#pyqt | Logs for 2019-04-24
[00:22:42] <Vision> so a virtualenvironment is local-only and never gets checked in... how then should you include dependencies in your project/code?
[00:22:57] <Vision> checked in/commited/whatever. to source control
[00:24:46] <Vision> I've done it in tiny/one-off stuff by just adding its dir to the project, and from (whatever) imports just looked in that dir
[00:24:57] <Vision> but I'd assume that's not ideal?
[00:25:10] <Vision> sorry, question probably meant for #python :0
[00:44:00] -!- mandeep has joined #pyqt
[01:59:56] -!- mandeep has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[02:10:35] -!- thomasross has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[03:35:46] -!- n1` has joined #pyqt
[05:49:38] <Thaodan> sysroot.specification from pyqtdeploy needs to import importlib.util or it throws an error when using --plugin-dir
[05:50:55] <Thaodan> or it will result in importlib has no attribute util
[05:52:30] <Thaodan> altendky: maybe?
[07:00:24] <altendky> Vision: first place is your setup.py. if you want to specify exact versions for reproducibility then maybe look at pip-tools
[07:02:28] <altendky> Thaodan: did it just forget to include importlib.resources?
[07:03:08] <altendky> Did pyqtdeploy...
[07:04:09] <Thaodan> nope importlib isn't initialized after importing
[07:04:26] <Thaodan> https://stackoverflow.com
[07:04:33] <Thaodan> here is a similar error
[07:04:52] <Thaodan> I used pyqtdeploy --plugin-dir dir
[07:09:09] <altendky> Thaodan: i meant in pyqtdeploy. doesn't it list out all the stdlib packages and let you pick the ones you want included?
[07:09:20] <altendky> admittedly, it's been awhile since i had to deal with pyqtdeploy
[07:34:58] -!- BPL has joined #pyqt
[07:40:24] <altendky> The-Compiler: i was trying to create a non-pytest example for the maillist azure issue. `sudo apt-get install xvfb; python -m pip install pyqt5; xvfb-run python -c "from PyQt5 import Qt; Qt.QApplication([])"` results in https://dev.azure.com
[07:40:35] <altendky> is there something more that is supposed to be done?
[07:47:21] <altendky> and with faulthandler installed https://dev.azure.com
[07:50:28] <Thaodan> No
[07:50:48] <Thaodan> I was writing a pyqtdeploy component to build a native wheel
[07:51:06] <Thaodan> and needed --plugin-dir tro find the wheel
[07:52:03] <altendky> Thaodan: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com
[07:52:44] <altendky> Thaodan: you may not be using the gui but it seems that this is still a thing where you manually specify the packages/modules to include and importlib.resources is not by default
[07:53:54] <Thaodan> altendky: I was using this https://www.riverbankcomputing.com
[07:54:13] <Thaodan> which needs to run pyqtdeploy-sysroot with --plugin-dir dir
[07:55:41] <altendky> Thaodan: and you get that error with an 'empty' ComponentBase?
[07:55:45] <The-Compiler> altendky: exporting QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1 should tell you more
[07:57:18] <The-Compiler> altendky: maybe you're missing the libxkbcommon-x11-0 package if this is only on Qt 5.12
[07:57:37] <Thaodan> I get that error when running pyqt-deploy without using any components and just usimg pyqtdeploy-sysroot --plugin-dir
[08:00:06] <altendky> Thaodan: from what i'm trying now you must be specifying more than that such as a directory and a specification file. yes?
[08:01:31] <altendky> The-Compiler: quite so https://dev.azure.com
[08:02:00] <The-Compiler> Hah :)
[08:02:17] <Thaodan> altendky: yes
[08:02:26] <Thaodan> just use the demo projet
[08:02:31] <Thaodan> https://invent.kde.org
[08:02:35] <Thaodan> backtrace
[08:02:43] <Thaodan> pyqtdeploy-sysroot --verbose --plugin-dir=/home/bidar/dev/testi --source-dir=build.src --target=android-64 /home/bidar/dev/android64
[08:03:38] <altendky> Thaodan: yeah, that looks very different from the last error you shared :]
[08:05:34] <altendky> Thaodan: looks like a simple case of not importing the subpackage/module https://www.riverbankcomputing.com
[08:05:57] <altendky> probably some refactor somewhere had it imported elsewhere before, but not anymore
[08:07:17] <altendky> The-Compiler: works with `sudo apt-get install xvfb libxkbcommon-x11-0; python -m pip install pyqt5; export QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1; xvfb-run python -c "import faulthandler; faulthandler.enable(); from PyQt5 import Qt; app = Qt.QApplication([])"`
[08:07:18] <altendky> https://dev.azure.com
[08:14:22] <altendky> Thaodan: any luck tweaking the import?
[08:14:26] <Thaodan> yes
[08:14:31] <Thaodan> add
[08:14:37] <Thaodan> import importlib.util
[08:14:41] <altendky> Thaodan: sounds like you've got a patch to submit :]
[08:15:01] <Thaodan> any repo to post a pr or clone?
[08:15:21] <altendky> Thaodan: i think just maillist. but what i linked above is the pyqtdeploy repo
[08:16:01] <Thaodan> ok
[08:16:12] <altendky> presumably it has a clone link or something somewhere. maybe
[08:16:45] <Thaodan> before I'll need to figer out how to tell python to use my compiler to link instead of the one used with pip
[08:19:34] <BPL> I guess not... but I can still ask it, someone here with experience building qscintilla from sources? Right now i've been able to generate the shared library in both debug/release mode but I'm struggling to generate the pyqt bindings :/
[08:20:08] <BPL> this is the command i'm using https://bpaste.net
[08:20:50] <altendky> BPL: did you check the source to see what causes that error message?
[08:21:07] <altendky> or maybe configure has a verbose mode
[08:21:10] <BPL> altendky: Yeah, this is the configure.py https://bpaste.net ... line #1403 but no clue how to fix it
[08:21:31] <BPL> i'm probably using the wrong command to configure this thing :P
[08:22:59] <altendky> BPL: in the same directory, what do you get for dir Qsci\sipAPIQsci.h?
[08:24:01] <BPL> that file doesn't exists in the original package https://www.riverbankcomputing.com
[08:24:11] <altendky> BPL: probably at some other path?
[08:24:32] <BPL> nope, already searched... i think that needs to be generated by configure.py (guessing)
[08:25:40] <altendky> mm, maybe that's a post-build check. see what it's running before that. and use --verbose
[08:26:01] <BPL> oh, --verbose, that could help idd, hadn't considered
[08:26:45] <BPL> cool, now there is more errors sip: Unable to find file "QtCore/QtCoremod.sip"
[08:27:13] <BPL> think i need to specify sip include dir... ok, let me try :D
[08:32:09] <altendky> stuff like that shouldn't require verbose :[
[08:32:18] <altendky> if there's an issue, output why... *sigh*
[08:33:52] <BPL> yeah... in my experience building from sources riverbank stuff is... let me try to be nice&gentle here... unconvenient :P . I've managed to generated the pro file by hacking around... now it's not finding sip.h when building hehe :)
[08:34:49] <altendky> agreed
[10:01:59] <The-Compiler> altendky: yay! So are you going to reply to the issue or should I?
[10:03:45] <altendky> The-Compiler: i did... but i see now i had in my head that it was the maillist not an issue... https://github.com time to tidy some formatting
[10:04:25] <The-Compiler> altendky: good luck, I think formatting is disabled for email replies
[10:05:20] <altendky> "Email replies do not support Markdown" that's... helpful? ah well, whatever, it's legible
[10:45:09] -!- jessequinn has joined #pyqt
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[13:12:44] -!- mandeep has joined #pyqt
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[13:34:39] <The-Compiler> I'm thinking about doing a talk about pytest and pytest-qt at the Qt World Summit (Berlin) - anyone else planning to go as well? Also, anyone feels like taking a quick look at my CfP submission draft? https://github.com :)
[13:40:21] <altendky> The-Compiler: seems good, though it may be the first i've read so no clue what they expect. nitpick `He's using PyQt since 2013` doesn't quite work. maybe `He has developed in PyQt since 2013` or...
[13:47:29] <The-Compiler> altendky: "He's a user of PyQt since 2013" maybe?
[13:47:49] <The-Compiler> Or "He's been using PyQt since 2013"?
[13:48:38] <altendky> The-Compiler: the first i suppose would probably fit with the rest
[13:55:23] -!- n1` has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
[14:08:22] -!- mandeep has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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[15:06:14] -!- gratework has joined #pyqt
[15:08:46] <gratework> anybody have experience with pyqt5 and windows?
[15:09:01] <Avaris> gratework: sure
[15:09:08] <gratework> seems my python dll's are being flagged by windows as a virus and i get
[15:09:29] <gratework> DLL load failed: Operation did not complete successfully because the file contains a virus
[15:10:07] <Avaris> huh? never seen that? do you have antivirus?
[15:10:47] <gratework> yes malwarebytes and avast cloud
[15:11:13] <gratework> but i spoke to my IT and asked if he could mark it safe
[15:11:27] <Avaris> which dll is it?
[15:11:47] <gratework> the traceback in python doesn't say
[15:11:58] <gratework> but getting into the files and trial and error
[15:12:01] <gratework> looks like python3.dll
[15:12:35] <The-Compiler> that's not even PyQt though, just Python itself ;)
[15:13:03] <gratework> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com
[15:13:15] <Avaris> quick search shows a lot of false positives with avast (scipy, matplotlib, etc). not python itself though
[15:14:47] <Avaris> e.g. https://stackoverflow.com
[15:15:14] <gratework> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com
[15:15:30] <The-Compiler> fun
[15:15:50] <The-Compiler> not much you can do other than whitelisting it somewhere I guess
[15:17:41] <gratework> it's very frustrating.
[15:21:43] <gratework> just asked my it to whitelist it in the AV software
[15:21:44] <Avaris> you can yell at the AV support? )
[15:23:23] <gratework> https://www.avast.com
[15:23:25] <gratework> for now.
[15:24:11] <Avaris> if you scan the pyqt folder with AV does it detect anything?
[15:24:12] <altendky> gratework: how did you install python?
[15:26:57] <gratework> Avaris: I don't have access to avast, seems to run backend only. Can't load it
[15:27:26] <gratework> altendky: installed Windows x86-64 executable installer from python.org Python 3.7.3
[15:27:28] <Avaris> heh, fun stuff when you search it: https://www.dropboxforum.com
[15:28:49] <gratework> submitted a false positive report
[15:28:53] <gratework> see what that does :P
[15:35:08] <gratework> malwarebytes doesn't find anything when i scan the dir
[15:35:11] <gratework> must be avast
[15:37:50] <gratework> I checked the antivirus logs before I emailed you back the first time. No record of it blocking the anything from Python.
[15:37:55] <gratework> from my it
[15:38:39] <gratework> i'm at a loss
[15:38:43] <Avaris> curious, can you import QtCore?
[15:38:47] <gratework> no
[15:38:58] <gratework> same message
[15:39:31] <gratework> same for PyQt5.QtGui
[15:39:43] <Avaris> did you pip install pyqt?
[15:39:59] <gratework> yes
[15:40:11] <gratework> pip install pyqt5
[15:42:24] <Avaris> so what was blocked?
[15:42:38] <gratework> when in import
[15:42:52] <gratework> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com
[15:43:00] <Avaris> if avast didn't block python? what's blocking it?
[15:43:48] <gratework> i don't know
[15:45:15] <gratework> when i tried to move the dll i got the same warning message
[15:45:17] <gratework> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com
[15:47:08] <gratework> could it be from windows defender even tho its turned off?
[15:47:14] -!- n1` has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[15:47:52] <Avaris> shouldn't but who knows, it's ms stuff :|
[15:51:57] <Avaris> can you test it on a different machine?
[15:53:30] <gratework> not really, i don't use windows at home
[16:04:27] <gratework> bbl
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