#pyqt | Logs for 2018-10-19
[01:24:05] -!- Belxjander has quit [Quit: AmigaOSv4.1.6+//PowerPC native]
[01:24:31] -!- TunaLobster has joined #pyqt
[01:25:38] -!- Belxjander has joined #pyqt
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[02:56:56] -!- Mrokii has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.2]
[03:25:55] -!- anqxyr has joined #pyqt
[03:44:06] <TurBoss> Hello
[03:44:07] <TurBoss> I'm getting this erro
[03:44:49] <TurBoss> http://dpaste.com
[03:44:56] <TurBoss> any ideas?
[04:00:13] -!- anqxyr has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[08:59:36] -!- Siecje has joined #pyqt
[09:52:53] <_val_> Hi. How would I e.g connect one dialog to another? I want e.g to have a dialog that requires username password and calls the other one once the correct credentials are provided!?
[10:35:50] <Siecje> _val_: What have you tried? It seems you just show the second dialog when the credentials are correct.
[10:37:20] <_val_> Siecje: correct
[10:38:18] <_val_> Siecje: https://dpaste.de
[10:38:37] <_val_> This prompts for username and password.
[10:40:08] <Siecje> I only see one dialog.
[10:40:13] <_val_> Siecje: And here https://dpaste.de this is another file.
[10:40:38] <_val_> I mean , I want now to have username / pass entered in there
[10:41:01] <_val_> I don't mind to have this in the same file as long as I am promped for a username and password.
[10:45:31] <_val_> Siecje: https://dpaste.de <-- this is the full file
[11:27:21] -!- mandeep has quit [Quit: Leaving]
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[13:41:10] <altendky> TurBoss: i'd start by directly checking whatever qt python library you are using to get qtpy out of the middle
[13:41:22] <TunaLobster> Do I need to use pyqtSignal when using QThread?
[13:41:52] <altendky> TunaLobster: mostly don't use threads, if you do, you need to use something for dealing with interthread communication safely
[13:41:56] <altendky> TunaLobster: why are you threading?
[13:58:32] <TunaLobster> Right now I have an openGL set of lines and stuff spinning. I'm trying to make a button/key press to pause the spinning.
[13:58:48] <TunaLobster> altendky: ^
[13:58:55] <altendky> TunaLobster: i wouldn't think you'd need threads for that
[14:01:18] <TunaLobster> The other catch is that I'm trying to package it up for students to use. Create a blackbox for this part so they can focus on other stuff. I tried doing flags in __init__, but that didn't seem to work too well either.
[14:05:36] <TunaLobster> Let me retry flags now... See I can just make a new object for the students to use
[14:06:09] <altendky> TunaLobster: why are you threading at all?
[14:06:27] <altendky> TunaLobster: how familiar are you with async programming?
[14:06:49] <altendky> and the difference between python threads and other threads (yes, python threads are real threads but...)
[14:07:12] <altendky> TunaLobster: and no, 'flags' aren't thread-safe ipc
[14:07:21] <altendky> err, s/ipc/communication/
[14:07:42] <TunaLobster> Some. I worked with MPI over the past few months. Most of that is taken care of for you though.
[14:08:02] <altendky> TunaLobster: why does this code need a thread rather than just being async?
[14:08:17] <altendky> TunaLobster: can you share the code?
[14:09:08] <TunaLobster> The whole mess is here. The train wreck was passed on to me with the task of "Make the image pause"
[14:09:10] <TunaLobster> https://github.com
[14:09:39] <altendky> TunaLobster: just qtimer rather than while/sleep
[14:10:11] <TunaLobster> Does Qt wrap just about everything?
[14:10:12] <altendky> but as to how to communicate in either case. let me look
[14:10:33] <TunaLobster> Line 164 ish
[14:10:48] <altendky> TunaLobster: i'm not sure what you mean. though, i mostly use other libraries when there are good options and leave qt mostly as the gui (which forces you to use their event loop, but you can toss twisted or asyncio on that loop too)
[14:11:00] <TunaLobster> I guess I should push too before asking.
[14:11:23] <altendky> unless you've changed it drastically, my first comment will be fairly general (once i form it)
[14:12:23] <altendky> good news, threads are being used reasonably (as oposed to inheriting from qthread).
[14:12:51] <altendky> but if the sleep were substituted with a qtimer calling rotate instead the worker wouldn't need to move to a thread
[14:13:06] <altendky> nor would processEvents be needed
[14:13:23] <TunaLobster> So no threading needed?
[14:13:31] <altendky> TunaLobster: not the part i looked at
[14:13:38] <altendky> TunaLobster: anyways, with threads sure, hook a signal to the abort method of the worker
[14:13:50] <altendky> without threads, either the same or call it directly depending on the scenario
[14:14:25] <altendky> TunaLobster: the signals/slots end up being a thread safe queue in the case of threads. so that covers safely crossing the thread boundary
[14:14:49] <TunaLobster> So pressing a key starts an Event. Is there a way to connect the event to the abort method?
[14:15:09] <TurBoss> altendky (IRC): sorry I forgot to mention that got fixed by removing qtpy from debian and install from pip
[14:15:11] <altendky> TunaLobster: i think you should connect the signal to the slot before the object is moved to the thread
[14:15:24] <altendky> TurBoss: yeah, mixing with system packages isn't great
[14:15:34] <TurBoss> true
[14:15:35] <altendky> TurBoss: hopefully pip in a v*env
[14:15:44] <TurBoss> --user
[14:15:48] <altendky> :[
[14:16:03] <altendky> TunaLobster: basically, don't touch objects in other threads except by emitting signals
[14:16:17] <altendky> i mean sure, you can do stuff, but it's simpler at least to start to just not
[14:16:48] <TunaLobster> So then my keyPressEvent would emit the terminate signal
[14:16:55] <altendky> TunaLobster: since it ends up the same either way, i'd get the connect first, then probably get rid of the threads
[14:18:38] <altendky> TunaLobster: i think i'd add a signal on main (terminate_threads or somesuch) and then connect that to worker.abort right after https://github.com then i guess in abort_worker you would self.terminate_threads.emit() before cleaning up the threads
[14:19:17] <altendky> TunaLobster: also, https://github.com probably doesn't do much. you will be returning from the function immediately after which will return control to qt anyways.
[14:21:56] <TunaLobster> That was me trying to see if it was an event loop issue in the main thread
[14:25:29] -!- AlishbaKabeer has joined #pyqt
[14:26:03] <AlishbaKabeer> qutebrowser gives me error about pyqt5.webengine
[14:27:10] <altendky> sorry, i asked you over here then kept talking over there :[
[14:27:32] <altendky> TunaLobster: sure. you see why it oughtn't do anything? but yeah, i try things that shouldn't work too.
[14:28:00] <AlishbaKabeer> ok I'm replying you there, just call my name so I get notified about it
[14:28:10] <AlishbaKabeer> altendky: ^^
[14:29:01] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: here is good. but i'd look for the package for that dep in guixsd, contact the qutebrowser package maintainer, and in the mean time install qutebrowser in a venv
[14:29:12] -!- The-Compiler has joined #pyqt
[14:29:20] <The-Compiler> oh, I wasn't here anymore apparently, thanks altendky
[14:30:00] <altendky> heh
[14:30:08] <AlishbaKabeer> wow at least we got him. I love this browser btw :P
[14:30:11] <altendky> The-Compiler: seems like a packaging issue with guixsd but...
[14:30:35] <AlishbaKabeer> my first program I install after I do installation
[14:31:06] <The-Compiler> looks like GuixSD also packages a qutebrowser version from July 2017
[14:31:22] <The-Compiler> (probably with security bugs and stuff)
[14:31:28] <AlishbaKabeer> yeah its in repos and I installed using quaix
[14:31:35] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: so, maybe just skip the os package manager for python stuff and install into v*envs
[14:32:16] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: sadly, i don't have a tool to recommend for 'system wide python package installs' but there's pipsi and i'm trying to get venvs (confusing name) up to snuff for public use
[14:32:38] <The-Compiler> there's also https://github.com
[14:32:46] <AlishbaKabeer> altendky: that seems cool. I always have to remove shebang and put (command -v python3) there
[14:33:11] <The-Compiler> but I'd consider switching to a distribution which doesn't give you ancient software with security issues
[14:33:21] <altendky> that too
[14:33:24] <AlishbaKabeer> but I'm not familiar with venv installations
[14:33:47] <AlishbaKabeer> The-Compiler: you mean ARCH :P
[14:34:03] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: `python3 -m venv myenv` `myenv/bin/pip install qutebrowser` `myenv/bin/qutebrowser`
[14:34:28] <The-Compiler> AlishbaKabeer: there are lots of other good choices - hell, even Debian stable has the qutebrowser security fixes backported
[14:34:30] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: you could make one for each python program you install. maybe symlink from `.local/bin` to the executables you want from each so you don't have to add all the envs to your path
[14:34:41] <AlishbaKabeer> altendky: in my homedir? or I should create a separate dir for it?
[14:35:03] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: the first command will create a subdirectory named myenv. you can change that to whatever you want and put it anywhere you like
[14:35:27] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: it will only do stuff inside that directory. though note, you can't _move_ the directory after you make it
[14:35:36] <altendky> easy enough to recreate though
[14:35:49] <altendky> for more info bit.ly/py-env
[14:35:51] <The-Compiler> (or just use tox as per the install docs, because "pip install qutebrowser" won't get you PyQt)
[14:36:06] <altendky> or read the docs :|
[14:36:32] <altendky> my instructions are generally applicable to other things (good cover, right?)
[14:36:32] <AlishbaKabeer> I have .cfg where I have my dotfiles and I use stow to symlink dotfiles from there. can I install it there?
[14:36:44] <TunaLobster> Ok. My abort_workers() method is being call and the thread.quit() is being used. But nothing happens...
[14:37:00] <altendky> TunaLobster: latest code?
[14:38:26] <TunaLobster> altendky: https://github.com
[14:38:35] <altendky> The-Compiler: i forget, where do you do builds for windows? i just realized the issue with pyqt5-tools was i was using qt 5.11.1 from appveyor default while installing pyqt5 5.11.3 which comes with qt 5.11.2.
[14:40:22] <The-Compiler> altendky: AppVeyor
[14:40:32] <TunaLobster> I keep finding all these nicely coded UI codes out there as examples and then I go look at what has been handed to me and I want to set it all on fire
[14:40:33] <altendky> The-Compiler: just use whatever qt they have?
[14:40:41] <The-Compiler> nah, I just use PyQt from PyPI
[14:40:59] <altendky> The-Compiler: ah, but i'm trying to pull in more than pyqt has...
[14:41:02] <altendky> of course
[14:41:10] <The-Compiler> ah, possible
[14:41:30] <altendky> The-Compiler: all the programs linguist, designer etc and some extra dll's those need
[14:42:06] <altendky> TunaLobster: so either call quit inside the thread or hook a signal to the quit slot. perhaps just drop the abort method entirely and connect to quit instead
[14:43:15] <altendky> The-Compiler: i should probably just have a 'one-time build' for getting the files i want out of a specific qt version. then store those archives somewhere and grab just them to do the pyqt5-tools build
[14:43:53] <AlishbaKabeer> altendky: @bar(input):button3
[14:44:13] <AlishbaKabeer> altendky:
[14:44:36] <AlishbaKabeer> altendky: it says requirement already satisfied
[14:45:20] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: share your full terminal session.
[14:45:59] <AlishbaKabeer> here?
[14:46:02] <altendky> maybe at gist.github.com or such
[14:46:10] <altendky> some other tidy pastebin site etc
[14:46:14] <altendky> not too picky
[14:47:14] <TunaLobster> My god... I forgot that quit() was a global thing. At least it stop spinning now
[14:47:15] <AlishbaKabeer> altendky:
[14:47:27] <altendky> TunaLobster: 'global'?
[14:47:44] <AlishbaKabeer> altendky: https://ptpb.pw
[14:48:14] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: full commands etc
[14:48:19] <TunaLobster> I put a quit in the abort() for the worker and called worker.abort from the abort_workers(). Killed the whole thing
[14:48:42] <altendky> TunaLobster: don't 'call' worker.abort. emit a signal which is connected to it
[14:48:54] <altendky> quit might be thread-safe, but i didn't see it claim that
[14:48:56] <AlishbaKabeer> altendky: I did how you said
[14:48:57] <altendky> and it is a slot
[14:49:13] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: do you not have the terminal session?
[14:49:27] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: also, maybe follow the docs as The-Compiler linked
[14:49:32] <altendky> my instructions were general
[14:49:47] <AlishbaKabeer> I can give you a web session to where I'm now
[14:49:52] <AlishbaKabeer> or maybe ssh session
[14:50:06] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: is there a reason you can't copy paste the commands as well?
[14:50:28] <altendky> sometimes there is
[14:51:06] <TunaLobster> If I connect something, do I have to have a return?
[14:51:56] <altendky> TunaLobster: like have a `return blah` line? functions always return something. if not explicitly by code you wrote then they return None.
[14:53:17] <TunaLobster> 100% not thread safe and I know it. But it works. Right now I have a traceback from connect saying "argument 1 has unexpected type 'NoneType'"
[14:53:46] <AlishbaKabeer> altendky: @bar(input):button2
[14:53:54] <AlishbaKabeer> altendky: ssh ro-QZ4jwzMN2JbPIAgtS7GEAKN4C@fk2.tmate.io
[14:54:09] <altendky> TunaLobster: you `signal.connect(slot)` not `signal.connect(slot())`
[14:54:31] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: is there a reason you can't copy paste the commands as well?
[14:54:48] <AlishbaKabeer> here you can see.
[14:55:31] <AlishbaKabeer> this session is running in tmux and I cant copy paste into it
[14:55:40] <AlishbaKabeer> altendky: ^^
[14:55:54] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: you got the whole command output but you can't get the command itself?
[14:56:29] <AlishbaKabeer> omg I'm talking about this weechat session
[14:56:35] <AlishbaKabeer> its in tmux
[14:57:03] <AlishbaKabeer> didnt you see how many times I tried to paste it
[14:57:06] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: you have to admit it's odd that you can share several lines of output but not a command. and that i have to ssh into something instead
[14:57:15] <AlishbaKabeer> like I'm recalling those messages again
[14:57:25] <AlishbaKabeer> altendky: @bar(input):button2
[14:57:41] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: https://ptpb.pw is fine. you can't do that except with the commands as well?
[14:57:43] <AlishbaKabeer> altendky: @bar(input):button3
[14:58:45] <AlishbaKabeer> I'm gonna cat history to somewhere
[14:59:25] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: maybe you want `script` if you can post a file but can't copy paste
[14:59:29] <altendky> iirc correctly
[15:00:32] <AlishbaKabeer> you're confusing me instead of help
[15:00:41] <AlishbaKabeer> I'm not english speaker
[15:01:07] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: how did you get https://ptpb.pw
[15:02:08] <AlishbaKabeer> I typed the url by hand
[15:02:11] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: you say you can't copy paste but you got that up. did you redirect to a file and upload? if so, consider the command `script` to also capture the commands you are running
[15:02:17] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: but... the contents
[15:02:40] <TunaLobster> altendky: If I do that then connect complains that it's a method not a Qt.ConnectionType
[15:02:53] <altendky> TunaLobster: full code and output
[15:02:54] <AlishbaKabeer> I can copy paste everywhere except this weechat
[15:03:43] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: ok, do what you did for https://ptpb.pw except include the commands which created the env etc. the whole terminal session, not just the output of a single command.
[15:03:44] <AlishbaKabeer> history shows only some commands
[15:04:51] <AlishbaKabeer> the first command I ran was
[15:05:10] <AlishbaKabeer> python3 -m venv python
[15:05:14] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: can you just put it all in a single pastebin? it was three commands so not hard to recreate
[15:05:29] <AlishbaKabeer> then
[15:05:50] <AlishbaKabeer> python/bin/pip install qutebrowser
[15:06:04] <AlishbaKabeer> and it gave me the output I sent to you via pastebin
[15:06:26] <TunaLobster> altendky: Code: https://github.com Output: https://paste.pound-python.org
[15:06:27] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: sounds mostly like a broken os that doesn't work properly. i dunno.
[15:06:35] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: why are you using this os?
[15:07:01] <AlishbaKabeer> I use it for daily usage and its not broken
[15:07:16] <TunaLobster> lol!
[15:07:26] <AlishbaKabeer> it has got some dependencies issue I think os
[15:07:27] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: it doesn't seem to do these things properly for what you've discussed here. i'm sure it does many things properly though, sure.
[15:07:38] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: but, why are you using it?
[15:07:44] <altendky> TunaLobster: why are you passing two parameters?
[15:08:04] <AlishbaKabeer> altendky: its my main machine I use
[15:08:13] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: that's not why you chose that os
[15:08:42] <AlishbaKabeer> my friend invited me
[15:08:50] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: why did they suggest it?
[15:09:00] <AlishbaKabeer> dunno why did they
[15:09:03] <TunaLobster> I need to pass the OpenGL window to be able to change the rotation property. Connect has an *args input and the docs don't say much about that. I assumed it was similar to numpy and passed the objects on.
[15:09:57] <altendky> TunaLobster: pass the window when you construct the object or when you emit the signal, not when you connect it
[15:10:21] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: a venv is intended to be isolated, it shouldn't be even looking at your system installed packages. but it seems it is
[15:11:02] <AlishbaKabeer> so which os I should use? altendky
[15:11:22] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: i used redhat for a decade. because it was common and i could get support for it. i switched to ubuntu about a decade ago, because it was common and i could get support for it. i switched to debian a couple years ago because... *shrug* i felt like changing after a decade but... debian is still common and i can get support for it.
[15:11:45] <TunaLobster> https://paste.pound-python.org
[15:11:49] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: anyways, i'm not saying you shouldn't use it. but i dunno how much i'll be diagnosing venv doing weird things
[15:11:57] <altendky> on guixsd
[15:12:16] <altendky> TunaLobster: sure, you'll have to adjust your code if you pass it their
[15:12:41] <AlishbaKabeer> altendky: what about arch linux?
[15:13:01] <TunaLobster> I can't believe I just did that...
[15:13:22] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: i couldn't stand that they couldn't even provide defaults. i appreciate flexibility, but i shouldn't have to read a wiki and get into endless debates about options just to have a functioning os
[15:13:42] <AlishbaKabeer> gentoo or slackware?
[15:13:53] <altendky> you've got an os, you can't script default answers to 20 questions? *sigh*
[15:14:02] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: never run gentoo or slack
[15:14:23] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: i mean what's wrong with the most common one that's intended to just work? ubuntu?
[15:14:42] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: even people that don't run ubuntu will know how to help you with it
[15:14:53] <AlishbaKabeer> I never installed them on desktops
[15:15:03] <AlishbaKabeer> I mean ubuntu
[15:15:31] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: did you try the tox option from the docs?
[15:15:45] <AlishbaKabeer> no
[15:16:22] <TunaLobster> altendky: I'm going to go cry in a closet with the Python docs as reading material.
[15:16:34] <altendky> TunaLobster: eh? where are you stuck now?
[15:16:35] <AlishbaKabeer> I installed this OS yesterday night and still I'm awake. just slept for half hour and still its not working the way it should
[15:16:44] <TunaLobster> It works. I'm an idiot
[15:18:46] <TunaLobster> Threading and all. It works. __init(self, OpenGLwindow): was what I have been missing the whole time.
[15:18:48] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: have a reason for using an os. spending time fixing stuff so you learn can certainly be a valid reason. but it helps to know why you are doing what you are doing. then you can decide when it isn't worth it anymore, or when you met your goal.
[15:19:07] <altendky> TunaLobster: good deal. as i said, you could also pass that to emit.
[15:19:19] <altendky> the_signal.emit(some, parameters)
[15:19:36] <altendky> assuming the signal was defined to accept parameters :]
[15:19:55] <AlishbaKabeer> altendky: I wanna become a system engineer. that's my goal.
[15:20:05] <TunaLobster> Huh... I think for the students I won't use signals if possible. Try to keep it without communication for now.
[15:20:15] <AlishbaKabeer> I have used arch, gentoo, slackware. but never got so much problems
[15:20:17] <altendky> TunaLobster: signals are good. threads are often not
[15:20:37] <altendky> TunaLobster: not threads reduces the need for signals, but they are still useful
[15:20:52] <AlishbaKabeer> with this one even I can't use wifi. as its about software freedom. and I came to know about it once I was booted to it
[15:21:12] <altendky> TunaLobster: anyways, to not-thread basically just delete all the threading stuff. the worker doesn't need to be moved. you can leave the other calls in place.
[15:21:47] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: yeah, i like the idea of 'free' software (though i dislike the gpl mostly) but it comes at a cost.
[15:21:51] <TunaLobster> altendky: That's that part that I don't get. How can I have this inifinite loop going while being able to click other button in the UI?
[15:21:55] <AlishbaKabeer> people say don't go for arch. I say there is no good distro like that once you got used to it, you'll never see back. I never broke it.
[15:22:00] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: you have to decide how much of an activist you want to be
[15:22:37] <AlishbaKabeer> altendky: I spend 18 hours of my day with computers
[15:22:54] <altendky> TunaLobster: 1) you've got process events in there which explicitly gives control back to the event loop. 2) you could rewrite rotate() without a loop and connect a qtimer to trigger it every so often.
[15:23:24] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: sure. i am a programmer as well and spend too much of my not-work time on my computer as well
[15:23:26] <AlishbaKabeer> altendky: and right now I'm awaking for more than 30 hours with just 1 hour sleep. still not satisfied
[15:23:39] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: that'll be part of your problem as well
[15:24:05] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: but, is all this (and still maybe you'll never have support for your hardware?) worth being 100% free software vs. 99.99%?
[15:24:28] <altendky> 100% free software ends up being a hardware choice as well
[15:24:35] <AlishbaKabeer> I damn care about it
[15:25:03] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: oh, i thought you were saying you did. anyways, yeah, just steer clear of pure free if you don't care.
[15:25:11] <AlishbaKabeer> I want a minimalistic setup for my machine. I ddon't go for heavy DEs
[15:25:27] <AlishbaKabeer> I'm used to WMs like i3 dwm
[15:26:13] <AlishbaKabeer> altendky: I'm so sorry I'm not an english speaker so maybe I said somethng wrong and got you wrong
[15:26:52] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: your english is better than my any-not-english language so... i can't complain. :] you have certainly indulged my language learning laziness by learning english as well as you have.
[15:27:25] <AlishbaKabeer> lol
[15:28:11] <AlishbaKabeer> which distro I should use for my daily usage altendky ? except debian and redhat derived distros
[15:28:33] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: why not debian?
[15:29:12] <AlishbaKabeer> they compile the packages with less features enabled
[15:29:26] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: you seem to like arch, why not it?
[15:30:38] <AlishbaKabeer> arch is the love <3. I had no flash drive thats why I came to this shit distro.
[15:30:44] <altendky> honestly, what i want is a list of the laptops used by linux and distro developers so i can pick one they have. i figure that'll get me good support :]
[15:30:59] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: well, go back to arch...
[15:31:11] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: (depending what you mean by 'had no flash drive')
[15:31:13] <TunaLobster> Debian is so stable it gets behind on a lot of things
[15:31:45] <AlishbaKabeer> altendky: you seem to be an interesting programmer I ever met in life. they don't even talk nicely
[15:31:47] <altendky> i may try arch again and use debian as a reference for picking the choices arch gives me (since they can't be bothered with defaults...)
[15:32:03] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: #python has rubbed off on me, they are very nice
[15:32:47] <AlishbaKabeer> I have debian netinstall iso.
[15:32:55] <AlishbaKabeer> but I'm not gonna install it
[15:33:11] <AlishbaKabeer> can I PM you altendky ?
[15:33:25] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: are you saying you just don't have a usb drive to use to install arch?
[15:34:01] <AlishbaKabeer> yeah I didnt have yesterday so I installed this.
[15:34:27] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: well, go buy one the next time you go out instead of buying an energy drink to keep you awake. :]
[15:34:37] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: i tend away from pm's but i don't get upset about them either :] unless there's a channel they belong in, then in-channel is good.
[15:35:12] <AlishbaKabeer> altendky: can I pxe boot using phone tethering?
[15:35:51] <altendky> AlishbaKabeer: i suppose that depends on what the phone tethering emulates and the bios supports
[15:36:03] <altendky> haven't pxe'd for 15+ years though
[15:37:16] <AlishbaKabeer> I think I should try it.
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