#linuxcnc | Logs for 2019-04-05

[00:35:13] -!- likevinyl has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1]
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[01:19:16] <pink_vampire> hi
[01:19:23] <pink_vampire> someone here?
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[02:02:08] <pink_vampire> what proximity sensors are recommend for homing?
[02:20:53] -!- gloops has joined #linuxcnc
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[03:05:49] -!- Deejay has joined #linuxcnc
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[03:06:33] <Deejay> moin
[03:06:41] <pink_vampire> hi Deejay
[03:07:03] <pink_vampire> Deejay: do you know what proximity sensors are recommend for homing?
[03:07:26] <Deejay> hi pink
[03:07:38] <Deejay> unfortunately not :(
[03:08:22] <Deejay> do proximity sensors have a good reproducable accuracy?
[03:08:35] <pink_vampire> no idea,
[03:08:48] <Deejay> so that the machine stops always at the same home-position
[03:08:59] <pink_vampire> i build some optic based ones, but the chips killed them
[03:09:46] <Deejay> outch
[03:10:16] * Deejay has simple mechanical switches
[03:10:36] <Deejay> but i also destroyed one of them ;)
[03:11:13] <pink_vampire> i have also those here, but if i'm going to make it again i want something that is chip resistance
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[03:50:17] <miss0r> deejay: Inductive switches has good repeatability
[03:50:42] <miss0r> assuming you are moving towards them at a constant speed(the same every time). the it will position within a few 1/1000mm
[03:51:30] <pink_vampire> miss0r: what model is recommended?
[03:51:50] <miss0r> Depends on your needs. But if possible go for the lowest range possible
[03:51:55] <miss0r> i.e. 0.8 or 1.2mm
[03:52:09] <miss0r> I can recommend schneider brand
[03:52:15] <miss0r> or even omron
[03:53:12] <pink_vampire> and to do fly by or approaching?
[03:53:28] <miss0r> well. that is a bit of a tradeoff
[03:53:50] <miss0r> you get best accuracy doing approach, but you very much put the switch in harms way doing that
[03:54:12] -!- Deejay has joined #linuxcnc
[03:54:13] <miss0r> the repeatability is also very good doing flyby, but not 'as good'
[03:54:24] <Deejay> re
[03:54:49] <miss0r> I always recommend doing flyby
[03:55:10] <pink_vampire> so 8mm sensor approaching vs 2mm sensor fly by
[03:55:21] <pink_vampire> what do you think is better?
[03:55:41] <miss0r> if your setup is rigid enough and you do a two step homing(high speed location followed by low speed homing at a static speed) then flyby is good enough for most applications
[03:55:54] <miss0r> are you talking about detection distance?
[03:56:13] <miss0r> in that case I would say both numbers are too great
[03:57:03] <pink_vampire> i want to go rapid, then do slow feed
[03:58:15] <miss0r> well. its a tradeoff you'd have to make with yourself. You get the best accuracy doing aproach, but chances of a collision is there. however; the precision of the flyby is not that bad, if you get a proper schneider inductive switch
[03:58:25] <miss0r> but in either case, you'd want a much smapper range
[03:58:30] <miss0r> smaller*
[03:58:37] <pink_vampire> i'm not sure how to mount the sensor on the x axis that avoid chip buildup
[03:58:59] <miss0r> send me a picture, then I might be able to give you some ideas
[03:59:12] <pink_vampire> it is the g0704
[04:00:30] <miss0r> put it underneath the table close to one of the hand wheels, and have it read a surface mounted on the cross mount
[04:02:02] <pink_vampire> i took some pictures
[04:03:00] <pink_vampire> https://i.imgur.com
[04:03:09] <pink_vampire> https://i.imgur.com
[04:03:19] <pink_vampire> https://i.imgur.com
[04:03:46] <miss0r> so you are conserned with the Y-axis ? not the x-axis?
[04:04:00] <pink_vampire> x and y
[04:04:07] <pink_vampire> the Z is vary easy
[04:05:04] <miss0r> x axis is also easy, if you place the sensor underneath the table close to either end of it, and have it look for a bracket mounted on the x-slide part in the middle
[04:05:42] <miss0r> the y-axis is a bit more tricky.. perhaps I would make an extender arm on the side of the y-axis slide that reached to the back of the vertical column, and have the inductive switch placed there
[04:05:42] <pink_vampire> how can i mount it it?
[04:06:02] <miss0r> mill a bracket and thread in on there?
[04:06:44] <pink_vampire> the sensor is like a threaded rod, not sure how to mount it on the bottom
[04:07:55] <miss0r> make an aluminum block with a a threaded hole in it to fit the sensor, and use one of the nuts supplied with the sensor to lock it in place. then make two threaded holes in the bottom of the table or somewhere close to the handwheels underneath the table where you can screw it into place
[04:08:17] <miss0r> then have a bracket on the y-axis slide/cross slide in the middle that said switch is looking for
[04:08:22] -!- P1ersson has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[04:09:18] <miss0r> making sense? :)
[04:09:29] <pink_vampire> you mean next to the x axis ballscrew?
[04:09:42] <miss0r> sure
[04:09:50] <miss0r> if that is where you can fit it .)
[04:10:10] <pink_vampire> i don't get how to fit it there
[04:10:36] <miss0r> snap a photo of the underside of the x-axis
[04:10:52] <pink_vampire> ok, one sec
[04:14:55] <pink_vampire> https://i.imgur.com
[04:15:20] <pink_vampire> https://i.imgur.com
[04:16:20] <pink_vampire> lol - it is all covered with chips and oil
[04:16:55] <miss0r> https://imgur.com
[04:17:11] <miss0r> perhaps a bracket on the face where I have placed a red circle
[04:17:26] <miss0r> and have the inductive switch located somewhere in there where the blue circle is
[04:17:45] <miss0r> that should give you enough clearance to do stuff
[04:17:55] <miss0r> remember, you can get inductive switches that are down to 4mm in diameter
[04:18:44] <pink_vampire> where? all the stuff on ebay are very big
[04:19:04] <miss0r> conrad electronics or rs-online
[04:19:13] -!- P1ersson has joined #linuxcnc
[04:21:28] <pink_vampire> is there a way to probe the location of the machine with my datum?
[04:21:53] <miss0r> you'd need to elaborate a bit on that
[04:22:45] <pink_vampire> it is on a fixed location on the table
[04:23:27] <miss0r> you can. but you will probably need to fine ajust the position of the switch a bit to make it perfect
[04:25:10] <pink_vampire> yeah, but you still need the home switches for the g53 0
[04:26:56] <miss0r> I don't see the problem? :)
[04:27:47] <pink_vampire> I love the probe a bit more them putting homing sensors
[04:28:26] <miss0r> I don't follow you
[04:30:18] <pink_vampire> I was thinking that i might be ableto use the probe and the tool setter datum as my homing switches, but you cant because you need the machine to be home before you can use the probe :(
[04:30:50] <miss0r> yeah well. the machine needs to know where it is mechanically
[04:30:52] <miss0r> that makes sense
[04:31:17] <pink_vampire> yeah,..
[04:32:00] <pink_vampire> what do you think about the pnp vs npn sensors?
[04:32:40] <pink_vampire> what is easier to connect to the c10 board?
[04:33:07] <miss0r> c10 board... ? :)
[04:33:15] <pink_vampire> the c10 bob
[04:33:40] <miss0r> hmm looking at it now
[04:34:21] <miss0r> so, apparently you need to find some 5volt inductive switches or have a relay(not recommended) in between
[04:34:40] <miss0r> hmm.. perhaps a voltage divider would be in order to get a proper 24v one
[04:35:08] <pink_vampire> is there 12V sensors?
[04:36:00] <miss0r> I would assume
[04:36:09] <miss0r> but you bob board takes 5-volt signal
[04:36:22] <pink_vampire> i have 5V and 12V in the panel
[04:36:29] <miss0r> npn is for a "negative feedback" and pnp is for "positive feedback"
[04:36:34] <miss0r> yes, but your inputs are 5 volt
[04:37:10] <miss0r> unless you get a 5-volt proximity switch, you'd need a voltage divider to feed the signal to the board
[04:37:26] <pink_vampire> i can drive an optocupler from the sensor
[04:37:37] -!- foadsf has joined #linuxcnc
[04:38:07] <foadsf> Hello everyone, I would appreciate if you could take a look at my question here: https://www.reddit.com
[04:38:33] <miss0r> from the bob?
[04:38:59] <pink_vampire> to use something like the sharp817 and use it as a switch
[04:39:17] <miss0r> Indeed
[04:39:44] <miss0r> The precision of optical switches are higher than the proximity switches, no doubt. but they are more prone to faliure do to crud
[04:39:52] <pink_vampire> it is better to use input per axis?
[04:40:12] <miss0r> That is what I usualy do
[04:40:33] <pink_vampire> miss0r: this is the optocupler https://d1xahwiwo4b49p.cloudfront.net
[04:41:04] <miss0r> that would work
[04:41:13] <pink_vampire> it is just an optoisolator, you can drive it with any voltage like an led..
[04:41:34] <miss0r> yeah
[04:42:39] <pink_vampire> so i need something that when it active it will go to 1 logic? or 0 logic?
[04:43:05] <miss0r> reading on your board, it would seem it can handle both
[04:43:20] <miss0r> it says it has both pull-up and pull-down resistors you can choose from
[04:43:42] <pink_vampire> i mean if you look from a safety perspective
[04:43:49] <miss0r> but with proximity switches, it is good practice to use 0-logic
[04:44:08] <miss0r> that way, if theres a cable/wire faliure, the machine will think it has hit the end stop
[04:44:33] <pink_vampire> i see
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[04:45:15] <pink_vampire> how do i know if the sensor is 0 or 1 logic?
[04:45:33] <miss0r> https://uk.rs-online.com
[04:46:41] <pink_vampire> not sure
[04:46:45] <miss0r> this will not be a 100% solution, if you wanted that, you'd need "safety proximity switches"
[04:46:59] <miss0r> which are big, bulky and expensive
[04:47:20] <miss0r> this is basically: do you get a plus or a minus back from the sensor
[04:47:25] <miss0r> difference between npn and pnp
[04:48:05] <miss0r> but since you have an upto in the mix, I would go for the pnp
[04:48:10] <miss0r> and not do 0-logic
[04:48:17] <miss0r> fingers crossed'n all that :)
[04:49:02] <miss0r> I need to run, I have a client comming in an hour, and I need to clean a bit here first :) I hope I've been of some assistance - I will be back here later
[04:49:20] <pink_vampire> thanks!
[04:49:46] <miss0r> no problem - any time ;)
[04:50:01] <pink_vampire> cool!
[04:58:12] -!- veek has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[05:10:14] -!- mase-tech has joined #linuxcnc
[05:21:10] <XXCoder> boo
[05:25:17] <pink_vampire> baa
[05:25:32] <XXCoder> brr
[05:25:53] <pink_vampire> b??
[05:27:35] <jthornton> morning
[05:27:39] <XXCoder> bee
[05:28:33] <pink_vampire> https://www.youtube.com
[05:28:40] <pink_vampire> i need it in my life
[05:29:12] <pink_vampire> what are those circle stuff on the door window?
[05:29:15] <XXCoder> heh I want one too
[05:29:21] <XXCoder> what time in video?
[05:30:03] <sensille> get one for me, too
[05:31:15] <pink_vampire> 1:55
[05:32:16] <XXCoder> not sure too. never seen that before
[05:32:47] <pink_vampire> it is on all the new dmg
[05:32:53] <XXCoder> i ran doosan machine for first time this week and ran it entire week. i like it, not best but way better than old okuma it replaced.
[05:34:36] <pink_vampire> where it is made?
[05:34:45] <XXCoder> no idea?
[05:37:25] <jthornton> pink_vampire: the circles spin the coolant off so you can see, they use them in ships too to spin the condensation and water spray off
[05:37:42] <XXCoder> ohh fancy
[05:38:45] <pink_vampire> cool!!
[05:41:31] <XXCoder> after waiting 500 years, i finally got toy caliper
[05:41:33] <XXCoder> its funny
[05:41:45] <pink_vampire> ?!
[05:41:51] <pink_vampire> what is a toy caliper?
[05:42:02] <XXCoder> its fully functional, it has depth measurement, inside and outside
[05:42:12] <XXCoder> a caliper, but a toy
[05:42:14] <pink_vampire> pic!!
[05:42:26] <XXCoder> a sec
[05:42:39] <XXCoder> https://www.aliexpress.com
[05:42:52] <XXCoder> mine is reddish-pinkish
[05:42:59] <XXCoder> or red-orangish
[05:43:20] <pink_vampire> i got an anvil
[05:44:30] <XXCoder> nice I think still have one from dad
[05:44:33] <XXCoder> tiny one
[05:46:32] <XXCoder> hey jthornton think certification dept will certify my toy caliper? heh
[05:46:57] <pink_vampire> +-0.1mm
[05:47:18] <XXCoder> it has marks for .05mm lol
[05:47:36] <jthornton> give it a try lol
[05:48:47] <XXCoder> my tape measure (i have rare meteric one): 23mm. toy caliper: 22mm
[05:48:53] <jthornton> I really need to get these NHR Carriers done and quit putzing around with them
[05:49:02] <XXCoder> oh wait 23mm miscounted marks
[05:49:13] <XXCoder> there, its certified for toy usage!
[05:53:09] -!- Lcvette has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[05:56:28] <pink_vampire> my new anvil https://i.imgur.com
[05:56:28] <pink_vampire> XXCoder: ^
[05:56:28] <pink_vampire> jthornton: ^
[05:56:28] <pink_vampire> sensille: ^
[05:56:28] <XXCoder> lol pretty cool
[05:56:28] <XXCoder> whats you plan to do with it
[05:56:28] <jthornton> needs a little cleaning?
[05:56:28] -!- candyonetoo has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[05:56:28] <sensille> oh, i want one, 3x the size :)
[05:56:28] <pink_vampire> this anvil is the machinist version of this device
[05:56:28] <pink_vampire> https://ae01.alicdn.com
[05:56:41] <sensille> pink!
[05:56:54] <pink_vampire> yes?
[05:57:12] <sensille> that pic is pure pink
[05:57:38] <XXCoder> lol
[06:00:49] <pink_vampire> it have hardened surface and very nice ring sound
[06:01:10] -!- Scalar_Comrade[m has joined #linuxcnc
[06:01:34] -!- Inline has joined #linuxcnc
[06:01:46] <XXCoder> nice
[06:02:32] <pink_vampire> i need a nano furnace
[06:12:04] -!- TurBoss has joined #linuxcnc
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[06:12:58] * SpeedEvil passes pink_vampire the worlds tiniest violin.
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[06:14:39] <pink_vampire> SpeedEvil: ??
[06:15:05] <SpeedEvil> nano furnace related fuel.
[06:15:35] <SpeedEvil> ^You mean a tube CVD furnace?
[06:16:40] <pink_vampire> something very very very small
[06:16:53] <XXCoder> https://hackaday.com lol
[06:18:03] <pink_vampire> why lol?
[06:18:16] <SpeedEvil> Packaging would be an obvious reason.
[06:18:43] <SpeedEvil> Adjustable pnumatic positioners.
[06:18:56] <SpeedEvil> (low pressure, large area)
[06:19:10] <XXCoder> pink_vampire: honestly it looks very cool. I had some ideas
[06:19:20] <XXCoder> like inflatable hoverboat rc
[06:19:27] <XXCoder> but yeah speed has more ideas
[06:19:42] <SpeedEvil> Airfish. With integral muscles.
[06:19:51] <pink_vampire> ok, ok, laser cutter is added to the list.
[06:20:01] <XXCoder> airfish?
[06:20:15] <pink_vampire> XXCoder: !!! air fish!!
[06:20:21] <SpeedEvil> You can also make near net shape 'polyhedra' which 'tile' well into a 3d volume.
[06:20:45] <XXCoder> first result: https://www.youtube.com
[06:20:53] <pink_vampire> https://ae01.alicdn.com
[06:20:55] <SpeedEvil> XXCoder: Take a fish, now make it float in air using helium. Propulsion is done in the usual manner by swimming with fins and tail using actuators
[06:20:55] <Tom_L> morning
[06:21:07] <SpeedEvil> ^or hydrogen if you're cheap and have insurance.
[06:21:08] <XXCoder> interesting
[06:21:24] <XXCoder> heh abiloity to make any custom air fish would be interesting
[06:21:54] <SpeedEvil> They get better the bigger they are, from a technical perspective.
[06:21:57] -!- drzacek has joined #linuxcnc
[06:22:00] <SpeedEvil> square cube and all that.
[06:22:31] <XXCoder> bigger version of https://www.youtube.com
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[07:03:15] <SpeedEvil> Edge precision - four hundred tools per part.
[07:03:29] <SpeedEvil> amazing.
[07:03:47] <XXCoder> 400 tools to make one part?
[07:04:34] <SpeedEvil> That was somewhat hyperbole.
[07:04:47] <SpeedEvil> I don't think he actually said the number of tools he was using.
[07:05:14] <SpeedEvil> But - massive very complex stainless (?) part, so frequent changes
[07:06:01] <XXCoder> dang
[07:11:51] -!- foadsf has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[07:11:53] <SpeedEvil> https://www.youtube.com (above part)
[07:13:18] <XXCoder> camera has airblade attachment?
[07:13:55] <SpeedEvil> yes
[07:13:58] <XXCoder> but yeah that part looks extremely complex
[07:14:00] <SpeedEvil> he covers that in another video
[07:14:19] <XXCoder> it beats one part type i ran few times across couple years
[07:14:21] <SpeedEvil> construction of. Nice solid aluminium box, with an airblade hemade
[07:14:37] <XXCoder> hard to beat that part even though its small enough to almost manage to hide in hand
[07:15:00] <SpeedEvil> smallhas its own issues. :)
[07:15:14] <XXCoder> heh that tiny part has it all
[07:15:30] <XXCoder> it has 3 gauges just to check one bore set
[07:15:37] <XXCoder> another for ears bores
[07:15:47] <XXCoder> theres 4 more different hole sizes
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[07:15:53] <XXCoder> it has 5 tap sizes to check
[07:16:07] <XXCoder> theres 6 small tabs, detail depth on sides
[07:16:17] <XXCoder> its curved but not round so long cnc op there
[07:16:36] <XXCoder> i think theres around 40 features
[07:16:52] <XXCoder> which is HEFY amount of stuff to check for such a tiny part
[07:18:06] <XXCoder> wanna know what makes it worse?
[07:18:16] <XXCoder> it still has more ops AFTER anodize
[07:18:38] <SpeedEvil> I bet that destroys tooling.
[07:18:41] <XXCoder> to finish inside pocket to size ( .020" side sizes)
[07:19:08] <XXCoder> flat area, and adds 4 nearly half inch deep tap holes
[07:19:30] <XXCoder> 1/2 inch dont sound like much till you realize how thin bolts for it would be.
[07:19:41] <XXCoder> nah tools live pretty damn forever
[07:19:57] <XXCoder> most breakable tool lasts maybe 1,000 parts
[07:20:11] <SpeedEvil> ah - I was assuming anodising would do bad things
[07:20:25] <XXCoder> surpising no effect
[07:20:46] <XXCoder> tools for that never broke besides tap, that was only because someone screwed up and hit bottom
[07:21:20] <XXCoder> anyway end result is 45 featured, 2 color anodized part
[07:21:33] <XXCoder> very complex for one use part..
[07:21:42] <XXCoder> once used its destroyed and useless
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[08:51:49] <Loetmichel> *snicker* PMMA sheet + CNC router + bunsen torch lighter = finest cable guide/plug clip... http://www.cyrom.org ... i especially like how the bunsen torch made the endges and bends shiny ;)
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[09:07:15] <SpeedEvil> Flame polishing is nearly lame.
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[09:12:37] <Loetmichel> SpeedEvil: in this case its jsut a side effect of hand bending the acrylic
[09:12:42] <Loetmichel> but nice to look at
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[12:06:26] <fragalot> 'sup
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[14:03:23] <Jymmm> fragalot: not much buttercup
[14:06:02] <roycroft> so one quick tig welding question for the day (although quick questions often turn into long discussions)
[14:06:26] <roycroft> is the 1 second postflow per 0.001" thickness rule of thumb even remotely applicable to welding 3/8" steel?
[14:06:33] <roycroft> with a water-cooled torch, of course
[14:06:40] <roycroft> i don't want 38 seconds of postflow for every tack weld
[14:06:54] <roycroft> 'cuz i'm too old for that and will be dead before my project is complete :)
[14:07:04] <roycroft> not to mention i don't have an unlimited budget for argon
[14:10:14] <Loetmichel> *hmpf* new (old) car: already damaged. hust went to the local electronics store because i forgot to order an antenna adapter for my new satnav/radio that got delivered... on the way back: *brrrrr POP ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*... sounds like a broken exhaust manifold... (couldnt see any parts in the rearview mirror, so probably no mufflers lost, just a pipe rusted thru somewhere). Thats what you get
[14:10:14] <Loetmichel> for buying a 2001 BMW 525i. *GGRRRRR*
[14:11:40] <Jymmm> Loetmichel: Sorry to hear that
[14:14:58] <rmu> roycroft: in my book, 3/8" is 375 thou, ergo 375 seconds
[14:29:12] <roycroft> er, 0.1 seconds per thousandth
[14:29:14] <roycroft> sorry
[14:29:23] <roycroft> or 1 second per 0.010"
[14:29:26] <roycroft> however you want to look at it
[14:30:12] <fragalot> Loetmichel: you don't need to go above 10 seconds
[14:30:23] <fragalot> ever. as far as i'm concerned
[14:30:26] <roycroft> i'll be doing some experimenting, but as i've said before, i'd like to start out close to something that works and then dial it in
[14:30:34] <roycroft> instead of just guessing
[14:30:46] <roycroft> i've never tig welded mild steel before, nor anything that thick
[14:31:17] <fragalot> I think ym machine is set to 8 seconds, and i've never changed it from there, mainly because it is a PITA to get to that setting
[14:31:25] <roycroft> i'ts easy on mine
[14:31:35] <roycroft> i'm thinking it may not need to be that long because the torch is water cooled
[14:31:43] <roycroft> certainly the weld won't need 38 seconds
[14:31:49] <fragalot> it's not just to cool your torch
[14:31:55] <roycroft> the long postflow is pirmarily to cool the torch
[14:31:59] <roycroft> primarily
[14:32:10] <FinboySlick> Loetmichel: Bend the manifolds the other way and let the pipes come out of the hood.
[14:32:11] <fragalot> that, and I like keeping the stainless shiny
[14:32:25] <FinboySlick> Turn that failure into a feature!
[14:32:27] <roycroft> and if i'm honest, the tack welds will be smaller than the final welds
[14:32:33] <roycroft> they will be covered up
[14:32:37] <Loetmichel> FinboySlick: i doubt the german "TÜV" would like that
[14:32:40] <roycroft> so i don't care if they're a little crufty
[14:32:46] <roycroft> i can always clean them up before welding over them
[14:32:55] <Loetmichel> they are a bit picky when it comes to "loud pipes save lives" ;)
[14:32:59] <roycroft> and this is mild steel that will be painted
[14:33:29] <roycroft> not sanitary stainless welding that must be really smooth and pretty
[14:33:54] <FinboySlick> Loetmichel: Actually, that's a good idea. add an electric motor to your fan belt. Then all you can say is: "It's an hybrid and those are the pedestrian safety feature."
[14:33:56] <roycroft> maybe i'll start out at 20 seconds and see if it works out
[14:34:34] <Loetmichel> ahem: E39 have no fan belts
[14:34:41] <Loetmichel> electric radiator fan ;)
[14:35:02] <roycroft> if you have no fan belt then how do you beat your fans into cheering for you?
[14:35:11] <fragalot> roycroft: jumper leads
[14:35:34] <fragalot> also, for the electric cars you can always get a rumbler
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[14:36:02] <FinboySlick> Loetmichel: Put an h-bridge to your alternator then? That way you can save on the hybrid motor.
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[14:36:54] <FinboySlick> When there's a will, there's a way.
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[14:37:08] <Loetmichel> fragalot: seriously: i would LIKE to buy an old E36 convertible again and convert it to electric... sadly thats not doable financially here in germany. the TÜV (road safety test organisation) requires a EMI measurement certificate for EVERY part you put in AND one for the whole car
[14:37:22] <Loetmichel> the certificates alone add up to more than 10k eur
[14:37:23] <fragalot> Loetmichel: sounds like your kind of thing though
[14:37:57] <FinboySlick> https://www.youtube.com
[14:38:02] <Loetmichel> ben there, asked them
[14:38:09] <FinboySlick> I think of this every time Loetmichel mentions his car.
[14:38:53] <Loetmichel> FinboySlick: i can tell you waht happens: you go to jail
[14:38:58] <fragalot> :D
[14:39:23] <Loetmichel> and its EXPENSIVE to get caught without a license
[14:39:52] <Loetmichel> several 1000 eur minium fine. PLUS the (optional) jail time AND a locked license
[14:40:02] <Loetmichel> you cant regain it for several years after such a stund
[14:40:04] <Loetmichel> stunt
[14:40:04] <fragalot> Loetmichel: what if you had a valid license until the 12th of april and it is suddenly 13th of april, but you could not get it exchanged because they only allowed you to do that until 29th of march?
[14:40:07] <FinboySlick> Yeah, but what if you don't get caught?
[14:40:22] <Loetmichel> and dont forget that licenses in germany cost about 2500 eur for cars only ;)
[14:40:28] <Loetmichel> then you dont get caught
[14:40:39] <FinboySlick> See? That wasn't so hard.
[14:40:42] <Loetmichel> you now the 11th commandment? "DONT GET CAUHGT" ;)
[14:41:40] <Loetmichel> agains common belive germans are not THAT rule abiding they are painted to be
[14:41:54] <Loetmichel> just a BIT more than some other countrys citizens
[14:41:57] <Loetmichel> on average
[14:42:05] <fragalot> ha. :-)
[14:42:22] <fragalot> holy shit
[14:42:29] <fragalot> they clapped in the house of commons
[14:42:54] <Loetmichel> did theresa may resign?
[14:43:09] <fragalot> no, https://www.youtube.com
[14:43:42] <sync> the trick is to use a convertible before 1996
[14:45:10] <Loetmichel> fragalot: licenses in germany dont expire
[14:45:22] <fragalot> Loetmichel: let me explain why I said those explicit dates
[14:45:28] <fragalot> my gf is from the UK, living in belgium
[14:45:45] <fragalot> 2 months ago, we went to ask what to do about her license with this whole brexit thing
[14:45:47] <fragalot> they said nothing
[14:45:52] <fragalot> so today she went again
[14:46:11] <fragalot> "oh you could only exchange it until march 29th according to the instructions we received last month"
[14:46:19] <Loetmichel> nice
[14:46:23] <fragalot> yeah.
[14:46:29] <Loetmichel> try again
[14:46:35] <fragalot> bureaucracy.
[14:46:37] <Loetmichel> may got an extension
[14:46:44] <Loetmichel> maybe they exchange it now
[14:46:46] <fragalot> she tried TODAY.
[14:46:49] <Loetmichel> ah
[14:46:51] <Loetmichel> hmm
[14:46:54] <Loetmichel> mad
[14:46:57] <Loetmichel> bad
[14:47:02] <fragalot> their instructions just have the old date on it
[14:47:39] <Loetmichel> i would try again tomorrow and tell them that they got an extension
[14:47:55] <fragalot> you're just talking to intern staff there
[14:48:01] <Loetmichel> preferably not the same person though
[14:48:09] <Loetmichel> intern staff?
[14:48:27] <fragalot> first you make an appointment to make clear what it is you want to go for, you get 5 minutes at a desk with someone that goes "I can't change anything, these are my instructions, next please"
[14:48:41] <fragalot> making an appointment for anything takes 2 weeks
[14:48:56] <Loetmichel> you dont live in Offenbach am main by chance?
[14:48:59] <fragalot> and they are only open in the morning from 10am until 12:05
[14:49:11] <fragalot> on weekdays, except for monday and thursday
[14:50:36] <Loetmichel> you MUST live in OF ;)
[14:50:42] <fragalot> :D
[14:52:10] <fragalot> but yeha her license will now cease to be valid on april 13th
[14:52:57] <fragalot> so we're going to the UK on april 12th on holiday to request an international license, which should hopefully be done by the time we head back
[14:53:09] <Loetmichel> hopefully ;)
[14:53:20] <fragalot> whether MY license will be valid there when we're on holiday is another matter :D
[14:53:35] <Loetmichel> and THAT should be then be able to be converted ito a valid german one
[14:53:37] <fragalot> so I may have to drive up to the eurostar tunnel, and she may need to continue once (if) we arrive
[14:53:57] <fragalot> assuming eurostar's license isn't revoked
[14:54:00] <fragalot> :D
[14:58:10] <gloops> i wouldnt worry about paperwork, absolutely anyone can just walk in here and do whatever they want
[14:58:32] <fragalot> this is not there
[14:58:39] <fragalot> here*
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[15:19:19] <gloops> https://www.theguardian.com
[15:22:13] <miss0r> fragalot: First of 10 shafts/axels are now complete: https://imgur.com
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[15:42:51] <fragalot> miss0r: those are looking pretty snazzy!
[15:43:28] <miss0r> indeed. better than any original land rover part ever did :)
[15:43:37] <fragalot> as if that is hard :p
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[15:47:46] <miss0r> fragalot: Meh.. not realy hard
[15:48:14] <miss0r> syyl: Remember the splines I asked about in here a while back? I've completed the first of 10 shafts now (after some delay:D ) https://imgur.com
[15:49:21] <syyl> yay
[15:49:27] <syyl> how are you cutting them now?
[15:49:59] <JT-Shop> wow that's nice looking
[15:50:31] <miss0r> With a dividing head and a 6mm endmill
[15:50:43] <miss0r> as they were 90degrees, all options are open
[15:51:06] <fragalot> good job you have that 4th axis eh :D
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[15:51:29] <miss0r> man it would be sweet if I can a cnc 4-axis
[15:51:43] <miss0r> I rotate the dividing head and press execute on the cnc
[15:51:54] <gloops> https://www.ebay.co.uk
[15:51:56] <miss0r> rotate -> execute -> rotate -> execute... ect
[15:52:07] <miss0r> 44 cycles per end
[15:52:11] <gloops> theyre getting pretty good with these pallet creations
[15:52:46] <fragalot> miss0r: or at least rig up a system like syyl did
[15:52:53] <fragalot> "44 divisions please"
[15:53:41] <miss0r> honnestly, I thought about it
[15:53:52] <miss0r> and almost lost my rotation direction while doing so :D
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[15:54:05] <fragalot> i've managed to get an hour of programming in for my lathe's electr~onic leadscrew
[15:54:16] <syyl> perfect, miss0r :D
[15:54:30] <syyl> i painted the splashwall of my lathe in the meantime
[15:54:36] <fragalot> just need to get it to deal with overflows correctly, and make a UI, but the motion part seems to work
[15:54:36] <syyl> and got rid of the compound
[15:54:41] <miss0r> I think I'll complete this batch and then go make a version of syyl's dividing controller
[15:55:05] <miss0r> fragalot: Meh... that stuff should be childsplay for you ;)
[15:55:14] <fragalot> miss0r: I'm only a man though :D
[15:55:26] <miss0r> fragalot: Thats not the talk of the town...
[15:55:45] <miss0r> LGBT+ is okay now, you know
[15:56:04] <fragalot> most of the time was spent figuring out why it didn't work anymore only to find out that the board was faulty
[15:56:15] <miss0r> lol
[15:56:15] <fragalot> (bad solder joint on one of it's voltage regulators)
[15:56:25] <miss0r> also, sad news: I missed out on that compact 6
[15:56:35] <fragalot> that wasn't enough lathe for you anyway
[15:56:36] <miss0r> a guy snatched it right under my nose
[15:56:47] <miss0r> but it was sooo cute :D
[15:56:49] <fragalot> you need a C axis, Y axis, and live tooling
[15:56:50] <fragalot> :P
[15:57:03] <miss0r> you're right.. and a bigger shop to put it in ;)
[15:57:15] <fragalot> if the lathe is big enough, it IS your shop
[15:57:21] <syyl> i would love a emcoturn 120 or compact 6
[15:57:22] <miss0r> hehe
[15:57:29] <syyl> just without that stupid turret
[15:57:39] <miss0r> syyl: I almost bought one today
[15:57:52] <miss0r> for 2100eur
[15:58:00] <miss0r> but apparently, a guy picked up before I could
[15:58:04] <syyl> dang
[15:58:12] <miss0r> yeah
[15:58:16] <syyl> did it have the absurd large controll cabinet? :D
[15:58:19] <miss0r> not often you see them for sale in that price range
[15:58:22] <miss0r> yeah
[15:58:24] <syyl> :D
[15:58:32] <syyl> i would ditch that right away
[15:58:38] <syyl> on the way home, just at the side of the road
[15:58:42] <miss0r> lol
[15:58:52] <fragalot> syyl: but there is a certain je ne sais quoi to the oldschool controllers
[15:59:02] <syyl> thats a lot of green
[15:59:02] <syyl> http://gtwr.de
[15:59:05] <syyl> http://gtwr.de
[15:59:41] <miss0r> ARE THOSE CHIPS ON THE WAY COVER?! HOW DO YOU EXPECT TO MAKE GOOD WORK WITH CHIPS ON THE WAY COVER?! (imagine any drill sergant ever)
[16:00:13] <miss0r> looks like a CGI stage setup...
[16:00:17] <fragalot> syyl: how are you liking your new toy?
[16:00:24] <syyl> close, miss0r ;)
[16:00:29] <syyl> love it, fragalot
[16:00:32] <syyl> <3
[16:00:42] <syyl> suprisingly rigid for such a small machine
[16:00:46] <fragalot> :D
[16:00:50] <syyl> i tried hardturning with cbn yesterday
[16:01:04] <syyl> 2,5mm DOC in HSS
[16:01:11] <syyl> sound of the machine didnt even change
[16:01:13] <fragalot> how long until you replace the tailstock with one of those rack&pinion systems?
[16:01:16] <fragalot> nice!
[16:01:31] <syyl> http://gtwr.de
[16:01:34] <fragalot> mine can do 2.5mm DOC in teflon.
[16:01:38] <syyl> i will keep the handcrank tailstock
[16:01:42] <Rab> Why the hate? This interface is awesome: https://photobucket.com
[16:01:55] <syyl> if i need quick-retract drilling, i will drill with the carriage
[16:01:56] <fragalot> syyl: That's pretty damn nice
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[16:02:05] <FinboySlick> syyl: You should frame that last picture.
[16:02:12] <fragalot> oh yeah i forgot you had a DRO on there
[16:02:17] <Rab> Rig it up as a vector MAME cabinet and play asteroids while running Axis from your Android tablet.
[16:02:42] <FinboySlick> syyl: Send it to Tony with a caption: "My hands may not be as beautiful as yours, but my chips are."
[16:02:47] <syyl> haha
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[16:02:55] <syyl> my hands dont get clean anymore
[16:06:38] <fragalot> syyl: the trick is to slather them in lard every hour or so
[16:06:52] <fragalot> the slippier the better
[16:06:53] <syyl> yeah, because i have nothing better to do
[16:06:54] <syyl> :D
[16:07:18] <FinboySlick> syyl: Very impressive. The finish on that cut too.
[16:07:44] <syyl> and thats a full depth cut, without finishcut :D
[16:07:52] <syyl> could improve the finish a bit
[16:08:04] <FinboySlick> I was about to ask what the finish pass was.
[16:08:24] <syyl> ha :D
[16:08:37] <fragalot> have you tried hard turning on your previous one?
[16:08:41] <syyl> yes
[16:08:43] <syyl> i did it a lot
[16:09:04] <syyl> got great finishes, but couldnt take nearly a cut that depth
[16:09:33] <fragalot> I should have added some inserts to my last 2 orders at apt..
[16:09:43] <fragalot> save me some time grinding :P
[16:09:46] <FinboySlick> But if it was a Gotteswinter-sharpened lathe tool, that's a bit like cheating.
[16:10:07] <syyl> i am to cheap to buy new cbn inserts
[16:10:12] <syyl> i recycle old ones
[16:10:22] <FinboySlick> :s/recycle/improve/
[16:10:26] <syyl> reshape/resharpen them
[16:10:44] <syyl> or even take the cbn off and braze it to a new shank, for example on a boring bar
[16:11:24] <fragalot> do you just get used ebay lots then & hope for the best?
[16:12:12] <FinboySlick> fragalot: Hoping has nothing to do with it. The best just comes naturally to him.
[16:12:42] <fragalot> seems that way, then again he does live in surplus central
[16:14:29] <syyl> lol
[16:14:40] <syyl> there is a guy who comes to our machinist meetups
[16:14:57] <syyl> who sells partialy used cbn inserts for a very reasonable price ;)
[16:15:04] <fragalot> neat :-)
[16:15:11] <syyl> and as long as they are not chiped, there is life left in them.
[16:15:29] <miss0r> Why don't I know a guy like that :)
[16:15:54] <fragalot> miss0r: you have no reason to complain, Mr. I get brand new endmills by the bucketload
[16:16:18] <miss0r> not brand new.. they have run 125minuts in soft plastics
[16:16:25] <miss0r> :D
[16:16:33] <XXCoder> 125 min on plastics? still basically new
[16:16:39] <miss0r> yeah :)
[16:16:46] <miss0r> but not brand new, mr. fragalot
[16:16:48] <miss0r> :D
[16:16:50] <syyl> not if its G10 ;)
[16:16:57] <miss0r> mostly pom
[16:17:09] <XXCoder> if it was fiberglass I'd run far awat from it lol
[16:17:19] <syyl> :D
[16:17:20] <fragalot> syyl: is G10 considered a "soft" plastic?
[16:17:23] <syyl> no
[16:17:26] <miss0r> :D
[16:17:28] <syyl> its abrasive and hard as heck
[16:17:35] <syyl> awesome material
[16:17:39] <syyl> but most nasty to work with
[16:17:42] <fragalot> :p
[16:18:17] <miss0r> the 'only brand new until seal is broken' still counts
[16:18:31] <miss0r> but yeah.. I'm pretty lucky to have that supplyer
[16:18:58] <fragalot> my main tooling & material supplier turned 94 last year
[16:19:13] <fragalot> and he's stopped selling materials now
[16:22:38] <gregcnc> i don't know why I keep thinking screw clearance drills with countersink are a thing in smaller sizes (M2)
[16:26:20] <syyl> you can get them in M2
[16:26:28] -!- togo has joined #linuxcnc
[16:26:40] <gregcnc> big enough for a flat head?
[16:26:53] <gregcnc> I have Mikron pilot drill
[16:27:02] <syyl> if you live in the metric part of the world, probably ;)
[16:27:56] <syyl> wow
[16:27:58] <syyl> i lied to you
[16:28:01] <syyl> they start at m3
[16:28:03] <syyl> sorry :(
[16:28:15] <gregcnc> yeah we have dormer here
[16:29:26] <syyl> you can get a piloted countersink for M2
[16:29:41] <syyl> but thats probably not what you want ;)
[16:32:57] <gregcnc> yeah maybe i'll try a small mill-drill
[16:37:46] <andypugh> Make one?
[16:38:03] <andypugh> Just put an M3 one on your T&C grinder.
[16:38:27] <andypugh> (I am very proud of that “just” there)
[16:41:13] <gregcnc> yeah, if i could do that it would be done. it may be time to get a tool grinder
[16:46:24] <fragalot> it is.
[16:46:40] <fragalot> i've got one of those 80's deckel D-bit grinder clones
[16:46:48] <fragalot> and it has already paid itself back several times
[16:49:02] -!- fragalot has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[16:53:49] <roycroft> i've considered a used deckel or a deckel clone
[16:53:54] <roycroft> my biggest problem is where to put it
[16:54:08] <roycroft> i don't want to start moving machinery into my dining room
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[16:57:00] <andypugh> roycroft: They are quite small. Maybe a kitchen cupbard?
[16:57:25] <andypugh> I could fit one comfortably inside the lathe cabinet in my liing room :-)
[16:57:36] <andypugh> (living room)
[17:02:18] <roycroft> yes, i know they're quite small
[17:02:24] <roycroft> but i have a lot of quite small things
[17:02:28] <roycroft> and a lot of not quite so small things
[17:02:40] <roycroft> i'm working on storage though
[17:02:57] <roycroft> by this weekend i'll have the drawers completed for a couple cabinets i built to fit in my lathe stand
[17:03:25] <roycroft> and my 4 jaw and tool holders and collets and tooling and all that other nice lathe stuff will have a home instead of being scattered about everywhere
[17:04:20] <roycroft> but then i'm going to build a belt grinder, which will be not as small as a tool grinder, and i still haven't figured out exactly where the stuff that it will displace will be living
[17:04:53] <roycroft> my shop could work a lot better and be a lot tidier if i ever finish building storage fixtures for things
[17:05:07] <roycroft> that's a big part of what this year is about for me
[17:05:21] -!- FinboySlick has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[17:05:32] <roycroft> but getting more stuff while i'm in the middle of organizing my existing stuff is not very productive
[17:06:37] <roycroft> which is why i just got another half dozen big woodworking parallel clamps
[17:06:53] <roycroft> that are sitting in the middle of the shop floor because they have no home
[17:10:04] -!- Samiam1999DTP has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[17:11:56] <Jymmm> lol, they are clamps, clamp them to something and they will have a temporary home at least
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[17:23:54] <roycroft> i actually need them to finish making the aforementioned drawers this weekend
[17:24:10] <roycroft> then i can stash them somewhere until i build a new clamp rack for them
[17:25:04] <roycroft> i realised just now that it might have been a good idea to order a gas lens kit for my welder before this upcoming project
[17:25:07] <Deejay> gn8
[17:25:25] <roycroft> but it's too late for that now unless i want to pay overnight shipping, as the welding commences on tuesday at the latest
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[17:39:53] <jdh> order anyway. something could go wrong beforehand.
[17:44:49] <mase-tech> hi
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[17:46:37] <XXCoder> hey
[17:46:41] <XXCoder> oh left already
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