#linuxcnc | Logs for 2020-03-28
[21:02:49] -!- logs has joined #linuxcnc
[21:02:49] <_unreal_> the updates to kicad are pissing me off they changed shit
[21:03:44] <p0g0> Part of why we could buy land here for very small dollars in the 1960s was due to 1927.
[21:04:03] <XXCoder> airplane companies even cheaper but then they wont be up for maybe few years or decade
[21:04:51] <p0g0> the road I am on used to be a connector between towns, and a 1927 flood took out the bridge, and then the stock market crashed. The tracts right in here never recovered value to most locals.
[21:05:03] <_unreal_> brb checking on din
[21:06:38] <hazzy-m> Is anyone familiar with the OPC UA protocol?
[21:06:42] <p0g0> So, in the most impoverished parts of the US, it might be decades to "recover"- since the region to the east is a monolithic economy that has already crashed (coal), I'll expect that part of the state to stay down for a long while.
[21:08:51] <_unreal_> I really wish I had a barbreak
[21:09:29] <p0g0> Where I am and just to the west is hugely scenic, and has a growing tourism thing going, that will bounce back I think. In the last few days, we've had a slew of folks getting out of the city to hike, and that was trouble. The state and federal parks closed today. That will beat up the local tax base some, but unlike the coal fields, we still have something to sell.
[21:12:17] <_unreal_> p0g0, one thing is for sure dems are not going to be electiable for years
[21:18:32] <p0g0> XXCoder, gn8, & gl
[21:18:39] <XXCoder> thanks
[21:19:00] <_unreal_> ya XXCoder good luck and I'm not going anyware LOL
[21:19:10] <XXCoder> would be funny if helmets and gloves is permently required after this
[21:19:29] <XXCoder> would probably cause "naked head is bad" like going out naked
[21:19:44] <_unreal_> XXCoder, its already on the news there is a major push for mandatory vacing
[21:20:10] <_unreal_> XXCoder, going to put on my maga helmet
[21:20:11] <_unreal_> LOL
[21:20:18] <Wolf__> 0.o
[21:20:49] <XXCoder> it'd be weird
[21:21:02] <XXCoder> but if it lasts say a couple years and global, then most dieases would be wiped out
[21:21:37] <Wolf__> helmet?
[21:21:56] <XXCoder> yeah full face mask and all, postive filtered air pressure lol
[21:22:20] <Wolf__> ahh, papar type system
[21:22:38] <Wolf__> papr*
[21:23:25] <Wolf__> I dont think things are at that point yet, though I have thought about walking around with mine on next time I need to go to home depot
[21:23:57] <XXCoder> interesting
[21:24:20] <XXCoder> price ouch well it wont be bought out anytime soon lol
[21:24:59] <Wolf__> yeah, not cheap, mine is a welding helmet + papr, like $3k
[21:25:24] <XXCoder> just had a thought
[21:25:35] <XXCoder> what if doctors and nurses all have one as work requirements
[21:25:51] <XXCoder> dont have to always wear it, but emergacy like this one they all have it so yeah
[21:26:42] <Wolf__> most places do have them, because if employees cant use masks with proper fitment they need to use the positive pressure system
[21:27:06] <Wolf__> most places= healthcare providers
[21:27:15] <XXCoder> some people is saying that it may become cyclic thing
[21:27:18] <XXCoder> like flu
[21:27:44] <Wolf__> thats a possibility if no vaccine for it
[21:27:58] <XXCoder> depends on mutuation rate also
[21:28:56] <Wolf__> I’m not 100% caught up on news or anything, this is my first day off in weeks
[21:29:11] <XXCoder> ouch whats you so busy on
[21:29:19] <Wolf__> work…
[21:30:45] <XXCoder> lol ok
[21:30:45] <Wolf__> all the trucks we build are for the waste/refuse industry plus we maintain milk tankers
[21:31:16] <XXCoder> milk tankers interesting. I guess theres very strict requirements to ensure cleanness
[21:31:46] <Wolf__> probably, we just deal with keeping them moving
[21:32:19] <XXCoder> oh external stuff like engine, brakes etc
[21:32:28] <XXCoder> oil chanes etc
[21:32:28] <Wolf__> yeah
[21:35:31] <XXCoder> cool :)
[21:36:03] <XXCoder> im kinda considering what to do about my future of career
[21:37:40] <Wolf__> yeah, this sorta shutdown will do that
[21:37:58] <XXCoder> not only that but my lungs slowly getting worse
[21:38:14] <XXCoder> pollen and work air is enough to have me coughing constant;y
[21:38:48] <XXCoder> its been very dry spring so far which means lots of fun fires which means lots ash for me to choke on
[21:42:25] <Wolf__> that sucks
[21:42:36] <XXCoder> yeah
[21:42:56] <XXCoder> i mean, it only rains 3 or 4 times a week
[21:43:01] <XXCoder> far below normal
[21:43:33] -!- syyl has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[21:47:13] <XXCoder> desktop water jet https://www.wazer.com
[21:50:33] <Wolf__> kinda neat
[21:50:47] <XXCoder> yeah check out samples tho
[21:50:57] <XXCoder> steel, marble, boro glass, fun stuff
[21:51:30] <XXCoder> https://www.wazer.com
[21:52:12] <Wolf__> I looked at o-max machines years ago, really impressive
[21:56:55] <Wolf__> I’m still working on learning the plasma table we just picked up
[21:57:51] <XXCoder> nice :)
[21:58:12] <Wolf__> mach3 based =/
[22:02:42] <XXCoder> bleh
[22:02:45] <XXCoder> get linuxcnc
[22:03:19] <Wolf__> I want to, but right now need a working system
[22:03:35] <Wolf__> simple but annoying
[22:03:43] <XXCoder> yeah
[22:37:21] -!- andypugh has quit [Quit: andypugh]
[22:45:47] <_unreal_> annoyingly simple LOL
[22:46:05] <Wolf__> yup
[22:46:17] <_unreal_> XXCoder, most dieases would be wiped out. HARDLY
[22:46:32] <Wolf__> cant adjust shit on it, least not simple…
[22:46:36] <_unreal_> Most dieases are sourced from the environment
[22:46:48] <_unreal_> people are just carriers and transmitters
[22:47:05] <JavaBean> _unreal_: might solve world hunger.... or maybe world peace
[22:47:08] <Wolf__> less people = less vectors for transmission?
[22:47:51] <_unreal_> o,O ahh the current corona virus is SO slow moving/transmitting not likely
[22:52:10] -!- Tito has joined #linuxcnc
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[22:54:23] -!- MS_mecanizado has joined #linuxcnc
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[23:03:10] <jymmmm> Hey Wolf__
[23:03:26] <XXCoder> Wolf__: thats why I like lc. more flexable
[23:03:43] <XXCoder> im guessing unreal said something pro-diease
[23:04:07] <jymmmm> YAY was able to find/order another P95 half mask =)
[23:04:10] <Wolf__> yeah, lc does, and not really
[23:04:34] <XXCoder> jym nice
[23:04:52] <XXCoder> i need to order one, for daily work uses
[23:05:35] <jymmmm> XXCoder: ebay, gerson P95, $40 shipped. Expensive, but only thing available
[23:05:50] <XXCoder> painful
[23:06:39] <jymmmm> XXCoder: https://www.ebay.com
[23:06:41] * Wolf__ is gonna wear his G4 speedglas papr all day every day…
[23:07:17] <jymmmm> XXCoder: other are gounging at $100 + $20 shipping
[23:07:53] <XXCoder> im not buying those
[23:08:07] <XXCoder> definitely plan on p95 but not right npow
[23:08:17] <jymmmm> That IS P95
[23:08:21] <XXCoder> i know
[23:08:22] <jymmmm> I LOVE mine
[23:08:26] <XXCoder> whats normal price anyway
[23:08:31] <XXCoder> 30 usd I guess or so
[23:08:34] <jymmmm> $18 at HF
[23:08:52] <jymmmm> now price up to $24 everywhere
[23:09:07] <jymmmm> but NOT AVILABLE
[23:09:27] <XXCoder> sucks
[23:10:01] <jymmmm> sucks more getting infected
[23:11:14] <XXCoder> yeah preiction is usa will have million infected by 2 weeks
[23:12:14] -!- net| has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[23:12:55] <jymmmm> Yeah, maybe I'm paranoid and think they are out to get me, but that doens't mean they're not! =)
[23:14:03] -!- net| has joined #linuxcnc
[23:14:22] <XXCoder> lol
[23:16:31] <XXCoder> lol apparently you can buy stirring sticks on ebay
[23:16:34] <XXCoder> 100 for 20 bucks
[23:17:14] <jymmmm> lol
[23:17:31] <XXCoder> 20 cent each. lamate em up and make something
[23:17:49] <jymmmm> laser engrave them
[23:20:16] <XXCoder> yeah i did that
[23:20:18] <XXCoder> and cut too
[23:20:27] <XXCoder> it was before my 2w laser developed problems though
[23:23:10] <jymmmm> doesn't work at all now?
[23:23:15] <XXCoder> nah it works
[23:23:28] <XXCoder> it makes a "spotface" which is loss of lumens from dot
[23:23:36] <jymmmm> ah
[23:23:43] <jymmmm> clean the lens?
[23:23:47] <XXCoder> cleaned
[23:24:25] <Tom_L> jymmmm, they _are_ out to get ya
[23:25:39] <Tom_L> jymmmm, were you _in_ the burn zone on that fire a while back?
[23:27:54] <jymmmm> Tom_L yep
[23:28:06] <Tom_L> you recovered from it yet?
[23:28:42] <Tom_L> or did it miss you
[23:29:13] <jymmmm> Tom_L It missed me by 3 miles. But all around me is just not the same anymore.
[23:29:31] <Tom_L> i remember the pics you posted
[23:30:49] <jymmmm> they did the clenaup, and a couple of homes here and there are being built, but it's pretty bare. more for sale signs than anything else. people are not really willing to come back and rebuild, especially businesses, and most cna NOT get insurance
[23:31:43] <jymmmm> Can't blame them, they got cashed out after the fire, and starting up elsewhere with cash in hand
[23:31:48] <Tom_L> how rural are you?
[23:32:20] <jymmmm> I dont know how to define that
[23:32:30] <Tom_L> nearest town mileage
[23:32:37] <XXCoder> can you shoot a rifle and not have cops come
[23:32:45] <jymmmm> 25 miles from the main town with a population of 85K
[23:32:54] <Tom_L> dance naked in the front yard?
[23:32:58] <jymmmm> oh yeah, we are allowed to shoot up here
[23:33:00] <Tom_L> well you may do that anyway...
[23:33:01] <jymmmm> no
[23:33:13] <jymmmm> maybe the back yard though =)
[23:33:17] <jymmmm> sorta
[23:33:35] <Wolf__> I can shoot a rifle in my yard and not have cops show up… and I’m 25 miles from DC lol
[23:33:52] <jymmmm> In one of th eonly counties in Californai that you ARE allows to get a CCW
[23:55:07] <_unreal_> yawn
[23:58:03] <_unreal_> So I just put a ball bearing upgrade on my bandsaw https://cdn0.grizzly.com
[23:58:30] <_unreal_> https://www.ebay.com
[23:58:41] <_unreal_> worth every penny