#linuxcnc | Logs for 2019-04-21
[00:00:34] <roycroft> i keep simple green in my 30L cleaner, and i've never had to use anything else in that
[00:00:56] <roycroft> but i've only ever put plain water in my 2L one, so it's fine for stuff like jewelry
[00:01:09] <roycroft> as i said, i put simple green or whatever in a jar when i need it and set the jar in the basket
[00:01:12] <roycroft> that works great
[00:01:34] <XXCoder> just keep in mind that old jewelery, patina is part of its value
[00:01:39] <XXCoder> so dont make everything shiny
[00:02:00] <roycroft> an ultrasonic cleaner with plain water will not remove patinia
[00:02:10] <roycroft> it will just remove dirt and grease and grime
[00:02:15] <pink_vampire> there is water in the cleaner , and the jar seat inside?
[00:02:24] <roycroft> the cleaner comes with a basket
[00:02:25] <XXCoder> well yes dirt stains etc is patina
[00:02:33] <roycroft> normally you put your parts in the basket and set it in the cleaner
[00:02:43] <roycroft> i put my parts in a jar and set the jar in the basket
[00:02:55] <pink_vampire> with no water??
[00:02:59] <roycroft> with water
[00:03:12] <roycroft> you need water or the ultrasonic waves will not work
[00:03:21] <roycroft> they are transmitted through the water
[00:03:34] <roycroft> i don't know if the glass in the jar absorbs some of the signal
[00:03:54] <roycroft> but parts get clean just fine inside the jar
[00:04:05] <pink_vampire> this is way i wasn't understand how you use it with the jar..
[00:04:36] <XXCoder> i guess basically drown jar in bin
[00:04:38] <roycroft> you can put simple green directly in the tub of the cleaner
[00:04:54] <roycroft> but when it gets dirty you have to clean out the ultrasonic cleaner
[00:05:00] <roycroft> or any time you change cleaning solutions
[00:05:05] <roycroft> the jar avoids all of that
[00:05:13] <pink_vampire> this is my best jewelery https://i.imgur.com i need to clean it abit
[00:05:26] <roycroft> of course, if your parts are too big to fit in a jar that fits in the cleaner you'll have to put them directly in the basket
[00:06:03] <pink_vampire> and you just filter the green thing, or replace it?
[00:06:06] <roycroft> people freak out about this, but i sometimes put a solvent in a jar and use that in the ultrasonic cleaner
[00:06:19] <roycroft> you replace the simple green solution when it gets too dirty
[00:06:22] <net|> https://github.com started this
[00:06:53] <pink_vampire> hope it will work
[00:06:56] <roycroft> at $8.97/gallon and 10:1 dilution it's not very expensive to replace it
[00:07:14] <XXCoder> whats you do with used and now uselsss liquid?
[00:07:34] <roycroft> i flush it down the sink
[00:07:57] <roycroft> i checked and our local recycle folks don't take simple green because it's biodegradable, and not usually too contaminated
[00:08:27] <roycroft> i don't let it turn dark brown before i replace it
[00:08:48] <roycroft> they don't consider it a biohazard, unless i were dumping harge quantities
[00:09:35] <roycroft> you should check with your local jurisdiction, of course
[00:09:43] <pink_vampire> i need to clean small stuff
[00:10:24] <roycroft> a 2.5L cleaner will be perfect for what you need to do
[00:10:36] <roycroft> i would not get one smaller than 2L
[00:10:46] <roycroft> but it sounds like you don't need anything bigger than the hf one
[00:11:07] <pink_vampire> https://i.imgur.com
[00:11:20] <pink_vampire> this is what i'm re build
[00:11:25] <roycroft> if you're cleaning aluminium parts don't forget to take them out and rinse them well when they're clean
[00:11:43] <roycroft> if you leave them sitting in simple green for days they'll start to corrode
[00:12:02] <roycroft> even super dilute like you would use it
[00:12:23] <pink_vampire> all the stuff here are steel / cast iron / brass
[00:12:30] <roycroft> yeah, most of those parts should fit in that little one just fine
[00:12:37] <roycroft> brass will corrode over time too
[00:12:46] <roycroft> there is absolutely no worry about a couple hours of active cleaning
[00:12:59] <roycroft> just don't let it sit for days and days because you forgot to take it out of the cleaner
[00:13:08] <pink_vampire> some of the gears are phenolic laminated
[00:13:35] <roycroft> anything you're concerned or unsure of, test carefully
[00:13:55] <roycroft> dilute simple green is not going to damage much of anything with short exposure
[00:14:11] <roycroft> so put the parts in for a couple minutes, remove, and see what's happening
[00:14:14] <roycroft> you'll figure it out
[00:14:20] -!- sumpfralle has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[00:14:57] <roycroft> anything that is at all porous (that includes cast iron, of course) should be rinsed well with plain water after cleaning
[00:15:02] <pink_vampire> can't wait to get one
[00:15:07] <roycroft> even non-porous stuff really should be
[00:15:30] <roycroft> but you can clean parts powder coat ready with simple green
[00:15:44] <pink_vampire> just to do a cycle with plain water?
[00:15:56] <roycroft> i just rinse in the sink after cleaning
[00:16:30] <pink_vampire> what is the powder that HF sell?
[00:16:35] <roycroft> i have no idea
[00:16:52] <pink_vampire> https://www.harborfreight.com
[00:17:01] <roycroft> yeah, i know that they have it
[00:17:05] <roycroft> i just don't know anything about it
[00:17:15] <roycroft> simple green works great and is really cheap
[00:17:34] <XXCoder> 6 oz
[00:17:38] <XXCoder> i rather get simple green
[00:18:01] <XXCoder> it may work for stuff that does not dissolve in any way
[00:18:07] <pink_vampire> you need to add 1/4 of teaspoon
[00:18:36] <pink_vampire> https://manuals.harborfreight.com
[00:22:26] <pink_vampire> roycroft: is it save to put your hand in the cleaner when it run?
[00:24:25] <pink_vampire> safe**
[00:24:47] <pink_vampire> XXCoder: ^
[00:25:13] <XXCoder> i dont know i never owned a ultrasonic cleaner :) shouldnt be too dangerous but then i dont know
[00:25:41] <XXCoder> they scan babies with ultrasonic when in mother belly, but that may be much lower energy level
[00:26:34] <pink_vampire> loll
[00:28:11] <roycroft> other than that it's hot, it's pretty safe
[00:28:29] <roycroft> 60 degrees is right where you can't hold your hand in the liquid
[00:28:34] <roycroft> not for more than a second or two
[00:28:51] <pink_vampire> mmm
[00:28:52] <pink_vampire> ok
[00:28:58] <roycroft> it's also pasteurization temperature
[00:29:33] <roycroft> and in my experience, that temperature is pretty essential for effective cleaning
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[00:47:09] <roycroft> hmm, there's a new simple green product - "extreme simple green" that looks to be less corrosive to aluminium and brass - it is marketed as an aircraft cleaner
[00:47:36] <roycroft> it's about 2x the cost of the regular stuff
[00:47:43] <roycroft> still cheap
[00:48:42] <pink_vampire> i will get the regulat stuff, i don't have any aluminum part
[00:52:54] <roycroft> tea balls are great for holding really small parts and not having them go down to the bottom
[00:52:56] -!- ziper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:56:54] <pink_vampire> http://www.tea-guy.com
[00:56:58] <pink_vampire> this thing??
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[01:06:41] <_unreal_> some of this wiring is such a pain in the ass
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[01:07:14] <_unreal_> and I thought I got good sized connectors. they are good sized but hell. the wire is still large enough to make it a pain.
[01:07:26] <pink_vampire> ??
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[01:37:32] <XXCoder> using ultrasonic as tea brewer. interesting idea lokl
[01:37:40] <XXCoder> though it'd have to be one thats been never used as cleaner
[01:37:49] <XXCoder> pink_vampire: why not? heh
[01:38:03] <pink_vampire> lol yeah
[01:52:18] <_unreal_> pink_vampire, I'm trying to get the last of the major wiring done on my cnc controller box
[01:52:34] <_unreal_> once I get it put together I can at least spin my motors
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[02:54:25] <gloops> melt the tea ball and turn it
[02:59:02] <gloops> (following my first experiment with pewter, spotted a pewter jug in charity shop, got it, stuck it in an old cast frying pan on cooker, melted easy)
[03:01:52] <gloops> so we know there is heat resistant silicone for moulding for low temp metals, what i cant find out online is how durable those molds are, i.e how many casts you can get before the mould deteriorates
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[03:03:09] <Deejay> moin
[03:03:39] <XXCoder> gloops: simple enouggh to buy cookie sheet
[03:03:50] <XXCoder> pour on it few times, making pewler "cookies"
[03:04:12] <gloops> whats cookie sheet? whats that?
[03:04:24] <gloops> oh i see
[03:04:31] <XXCoder> silican cast that you can pour make candies or cookies etc
[03:04:41] <gloops> those baking molds - to test how long they last with pewter, good idea
[03:04:48] <XXCoder> and tend to be cheap
[03:04:54] <gloops> yeah they are
[03:05:56] <gloops> ill try that, the pouring silicone isnt so cheap, i dont want to waste time and money on it if it only does one cast
[03:07:13] <gloops> my oven goes to about 250C - not far off pewter melting point anyway
[03:07:45] <gloops> 170-230C
[03:07:55] <gloops> should be fine in theory
[03:08:21] <XXCoder> yeah guy used hot air gun on circuit board on silicine solder board
[03:08:33] <XXCoder> it slightly discolored and peel off a little
[03:08:40] <XXCoder> but that was at 400c setting
[03:10:00] <gloops> probably some aspects of the process that help too - allowing the mould/casting to cool before removing, the rubber will be weaker if you try getting off while its still very hot
[03:10:17] <gloops> more likely to tear
[03:14:02] -!- selroc has joined #linuxcnc
[03:14:12] <XXCoder> yeah
[03:14:27] <XXCoder> cheap enough to play around with baking sheets and see how well it works
[03:14:50] <selroc> log
[03:14:50] <c-log> selroc: Today's Log http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81
[03:15:27] <selroc> hi
[03:15:32] <XXCoder> hey
[03:15:52] <gloops> mr mrs likes the half melted pot in itself lol, says they would make good ornaments - half a pot sticking out of a pool of melal
[03:16:06] <XXCoder> lol
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[06:30:27] <jthornton> morning
[06:30:41] <XXCoder> hey jt
[06:35:38] <jthornton> what's up today?
[06:35:59] <XXCoder> not a lot
[06:36:12] <XXCoder> planned to mow, couldnt find key to garage
[06:36:21] <XXCoder> my sister visited chatted a bit
[06:37:27] <jthornton> cool, my daughter is up from Texas for a few days
[06:37:46] <XXCoder> nice :)
[06:38:43] <XXCoder> https://www.youtube.com interesting
[06:38:58] <XXCoder> hes making magnetic deburr tool. this video is 4th part
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[06:41:55] <jthornton> what's in the black box?
[06:42:51] <XXCoder> psu I think. big one
[06:43:19] <XXCoder> its not psu hmm
[06:44:01] <jthornton> wow that is a long drawn out video lol
[06:44:04] <XXCoder> might be servo controller
[06:44:19] <XXCoder> yeah and its part 4. i didnt really pay close attention and fast forward a lot
[06:44:50] <jthornton> lol it's a magnetic stirrer
[06:45:44] <jthornton> https://www.youtube.com
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[06:47:19] <XXCoder> yeah it is forgot to say it lol
[06:48:13] <XXCoder> your link, its swirling poarts pretty good.
[06:48:25] <jthornton> https://www.youtube.com
[06:50:43] <XXCoder> second one much nicer
[06:50:58] <XXCoder> barely could watch due to all handcam
[06:51:29] <Tom_L> morning
[06:51:30] <jthornton> no way to empty it and the drum will not last very long without a plastic coating on the inside
[06:51:57] <XXCoder> hmm interesting
[06:51:58] <XXCoder> hey tom
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[06:53:53] <jthornton> https://www.youtube.com
[06:54:15] <XXCoder> watched that one, i love myfordboy videos
[06:54:36] <jthornton> looks like he has a new printer
[06:54:50] <XXCoder> he was making his own version
[06:55:02] <XXCoder> quiet about it though lately. wonder whats going on
[07:01:23] <jthornton> I should make a new one with some linear rails
[07:01:39] <XXCoder> and kickstarter it? ;)
[07:02:57] <jthornton> no, then I'd have to work making them lol
[07:03:13] <XXCoder> lol
[07:13:56] -!- asdfasd1 has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[07:15:38] <SpeedEvil> Get together with Myfordboy, keith rucker, and a cast iron maker. Ship people several blocks of cast iron that they scrape into a printer.
[07:15:58] <XXCoder> with assistance from roberto
[07:16:36] <SpeedEvil> A 3d printer made like a 1920s shaper would amuse me.
[07:16:46] <SpeedEvil> Nice pressurised bearings/...
[07:16:57] <XXCoder> 3d printer with air bearings
[07:17:04] <jthornton> you should build one like that
[07:17:05] <SpeedEvil> That would be more sensible, yes.
[07:17:18] <SpeedEvil> 3d printed air bearings on a granite slab are not actually insane.
[07:19:42] <XXCoder> lol
[07:20:49] <jthornton> https://www.amazon.com
[07:20:58] <jthornton> wonder if that is any good
[07:22:16] <XXCoder> no idea
[07:22:25] <XXCoder> cr-10 seems pretty good from others is saying
[07:22:38] <XXCoder> but honestly youre expert machine builder. you would make far better.
[07:22:44] <XXCoder> whats important is speed
[07:22:51] <XXCoder> and light frame thats rigid
[07:25:38] <jdh> my son got one of those Ender 3's. He has printed nice looking stuff with it.
[07:25:53] <XXCoder> ender seems pretty good yeah so are real prusa
[07:26:22] <XXCoder> i kickstarted obsidan and their test prints seem very good, but its been a while :(
[07:28:05] <jthornton> too many bad reviews on it lol
[07:28:16] <XXCoder> on which?
[07:28:26] <jthornton> that last link
[07:30:40] <XXCoder> likely clone
[07:39:02] <XXCoder> apparently theres pi zero wireless
[07:39:10] <XXCoder> has wireless, frees up a usb port
[07:41:36] <jthornton> yea I have some of them with cameras on them
[07:46:33] <tiwake> how does linuxCNC compare to fanuc?
[07:46:50] <tiwake> (I've never actually used linuxCNC)
[07:47:08] <XXCoder> fanuc is bit more refined usually but thenthey spend a LOT more money
[07:47:11] <XXCoder> and its very expensive
[07:47:26] <XXCoder> but same time new uis is quite good also
[07:47:49] <XXCoder> in my experence so far, fanuc -> linuxcnc -> haas -> hurco
[07:48:01] <tiwake> really
[07:48:08] <tiwake> interesting
[07:48:17] <tiwake> what about okuma?
[07:48:28] <XXCoder> problem is my experence with linuxcnc is limited to pc with mouse and keyboard. not effective controls for cnc
[07:48:36] <tiwake> also, I thought hurco used fanuc controllers
[07:48:42] <XXCoder> so linuxcnc is racing for me with chain and ball.
[07:49:14] <XXCoder> im talking in terms of cnc graphics control, on basis of controlling machine itself im not certain
[07:50:10] <tiwake> well, thats what I care about the most... the UI its self is a different topic really
[07:50:46] <XXCoder> that aspect i cant tell, as my machine nas never correctly configured before i had to shelve project for while
[07:51:31] <XXCoder> hurco is quite different and I never liked it lol thought it was nice till I ran older but better machines at current job lol
[07:53:02] <XXCoder> i finally ran haas recently, including setup porting program, etc. i wasnt impressed with haas at all
[07:53:28] <XXCoder> its mostly ok, but wheel mode i jog it then stop, and bit later it stops moving.
[07:53:39] <XXCoder> crash ponental there if go too fast.
[07:54:22] <tiwake> I can't say I have any complaints with haas
[07:54:41] <XXCoder> its ok
[07:54:46] <XXCoder> in least its not hurco
[07:56:57] <XXCoder> worst machine I ran so far was that ancient cnc machine at last job. forgot name lol
[07:57:20] <XXCoder> okuma (older one) was mostly ok, but its error on tool change to same tool is just weird,.
[07:57:35] <XXCoder> and programming around that gives machine high tool crash risk
[08:00:00] -!- gloops has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[08:00:51] <tiwake> never had that issue
[08:00:59] <tiwake> sounds like a faulty unit
[08:01:08] <tiwake> it was an old okuma too
[08:01:08] <XXCoder> maybe or configuration issue
[08:01:19] <XXCoder> it was super annoying
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[11:00:43] <_unreal_> finally
[11:00:51] <_unreal_> Xyz motor cables done
[11:09:26] <_unreal_> What is that wire guide stuff called that is like a chain and curles uncurls?
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[11:20:54] <Jymmm> _unreal_: "energy chain" if you mean the stuff you run wires/cables in that moves
[11:21:57] <Jymmm> _unreal_: igus makes all kinds https://www.igus.com
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[12:37:08] <fragalot> 'sup
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[15:13:56] <CaptHindsight> https://www.reddit.com doing what LCNC has been doing for over a decade, but now on crappy hardware
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[16:05:42] <pcw_home> what was that common galvo interface standard? Someone else asked about it, so if I get some time I'll make a stepgen like doohicus with that serial interface outputing positions at 100 KHz or so
[16:06:49] <pcw_home> If I add acceleration in hardware even 1 KHz position lock should be pretty good
[16:15:40] <rene_dev_> pcw_home xy2 or analog
[16:16:23] <rene_dev_> http://www.alaser.com.tw
[16:19:19] <pcw_home> Yeah, if I get a chance I'll make a stepgen like thing that sends that out at some selectable interval
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[18:50:56] <CaptHindsight> XY2-100 is the digital standard
[18:51:35] <CaptHindsight> the cheap Chinese galvos are mostly XY2 but not the fastest or accurate
[18:52:54] <CaptHindsight> been using the 7i77 without any problems for years
[18:53:05] <CaptHindsight> with analog galvos
[19:05:38] <pcw_home> Adding accel to the hardware for XY2 should allow pretty decent tracking even with a slow update rate
[19:09:55] <CaptHindsight> it's open loop
[19:10:24] <CaptHindsight> the galvo amps are internally closed loop
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[22:28:55] <XXCoder> another storage solution https://www.youtube.com
[22:31:55] <XXCoder> he uses a pantorouter.
[23:09:09] <_unreal_> OMG what a pain. I'm recreating my stupid howto document showing what all of the pins are on my main control board. when I redid my laptop 2 months ago I lost the documents I had created in a stupid fashioned.
[23:09:24] <_unreal_> But On the bright side I've found an error or two on the board.
[23:09:51] <XXCoder> doh
[23:09:53] <XXCoder> git it
[23:10:20] <_unreal_> the perf board I built is NOT pretty but it does work...
[23:10:52] <_unreal_> in fact its a nice design if I do say so my self if you disregard the hand made clutter. the under lying concept is great.
[23:11:18] <_unreal_> On the perf board I have 2 74HCT08 chips
[23:12:13] <_unreal_> they are quad pack AND gates. I'm using them as a BUFFER/multi plex setup for controlling the safety features for my motor controller box.
[23:12:28] <_unreal_> as is, one chip is for the motor enable. the other chip is for the ESTOP safety.
[23:13:55] <_unreal_> The estop safety is a work of art if I do say so my self. I have it setup like a ladder logic. it will when hooked up. connect everything required to be in the GREEN or safe setting before I can even enable the MAINS power relay to power the motor power supplies.
[23:15:51] <_unreal_> so I have 2 inputs like ESTOP safety switches going to one of the gates, the output goes to one side of the final gate control. an other gate takes 2 inputs, the output goes to the 3rd gate and the last inputs goes one each to gate 3 and gate 4. so unless ALL gates have a +v signal. the final output is low and the mains relay can not turn on.
[23:16:18] <_unreal_> and if its LOW the computer reads it as an ESTOP.
[23:17:27] <_unreal_> The onlything I'm not sure of is if I want the computer to CONTROL the mains relay or if I want this circuit to control it. I consider it as a redunent safety. where if the computer freezes no matter what I can kill power.