the CI balls, try a blastcabinetsupply-supplier
[06:06:19] <syyl> not very helpfull, hu?
[06:06:20] <syyl> :D
[06:06:38] <fragalot> oh dear
[06:06:47] <fragalot> I just got a new wireless alarm system
[06:06:59] <fragalot> and APPARENTLY you can arm it by swiching my LED lights on & off rapidly
[06:07:42] <fragalot> syyl: very helpful. Most local ones.. well, all of them, require a VAT number :D
[06:08:23] <fragalot> the place I got my cabinet from only sells crushed glass
[06:08:45] <fragalot> and HBM only sells whatever the chinese decided to put in the bag this shipment :D
[06:09:06] <XXCoder> talking about glass I want to have recycled glass kitchen counters spomeday :D
[06:09:51] <fragalot> you mean.. a glass countertop?
[06:09:58] <fragalot> because those are typically mostly recycled :P
[06:10:21] <XXCoder> yeah and yes
[06:11:22] <fragalot> just FYI: they're very cold surfaces to work on
[06:11:29] <syyl> i switched to alox for my blasting cabinet
[06:11:34] <fragalot> imho a poor choice for desks
[06:11:35] <syyl> but superfine media
[06:11:47] <syyl> 40μ grain
[06:11:56] <fragalot> syyl: same
[06:12:04] -!- gloops has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[06:12:13] <XXCoder> fragalot: recycled glass? would it be cold and grav heat off food dishes?
[06:12:14] <fragalot> with a thien baffle on the exhaust to recuperate most of the grit as it gets vacuumed out
[06:12:37] <fragalot> XXCoder: probably. i've used a glass desk for a while and in winter they are hell.
[06:12:47] -!- veek has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[06:12:55] <fragalot> but a simlpe coaster would solve your problem
[06:13:00] <XXCoder> lol ok
[06:13:05] <jthornton> morning
[06:13:32] <fragalot> syyl: your precision stones. do these require any maintenance other than rubbing against each-other & an ultrasonic bath every now & again?
[06:13:44] <syyl> i dont even ultrasonic them :D
[06:13:53] <syyl> i wipe mine down with alcohole from time to time
[06:14:06] <XXCoder> hows you prevent curvate bias?
[06:14:08] <fragalot> Alrighty then
[06:14:08] <syyl> or wash them with soap under running water
[06:14:28] <syyl> are you happy with them?
[06:14:37] <fragalot> very. I should have gotten these ages ago
[06:14:42] <syyl> lol :D
[06:15:08] <fragalot> they're great to use on scraped surfaces.. really makes the tiny high spots "pop"
[06:15:16] <syyl> yep, absolutely
[06:15:24] <syyl> and its hard to overdo stoning with them
[06:15:37] <syyl> as robin says
[06:15:51] <syyl> "you can stone until you turn blue, they wont alter the surface"
[06:16:00] <fragalot> :D
[06:18:54] -!- c-log has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
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[06:20:54] <fragalot> also. I'm looking for a 90° rotated CCMT holder
[06:21:08] <fragalot> so I can use up the "unused" side of the box-o-carbide
[06:21:25] <fragalot> or offset ones for facing I guess
[06:24:21] <fragalot> I guess this is one of those "make it yourself" type things
[06:24:46] <XXCoder> probably
[06:26:00] <syyl> i was told they exist
[06:26:16] <fragalot> so you DIY'd them anyway?
[06:26:19] <fragalot> :D
[06:26:23] <syyl> other way round
[06:26:30] <syyl> when i was done, i was told they exist :D
[06:26:51] <XXCoder> lol
[06:27:15] <fragalot> lol
[06:27:26] <syyl> which was ok, i sold the remaining ones and got footage for a decent video out of it
[06:28:35] <fragalot> yeah
[06:28:50] -!- gloops has joined #linuxcnc
[06:30:11] <fragalot> sod it i'm sticking to just brazing them on
[06:30:50] <fragalot> interesting. just found a picture of someone that made a face mill that uses them :P
[06:30:56] <syyl> yes
[06:31:00] <syyl> you can buy them too
[06:31:05] <syyl> recycle-facemills
[06:31:25] <fragalot> good to know now that i've already got 2 nice facemills and no more room in the rack
[06:35:58] <syyl> there is always room for one more cutter
[06:35:59] <syyl> :D
[06:36:25] <fragalot> :p
[06:37:07] <fragalot> I got a little wooden rack with the schaublin, but i'm not sure which toolholders the guy that made it based them off on
[06:37:39] <fragalot> you can't even put 2 weldon holders next to each-other or they hit eachother
[06:38:19] <syyl> trap for young players when making a tooling rack
[06:38:20] <syyl> :D
[06:38:37] <fragalot> :D
[06:38:49] <fragalot> it's especially fun with the 10-insert face mills
[06:38:54] <fragalot> "well, there go 9 holes"
[06:38:58] <syyl> :D
[06:50:29] <fragalot> syyl: do you have any idea what the 3 things center right are? https://photos.app.goo.gl
[06:51:06] <syyl> look a bit like weird softjaws
[06:51:19] <fragalot> they're hardened
[06:52:27] <fragalot> came with the mill, but I don't appear to have anything that looks like these could bolt to them
[06:54:03] <XXCoder> 3 flat parts with 2 extrusions, with 3 facing inside
[06:54:08] <XXCoder> (on sides)
[06:54:11] <XXCoder> ?
[06:54:20] <fragalot> yes
[06:54:48] <XXCoder> interesting, no idea what it is
[06:55:30] <fragalot> put 'm on ebay as "metal objects"
[06:55:49] <XXCoder> price em $20,000 each
[06:55:50] <syyl> "rare vintage metal objects. collectors item"
[06:55:50] <fragalot> then later find out they're worth like $700 each when bought new
[06:55:59] <XXCoder> im sure someone will say "thats ricious price for X"
[06:56:12] <fragalot> XXCoder: brilliant
[06:56:15] <fragalot> you've cracked the internet
[06:56:24] <fragalot> I'll post them on practicalmachinist and call them something wrong
[06:56:36] <fragalot> i'm sure they'll respond faster than if I asked for advnce
[06:56:39] <fragalot> advise*
[06:56:40] <syyl> lol
[06:56:48] <syyl> they will go full practical on you.
[06:56:57] <fragalot> :D
[06:57:02] <XXCoder> or it sells at $20,000 even though that was underpriced hey yopu got $60,000 lol
[06:57:12] <fragalot> i've got a real mill now. I'm allowed on that forum.
[06:57:15] <fragalot> >.>
[06:57:33] <fragalot> XXCoder: kinda like selling an air guitar?
[06:58:19] <XXCoder> lol
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[13:18:50] <fragalot> miss0r2: https://i.imgur.com
[13:35:08] <HighInBC> lulz
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[14:20:21] <miss0r2> fragalot: Shitsticks. I hope that dude was wearing facial protection :D
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[14:36:14] <fragalot> miss0r2: everyone was shocked when they found out he wasn't a qualified electrician
[14:39:09] <gloops> those obvious things arent so bad, its more scary to get a little shock from random parts of the machine and no idea why lol
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[15:08:29] <ve7it> Jymmm, whats up man?
[15:08:54] <Jymmm> ve7it: Not much, you?
[15:09:35] <ve7it> hibernating.... no snow here, but suppossed to freeze tonight.... might get some white stuff
[15:09:49] <fragalot> drugs are bad, m'kay
[15:11:33] <ve7it> Jymmm, are you still in the wilds of Washington?
[15:12:43] <Jymmm> ve7it: No, Northern California #campfire
[15:13:48] <ve7it> ah... are fires settling down now?
[15:15:12] <Jymmm> They are out, but the aftermath remains
[15:15:30] <ve7it> I was up hunting moose in central BC this fall and there was not an animal to be seen... seems everything left the valley we were in due to fires in the summer
[15:16:51] <ve7it> BC has so many mountains, the smoke gets trapped in the valleys and makes things very uncomfortable even if the fires are 100 miles away
[15:17:45] <Jymmm> I can understand. I find it so weird homw many bugs and animals are still here, including deer
[15:19:50] <ve7it> spring will be amazing.... black burnt areas will magically turn green
[15:20:09] <Jymmm> They already are actually
[15:20:51] <ve7it> cool... a whole new batch of pine trees will sprout
[15:20:57] <gloops> Brexit ferry contract worth £13.8 million ‘awarded to company with no ships’
[15:21:06] <gloops> so we're off to a good start...
[15:22:38] <ve7it> Jymmm, did you have to evacuate?
[15:23:16] <fragalot> gloops: lmao
[15:23:38] <fragalot> getting more ferries is going to be a good thing though. the ones now feel very 1970's
[15:24:25] <gloops> not been on one for years
[15:24:48] <fragalot> Trust me. they haven't changed. :P
[15:25:13] <fragalot> even the arcade galleries on them still have the same games from when they were first built
[15:25:25] <fragalot> and typically none of them work
[15:26:17] <gloops> last one i went on was pretty grim, i stayed on the top most of the time
[15:26:55] <fragalot> last 2 trips have been horrible for me
[15:27:01] <fragalot> really bad storms both times
[15:27:40] <fragalot> but at least now I can say I know what it's like to go to the bathroom in zero-G
[15:27:53] <fragalot> things hover. it's weird.
[15:28:16] <gloops> lol, i avoid sea travel where possible, im ok while i can see land
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[16:12:35] <gloops> hmm, i notice the new autodesk and adobe logos are very similar - and seem to represent the illuminati pyramid
[16:13:48] * syyl_ puts his tinfoil hat back on
[16:14:10] <gloops> the all seeing eye - very apt for cloud based apps
[16:14:12] <fragalot> lol
[16:14:22] <syyl_> safety first!
[16:15:39] <fragalot> both companies hate each-other though, and they're both too big to merge
[16:15:51] <gloops> or they appear to hate each other
[16:16:05] <fragalot> they've kept up appearances for decades
[16:16:19] <fragalot> and i'm not sure that the fued has been going on for that long either
[16:16:20] <fragalot> :P
[16:16:41] <fragalot> I think their spat started around 2005 or so, battling between PDF & DXF
[16:17:43] <gloops> well the internet has changed considerably, used to be diverse with no dominant players - not anymore
[16:17:49] <fragalot> also, it appears that if I want a set of BSPT taps, I have a choice between unusable chinese cheap set, or a €2k set that's actually usable
[16:17:53] <fragalot> why on earth are these so expensive
[16:19:06] <gloops> better off with an old set if you can find them
[16:22:29] <fragalot> ideally looking for 1/8" up to 3/4"
[16:26:59] <gloops> https://www.ebay.co.uk presto, not cheap
[16:27:34] <gloops> ive got a handful or so in boxes somewhere, some really old die wrenches with sliding cutters too
[16:28:02] <gloops> kind of stuff you get if someone is giving them away on car boot sale
[16:28:17] <fragalot> that's actually a really nice set
[16:28:35] <fragalot> "collection in person only"
[16:28:36] <fragalot> >.>
[16:30:00] <gloops> hmm didnt see that, surely he can post that
[16:30:56] <gloops> i cringe at those prices though, you find them in boxes of junk here on flea markets etc
[16:31:03] <fragalot> all in one <-- https://chronos.ltd.uk
[16:31:07] <fragalot> :P
[16:31:22] <fragalot> gloops: Yea. you don't get stuff like that on flea markets here
[16:31:32] <fragalot> here you get ratty old kids toys where the batteries have leaked out
[16:32:51] <gloops> well we get those too lol, odd time the grandad worked in an engineering shop and filled the shed with whatever he could carry out over the years - grand daughter clearing his stuff out, no idea what it is
[16:33:34] <fragalot> those are insanely rare
[16:34:47] <gloops> not so rare around sheffield, ive got a set of bsf you could have, but they were for electrical screws on british cars heh
[16:37:26] <fragalot> I don't really have a need for BSF
[16:37:37] <fragalot> just BSP to fix the odd pipe thread
[16:37:55] <fragalot> for instance my neighbours' pump just spat out it's vent plug
[16:38:08] <fragalot> minus the "
[16:38:09] <fragalot> ' *
[16:39:56] <fragalot> and the chinese set i've got now would make things worse rather than just clean out the thread to fit an oversize plug in
[16:39:59] <gloops> im surprised there arent more on ebay they are a common thread
[16:40:05] <fragalot> yeah me too
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[16:46:32] <gloops> https://www.ebay.co.uk some odd sizes on his list
[16:48:14] <fragalot> https://www.tracytools.com <-- that 'l work
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[16:50:47] <gloops> dont know anything about the maker, right price though
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[18:01:42] <Tom_itx> how different are they than US pipe threads?
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[18:04:56] <jthornton> I know bsp and npt won't fit each other...
[18:25:50] <Tom_L> you gettin wet over there?
[18:25:58] <Tom_L> was cold but sunny here today
[18:27:52] <roycroft> some bsp and ntp threads are fairly compatible
[18:27:59] <roycroft> er, bst
[18:28:07] <roycroft> nps and npt are not compatible
[18:28:48] <roycroft> but for taper threads, bst and npt use the same taper, and for some sizes, i belive in the 1/4"-1/2" range, the same thread pitch
[18:30:00] <roycroft> the included angle is different, and i would not try to mate them for any gas application or any high pressure liquid application, but for low pressure liquids, they could work
[18:30:06] <roycroft> use lots of pipe dope :)
[18:30:38] <Loetmichel> roycroft: bah. humbug
[18:31:06] <Loetmichel> use lots of teflon tape or hemp and grease... you'll get any thread to fit ;)
[18:31:25] <roycroft> and actually, it's just 1/2" and 3/4" that share the same thread pitch
[18:32:12] <roycroft> 1/4" and 3/8" npt is 18tpi, where bspt is 19tpi in those diameters
[18:32:30] <Loetmichel> close enough
[18:32:40] <roycroft> 1" ntp is 11-1/2tpi, and 1" bspt is 11tpi
[18:32:53] <roycroft> but 1/2" and 3/4" ntp and bspt are both 14tpi
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[18:33:23] <roycroft> of course, if you weld them up the thread pitch does not matter
[18:34:58] <roycroft> i don't think i'd even try mating any nps to bspp though, not even 1/2" or 3/4"
[18:35:02] <jthornton> just starting to sprinkle here
[18:35:51] <roycroft> the difference in included angle and the difference in thread shape would mean they likely would not mate up at all
[18:36:24] <roycroft> sealing is irrelevant there, as straight/parallel pipe threads require some kind of sealing gasket or o-ring - the pipe connection itself is not designed to seal
[18:37:56] <roycroft> s/ntp/npt/g
[18:38:13] <roycroft> sorry, i use ntp at work on a daily basis - my fingers can't seem to type npt properly
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[18:49:58] <CaptHindsight> Volumetric 3D Printing https://www.youtube.com
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[18:51:05] <CaptHindsight> it's a bit more like the Replicator in Star Trek than FDM/FFF (CNC glue gun)
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[18:52:53] <CaptHindsight> https://www.youtube.com
[18:52:59] <roycroft> can you say "earl grey, hot" to it and it will deliver?
[18:53:07] <CaptHindsight> https://www.llnl.gov
[18:53:29] <CaptHindsight> if you want a photpolymer version, sure
[19:08:53] <CaptHindsight> “If you leave the light on too long it will start to cure everywhere, so there’s a timing game,”
[19:12:16] <Tom_L> i wonder if the edges are sharp or 'mushy'
[19:19:06] <CaptHindsight> depends on what you call the edge
[19:20:06] <CaptHindsight> depends on the diameter of the lasers and how well they overlap/intersect
[19:21:31] <CaptHindsight> you can also post cure the printed parts in a nitrogen bath
[19:22:28] <_unreal_> damn I'm in love with this hotair rework station I just got
[19:22:35] <_unreal_> wish I had got one years and years ago
[19:22:36] <CaptHindsight> so if they are printed with the resin where it just cures rigid enough to hold it's own shape and weight then it may be post cured to a rigid
[19:23:46] <CaptHindsight> so the initial cure might be ~30% conversion (polymerization) then post cured to >%90
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[20:49:21] <roycroft> yay
[20:49:26] <roycroft> my digital caliper finally shipped
[20:49:53] <XXCoder> yay
[20:49:58] <roycroft> it will be nice to get it
[20:50:18] <roycroft> and when i do, i might finally send my starret dial calipaer in for repair and recertification
[20:50:34] <roycroft> i dropped it a couple years ago, but it's still the most accurate one in my shop
[20:51:10] <roycroft> i'm really looking forward to getting the digital one
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[21:31:38] <_unreal_> got to love good tools. I just picked up a hot air reflow station
[21:31:58] <XXCoder> nice
[21:32:07] <XXCoder> im still waiting for my solder kits
[21:32:13] <XXCoder> as well as flux
[21:32:27] <_unreal_> next thing I need to get is solder paste
[21:32:37] <_unreal_> but regardles OMG... what a difference
[21:33:18] <_unreal_> I've already pulled the programming pic chip from my programmer put in a socket so I can upgrade it to the lastest firmware
[21:33:30] <_unreal_> and a few other projects that ONLY a reflow could do easy...
[21:33:44] <_unreal_> just mind numbing I've never purcahsed one till now....... I should have gotten one 5+ years ago
[21:35:25] <XXCoder> yeah some stuff just dont seem useful till you have it
[21:35:50] <XXCoder> i thought getting a 1950s starret mic was kinda silly
[21:36:09] <XXCoder> but end up use it all the dang time. my mitotoyo mic gets quite little use
[21:43:36] <_unreal_> what do you use the mic fore?
[21:44:27] <XXCoder> digitial mitoyoto mic
[21:44:31] <XXCoder> its large and bulky
[21:44:53] <XXCoder> 1950s one is small compared to it and very easy to check
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[22:28:22] <tiwake> any good sources for building your own FDM type rapid prototyping machine?
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[22:43:08] <XXCoder> hey, theres bunch of open source designs
[22:43:13] <XXCoder> prusa seems good on that
[22:43:23] <Tom_L> not FDM
[22:44:00] <XXCoder> ah depostation
[22:44:06] <XXCoder> ie nylon and so on
[22:44:10] <XXCoder> laser fuse
[22:44:23] <XXCoder> theres sugar fab toi serve as example
[22:44:38] <XXCoder> watch out for CO and keeping nylon powder superdry
[22:44:59] <XXCoder> really depends on what material you want
[22:45:09] <XXCoder> whats material you wanna use
[22:47:51] <Tom_L> tiwake, no guarantee but there might be something in this: https://www.3dhubs.com
[22:48:54] <XXCoder> tiwake: https://candyfab.org thought it was sugarfab sorry lol
[22:49:16] <XXCoder> it wont work for say nylon because its all open to air, as well as danger from CO
[22:52:08] <tiwake> what would be a good plastic for about 250-300 degree f?
[22:53:44] <Tom_L> http://polymerdatabase.com
[22:54:32] <XXCoder> is there also respective TG?
[22:54:43] <XXCoder> list of
[22:55:09] <Tom_L> https://www.quora.com
[22:55:13] <Tom_L> another reference
[22:55:28] <XXCoder> that one is nice
[22:57:21] <Tom_L> https://www.plastikcity.co.uk
[22:57:24] <Tom_L> yet another one
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